4soo copies Paving of-`Ce;1-{re Twenty! Feet Essa and Elizabeth Streets Ratified TOWN ENTER comm AND AN AGREEIVIENT1 COUNTY MEETS COST The County of Sinivno has at last 1f.II`C(`(1 to pay the cost of paving thv :'enLro t\\ ent_v foot of ESSKI Road and Eli7.zibc-tli Street two (`Ullllt_V con- i0<'tin_u links. and tho vft'n1`t.x` of Bar- .'io`.~; r(=pro. in thv (`minty f.`oum-il have hm'n(- fruit. A l)_\'la\\' \\'El.`i ]>;i.<:;ort zit thv ('ln_ =ossimi of the Cuunty Cnum-il }~`ri(l:i_v Ifternrmii last. rutifyiii_i: an nume- `noiit lwtwc-mi the (`uunty of Siinvoo ind the Town of ]3zirri(-. By this ;i1,:i`co1iiL-lit lhv 'J`uwn nt'| Barrio is to vmmul(`t0 the cun::ti'Lu.'- :i(m uf inixo(l-inpl.'w(` pavement on Essa Street from tho south side of Burtmi /\\'(`Hll(` to th(- mirth sidv 01' Vlziin St.. and on Elizziln-tli St. [mm `i1l`(' zt limit of High 511.. \-.'o. tn hv mist limit (if Amie Ht. Whon this n.'i\'oiiimit hue: Iwmi (`4tltl})lt'tL'(i. thv IIV H... 'l`nu-u "I`.II<.I` .\r C;......... :.. 0,. . unit. ("K1, pulnllnax; ` Should you change 1 asing any article, cu refund your mom-y. ..,_-.. ....._ZJI.. I \ llIll_\ [H -3|HlL'l)L' I.\ Hi] :1` B;n'riv 1110 zuntnmt ( lw (,'0II::|l`ll(`linll of {hot I Service ; HI\'(`HH'Hl. llxl .`nunt_\` nfSi1 .I' D. very 1 Coming-~~\/VILD CARGO: Watch for `The Devil Hrse* If it's at the Capitol, it s the Best Show in Town -Buy your req` t'V(`l')' purchase i `..l.l ...... .-.l......... . ' and .` vour l0t*)'. rapidly/~-B | Satisfaction. 55 Dunlop St. BARRIF. requirements ...-. .- n..-.-ran, Fax Phone 1 15 e is guaran- L,` your mind come back y. Our bus- -BECAUSli n`Il.. \r'- (.'.\ll'l 1) |\J Wh<'nH1i.< )[>:1_v Uw 'I'n\\'n nl` Hus 1-nu! nf the snow white wastes. \AlIl-'l-'-TDA DEG llnly UIl' Auun of tho cost of 9 (:1-ntrc 1w0nt_v . xing July 4. Crown ] garden party at 1 LUU A reunion of the Reid Families, June 30. in Innisfil Township Park. Please accept this invitation. ._25b I ` ..u- ..: .. l"l.... . ..---,,. `_....., Guthrie Presbyterian annual gar- den party July 5, at Alex. Graham's. Programme by Chapman concert parties. Toronto. 25b Annual garden party of St. Paul's Church. 12th Line Innisfil. Wednes- rluy. July 4. Tea served 5.30 to 8 pm. `mod program. Admission: adults 35(-. children 15c. 25-26b v\,,u,.,, A . mu. ......u.~.. .u\. A4u'L1\JIu Dalston garden party. Wednesday. June 27. on church lawn. cold meat supper: good programme by Jim- HIKO FRY nnd Mice Kivnnenn nf 'l`rn`.. >.u])pI:x'; guuu pI'0g,rz1mmC my `unm- miv Fax and Miss Simpson of Tor- onto and othor talent. Admission: udtilts 350, children 150. 25b |I COMING EVENTS II |L\ |. 'I`ho Town of Barrie. in Cm1. Hun of thv pz1_\'menl. agrees that the (`nunly of Snncoc shall retain the rvhates to which the Town 01' Bar- riv is Ontitlvd until the sum of the ro- ilmtos equal.-: the cu.- of tho pave- nwnls, to be paid by the County of Simcno In the Town of Barrie, tn EClh('l' wiih interest thereon at the mtv of fivo pol` cont. from the date of puyxnont until the duh: of repay- vntvn! THE + BARRIE + EXAMINER E35312 1V1;nL-w\3e_d_nesdy,':f2}B~p:[Li Q -~:>.r_ac3.._sw1Ec`.1-oc Nightly Shows 6.45 and 9 p.m. Prices 25c, 35c, 15c . , '-"'E')(_;s_.' '.w'o`i=;theatts . :`7W11l5`L.35't N19NW`?-iTUF3DAY-WEPNE3'?AY FEATURE. NO. TWO-- A1N!!!i9$"Y_9"'.'- Added Featuretle--~another WALT DISNEY SYMPHONY in 100% color--THE BRAVE TIN SOLDIER" ROXY -- HOUSE OF HITS Ilinlsuni " ,. ___- ---nnoln IIAIF Olliull? Illll Another Sofecial 2-Feature Attraction ":'.:::~.: BEBE owns a mi: TA-[EDT 7J-oWiK1ToA-v' CARNERA-BAER Fig_]}_lmI_ iclures fVI'\I" l'T`I" ('V'I` fVI\I"`IV"I`AIVl I I` II(`*I`(\I'\\I COMlNG- -GAYNOR and FARRELL iu CHANGE OF HEART 1660 '\A7fis1~>I~:'R_ED' s'ER'xiTs' FROM A NURSES ANGUISHED LIPS c ".\nnwm).u sm uJIm;\\`uh .1 KIsx' 1 Hill United church r T\lh-p I (`W1-xnnn1l'c IUU U HILCG CIIUFCH V Mrs. J. Chappe1l's. 25b `|'\l\ D.-'4 I.`-yr.-.iI.';\. (9:i1:\".i'i',' i '15, M ii U (;"(';_ 1.115 MARY B 0 LAN D MIANN so '1' n 1-; RN MELODY IN SPRING AUTO SMr\SHl'IS BULIUY When :1 bu_m.:_v driven by Arthur Downm' was hit by :1 motor car on Highway 27 just. north of Wyebridge the vehicle \v:1s< ('nmp1(`1\`-ly demol- ished and Downer suffered severe scalp wounds. B0111 the automobile and the bllLZ;1_\' \vc~r<- trzwvllimz south um] the hu;:_L:_v \\'1l?\` hil whon the (h`iv('r_ Orvil Kilvhing. Midland. l`:uil('(l to .\'(`v the hm'. rig. Tho horse <`. unin_iurod. GREATEST SPl_EZCTACl_.E INURING -llS'_l`ORY__ ll yllll 1111` I above you := rc-gisler wil Branch Cnnu \V0dne::(l:\_\'_ I CANADIAN CORPS Toronto Centennial AUG. 4-5-6, 1934 If you are in1o.rns10d in the are roque.-atod to with the Barrie Cnnudizm Legion on Juno 27. 8 p.m. '1`. E. SIIEPIIERD, President. A. 1-3. ALLEN. Secretary. VETERANS ! REUNEDN No. 25 SHOWING ON THE SAME PROGRAMME SPECIAL 2-REEL COMEDY STEALlN THVOME" It's the HAPPIEST Pictqre Since Sunshine: Susie" ` 2 Shows Nightly, 6.45 and 9 RM. Prices: 25c and 15c 4 SATURDAY MATINEE AT 2.30. Prices: 15c and 10c Biggest Programever presented in Barrie KCAPITOL 13ii1`~c"iiE'EXvIi`Cv w a They were innocent creatures of G0d s outpost until the white man's ship came, bringing treachery and sin-and thc Eskimo harpoon wrote a story of vengeance in red on the white -Willing1y they share their wives yet kill if one is betrayed! THURSDAY-FRlDAY-SATURDAY :I:HE STliANGEST_MORAL com: ON EARTH _ 'LEY`S ALL GO RIDING ON A RAINBOW" , VYOU OUGHT TO SEE SALLY ON SUNDAY" I// I ///7 r7// I // ///XI /I///l// `I "'//// ,la:. /THE SONG`)! THE WORLD ".lS SINGING: I THIS WEEK S CIRCULATION IMRS. LARKIN z FOUND GUILTY 4 ARSONQHARGE `Sentence Suspended - Found Not Guilty of Conspiracy EFIRE FEBRUARY 9 LAST V` !'l \' llldlllf 58--y(`:|I'-()I(i Inn`. known umc l..'u`|(i1 `slam! in hm ' I\"h':<. Lark and vnnspir 1hr` fire whi` ro.~'id0m`<`. at the Court |.n(`.u-n luzl. ||'(||I .`\l|ll' I I\'1:u1i.s'trn -. nvnlin K The pI`i(`(` paid for live hogs today ` 11:)` l"ir. (`unpcrutivv l zu'k(`1`s of On- ;il:lI'iu_ Limited, was $8.50 pm` (`wt.. I ` fnl. . point. as conmarod wnh stmn mw `.Vl`(`k ugn. $8.50 two { ` \\'r~r~Ics nun, $8.35 three weeks: agow [and $7.90 four \vc-(`ks ago. I HI-ru.-vqnrl hnnu nn H1n rail urnrn `MINI 3151.}!!! IUlll' \Vl'(`KS ilL;U. I)i'e.<.\'ed hogs on the rail were quuiod at $11.65 per cwi.. us compar- , ml with Sll one week ago. $11135 ` iwn wv(`l zugu, $11.45 three weeks nun, and $l0.80 four weeks ago. Advices received indicated that the market for live hogs was fairly .strong. although the English mar- ket was reported as being slightly wen k 0 r. A. nu-cl ..l' n nun;-inl n\~nnw `llvllllllfv IHI LVIIHIIIH) fur Iiluulamrl rm Jinn in;.: wm-k. zmnthvr (I00 pnumis will hv ` uld Cmnnlry. ` f } I HOG PRICES TODAY I lxll III Rig-I nlivn IlI`v\lI l\IlIJI 'nSl`(`1lUn].Z, mud. B.1rri( 1'.~:. l..'.n kin. 'l`lxn .. IHLILLVI. llIL' L'(|l'd that 1' vclvrl H10 In . mud pn`p:n't Iv- rh-r iiLmL'l' :11} Hm xvnrkcd F. J. CRAVVFORD & CO. Government Bonds I(`II ll Illl` -l n'(`l iminm In-u 1\l..u-x WE SELL INSURANCE OF EVERY KIND \p\J v \..n nnnnnwnnn. A-rsunnsnu Bought and Sold C.P.R. Agency and All Steamship Lines Gordon Stevenson GENERAL INSURANCE BARR11-:, CANADA, THURSDAY, JUNE 21, 1934 Ross Block, Barrie Phones l010-1017-House 196 Wendigo Gold Mines Limited B0ught---Sold----Quol(`d Th 'l`muum stuck }.\rlI.mgt` \\mn|pm; (.r.un I'.\rh.mg- KC!" 4 purl of n : experimental >11 shipmonl nf buvrm tn lu'ng- l unrlor tho uu. of lhv On- Mu!'kMin;,' P.uzu'(l. under the 1-0 tr:1(l<,'mm`k, First Cooper-l 1' l`.'ackvr.\` will ship 1115.001) wrl`: cm l\1nn:l::\' \\'l1l('l\ will r'lc\.1:` I Like this ..mmrt1u1it_\' c\tcn.1 my l1c:n'tic.~t mnk-~;1nJ.;1mu'cci;1Iim1tn I A` _ I I CARD OF ' u{m~1. H J udgn /\ltm'n(` ..1i.`.r .. lIll`ll Wllix. A\lL'I'4\ nl'lvr thv firo i(`_\' had |:lp. 1 Rnd:!uI`s. Ball ~r. the nvxt C] J l.:.I .... I.`nI\ ||n|\lL'HHIll\. I"IIh| LULl}IK.'I` l`nL'kvr.< In) l\lm(ln_v which will (`Ivar |;mrl Jmm `.15). 'l'lw fnlln\-.'- .l- 4..n.OI..\.- ..|.6...n..nl nl' l 'lI.\\'ll llt . - her (tux L` .l('l'fs ... l.. nu)` r. L: and ["1 -, acting : .`V l)L'L'|l Ulll. Ull - ),i)U|l mnittul fur trial by rm March 29 I. ;t at r-znrimz. n !\r1:~l4`u:nn in nnuv III' {.21. Ill" I|Hlll\'s" ::hipm~nl of 15.- ` fur\vzn`dv(l to th(- ' THANKS \{|pi\ nu 4` VV lhlHL'l'. a _.. Evans. zmk A. ' luv :11 I5. x\.\... k Ham- ; counsel for I. on $3,500 . I.-;-.I I\n I I,\I( run In .':1ll)' $`c x * . "X. 916? '4" , 3. Ti?` :- '3. 1',- `. L`:->:.,\ ll . . mr SONG 5+ E J 0 Y Q U 9 L;-r A;;*g,:g;;;G'~j More 600 Calls for Election News From The Examiner DR. SIMl`.\'0N'S I'()R'l'I"()I1l() Tho l'ornnlu Glubv 1non1ion;; Dr ` Silnpsnn fur Mirlistw of Health` lwhilo thv Mail & I*`.n1))iru plu<`e:i him in the dnublc portfolio of Edu- cation and llonlth. Dr: The keen interest taken In the eleetiuns was in'dieated by the big denntmls made upon The Ex- n'miner's election service. From 7.30 until after ll o'clock. en- quiries poured into this office. Tlntnks to the splendid eo-opera- tlon of the Bell Telephone staff. :1 prompt serviee was given and inquirers were kept posted on the returns for the three county ridings and on the general result in the province. l\ ...... .. < Ovvr 600 calls were answered. This is zx largo number. especi- ally wlwn it is vonsiclorod that the local rt-turns xvoro also be- ing l'(`(`Pl\`l`(l by Brzldvn &- ('0. and tho l.i|u`rul and (.`0nsN'\':l- llvv l'l)0lllS. whilv llw pI'o\`iIu'.i:Il llg'uros we-re lrromlvust over the radio. Fur details of vnling sev Page 8. Y6d'iI%LLaiii` a}Y6(a've Neve . Laughed Before |wu.L Rom-:.ns| iDAV|D "I-IARUMI with LOUISE DRESSER `EVELYN VENABLE K-ENT TAYLOR STEP|N,_FETC|'|IT SPORT SCOOP ---`.---..---.__ _-_--..._ ..-_..-__.____ Matinee Saturday, 2.30 p.m. Prices 15c and 10c Nightly Shows 6.45 and 9 p.m. - Prices 25, 35c, 15c SEE WILL ROGERS in the Greatest Picture of his career, surpassing the sensational STATE FAIR". SIMCOE MAJORITIES Simpson Tanner . Smith . . sPE iA'iXfRAT16i_.3} t}'wTA(.;E SATURDAY MATINEE and EVENING JACK OLDFIELD and his TA1K1.?!S`r...P.9!<!-5 \r\ lIr\'I< WILF. H. TODD GABRIELLE - * SAN ANTONIO FORTY-FOUR GOLD MINES UNLISTED STOCKS BOUGHT - SOLD - QUOTED E. H. BRADEN 8 C0. srocx nnomzns King Block T}_-l_U.RSl_)AY_--FRIDAY--~SATURDAY ROXY You see 1-very blow--H-ar ovvry roar of the crowd as though seated at the ringside-- and produced with our Beautiful Large New Sound Screen. MUSICAL REVUE---(,'OME TO DINNER" TRAVELOC.UE--ON WESTERN TRAIL" SPECIAL CIRCULAR ON REQUEST --:---:-v7 -27: `DO NOT MISS 'I'Hl.`5 TREAT- Directed by James (rule Screen play by Waltvr Woods `mm (M novel by Edward Noyes Wcstcott MEN S CLOTHING FU RNISHINGS-- HATS .5661 2574 1127 I \1\r -r . .,I||\Ju| purchasing ms will rt;-fun` is growing v > Give` . BARRIE .|vIL4nV--Inuy yl. - where pl "4-. 1 ...|. _. .. MONDAY - TUESDAY - WEDNESDAY BENEFIT ORANGE YOUNG BRITONS Another Big Special at our Regular Prices, 25c and 15c L .