.-vi Express. . 5 .L , \ uomg " ' -, . M North _ . South Mall. .... ll.`.'8 :.m. 5.10 pm. Pacic Em`-m.... `:40 p.111.` A2.(0`p.m. Aeoom_;.;..5.A..... 4.23 p..u-.~ 10.15 mm. tmnlxxrur nu) I.-W. nAxm,~ A Man...1....,......H.28_a.m. 51 gm. Express. 8.58 p.m. 1.20 n.zn.~ ' . amaxuxa Bunsen; Mai|.*..".4....'-. ..._...l1.29.n.m. 5.05 pm. `Pacic Express ...-. 240 pm. ` 2.40_p.m. ,_.Acc o'm....-- 4.27 p.m. 0.35 mm. 800 Mimd......... 9.60 pm. 6.40_La.m. oo':.x.x.\ <`;woon um uuronn i1uA!l0.~ Mail ...~*~.. _-..___,~1nxs . ... 1: an - - DUI-IJN` Express . Aocom. . . -1,kINA.Ipt-JA-1.4!!-?n u.:.m;.:.mm _ . ._ ,rrl!oatn an _t 1v1_ a"'~%`"...:;?;%>*-;;":- "*' .'4 UHNSON & SARJEANTTDEALE iu.U(_).\L nl_3ll kindsrinmorto-` ` .d9H~ +?c3=ERso~, a'ru'r'x'I;nl2qq.mD nnnrorngn '_mrmnI5IwN'rs ' `FPIII h`.:--._.. _. v- fqxaha Trnhk iRni`lwnj... as - -vu uuuuhgu.' > .n;g` ma `ca cm. `x.a~.; nmoaoimmo_ xclnem s.\London.Englnnd. ` V s. _,F'M. Miffeomsav, `" AGENT. BARRIF. . G1}ATEFUIHCO)lFORTING. - |l\Iul.ou nn:.-~- mk o1;ToI;...:;3mxaing,`, I . " Owcnlstreeb, u. ..... . . .. . . .. 0.13 .p.m. '_lU.l3 0.511. ' PKNEl .\NGUI8IlEN8~ BBAKCH; ........l0.55-Va.-m`. 75.30 p A 7.53 pm. ~ 3.55 a.m. 914- l3.1RRII'. Mr f 1'in}:A1;1`,xsT_.'sU1 m:1z :lmrmmhlIzi nlulntlnuvnl -n... _._. V -.-...v uvIuvu|.B' vw., All Uruvij `andqsolti at very reasonable ratg-a,_ i .23l;:heth"`S&;,-4+eary-epp9stee~ `on Hotef. ` - `6-21 - I ;- amto 3 smith; onilmg M9131:-sOaxnet.._0wen an a nun V 1;! null) '-")l.\!N I;I:;'x+Tox1>nv).~- Quinn /1 ma? gnu IIEAYUED HllANC.~ ..."l0.55 QJII. 5.30 p.m. ..-. 7x58 pan. * 1%) a'.m. 4.12.p.m. 10.13 n.5n. U131! muc. mu mm. u}! Kinds negated . . r-H`BH ;xuxu5.or- Going F n_u,uruue:u.; A A . v ~ "1 " -` 1; . -f1`lm_nkyoukindly, he iiepiiodiaseore io!.iim6is," but I xrijxyigqee` on again beforg i - ._[ go,_:.h;'ve taken lddgin us` with `the_ smith - ?*:r.5r`;z`w elm, u- ser;I: have some things mdobe or'eIBta1ttr."~-~. `. ~ ` ~' = L .- So the dbminie .8po1e_;vbui thirwoek . went by, and: mother` weak, and, than atfobhar; and he} was ati1i1ae:tim'amiji1'_s. when questioned us_ to when- he` Vmeaixii oq 1itgava.he;c9:itgin'uedgto.suy':' _' ` ` ~ ; 1' "Cir in, it few dnysg. lion sea `I_lnave , game t'hinze todo bqtqm I can s`i:ar,t.V'. A , 1, Onpnl the t.)1inga_tha dominia mid to (I6 I ;was'io;give llvhii lderahip, and this took '5' slonstime `.1. hiadcha iqtdry tram my V _p`padg( xeaggr.,,;/-;_: . -2 ' _ :' ..`-`Man. an '\`l8Bd,to.n'nn'ia.un` n..u.. . A -When the preseutngjon was ovr. aiici the ;. i|l lvl.'li. ` ` I `speeches and . tea rim down, _nea,1'-ly te . ".whole`g_1_en ahoolg hands withf1`ea che`r Me.-.3 Qugen nud~~:\vishe,d<-.--;hJ11'11 happy days ink Aberdeen}; `= 7 -' i5,'l\lmnly'm.C. '1Ll..AI;. n 1.- _..-,o`-` L 5` ="l~:_r10V,Y!l_toVti1en1;" ~ ` V 4 was and has mntenkerons men,` it is im- :- rF%`*'1rsoion`Fm_snner `- number of his..old pupils rallied round ' r_iisp'iny, for oxen -gieriieteoiled fume, were unable tobe . Per-he Hutu bnnuyuu uv vusun. bulw lit! would D6 -he= possible to live for years in intimnoy with any Oi. o_ without disooyeringwsgme good in him. ._1}he1 lominie had been on inde- iz1t.igni6le.tencher. e.u(1 had done numerous kintl-lieiirtel things. thongQ1#gt,_it,in1#r1st_` him when he. retired, and` there wasa eooiul gathering given in his `honor at the` new school-house. "An English village school could not, V-I think, make such is up`in: our `little len boys are ambitioiis 0!; learning, Imdt are were three ministeha and` enietlvocete (all former pn_piis)etv the gathering. Several other pupils," who hed"ri'sen to whntiu the 3 present, but they` `sent ti1eir5zood- wishes sndaesubsci-iption to the present. The i present to the dominie consistedof "a .1 purse and sovereigns, but I neverzhesrd .' .how,nmny sovereigns were in the purse. ps this is one oi the things best kept 7 dnrk.'~ " A - E presentation and ' the "(whole `glen with Teacher nnduw A_b,er(ieen`.;: a H , -Timnir you 'ki_ndly," replied, a score ottimes," "but before . A__ ve s` +.r.5x~`;s`w ` ' ;1; somethings | W" So` domihie ,'ano1e_;vbnt snxlnenother"week, eudthen sx fother_-.; was still 3nt when questioned,'us_ 1leave.he;contiu nedgto.snyi:' _ i "`Oh Xoneee he n_.n...nu._ *1 ',_[ go,:fes'*I_ my ` walk (or ishe,d~-.--l~hijn1 hnppy `days t_ore_I oja}`1_s`tsr,t:'. _ L ! ,_.,., v--vvrv nu u there is _e_ pm to climb, i is eousthnti mm -inethe middle of brass" and whirl him down thewsy he had come, much likes cenoe ` tryingtonsoend ~e rush of wn"ter6iid giv- ins llili. contests when :near.4he top. Now, however, the post is more; cautious. . (En?! falls) from his ` yelocipexie. as he oaiis it, and'di;ngs it up`the. mu: when he is tired of dragging he push_es._ It has been noticed or our gl/Q9/,i&B&_it,is, niloiinxbing. _- %l`he- rondethe . cat :has wtowgov ismore` s like a ewitohimo railway than anything else, so that he is offense of! histve ooi;)ede"than ' on it. To .the-cairn outsider the machine V cionhles,hie dnil work,-yet it is theone thing in this wor d hegis prggd of, Q ., ' w Hey-is s lanky/men. with. hair that the - wind Blows heroes his eyes. and his age is uncertain. He`th'inksh'e must beeixty, but some in the glen` say heis` seventy-` Every day he has some eighteen miles to `oyo_le") butwe. `e not consider this astounding, thereheing. several men ' ot tloeseore-and-ten in the glen who oen, ' still well: their thirty miles` on ocfension./V -0nQ_1!f_.t,hem. indeed; osneven -sh after . .it.'~- ;lif!owes'{er. JOIll1v1iB(I'B`ei`a his heart on 3 _~ veiodjede, nnd, t.n*o years egos.` auhsoripi tion were started to enable :him'. to` hujye se6ond '*:Neeriy twelve shii_iin'gs_ I weresgetheArec1`in a single evenings at the] 8cl10KJil}(IllS6;fi)l`it1tiV`Vpili`p9pthe t c e 'h.t.wfg sot 1*! A concert (at - which I read Mr`, Btsniefs account of how, `he gonna . Livingstone-though thehit oi the season v was made by" our ooniio s_inger)2' {After the money 1iQ.b6 Dl`658Ced to the . `?l610l13_li0d his mind about sthe bijojolev and bought it dalie, to thegrent indighw ` tion ottl2H.ul)seribersZ Hesahowecl ooh-. siderebie `cnnniness wh,6li,teken.to task. `.`I*Iow`hn've I ahaumd mm 5. . ....1,..s n... . nest`. 1. " - \\'ere-rlev;d' to 11111}: "nun. he . ,,~.-:-~.-.,--.:. :;t4.=zsx.ta:uvI9.. 9 ii ` f:s;;1_`1;sm1she...glenL:.fo1k`- -were-grieved- to think that he wou'1'dBe -fawn, t t1renI . uv}. n .12! ......L...-.1 _____ ,_ uumu: ', V - The llk of,.;xm can nave no notion of of the sublime thpqghta that till tha Brain ., of:fnl_11cnte(1 mzm . I`herefore, `\i'hae`do` you moun_ by presuming _`tt'>` iiiT1'/wIF1i"' 7 11:1 n ....u _ 9 V 0n he ec (led to rat re on ._ a pension, the 1xx1i\'e;m1.9m,J_9n whhmz 19,F911la,8DB1ll1.l1iSJnlf.1l1Lx3a~iurhln:l~}nImm.}. \w1u_ uy Lqrmer pupils) or what he dli"bo- ,, D3Mm hF%H V ambition of th6 insne was tnkm. him u u uuncelvcu 0] Janet. . McQueen has never been a schoolmaster here In my time. It will be slx'years in June alnce_ I came to the Vglen. nndhevhad retired on :1 pemslon two yearibefote thht. He was a terullier in the; glen (as he tells _ me_e\'ery_tln_u\ we quarrel about while- wus bbm, lind he is , tlon, mm in "rule. `-I` fancy. be was-sly 'x-ache: than combative on the dB)fl`of the `~ex nmim_nlor_1, and there are -que_e,r stories mH(Ltl1n_lnsmL-.r.or!Lhlu~Jz, , '!`lm ` mu---i wnshlngthe susslotihouse)f`loug:betoroI . sll, so hgln that, bearesldenc here long. after I aim dead. 'l`hey-any that _ he- qnd _ _I1Mq,-jlrgspercfqtgnco, i1`1je -Iy'c`g\iii`t;o blownhout. a vulgar from -' J (tol(1hyfQrm`'x` fmplls) "of \$'hdE We dli"bo- 3Mm h%i%H "iiB,\`i1ys been thalorles of life In Abh thcnspector wgzs to get him to retl;]e,'whlch he dId,'ntger thinking the. matter over slxyeurs. His grezit subject 0` `?!!`.'91'5,f,\.19Il. M,`theVschool~ boarcfbad` deerytorhe despised `what he cn1!e'd`the "stagnation" of the 'glen. and would fro-_ queubly any to our ,t_z;rmers, or to qua smith: - ' ` um... um. ..n'..-':.` z." mu nnnuMn.'.T However,` I must ienve Janet (whom I seem ta hmze on_,the brain) and come to l'eac_her Mi:Queen. Neverbhelesml would hm'e"it first understood that I xggan to sketch the dominlo` us {know him, not us` he is conceived by Janet. McQueen hm: vmvhr Imnn .. ...x.....!._.--A-- any: a > -` V 3-----`iI-hxe-thej1nin{sfer six days tiwk. _ ` and so Icnn suregly tukdmyeen oi! him on the Snbbach ` Hnuvnumu ` 1- must 1..-..- rm. /_ . ,. - gull nu uuuu uu WIIEBB up." Teacher` McQIiecu' "Hoes not sleep iii church, but Janet scorps him. nnd.there- fore insists twhmbe does. Janet watches the congn-oggt1o"11 so "sharply. tliut `aha ban. notlnie to pay mu_ch ngtentlon to the ser mon.~ When_this ispoiuted out to her aha smm `: says 4 ! t~hevH.essHtn-~Neyr1noror`Peaoh 4 `-.....;,v...~,, vvvnlvu uuv upyl wuwn EH8 has, as _lt:"wsre. setajpartT6rthat pur- pose. Sci far she has allowed me to com- pose my own sermons, but I have visions ot__e time when she will insist on telling m_e what to say in the pulpit, as well as night that when I grow old and weak in` intellect (Janet. who dislikes him,'says that heseid (`weaker in intellect") my housekeeper would-proposeto me. and we would he "`kirked before [had courage to enter a protes `This predic- tion -I `openly-vs--out, hilo admitting Janet's power in the manse. This chap-. ten in `our`olachan" life, indeed. is_ writ ten at her instigation. At that when she discovered that I had become an author she was cc,ntempl>uous.'and her sneersou the subject made. me nncom`i'ortable." About .a month ago, however, Janet be- gan to look upon authgrs_l;lp__in_e_.~new light. There are several persons in the glen whom she never passes.`even on the Sabbath, without inging her head so far bani; that she can see what is taking place behind her. One of those is Teacher Me- Qneen, and it has struck `Janet that -1 might " make the old dominle more -humble it I "showed him 11 newspapers." A ' (-)l' which he.has frequently reminds m` . `_`I can show him his ,erre vpu`_lpit,: I tell her. `-\"Yon can," -says `Janet; you're done he wakes up." " Teacher` iii:-(Jnnnw `lean. Ms great need, " Janet is iron the 'A`Z`and'~ qwheh ..l .. .-... L. J p _ln. the ' wonung says are done. his has been seen sto`p"pi g"short at the doorway of the old school (the door is gone), looking around him as it for his ragged scholars. or list- ening {or the sound of them at play. Then ' he looks stral decided to `set oil for Aberdeen our Satur- day. But Saturdaygasses, andstill there is soinething to __be one before 'i`e_ache"r McQueeu_can start. " . o I think the dominiehad been fully six months in his_qgggrte1js`}jltl_1>_the smith be- 'i'6i?hTa7:e'aed to talk of going t_o'A_herdeen iiiext week. Then he admitted, that the I winter was too far adganwil.` . . 7- "The east `win are trying in Aber- . dcen." he allowed, "and it would scarcely he srife to make the change from here to ithercln rnidwlnter. But I'll `go in the spring." . ~ Spring came and the dominie in no hurry to` go. * ``I ll,3_vait till snmme are long," he said. . Then winter came again. i o , p I suppose he (iidmean to no to Aberdeen at some time. There is something rather pathetic in this. All his life he haul look- ed forward to returning to Aberdeen, end` passing his last years in it. When: he was a-youth he had no thought, we may he sure, of being a domlulc in an insignifi- caut glen during all the working days of his life`; He `<':ame.'t'o the glen strong in the belief that very soon he would get a better place, perhaps in the famous gram`- still r,l when the days ght, before him for atlme, ` er Queen declared at thesmiddy the -other 'tu`r`n``t6` the nnlth s and says that he ha; I I can gmmezashe has mo undo;-\ oo;np|aso`iTeaoher McQueen wanders, and I have . `sabjeotion; fox-instance, I dare not smoke -hQW~<+$5!-Rn~-blayr:nere,-JPeeohe - i ,eld mhnee houeekee Aohangemy socks on the days which she _ ........, nun. '-' > g mm; of `,.;6;;i;,' :31), the Ry ,,~- .. Atthe emiddy the dominie upoke,,,.for tl - . 1 time ome glories or Aberdeen; 7 He had ? beenborn there, and educated at me `Uni- l vanity, and there was a gleam in. his eye L -. when he talked of the old college. and of ` - the smell of the sea. But when he `was , ' . - asked whether he had many friends in CHAPTER In-'-TE4\CHER - Aberdeen now. he became llll_it_,ind went": ` out 810118. _ Hl {OBI ' _ - ' _ rection of his oldschool, a mlserahle little . As I tried to show eome time ago. my building that W5 falling to pieces even "Blind Justice." Cherry Ripe, etc. _ peg, Janet, mks; Q before the new school was built. Even to pe_rsonni"`:intel`eat in my affairs. In oer` . tblswday it is toward the old school that ' heard it said that sometimes as he strides f elong_the path. he forgets that the school fin no longer in use. end that his own, working days done. He has been seen _ , _ sto p`pi old pos"e. to 100!` own visions him - when to as" ht_ (except in. oompey) in my black coat, and it is theiworse for me if 1- forget `to tritiwefe.``set if>nrtT6Ftt?nr- ( Queen. the amlddy 'tn`r`nTt'6`the emltlfs end saysthat_ ` when ; decided one intelleot BntSAtnrda'y- asses, mylis 'l`eache"rv " 'McQueen_can . ,- "`kirked I -had .Ithink 1 , I.`hi9 his qnart1js}y_lth_th53 `fol-?h?Fcel1Ed`toVtalknf 1 Janet ): ohapxiiiext tmuln'our-olnohan" writ-*| Bd_Y,llI10il.` The nib ,1 ,. and | V change '9 5b.l05_ lllltdo _lll100lll'f0l`58bl8-*1therein midwinmr. Rm. PH (tn 1.. n... ; % TR%YMANSE.f By '1I1?.'LEX Ii.kllA'I`IIEB8. nowAyou'Vnanecrua."fffV y MNo.VMary.`y,nu`thiajudgasme. lathe - testimonial I-not->wlth, the: aillm-.1t Said. 7 `that the nionpywas mixed In . recogniuan1- L a.f,g_)' inns and valunbl sorv1.o6a.v": ' % ~ . a f 1., and to"`lgz'-gnu bug}; 'n1dpi;f! V. {- I muumuxe canmuevs when bakento task. [ `.`I*IoW'lm've I chpixted your henskga the '-_'Vnm|4th`swi-re. AV _ , . I M 9 'W*?8V.m0{ltO|<`atyou hurts me. pipees and. you vabou manna a; howJou'veoh9ateua"': M ~ , x` No. Mm-v. `(mu m.o...i;;. ...... v..- n.`.;' '.&`);at'i_- ` A] walk I unurg m was worm uegs prggu or, I_ie..i the i `uncertain. gbnb .1_1eis`apventy..' `` to `oyqle")but..we. " 0 n0.L ootisidr - ........ N _._g yngu w unuuu, Lu I3 uuusnnnbl ' xpn ng away Wl - m. tused to back t-rylIigto"ascen(_1-a _ post.-ls - lb | has s Ene- l at. tcgo !s-moreV like. . mllwnv than nnvthium .1 .. t wuume our. 11108 --l3(.~0v :smore "H30 8 ` awjtchlmci J oi! onl;`jede"tha.n ontb. utsider rthe` * dn work,-y.et1bls f fishing I Hols lankstman. with hair um Hun _ M Tax I A A ; When a ctitria ' is goingono--way along our glen road, a d the posl5 s- bicycle is ` .. .comlng the other way. there is annnxious L . rr1og9:;.!g._h sP.9,;95L,.,1!!mP,hQ9tl11171586... "i1B`'`v""Wli " ' iszg th veEIc1e,ff tey. ` bfrthftlf` . 2 So the domlnie remain; with us. and here he w11l.en,d his days. In the glen ha I is stH1-Teacher McQueen. while`. thn. pnes- 1, eat` sclnodlmnster 1s_ only Mr. Rowand. ' Mr.-Mart went. the way .0! all _tho- enrgg `e Tyeartragd. buT`tllIf.f`Te tcW"Mc- I Queau is nmelder in the cbul-ch.acil,l Jane: . andihe shnkothelr heads at .ea.4_)h ot._her,- ` a,rid,Igej;; gtijlyiolenp In his.-.opposM0n 50` T L Tthfhltewnshing of 1.119 session-house: ` nu ma Aoquaclous nours. same his mouth. _ He discovered.` but med/to pus` the` dia- oovery from him as something distasteful, that Aberdeen no longer -eonjtnlnod 3 friend of his. He might have let! t.he'glen for it, but though. many person: In the . glen would hnvo seen hjfn on the coach, there was no one to meet mmnt. Aberdeen station. All his life he had thought of Aberdeen ne his `real home, "yet during , this time he was making .3 new home "in the glen, It`wouid"h2tve"ben"-"deHh"Y6i ` `b1nr.uo*leeve u . In the glen he is some- body, but Aberdeen buried him decades: may ' . T ` - - dee;nbub.,they led netgmrndoimiu me e .:hn/ceiofixinz permnhentlykgoih. ; lu IIU uurry L0 80. v ` I siimmer, the " ` ,' suppose did_me:m at l he_re is something. ed returning and _p11ssiugliis in When.-he in Heamejt`o perhaps gram - mer school of Aberdeen itself. Everything he saw here he compared - scornfully in be! what he had seen in Aberdeen. He would - not allow time `theisnn shone. here_os it di K there: and the Aberdeen f)00plB excell i\ ollochera. His relatives "ed in Ahe-' He had 8 love~et.ory,too, as I suppose all men-have,-and the scene `or. it woe Aber- deen. I don`t know why it came to noth- ing, tor;on- that gubjeohe even in his loquacions hours. shuts his mouth. H e discovered.` but med/tn mm u..- .1... . WIS Dohdtd 3073381115! 1%. deep at nights pt Ab`e:`~de_eu,!o: I'll nlwosr T (be thinking June: Eu got,hls_way.'_ Then 1 ~, wheuhe rose to go (1 always` Io; him out myself, because Janet and he used tonput un.heJr'bueks as each other) In onld say.` `So I am :9 understand that you have 119- , . Jlgmd your eldership? and he would an-. swat. `Well, it mush come to that,'l_mt I} think 1'11 put. bII"i-`eigning for another week. as I'm not jnsc leaving yet. there" bgjng pnmo tntngonl must do beiore 1 cm start." W " ` ' ' ..cI1AP:x5E}5?iV. -, _ ~ b ;-0ON\;'E'.YANCEIi, Em _ ;-_ fro L(_)A_2:F. V . _ z--VIi`ank"`6f 1 Toroufoj Ilnilding, fown Bflv, v -` r. ` ..n9mL.wturem` gr I . 1 -WA?fi(fanfon`.;n wmea -',nn,n1.IV}tHedADi:v01;ue" 'I""`"o1mi3 me:1_Ati.'A.-ILt A~ M M ' 9`7* :`!l `M9 V V M;-;,sm1a. `tho gddtozyo tha;St,reat9- A Thereia no.-moremmous ildin in` ~V1- 011*.-'o :RV1W- S1V`* `*umd America: than the Old Soitth.Meettr1g- t9mW .`l` *4 N9 6'`1895` V Eloise Yet cui~i`oi1sl3' the kndxvled e E Kw: ho; q!Dg.Ohasefa'0int1nent_cured`-`; ._ H.` h .b M - I d E . . I my daughter qt `That wai H0 W ` `-' W `R. bm I _mont;;a ago, gnd_`, thea'o has since been lost-. v .l`he;a`ubjeot has been one ot._dig. 9 *9 P"` 3 W` ``" .,?}1.,19,I.: .!K1QQntrovef8y.:but the nuitter ` V T N ,,., , F~6! 3Ir0f`!19 is settlecl in alninterestin ' { __ q | H 1`./:A"`l-` .- Y. V, j ._ _ M _ _ gaytxcle by 29 ii?` f A.`?F` E`-`1-`5 v`- 113318 Decexn~ ~ ,m9ayTV,wM_,w,A mg:_,_{\ Agemv! 11,.hernmnberoHhe,NewEng1o.ndMag ~wrlttt_aa. tntll-1,; triadjm-'.'s~ M `n Glut; ne gnfljhg Bqllder of the,01d.smm. V` 3'-7 " 7311 V,d$_`:fou ' IM|nu"nnn-.\. ` _- ._,_v_.__-.. 1 Dr. 0ha_Io5'0!Ii.IlI9lit will cure_1hem aI _- -' ' 1: Cost of lit 60;;C9nII. -- Pijes. scrofula. `eczmuslo _.ernpt1o.na,: walgi : head. Colt a nd."I.\ll ` __ Ot_ber:. .ann0xinE ' and pai.nM-a1u2nj digeasgq fcan _ be` easily cum! by Dr. -Ohasefg Dintmgnt. . .`-`Iv.1_a.d~ gpmtmding. imaavxsorv '4en~~ 1 "` ,` **.`l 03`? 0: Dr`. -Chgsajg gointmgnt. . I . . 4 , ` IV = 1'-,{}.dA`_m9t!d1n8- `pilea'-tier` en.- y93vl`9. V Writes H. H. Hutgherlggnd, com; E me' V-Y,eI1ot.0!. `limo. *N.s,; "mea- WWF. l.'1!1 in-94. had doctors ope:-` N M II _ . - `W413 ~1\.nm1-uhsnl'v I ,Auuu'V6lU0l_D8(1B'8 ms:-. u wabo_h,'f he an a,1ondl?. `fS_4_>1qgg_a5 [never hadfonla I id i1'_c`~m at, `buhfnowl couldn't do lwlthoutihf? - ` ~ . um Iuueu ,_uurneo me been when John oamezoletteringv along on his wooden horse. `Nevertheless both love that bicycle, and when anything iewrong with it they rush for h anune_rs and twine. 9 /machine, and when in cute the wheels go 1 T differenmmys. " ' ` :.` ikeallttie cart.-wheel in cheseof ebig There lee great deal or twine about the ` :""To`deeorlbe`ch`ejp6E`i"VeIoied'i iiii%E' ether beyond `my pen; To me in looks ` `one. with an excited rideurying to keep a 1 apart. 3 "The" phsve coming 1" some one says at 1 ,3 thej"c1echen,"endthen`mothers_dueh into ' __| thered for their children to save them 5 1 . from death. while terried hens ton this I"! .Tife_v'i1ibiiZ I__'iiei"Wh"aTih'EEer Tohn. ; bears down upon us, eixouting: A ,. "Clear the reed there I" ,!s:+'m. m.'...n ..;..;.. ...... ..-_..-_ .- v .7 ~ I shouldsay` that It would be" easier to ve*onjhat`t_iomonm'ac_b1ng. but theiposs {by no mean; mean with { A 'I`hnI-.-.u.lnnl'-mA..:. . 'In;_ - J I H 4 uugp um nun mo velocxpede. It's bolted. ? ' walk forty iixlles on `our: roads than mrlde `A braje, ut tli6"!oT)f W}i'il1`if afJ1uIiilrA1ie; and near the topwe round J ohu prone in` the middle of a wet ro'a.d.~ . - nnnlf. hnmvn ..u.;.... ..a..' uwycxe-amveu alone. We hxigjedrupfghef pun uuuum or a wet |'0'&d.~ ', _f_`_I_)on9t bother about uio,"'-ho cried, but help in: nd the velocipede. It's I should say` that It wrmm ha" nnznr on , . ye vv uuu nu u(.fL;;g I _ _ *H w?km necshnry; ..So.metimea4tbe post comes to 31-Iefea W911 W19 mh1n9._JLn.<! W9. .1ma.z_o.pa113L" `forth t' 6E`fox1m. Once somthiug st1_lTL.more.q-emarkableha paned: The bicycle` V1`:-ived a11one;vr_`WgWgg- ied up , the, uttliia fOT)W)f Which'tha`hmhla ' W`. V 1._|.gu4uga4\u1. ,ump.n1m.nI me b&OK."1 V " S`o r'hebold*splri salau the llte`wheel. and is dragged along. by` `the infuriated` bicycle `until J aha` is able to tfesoendl V `3Bx-lng me :1 drink ot_ water," he pants; But this not iz;lw;ay2 thus tbqc the post arrives. Sometimes he is hours lnte,and we ay: '" ' ~ _ LI` 99u?t~mh.21:.;v*.,1i3_._aLe:zg;4a,.2ze+ 3*" '_ nrious pars Lu, " - , "We V6*bad an accideg ls, ha 53`; A M: W nn nirnlunnnm. 4 -. ...._..., ,- men: me roan were I" . 5 9'5`/OD him. Sonia one cri ho Jq; r * `_`I canna. says John ;;'he s sway wm, `lgejhvgain. ,Grip.hlxn.nt the back. WHIP". nhhkin Nu: IlbKI..='.._I_-I V .... .Q%`('l.`o bebcbutiillletd-:)` "~ ..- -.WH~':?'FE3 .vmn:`It:n.na r. j 5; ._. ..... ....._....m ggumuu uuwuglm. out W8 by ' fruas- Velocibedd xxx.-. a` wabch.`?_ e ga`1;_a_,>__1_c31_1dly. _jfS_9_1q;;g as hadzoue .; . uIu,u;mm 'lent~!I; 1 mm mm? min: t ngs - _ = ?`A.ladd19couldh 'd . I ' I am." John mmf I/We {meal tbs smt`th "That's hum I! -..o..-;_.t n.'. .._ ... .... 'R_RIS'l`BRS,iSuli<-non of tho: Supreme Proclom. Notu*iss,"Cou\_ eyan_cus, kc. *0t1D0'._ _ ._.:;.. ulu " uonn I810. ` _ ` ~ '-`Tum uue,g,:e:oma thq (sm!th} __"lt.a jladdlo oimld huge made the bicycle. `Bo ercq did the couuovergy run that the smith (turned his back when John came~_..cl'ptter1u;zv alomr nn ma nvnnuu woman. I n I maklngx velocipedes, den /7 ulglllily. ` ;I'll try to run a udaciona post, I'm terribly pede. a "Are you paid by the "Government for muded Janet. or fordelivering ietbersi?" - - y I disdaju to nrkue with a woman," re- pliede Johu; `.'b`r.und out oi the "light inp with then'1,"' said the , before supper time. hut` busy making my veloci- "Womzin indeed!" hefhfilgli. . . . n as - John and the smith are o1?iy ou speak-. enid J unot. ` hoigilng inf; terms now when the 'veio;.ipede in-` broken, which is once a week oi:/so. Then they mend it between them: iljhek `quar- rel arose in this way: J n" begen*'c make hisvehicie in his 0 to kitchen, from which he was driven by his wife to a shed that is `cold in winte--, because it wants hall the roofr Hnviy; 1n::.vie_'nixnnehi11e here that looked - m,>ietg/ `hen'leuning against the side, I che,s I;.-..'.' but came to pieces/it d to sit or. v. .1 Jh had to can in the an ' [hand {or n tmnith the two men were enggggiin the . vehings in,giv- ing it niehig touches. -\ `iicy were great friends during this period, nnd,indeed, up to /the memorable day when the post : steed was ret.se_en by the glen`-at large. It/`was so much admired that John felt it behis duty to himself` and the post- master-geneml tofciaim tuii credit for the construction. Fr the some day the smith took to mn ntaining that he had !n!de,the`Ye!01p;ede.y,_-_,;. t .- . .'*'1`hu_amith -lent the some mils and o tmmmer", John" said. %nt 1 mmln um I yuu nave mnsxc to In-I hten.__:hom. ,,Well gwnrmyon are-`that mesa word`: wore jun: pucjzubemnhe the domlnle e hoarc tailed him'at the word `velocipede, hang? being nu-o`how_ many 3 : won in , it 4 r~-, _ `~~ , f "If that : to," ask! John, m:;q(qhingly,. .e `V',ftheblame' for buying thexddle should 7* he charged to the doininle." : us:/It was apparently only to stop talk" 3 that the post by and by hogan to onsu-not ` a velocipedo out of his own head. Afrst g` he took ligtle lnferest` in the enterprise, `J perhaps because he was hopeless. but soon 1 ho ,becan1o so enamored ot_1;,,t.hat he I udgod thezne spent In deliverlngletn _ tars. - My houiekeeper wanted ma tn hnva uouao uue nay u_o ammo her`: ` f Hie, Jztngt; ,bher,9'a ma or three lattep (1 for the inl;ter`ir3 my bag. You'll better " dry in at the am!th s _lor them. Therm 1 ' jwgi%m U .- _ `" -"Br,ing`vl:em yoursl;,? eld" Jahet, {n- I dignnutly. -"I'll Itrv tn run nu min. n:._; `on , , .; ..` , . , - - waauuu u: vvuuun 1v.was represented ' {:33 -1 .`.`f- '~5~`Yf" in this curious collection. l _ . ` H ` n - ' l - - ` 9 ','cub1?::?r:? balm; M` NW" 3`1` P"" F?.h'." I" 1* Tie` tho dominle."`\`` 0` 1`."L was 8' collector of w."rmm3.' { awn`; pans ond cleyoted a ga.1ler)_' 1_n hzs house , began to `thus nrtlcle _of furmture, where own 2 V131tT3 might` 93303 `I19 Dleasum 0f be` . he : `lnforesmn `holding the identical warming-`puns because was that had aired the beds of such cele- h9u,:E83.l:1 10 D3m0:'f1 (3if.1.`lL1ihB$l 71: britiomas Queen Mary of; Sco'tland.~ . .z_noapennevarne . -- -2 houkkeep" want me gm `,Cnthe,rfne do Medrcr _Gabr1eld Estreoe. him dlamlsisod promptly (Janet thinks the ,Diana do Poitiers. me. Pompadour. Government wouldrmw to dmbag Marie Antoinette, `Mlle. Ado Fontange we orders of a Free Church minister). has `_f`_.1_-Pthel` Wed PGFSOUEEO} _ .-`-`1 ?x`} ,a..'3.'3.- .?hlZ`?'6s threa1et.te,rI-' `ot 9...139*9 ?*!o9P" n9L99-.odP.4Li'L or tho my Hi? dy'E3 a a h`?`?-V `9 . `*""*`"ir -` anmhvs sucks aml also for anous Krnds of tea I . i . r,, I _ . .. .. .. -....___--~ ` ` 'ZItvqri`5 did I not hear me tesi1_n9nii' . nu? " ' ` v .7 A .__c`v\Igdid:andIon'n rapeafit toyonhy. haartpfof often Isayit. to myself yvben standing beneath"; tree till iboraln` s'to`pe. i The no youra thinking of arouslok ibwi: `Th sin is raiaegi_g_egi;le him to buy some injihai xiiifmako his jour- npys easier. _ i ~ K m f Aml`t`.Irelyi. t means a velocipede 7" ` -I_ don t..'ee` bnygni: it might mean a * b ddie. The roada- on t. sem sqiong ii i you htw music to hteq_j,hom. | , , Well nwtlreaon am. am. .n.`.... ....:.>r. nu, u5>e.tors ope;-'| `wercqmpletely I htwe"iI Oi-ntnie:ur`l :I;"ohi '-fI.ofn} * 1`h_e Builder the, o1a.s$;`?f Maeun~H.ouo.-,Mr. Brown7~ja'l1owa_f ta {ho bu der tq have} been one Joshusg A. - 5 i`~]3`-),(p,1o`_}_1`,rd',`v and thq -ph0o__f'apha`V`9 they guznd W-ednosda .' :pposmg- l m;,_()1e_e_,_ _Bu'r e,!0nt.= , `wig p.an_m r.Annz,s -_ K3315 `will visit (`.oqksm\vn Lat `and mi! ; + y-of. each nxo'ntl4.`H1uadale last `~ 5 I F 3 3 ; twlve mbn ,ute(1.,from thewbrioks, but such was not ' bhe`case w . Aftr an L bx:`icks' px'acticgl}y> retaind a A ; j:;iQiL}1eigh,..nd-WB0 a.lso'1'1eai`}y `im- 5 ~ fable `that @167 Eandston iginal: weights". `Wn`tex~`proon_}& Btlck'anT1 Sagdjne. _ A number `of . experiments wexigne-,,, sently made to `ascertain the -length of me thabbrick and sandstbneaare IL I :1 _ `rendfed Wt9rPIQ:?! ;Proteteibiz oil.` The thi`diIs used were linseed,` ail." boed linseed and crude mineral oil. The amgmnt of oil and water taken up ' by the sandstone `was/'sz;ery'mt1c}_iT1 ss than that `absorbed by the; {bridkr .a1- -- ' though the area. of the .s_an H was much grep.ter.j `Equal amountgbf the raw and boiled oil were absorbed. Phi; miners; oils h0WeY6r.f.was takn` up in much greater qna.nt;ities;by` both `brick and `sandstone, -By the, end of ` the the mi nra1 oil evapore hen1;1_1_e other oils}-were use_d.- ` exposh/re"of- fou2`..ye2u's`,,the , .Linxguchlas t1iey"had_`np9 10 May; of ' perviotis to` moisture. It was 1`1ot,i_e3'_: V e `cubejsvtreateclf 7 _ned .to-their3or? but. do "not ap1ie`a'i'Sto- ff90tv ;9f the. wit_h..linee<} foil ;xjet,u1' have ,l_ost 3 the benecial b , bils,vbeing-zyjlso prix4c 5-i(>&}A1y" wazterprdof, ' <:Mining_am`d{ Scientitresg. 3 m ` `Auropeappdy1iviixg`inJapan ac-. _ quired no fewer `than .300: teapots of \ various patterns andkinds. Anotherf lady had}: liobbmwforh colleotin bon- . 41... ~S}ivma.'de~'m 23:; Vwnteiproongi Brick 4 I A ....-..'.1..... 3-1 1 .- ,, ll 9 ..SZ; . -i = f` `T? was absolutely withqutunxsic`a1kn_ow1~% `adge,-Chicagqiliyvs. * * _ Wiga ;and walking sticks `wre. the` aspecia1 van iti.-s `of Mr. William Evans; .ometime principa}; clarlriIf t1Te d _ ' .thonota ry's ofce`fqr~'Ang1esea, Cam- narvon and Merionethgf and ED. highly, r1idTh'ev a lue thein jt1_1a.tv he b_queathd V one of [each to three different gnaidexi -- ' ladies {qr whom he-had in turn felt 9.`. b V * `vxquluuu not: no pars wxtn `a single pair. ` hoyvevier-well worix they might` be. to any ,of the nqeiny; devout applicants-for l;heun:~~ ' ' Tlfe Duke of Essex, brother of`Kli1g George II'.. had 3 pair of hobbies that were so wide as the poles asunder` He. was en_`inde_fatfgable collector of Bibles} and cigars. Pope Pius. IX. wash, col - lector of slippers. He always =ha_d' twenty -four pairs in his wa._rdrobe, made of red cloth embroidered with gold and ornamentg-s(1with 9. solid gold cross; his ohemberlain. being "strictlya enjoined not to part with single however-well worix tliv mio}.+.' rm +,. 3 Henry` von7Bn1hl. /ti fan1,ous German diplomatist. busied himself in i . wigs of all shapes. sizes and fashions; collecting boots," shoes, slippers and " This curious hobby` was riva`l`ed"byo that out late King of '.Bs.varia.. wjiose collection of hats was unique. .. A King of Wm-temburg boasted the p ssession` ` ofnbove 9.00Qcopies` of the'_ Bib`ie ; aTnd iinicotine-loving A_mericun reveled in a. treasury of pipes. of which he could ' count 865 specimens in meerehcum, brier. gl9.ss.~chinc andiclny. ...-__..___c Another eccntrio Frenchmari was 3 H beair enthusiast. He `wrte `a. book upon the histbfji of lmrico.ts~and their" _inuence upon humanity; and rejoiced in collecting beans from all qua:-t'ers of~ the" globe and cm'efu1Iy- labeling 3-a`nd_ armngingtthtem. .Some.of the speei-g , mens are ver'y- valuable. hzwingcost as` much us 330 francs. His death was hastened by the mystezious 'disappar- ance of some Japanese beans. upon which)1ga..s4etespecip1lAva_lue. : - v ,- . 13 sxmng room I(were shelvea,.th'o'se upon one side Index; ~ ` `with canisters` of Souchong, Bohea. .Congon. Pekoe, 1 Russian and other. ` varieties of tc:;., The shelves opposite were decorated with hgmdsome` jarg, containinszxevery kind of snuff. while snu boxesflay here, there and every- , where. L_ord Petrsham prided him: an-\ray of"boxes to be found in Europe. and was supposed to have n freshvsnuff M iself on possessing the mostmagnicent box for every day in the year. M 3WWE8`99?;3B!&3e * " T3305. 3)`; . ~'D'W.1he"\\ u a-a---u-. Avery qeer hobby waeathzit ofyen : old woman who had been employed at court in the capncityef nurse and who had :3 most extenere collection of pieces of wedding cake. The cakes to (..whi'ch the fragments belonged had been`; cut at the mafriagesof the highestvgf the land. The place of hoi'1orwns given to a portion of Queen _Vlcon a e wedding cake, and nearly every mar- riage that had einoe the ac- V eseion of William IV. was represented ' this curious cnllnntinn ' l 130313!!! U__lEBVAND vgmdns. "A __ ,...gwvuIuL:;' I130 UH}Y"C]2'._Q]`y`V L -' ` , ._._..... V - . I_3.Yifa same (if xo:4:olut1o_ns,'_'. m0\?xid:,by" r10us`b11ildingin' '5: ' voral prom_1yonb mun M of ` somhAMeeting. `olitloa;an.h1gnAnlenaa[ .~ mass; mean;1,ug;1n- m_ knQ~W1edgeV`[A._. vussoyrgmll on_.Stm1rdayV` ' an shmlaayof " night` ~plad3ad.: `S Md become Hicieyas oppoetl to'.nhe princ1p'1d men ` "-of"-thti-\.J mposmg ,-`ieumrute `auhoo mbutthemzitter f`-?'9 -J`~`~k-`L*~"-; *1* N % .- ti 4' 1 1., Th'0'fll'nG}ix`} nf M`; 11.2`: a r III A `-7 ' ` ..-w. ~-~v-'-~*-~'*`"'L . ` 1 [ . Tli'e'tuner`qi oLM_xs,H.'.A. Massey took; piano .on'.gy::1ny to Mount Pleziauym jcamotexy, kn, cym'.o. ;,'1`he, servlcioswerp; ~:.1% In tho, $4e.m~opoma`u- .L1g;1;: ? `iv, At` a meuaeethe'w1gn[po* }3_a_r-5" {for l`radAu gnmsoluvlou was pagssed dents M cab 'i1_1g_tl) uhah :{eIoE.t1;fu;Iedal rate vennuersa n { . -om six Wfoum pe i-Lixexm, A 'copy- or ' rgsoluhloq 'W_i1lBeform_rdd1i6ho ;M1n1s'! , 1;'erAot}s`!nnnc9.V _ _ M1 " -,4a.u.-V , _t9..,L6_:~::rm,--t11amifrom~ -....w-v- The city of Bra;1Efof(1 hi::l' ` _ brought izn;; notion z_z;m insn'tho Grand; _'.I:`1'Ul1_l;' ' m1l_wtyT_ " - Prof; `ltobftozl giwe ixifann '-I.n~ .fo1-nml-ion before the H ouso Com-nnittua 9;; -.4111-q1,1,!J,;1,1,ttzr, lzegardlng the oxpprc of * (buff pzoducts .to.' B'rlsafn.- ; He'say;bEf" is `mo:-av protable to'v'cxporls ihan"!iva_ ` oatla. .... ...... w. _-uauulg ulul0I1(1S. .,\TvI_ioVDom1hion Mlnlster of ha Polic Bfagist-rate~I)nisohT"U{fT6i'bnto, ;2nJ`. .3.!v;.1E:?-1.5%%1,I2Laiw***`f '=:iM-':`W*** ` . ` " The play of_ rig _Ml.t(-q1L_illjBe.k_lcg4sla-~~ : f>!i\1 :TMT[K3ent sesalonlpgt * - . , J1ll8ure"fDT`7Tr7it=1tim* Ac` ..,lm.uu_uu. " ' `ltoboxl 1 Hon ;Rr!uJ&uIe irsa.ard1.us food` .to_ Brlsaim is more nroilmhrn tn` -nu--A hand, tak'o_n " _p,ex;9tram9_;m1;npx1ds. _ fIjLi:~`x*oce ipb_df the R;opa1:eu &on+ **,Nm@@9 1w.-W*/ 1 il1Tfanuual reporprlgsonted at its _ mees- - , lug. uxnount~ro,889,168 and the expendi- tu;q,to,5S8,.730., -- g . The cathode photo of _Madafna Albnnl s _. at: Kingston by_L/`Crypt. we thaM_he. X `rays will This may afford a Ooohrana, sho .' ,oort.a_ln method of posting diamonds. "Wm `hnmI;.:..._ Ir-- ~ _.,_,, .-`_uuuyu- ; " ! "rho rumor thatiry: MdKeen;'.tm-merlyv member for Cape Breton, ` is about to be elevated 179 the Sonata, 13 ;'egm`ded in Oti- tawa polmoal oi:-ores` us hlghlygpx-obn{->19. '.Knox'ohurch, Palmerston, 0:26.. which _ wa eroesad only 21- year ago an a cost of fan thousand dollars, was`bu1fn_ed down eau_'_lyf Sunday xnorplng. Ebb mfursg pd-` ` jining. wmrsz;v -......u-. Mr. Foster hzis given Vnoflca in the, V House of a resolution nuchormng a loan- 'ot' $9,000,000 . input the defences of the ttry inshap. I-m.- -- A-1 ~ .C1Mms to the amount of $253, 695 have I been iude for dmnagas to property by ,. the construction of the }IuntQr st-reek tunnel:/""" jg - ` ' A ` v - `. -_ ,..-...r~_a-v,-4u9 vAyeuu1b,ul'0*if'i'7`t7_tT10S_3- H ' " `N'ova_ Sooblzi his been asked to assist,/ com storage by gunratmzulxlg 4 per cent-. interest: on $100,000 debentures for ilvem years. ' ' ' 1'!)- . _ . . . . . u 5v1l`ll\J vuLu_u|U.u. Last year's receipts of the Wsceiu Fair. ancording to the annual report, were J9.,S7U,:1:ne expeud4sures?$4,69:'r1es,s. `N'n\m Q,...H.`. L`..`.. n._,_ I r~i .......... uuuu. -Mnskoka.,nnd Parry, Sdund Conserva- tlvgs hum noxninatad George MoCox-mick," of Orilllm tor,.t-he Commons. ` Y 1... ...._l_ _- V H.wn_nton`Lnxox. i .. \v. A. non. M m,,,<*..=-.*mJ~=*="w=<% V A an eamore. 4 ' Bnya,EbIivah. - 0qm--Cor. Dunlap auu!',4)wen stream. Okaea-Oxm. Hunt`.-3 Howl. Suskafchoivan. _.`, -.- J\.\JAU. _ Mr. Lnuflor has again been po`in}hufed for the Commons by `vthp Liberals Sf . Brnutfordhha had 45 gauche lnca Jmi-` ' ugly I. V _ _ _ N . ,` nu-s. mrgoy. who was mcnisiy romxa dam in Hospoxcnlved In the same hqgxsa 16? 61yem`sf" 1 - Ii. 1 _, >- Woodstock lost but. $22,009 by me man your. '_ . 1. '-I1lyLh,...Un:., has orgnu1z<`5d'a`Board of \ I '1`rude'. - ' - ,,. ."*1`( )PICS gag `WEEK. I` of Cod-liver Oil, with Hypo- phosphites, is the best known preventive to `serious `lung trouble." .: `It supplies just the.` kinii of `needed fat; prevents xuseless waste of tissue ;.make's .v..trtch..blood ;_ Land forttfles the body. against `tattackt; You i __ t" at once. if you'- feel weak, hgtve no appet,ite,"~'.. _ or are losing flesh. ' ` ' . .=cn1'1" .nMrn emu u... g--- .`_.I__.) ..._~_' ` u h _ -""'-I'- _ ` _` The 1nnvpor!antEv-xm-. in n Fgw Words For ' ' f_Iusv`Ri-udex-`t.' . ` doctor.) sw 1'r's.1aMw.sl0N has been ndomcl _ 17? the ml-dxcal ro{esslon' for Vvcnt vyeais. (Ask four; is is bgcausb .` jils a ways pnlajable-_ah wnys zmjbnn-Ilwa s conlams tlmpuresl Noltegtal Cod-Iiwr Oil and lopodpboxpbim. ' Put up ln'_ cent an $I'.oo sizes. The mail sin I may be eupug to cum vrrwr cnugh or help your bnbyn, $3.? -V'`T%"`v.` _ Your clear skin? M;other'&'o " Your voice? Mpfher s. " Your `slight figure? Mother's. `In-1 herited `weak lungs? l.Then T protect vourseIf.%.`.~._ Live out doors; gebthe fresh air; land keep well nourished. ` n .` 'RRI'S'l`ERS.?"Suli<-iton of the. supreme! Prmtpn. 100 Low. .. Om: Ross Bio`:-k. Dunlap sfrect, Barrio. Wmmmrox Ann. . ~ . ALKK. Gown. UL GIL: IU-Jls HUDIL scerr`s.BMm.s1oN endoma by` :_he mcc_i1ca_I_p_I'o{eslon' L-venty yeuis. your L: or Mxx. H: .A. may `onto. servioosfwgzrpp , ne.u~opqm_a`n- .;s1;;;;;xox::,sgs' histtoe has ntaz-fore in `the' case of 3 Oakvlllo, sentenced by a-I)a`nisohTfUffT6i-onto, '_ i&H.e.5f9JL'3ahnsiifhin emu: oss Bl01'K.L Vmxaemx ........ Lxixx. V Gnu. E. J Oi-U01`. Du 10 am: ' ` Omaea-4 T1). ![;u1:1 t`.-3 ii: mpoan at o__\vest rungs. . ` 518: '1 81,!- gguxn. CLERK, H (Thur: House. ;?.T v , Vuox. soars aznntqwx. Bzpalsrugs, S.0L1(`)Iil`_OES.` - V ` ` ?.'-Alllston.and.Creemore ` > . mm. P9pmrb & Mocarthia iIrnim:Ha "Ln-u.'n Iinwqrmm. ROSS - IILOCK, = '_ eycry day. Ultlilflk, W;ll._D6'8[ MB umce ID and 9.1).. Gookspown. av 12; . `Omit: House. Btirric,' every S_9gtu.rday. mung; '1_v MMN ;~ `, "?""." -Jgsfrusnx h A.n...xn...x may ' _n91rax.'n nos`s..ia`. A-. QQRRXSTER. ` SOLIC;[ I`0R, - iv n r "W78 ; `'nau ia'.' ` -alyxl`-. .G1pI:oIun;. souclmns. " ~ \ BA`.!!_,_\s1;.a-.rsx ; T - 1 pl, Sulkiitonxn ightoonrtot mutation, ` Pubho Oonvoyanoere. _ ank ol Tonisntg. B rriu. ` y!-02000 sud pyu-do, to mtaafai I.!m`mle.~z m mam" - gnmluggrexza & mcamx EIj$,30LIOITORS. ~ - ' `, - Ti" CONVEYANCEBS. M. A _, H Anm'v,.Q.C.. F. E. P. I smv.n. Q.C 1.. ocurrnx. I). C.MlmCIlIBON. . ~ x BARRIE. ` ` . ~V 5tJi?:Bf;..h`f8`:?3o.%?9`?' ~ lmhv. Pcmier. Gorboald Mocarthv-. V ;r_ ` uruua. I llqfaeyfa Loan}: I_40wc'st R_ates, ! , . . . .cLEnK, h-,i!l._b'i3'at I Kl'\vQ Ilnuun Thin-n" nvm :`n-rmzsx; "swam at" iha. sunmfnm i [mwm an. xvuzs simian I... . o,l3`I_?`It"l'Al..' 1 mm'Ncm,< -. wxfsjqlxg, >oY.NTz_ sws- nambiy mm nu: ` 0.,:0o;lege street ':-.. f.`E.'.-.`$"?' `"`_ '. Dun log: auI!;4)wer )Yp. owes: rates. Jko. Run. 115.; VI:5'}'Amss.~-'m7o; i M! hhmmsmm. NU : V I - 1 rat his` Otce In L" mmrv Rnhu-nv i` 7 - . E G. V '. M o!..the1Z}l1ort.. ggwnuxnu.` g street. name. C0\VAlI._ ' Esr .' inu buuunu I in-5...... V!HIH|f`I'-.5 I '.\(.l-I ll! I Val -xu::Ncxx.n;mxcnv 1 ' ; l1ml?0!M9, `And `:11 Human T and mental de- ` : n - 2 F WTAO F3 0 u'V_ED. `,EI!1lFe-.-1`l1E nlxisnugn ,4 -?3H30.Xr3.~F9R $23.01! drug'Iau._* ~. 83. 'Qnt qh-|trcat.wcaLv 'r$mum' 1 e ;`pr1cg_;`j: woonr` 83` ngen-ut.rce,I.wci M m,: am, Franco. JLlllI.l|l,li Librtlfcr 9lugaIZln_n-=uu(l. Music Binding `- i~'-n~snecinltv = * i ongtn label or sing: fmper. .1` Look at/it and you will so eiyjajxr sub: scr`iption`ia:fv:wid`1xp.. ' ' A , V `ass? ; } [61n?s`vs1_aii':sL srritcm E`lJU_DATI(!/ML % - no.Anvm.z r:v:_. . jv wm'n run gltgnuun -nun ` '0N'1'ABI~) !HT'.1'I.,T'1.'1::'1:.?._ % *:~ '_ " -' '-=`85shn tar Bt. Toronw 1 .,..__ `_._0IHlI|I'L`,',V'I'K LLVTO` l.VS'l',l'I"I1T ._---_` uiuun [\ L` I\h"l'-.h' U 1' IT). "`Uv :1 tlmrouz: hosvlo(lge'oltIm nntm-alglaw . whichigovernth 0p(,*I'nt1Ql190fdlfestion nnd rm 0 trlhon, and by :1 1-arefnl njypllt-at 4 propcrtieas of well-seleo uwoa. Mr. E pmlnns wovldod for our bre:1kl';v1t and sum)cr,`a de lcntizly lu.vorcl beverage which mu ,..1vc`,usmnx1y'heav}y]' .~g1vu(-.mn's'bllLi; It is by the udk-ions use of sue `nrtlc-lea ofdietthat acnlxstltutibn may be gradu- ally bulltup until strong -nmugh to resist every tendzano mdiscage. Hun rcdsjo!'subt1c1nnlmHcs are oat ng around us renuly to attack `vherever n of ' tlie)`" there 1-) a weak point. We `may escape many a ' fatal slum by keeping ourselves well fortied ,\vIt.h ` E1178 blood and n Egopcrlyanoqrisllui frame.- ' 'ivLlSo1'viceGnzet_ . Lm: 1 ' `xuuu mum uy Keeping oursclw gopcrlyg; 'ivlSt:1'vlci1 Gaze!` "`TT.$`;.. 5 ..`I...`. .",-'a`.'E $[1-*$..IU- ' ...__.__- HVESTEDIN CANADA ovxm... s.ooo.oo. ACQUMULATEI) I`UNI)S ..`.....`..... .`1x,mo,o0 l`0TAL:AS3URA.`ICE ` . 9n.mo.00 I.\'c0ME- ~-; ~ 5.00090) . . . . . . . . . . ...--so , > ..-,.._.. 3550A! Xbxnk Km ; i%$suRt}_'__6o'Mi*Ativ; i xuxn-3u'._\ :2 -3AkJ1`;'AN'1`, DEAL L.-,s).:1~1BR iu.U0.\L n! all kinds mportp-` ` ilirecx -Iro;n __ghe\ miua; also ath and Shiz_1g1_ee,, White and Grey Lima, Plasterers - [lair Sewer Pipe_a"1 ire,Brigk. Fire Clgy. master or Paris ements, em., all 01- best qus1hy.`and.soI& rates, . ` 1`1l_3.B+ r33.1Ei1t118th"3&;-.---n.Mr14-~ammn.i:,a'_* ' ru_Jx+ Fgfolfingwn eI.~ '1wEsn~:RN: 3 nVN`sunAA%NCE"`6if -&*1T . . lInu('>rl;\o1mtu('| lf!1."$'I'." % "5ERMi*N i3,NTLv%`cO,Reo_ . '9. in .n..n..`.. __..___ . STANDJCRT)