Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 18 May 1893, p. 7

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__CHI1_\T.A. ; 1,-.. _ .u?W`:u.I;. Evie-iiwi HI-I'pniu-ne} r,v;nd- Th{n`_ce.wyun II ` hug. the ul0}:')` My Funny pntlentklaced in his hand _ hill! hhrnjedl)` |po:raJIt`E\xZ;nl-1f5S`n`xuCx)I. 3. -OB (Lb;-fxnorrcwyhu ax! ' Eu o. .u......V ..... ._.. .....,.._. - "opyuunn that she 33 In`\~nvelu;3_a ,z:om..u.(n` . lug ; `(alt/at, 111 zit htzgls Ma: 3 Swan, I am r` > c wan` thirultgh the` past; ,1:-;:-')`:u41asti;'l;~`-I. M'!,'Iy`u fo119w-in;;.agy- 7:329 ` `no mo 2!` hull Q .)ha :192"" ` h M " ` ' , I" (`Jiriu 16 Wool 'und-`lrwvm: whllvzfum - ll-|K_l`Y| .V-X's'5:l'lkH.`u thy tx-yogi pout`. Wliu ha: mm mm to term uhwizulei Itruw,)I;1lh mt iug_'_:)S_1`-paxlnt wnh` ml()!i|:y.X1`K'IbH.`H . .. haunt cholzvlek Mu: E my 'o1`-paune with n . rilfuan urr:n::,.ue`r. , .;Pp ` .1]:;:;,_..::,ng,uen':?-h.11313:3:; had been Iuude fq hpu.,m th_e vesubnla. :Ie7:.n Email o:,m__x :..wm_uu ,The tlpctor bu-In :13. W. _\L U: ..1w p ` overcoat. and. Wm: suon an 'Exs"wnytv h_. -r mg, g 3);. Mm sueupuhenh !vT:u`I`1:eu mX`I.ea_ :1 mm` 1:: ` ` V 51,; i'.`$3-ua`3aJm"na. m-Vi`-.x the amt w..1k*1Wn "3 ,'*.,' 11 i tiom. When W9: nlile $9 L'()Il'~;1A|`1`|.l:I:V'l\`lC}l Jth; 1\en`1ne 'lumc, wt: J2; and hatxnk-ss in all its etfects upon tht: yonngcs:- (-Ink! cxxtbc oldest and most dc1_ir:xtt`inr_dua.}:-N`:nevcenc{xs-etlalmhe-ailments to which gher-Lmmstc----A-~ insl1l_I_1cic_nt. pupply a_1 nerve. food in itxo bl` sue upuzxenu. Auouu can uumweu mm: A:.uuu_y m walketlnlown Iha nisie-until he 5 on, W] u. we1'l-linown underhler. ' 1 V _ ) genera 3` _ . pered.uutL}.O and It` ; the nxuxxermcer nun-na,1 99.` ` ` ~ 54.. `II In M... - ` .?T::Lvrm-i`\x- gut I. tut.!- `In.-ouin`-If ,5 (oh 3 km mummy: [or my, uso an Inn Win (GT1 . `- -_ . -p3.'.`......m.~\:x1'i Arnhnnlt u. -._..<-M... ..........w ..m.. ~...._.._,. in ' Phi svrvice 006 0! I110 11811811 TIt.i'1;~:~l ' As` a. cure for every class of Na:-vousr Diseases. no remcy'lms'*bee'n n. V hE(`1)QQh for 17.-iniix the cnmueguliomtlxncwuim v] .u the vefb n. {e 't >m1uu ~e with" thf: Nen`in'e' 'l`6nib, which :f,"',,_ w;,_,_ `fut, ,m;,, _h:mmk-ssr i{1}L]I_its_etl'g _tbz: _1'ol3pg_cs:- -Ink] o_::x:tbc ok1esC`nnd ' *'i:T:1.n'h, `inn '""""`" - oazsmb V saw. u `u ~`f..` .s",.s ..-*"i~u``{,`.i1l;1Ex'?.`i-`.".;f`."r"e'if.`..7i 3 8`-`"` ` ` "```3 1 -`int out.` .1:`+waruoe; ' -I'`.`. .`?-"M ."5v 1` the same case, but he 10110-ml the doc 7" F k`*d'f fd` 13 5PD - tm;, mu} 1: bx-o;u1~'eux_i!r.g qntgd cuz_vu\`m_r` ma1)pe}1_t gs 'th6l1rTCS rc char \\ul|2r[RJIEl' nurnn our. 4: was no 10110-mlthe doc. . :5 `of. is sdpplied; and u.'thousanvl' v\"cu!:`ncssea Cunilmentu dn`x'm'ppex'1._r as recover.` As the nervous eystmn mnsiuauynly all` a`Lm}ubx-ozu1~'suxi!r.- 1! Wed. cut vo\`m_r` > , _ r - the an-By whit.-l}1.hJa'viI;nl {ox-can nrasqgrricc! on,.,it.mtha. - pow , . rsc to suffer fin` vro,i: of pe\-l'e?:|:;IX!fimS=z!."`Ordi_z:;.x. ,. End tip; xipt can-` - ' I: V 'casa.`ryv:to repair the u.~<':uregMiun..-At1n.nt.n Jnumnl HM `III: N :1 I. D- . . . ......'..Z'...3.Z.. p... ........' ......... ` mun-s sufcicnf-`_quanmy e kiqd qt >nu!:x-I . _ -1-... 3.5;,` .g_\,.m,,_ V . n.rn co suuur 10!` wqnn :3: pLI'rl:\:u q-n.m.u.~u. vuu_u.;.,_. raqu um; um. Lung- "w'hn"thre in mm. In men em tzun. .2 suB1cicn_f.`_qu::.ntLty`of.l.le_kugd of nutx'lmo_r`1f:`)mccssa.ry_to ` mw.xvu1ammn 9:wwmqg` ;nada`o`t hung and 1;xlmn;, imposes upon1.l;e.nerv$.' ' !Is.`Kv the hat : `or t_In` ` . _ v ' ,.a`Il<.: ubiiqltQI';1ny_!vr{c";Mm:; uu: W 4 .. M. A. `.0; , card 3 "run - " wrolmmnx. . . _ .. ' nos a:?-ie"r'.`.` us?-`nun:n"-1'2 ..:::..`.'.:'.'.f.::'.*...*'"'..'.:`.*' W3;-;;ur:.... M svnmbrmteutmlol--;hnnAxt\xan-;npplos. -ma. rmnuugeuunl _|,a-M"! qugggmgmm.-y|;ha__o1d .4-x;,m~~A1,,r.,. rligunnumuhun u-ne..'9|w'.KEvn,v sz ilenteu in thmmvrnimt. uH~ ' $...1`:.`.'" `_|'u'T'n';..:u...""I'` "' 51 mu-n at noon-. and. lens! A n|;;! t." ' Jlnch ulekuevw` man be pruon `I! I " mnluwure f:wLy-.uuauann.uc1onf : H `W,hen_there is much In meat amen. 1- __ _ . , v :mg.xvu;Eammn Q2mguywpuggc`mad-mt Imps . poses yau.gvnmne.on1.Lotthes3mtem.~hut,the:e 1:0? tins luasnn uh bamnnss necessary that. newt; ibodx bcifzznppkieul. " 19 7-1l0'HP<=`` R? - `fuis South American 1\'ervinq`h.-A: been found bv nimlvsis to contain th ` . - In... . ~ '- ' --` " ~ __ ', = -v~.=~ -= .m==~- ~*2`=':;::::;?.:::*a`a::;::=.=.$$t.,2;:;`:::;:&';':,i;:; ;fJ:`.:;::;::;' % . 3:49:31, wafxtn t ha` uomxnun mix to _ ,m_Lll;_m3ly_ _ `_ ;uu.'pI;e. wpplu wuna fxwsb-, and ` food. H ch wk `"0 1! ant ,1 mm. mm ,,,,_,. .,,,,,;.,}..,,., so-3ua'An;muim' Km-mus Maui nun: mtnannv II Ila ` . amount M l mug: nu omuun Inn-3 n-and than an : um VlIl'lh_D'dU|1M1It'IU'& v A sum vonderflllvowun to man 1.hnII.uunr' um In my um. `I wv.-um u-Jvtnuvm-rvnnnlypuh um} 3-um-an muons In . lrvu-xvm- . H I ` I `ll V ~ -. u... vnxumr um. um .~ mm -lo Ilwuunlrl ""_ 3.: u'l'M"`b'm_:_,_` J: ;':w"l_N""""_ " .. an ms nu. rnndm. .mm.'~.h..- :3 Lin -m-H.`-1 `g the powav-.By whit.-I1 1.h3'\!itnl forces of tho` body nz-c.q..xn-ice`. o2,.,i1:.isthn. firsc ma; Him. suIncicnf.`_qunntity`o'f.O.he of nutx'|xnqr3f:_ -cam:-y-V `to ~-_C|;\gLggg_Qu-P- ` gmndqt and` ppacs_ up_o1_L{t\l,)e.nex:ym_ Inl: rnurnn a npuucuuuru : is A GREAT.El`i;Zg: =-FOR:fI:EE -CURE of rv.'ousne`ss. Broken Conscitu tiou, manual leTn-ants duke ! which nerve tLSBug'Ts' far its ixnivg-_rsn.1 '1: aptailihy `to tho cure of 2.1 uz}:,'eu;g:xL._. ' - .` 1, 2% 6-oi:n.n.:mrn `.5? -' _ . um and \n'-4u.;m.~.u-u. 2.4: 5 arm` our :1 E`_`E,`.Y BOTTLE WARRANTED; agile; i6:~:;&a;mce. B5tte, :$..;0s_)7;' % JOHN wvooos, whlesae `am: am` -Ag A When iere i's an insulcient. supply of blim :1 state of of the brain. spinal marrow,` and nerves in Starved nerves, Ii}e_ata.ry_<:d, x;_nuscl5._- hccgxqu `eLrQ::;g_ :wIg:n nerves: like sea. :1 supplied; a pcrvqs rcgm ~ Ingluzn Cons` D<:bil1r.y 01' O Indigestion a 1'p' ii: _._s_. `W -ighb//und Tender: ,Loss of Appetite Frightful Dron Dizziness nnrll . Cabarrh-of 1-kn: Lungs. . ',Bronchi\:is, ,m hmniu Cough,_ % C ~, * Snieutitis gmemau ! . es... u. '-`TH: victims gi}:m:-_t;u17iipzi *~ `on SENT.RY,D . .. Mk ' h,_ " \ `. ~. | vi.w1;i31; gmerirzm an-"a!ss:'.:.Wr:1..'2z_'.."e:.r1:1:.`.?.`.`s`;1 : ' ' '1 "'"""".'."": T;-""f& `. U ) ` L }lnurxi.!;ex:of;:studr:n'ts_n.nl11aJ\'mna:1"s?: ' ~ coNs`r uc'r|oN. ' co Iegi: ainin ' outsiufa:-sgatixvgred` _in J > ______ - ' mm chapel of cbFstnre;ho_;l ilsh episc'0- i - _ __ ' ' ` -' 2L - _-' "7"`"m' s"7'3" 7"" z`` .' 3" `T"']2` nooxl:eohe ur~Pm1sa:B.obex1: W.Ra~ve:s,` 4 __ `."_Sklll{I a1rd"_17-u1lnea_'v7bxgk3nen gin. A Pb. D.. of Dickiniaon `cullege. Cufisle ;. `*=`*`F*"'"`'` %``'``?* :;a1``*r~eo,m1i:%e.::1a::..';?:;ou'%; ' nuillei n,-lm-muug.5:=uu:1ca. . Dr. Roberts isdescribg `by. the Amati E _ . ` _ - I ' ti V eakr, his manner ' :rne (_IlunEse_say mu. oneurd. 91 the ,`; ,,`;. .`,?, 1e_i,>e,m,m,h,,,_i ; "'h*E !'P W'n81'rI=t1*t<>W' :`"ar th'sa.m&-ma imprreseea thameaning * Hm an-II 1-mrnmt vnnnvux NF 4-nm-an the ,: 7.. __ - 5... :. 1....-:....

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