Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 13 Dec 1894, p. 2

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J AMEs-sooTT, . r UNDERTAKEL- [ -STRU AnxunJ.nJ.s. avucwur ... Luv .,....~ 15 Conn, Proclur. Notary Public, Convey- uzcar, ac. Mono to Lend, Private and Com- pmny Funds, at owent rates and hose terms _I;n'Town,_Iud_ F4_u-11;`! egg rm: Over ....-.-.. e. | Bu-rle. '1`Ez.z1=no:2L:ax_xm)ucA'nu:u. , Aux.-r 8: owax. ` BARRISTERS, Snlicllom or the Supreme Court. Pxoccurs, Nomxlm, Convuynntcrs, aw uoney no Lama. n.u..... n..... w,...u_. r....1m. .m.a_ mm. SPROUL & LENNO BARRXSTERS, soucrrons. ` CONVEYANCE xgonoy T3 Lo: ASSURANGE: [}Dl\'IPAMY`. JOHN r47 ' .u:mvr. _.uM!1n n_;: [|j"jfi1ER Eivvvi -um |uu(Iu.lI 1 pn-pony nuuu-ueu lmn buvu. 2-In vuu. tun-rnu. Mule lhnl_Y Wlln bolllllk Wnh! or milk. It only In |ID(' ell. II) llrixwrl. label I \lmI: JAIII IPPI a co-. Ltd louuom OBTAIN YOU/K I . . ~ Marrlage Llcenses, . X / ' I _o;'- la: mxmgr l'!'I:l`I"NI"I'lll J. nonnn-rum " FLETCHER & BRUWNLEE AGENTS . __*_ ` _ 7 ' ` Insurance and Real Estate Agents, ' Money tp Loan at. Reasdnable Rates. '- EASTERN _AssunAuc`E coamuyv 'r\ADI'rAI ml nnn nnn I British me1'icau Assurance Cry. . W 3 !:`.S'1`ABLI_sBED 1533. J EP$7.fE0A x-nu mx-uLAn non:-z nu`: Mm wzwr Chicago. Wlnnipeg. Montreal, Eta. Inmndilu: sanlorn wrilimz for iulurum nlartloh `Isuzu. I `martian; < mannwu I am": WESTERN -INSURANCE co` ,'hw' "l`nR.ON'l`O.._ I v mun -uum Ivy |(I\'*]IlIlKU` Ell? hlnasl. Alul 1| [In-p `IVIL 9 UAZI'l' Ihnixly bol (lro '`o:*11i`LY3if.1giira}', lulu-v It-(Inn-\nw'. nnuumum nuhnm umlm um xluulluk nnnmd II! nvnll) I0 l\lIJIl'k \\'l|vru\'I'r IM-ru In In wmk |IulI|l. we may <-1n':\p<\ uumy n |'l\Lnl IIlI|II't hy k|\"]|lIlK uurn-In-n It'll fnrllml with Lu- 1.1m-a...m pnaporly uulurllhed {mm--.-`.- Ivlrb: llnzlrrus. ` SAFELY AND SUELLY SHRED Bi . Allen's_ Lugng Balsam . ET . n...,..,~.m..m u . man VF M; MONTGOMERY; ` unrn-r xvunvnw :or:od-F subselxne ya. m-Inns: regnculon roan Sn:-bin}. 1_ut Jnnuny, man $1,126,239.0Q._ `I l mu. wIoUUuUUU o-. H. LYON: BARRIE. u kI|u\\ l1-dxzu 01' Ilw uumml lmv Km u1u-nulumo ul' lllkwluu nml n rm-run nu-ullwulnu m` um um- m-I.-m| (.'(u'(nA. Mr. xc..r. um Iurrnkfll-t nml mum-r u no: um-Iv n wmcn uuw rum. us nmuy lu-xw 4-: hv Hm Juan-loua u-0 uA' nah L lnlenluu zc ants par worn , - . uueniun, 1` cent per won-, ` were usedrasimrr (rs toreect `the sum xnnd ngneacuunn-d unwnrdn): * light from one to eme to unothar As `DC lean! OYWOYRWIITDQDI dc - yr uxtngoxziona ox the aum} 3110! used no rearms there xv` .z. ` r KG`! ADVZRTXIKSD, - [ md the n.'ah es or. 2 One nuer-lmsur. user xnsor non. nuns mm-5 y tlan. (Sln:-n)`|Ilmr:),(l 2. I h-cu. Ind Vlcrarr Vibe ag to be bled in": lmol menu mutiny and ucmothnu mm [ Ion.--E tlox-Ll Poul. ` ' ring to the number in the book that the ags represent. the message is interpret ` ed. When In?-go ags are used they are ` hoisted tn the mnatheng by an ordinary SHIPS PASSING AI_'sEA;s . j. `ir I I tour-pr 569-balm could be manipulated in oertixin cqmbinntins to mean any ge x-aI order in the tactics of eld man- pennant ying fronnithxi mniuiimat. _ Thom are muny (mg signals thug every- on knows. uud ghey are universal. u_v0n , ; PASSING AT S.EA_` I `I 9-915.5 Ely:-1 THOUSAND uzys. 7 n - ' " ' rurxnu Eu:rC0rnhluntlnn _ol ospltul. .l`Ey. TALK To EACH O-_'~E*Ff ~!!er-oy;-Ian: In-umuou and gang sczmax, ,, ACROSS THE WATER. - ; _ mverqd` none remuug, but attempts only light 1 30 um`. work. Sharpe says her mother. in Scab I ` gov, mud, whose home was eight miles from ;u;51,Bd} 1_\_b(3rdet3x_ was 1-16 years old when she ;.;;,: ;1:.. dark e; Vnpm-kl} ,' tu nuke more than I or J , `away from moisture. they will pariah [ for want of water nnd than their bodioo i will dry sway. The non bonununo son the may Ionrooly have my IIQIO ~ ion , . . r the most: un'frnitiixl eld To} missipixs. ' I Apropos of the nqogxgss of C innit): ` might prove Interesb [ three lnishs, thefadlxelrents of Each : themfx-oquAently being found :21; Worship ` in the ume temple. - For ex_q._mp1e, ghe nut: AuAu.| ux .. .n. .m.;..=.\ : ksua 1y occupied. Te connecting wing. forming the street from. contains jtbe has 5,090 bedshiwer 4.1100 being co:L=u{n`.- , If they try abort journey , Auvuvlu u vynuy one 0: we lullowors of William the Norman. He` mcuivml n n grant of valuable lands on the condition or the yearly tender of A tablecloth of 11 - _... m ` ur.1du:ge that they are our lxrffnes. w E, beautiful fr<`>'xh a scientic point of View um! are unobje3ctiuuable_wben upon the uel. Ixgroo-{1$1`o_ the 3513; :rc~r'x`; time tholmlics of tho D'Oyloy mmnyr were accustomed to nab alder nn_d` or- ..........a .1... .....-.._._. ., . . .. accumulating In the course of yeny, worn at longlkbrought Into use an nap- kin: _n the toys! table and called day- loyn, New York Recorder. ' dash. 13:15 am earn of tie vEeT : { brought: nothing but woo to its unhappy devotee Tbnro is n vwcuncy foxtu cook in that >subm-bun vilim No U)`; need npp1y.-Luudon Telegraph. .j_____._...- Foullnh um-uuuculun or sum...- ,, _.., ~.,... . vuleuc check up5n insects, there are many parts of ch;-globo inlmbitod to-any in which xmmkiml coal 1 hy uo7possibil- The word tloyluy. now a a ilinr one _ with Indies. is darived from the name of ; Robert D'0y1ey om: of the followers Norman: 5 houe spidezx p1'u-y buV2csu1`seV0fV the; mucous impression that they bite. p1lI'~ 13' on account at the hut til} xi um .1. ;- ' the plengantei - -4 u- , don. Last Sunday morning as a gem] Tman was wheeh'pg h:1's way nIn g"b ` for his cuuxtes ' dusted her exesuxxyi 12m-n," ufe while she thanked him in stmumering accents 'I'hae_voi_ca :_ he thought, -' man wheeh'n-g:h.1 s ` w:; ~::3u:1:`MIE favorite country Iano, he gradually over- mnk as lady bicyclist attired in the ra- v:m...1 ..,.......,. -1. Snbnm proper is unknow1Texr:1_afI: for 8 few trade routes regulay traversed by ` Arabs and ace.-;oun.lY.y by adventurous Europeans; These utilize tha ousis as

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