Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 15 Mar 1934, p. 6

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mum MAN } T `GETS 5 YEARS . AT [l_NGSTON! nJn\rn--v-- V- - --_. Bank of Toronto Bldg. Barrie, Ont. BRANCH OFFICE: W. J. WALKER District Manager ,\.V\' I you how s\\'ift|_\ the _\`o.`:|rs puss after fnrty. .-\|l tun soon lniddlc yours have gone thc way nf youthful onus -nund nith them unitlullc-ago.-d man will tell *1 \\H K\ 1.1 '.lH middle ugc's uppnrtunitics. Old age `f nppruuchcs. Ton lute then to start plum for an mcomc for declining ycurs-thosc yours when curning power is greatly reduced, or even t l`-1'! `Nu Um \\{I HM` `\! x|7llUn .-\ .\InImf:1cturcrs Life Fndm\'- mcnt Policy providing :1 secure income at age 55 or ()0 or later, is within the means of the young mun of even moderate income. ed the door and entered, but had to come out because of the smoke. He had been in the kitchen only; it was badly charred. ' A R Stell. investigator for the badly cnarreu. ~ A. R. Stell, investigator Fire Marshal`s Department, who had been in the house. a one-storey and basement building. on Febru- ary 2. declared he saw candles and debris in the northeast bedroom on the ground floor. Candles were in four one-inch holes bored through the floor. standing in paper, shav- ings and debris. A newspaper placed in the hole held the candles up. The paper in the bedroom was dry but a smell of coal oil was very strong. No damage was done by fire in the bedroom. l ur:o..m-9' r\L`I3nn1\fn nr ihn Irnllln nfl nun: In uu. IJ\,\IAuu|||. u_y Witness` estimate of the value of the furniture was that "he wouldn't give $200 for the whole outfit." The kitchen was very badly gutted. There was no evidence of burning. in the cellar. It was very clean with no fuel. I`nu- 1|-\r\ rlnfnnr-n MI'C Arrnnc PDQ- \Vllh 1llCl. For the defence. Mrs. Agnes Pos- vy. Midland. testified that the La- lose family spent the evening at her place. the children coming about 7 p.m. and the parents about l p.m. The LaRoscs stayed there until about 11 um. Cross-exmnim `nrl, witness said this was the first ltime Mr. and Mrs. LaR0se had vis- `ilecl her in a year. l\/[inc Vizulnl Pncnv rlnluvlnr nf Hu- (Continued from Page One) i around. plugged the holes with newspapers and then set on fire the kitchen. Fortunately. I think, in the administration of justice, the! house was not completely consum-` ed. If it had been this crime would have gone undiscovered and thc; insurance company would have been muicted and once more those who were guilty would have cs- cnpcd. "But snmothinc went wmnu. Px'oh~ :'(l. witness said the I.aRose's had never mentioned the fire to hm`. 1)v~nf`nuun|v I I Dn.rnm- 1-|~(\uv\;I-'1' r lTl()LHL`l' S L`Vl(l(.'HL'('. LI'()SS-L`.`(illHlll- HL'\ L'l' fT]l'llLlUllL'(1 UH` lll'L` 10 I101`. Professor L. J. R0;.:c1`s. chemical =maIyst.. [`m'0nt0, who made an an- alysis of the materials found in 1110 h()ll.`~?C. said he recovered in small amount of coal oil, a dozen dl'()p:~: in one-:md-:1-half 0lU`!('(?S. hnlnuv f"2v~inn' 5'3.-n z-lain!` T\/H.-H-n.,| ILCCI DC!` H] il yum`. Miss Violet Pusey. daughter of thv previous witnes. corrolooratcd hm `mother's evident-0. Cross-cx;unin- -url urilnnuc cairl Han TnT2nun'u hurl UHL`-illlU'll-Hill] UllH(' Peter Grixzg. fire chief. MidI:mr.I. testified that when he rvnclxorl NH" there was :1 fire in the kit- :-hon and ('0mim.: out windn\v.; and -lnnrs. Then` was nobody in the! house. On examining the intorinr witm-xx said ho fmmr] 1-nnrllrw inl nuusu. un c.\'zln1ln1ng me Im(`x'mr- witness said he found candlos in the snut.hoast corner of the north- lnnst bedroom. in upright p(). on the floor and uppo.'u*orl tn be llit previously. Shavimzs and paper were around the candles. Hnl--s had been bored directly under the <'.'Indlos. He smcllod an ndnur -)f (`uni nil fumes as he entered the hnncn [`|1(-re was no vvidcnce of burnimz in tho cvllnr. N0 furniture or ('hat~ ttols hurt been rumrwocl. Vvitnorzs tunvv details of the furniture in thv `>h(nI.\'(*. 'I`h(.-re was no d.'nnn1.:o to "my of it. (`.\'c(.-pt in the kitchen twhioh was pzuttod. His czmclusinn txvus that the fire had st.zn'tcd in tho I kitr`hnn HUllI\'('. IHCI \\'ilS \vhi<-h ha. kilchon. In nu I-~.O:.....i..... . l\l|\llL'|I. E In an in1(.-rvivw with I.aRuso. tho `nc(`1xs(:(l had told him he knew nothing about how the fire started. fhut. ho had left home at 7.30 with his wife and children. 1.aR>s:` `could give nn nd\/'i(:(` on why lhv r.-umllos W(`l`(` there. Qdzxuxlnuv ulilcnn .-..X:.-J` ,.rl`:(.n.- (.'ill1(l|(`S \ \ (`I`(` LHCTC. Slunlo_\' Wilson. relief officer. 'Mirllzmr!. said the H(`Cl1S(`d was mi relief in .lzimuu'_v and had been on and off for the past two years. .'\('('lis('(J Denies Every [.11 i [ILL Emilio I.aR0so. tho ZlL`(fllS(`('1. in his own defence. said he had got an insurance policy on January 17 be- |('IlllSC in 21 provimis fire in Midland, Hin nurnnr hurl hurl I11: inm- 'II\ on ' (`H1150 lll El ])I'L`\'l(Y1lS HI'(` 1!} lVll(1lill1(I.I H10 owner had had no in. '1nri had lnsl his house and contents Hv paid for 1h(: premium with mnnvy (>ht:|in(`d from ('1xl1in,2 icv. \Vi!m,-ss said the children lot"! Jmlm` vurly fur lhv P0.s`(x\".\` and In- "mtl his wife went about 7.30 to U u...` ITur.u-I I` . .1.` I... . But something wrong. ably the fire in the kitchen was too fierce. The neighbors became zl- larmcd. I suppose you never thought for a moment that in de- stroying your own property you: were endangering the lives and tho safcty of othei's. as well as the pin- perty of others. All of thn`. _~,'ou failed to remember. I think that on the night in question you mudo these pr(:p:u'ati0ns and I think 354 part of the pr(:pzIrnt.ion you sent. the two children away so that while you and your wife rt.-m;1inr~cl. you could set fire to the p!:iI:t- 'm(l thr- childrcn would not ho thorn t') wit- ness it and give (`viIl`11('i,* or in- form zinybocly either r1e!.`ho:'z1tvl_v or by idle talk. His: Lnrrlshin nskt-rl the m`i. if uun: N() sun "Did your wil'u'."' "No sir." Witness had gone out the back ~i(mr and locked it. The from dour had hot-n ln(`k(`(l all clay` ;\ul:nrI run-,n Hun` '|\l| l`\:\`A\ in Hu- rs p.m. r.\'er_y fore ho IOTL "Did you 5 I(`H"" Nu Qi `nun um-n l(l('K(`(l all culy. E Aslwd rozzzlrrlimx lhv hnlv in the Ilnwlrnmn whorv the ('zmdl(`.~' had ihvvn fnund. tho u(~('u.s'('({ said he diil not know nn_vLhin;.{ about it. aw! had m-vor seen lhv holes nnr (run- rm... 'illl)' H11` UH` l'USl`_\'S ElH(l I11` 3 E\'er_yLhin;: was uh'i;:hl be- rt It-T1 st`! :1 fire before you Hir" me weexenu at w. .1. uuuucy 5. Mrs. E. Ruddick of Toronto is spending some time with her son. Wesley. Mu`: .T Elliot! is in 'I`m'rm1.n Wesley. Mrs. J. Elliott is in Toronto spending a few days with her sis- ter. who is very ill. T Fiprninn nf Allistnn is lnnriing \\'lHI.CI' Ell. F1. 1Vl(.'l`?ll'|ill1(.l S. There is still a lot of sickness in this neighborlmod. Mrs. W. J. Gauley is very low at the time of writing. The young people are getting up In play entitled "The Path Across the Hill" and intend putting it on some time next month. tn 1 - nun-n lxninn rln, J. Whitehouse of Toronto spent the weekend at W. J. Gauley`s. 1\/I :-c F`. Rnririinl: nf "Fnrnntn is 181'. VVHO IS vcry lll. P. Fleming of Alliston is loading :1 car of potatoes and paying the farmers $1.00 per bag. Annuc T.r-in-h hns: rr-tnrnnri tn his ny mm mm. His Lordship asked the pri. he had anything to say l)(';"n tencc was passed. Lnrrl know I rlirln'l rln Ll `l`H(.'l`S .`pl.UU [JCT U113. Angus Leitch has returned to his home at Coulson after spending the winter at H. McFnrlm1d's. "l"I1nvn is cll n In! nf cinlrnnuc in SUITIC umv HCXL l'HUHl.n. Owing` to some cars being dc- railcd near Cold\vuter, 1.l1cro was no pass0n;.{(-1` train ;.{uin;.{ south Wednesday afternoon, March 7. comlsimro 1 PAY $5500 our 1 or 33 3305115 (Continued from Page One) (ion of the profits. Mr. Amlcrsmu .~'m.',;{oslncl :1 motion smut,-\vlmt like this: Whereas the Cmnmissicm feels it wxll sl101't]y be in p<)s.<(2s:'im1 of funds in vx('v.s'.-4 of immediate needs. that. us funds are mrzlilablv, the sum nf $4()()0 be paid to the Town, it l)oin1.{ f0 that tho Cnm-| lmiuuinn nun.-1 l`n\'n|-wn fllnrlc in nv_| I urn H. II I)k'Il|[.`, It'll lllxll. llll` L,(llH`[ mission must reserve funds in ox- (ross of that amount for (`,lT10l'1.Z(`nCi(`.\` and for 511500 which it, was uuroert tn loan the Gas,. for the put`- vlmsv nt` El mko (~ that the Cnmmissimt is nnly dofii to to tl\.'| vxtont of $4000 at this time and (I002: not cnrv tn go further as it" four:: it may h:n'(: cxt,rzmrdinar_v expcn-I dituros as tho l`(.`.\`llH, ml` the SC\'('I`( urinlnr " \'. |l|l(`I'. Mnym (`.r;ii;," said the C()Ull('ii would be (`ii.\'&l[)[)()il1iL`d if only $400!) \\'us t'nrtlicmnin;:. .'iftt~r having un- rler. the $8769. wns zivnilublv. H()\VL'\ L`l'. the :mditm"s stzitvinviit had ChElI1;,'(`(i thv situation. Ho said i he \VlS :1 party to Innning thv $15t)t)` to the Gas Dept.. but at that timu there \vzls no thought of the Siilll-' tion which later d(!vcl()p('d. HM Wnr:~:hip thought this $t.`3t)() should not ho taken from profits but. it was pointed out to him that it would [)0 rvpaid tn the W.'1tcr\\'m'k; Dept. with intoi'c.\'t. Had ih(`!'l` been timc. His Worship said he would have liked to submit tht` nu- dit0r's Sllf.l}.{(`Sii()I1 tn C()UH('ii. i Pnintinrr nut that Hunm iu ._-(Elli '(1llUI'.\' h'll_L{l.CSll()Il U) Lr()UH('ll. Pointing out that there is still $2900 of the 1)(.`('t.'l`nb(`l` billing mit- ~:tanding, Mr. Foster said this. In- g:ct.hei' with the $1500 loan tu lhv Gas Dept, should be docluctcil frmn the $8769. to show what money iu" available. This would be $4369. However. collc-ction:< would be com- ing in and he thought they could pay over $4000 at met: and the {`([ul\ Hl(`l\1 of the Gas Dt-pt. lnzm from the .li1l_\' ('ullvc'tim1s. mulciiu; :1 total at` $5:'1t)tl, lvluyur Crziig El.\`h'lll`(.`(l him that (`nu-u-ll Air] .. 0 ....I .. llw 4|...` \'VU VVHUHI all we cm to know point to nunnnv \l'n All IHH Hlll il.\l\ HIUH('_\' Kllil | ml available. I F`o. this nffer I Ihinkl vnukl be giving the Counvil e can. We want the Cnuncxl! mw that we are swainim: :1 settle the matter. The _V would be handed over with- n_\' . 10 it. We had nu . 1.. nm 5 -hivwn-xv BAXTER IUIICC WHS ])il.`i.`iL'U. Lord know, I (lirhft do, I.zIP.u.~:c~ repealed scvc.-ran] limos in hmkr-n English. mnintzlininp, his irmuCcn(:(' until His I.(Il`(l$hi[) m'r!(-rt-.rl his; ro- moval from the (rnurl rrmm. vv: r,,,uu- . 1u;.',.\ an n, VVU >0 urbilmry. x Hinds VI quite.` run :I\' :\h{\\'|- (I11 IJUU, 1i;; the. 1 not ask m thin` ..'n-mun twp. .\l".lLu`l'O.'U \.\\vx' H111 L000 acre: of fodcrzlll ortlu-rn Idaho and -95- I Hghtmng ls crodnvd L of 824 fires each year! L-.u` pcrlocl 1919 to 1938. AT KINGSTON THREE YEARS GIVEMOMAN (Continued rrom Page One) | Crown should consider its position at the present time. Crnv H:m1i]1nn, KC, 'T`mwm1n 'dL U10 [)l'L`SL`l1L llH1L'. Grey Hamilton, K.C.. 'I`u1*ontu. Crown prosecutor, then muved fur sentence. but His I.(>rdship Silid ht: 1)rel'cr1`ed to rmnaml her for sun- tence until later in the C()Ul`L "Plan rlnrnnt-n nqllnzl nnlu (nu. ".3! LL'HCL' lll1Lll |ElLl,'I' Ill H11.` CUlU'L The clcfencc culled only two wil- nesscs-~the (lC(.'llS0(l and William J. Cole. Bradford street gmccr near Mrs. McEw0n`s residence. Denies Setting Fires Mrs. Mary Ann Mcliwcn, aged '55, said she had two children. ug- ed twelve and fuIu'tem'1. Her hus- band had bc.-m1 in \-Vi1mipvg' Sll1('(,' June. Witness said she (lid not sprinkle ;.{2Is()lll10 around us {mgr gestetl by Miss Qunncc. | You lm\`c'- |:*~m"rl Mi<< C) NH <:I\/ gL`.`iLl.`U Dy [V1 x` ln[llElI1(.'C. "You lmve l=:':1rr! Miss Qunn(.L- : she saw you light the fires?" 5 did not. \.\7Hnnuo uuirl ulu. `nun in 41.1. I use mace man? [I I! W N u` I `sn "HE"?-.` uu. \.u\.un -VLlIll\,|.'T1 lll l;IlL,' l'll-WU. Your 1.-nur1.s'(.-i was quite right when he told the jury I t.'nuld 1.:i\'t,- you life in`1prisrmm(-nt.. but that would be. in tho (`iI'(.`llH].`I2lH(3(,`.'s`. ul- tu;.:ct,l1cr tun .s'(`\'(-1'0. It would ht` 11 penalty which I have no rh\.s'iI'<- tr: hnpusc. but I must tum,-I1 you nnn much other [)(`UpI(.' that they (.'1lnH()V do Whill you huvo rlunv and which the jury have found _vnu did (In No pl'(It`C(`(til]L!.H` will [)0 taken nguinst. vour wife. Yuu will haw- this as.~:1u':u1(-0 that your wife \-.ill' be left behind to trunk after thv children. But what :1 pom` ('m1~~ sulatinn that is. You have :40 min b(:h.'1v<.~d that ynu are not any lon;,'-4 Cr in :1 pnsitirm tn .~`uppm't them. There are z-ix'<'umst:m(-(-s in r(-1,-nrl to this mnttvr whivh I may l1l!(\'| up hm'0uft(-I` with the ztuthuri .. So far as you are (-nm'm`ne(l, tr_\' um! l;'ChzIv(' _vn1u's1-ll when in pvnil:-I1- tinry, that you mzuy obt.'niu what:-vva 1'.emi.~:~'.i(m ut st-ntmwv may he pnsz sible." 'l"|n. : THIS LOWEST PRICE DODGE Has All-Sleel Body. Floating Power. Hydraulic Brakes."F|oal'- ing Cushion" Wheels. Perfected 7-poinf Venlilcrlion. Free Wheel- ing. Quief Gears. Oilile Spring lnserfs. Airwheel Tires and Coil- Wind Windshield. MANY LOWEST PRICE CARS LACK MANY. OF THESE FEATURES THE BARR!!! EXAMINER, BARRIE. 0N .l`., CANADA H. R. PALMER Mrs. McEwen strongly denier! that she had threatened Miss Quancc. No, I did not. so help me God." -_ -..._.,,z,,.,1 .. u - I uuu. Cross-C-xaminecl. the accused said she was in t.he kitchen when the fire broke out. Anna being the only other one there. Mrs. Larkin was 21 boarder at her house several months last year but went to Tor- onto in December. Mrs. Larkin had bought the furniture from her in August. and she sigzned a receipt. for the money in the prt-senee of I\/Ir. Ruse. Mr. Ennns had made a sei'/.ure uf nne (lil1ll`lL ,'l'()(ll11 suite and one l)reakf:1st set on July I`'.. She didn`t know why Ruse hail signed it in Januzn'y. Mrs. M'eF.\ven said that she harl never shmvecl her insurance policy to Anna Quanee. Witness was 1.:i'.`- en the policy to read but had (lit-- ficulty in rloinp, so` Asked by the Crnwn if it xvas right there were se\'t-n (lil'ti-rent fires. witness rt-plierl that, it" lllt':".~ were I (lid not knnwf` llas Miss Quanre any ;.:rurl1.:- 'uInin-:t \'nI|"" Nut HUM l L-nnur :.l"' t x5u.u.-- 13110 the nrf, 'n' M.- um .y|ll. A1\I|, uuu he did not know :In_\ m`f,'.{in of tho firm-5 in I\ lV[r. I\T<-(`nnn1b`s rmnnzxz [is l. nskorlz uvsl how lhu fiI`(`.\` mi -1n:l"` zu-<-us:- (lot-I::|'v 5111- did I but in any (T1150 it. was 1 Tho jul'_\' in tho I.nI`{n. czl.- (`un- sistud of tho fnllnwimz: Elmer Knvr-- :;|1m\'. \/Vest GwilIimbur_v: W. J. Watson. Orilliu 'I`n\\'nship: Sanfnrr! SullwI`l.'In lnni: Km I`zIrt1`i(lg0 Vcs|)l'z\: l.uui.s' l}In'| Sunni- (lallo; J. Millun Ruynnlcls. 'I`vc1.nr1--ll SCU1: John Kidd. Adjnlu: '1`. W. Pm` ' tor, 'I`ny; .1 D. Humiltnn. ArljuIu.| Or\'ill(- F1. 'l`nd Ilmisfil: G1-ur;.;:'l Wylie, M(-(lnnlo; Hvrmml [351. Not- tnw:1sau:n. 1 Jnhn W llnm nh.......-....|..... r\Iu:w` u. nythinpz n|' Mr Enuu`-: This New Lowesf Priced Dodge is Bigger. Fasfer. More Rugged Than Ever Before! If Has 114" Wheelbase and 77 Horsepower . . . Anofher Bigger Dodge Has H7" Wheel- base and 82 Horsepower K. ill] ni;:,ht I1`: DISTRIBUTOR-BARRIE 55 ELIZABETH ST. SALE OF WOMEN S DRESSES at VIGKERS From Friday Morning at ten, to Wednesday, March 28th WE OFFER OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF WOMEN S DRESSES AT BARGAIN PRICES. Decisive Cuts in the price of each garment will effect a rapid selling. GEO. VICKERS LTD. PLEASE NOTE---As there is but one of each size and style represented, we cannot undertake to allow dresses sent out on approval account. THIS 1s AN OPPORTUNITY To SAVE Ln Quality Dresses that you should not miss. SIZES are from 16 to 44 ALL COLORS represented and a good collection of Blacks EVERY DRESS IS REDUCED IN PRICE .--uvxu nun. nu. mun: .-nun. , I-[is I.m'rl: pmnmnm-vd son- tcncc as follows: The scnt(.-nu: of the Cnurt is `hat for the nH`t-nc(.- which yuu 1'1.-nw committed, you will bv ('nnfin(-(I in! Kingston Pt.-nit.L-nli:n'y for five years. In pznssimz Ihis st-nl.on(vc. II have taken into (:nn. all the <'rcurn. nnct ' of the case." S.-\FE HYDR.-\U[.1C BR.'\K[5S ON DODGE C:\RS-- I )ml,;.- hyJr.nI}n' hr`|1vc.; arc dL-p1'nJ- .-aM.- m .1 l-ml: I lxAIIVX\:'Y TI-u unn mu. m BE EARLY FOR A BETTER CHOICE -_ | 1` tall km 1. ...I.... A GOOD FITTING ROOM IS PRO-V-IDED PHONE 730 ALL-STEEL BODY! \' in this age of prngru. -S wooden bridges today. : ships. Bcc.1u.~.c su-cl is 5 longer. Look at the car Only a car with .1 strum lncr liluv rI\i:_.:n.l lu- umy VVIUI 3 (cs: like this -- u ` :1 strong, -and then 58 ELIZABETH ST. woncx nns nau [0 gxvc way (0 ss! Yuu don't 5!. nnymu: Imx Stool bridges. Steel buildings, istrnngur, steel is ufcr and wul .- ...\II.`.... J... ..... .. mwn mu. John W. Hnld. phnlu1.:ruplu.-r. l iclenlifit-(I twu plmlnggmplms taken ir tho lmusv on li`(\ln'uzn`_v 2. indicating pupcr imxm-(lialvly bx-him] the fur- mwc. in tho l>u.-evxnvnt. and tw nandlvs upru.:hl in Hum` and nap": in u` Sn|lH1(`:l::l <-nrm-r ml lhv nm'1h-! 1-um Ilnllrlnnn nn H... ...-.......a n.....- A r4.-smcnl stool many could $ drive off under us own 1 'l`lmrs(l;|y, Marvin I5. 1934 UTJKCS "rt I you and Hl(lIl`|V, ` Stccl I last

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