` ...-..... ... .... .1.....5 ggx Lu uxcxr ucnaly work I When` the systemis nobcleanegl out and , prepared beforehand for. -comixig climatic ' changes disease `in, some fonq or o!her- . suddgn and-fatal or lingering and certain`--i5V ` almost sum to follow. ` ' `n__1n ' Lam People no Saverest su crors-_x1fent % % d;mgzr by the use of :paM ; } gtnegnaustotspring lotlioim. ' I, Lacrippe. son; uno.~;c',jbmi{.~nms, paell- --u ugonia, inqgnmalory rhetnntism and heart diseise iii the spring ggt in their dczidly` work '1 the svstem`ic nne...1........a ..... __; %sPa:::sF%wAraE3 cmmsts W5 755 %9*L"3Eei% FE1{GpSQIjVALlE' r`NaN;I;sz/ti, "ma51o`aAcco\HAaa1;:L c_un:-;E> }u.L at H. . _.. . 317119 `rifst anTf1`unu- A scmnfrnrxc ._p3nsc1i1'm?ioN- DEAD fpi.;;;[ gfor H` may.` be`. c ' ._ treat all 5e The-dread " Impdtgnpy,1 v tionofspenj: may.` bgmc 4_ rr ' .-.|?i'1'e>r_(II:J 4| .-1..-.l.'..v 'l.'...J-` xx *1 -.-.-vvu_u.\.-, uuuuu nu}: K1.l.l'.I;q5,_[iWVLJril ! ;_ 1 AIi1:fEer:9:,s;TT%zs;cts.abotuasolrxg` rywhere. " ' V 7 I _ , _. M.-3-Vut.,9U4-mam MON, 1`REX F ` v ' _ +1 L ,1 _ M - . 7 ' 91_1sr:csS,x:xent*..1wo::y,' ` a(tag:}:S eff` lh b!ues,_ f T 3 b.`H%7?'g..` 9932 " 31;? of esii-ly excesses. Tlxl-dread Valarmv 0!" ' Impdtgnpy,t11_eex}i:itis~ v` OI10fSpCl'_mBtOl:K`1l(2a,. . . "me cjgm-.'Aa:; Q . ` I: * ?in:rric, .aiv': a :r:r.:v-.a:~ __ .-`.`71`-`l'6 9'_`(4'{.7t}5'l'i!l.\``. Sm`1`ibru`_r]r.ee seald `PER1"'-'..". ,1`: . _` 'I`ANHOm)-"' ` ` " ~ 7 * Pa;ine s Oe_1ery `Comjabnnd Miss M.I.Goz3ld, LXoydlown,OnL;]. Murrow, ; mgrchgut, Fullcrtcn, Ont; Wm, T. 'I'homp- s5_Jr'1, Zephcr. 0111.; .pm..-Dnmm, druggist, Petrolea, Ont.; ` W. S. Bond, mexchahl, Lloydtown. Ont.;' Joseph Dunczn,` fzrmen ' Petxolea, Ont.; Miss Hattie Delaney, 174 I Crawfdrd Sh, To{onio;` M. N. Defoe, mer- - : chant, Zephyr, or Wfn. Cornish, Fullcrlan. L Dvcr 5000 other names on application. OM nnnnln and .m...... ....,1 ...:.HI _... .-. Jwu mug: uuuc) uu uppllmklo. Old people, and young and middle aged as ' well,:should fortify themselves for spr_ing by . enriching the blood ax1Jd.purifyi`g"_1l1csyem. ' There: is unly one palatable ;m`d effective medicine {(51 this purpose and tliat is N ' IF YOU Qoupr - '_ ` the ctcacy of Scott s Sars. xp.1riHi1 writcfa W of the following before pu!chJsi11;L;,_ T, I) Tmu J.-......:... n....-_ o. in - , A'n`n`J.1*I3'ISx(\\`vo .. _A_._ BEFORE 1_`HE PUBLIC t.1ND'SALE' ._ 1`ILLI_NCREASING; ~ ` v- U e 1"-ports :u=<- cnxupiIq`d, the -`mine-1 and ixx\'s-stigzltvd m:u1_v uf Llw t-.)l1;u:m,}1::I>iL, and mnong (01-inl 2111110i(`i:ll.(`!ldl\l`Plhn|1Lml" ;'fofjtt.f* ii atana tm.g;%31oga Beiiure T cured.-' `V"e" all sexual disc-1" u 1- -r - . SURE %/fggie Mn UMJAHII HASH! Ill llllxl-I ' 1 . , :1 *i .`E`} . %`_.`+ s;n;' . VH5 41 - - hr. For saldby :[uf{lsu, gmenl s_ove| ox sen! pox; on rcceipt of 50 ch. `THE sYsTEm %L 33' CLEANSED m 5lYIADE STRONG."_:` mktne`1>oc%n:et I2; sluxll evey ha our stzidfasb purpose ndt, oi.cbmp23te ibh the m.-my choupur nmkes.of'ins(.ru\{nenlS; but`. to".pmduce if pussihle t-11:: verv beg}, glI.~`tn'l_InleIIt in the World. -_ Ah instru-. xne nl; Lh:1t.`wi]l,'by it,s'"int_1'ix1s1nC value, create 1g*gt"owin;r,dema,nd unequalled Lo ..'u1_\fLl1ing m the met}. Our Pmnnn and Ora-Ann menl3 Lb.-11. will,'by it,s"L'iim-ixmsic It gt`owinp.demnnd 1xx1equ:1]lcd unytliing in tlic p2_1st}, Our Pianos and. 0 `pg are designed to .lneut u` 'no:;t;. exacting X`e(]llil`EmBl'lt8 nmsicul public, as to Sm- -othness. Purity, Brilliancyxof Tone, I erf_ertinn in :1`:-tinn, um`. ?trTisL1c DETgns71ind,fimltless by 'l_ilIiShCL1(:zlb`0':i. For ftl 14:.-Licul.-n`~s address 1' ` ' ' W "uni i"Iv'u n.`.a / mu uuw.uo,uu, I%.uU, to-UU D6171)!-Ir. Thews a ter<~Shoe (:9: Men.) (Sh`oesfor%%.S?h0W T.L,"`f.`iC.lj<:,i`-`t's"V_'1. f; "L C1othing'an_d11:he b,e as_ t_,- V to` b_;11ad` janywhjerr` Now is thaF"1`ime F-<;r-sa1-e by ,M; J.` F5.'x`>A`WLEbV',if'B_`a'Yr:w-`iii; .-.-4-msuio-or`ax1'yt!:tng,'* bu':_:q11nrt. ` _ Such an the mad than pleaab yqnr - eyes at the,expen5a afyour mot. .' o . Theahoo which doea'n0t`t your A. ,mot the um um xou woman`. prov -mines um: commrb (hr the twen-. ' --umuu no mo: wen 1n a,wmdqw-- g t1eth't.tma.' It coahnnora money toVaecum"tm* ~ nmngluta orr.ha~81n`cer ahoe than an somaenru-. ahoeaeockn. Tnwn why theypoioa-o'xnoro Ibo:-com. , mrb. wmrmdnppearancoth3_no1;harah9ae;$ui::yod; on the ao1e.t3.0o,04.00,86-Oopevpair. 0 . us aI---- -~ 7. H ' "WW0 to Inook well in B'Iin}iqw- 9.-.-D1&l}D-` "hi J1"nn'vthh1n'r hn'--n....a.;.-. mist;mf caAa:% _maL. .n - Thi will not He Vtihre ase an whose b1_o"od-is..out of order. ,Whn_a;ghp:: all *1-un down he needs Ltunjg; the; _1'Irn '\;rr\ - ' and note l_1'o\vVquickIy hbe` wiil 1).il_3k,Ii[);"`_Ei:i`I1_01J . system will be invigorated. be strngthenqdf sothat 5.11 the` n W `A M will be`drawn_fro_n1_.the 'R;o , ber'equi;eIiL` 'Dic1i s B1oodg?u;j__ ij; out~Bot, Wi_>rms and all parasites; ` j -1 gonna uuu.In' VAL` -(Tvive`_ hi? "if `BERQIN; *Vom:;_% pm`: 5: cc... in o.at.g,i m 'I3_0i_I78, mi DoeJs4_t1_1_e: Gbdd Banish ana%%%durs*A3`a1thy. TA:'1.':`f`:MA_KES P_EOP_LE_ - 1% ._'=9. V wuite pnmI ~.sTE`bm the: ,, 1. W __ _ 5599?` r ?WWy 5vTI~,.` neivouq pros- u"a'!1oi)`;-hendriclx '-or Hnrj:I- disnannn Tp.. .Med,iczi1 i facfifi6nef.. `inf th;,i%?1*0 mm ;of`Di?s?a?? WEALI_.. spmwulf Am _. _ :1 xm_}V *ox`faEe 7 .tj.he u1'b.z'nfu. ., : 'i:Lrunt1'is 59.1: times. has beet; mlmn adv __.`r*:,_of Yyy-1` I * `wage-., of En"lL:{L`"S'l. _f(ur\x{?zi"(IftW) -Leia` w`i1El- , Jishtends nHI1e-,kps-usc5:1`:f5<'t32z:i1**'.3:ili:riu,r} " fellow l`:_(:-li'xl,IJ)_'yl1bi.`VI)-. T # '1 ", " ' S`n1h,,a.h Otfnnrtmaitw.nf}'.muI;iu C5)nn:in:'n- I8/`U. Iimd 8, wh'eu.~ ' f:;I_(i i'T.~3'(z<;i1 3 eul:u_uit_\`, :m_d -:iney"""\'vL-iis` :1 ;prox_r.ise.d relief at the expense cf our` fzu~m'- cill -Well `to dog; ' 2; Ieuow coun_m_;ym,c;1; j A, _ ' , 9113!,I..a.h Opportunity-n'erad-iu Gana_d_m'1r : ` K the 4%-d `l1a.r_Vesba* if _ thC.._: _yu._na !m cx"<.- .:d- we i:xe\'i;lab!ie hsbresrzrrxurrg _.yII1`.i':`x 1"cI l%" ers,-who iurspite of the. bud `i_1au`~vcsts ware_ 1* .-.M..:.. n.:,. ..,.1.:,. ' C th_aE w;i1_L. . . 9.00.1` .4We*. T*%.i``4daEs *t; ai= H6111-WWLEO uurg 1* ' " "W" " -_1`.o`obtain_ this r.elief from 1thefaxmer ` y.schen1e:l:aeJ;u4l-t_l1ei`e day;i"u the, ' .mnfaa,4.djmgJwm3w Fm~ ._t|1e1n_ \\'ith unfarmed fyrce and carrying off veverything in -.g'1v*,gne1tly in V} /gue` during. me daik aqus; mm . mo"x`e recently in India- under the old goux1.-any,-Ztig:-tlieA_m~,rq _mi:dem ; ixxaidious'mid_ cuv\sgqueully 'n1m:e, effective _ V lntitllpd `of.;`b:\l;_i}1g .e\'erytl1i|)g_,tl1,e farmer -musft buyvfor. t2`ue-beue6:. of those who make. ' "tsheeo,__thiuga., _ _. V} 1 1. Tl\iA'nnh+-moiiu lznnkun nu` H 1) `wk:;.X.' . uu1sv.nec(s,s:1l`ll_\ <;neux.p:"ouuct|ou nUvalong.' V Well lxngin-`L'.at;\:1.l causes for 'part.1'u;l. cessation ,of`_pro:iu;_:tiox1 on. the, farm are 6ug{H:,-st9rx:1r:p'cs rHenco 1rn-w.-nt;fUV" which litt;le"9r-no codirl cim be ex.:i`cfs;d.f . The nuiin cause (not 56 well lillderz-ts)o;:)`iu all ages h;1s':-been cor_rix`p:gt-\ia1`mn:111s (over which we in Can:-._du ha.'v(_-. c axarol) who -` L_h:\'v1> never_'scru;pled ou,Qn'e'prte':=ce or an- other to ro_b'.the fa\'rg}:;'s for wh- 38 security Vin't.l1epeaseful purs`ui,t'cf.f1:hcir *lmnmx ral)}e', culiing, mm the secu1te.puse_8sim1 of the fruits of their labuur .'Ll1gusu.-unent n.\i.~.t, nngl-who .in turn pay, oztare the cause gf ihem being . paid; all the expenses of government, nndex] "y sys_tem of-_tavx-gwiexa-. _ - 'F{'i~1f.nI-u '"n'Emh'Iu`..._~ . Hm (Lie. 1 ( J 1* n. . y-54 posucsgxuu 01- we rrm ES`?)T `Tut. ' ;x_bzuds of t-Ry:-' (.}overnnw`u't thy ucpieusiou Enema.) 4 _ . To obtain 9. share of the fiirmers surplus being the incentive ,'for. production in villages; tawny" anal cities, :1 pu.r'tia.I cessation of the usual`ave`rage produ_cL_ioi: ogH:he~izirli'i` `nish neccs_saril_\ ciieuk. production .1iJvaIong.' Well ll1l\i\:i`.}Ill.i canvas for 'rmrm'.:I -Hduriuguu period 9}` l:x'zxd'e depression hzu; "t.l1eInsulves mid with .wlzoru We had the , svugen Loony L110 mod provuletl 101` `them. hiuhis accuunul_a.tiou-of stuck Jun] rfoud~ givesrise to'tho popular notion tlimt ov`er` productiuu cause t;he`dcprL~ssion,.wl1en in ` clearly arises from _cess1ti`on of, pmducliou on the farm, wzitlxer in` .our own or some_ uthei (:uuutr'y with wl-xicll we trade. Iirl ob\_'_iuu;-x tlmt unlaiss `some furthers soumewlmre in the w.brld produce morn than enough for privilege or tfuiling; we of the. villages. towns and ciiies would all have to gc `farming, and this is exactly what some of us do c uriug tll1leE_()f depression unless, we prefeij to ste`al..'st`:m"e or bag. (Receu stv_upis"tics.ingliuulc-1;. nunked ln(:V8.II1Cnb.0f; "population from ilil"`ill'i;i1|i to the rural clisntricts. of` We U. .5, during the last ere. `. . ' fvjquclu I;w.iPkwv '.-.fIstsgg;,g., a prifs x'a`sTbw pr 1 .11m1l`AB....l`.nL.. nunnjiir. uevem ca. " ` to this oint. be iurtrczmu-:1` from car to P Y f1`cmth'e new unticip.\ted and l1it.h::rto steadily incriusihg su'rp!us of lhz. fmnr.~`; When thiss\1rplq~;_fx`on1 any mu; iR P94 .duu.-ed instead of imereuserl as b: xlr:rm, in is easy to umlerst;1ud'\vhy i..` Lhe cities men are wichdxxt work and. al:arviu_Lr. with the- F:vzit {VH1} grain, and tl1e`wnre- houses p:u.ke:l with stocks. The stbclxs .were aqcumulnfad invnnfipatiou of the furmers'_ dexxmuis, whi owing ;g_tlm,fuiI_u:'e <-vicrnps, the" food was stored to'1upply U1,-' wo1_knmn's` wisutp, 7who, owing tn the ptu"Li:1l" desaation of the usualoffv.-cLi\'e (leumid from thmfzuxnexkr,` wzrgea t. y tho food iprovixlil for `them. hilt-hiSaEr:u|nul:1.t.hux_nf, nm.-lz mu] ,;nn.r` year, t.o,_pr01lce tucks to be exc.=mnged_ I never nmteriulized I The number of lhd lxfbn class have up ' are blue `1_1outnf\\'ork,av1d now .h1we no 1 '1 , uuuur uuuu mu prouwu-ms or me aclvocuasx `Q m, geruxe tariff have alxvays been fullled beyond tbelexpectations oi t,l`e,lmostsnnguiuc,. forlfhey are based onathe belief tlmtxthis diviu-dnler of development iH_unchangc- "able, . ' ~ . . _ __Fn.r1ner:;in_.nat1te cf.freedon1 saH_..l.heir members of tho cvmmrrnily who mu devote their time to other ezn`;;l.l`-,':rn3n .e"(tl1o urban class) must be limited in I.mx;ln;,\' bylthe . nmouncof this sur[vlu s."il.lu:;' produced in their own or some other country or; count- ries they trade with. '1'l1'e_`lz1rger this surplus the better? fog: the_m'mer (iH1'ce),' :u_1d_ & .he-tl1u,.nuoxber who can devote tlwn1s:}l\'es to other emplnyments. V The proof tl1::.t. the nrbirn L-fuss (who genedr-N. I ally live in villzxgei, towns or cities) are | limited in numbcrhy the amount of am | formers surplus, lies in ' tho, fact `that n . fli!u;eof crops is always followed "by n lg'ge.nllxr1lr.-rof tms class being thrown out f _`3f1xi1'1;Juyme11t_, our ca.so_ in 1876', 7 mos ` after the bad harvests of those years a}'1_d_ what. is known u3- IL L1-u.ll'o depression developed. ` . V, ~ 'l'hn-nnmhnr nf Ilm m-lngn ,.l..-... l....... .._ an-a rasuu.'~`. . ' ' "" 3 " _ The utter failure of` protection to realize the e'S:Ei:`L-itiona of its advocates in this or afw country whera_ it has han tried bion ofeven 8 TIl:)pcK' trying :0 improve this immutable` law of the Ureutpr. On the `other hand the pradicti-Jus of the advuc:n.a:1 ` " eruxe aluravs hem: ..mn..,a illustrates the futiliny not to` any preaump- ` a."*> '_ " If you urofweak, ru_n-own, pale, uorv_- >3 one and uleopleas;rest_aasu1-bdighai your` - body is lled-w1tlr-the seeds of Jllsaniasx that wj1.l`,.s0o_n de_>v'el:3pjintu'aez;i911ak an ' 'aii%:``4asirr 5 ..._`_r I ` Sum` `nnn'l:iall.Vh re6aunsZslVpp43 nut I xx- mnul/Eqlheiruitfuland replenish the earzli commnnij,islm\'e grcmi much an iva aw. I3i_I,trlct.s, audxln ;:h it is }E. H-~yaar&,.ai:1.ae ` the zicd but 4 at .' has so far born re,. where we may thmugl`. I past or ex.._mine the ;:cvn.`m.uu e-f tha peoples of the pr<~s:-wt we" nd LEN: gr-.a.v.tcat. sulfa- iilg why ~ "7:latiun._is decreasing and the lmah win ~ use i`I0St rapid. Fll't`g'r_ .rmer.<, `then thg village and as (hr: l~;$C-' Lt -.-ui'r.iv;xti_un extends}. the bowl; and L-if-;g._n As the village in the early stage was the result of nlinqe, .50 are. the villages, towns uudcities ef the world of to- pdny the reeut of the ext,e nsien~ anJ'co n- ` finuatiou ufthe tillage. Protcctjonials imagine ' [this divine drder of devulopnmnt can be reversed if men like Sir`Cl_u;u. _ 1`apper are ` gi\lep,n'fn-.e hand, arid the villu}:es,`_1o'wns ana cities be made the cgmse gf tillage. not th-a issultr. " " Tl... nun- t..:|..`.... .:-......a... a.:__ L. v: - ofthexpk witk6ud I l5le3fn ai7I'II`'o72 mm growing "trd;1Y`1n`" all *`aaw1`2`3`axeiI` T; 'ou`_,(:f tlid plrtll ;L = , and 'se:m:h` I . "tenultaia aha xtirm. -\ is only one cf the many evil: that follow tlm `iuttbcluctiona of this sy-e:en'1 .cf'1\ a&ibizal' 1 Ex-acyigany couutr`y.- II ncgeasarily dis- ugxsnrages Aim cXl .4:I1'al(i.'l ` of anfi -:ft.u;e (:13 piricy en Elie hi,-,;h gm: Llnu (:X3`:.*:Sun vf a :nmme:~cial zx;\\,'),j)LLlm L- oxhe Iarmers surplus. This soon .cna.tcs a Vclally the same results that A failure of cznpsis known to produne, jxm.-nsiliul .lJ_y1l1e;:r:nwtl1-4! \1!|'v\`Lllxlly ftfrfuxua uml gm esluw c-xterxninurim OK Hug ycuumn _f.mr-N cm {fx'o.n 81 6 90 we inC~'1'e'1xao.-:l our urban clay-';38'f`j and tlcreascll the uuufoer of our farmers 9000). '_Im.-" stemlgyly :'nure:\aing poverty and crime (mi iufalhbl:-. sign ul relrjpgressionlwe se-arm all cuuutrims (in~ cluiliguz our own) that sabiat. lhemaelves to th.'u= species of `slavery or are subje::led no it by their rulers aa_i_|_1_ Clxim, Ruusm and `Spain should warn us _ngainat.jts continuance hue, if we woulxlhaoape the evils Llm teem- ;.: um- ' Gnu` n\;|`:n-xa AL--~- w_er bofoleathe I/B50-`V {suit h'mm'tIf1`oTF6FTFf 1ma:r'a`aE We of all our . Ms Yd um :1cli'."m:s, au_l_1t"tlse srune rimellorcas t`:e_ peopmmm cmea, where they must depend _1>.sg...--Iat rs = i hands of .h~:-'(`lawn-..m..~..-9 Nu. ' THE EXAMINER always-triesto give__itS. xjcadeirs. thenews` of their own lo`clity,'and in this is largely ' cle-.pendant for tlm news of the out - lying dis_tricts,__on;~i_ts staff of cor- : , lents; THE ExAr11 NER ,is hlglzly pleased with the careful . and {eliable reports furnisl1ed by' ~-its . staff, and to the`1r.,painstakingefiv. T fort; is due, to some extent, tl 1i$ ' .'pap1"s- popularity tln"ougl19ut;:_l1e .l ;_ ;ou1z1Ly: l3dm~ '_ ` C *w'crrld*th;t*fta}11TOil7Lx.r31'mprovzeL , and there is` one ipint. \vs:L;wou1d, . like to-impfess upon our,4:,orre_s_- pondcntsg. ` -1 E\7`ERY,_`W'EE4K,7- ;W gpe;;f"al ~ c6li1gfl11 for each issue, but we. pcctpt least half, a dozen; itemST)f- 50001`) LIVE-news from each-- cVo_r_V_ - responden,t Uevery welc.._ To"; 0 l . `#29:! la (T A _ _ 2' `\{1:_R M1s"s snKi'ngyr11:- week-ly ,bud'get_ tQ T HE AMLN 3.1:" ,:~\:::1ittI=t_rToub1e,T'at rs` `/,Cb1It,'i'I'. w`i11[. 7 _bV(;Q111,6~a;,h3.hi_t,i11-as Qr:t-}:_ir1'ae;~T "CoI'uu43__ f.` 1 oN'1)'[b_31~_I`.T/S . ,\TnL[}Z{1ITL12Jz3_. G601; 'yvide-a\v_;i/lie L repoArAt`er_T .w-Fr d_QL'I?HILExA4`f ' . ' '/ \1Ih-13R4at_+ 3 Hi`I'!sdil?f.i7i'iIci'a/15:, Om; Station _}idgar}'Lef:'(;y, Egbert, 'Ivy,.Brg: r_1Tt? T,w"o1Vd,T.and'.Gtenfel; ' v RT 11 T\..-`... '.... - 127.. -~ _._L _.- _. --.. - ,_yy_u 13.1, ,.u.1,.ru .u_u'.u.u.jJ . 2 .B..-A-_I1)_ro;p.;us__;a .l,inc` yhn ~yo1_1- ft'1`_c2`v postagcimsiatigneryg r 1-rx 'r*u x._L |l\.IL S` Wourself f' late T\Av n ?~.}T`\!I:lrI.*r)Vturn-0 an yuuuu-` ` ` r`_V_.,_, ,, ,,_,_,; K'-`'1'_ht3W87117Z1:'` 535 ('6V753X`y.',_8p.rilfl iehaon. A _ .1319 Weigllgof diseaise accululgjed during, ,'S113h.;a.hOiipurmaity-nf}`ex9ed-iur Ganadxr M the win1erjmon-ths is never `oani'ab'_od by l8_iU. 7nnd Wl1 m1:_L1=e `lxaxtvesh cf `he mdmar_y;.n,edicingg_ of thy day? 13' tllvo_L h:lE1-`CT"`(`-L5r;(.|- . .p3'q'uig_eg1})9f'pn\vg7Qf`Pjn{{ :jTi7l'fifd`to 17EfT'.1ccessfully. ngai1_-at.` the, ?1.`__'3~ 3`e`_3 % il3=*`!*'\_js 'i9)""`VVt`l_6 ,wng1y~- entrenched ff, `than threa-,en_, `.})ron.1:;1ed expozasg .. ` :1ige._ No other medicine` has won f'ar_ - I >7;'hinKe1iVeimfd:'di35``!'i$ 4,110 _obain_ tfs neliefvfroth ltilxrfarrfner _' __ _'"`m`7 V 7 _,_, v,_ ' ` ,,_,,,,*' y.schen1a+l:eweJ;a4l-t.ln:ii1 day:i`h the. 1 r L =T.`3"J_ ,"'.E`._3?. .`.'..9!P$ M12 ~? !!9.:iednfaa,-aLtiinc;cam;1wo ' view???` QU_1I3""d ' 5 . fwiler 111 and .them_ '.."marve1lou1.A The great _mec}icihe takes everything in_~_~`gx+,gmtIy i_jxy;,-Vgueuring, -;-Tfhold of men axjd"won11_1 pgq`unux_1e,g in. me i\LU.lno.i`e v Hcumhle"by 1116 doctors, mud saves` them the coInpuny,-Ztkg--theA_:u~,rq_midem _ {mm the gmm__ u'nd,m(13`Q gggljmunvigafa ixxalidioug mii o:uuaq.u_eutly"mm:e, ' -- {roux Lgnch r-.a.'ved`p`eopIa are on-\.fylr'.-" Th. `"'{"9`l .?"`.1,`.1'. S `'? W"' % the f * '`- ` 'gre1t9I1 ,_ha.b`-M `->xnust b}1y_vfor.t2uo_-beucba uyaige ` ` t.heso,__luuga.,, V, `. I`l\is_'echez1:ei_9 kuo;gr; as N.. t .,`which' ignlly means N-atiom'LH; i1`acy, though_ it is . ishtld j.L95- Elle,e$:[L1e::se'`;f3<'t_im** _Szi1}'eriu,r;* ph)`8iAcii1nB._m-||1`& vD.f--.whom are nowvfreuly " ' preaoiibiiigiPxiu"HQlery-Compound nigh, "'""u(. r`%i'm+}YA m(.'c"" .`-dad-"t'i" fS:`.?'i'V u oz-ed"`te st?ui1`fair:-Na.tzunnl `Polio . "` V ~ 1*? .1? th9;`:W 'V:8ru_1i.<*r*~. to-j=.i.d"~yo`w`sfif%1Lf -.1 :;.akes`eh"i3`s`:1misxe:a prime ravQ$:am'. n it?! dfmse..; _.ere*.ra.'xm .rp'ascan_v4}_1yyoi: in` ` ` 2 - .9?`-9uk,L,"=`k~5""`'~'m9'i"h`wm !53.-!3f*? ownland is thefarb I:1mt=is unblcs a. few ' ~ :_g'in e_8. AW1l1.el,l.`.B51iiiQ'n Cehav`Ctimpomgd . - ` " .. _ Ins--rg cdr1.v.tn Lp. . .1{1_.",T t.!};7._ n. i_sVdajb_ahe;ui E - .o.l eri 1'.WfiI2* ir$`; `i%~.I.1'9Y.s3I`C:v!lem~!dis-` g- appoint! the sibk: one; ._ ~ * j ' ; ' ; Aa;;the:e_ aro tm .-. gee Paine MK.wihho1it1alt611$ing.'{l;6 zixjspicion, -of the . me_m. Inis'Vacin1atedl"tH:;tsuice 1S"79"_-LQ - '.%, ,0f the`Vali;e,of tfho..f_.1;1'n1 lands in ~Gun;1d ` " rfhtwe l_)eeI._1`_M!}_2ans111_u"hd into fornnof vviuilux: j` `|;l_i\aii`.;.: `paixdr';':t6t* t _he- dairfesi and, is ) ,nbWf_;0, 'u.e c1L}l>'y -`th. jbnecers und-3r'~thig ~ ~svst_e of 'Ihtio!j-Mi`-E iray., In} tho L H)1e;v.u1u,q_p the;~~,fo.r`In' vlzynda l!a1Ve'[ minted; their; tcrriif fwai mum 2<` rtheir furthers, gate; 7 ex, ht mt, $ ' A.:}I.i3X:rs:or of tho. Guspel is Plensedto 'I';}'l\I"f` fhk: \V ~n-icriul Currzve l[ u\vers * Vdf S with .-\n:u,r:cu1 Kidney Cure. `Rev. -Im|1ea`H11rxi:)cl1,. bf St. John, `N. K B.: l lmvuncd Sun-:hAmericnn K`idmfy_ Cure with ma-rkod ahccuss. ,Ir. wHl_`d; all the munufnct-urers `claim forjft. I felt,_ [much bun:-titted after taking the remedy .. ,b1it 9. c-u`plu of days '1 have Taken in a. received $100 wurtb of guo_d from each ' I bott,le."--buld by J. \.Vu03s.," _> four buttlus, mid consider `that I have ': ; u re. 7 ~-- Dmfurd Rdch K: C0,,-nf Newmarlget, V ?lrdT U),,I1E\;3IL.?L31 &31:_{vfEBl`5'/`$31.51?--- " - A Mf.`.1"()r(_:st ban ker es.t:jmn:eg_-(int it will costvlhe farmers of Bmce, lluron `mn.l Grey quarter of a t1|iI1io1i_0xIolI:u':i `to buy fan-dfor their c:n:hIe't:his winlzer. cummuu prouucnona are soi, For easy and pro:;u1__q,!1ux11e dyeing, the ' Diamond Dyes t9;\|::\," cmmnaud t.be ad- miraliun of the civ'x.,.cl wqrld. Insist, thorefore,.thnt vuur duulur provide you with the Diaunund" that are always 0. success. The Diamond Dyes are the favorites with 2.11. - wise vonxen. ,, uu wurneu and advised. ` , `Cm-le null xvprtlnk-as imitatiousof Diam- ond Dyes are pup up by some mouufactnnms `ion -the ake oi prot .oniy. It matters lime to tllzem if women have thuir`_1n:1m'iu|s spoiled in tho dyoin roperooIu.t.!n-ir zqznpofra ruled,'or soul1wo_ricd, as lung :1 their common productions soid..' For amzv nml nrnr-uhln lmmn .l.m.'.`... 4.... ~~~~~~~~~~ v- v---- --a,-a t Paokne__lLy5- 7 I , When dangerrvaud de::vptimrthresten"_ttT ' diatuLh_cho_ peace and lmppiuesa.of wivc-s be \vm-n'ed h'nd advised. T`.~n.ln -".3! m.-.4 I` Beware ol submmea When Buying 1:. -v-;..- vs._`.._ fAvasai}Arm Aua:i'}i'1IaLE; . .j=],;IG`LV.<.f\Vl3`1t`i!"k915LI-Iatcp ---:.-:to~p`n`t. in an electric light; M ooo % ; amuuxaxly we results that ,iXltliEi<:(}> _byH-re gr-W111; onf fqrfutus Lilo oi ycu1n;mlf.mr-X my inc.-re'm.:I cla-;38 f` sleaanly s.ubja'::led=- their rulers the.e\Ii Is mg millions if these three countries are known to be snerihg. ' H, "MARl1l\Yn'IInx.r 3:3-zuxagcnxuxxr UXLt lL'al(l.'l ` or .1_Ljlh:u I elm? :%;:>`(.. 3:z:s:`un +t7f aocnmme.-via! ln_e3_d. of 1 wlivities, and ahe sruuc people into cities, `right: This la of Itrmsis lmmnn on M.-\.ln.m L. . 1 correspcndents. uenugz. _ kl. 'W'AsnI.\'m-rm ` ' lhh. u- ji'l'lJN Uztawa , ,aat2u;:xx:g,s u}L(|0l`.le5D.' - I '; 13i558mp6P B-|.710n,z lnoxfses here` has` been -- pravaienn and smnc farmers have nub horse F E -hf l ' f one ne auunal. ` .- _ = . = ` v lc`:.x-.1 I: unna'.{-.I |.. .... .pa1uua,':uugLeaoI1er. v ' ' L In.ay1nj)axt_h_y,;with.tbe brde George Can-s . iable. ig. cnnuney.-ci`ng to nmvo` xngrulxwzud '; 'Lh,i_a` I`s`our,rab'haxvbingm-_u Spring, . Mr. C, p`\I;gm_\'aed* theyolu 1l1on)pgd.15[-u*xx: 1:16 the lg! -and'\vili re9idi:_,np6z} ii'1or- thdtfq-` ' 1 ` , .. ~~ / . `_ Feb.J26i'-'-_Willi:uu R ilstorld hn8_ rc_nt- ! `at? his farm n1i't;hu-7"con`. t(_) MI. vAnd_.exv;' 3 _ ..Ki'ng_of.Ma1=kiI:\1\I,-is -retiri1_|gjt'0'ihir` ni u 7 ` little p_lnce atLai1'ny, where he WI] repre- I r; N ~:' ` 1 . IIJIJ rul ll5`l\I`3 ' ' . u~.;.1s vgnose e ries L which ` the. 0\'vr1unc1Xi=`hus ox-Jared lmn ' Euglmxd-` '1tliSt0 he lmped tl1:'zt.~.s0.m,- of-e ` tllsx; miolies-\viil_be found sxlit 0111': j "c'}_in1n.te`as`_m1`eiixnffx -in V ,_ , :Vfi'i1"1)i=hi'1'l(0_'i)(3V'(.}ll . c?{uuitry as 111 this Mr. i "S. has alremly 30v.-1rie*.ies, xnostjy Axneriazvn _aegdljng$`u)Eie'r.fe5b.' ,, Distennner mnnnrr hm-an. ' -W McCullough` has just _'riturund`ir_o'm~ ` ` EI;\-,Wi&fher ye ye'\r';a> rexsi_i|'o1ic:`:~:tlaare; ` IEO try` farming 'ngai1L~1n7(ftg;.~qn his f.l`_Ill' 91; C- )`l1 .`.H'J= bl`0l1Rhli the tea1lv`[`:\i:\n him.-inn ~ uppumu om! BHJIE 0119. . AB}; there. are, tmitiat-_'ioh`s,.' Sh 1. -. n~."-"V ',` hi] l`hoTfrud_g,; ml; 'l_h-,gj{ * why). `iokfthe nk'e:7bfjexbra;p b,_'n _a yojlgf. totakg sum ` `- _ --m1k oz;o1er.y B'eia{e.;5_ !a1i.l,>;,sr.itu_t`e,!;`s7 i1bt'hgrVme,d 1. fliis, ` l, ` w.u.rY_rnrm1,lIg'ngaiu.~1n Oift;.;~qn 9111 , 36' Con. H-3= brought thy ___t_ea[qi;\.I1__hocae3.~ ~:back-'\vj_b.lIV..hims,' 1 . '- _ 'I11?ou<-Biblefclasgrdn S_`bb,nhB:._ gha; pojnt . .`v` waenit use my slant;a1ppc,2~ lmg;,d:acas- . 53_d<."an(1dhidedito;',bb"!;|ne._hpixiti?`* < I'4_tx.an~Sv:i.\`>1lT:1"-"_t4ixW.1s'7!`.`Oa\'.oua.xiB" smm. ` meme 9moImf~" .. i 4 ?` Wuqw plase: toee WI}smx:l?7orbea' nhu ,quh uain.wlhh.nia7iuj}1re'd'l1n newly `heal- ":e.d;vup.A\Va,.1ikoiphave,uVal%Rigig Aag't];aL _po- 3 ,_t`o.l;a,~oc(:aaif>nai1iy but tho 58 ouvld-'be cred d1 5 `with thu'mvin}f qf Wia,oju t~.-htxud= On}; =_ ~:1he;1nqa1zaki'lfI15c`i*6ii5v`d716 H V a"*"-:'."".'`I:7*"V"=. } p th0|fm.l1d:.nt u.nal17 Lf1.I;6!t9r` 1bavexedchqd-.Vhhqminufaotutaig-e ,3acmja * limnlhigp m`_m[:t_l_2 s1WrLodk}`I.t0 `himusfe, L . * ' V` di, 9? Ts` `f3`Eul`i_.i-z:"1H re mt anifmcn `noun c:_xperimc3.utor, .` ~55?` _Sf3"f.`?ySp1 e goxeumnenb c_xperxxr1enter,.f received i'llS:`,I,llll1}iuvnSiV14 f\.\v' lays we V tn, he`. pep'ared_ to rc-cum: nnil Ni-uh 109 varieties : l .lh!.|C1 V , ,pumna_se<#+he41rrgn-forn:er[y`F - oWned`.by;Alex._ Rose ducased, o_n Kqecoxxii, Con.fVVe w1a_n~thexn uucceas as` they dc-',, "serve. " 'w- - - . ..us:u`anu .uema_eu: to, :29 _::ug-, _api_rit.`,:` I . I$m2`10@bi@ef.' - ~ W1s_s_ `,`;V.`(3ya,\'._2u:x_xiia. `Suujalwaxh : .lT9.'l1tthB:MthD{1_l!1_Ihxfnb Lggg, H; mw { Wu`n:m.nl8'nAJ~ in co '1'KTr1'...{. "Ir.`.L..L..3.. -1; I UB9 Illl llllill. 'F<:(!d 1a`unusu}:l Iy scarab mid farn1?e'f'a'nra ` ~}eTng`~ul5` -their 's.r.w c;;1ref1zIly~o their -mock. " straw is worth as much per top as `hay often is. ' , Q, Hi under-zhmd I-"kw ma... .... 1 ' 1_-__L* uuybugsen Is. _ - ,;_..\Z\Ze._uudersbandthat.Rbb1:. _anJ Joseph; rpumhased-she~f1rrm-fomer[y`- ex. R036 du c.1sed." on 'RaI.nn)1ii. owned` by Al UUl'V. { _' 1 `. - ._ . 'O1u_' new; teacher W 143 Moryig is ' gaj,,;!,g ab `M99 ?! 31111` 0Dl1IIce_ or both.:[mpila Md w.en_ts., M mm. is e\=.i-:;.:1y ry fajyhful .paiusm,kiugteaoI1er. ` In.evn'n'bathv.,wirh H-.n 5;). :;..,......~ 0..-, 1 M~Asxw*1vxis'-h{di 'mosmn u T V " 013733 3W_6:+.Vi{mnsg.= rmnuig- . 3;; ?3i:it1'."\v 1 mg` .. ..,. up; . , Ao:m1_ 1o. W`cdnfX2?thwgrr:9`;; ; :`,`,`1 $"`,{**z 15*` `;k9Wh9xT`wet no): and rate `Ver'_v`7.f~a;' - s`$,`bli dida nah Bufy gap " WP; Wtehirisri &ns1~??ieeaz% `W313 m.m.xn`y ' " ~ V V '*;:;i`;;,`,gkae;,}:g3:;zes3;$?r{3uorg. 4.1 ~ mac ~ ` - runs umucuu H) cry ooum American Mic{lLLmJ1,L1\1r\V. uLL11:_\.LlLEB_Ll_'\LI\`it;.-JV. W1`-frLi.-1eLh4=L,4>f-l who 'Bfc!;svu Drug mnp:_\_ny.` rT6"T)'1`dC dose ga\'3 instant `relief; and half a bottle `cured'"" " " As fur rhehhtisnn this iiulxedy "`i*s"c'e1't`a`iIii3?'p:iiIEE.--Snld ]1_vJ.. \V.;ods.: .mmun. nu uluuon, remm-oKe"s `w`ol.'- knbwn rheuI- ` Inatia_n_Lln,very severe form in.-1886; an " have'autfered untold misery each .spring since. -' I have repeutedly applievHi_y blin- tars willi-L~uI: IiLtle success." Doctors whom` ` {consulted-. likewise failed to re)iev_e'." l -`wins induced In try South Ameriizan R|1e`u- `rrintin nnrn ha M. w` m n arm! A IHIYG IEZICIWU U9. , *` The farmers. of Tiny have nacontivmed V drmving hay and alrzuvirom this locality on `in.-uuxnuf. of the roads_. ~ . ` Ben. Wright returned from Barrie on Sat.- - da) . ' ` _ ` " -- 1.`.",` "IT ,. !5.`.'Le,,l~1.`-`E3: ., ` ii "" VS 1-] cmagy birds were aeenjn Vth'(is_ ubnIi`z;_a week ago. `V ` Rufhors of Phalnsfm.'n mmmzl inn \D0|.ll_ at (!UK V7 - Rumors of Phalpston's_ annual ice hznge reached '1`)... I-.rs...... A: um... 2.-.. a: _-.__ But` Ong Dnse_o`f~ Soulli A,m.ericx'm _Rheu- matio.Cure1{eliuvea and Half a Bottle Cures. ` ` " ' " 1: uuu u-u\.ru V aulu ;. Feb. 24-=-A nuxfxbef (If peopio `from 'a!:teI_vj'_vri Bgue icagcei. ' Y I .. bIlt3'llLl)H7$ ' ` " ' 7 ' In me light of ourekiimix1:1.'i)11wE11i.'ts o f,:~uIx:I.h surs Tmm*:o. '(`U lH`}" we are but pol-fo'1-nliiig :1. duty Wt owe the public when _\\'u e1m.'se the Szllm3,j).ll(1 stump itms the droxvuing ;LcI1ie\'.en1e1ibnflm r)i1wL(~'ont,hce: _ in the way. of da3b1-:)yi11g-a,lmbitzns(lisgutaing2l."il. i-s m m i':':m). (I*'0R` 0 : '.Y $1.00.) hence we eu.1'nest1y:Ld,viso you to write tln,-in for full~;_pzu't;icul:u~s. '- F'oi":e l>y'j_ . .. " ` ` - 7 ' \ __._ - v Iayuu-lr{u'tg'fT, I-}U8rl:!)lH'l"ll`,. I!$WOl]B pros- :,_ra`g io`iy;= hendiyclg _blnr.~d A dis9aae, Te=:. m,embe_'r-we?-1 that. sptim; weimher will uni eage your u_. en 5:1. .19: mag.` `Yam mum?- ~h_iweV your ,load removed_'.hy `natm-e"a ' ,'.9EI&*3AdLeMMLG91ty` F pound`. .' -"l`{1iATH" 7 (H9 Avm-1'1` . ...- W. wan-I-Iv\0\l`\\I'II\Jl I _\1Ul1Bl! In the intorsb of the ulzxssoahfox` whom <.-se cuinpilq-(1, UNITED STATES HEALTH R1g3I?()1`l'I`s ljavu u;/'-`xniue-1 prep.'1`rntions hzwin'g for t.l1,e1_r.objm-t'.' the cure of tllemull We 11ave_nn hesitm1cyix:giviug t;1n.-'ediLm-inl .-unl onici.-1lmdm-smm=n1.,of ` these RE`I ()RTS bojtlxe remedy known `C15 " UN-Cl.E S.Hl `'l`4HH(,`(J0 ' CURE. xnamulfacjttu-e(lby the Keystpne Remedy Cun`1pu_ny,b :1_21_`3jd'L Sauld Sig, Cllicago. Wel1:Lveden1ux1stmtU L<:.t. Lh:LL.LIn- nniidnlu positi- > vely destroys he t;:1ste;m d desire for tobacco in Len (_I:i.ys, imtxringg lI1 in a,perfectIy 1a ea1t3l1y' co_ndi15io11, and tlle pers0l1 ~using-the siune fm-ex;-.-1- f1`Lu.- fmxn the habit; ~ ` ' In H. AW 0- 7McI-EAN;% I `He pnm-est, m:1.n mi earth cm'r'be~c11rm1`()t" hm TOB;`L(T`("() H.\BI 1` by using UNCLE, 3`..\.M S TOBACCO CURE. Road the stmxzgcst emlnx-sulucxln en-If given Imyreuxedy. _ N v V . \ U`iV ULa,|,`4'. F-.\M'S '1 given ......._..4v....,.a u:r:r'nuug 01 mood punners; ask for it ; donltake anything else. If you cad. thcmnnufaclurcrs, Edmnnson Bates & Co.'," ! ndt get it in your-own neighboxlmhd write to I. 45' Lonnbzud Street, Toronto. [FAQT Robert E. Gibadn,` Pemin-aka : `\vnI '- rhrwn :-L-_. b ll,o;:t6rsm'1_l I-`A1,;-;-l _i;t`:>.1"s Fi]. ......v-. gun. |u Auuuw. K ' . ` A _On_e dollar ivill buy, a _botlk3 of Scott I Sarsap:u'iH;1;' qnc bottle is in sulfa guamnlcc H fagninst the diseases bf spring ; evcryrcliablc dcal'_er4-keeps tlgisvking bf bldod puriers; as : dmt take nnmhim. .1... H .M-- W! Regomrendd 7't'h`e. East,