Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 20 Sep 1934, p. 3

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(JOOD l3AR(}AlN I-'()l( T()\\".\. he Town Council did the wlse thmg in domdmg to ahead with the concrete paving on Ross street and at part of Eli /.abcth St. Included In the approved utc of the new highway. Wxth governmental and to .- . . .- .. , nu .- _ . . . ..,n a..... auoscrmcr. Further particulars will be found in the official prospectus nnzl .'tpp1icn1i()n fnrm which may be obtained at the Department of Fin.'mc.c, the ofccs of the Assistant Receivers General, post oiccs, any branch of any chartered bank, and other iixiunciul institutions. The .\'ul)scriplinn List. will u-pm on .\"-A 1m [.h or irillmul nnim-, \Vi|." nnd -l..4O --11.6T -+- 11.03 -+- 15.15 --13.25 -28.16 -26.93 -22.33 | UN? ' the (irnhznn Inr(l '|` ;:n\'t-rnnr ml` (.`:m:n lkmk, is but 37 _v1`:: .'l.-.-:i:~'1m1l tn 1h~- 11' the Ruynl Bank of of H10 yuum,'~s1. :1 high ranking bun! vr . L ... Dunlap hm! l)~mnu- pluxzun-l. Th:-.- l(.'H(.`l`$ w-re nll l'l'f('l`|`('(l to llncir resp(-(tlivv vunnniz-~:. "Pin Cllnl/1/rlwlvll)/HAVS()...T`T_)"--l)llI, Hjwbe /Lonujliy noon anywu_y A BANK OF CANADA WHEN YOU MISS YOUR TRAIN . . . AND THERE ISN T ANOTHER TILL MORNING . . . AND THEY RE EXPECTING YOU HOME TONIGHT ._. : Get to a telephone . . . a `:5: Long Distance call will prevent trouble and worry. .: . ,`_` :7 la; a} ` l . G 4.1% vxlrvnu-l.\' v;n'vl'nl hI'('(` Ill\1(`.\` lhv (H`\`l\h`HI hux: I".il \-.3 :11 8 :1.m l\vl vvH\'o \'1.~ . I .s`:m(2 I 7`z'co : .';?'.'7().()() (1. ;H'lun'c On Amvllrullun (In Jun `I, I035 BANK OF CANADA SI2.;'0 n Shun- $37.50 :1 Slmru |IIl' ]II|I\llHK'T`. I'll! num1h.~: p:n'li('uI:1r|_V ('mnin1.: |u-ro In!` mid ;,-rn.s'.s'im,' lhv Domini lvmiun. .Even if you never miss a train, you'll find the telephone a ready messenger - for any kind of news. Talking on Long Distance is so easy and inexpensive. Look in the front of your directory for list of places and rates -100 miles or so for as little as 30 cents. II nr}m`r- , r of /"mu I. I:lI'li(`lIl:Il'l)` nf H10 nvw 1.-ulinn \viHI .\':',;It'III/14')` fl, I.'l.`f/,, llllIH`t' uppninb '5. II will rsyoun HOUSE IN output 2 Serious problems will lace your depcnderrls at your death. Protect lhcrn now irgoirrsl all possible dispules, Iiligxrlion and distress, by nmkirrg your Wall lo-day and nppoinlirrg this Corporation your Execulor. Out bookie! on Wills will be sent on request. THE STERLING Inusrs CORPORATION 3752 DAY ST., Tonomo THE Manager . SMITH Page Thrao ._j.--jr 3. Alwu nnmln-:1 3 )u.~'him: v `n. 1hv_\' I 4. H0 1' `sun. Roxxwnxluw `.u\`1u.\p\ im;'.. \\h`.`m '..~r13 wy `Hrs gm ; on Hm` 1mm " l'm`1_\'-(\\'n pm-1` vvm. In idcnls." `THIN Hu mlcr min A l`lH`l`d the 1m\m`_\' ` _. .7. . ., .,... , , lpaper called The Epnaph". L.`nn.<\dor1n:.: that n 1 ...... \4A ...`. ...." ...,_,......_,. .. .... extent of hall` the cost of the centre 20 feet. and two irds of the cost of relief labor employed on the jnl). d the owners of abul.lin;_,' px`()pe1`11cs on each slde ntributing onc-thir of the (:0xl., the amount to Como. t of the general rate will be (ronmzlrzxtivcly small. 0 of the l)i;:gc.-at itom.-4 bt-nu; the l'mnt:u.:o on Agn- ltural Park. Quct.-n`x Park and the xmro on R055 151. against this there will he the wiping uul. nl` m:un- ancc chargos on those twn .x'l.rv<.~ls, \Vhl(`h for . years have boun znnnng the worsi. in town. The Town is indeed f()l`l.lll1(1t() in huvxng Ross street vcd under such favorable cnmmmns. Wllh :1 full _ .. ... . ... llurstlay. September 20. 1934 ____.. Wu` vniug: lot 111 1 aumc "m'w;u'd pro; 6. b: Id)` tho 1'0 'I`wol\'v mlllx K;I`HURSI.)/\Y, Sl:'| Tl:`M'l5El{ 20, 1934 THE ' BARRIE - EXAMINER I _\`:n'(ls ( EDITORIAL 4 uf (`lI`i\'ilLL:. tho 1wlul. ' up;hor , there 15 I : gnml as i Estabiished 1864 weekly newspaper devoted to the interests of the wn of Barrie and the surrounding country, issued the Post Office Square, Barrie, every Thursday, by ` A. MacLaren (editor) and W. C; Walls (manager`. ` nrg and nnhlichnw: 'T`hn Rnrrin Rvaminnr is a .'. _ mt nu:h1~1 . I10 br;\k0.\' t\\'1l1ght. 1 - oxpnrl. direction 01' 4 no reason why tho. 5 if done under Lun- ndjustmt vol "'l`hu nnl_v lwu I to dri\'-.- mm hand- nlph do 1"z1lmu~ and 1\\ i1ip.:ht alyliglxt : lished in Tombstone, Arizona, the name is not inap- propriate. The Epitaph is not new, as it is now pub- lishing its 55th volume. Canada also has a newspaper with a name suggestive of funereal things, this being the Casket of Antigonish, Nova Scotia, though its publisher would probably tell you that in his case the Casket is one containing gems, not bodies. O1`illia's "double parking" bylaw has caused much discussion and sharp diercnce of opinion in the .. . . . . . v|\I _ n-_u__. -_..: v|I...,.,... .....uo an zipmcnt of m:mI1invr_v :1 ving company u!`l`i-ials, l b should not be just us 1 uAa\.unnnun uuu annual: \A . . . ~ . ~ . ..... V. .., . . . . . . ._ Couchiching town. The Packet and Times wants to know if a car that is merely stopped on the street with :1 per:~:on in it is parked, and suggests that some trnl'l`ic expert define definitely what the term park- ing 1110:1113: as applied to automobiles. lf Hon. '1`. B. MCQuesten, spczikiiip, for the Department of Hi;1li\vay.s', can give an ziuthoritntive statement on the subject it would fncilitzite conslderulily the enl'oi'cement ot` trut- fic regulations. New (USC()VOI`iCS are centinually adding to Canada's mineral wealth. Recently it was announced that mem- bers of the American Chemistry Society had succeed- ed in the isolation of preactinium, the world`s most precious metal, valued at $l,250,()()0 an ounce. Canada's special interest in this discovery is in the fact that this metal is extracted from pitchblencle of which the larg- est and richest deposits in the world are t'nun(l in the Great Bear Lake euuntry. lt is felt by scientists that a<:l.inium. of which there is at present none in the world in pure forin, will be in turn extracted from the proactinium, These metals would be much less danger- ous for mecliczil experiments than the fast-acting rad- Ono (:;>.n11ot read the 11i,~wsp:1po1's froin vnrioiis p:1rt:s of ()11t:1rio witho11t ro:1li'/.im{ that there is :1 strong: t'(:oli11g of r(:so11t111c11t :11. the way tho now bcor 1'og11- lntions are working out. The Siincoc Reformer com- 111o11tin;.: oditorizilly on the great. incrozisc in -(h`11nkon- 11053, sziys. Soon tho. st1`out.s will not be .\`:11'e tor wo- mon and ol1i|(h'o11 :1l'tor cl.'1rk." ]{ol'orri11;: to tho, : oril1(:i.~:111" of tho now bovo.r:1;,'o rooins the Owen Sound .`31111- l`1111os s:1_\'.<: IVl11cI1 of tl1o (`riticism (:on1es from pooplo who are n10(lcr.'1tc drinkers and who are :1- .\'lUlln([l`(`t at tho i111-1'o:1: (t1`1111ko1111oss 21nd the (HS- ordor whi<-h foilowx tho l)L`V(`l'][,'_u room. Neither of tho p:1por.< qnolod ir: 1n1l`rio11dly to the Hophurn Gov- oinmont. Thoy may he said to 1`o,p1`cso11t, the couritry vii-\vpoi11t, l)11t n1:1n_v city pooplc hold Silhilill` viows. In 'l`oronlo tho ott1o1` d:1y_ we woro talking to :1 taxi ilrivor whom wo know to ho :1 l.ibor:1| and not by any n1o:111:4 :1 prol1ibit1onist. If this Door l)11.s'111o.x's is not 1)1~tt.-r cuntrolloil it wi|l wrock tho L}ovor11n1ont", 1:; l1ow ho oxpro.<.x'oci hi111: and t.ho11sz1nds of others who votod i.ih(~1':1l in tho .l11no 1-loot,ion.~4 fool the s:1n1(- \\'z1_v zihout it. I ron1ior Hophur11 is :1 :1 l)11. n1.'1n yi-t I11: will do woli to find time to give SCl'i()1XS ('l)l1Si(iL`}'l1l(H1 to tho \virtosp1'o;1(t 1'e.s'o111i11o11t ro1,'.'11'(t- int: tho oft'o(:t, of "this bonr l)11sinoss". I I Chairman Stowart Lyon of the Ontario Hydro-El0.(` tric l u\v1'i` Commission, spoaikimz in Collingwood last week. oxp1`o.<.~:ocl himsolt` in sympathy with cheapci power for tho l'arni(,-rs. H0 is reported as saying "Even if some power had to be sold at a loss--~oi' even [.{l\'0l1 away ~ho fall it would be good l)usinCss. As a matter of fact. somo largo l1`lIll1llf(1L`llll`l`l'S are now buying powvr at loss than the Commission has to pay for it. He suggested a schcme of offering special inducements to all t`arim~r.< who would in their homes with modern :::uiitary (`()ll\'(`l\ll`llk`k`.\`. It is om.-oiii`:11J,iiig to learn that tliorc is ::oni(- pro.~.prcl of a better deal to 1`arin(`r< in tin` matter of llydro rates and soi`\=icv. some m.'mu- l'u(`tiii'vi'.~'. are now g0t,tiug power below cost and, as Mr. Lyon said. it would be good busint-ss to give spe- cial inducements to the farmers also in order to ex- tnncl tho honofits of l-l_\'dro among the rural popula- tion. If anyone is vntitlorl to pr:-l'orrod troatmr-nt in this way it is the farmer` While having: to pay his .-:harc of :1lI\'(`l`l1l11'.`!ll(1l di. of relief and of various social SL`l`\'lL'(`S. he bonrfits to a much smaller the urban dwcllcr 4'.` ..... n...\ than A . ii... (l(`_L[l'(`(` proportionati-ly uv-Oh He n\iu`t\ civgn-0 1 (`l1L`:1pL-1` \vidv. om nr'm. l DC\\'ZlTC 01 I119. Iilll \\'HU IEHKS IHUCH U1 [US llUHCbl_)'. The less a man knows. the longer it takes him to _ ! tell it. ` A hwo service is never done for appreciation or ' I reward. Bram nil i H)` I IS IT AS BAD .-\S TIIIS? lI`:l<'-l)ri(l::o ('l.'1zvHo-lf all who improp(\rl_\' 1 `livf l'un(l.< \\'v1`v svmcm'(-(l to jail thorv would ngvr bu an um-mpluyod prublcm: ovor_v hum'.~'1 1 mild bc m'o(lv(l In build jails. OPlNIO_S- OF OTHERS nu nu..u........ ....... ...- ... I . Hydm sor\'ivc In tho fzlrmors. with its mm mu`! use. wunld mean much to the rural life 1 _ 1)rin;:in_4 added o!'1`1('i0nc_v. L-mn1`urt and :1 While the second highway route thrmuzh town has .cn designated for the purpose of S])1ltLIn1,' the traf- ......m.o..\.. sn nu. nu-nn h|Ik'Il\l`\"< \\'0.\"'I` "DO" THIS I-EDITOR .\(`-.\l.\' mu Hwsuld We learn fmxn the Mall :1 .. .|.. wx...I...... ......-.- .n.~h..n-.u11\- /Inn 115m ! 4 nu` . I-uuv\1\u1 n\'n\ 1 If All men are born free and equal" it must be on some other : basis than ability. position or pos- unccinn SCSSIOII. Will. rather than ability must be- come the great human C(|1lil1i l.CI . Mnu! nntulinnc nf living are $0 Come the {. ,l'L'ill. nllnliul l.`L]ll-lllI.L'l. Most questions of living are many sided as to make room for numerous ('01'rL`Ct di\'m';;o11t opin- inns xons. Place and force of sugxgeslion sometimes have :1 stilmllnting ef- fect for right, results. I-Xnur n nt\r\In11hnn`( In` :1 nnsitinn I Some Thinkabouts ` ICC]. 101' l'l);l1l, l'L`.\ll1l.:\. How :1 p0oko1,l)m)k or :1 position does seem to have influence in mud- i1`yin;.: c.-4tima1.Cs of :u:linns. l`nIkinr1 i-< n wnv of shnwimz uylnp, (.`.`s`lln1ilLL`:s' Ul iuflnllllh. 1`nlkinp, is 21 sure way of showing: knowledge or uxposinxz ignm':1nce. --N(m Nomolos VVINNING AT S(`Il()0l. I".-\lR,S T0 'l'h<` I".di1ur uf 'l'|1(- I".7~':\|ninm`. Dom Sir: Rom-n1|\' I m1i<-ml :11 ..J:4.. .... Hun cull A. macuaren KECIIIOY) and W. UL waus kmunugcz". ers and publishers. The Barrie Examiner is a mber of The Canadian Weekly Newspapers Asso- tlon and 01 Class A Weeklies. SUBSCRIPTION RATES here in Canada, $2.00 a year; in United States. ` 50 a year, payable in advance. Single copies, 5 cents LAY CONCREE5 PAVEMENT 0N % TWO%SI;REETS; (Continued from page mm) of 1110 cost uf Ihv (`L`H\|`:H 1\\'t`n1)' l`vvl., Any 0|)pn.\`iHnn ihnt (of 1110 svhmno soonwd in cmnv from` I llmsv wlm {PM that lhv lmvn \v:1.<| : of nmnvy :11 Ihv p1``.<(-n1 limei and could not nfftwd iho work. Scmw` ('l`i1i(`i.\`m Wm: 1x~\'-llml nt ihe mxm-, nvr in \\'hi<~h thv \\'m'k \\'u:< In lw! (inno. and still (\H]L`l` t`1'i1i('ism on 11101 fact that 1n1\\':n.\'lu- ;;r;1\'<\1 wmlld ho] usod. Hn\\7(-\`m`. i1 \\'n.~' pnintocl null um. u.;.. .n~-null uxlx` :\r-1'vn`.:1hI(` to 1!S(`(l. Hn\\v(~\'m`. II was pmnu-u uun| 11181 ihis ;:1`n\'<-I \\`;1.< .'1('(`vp1:1hIo the Dvpnrlnwni of TILL-,h\\`ny.<. Alrl. C. D. Sn-\\':n1`1 thought H was }J_'l`n0d \)n: to (`in lhv puvinpx mm . i 2.: Han WW1` K ~inm~ would nzw fifiv nor, gnnd hn: In an mv p;I\'HI;; mm.~ -- as thv Pn~.\'in(`c would pay fifty pm` i 1` rent. of Ihv ms! of lhv cvnlrv twbnlyl fm-1`. H 1110 'Hi_1:h\\':1_\'.< 'Dvp:Irlmon`. ` thinks L'I`.'l\'(`] gum] oxmu;1h. why worry about it? he asked. The three rvn: for .~;uppm'1in;: the 1 proposal \\u-re that it was in no-`|- rnrd with the rn1(`p:1_\'m'.\" \\`i.\`h('.\'.l'] the Dvpnmmom had dosigznutvcl 1huV\ l`0ld.\`. and the Innintx-n.'nu`v vast! would he v!imin.'m~d in tho (`Uh(`l`(`l(` j \ > 1\0` u~n.nx.~n\ [ $425IOod,"6oO] Tariff Cost Borne By Serven Provinces )iI\'(`I11k'H(. Deputy `Rvc-vv M:-.: 11;: with AM. S1<'\-:11 71.` nn..nn..n- ;n A l\U\'ii DCUUH .. New Bruns\\'iL'k Quebec . ..... .. Ontario . ......... .. . Manitoba Saskatchewan Alberta British C'n1u`n'1"bia .~\1d. THE BAIIIIIE EXAMINER, BABIIE, 0N'I'.. CANADA mt ' litnelwns ad rd S<)111oHwF:c Mod mxm-E " NV L`1` 1110}`\ "- (1 ho _m(` m.;uem1 mxl i==I DI 'uu uL;m5uuu:u nu. |.|I\. ,.....,`...- ..,.,,..,_._ and relieving the (:ungo:~;tmn in lhc mam |)llSll1CSH ctlon, it is unlikvly lhul. very muvh ul` tlm lhmuglu l'l'ic will my nnrlh nn Small slrm-l. (`\ (.`ll when the `signaled route from 13235:: I{u.'1 tn Ell`/.(ll)(`l.l1 S1. IS mplctod to highway .~:t:xml:n'(l.-, A ;: (lvul ml Ihv [Tic coming in from the C()nksl.:>\\'x1 maul will mn- ue dnwn l*`.ss.'1 slrvvl to l n".1rll'or(l, and lhnl hich docs: follow tho rnnlu 1.0 l*'.|1'/.:1l)0ll1 .s`l1'(,-(:1, \\/lll rgely drivo znlung lhnl .\'tn-(rt In l)llnl0p :~:l.rm~l. In- cad 0[ guim: nortlx on Small .\`Lrcut- -or l'url rive as WI` musl now call il lhnuglu'l'lc fur ll1gh- ays 26 and 27 may fur the nmsl purl. my |:11lu1' S423.-448.115 S42-LE nethnds of calculation : = not balancing exactly. .'.'\v.1.'.'.-m-9 193010.971 3,2T."I.9:'>0 8.21 1.148 rm -1-u :~1 {V.`Y\) I 3'23.) 3.126.059 2.867.-HT !0.T`22.-$8-1 H 0`In"I Om i0 Bzmd be why` C0` Thl That the 1934 be com - N`- ; lwrs as in ~`h(`*'- i Tuvk, I)mu.' . HH`IVViIps,:1nd 1 . u . . ..C n, I,If , nv m_, , 1,; That tho petition nf tho prnpm'l_v mofu\\`x1<-r::. on Small St. tn huvv tho 1 [wn.'1n1(~ nf thv h`l.l'(`(`l ('h:In;,':-(1 to Park- m,15.-:i Drive be ur.'1nt~d and that the _. I nr~r'vsszn'_V stops ht`. taken to give to- lxzul (`ffvvt to tho rt-cmnvtwmtntirm. w;,_\~t That no nvtion he tnkvn rm DU-` ttion tn rt-.<<'in 1)yl:1w li('vn.x'in;,' `,L.,.[t1`u(-lccrs in fruit, and \'n5:ot.:tb1es ! tgmyi "I`h:1t thv 1)i|lil.l]L`(`Uf1{l`2ll1l for Hnr-I l1(\x`|i1]l:` pend. I r- . . . . ..a ..r 1 ) ... Lunmnssunns uusnxw . ` '1'u\\'n \v.'Is fully |)ml(-(`H-(1. { I'1`hu Fx:1n1in(`r is infm`; H111-rv nrv mnw \v:|p,r`s dw '<'<)n1rz1(`1, but that it is i\\'l1in'11 dm-s not :Il'f('('1 Hut .. ..../I Mud nu um.u.m IIV ' lU\\'H \Vu'lS lllll_\' |)l'l)l(`('l(`(l. infnrnu- that (luv by Ihv. '<'<)n1r:1(`1. :1 ll1.'lH('l" lwhivh minimis- !.\'inn and that any \\ :I},',l`\` unpaid urv `fully pmtt-ch-(I by the lml um 1hv (-nnll':u't.) I n.m..o.. n...m.. Mm! ...-.... nullutl .-.-. `UH UH` ('UI1ll'ill'l.l | I):`p11ty R(`(`V(` 1\1.'u`l,:n`(~n zlsktul ru- H::u` iI'1'(`L',lll:ll`ili(.`!~` in lhv pave- `nxont and sid(~\v:1lk at H0r<~'/.y and ](`h:n'l<)Hv Slrm-1. A mutixm Inter rm 1(n'(Im'(-(I 1`vp.'1ir.~4. E Finunvv (.'n1n1nillvo ropm`1.. \\'hi<:h wn.< mlnplod, rocmnlncndud as fol- `hnv-:' nu, u--nu I1\. 14.... composed of the same mom- 1933. n.'1mL~l_v. Aldermen 3'I`uvk, I)mu.'nll_ Ruburt.<(>n. Stowart. `Wiles ,:md Rocvc Blair. ! Public \Vm`ks Cmnmittoo report. ;which \x':1.< nduptod. 1'(!cm`nmm1de(l: `That .1 (`urh ht" c0nstru('tv on Cul- tlicr St. in front of thv property of A. ' I.ipn\'itch at his oxponso. ` 1`h.'1t tho British-. \mvri(`un Oil Co. ho ;;r:mtwl porIni.x'. tn urvct :1 ! Court. of Rvvision i Court nf Revision for t`:;m` nn T1|`nrH'nrrI Rt in {Hunt nf .[.I ` IIl IIXK.' I)|l|l.\ll' pormi: ;.s`i5:n nn Bradford 1 `W. H21r1`s ;:nr:1;.:c. That no action L-.40. l`..\u~ `I T\I T` u_y. When tho. paving urdcrcrl on Monday night is hnimi, nc, Council shunlrl (-nm`idm* pumm; n (rumwmv rund- ,d on thnl. portinn ml l~)|1 /.:1hvlh : lwtwm-n Smull muld not roquirv :1 vvry largo expvnrlitlnre il' thu 0-thirds grzml for labor is :1v:u1uhlv_ and tho Jul`) uld be done most :1d\':1nl.'u.:vmlsly whvn lhv (>I'g.`xn- .nli(m for lhv nlhvr \\`uI`k Is in!.'u~l.. Thmuzh the rlc-xipzlwnlc-d mtxlv has hvvn :1pprn\'od by 10 Department of l1ip.:l1\v.'xys. lhoro is nu ur;:vnr-_v In proving lho pnrtiun l>ol\\'vm1 l'l.\'.\ z1 . um! H11- bcth sl.I`(`(`l. It, will lw lalv nvxl _\'u:n` nl. Ivn. h(~l`m'o_ 10 in1pmvm'nonl..~*. c-nnt01npl.'1lcd on the Sr'homl)erg- llnndalc mud (`nn ho (`0n1pI('l(`(l In Allnndulo. Even Her this is done. lhv lr:1l m~ can mnlnuw 1hm1x,u,h AI- lndnlo without muvh nddllinn In 1110 p1`0.<(`11l vnlnmv H :1 l'l`ll don! nf lhv 1n1n'1.\'t 1I`:1\'o| \\'h1<'h wxll mum: vcr tho new\\'ny now omors N0. 11 l11;:h\\'n_v at hornhill and lurms p:n'1 of H11` Yomzv S1. ru.\'h H(`- u pa .....4.. :*.\..n f I lhll III} (l\'|llH| |Jl.' |(lI\\'ll Iovrs fmm J. M. Mills, Mrs. `xv. C. nunu-r of C. E. Rnbins ` Light Nut Grnntvd n7...... r -1.` r~._.____:. `tho mcnxosl of Mrs. Emily M. Giles` ...,.,... AIll|. -........ V . \V:11c1` and Light Committee ro- ! : port. which was adopted. recom- mondorl that no action he takcn on` \ for :1 stroot light on the hi,'.zhwny b0- hvcvn the junctiun on Blake St. and , Dunn! Q9 L UPL U1 Tariff S`2,042.150 15.T8~1.l2-I 12891.07? 1f\`1"'I RCO 100. I OL. A .10 29.185340 129.228.2285 `2T.909.396 0- 7'2" 0:- Small Strool" Nd 1VIm`c lfllkh l figur lllkll. pKU\ HlL't.'. Led between the various p1 = is told in the accompanyi JFOS taken from Profes: 1 n1 for me totals of these UK Lldln $-1.5T-L158 --6.29G.631 --1.765.018 -4- 31.695385 ; 51.989.T61 n 0'1 "an ""`:7,L I `f. I U?! --`.25.952.335 -19.698248 -15.35S.G76 VL'l uni l|L'V\ ||.5II\'\u_y II\'v\ `nu... ..... ]):ll'1 rush. re unrlm'l:1kim: \\'m'k on thv Ixxnishl S1. 1-nuio. (`nun- a. should SL`('lH`(` :1 ('.'u'vl'ul v>'lnnnln of what thv \\'hnl(' 1) will oust. I".\'(-n lhungzh lhv (`mmvu Inns (|c.\`1;;'x\.'11v(I 10 route. (hora has boon no mention of what upon- iturc` might ho im'ul\'vd I'm` the l`m\'n. Loss or Net Loss Gain Per or Gain Capita `__157.11.-`.9 __17 RR 1. ho taken rm (h(![ I . Fisher, " L` Duh: r\ L`X])('IlSl`. 1-Anwricnn ssion St. in front, of J.g yal Co hnn \'\ -'l,.,l'h Ilxlill ml mm:h:m- :1;;nin::1, lhv CAPITAL $5,000,000 Divided into 100,000 Shares of $50.00 Each The Minister of Finance, pursuant Io Hm ])1`z')1Ii.s'i()11,.\` of Hw Han/c of (7umuIu Art, u/Icrs for pul)li(' .\-uI,).x-r'.1'1'p!im2.' 100,000 Sh:|r1`H of tho (`a1pil:\l Stork of tho The Bank of Canada has been incorporated by the Parliament of Canada and given wide powers to operate as a central bank of issue and rcdiscount for Cnnzula. The Bank is authorized to pay cumulative dividends from its prots, after provision for expenses, depreciation, etc., at the rate of 4._'. 9; per nnnum, payable hnlf-ycurly. Surplus prots are to be applied to the rest fund of the Bank or paid into (he Commlidaled Revenue Fund as provided by the Bank of Camadn Act. 11-. ...,..... .L..... :n ..1....-.... mm. `xn Imm my nr far Hm hon:-Go nf zmv nno rwrsnn. Sh.1rc Fund provided by me D-'lI1|( OI \,au1au:l nu. Not more than 50 shares may be held by or for the benefit of any one person. holders must be British subjects ordinarily rcsidcnt in C:m.'u1.'1 or corporations orgmiizctl under Dominion or provincial lznvs and controlled by British subjects. ordinarily resident in Canada. :1 4,, .._ ..L....I,I I... .r1P\:lIu1'.t\ :1... 1\n:..:.~a;.r nf l1`in'Inrn fhtriu-:1 in r-nuninl\r\k` n\:n'irrui m Llanmla. _ Subscriptions should be mailed to the Miniutcr of l~`in:mcc, Ott.'m:.'1, m cnvclupcs nmrkcd f C 1 Sh "' Bank 0 1mm :1 area. n ... 1.- ._....n- 1... .. ....-c:I`....l ..|.,.,..... .... .. :~`\')r1nv'n:` I1-xnl: m- In. :1 lmnlr .lr.-uh ank OI \..'|na(1:| onurcb Payment must he made by :1 certiml cheque nn :1 clmrtcrcxl lmnl; or by .1 lmnk draft or post olce or express company money order, p:1yul)lc to the Rn-Lcxvcr Gcncrnl of C:m;ul;|. As soon as possible after .=_;ul)scriplin_Jm; have been rccvivcxl, :-'llntmcms will be mmlc and notice of the allotment will be mzulccl to the post ollicc mlulrcss furnished by the subscriber. ' 13, .I...... ....'II I... fnuuul an olun nlTn~u,-ll nrncnnrlnu 1n:l :nn\llrnHnn Turns wlllrlu SIX l`(Wl`.\"|`l-`.l\`.\` ().\' l)l\`l\'lN(} Ab Jenkins, who holds mom :\mt'l`lvun Antomobllu ssociution rvcorrls for (lis1nn:~v_ spvorl and vnclurnm-u rivim: than any olhm` (h`1\'m' -- and hats nv\'vr had an C('irlonl- --g|\'os .-ux 1u';u'1u'nl s1n.';l;usl1ons for S:ll(` rivlng in thv Rolurmn l\l;1;;:r;.1m~. 'l`hv_\' zm-1 1. K001`) both hznuls on lhv \\`ln-vl two Yoplo I know who arc ('l'llll\L`ll`lll lo oln` zlre Eddiv R1n'lu`nl>:u'lu-r nml Ralph l :11n1:\ olh of llwln um` I\\`o l1:1ml.~'." 2. Kvcp the luvs! tun-.< on lhv lronl \\'ll(`1`1S. "'l`lu~ ront-wln-vl l)lo\\'-out l.\' l\_\` I111` lho more ll:1n-,:vron.~1 hm-n hlo\\'-onls (`lo numwn, d:1m.1v1` con lw il\'('l'l\`kl l_\` linpzing: .~:1oully to tho sh-l~r1ng:-\\'lwvl." Al\\':|_\'s tvsl l)nrm_u the lir. . .,,u, your h1'ulu'.~'.

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