Thufsdly, May [0, 1934 ,....A.:_ if .l2C@P5-. the Nnrgc is :1 lift-lime rcfrigcrzlmr. The Nnrgc "|{nll;um"' unit, cxcliusivc tn Nnrgc, has but three mnving lmrts, operat- ing in :1 pcrnmncnt lmth of oil, it is tln: sinlplusl, quietest, Innsl enduring unit (|c\`i.~;cd. An annual npcrzninn test equivalent [0 2`) years 0] daily mv in the lmmc rcvculs not the sliglucst sign uf \\'L':l[`. I?CC`1?<?~9?.i_: it mats loss to operate .1 Nnrgc Rnllnmr Refriger- Mm` than a ()0-\\.l(l l'.m1p--(mly :1 frnuiun of your icc hill. The savings clfccu-1| lm` in: and on I`nmlsu1l'fs will pay fur your Norgc nmrc quickly than any mlwr rcfrigcrnmr in its price class. ynu, as well as ourselves, can depend on Nnrgc scI`\'iu' and zmnlvility. You are not buying :1 |7l ()SP(`L'li\'C "urpl1m1". The l1`.\nI1l'u`.`~` ;l.\snCi.\lL`tl with and behind the Nurgc Rullzlmr Refrigerator c.`xu-ed thirty million dollars. l CC : Nnrgc prices for each model are the lowest for the . .-.i'.w, <|u.1|i(y and mpncity. M bc c we lwlicvc the same facts. gures and reasons that lmw tl(`(lklL`\l us in sell the Norgc will influence you in buy the New: NlIl`gL` Rullniur Rcfi'i_L;cI';ltnr. You An [ml .I ncw NnI`_:;C Rullatur RcfI'igcr:1(nr in your lmmc now by making :1 .-.m.nll (.l.\ll (l\`l\l|.\ll and nmnlhl_\' pnyincnts witcil to your mn\'cnicm`c. \V'c are m.ikin_i; llw lt`l'Ill.`~ so cusy fur yuu than (hry amuunt in but little mnrc than your uriliimry nullity for ice. In say nothing of this cost of spoiled funds. \\"e wmtltl he glad to have you cull or write for an interesting illu'stmted hnoklet, " l he Stuty of the Norge". lt will give you interesting f.l(lS!i1L|( ytvu shtwuld knuw mttt`etnin_t; the itnpnrtmtee uf the proper stotutge of food to the health ul' ynttt` family and the eumotnies to he effected. ` ."|` ICNUINII I'|l(\'l'l).\'a -*n|uu11\- |\l1 .c.. ., In-..`IH'||!I\I` .|\ We Have Decided to Sell It. You Should Decide lo Buy H- E I3`Ul{N:l;I;l:. _ I I hslovcs P212}: FREE BOOKLET Exclusive Norgc Dealer for Barrie District | "`..9_'3'5,,| 10 ()m`-|\iv(c .\l.|ill|(`\s [mru-~ Lnin lining with mumlvxl corners` that Imam us ('.|\iI_\' .1. `.l china lmwl. "I1 \ nllwx. the new Norgc Rullatnr Refrigerator holds more food than any other muiunally known rcfrigcrzuut selling at (hf: same price. Nnrgc Rnllatur Refrigerators are equipped with ,.u,, I I r..- .. ' ..... ...-...\n.. .. ..a:l:an n.~nnnn\u- vnul 1| IIIDCI` 12 13 `I4 S.lIIil:ll _\'ll(Il1l.Illli\llin}:.|l lur fuml .\|M`|\'cs'~ V Im)"~ hm linlu-I. 1 (iunvcnicllt uslllrt-l| In-1-rvr unit. AH.-rnl grcnllcr fun-I .\lI\I'.I]L1' .s|v.uv. 16 `nu. ._., -| u... ....` {TIHH l||(' .\ll|`('l'- |\II\\ (' `llnlimg uuula-Imsr unit. 1 Nim: fn-0/in.|; spx-mlx\1.uIc pmsihlo Ivy 2| nine-point varinlvlv uvlsl mum-I for regulat- in}: l(`llI[V(`l .llll 18 :oNvENIENc FEATURES l9auS%.e 'l`rip:g(-r-lnnln clunr Immllc than upvma ill il nu-rc mmh. /hntuumlic inlcriur Ii;-,lIt llI.'lllllrlI\I\lI()r1)HAIS dunr s and Imus. R('nm\'n|\Iu.- :1-.II`r.\n;;t-nwlll (my that will .s.nvc ynu ' su-pa`. Spcuial (UlH|Hll'lllI('l1( fur ull lmulvs. Aclillslnlulc lmlmln she. Suxpcmlonl safely cg): lus- kcl. Rnlhlwr kc ulhc (my [Inn qllitkly H-lc.-.1sus' mm or : uh:-s at will. llzuuly humor 2 ran k. (Irisp-pun for 1 Nun-stink in` tray ;-,ril<, that prv\'cxIt fret-Iilu; uf ` In .s|w|vL'\. auul frcslu-nilm \ ()durvp|'uu[ om Inwul hort- or l|I.u vnsurcs putt iu: every \\'(H'll1\\'llllC device for convenience, utility, economy; and all these f(.'.llul'L`s are included at the rvgular [n'icc.r---n0 extras. (Rczul list of foam res). Nurgc Rnllnmr Rcfrigcrzunrs are distinctive in I - , 1-: I | ' 1.....l..n.ul In 'I nunnnnr .. ...-.l ...}.....Zl'.....l .. Inn 2 insu|.ninn r.nin;; Ivy lIl`l'.lll of .\l.nn|.|n|~.. Aulm Big Improvement in K Midland's Finances; Get in Much Arrears muic dcfrn-atcr. 0NT.. CANADA , u l'\ u u._-. .1 fL`(llll(`I In-It li}:IIt('ll(`f. ,I .. . and K lm-so r pr(`wr\'in;; : vo 1,1-lulvlt`-4. j{.Ie"s;E..'" uuuu Iu uu. II\\ ('l'l't| I '-hung or-ling Ru Dct:J LWc:'._-7.sL\? BECOM I r ;.1_-_`_: -- - SHAN TUNG - BLUE "YES, WE DECIDED ON THE NORGE BECAUSE IT HOLDS MORE FOOD" ~45 /5. axe T0 u MATCH I ~ . . ' {gray Ix,- {{ 3' *7} 7'; 7%/O. . 1 \. \Hl"l'lll:()l NI! %Clean Up Trespassers On Railroad Property` -'T`HSeing is Believing`;-] t|t~si;;i1. sturdily umstructctl and scicntilicstlly insulated in :1 manner that ulifnrtls maximum pmtcctimt for fund at at minimum upcnttitlg cnst. MOTOR OIL |OO/o PENNSYLVANIA AT ITS FINEST {rum %S_.alr:l Cans opened before your eyes .~.. ..,..,.-_ ..`._ -;.. `:(_,,`l EX}-H L./-'\Rr'ATI MGLJI Em |'{!.`L1_F,I_N_ - r'):.~..- T`r"" ,2 40 1'\ OUART SHORTS 5. FBUY Guaranteed V FOR THE TOC COMPLETELY _ ATROPHIED, 7 BANK A ACCOUN T- bgcausc -- OR GHANDH s. ULTRA REC Er QT v.\\'IH\'I\lll\(L 11)`-.()l |I\'|W\' .` H `\ .\mI>|r:\ ( nI'I:`Il-Ls.-\.\` By J. MILLAR wA'r'f ES-.-rzuicato. Xnc.)/ '\ the exclusive Nnrgc Rullamr unit, nhtalinablc only in Nurgc, npcrulcs so silently you cam lmrcly hear it. 129 Dunlap St. ix u-run-I