Th,iI1kIng `of Buying ; Tfout, If Yoirre . _ er_x`ing_4,. A ` or_ ,W`hitefE_-ish_ llimyun 'AII'i"` Bilious Heidi """""P"" and ]i\undic::. ` the 8563-15 of thisdiaease his-been made. 5 some pecTzr1"Ii1Eys lmiidled exc1usive}y by 5:93: encouragumeu-. ..u=_ a....._u_, ,5... the gesulm om.aine:1.bu: 1: bag b_e% V ` ,1 " -4 . " I L` ______ 5{3l"p'3s'e'31 . 3:1cf:s3L.` i" V?-'`me`5e~the"-5E"" YM' `*5 T8499 i"-.'-' =1 promise made. agent -for` combating most powerfully in Out`, Dcenxlre,-E mmoui)c,ement:s that we (zvoulll this ve_u- sbo`.vA; l apparent. Formerly mycustorn was to` f B , ~ ' ` ix ~e1;esVi-uzthe Town aaugmjsz th .1 inum'Ex1ldoses,`ex-I`? b 3 }E._AND To sE_HAD ONILY`FRdM s. -u.,.. am; . r-.nuxr'\ AA/ant? unnel: `l\: ... .., ysician E "` U keity,i' A 7. - 7' ;:%%iMog1_1}ettes; in Dl'i- f " '-' ` " Mcguetts ~=Ax;2itai?nster$ `AXr_1jiinstrs . / - AXm1nsters / ` ` .