Orillin 1'(`(`('l1l])/ S()l(l $5.50() (l('b1`n- turos at 99.26. the lxiglwst of fivv tendors rec--ivod. r\..:n:.\ `...\.. ..rr rInvH'hI mvinu om-.. cnggnn -I. (fnunvil 'l'h:mkt.-(I r... THE .v.,u.. ,. W... , Eight-yea_r 3% Bonds, due 15th October, 1942 Issue price: 97.00 and acrtrm-It 1'n'rr'.s-t, yvIwll:'n_:/ .-}mj.`3",', tn Irutllz./`fly. Fifteen-year 3;-Chi , Bonds, due 15th October, 194`) Issue prce:!)6`.:30 anrl. ncr7~u.ml, iutmw-I. 1/iv/I/mg .?-5'1",/4) n:nI,u,r:lt_I/. Principal payable without charge in lawful money of C:m.1 at the Head Ofhcc of the Bank of Canada, Ottawa, or at any of its branches in Canada. Interest payable half-yearly, 15th April and 15th October, in lawful money of Canada, without charge, at any branch in Canada of any chartered bank. All cash subscriptions will be subject to allo of the plan of allotment, payment in full promptly against delivery of interim ccrti about 15th 0 ``-"r"- L; - Holders of Victory Loan Sfi, Bonds due lst November. 1934, after detaching and retaining the coupon due 1st November next. may. for the period during which the subscription lists are open. tender their bonds in lieu of cash on sub- scriptions for a like par value of bonds in one or more maturities of the new issue and receive allotment in full with prompt delivery. The surrender value of the Victory 5}`)/E: Bonds will be as follows: 100% of their par value on subscriptions for the Two-year 2'9: Bonds and the Five-year 2 ,c Bonds. 100% of their par value on subscriptions for the Eight-year 3% Bonds if effected on or before 6th October. and 100% of their par value after that date. 100$`? of their par value on subscriptions for the Fifteen-year 3l_.o Bonds if effected on or before 6th October, and 100% of their par value after that date. - I P.` _f_ Holders will receive i 1v- -,_,_ :3` Au: ltuuuus V: . ~ . . _ . _ . _ ., under Act of the Parliament of Canada. and both principal and charge on the Consolidated Revenue Fund of Canada. The proceeds of this Loan will retire $222,216,850 Dominion of Canada 55" Bands maturing lst November, 1934. The balance will be used for the general pur- poses of the Government, including the redemption of short-term Treasury Bills. Subscriptions will be received and receipts issued by any branch in Canada of any Chartered Bank and by Recognized Dealers, from whom may be obtained application focus and copies of the otcial prospectus containing complete details of the Loan. Applications will not be valid on forms other than those printed by the King's Printer. -- - - .- W -A---, ...:n -..-.. 1,. n....;....- mad and will close on or before 13th October, The Loan is authorized interest are a [JIIHLCU uy Luz.` .....5.. - . The subscription lists will open [st October. 1934, and w 1934, with or without notice. at the discretion 1 Dzmn1~.\n:.\'1- or F1.`-'A.VCE, o`l'I`.\WA, 131* Ocroazn, 1934. [TheShawBusiness Schools | DOMINION OF CANADA hnmedizgh-. Collection of Dog Taxes Ordered By Tp. Council of Flor; `T. W. Jermey and Sun` Winners at Oro Fair I 3: Issue price: 9.9.1.? 4 vunus. I4A\\rn ...... _..._, Jill in cash the difference between the surrender value I Victory Bonds and the cost of the bonds of the new issue. The Minis!!!` nf Finamttz njflfrs for pu/plin .s-::Is('7`fpI:C: The amount of this Loan A Denominations Two-year Bonds. $1,000 Five-year Bonds. $500 and $1,000 Eight-year Bonds. $500 and $1.000 Fifteen-year Bonds, $100. $500 and $1.000 1934 REFUNDING LOAN Imvv adtlml mu:-h to our allian- nl 1\.\`Sl'tS by training` thou. . mls of men and women during: (ho past fort) -" \`:ll`>'. to h(`(`I)lll(` l(':lll('l`S in the (`omlnvrviul l'Inl(`r|H'isvs of our Dumininn. ill allotment. Following the announcement lt, for the bonds allotted must be made ery interim certicates. which will be effected on or October. Refunding Subscriptions I and ` Cash Subscriptions /z('r:rm2rl 'ILlwrr,~.x-l, r is limited to $250,000,000. MUTUALITY PAYS Mr. \X/illiznm Leak of 'l'umntu hultls` the ()l(lCSli Mutual Life policy (()l`(lllI:ll'y Life Plan, .`llLI,()()(), Annual Premium .`ll5l&`)()) and is delighted with the result. _7l17ClI1CIr.g ,3 . my The prc-miums have been A . . Mr. W://mm I.m/: re<|m`ed by dividends f r,-,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,_ year by your and it` is mmzwunlny that for the past six years the dividend'~. have l:'X(,liliI)lil) the premiums. :g's rnurer. , will close retian of the Minister of Finance. The work is In-ing vmllimnod undvr In-wt v0mlili for |)l`0g'l`(`~`s` and results. and pun-nls who have any prnhh-m nn hand rogzlrding I-Idm-nlionztl plzms fur thvir young pvoplo are invilml to write for our vurrivulum. l'll`:I.\'(` '.l(ldI`l`ss W. R. Shaw. R1-gislrnr. Dept. l.-'3. Hay and (`hurls-s .\`lr('('l.~`. l`m'ontu. This policy has :4 present cash value of .'iy`;/456.22 more than Mr. Leak paid in premiums. _"Mu/Im/ /Ir/n'crc-mrmls a book of remarkable exam/I/rrs 0/ //our I/ml/m/ily lower; the cm! I;////e ii/wmuw, trill be am! on 7'!!!/Ilcil la I)e//I. N6. WATERLOO M_T!l% l.'.F_E W. B. COUTTS, Representative Barrie, Ontario l.r-'.'.l)iv1vlv-nd1 .. - - - - l'r:mmrn'; :nnmH'/ pail! (/\'/11.'ly`l : '1! Ann Pt!-`.1.-m (.:I'.h Va!-H; I - - S/mmmry of Mr. I ,cm s Po//ly '. p.1y::||v: 3- - - - I . L. I936 : I/urlu.riI.y. 1939 .l.I.lLJ.lL\L\/J. Avaavvna o IO$OfO0%OOJO0 .,, ..n H... 110 ....l|i...r nu:I,`ur-i,t_:/. ior CANA?A I Established 1869 nnmully) : of their I `- - - 5 857.90 ThlIl`H(]:l.V. Ocloba V- _w--uv 731.22 $ 421.68 51 1152.90 -I'll an ONTARIO ~ DISTRICT NEWS DOMINION SECURITIES CORPORATEON LIMITED _:unnpmn .H'I Is |lI.`\Illl nl` 1l'L`S})lS.\` lnitl by :|;,'.'1iI\sl Mvl\`il|(~ l`:-1 ) hn\'(` iukvn place All `kniuhl M:mnf:n-hlrit .._.:__{ Dominion of Canada 193--l Refumling Loan 'l`wo-your 2!) Bonds. _\'iel(lin,g 2.57% I-`ive-ycur lZ`,"6 Bonds. yielding 2.90% Ii;_vl1l-_\`o:1|- 3 "5 Bonds. yielding 3.43% Fiflvcn-_u-ur .``,"zf o' Bonds, yielding 3.81% tenders rc<-mvoru. Orillin went on (!n_vlig.:hl. :::1vim.: time on Sunday after the longest pt-riot] in the tuwn`s hi.s`tm'y. w H Rnnnm}l' (livd in I\/Iidlnnd 36 King Street West Taro/110 Telephone: ELgin 4321 Du You Hold Victory Bonds x\l:l(lIl`ill_*.3, N0\".`lllb(`l' lst, 193-1? ' l{I|\l`ll punt` :\up;. In. It Mznmfzn-turim: Cu. cldinp, : lwn . (Id- il` fnc'h`u'_\`. in nrdvr tn :u'hin- mum. lm'rv.'1. .. 4|... ..u1.\n\~inn nu.-11:- wno nf its uld(~. l`(`- -k in Hw 1-! mo .l<~t'l'vr_v in hr.-1' r:mrll`:1llwI', the` 1:110 4 l'(`.\'|Hll1.\`i`)l(` fur the re .1 l`mml:m1', The new 1934 Dominion of Canada Refunding: Loan offers an excellent oppo:'tunit_v for the investment of funds. It also provides holders of Victory Bonds due .\Iovembor 1st. 1934 with an opportunit;.` to continue their investment in the strongest security in Cavnda. HE New Dominion Bonds combine an attractive yield with the funda- mental attributes of the highest grade invcsinicnts-'-safety and marketability. Those bonds are the premier collateral. and should be in every investment .- We u:`gc-yoL'1_t"g_` -u-. .V _. __ 1o~d-.\\'. `The procedgire i_s_7sin1_p1,e:cwa nu ~` "*" ""r ' * * * ' V " *- : personally at our neargst local office or telephone. \_lH.`l'l')` i|;,'-IIIl.\l lVI(`I\ nu- luzvrl In Tho Knight Mzmufzn-tn Mt~:1fm`d, is aulrlinp, :1 .~ tlitinn In llwil` havc` mm`t- m:u'him- im. mnkvs flu` oxlmm on.-u I. `I'll I Rnlwv` J Alli ul r1'. ~:`r.\' an` aim inr1'Ir(I to !rIe'{>hone or trlrgraph r .'.\'fn'n.vr In our Turmazn vj/'ic:-1J King 5!. ' '11'lcp}mm': Wurcrlry .2'(r`S1. Convert Your Victory Bonds Now 1 -gnomiuationsz $100, $500 and $1,000. Rvmults from all the 118 pnllimz, .s'\'.b-divisinns in Nurth York gave the victor, Colonel W. P. Mulm.-k. H.444 nnd his Cun:wrvn1ivo oppon- ovl. (Jnptuin Harold Breuls. 7.790, plmng: tho Lihvral majority at 3.-' 654. in the l)y(-~electirm of Sept. 24. ` - ~u Hun hnv __...II ....| 9...... ...u U01. In nu: Il`y('*`rIuLIIuu u. ._,. ,,.. A small cultugv :|(-m.~'.< the buy fmm Midlzmd owned by Ezmlun Dubsun nnd r)L'('up|'(\(l hy F1-lix Du- puis`. was *um1pl(-tc-ly destroyed by fin`. Tho fin` had ;::Iin<'(l r7nnsi(_l(-r- nhlv lwud\vn_v lwfm'(` nnti("(l and only :1 small pnrtiun M the ('nnt(`nt:4 (`Ullld ho s:I\'ml. ml... ..I-... ..r H.I`:u'nhl`itlI!r| Pnun-r, Hvultl no 5 vvu. l`hu plan uf Hr:1('('ln`i(l;zc Pmvvr. l iuhl zmrl Wutc-r (`mmnission for in- ('1`(`:1sin;.: the town's spring w:Ilm' smpply by lwimzing in l (,-ak(~'s: Sprirlgre has r0c(-i\.'v(l lhv sulnctinn ml the Unlnriu Munivipal Ronrrl. it is :mnmm("(l. Wnrk : this wq-vl(. T111` ('05! will he il[)])F(l.`llYHll(`- 1:: $:m_nnn. C(`l(`l`_\' hnr\'t~slim.{ is in full swim: on tho l'lr.'ull`m'tl marsh this W(`(`l(. n PI-nf 1`......m.-.- muun-I u h I\' nl` UH` l|l'x'HI|(Il`ll HIEITSII HHS Wl'I'I\. `.rn\vvr-4 rvpm-I :1 hvnvy (-mp. Prof. W. H. l):1_\' has <)\'vr '20!) h.'lI`V(,`SU`rS at work on his ('(`l(`l'_V gzurrlvns. Mun) HI` Han nlnn urn In-inn hnnuml nnrl \l'(|l'K VHS ['(`l(`l'_V }{ill'(ll`l1S. lVlilll_\ of the men are being housul and for! on tlw mz.u`.\'h. 1.. ll I":u'i.~: has 1 _v(-(I about 2-H) l1:|I`\'vs|.'I`::. :1- Ilmnl G0 of whom nrv wumvn. . . n . _, 1,: .\|)('i||\5 \\'|l[l {I llll \'lKll (H'l l'Il| IN, nnluht hy Orillin pnlicv for ntl(`mpt- ml lmI`_L:|nI'_\'. The man. whn rt-mains unitlt-ntifivd. at around midnight 1'u <'(~nt|y was 50011 by Hm`! l'Itl\vnI'(ls. pr_\'im,' rpm! .1 Sim` wilulmv at his` hnusv whun hv \vns re-turning: hmnv, Ht` nmdo his Q`:-I('ilDl` nftvr :1 .\'h'1u:;:l('. ..l........ ..l` I 1 n.. .'<:n'_\'. M'irl|:1n<| lust mw si(lc`nls l.'1. wvvk Nli:~'.\` Amolin Anno {Nth _\'(`ll`. Hm` s:r:n1rll`:1llu`I`, (`hnrlors Rvll. wns: ]',:H`l'i.\`ul\ lmi1(lin_:!.*: .11 l`v|wt:\m{. :\('<'ur In (`.'ml. N. K. \VzIgL{, n1.'1r..'I_z:-1' Hf H11` (in-u|'_~.:i:1v1 Buy 'l` is: (,`n,. (V1.8. Mi (`il_v" \\`hi('h .~`.'mk on .'\1u:1x: `.36 :11 Mitllzmd Point. will hv rnnnim: us: '1' us ovvr when Hm s<`.'l: npvm: nvxt _vv:n'. The ro. nl` 1Vli.~.< Owoln r-|....I_ ... Li I ...n|\ .....-.-.. um -14-. nu-u. Iru u. u..\-... . A tnll slrnngvr i . with :1 In-mnvhf l\\' Drillin v II\' n `u':u'('l.)l'i(l;::' plzlct-.~'. of lm.\'im*:<.~4 will ol:. the \.vm-kly 'l`lun`.~'(lu_v lmlf-lmli(l:I_v pm\'iLlc.-ml lYm' umlvr 'l`u\vn b_\'l:1\v. 'l`lw llyluw pI'n\'i(l(-:4 llull. ::lm`o.\' shall l ('lI11lil\ (mun full limo (luring: the (wt: \\'l`(`kS |)I't`(`L`ll- ` im: (`lu`islm:1s uncl in any \vv<~l(l \\'lu`n- l*`rl1l.'1y is :1 lmlhlny. 'l`lu- hy-l law is in vffvvl until llw oml of! April. l`n:I\`il\ilH\' nI' l\i< nlnn whit-h ill L Inn `mu... u... . .. .....,,,,.\. ,. .`\[)l`ll. lvn. 01' his plan. \\'hi('h. it has lwvn . will rusull in n . in providing relic!` wand and 2:! H1 unnm Iimn (`Il`.'Il\ nn Orillizi ul' sn\'1n;: In prnvlunw, rum-1 wunu mm at tho :<:mm limv vlvzm up Orillin ml` old (revs is being in\'0sti;.:ul(:(l lll\(ll`I'w thv direction of D('p|ll_V-R(`L`\'L` Cecil I Uvurgo. The plan is to vut down old trvos nn town pl'0pt`l`ty :md along, strou-ts and cut, up the wnud for rv-l livl` purposes. 1 ` I un_. . 4. [nu r.1\v.<\ .w. Whilv trolling in n mwbnn! uni!` Luke Cmlchicluing, Evorvtt Allan!` and Max ScI1nctm' won` surpria.-ed to hook :1 thirty`-pmmtl nmskinnngc. which thoy saufelly landed after :1; long strllggle. The lads. 17 and 18; _vears r0spocti\'ely. were not pro-I pared for such :1 l:ll`[.!\` ll'0pl1)'. :\ W(`ll:u\d man also vuugllt in thirty` pOlll1d(`I' recently. | K11 LY `I\;I'3Il.\ I.-nu;-nu-..u nf Y\Y.\||-nun pun-nu I . I.\.xnI|.A_Y. W. H. Millie, treasurer of Nottz1w- 1IS:l;,'1l. had :1 n'.ir1`0w escape from what might have been :1 fntzil acci- (hnt when he fell twenty feet from the top of El grain stack and landed on :1 huge boulder at the corner of the burn. He will be confined tn bed fur :1 few weeks. suflbrim: from a severe stinking up. but was fortitu- ate in .~'ut'fering nu broken bones. 1 i't-liniinary work has started in connection wit.h the new power dam and works to be built at Work- HKIHS Falls near Minden by Orillin Water and Light Commission. A number of czwloads of machinery and lumber for cabins have been i!'ll\Spl)I`lt`(i tn the site. It is expect- ed that over one hundred men will I I Write to us now for full particulars. _n}_a_ke this _jnvesment \Vo0d, Gundy & Colnpany sh. l.. l'.. I*`:u'i.-: has 2-H) be given vlnpluymc-nl fur upw:n'(|:: nf :1 _yv:1r 'in:1h|1u~('n:1l wlm 'l'h(- lmgv burn and lhu ::-:1.~:nn t'm'c-ign m'm-nt is-1[(-nu) u\vn(.'(l by l)mml(| l'l:u_vl-r. 1pnlivvI'nrntl(`n1pt- ('I'uiL:lt-illl, \A'l.`l't` lnlnlly It-: 5 by fire l1L`i\l` nuun cm \/Vl`(lll(`.\'(l.'ly ml nrmlnd lust W('(`k just :15: Hwy W('l`` fini.-:h~ l inu Ihrv.-zhimz :| hunnu-r (-mp ul` hll.`-``};,'l`:lill. It is .-'.'Iid Hull :1 l't'[IUl'l \\':|H .vns lu~:1r(l fullmvml by :1 lmll nf l'ir- ml npv ml` the sl1':n\\- blow:-r, nml scum Hu- wholv il|l,(.`I`i0l' nl` H10 |):ll'I'l was in 0 71'"5 'n\'idL-Ll Hullulul Mm`.~`h Syn(Ii'nl<~, (`Inn-lpll. `hv Dl'(1\'i(l(`h`h:l:: hrnugzhl :u'Hnn nguin.-;i I). J I l`('ll11lil\ Mm-I)un:|l(l, fnrnn-I` Irv SlIl'(`I` of v....:, r<......a.: 1 n... 'r.......\-I n ml" . ('<'ur (`uni (il`Ill'_: " idlnn 136:1! npvl 0 (`I-xrlr nII|\li1`h||:Illh Liluit ed uzohliingwood Wharf Temporarly Stopped ((Inllin_:.:\vm;(| I".n((\I'pri.-:u-BLIIIvtinI The pmpnsul of tho ['1-dcrnl Dc- pzzrlrm-nt uf Public Wurks to (`un- strucl 21 ('unL'rcl(' wlmrf on the sit.- n... r'I\In ...\.....r r....:..m SIl'U(.'l ('Ul\L'l'L`l(` \VIl2ll'l Illl Llll: .\ILI'| ui lho furtncl` ('.N.R. wharf freight shed is te-m1mr:u`ily : 'I`en- (luvs fur the work wvrv In 1-low Sup- 'lmn|)cr 26, but furwr in\>o.s'l'u1utiun ..r H... ...:|. r. h it nul-M inn nn u.-I wmncr zu, mu mrmvr uwvsugzuum of the (`rib fuumlntiun nn which it \\.'.'1s pnmnsvcl In huild thu .`~'ll|)('|`- structurv by the L-I\;1ine(-rim: rlvp:\rt~ nwnt has rev:-:|lvd lhnt it. is unsnif. able for the |)l`h[m::t'(l twp. hvnu: the huldim: up fur the lhrw, nl` Hw ox- pomlilllrv. 'l'h- npprupriznliun xv.-t fur lhix wurk is $2.l00_ .. ... .. ... .,.....,. l`ho uulcumw of tho pro-sum! silu:n~ tinn remains In In` szm-n. 'I`u wlmlly l`l`lIHWI' thv wrm-k uf thv forum-I` wharf is nnv :2LI1.!,1{(?SliUI\. tn apply the nppmprinlinn In lhv ('mI.s'h'ur'linn mi` an vxlvnsinn In llu- lmvn \\'h:u`f " nnnlhor. Uifl'i(`ulti(~s. hlI\\'l`V(`|`. an- in Hw \vny :1! both, mm: as |mi1lll`Il nut :11 an infmwnnl (-nnf:-re-mm um 'I't1u.~ nl whirl: .|. '|'. f~`si1np.-nun. M. I) .....I Y - \l7 1\ Qn.iHu [L1 l I` nun`:- llll'.\ll|l'V. All I .. `mrl Dr. W. pm-s:m1l. bu-in_L' had luwn vnt pnsv. h(`ll(`l`, Ili\'cr:~:iun for xvuu-1mn:nu, mrnu-r ll'(`il.\lll('I u `York (`uunly :In<| thv 'l`uwn.~'hip 1: 1[\'in;(, lwfurv Mr. .Iu. .l. A. Mv F.\'n_v :11 (')s;: Hall. for n (lm-l:n':| `Hun In st-t usitlv :1 Inx 5:110 ml` m-rlni` lmuls in lhv lmvn::hip. 'l`h(~ lmuls i qm\:4linn wm'(- snld by the h't~.'I.~:ur<~ in Nnvvmlwr. 1931. In l'l`il|i'/.1` sun: $|2.000 lnxt--S. r The Opera Ilnuso nfl'im- in `lnmnicipul building, :11. (`)rilli:n. (nu.-rod ancl robbed of am 1-vvn ,`l'I.`L`L`iptS curly nnv nmI'ninp.{ "[\\`m-k by :1 (lurin;,: rubber yo! 1 lidcnlifivd. I.nlr:mcv into the u was gained (|n`um.:h thv .x`i( lv "(lmv zmd os('up(- was .'l])|1u`\ `IHIICIU H1l'()lULh tho dmu`. whivl 't.l10u;:h locked. (`nuld be up frnm within. uu..\.u.. Frank Evans. concession 7. Tecum- lscth was severely burned about the farms and legs as the result of an ex~ lplosion when he was using fuel oil to revive the fire in the kitchen lstove. Instantly enveloped in flames. sand with no one to a.<. him. he lrushecl outside and rolled on the- iemuntl. finally being suece--.sful in [extinguishing the fire in his cloth- ,ing. but not before he was severely gburnecl. especially on the left shout- gder and legs. 5 Annie Guba. 13-year-old (laughter lo! Mr. and Mrs. Pete Guba. Port 1` M('Nieoll. (lied in St. Andrew's Hos- ipital. Midland. as a result of injuries 1`e(`ei\'ed \\'hen she was struck hv a motor car while ri(lin_Lz a hieyele a- veross an interseetiim. F.(l\\'ar(l Me- Brien. 25. (lri\'er of the ear. Port Me- `Nieoll, told poliee he was `west when a girl on a hiovele shot across his path. lle narro\\'ly mi.<. Iher. and in .<\ver\'ing to avoid run- ning her down. struck the Cuba `girl. whom he (lid not see until a ; moment. before the impact. A. ll. l`o;1r<`n lms [wen .'1_1::uin up- pninlvd tho mllm-lur uf luxor: and II:~`S(`.<.\'l!l' fur lhv 'l`u\\'nship of Cul- lim.:\v His . for the two jobs is 3113: ). '1`hv tux mtu fur the tuwn- ship 1his _vv:1r has boon x'c(lu(-ml fnnn six to five mills. 1 , ........ .. `, Whilo the (-m1l.r.'u`t. lm.-: not yet `been nffi(`i1lll_V lvt. lhv Orilliu Wan-r. Light and P0\V(`l` Cummissinn has do(`i(lvd to zIw:n'd it to tho Dnminiun (`,onstru(,-linn Cmnpnny. I\/1a_vm~ (hmd stated that the Commission was skill awaiting word from Ottawa cun- cerning the FL`d6`l'{ll gnvvrnnwnl`s~ ,pr0mised lhird share of the luhur i costs before allowing the (lncumollts ` _ to be signed. The price is said to In- lundel $\:')0.000. George 1. Ilonghnm. of 'I`m'm1tn. \|oxvL`1|tivc s0Cl`(.-L;I1'y of tlu` Ruluil ;IVI'vrcl1m1t.~:' As.~'.oci:|tion ol` Cunudn. Hold :1 meeting of Orillin mo1`<-h:mt.< ilast week We are muzagctl in :1 life` and death struggle so far as the ` future of retail bu. is cnm-vrn- ` ..ul " [In \-rnr(\\~\-111] 0,. Cl. QIn\'An\c. i1lllLll'L' UL 1L`Lilll UU.\'lHL`SS I5 ('lIH(`l'IH` 'ed." He ret'C1`1'c(1 to tho S11-H-11:4` muss buying inquiry and he praised the work of the con1miU.ce under ithe chuirnmnship of Hun. II. II. -`Stevens. Minister 0fT1`;1dc and Com- ! I1'nnI`1It\ ` _ i Mr.` and Mrs. Edward B1`i;.:;:.<. :,Hu11ts\'il1e. were ;1wz1ket1e(i about -t z1.n1. by :1 stone which had been thr0\\'11 through the plate gl:1ss win- dow of their store. They both rt1. `ed in the window in time to see two robbers with :1 ear parked i11 front of their store. h11rried1_v 1uz1di11_z:' the I contents of the \\'indu\\' into it. The} vtheft was so well planned that Mr. Brigzgs did not have time to get dm\'n stairs. but he was able to get the number at` the 1-111`. and :1 mud _ ('1(`.\'Cl`tpti0H of the 1hit`\`L`S. The ;1b:1n- (tuned car. :1 stn1e11 1n:1ehine. \\':1s tnnnd later near Burks 1911115. the . bt1rp.:1z1rs t:1l-:in;: to the \v1mds. ill \\'llll'I| I . I. -`|lllI]l.`vIV '.V\/.1`). Smilh, M`I .|. wu-in_x: lhul thv npprnpri vntvd for :1 .~:p(-<-il'i(' ... .......... .l....I.I I\:< I (`U lUI' 3| .`\|l('(III\ pzruvo (lnuhl us 1 any uthvr plll'[m: . llll' ]JlY'IVl`lll .`ll|l'I"| ' 'k :.~;lim\. luv hv E: Hos. lh, uul 1-n|\rn|I'LIIIl`l| nll K-_voa1'-old . 1 zu injuriosl nn \I"`|Q uh-In-1: `H n Io gl: ss `. u` `riodly indmv The planned A . . c.. ....c *4 H l,_.-[}. : """"" ;\"I` vquully 4li\ IHl ~~ - so - \\'n' -I'>"<- ""' lH(lI`l:` ('(||l?Hl )l`n])I'i1lliulI /\|,1_ gm. ""i(` l"|'~" :1 ft-w rump In i1:~ h-ihliun II. I .. ....| S])ll?1)(|l(l (`rap Lnls y\ u". I`[1l`0l1i King. (in \'1`Hhl.ll'SL gm- cm`. is rlispln_\'im.{ :1 Inuzv pumpkin which ;,'r.-W in his j.::ml-x\ this sum- mer. The pumpkin \v<-igzln: H5 pnundu and nw:1. right by fivv lvu.\l. Al CuHl'l1;,`\\'0n(l lust week M:I_L1i.<- lvnlv (fmnplml J(-l|'.~' tlirunissvnl n ` n..;.: l\\' u..I....~n .1` 4...... 1wom( STARTS 1 | on PAVING , omosssr. (Continued from 1mgn one) npininn. nut as we-ll as he might. 'l`hc Rec-vv pnintml nut that the tum! luxos puizl in from .l:mu:n~y I In Atlgltst 31. ISIZH. v.'\-re $l5l,5!H_54 as x-nmnzn-nrl with $1-L">.I8U.~'H in UN.` /\llp:',llSl 31. HEN, 311:) I,:):H_:H uh x`un1[).'n'(`(| with $145,180.41! ammo |M`I`iu([ nl 1933. In ullu-r w $9.-100 Innm l.'l.\'(.`S hml In-1-n vulk-rt- (`(I this yt-:n' Hum l.'I. /\I'ro-.'n'.~: nul- Im-lctl in the .-zumv poriutl ml` I.`l1M \vn-rt` $2(i_l)74 ns cmnwnrw! with 1323,- lti in tho corn-spunulim: period of 19311. I\I.l 'I`....1, ...~l;...l mhzn nun: v.-hnlllrl Aid. 'l`Iu'k uskml whul nwn slmulrl be c-mplnyvd on tho vnn.~;H'uL'li hf lhr ('lII`hilIL!. l l\A-.\~.n- (`ruin -::nir| Hm wnrk -zhllllltl Hlw (`lIl`hilIL!. Mu_\'nr (`min .~:;Ii(l Hw work sshnultl lw xli. and this rolivl` work. as :1.-: gmssihlu. 5:hulll!l ht- ifll`(l. '|`lwr1- must he SUIIH` \\'. I_\' In (Ii.-zlrilmlu Hm \,vul'k nmrv (-(|uilul)l.\'. Hhnnlmn .'m<| /\l(|, Hill vuim-d t-mnpl;ninl:: I`t`}',||`(HIl}.', lhv rli.-'- h'IllHllH1|rH"l`ll\Vll'S \\/nrk. point- im; ml .~:n-vq-rnl in.~:|nm-v:.- wln-rv lhvy though! the \vrnm: nwn \Vl`l`0' lwin1,{ L nlnplnyq-(I. lv.... l't`('Ulllln(`ll(l(`(l Elh lUllllVV.*-. 'l`h:|l, the town will lnw(-r the sidvwzlllc on the cast sittv of I}ru(l- turd Stroet nppusit,o lots No. 11-12. |)l'(I\'i(tt'(t Mr` 'l`lmmps;un will pny tho (`nst ut l'('])t.'l(`('H1('lIt or sirh-\vnt|<; that nu :u-tinn hv tnkvn on l`(`qllL`St. ml` (`. J. Smith for rump:-nsnti(m for thv l`I 01' his pmpr-rty (l1u'im.{ t11`ll\'_\ ruin: that an .<:1tisf;|ctnry '1(|- jm:tm(-nt of thv tlifficlzlty ('mnpluin- ml (>l' l)_\' .I1ul1.:- H<~w:;un at the (`urn- vr of Hz-r('7._v um! 'l`lH-rv.<:1 Strentrz. has bx-on mzlclv: that tho question of paving '1`it't'in Sin.-ct be laid over. Mnrkt-t Rl'l\Hl].\ Market and t`zn'k.~: (.`nnnnitt0(~, re- port. \v'ni('h was n(1 1`(~<'0m- nwn(t(`rl that. hzlvin,-,' (`()[1Si(t(`l'L`(l the [if 'I` I Eli:-In-u Tnr QIIITVK` v-an unct menuerl Inill. HZl\'ln:.: (`()ns|(u'iL'u UIU i'eque.s`1 cat` '1`. .I. Hi(`k('_V for mine: emmiderzitinn for work in connec- tinn with rentals nf tables in Market. building. that he be paid one-third of the amount 01' i'erit:1!s Cullectcd. Lights on New Wharf J. K. P:n'lrid;.{e. nssistzint engineer, Dep.'u'tment of Public Works. wrote .\'tZ\iil`IL{ that it was the intention of the Department tn erect three elec- trie light. standards on the new (look being ('on. at the foot of Bziyfii-Id Street. using 300-watt lamps. and asking: if the Tnwn of Barrie \v()uId pay for the Curren`. ncnrl . L}(`|)lXl_V l\l`t' !tonux. Limit In-m1. :1 to the plans . upon the co the promim as the` tnwn the said (`hL I1|. ' On motion of Deputy Reeve Mac- Laron and AM. St(\w:u't. :1 resnlu- firm was passed to notify J. T. Simp- sun. M.P.. that tho Council would be responsible for the cost of Current to be used in ornamental lighting fiX1uI'(`.< nn the new xvharf. C`nn. Freight. Chute In . r_n,u-,,.1r~- I. xlulnnl l|\ . . .\ .,.,.... \:lI.4\\. I Murphy. [M301 and Co., barristers. London. who are nCtin_r_: for L. R. Dosmnrteznlx. Limited, whivh is establishing :1 stow hero. wmfe en- (-lnsing :1 copy of :1 policy of indem- nity for 820000 and 540.000. covar- ing a claim for d:1n1ngo.< arising out of an nccidom upon the sidewalk :1dj:u'ont tn the s1:n'o and expiring October 25.. 1.035. The (-mnpanyl had asked for permission to .~.\nuh~n:-O n frniuhf r`hnh\ nf ?h(`| ru. Clark. pnhliv hl`2l 1-nnlml In. ()l`iHi.'1 `\\v| um - ux \ pmpert _V . and in this regard, the harrister.~= stated that in no case where f~rei_4ht chutes were con- struvted on the sidewalk in various municipalities. were they asked to do more than agree to replace the sidewalk at the end of the lease. The frr-i;:,ht chute would be a decided as,- set to the nropm-t_v. no matter who might use it in future years. On inntinu of Ald. Stewart and Deputy Reeve i\Iae[.aren. Desmar- teaux. Limited. will be permitted tn mnstruet freight chute. acem'din;,z In submitted and under the of the Board nf Works. emnpany paying the town premium upon such insurance as may take out regarding chute. .4.x_.. U.` C. M. . on s pmpri Barrie Creamer)` C`n.. v pcrmissiml to erect. :1 sig by six feet, in from croanxory building on He also asked that th bv taken om and com .Anu--.lL- .\r\r\`\];v\4v nu.- `~.\In}' Erect Sign Nowis. proprietor of the wrote asking sign. three feet of the new Bayfiold St. the boulevard cemented up to sidewalk. enabling cars to nose in and be C1081 of traffic. (`In nuxoinn mi` .\l,~l ur\`\ruvOhAv\ -and EH10 UL` ClL`iH' 01 H'CHllk'. On motion of Aid. Robertson and Shannon. the reqiiest. as to erectiml sign. wzls granted. and that also breakin;_' curb and placing concrete up to the sidewalk. the request was granted. providing the same is done at their own expense. Grade Tiffin St. 'l`iffin Street will be graded and pu in proud` shape for traffic ac- mrdinrz m 11 motion by Ald. Pouch- or and Jay. which passed. lnstnl and Move Hyclrunts` On motion of Alcl. James and Shannon. the W aler. Light & Gas Commission will be requested to move a hydrant in front of Pen- lon's property on Elizabeth St1`C0l. THE BARRIE EXAMTNE'l_I. BARREL )l\'. mu ninl.-4 I`(`} ,I|`(HIl}.', hv 'l`uwn'>; nl lUl' pL'l'H1l.\.\ froi_L:ht Chute \d Vega }n.r\r` Hun :n . -u S1-xvt-rs (fum- : vvus zlclnptntl. Hunt HUM.` Ml nn ` M1] the nnnn IHL` l'.`Sl;;llilIlnIl Ill lVllN.\ \r\\\-nu hvzllth Iulrsv. \\'.'IS :14`- roptvtl by Orilliu llunnl of Health. Miss 1W:ll'_\` S. RHthvrI`m' Huitun. w.'1.< nppnintvd in Miss (`I:u'k`s plncv. hm` (h1tiv.~' <'n1nnu'm`in_:: ()ctnl)cr 1. Tho Ontario Dvp:n`tIn(`nt of H('llHh has nmwintml Dr. l"r:1nk }liml.<,0rilli.'1. 2l!~ (ll`l1li.\'l on the stuff of the` ()nt:n'iu Ilnspitzll ut Orillin. cm :1 part limv h:1. In thv past tho dentist \vn.-' on :1 full timv wlwtllllv. tn the ('(Il'lI('l' uf l'Ili7.nln-III um! P'rnn- (`UH Slrm-I.`-4. mud lhv hytlrnnt ul Hu- 'ur|1('r ul' F'.('(`|v:; zuul |`IH'I.nlml.h 311.2, 1-neat tn ('11-nr Ihv vurmw Un rnuliam nl Ald. H.0l)vrl.-:nn um! HI:-wnrt, llw (`m'nIniH.-`.ivm will hr rvqm.-.-slc-1| In in- Hlnl twn hy(h'nnl.~`. on lttmrx Slrvvl nu Hw tit-r whirl: was plm-4-(I In Hu- l)(`W mulm. ... ... . l"iv(- Point.-z |-mnunm It was m-m-rm lhul. Uw fnunlnin nl l"ivq- l uinl.-; hv lI':m.~;l't-rrc-1! In Hu- l m'k.-: ('(mnnl::.\:Itm from tho Hn.'u'tl uf Wnrkr:, nu mulinn nf Alll. l`m|<~|I- or null Gill. .... -x, ,'.(), . ` had 1 null -11 nu v....v..u 'l`h1- first .=;iHim', of the (`nurl uf H('ViS[()ll will he held cm Mnml:n_y, (IN. 29, an H) z: m. l):un.((~ruu.~I M:mhnl- H. J llvnlh, Hl'(`l`|'L'll`_V ul Uw cum- millt-! 1! Sit-wunlen uI' (fulllvr HI. (lnih-I Chur('h, wrutv culling: unru- tiun In lhv lUIll[{('l'(ILl!~3 <`nmUt.i(m ul` llw m.'m|m!:- in from Inf llw r|uu't'h. whit-h is hr-1-ow Hm ;'_c-n:-rnl It-vul ul` llw gzrnmul nntl 1:: .'I l1I('l|. Il`d' in nun (nrism. In-fvv`I't~<| In ('IHllllIiHl`('. Hultl Tuwn R:-.-;pnn.-:ihlr: Slvwznrl and Sh-wurl, h:u'rl.~:h-r.-:, nutifix-I (T--um-il llmt nu St,-ptmnbl-I` |!I2H_ Mrs. Williznn 'l`hmnp:sun l.)(`('H (`1lll.`;l`tl H-rtuin il]jlll'iI`.`1' lhrnuygln fnllinu lhmuuh :: m:mhu!t- on Dunlup SI. and .~;l:nlrsd that :;m: hnlzlinu Hm mnnnlt-innlitv ro- uvzn: Isvoun HOUSE IN onm-zm lllllll nuwu u-..,n.... . was: hnlrlinu Ihu: munlt-ipnlity .-:puns:ihl(- fur 2-nu-h d.'n1m;u-3;. I1:-wiry nivim: nnlivv purrulnm. In 'I`h- Muni- cipal Ar-I. (Snum-il \.|HIIIl || I lIllllnl.\I /\ It-Ht-I` w.'1:: 1'1-1-oivt.-cl {mm John R. HU(h_{(':~:2 My mr)t.ht-1' and 1h- othvr tru-rrllu-rs H! Um` family wish me In 1-xprc-sex to you our Sin(`(.'Y`(E up- procintinn for your vvry kind It.-ttc.-1'; __:__%.__,________.___ Serious problems will lace your dependents rrl your denllr. Protect llrern now nqniml nll possible dispulu, Iiligalion and distress, by melting your Will to-day and appoinlin-r lhis Corporation your Executor. Our b0Ol(l2l on Will! will be sent on requcsl. S'_l'rERL|NG _:.RU$T$ CORPORATION 312 BAY ST.. TORONIO ('uur0 uf H1-vi.-inn n u. I'll` \FlllJlllIl up] }liml.~`.0rilli.'1.:1:< nn h