IJ - unu Luunl. nun n. CIINENC Drt-anus .\'I:lkc <~!1v<-9" sum!- wlchos, with or withmlt. frivd b;u'<>n. "fry s.'1ntl\\'k-11 to u gzuldon hrmvn on holh sldvs in :1 b1It,tv.*n-(l pan. Svr\'v \'-x'.\` hot (in l<-lt.uc<- run or on 1-xws. \\'h:~n possible). Mm-urnnl and (`lu-rs('~C00k mn:`nr nu unuu 715 lbs Reduces Relief . Pay to $2.00 a Week Flos Council met in Elmvnlu on Feb. 24 with all the members pres- ent. ' I l`hu r.m.-.wa.m ,-........mou mom! I em. I The following Z1CL`0llI]lS wern passed for payment: Fved Drysdalv. s(.~1'\'ic0s as slu.-op insp(-mm`. $2~'!.()'); Jus. Hull. supplies A. J. Craig. $5.ll; . luo. Muir. .`s`llp})t*..`i Rubi. Strun- hurn. $4.77: l,.uws Robinson, sup- plies 1.. l}u:.'.;l. $14.59: W. S. Mun- nim.;'..~:uppli1-.< 1). Kvilh and 1.. I m;,';:.. $17.53: .1. '1'. l supplivs M. mm. | ry_ $2(l.00: Nlrs. While. .s'upplio.s' A.` Webb. $8.14: R. A. C`(m])Pl'. .\`llp|)HC\` \V. Erm-st. $21.90; Ivlrs. N. Bnrncs. supplit-.~: Mr. IlunI'y. $1.1M: '1`. /\H(:II. s:1xm)li<`:.' LT. Knul'l' and II. ('3:u.;u_ c.--u:r:-z- r<........ n......;...u nmxnu.-nuxwu \-vm. l3(`('KL`Il. . .I, 'I`1'-znsnrvr (_'nIlin:.:\vnml rv [)i\Iisim. i Cum-1 Na, 3, $(i.()l); (Sun. l :n'r-nl. um- slmup kil'([ by ln;4`::, .'. ;.0l): Dun- HIII \VhiHnn, slu-<-gr l~'.iHl`(| by $!),()(); .1115. Hill. :4upp|ia-s !VIr.~:. (I. Sprin;,', !\ Ir.~`. l`.rl\-.'.'u'(|.~` nml Hr-H (h':-4-nlunnk. $2(i.(il: J)!" (`m-(-nmn. |n'n!'o.s'. .~;(*x'\'im-:: In MI`. Hvll znul Miss l~`.rnvsl. $|(I.()U: '1`. E. Sm.th ' In nnv l`:nnu~i| *kI'7"ul|~ llnn Ml.-, I |):I_V K i\ulvy mu z|n(li1:n'_-:, S|l])[)lI('H lVll'. lH.`l1l'_\'. $2(i.53: (`nunly l`ru- lnHinl(,'nZlll('<* Wm. I (_'u|lin:.:\vn f` u-l I \ln '1 QHIHL I! Mr. Imrlniv Mr. l'v>nm lhill Hm znulilmz-;' r<>pm'l : zulnpiml mu! lhul Hm ('I( 5:1I'lIvlml In |l.'I\'(` ITS (-npi l`n:' li.~:lri|)ulim|. Mr. ltilvhiv Ml`. Mirhl (it-rvtl that (luv In-miter nl` ` tun. fur lhv lawn.-zhip prir bu :1m;(-pic-L [VIP "l'nvu~.' I\/Ir I-`luunin , BARRIE. 0N"l'., CANADA` mum m \ llllIllH`I' 4'. In mu-1-I zmtl m'tlin:1r_y ( :pumlilIm~ 1-urn-nl yvzn` w:s p:m:<(-I. (`mun-il zuljmlrnt-rl in n l'Iu-Ipslnn on Snlnrt!:I_v. Marx` In n.m. nu 1.1 (Inn nu. . l'Iilllil_1 yuu ll(`,\l`. ; Pour this nvm` hut hut.tm'vd mm`. nntl slip :1 pmu`]1(*:l vs,-`g.-, on 1*:u'h slim. Sprinkle 1i1.*.htl_v with p:1px'ik:\. (flu-an S 1-1--Ih|w-hil Rlvln . Wu` 1 ` uu_\' 1'\I'nnH Mi|](`!` spon :1 l'<-w 1110!` ml (fnldwzn 1'\/1.... 1.. _ :w])t'lI(IlllL' :1 ww unys wlln hm hm- L'nlrhv;|lm'. Mrs. lmzrznn Amw: spent .'| few rlznys wilh h(`l' para-ms, Mr.:1n(l Mr: ,.Ln.<. (Ynulco. ('l:lIl>iUlI. Cl)nL1l`:lt|lI.'lU()l1.H` In Mr. and Mm. Art l{u|..-rl:;m1 um-o: Evelyn Burn- fivlrlt rm lhv urrivnl ml` an heir. Vi:~:ilm`.s': Mrs. Anclr(,-w Rul)('rtsnn of I-lnblrt. with Mrs. Wm. Burn- fivkl; l\1i:;s l'P1:llis Burr. wilh Mrs. Mumm- nu.-nu; muss l'H_`v`lllS Jmrl`. \Vl|h Ml`S.] f\1(>m'I'. Frivn(l:: lwrv \V('I`(' ::m'r_v In h(-.'n' nl'1lu.-illm-.:.x'nfl.nr1m(iil;s IHH-,- x|.'u1p,l1lv-r :11 M1`. and Mrs. Herb Gil)- sun ul' Huh:n'1. r..__.__...-.___._____.._#____.... I MOUNT ST. LOUIS 1 Mrs. S. lllxscll and Miss G. Gill are spmldingg, :1 muplc of wt.-ck`< with l`ricn in 'l`ur(mtu. I 1 ... .u.uuu;. 1 The pz1n<'nk(- szncml \\ hIL`h was` 11J()Slp()nL)(l from I`uvsrlu_v was held, the fulluwin-,_{ I`L1es:d:1y evening. Al- though the meals: \vc-rc still l)lo(-kc:l and it was 21 cold night, :1 [.{l>0d crmvd attended. The evening \\;us spent in pmgressivc ('mkin0lc. A. Wullwm and 1\/Iiss M. Dorsey being the \vinner.-4 |HIU|l;.;ll HIL` l'UilU.`i \VL`i' . It ni}. L m D \vinners. I 'I`I... V I) L` |.,.I,1 14.. _.. LUU \VlHllL`l'h'. The Y.I.S. hold its weekly meet- ing in the church VVednesdziy even- ing. with lhv C`i1i7.vn. Committee |iii Ch11`p,'O of tho pi'ogr;iinine. which |pm\'ed \'(-i`y inl0i`c.s`tim1. The so- 'vict_v is (li\'irl(:(l into four gr0up.<. The gi-nip which :ii`i'21mzvs thu best all rminri m`m>'rnmim- rlurinn tun llllh ('UlIlH|| H:u'n|(l I` 01` (luy.x' In: Mi(-hm-I I4`!-.n-nu... n IHL` 3,'HH1p \\'HlL`H :ll`1':1l]p.:l`.\` me I)( lull round pr<');:'r.'nnxm- tlurimi I L`Un1iIL`, months is gning to be _4 :\.' :1 Free trip through Muskuku Hhc .~:ummc1'. tard Improves nmny ('11(`:-so .~ Use plain or with I-hopped nuts. chop- ped olives. or pl:-1:19. (u'x\nsrc Immun- lade, tart jelly or jam. to sprt-ad br- tween brown or \\'hit:~ 0'. nut bread. tmffc-rent additions will suit dit'!'`r-nt kinds of 4.-110050). Ir...-o...I 1'Iu..~.-n .\`n|nl\\'h'hD<--Sl)l'l`11l"lI with English Specialisrs Formula One day." writes one user. "when: i trying to full my dutivs as bus mu-I ductur. uud ruck:-d with pain, one uf? ; my pu.~`.sL-l1;:a-rs udviscd um to gins; 'Mucluun Iirund Stoluuch Powder ui ! square Lriul. I did. Tuduy I feel zm, 1,-ulirvl_\' dill`:-rn-ut pa-rsnn." ` All ()\l'I` tiallunhu .s'uH'-rurs from -\vid-` *BuscoiiBIii`"ciiiRENns nnsrmc nmunu : l`lIlIl`l`l) mm-rn-ul pa-rsnn. & All m l`I` (izumdu sull}-`rcrs from :\cid- t it _\. |)_\.~`p`p.\'iu. lndi;:o~stinn. llcurtburn, | Hulula-um`. (iuslrilis and stmnuch lruuhlq-s gm-m-r:|ll_v uru Wl`l('()lIIiH},.{ Hm furmulu of u fnnmus London. England. ntmu.'u'h spm'juli.~'t. This fnrlnulu. uhivh 1:4 beixu: suhll ...z... .5... .. ..r \1.. ..... lx......u.` ` ` 7 x V a i H In l`Ull.~l1IHI. n.~'.- Ill r.n;;usn lm.~'pIIH|.~L L \\ uni Hf ils ;.:r:-ul. Hlluc is bring pu.\s`ud frmn month In nmulh I'M this .~vi-ntitivra-uwdp fur slmnmth lruulilc-. \sk nun` dl'll;.!f,{i.\l fur .\IuClNIu; Iiruml .\'lunuu.'h l`nwd<~r Ell hu1Hc'-1 rln-url_\ Inurlu-d (pnwtlv I 0|` will. It is suld unly: luhlvls` Hit` 73:. signal nn-_ ".1 le~.r.l.' .Um'I4-un". look for UN! signa- lun- A`.::-xu-n~~., lurunw. Null` (Znnmliun diurilmlnrs, fljgo 4 V llll.\' i undrt \l.unu .`lunIm`l . . ; |n.~'lm5.: I` A l)_\'-l:I\v I'm` nuns nf mmwv I l....l. ..r t'.... ums 1 izmk r nul .. Qlliiv hi: mu .~ mrlnulu. \\ Ihv mum: Ich |`u\\dI'I`. i: ; rrlirf {nun} CAI\'.~\Dl.:\N GENERAL ELF.CTRl(`. (.10., I..lMl'1`|l) -nu nlnurnnu ul mm1ity_ l"l:1nn;,:m szpvnl, Iusl ww-I4 in 'l`m'n MIDHURST {Ad zrurt,ise17w':zt) <~pid-min` nitv 'l`. E. SMITH. (7lm` \'H`l`.`i H) . '1 . $1750: I ux Mucu-uu nrunu . is hrin;:iup,: quick and j :1 [min mu! di.~lru-us II.` n- in |Cn;:|ish |m. 1 I. ; nuulh u Qshich suhli uf .\lucu-uu Brand` 2. Iain .. .......L .....l` nuspnm $2 40!). utuul mx Min LYDIA E. PINKI-IAM S TABLETS FOR WOMEN Mirlcllvlun. nv ml` LU I` I mvvuw, lhu C. .. -nun: ` l'<~tm'nL-(I frnml ` with his hm- pl`!!! :1 ( 'l'urmIln um! I mu. II..- H. \::u.;(:_ llnspilnl 1 2+:'!.Inn . I k I k lw ilk` Hl`(l(`I'('(| )'(-:ul 1):` : prinlml 1 Erno- I` 4| fun: "()ll|)l(,* I AVIIVS. D. J. -DI'()l'K LS illllllll i|`yiUH `after her illness. Q Visitors during the \A.'C'3kCn(lZ -- Mr. and Mrs. A(-oil Brittnin an Mrs. J:>s'.I Wright's: Mr. and Mrs. Fred Drvitt at Mrs. Ellintfsz Mr. and .\/I155 Mnnrn,l Mr. and Mrs. G. Brmm of Midland nL Mrs. Ba11n'1.`Lm"s. \l|`v-nan ndinnrlnxl Hun Funny-n1 rd` ihn .V1I'.`5. Dillllllhllfl . . Many attomlud the runuml late Mrs. Darby who was laid here in the An_211cm1 001114.-1. , .\/(rs. Darby had bvon for y<~.a'.'s (lent hem bet`-:n':: n-(irins-; 1- ) {he of her clmlghtcr. Mrs. Mu1'r.'1:.'. ix land \\'h9x' she ( xi :mm- .1 1:1` illxwss. Thn la n \lrc I-Inn l\nnl relief. Sold by a druggists. _, , - snstent use bnn s permane: l"l|UCUt' LJCHL V 101 her mother` lcovering`. LIIHC:-\. I The Late Mrs. Jam` Dent 1 Mrs. Jane Dent 1)z1.~:. 21'.\'ny lierci Feb. 5. 193-1. aftei` an illness of brain- chitis mid pleuris_\'. She was in hex" 86th year. The funt.-ml was held on! Feb. '7. with Rev. J. A. Petcl1'ofl`icia'.- ing. Flowers were receivecl from the Ladies` Aid and the Ladies` Guild. Miss Phoebe Dem ivns very ill at the time 01 mulhe:"s ti-c-:1Ll1 but is now re- ruxvnuvi n n I _' 111$]. \V(.'(`K. ` Quite a number have been fined tn the h()u.<(.` with so\'orv L and sun: 1l1muts. . .\.-I-nun 'I`|~.\n.n.~.\n unrl fuu~.il. I I LJI'L|l`V Miss Davis. a c Donald Hall, was 1)rux`y last \vvvk. f\.n1n '\ nuunlxn FOR HOMEMAKERS WHO WANT TO BE UP-TO-THE-MINUTE IT'S HIGH "u\Ar-' Too late for last. week CROWN HILL THE NEWEST Supplcmcntary to the 12-Lesson Course in the (lanaclian Cooking School appear- ing each week in our columns, THE ITYAK/I\-`R alcn |\rnuc unn 0'}-inch The relieve and prevent peri ic pain and associated disorders. No narcotics. Not just a Pain killer but a modern xnedicme which acts u on the CAUSE of your troub c. Per- sistent permanent relief. Snld hv al rlrnuuictu IIIF cuuu wccn Ill uul Lun.uuIl.~a, 1]-jg, EXAMINER also brings on these three mnrvcmus new books, W ich every woman will find indispensable. All three are written by Anna Lee Scott, Canada's foremost Cooking authority. PLANNING THE PART`/-\Y/hcrc is the wnmnn u/hrs ic nnr 4-nrum tn Inuuu cl-m n..u...m~ r|.r\NlVINu Inc rI\KI I-Where IS the wnman who is nut eager tn know the newest things relating to every entertainment uccasiun -- what to do and how to do it--wh.1t to serve and how to prepare it-whether it is for :1 simple bridge party or an elaborate wedding reception. It is indeed the hook nfthe smart husu.-ss. It makes entertaining easy. WAVERLEY on Entertaining, Cake Making, Marketing and Meal Planning ALL 3 FOR ONLY 25` 5. U llli HULL` ill U . vxsiting 1\Iiss I van}: THE ~ BARRIE. 3 Fascinating Books Full of Mz1c- | s Both 1 Robson performed 1 judges in the Imuse 4 Han T\/Tu--4 Fhnnnnll Juugus H1 (.111: HUHSC CIFUSS (.'UI n))(.`1l- tion. Mrs. Chappell won lsl. p!`i7.(-. Mrs. Frul Partri(lL{e Bnrl. nnrl Mr.-.. A. E. Pz1x`t1'idg0 Ilrd. Thr: nu,-'-.X mee1.in_zz will be held at Mrs. .I:a-:. Swilzer'. when it is (.-xpt:('t<.-(l l`. l). BC. parole officer. will give an a :sMrrH's DRUG STOR T"" C. C. 8 B. Tonic Tablets ' Health--Strength-uvigor guy: YOU STOMACH TROUBLE? E'~I}'f:li:`iIil':I"i?""` '.-':?-I-:2 Phone your news items to 223. MARKETING AND MEAL PLANNING - Whalt tn huv. hnw In hnv it and |u.w 1., n. .|:.- NIAKKLIINU /\NU NH:/\L PLANNING What to buy, huw to buy it and hmv 1.. nm the best use of it. lluw [0 plan mm!-e wiw Whalt ftmds are rcpmlsuing. \\"h:xt r.....I-. . building. About the vilzunins. Huw in u m mizc. \\'/hen there are cbilnlrun. \V'hcn u.n~ putiun enters. \`(/hen they would change \'.>-Lu livery subject in this hunk is of iInpm`l.un`c. --....-.n...u.... -..... ........ THE EASY WAY CAKE BOOK'**>i.l1i:llll| thi~: alone is :1 recipe hunk, but in pl'(`.\`(-Ilhllinn uf the subject rcprcxcnts am entirely new uh-p.-r turc. A hunk full (if unusual cakes [)l`(."u('llll`I| in :1 manner never hufnrc :m:.~mplc|. ll i~: simplicity brouglu In :1 new (iL`}.',l`L'L'. They are available to rcmlcrs: of this paper atthe nominal cost of 25c (fur lhc three).Cz1llurwritc nowfury(mr<;upi(-sm WE DID A BIT` OF ` PRACTICE. New 557` Size EXAMINER the dulic: ,~ dress cum I 1:rl\v\ 1.4 .- FOR SALE IN BARRIE AT By J. MILLAR WATT 1"1u1rxd:\_\'. Mnr(*I1 1. I934 ` 1 `wk (Jr,/J)! NU - rn.nkL- wnwl '. lnlI[I' (`i}.[hK. `I[Jl'lllKl(` Hf.',Hl|_\` \\'Hl1 [)1l|H'lK2|. (flu-.e..so San ---l{:m-hit Stylo PH`. 1 DOSSIDICI. Mnouruni and ('h('('.\'('-~C()0k oni or s1)ng11mLi in n lsllilu` potful u1' honing salu-(I \\'nt0r. until u'nd-1 Drain il, in <-n1l:1n(lm*. run mm \\'-.m~:' through it. Mnkn nlm1t.\' of ('I`(`.'ll`l1 smm` rnd` I-.'-Dlsdiii MAZDA Rid yourself of I FFNKICTIE The c A N A D IA N COOKINGSJCHOOL I VOUYIEIT OT ' CONSTIPAHON QJNDIGESTION ' wi I DE.-\LlCI{S know that cheap nunw-less bulbs wustv 4-urn-m. burn out quickly. That is why Iwtlvr-4 '.nss slorrs se-ll du- wurld-fmnou.~' EDISON ,MAZ|).\ LAMPS. HI. l<`1l.`l .5 ('ll])5 I n1-ucnmnl. ; <'ook(`(l mn(-;1r- n :1 .grvu.<;-(1 bnk-i Lure \'(-ry moist. ,. 1.. m... 4. mm ml monlimmi /mm pugs (um) 14::--1--1-u&->1:-con:-van~- LAMS ps bL(' |)Ull|I| \'| uuuuxpz nu tvnth-1'. s:1I'_\'l0 x mm \\".\l(`:' Purtl_\ r~.mI or and jvIl_\'. th 1` In um-hlun-o an 1<`:1. `.2 cups {up 01' s` onmnl. xn-::\:.~.. . . 1'1"... \ with I'll! on! n inn- :1 lllK'iIi.`.. (`lwi-.~'o and lizu-on l`in \\'lwols~ Slim` liixw-l<`xtii1'(`d frvsli lm-ml tho l(`ll!.,`,Hl- \\'i.~\ \\`21_\' of the 10211 . about '. inch thick. 'I`i*`.m all all <-riists. Spread with l)llHl".' uml with soft <~lii~.~.s-o (`l' _9,rnt<'d l`h( (`.'~`(`. Roll up like 21. jelly roll. Clll ralmvn in :~li.'v.< about I inch Ulllfk. wrap fl. \'l`l'_\' thin slim: of fat Sldt`-b(`()ll |:n-mmd L':li'Il. l`:i. tho lam-(m with n i.\.\ih-nil-l- l`.\-ac! in iha nvnn until: ll()Ulll-])l('li. lUil.\L lll H11` U\'('ll HHLH Vlmmn is ('l'ls1). Svxwv very hot. Snnw M` my l_w.t. clwmc snml\\'iol1os 21ml (lvlk-imls (`nll;l])(`s. not In nwnlimx l:Ll1r-r good ('h!\:\s(' (lislws. am gi\'oz1 in "Plmming: tln Pu1'L\"'; you will also `find in this little book of the Easy- Wny Series. ode" cllslws \\'hl!`.11 like :1 lot. of nllwr things in it) you will never 1'os:m'\'<\ lax" mmp:my occmimls only! 1 and Ntrs. Mccnllum \\'nro in To- mnm on Wednesday. On Tu:-. tho I... O. 13. A. hold :1 (l:1n('(` in tho Orarmv Hall. C0g1sid0rin'; rho mnditiun of the roads tlu-1'0 was :1 \'9r_\' good vx`n\\'t`.. 'I`hr~ Jr. W. I. met at tho homo of .\'Ii.~'s .\1;I1g\'S1<)m1 on F~z`b.2`.2. Rev, B. P. ` Smyth gave :1 very into1'os`t.mg* talk on "F`rim1rl /\fIm~ Hm m1\M1'nu~ wnq bIlL\lll 9 l\'L` H \'(`l'_\" ll1l(`I'(`\'Hllg HHK 01`. "I-`rimd up". After thn xnovting was `m'm- a xnisoollanomxs showvr was given I.- Mrs. "I'M Culbort t'I`holmrL K1100- _-lmw) :1 !`01`xn<`r n1embo1' m` the In- \"6 !:"` LUI llll` lllUll|ll ()1 1'('Ul'Ukl.-1') . -* Feb. .'.`-Met at the home of Misses * Normzt and Sarah Willson: 9 members })1'o_~`.n-111.. Roll cull. Quotation from .1 "h::;>k. Ono of Du-kvns' stories was told Eb_\' .\'Iiss Mary Sloan: this \\`n.<`. followed by :1 Bank Contvst. Fob. 4-Se1'vi:`e was held in St. Pot- `o1-`s Anglimm Church. Lefroy Group and Chu:~(-hill Group attended service "En uniI'orm. Rm`. P. B. Sm_vLl1 gave Fl [ \l\'H!1f`il` nrlrhu ~ l:.b1-.\'1)mm hulter and 1`-_- cup}; gm!- vd clwvsv in double` lmilvr uvvr hot. but not boiling: \\'nh`r. um! wh-an lnvlu-d. stir in `. cup milk um! svnson with sun. xx-mx-r uml n liltlv mustard. Whvn .=nmml1. sl0\\'l)' stir mm n bomvn vgg. return to dnublv honor. cook (1 row m.-,m.*n(s. cst'u'rh\_-.2) uml when thick- om-(I, r~.-mn\'c from hmt and hunt wilh ugg lwtum`. Du nut o\'-1`:-uuk. I l`L.>.>4m 'I '\.r..|... n... I... (`h-rew 'l`nrts-r1\i'nko thr` `su1wrlm' |f1nk_\' pastry \\'hh~h I tnmzht you in jl.e~s.~.m -1. Roll vhillvtl pnstv thin mu! 'i)uk:` us smull Inrt shells. For the filling . ham 3 ml)losp0ons \\him.>lm: vrvnm until flufw. (hon mm- hine with 1 vup ('0[I.l5.`.l` nr \\'h'm~ ('x'o:l111 '.'l1m'.~ v. which ynu have hvzuvn smooth with :1 fork. Add `u It-nsp.mn salt midi U55 Altulun. .1 ||\v| \VI\I\\l\IIl. I 1 tnb!o. fruit. sllgnr. Bvnt we-11. adding` :1 little nmrv <-rmnn if IN*l (.`S- s;\r_v to make \'cr_\' light. I :u'll_\' rm mm t:n't .\'hl`11S with our- .-unv nu nu4\|\n\ .u- nv1\4\r11l\1n-I-Iv I'n|\\ .u- ilU\\Il ill .\I|\'|`.\ HUUHI I 1 ql" ban 1100111-])i<'l;. I`o:1sL in tho lmmn 1 V . Qnnn m nxv hrut (`I14-tun V |\'\r u-I\ nu .u.-u Iv\\ Tho W. M. S. mot at Mrs. I-`olJ.2'_ . T3-~ an/4 \:I'u~c \T.\l`nHnn\ u-n News of tho B1110 Bird Group of tho Camdizm Girls in Training. Churchill. Ior tho month of Fobnmw. * lH'n:_A-Hf Wnll 1--3H fhnntolinn (`runs a n |\1|l uuunu |.\v ......u. ., ... -. `II Use 1-rumor] : if ynu (even if nmdo with tmnnto .~4n11."<`. add tho f`h(`('s(' srunvo and cm-v.::x ping. Plm-n mm-m'm1i or SD. 1h[`Hi dis All |lllllUl'Hl. LIA` ,sp1vi1cii(i add: . 5 Frb. 9---\/lot. at the home of Mrs. Rabi. Bayes: 9 present. Roll call: What I iik.` most at C.G.I.T. inoe't.ing's. Worship period was taken by the Lou- 5 dur. M. Sloan. A recitation was given >?b_" Miss Dorothy Holznvs. after which : .\'Iis< Knihlvon 1) gave a dem- . on the making of Shadow- :;i`:1;:2:.~:". A piano 5010 was rciidered by Mixxv. M:-1r_\' Slomi and Miss Horne-1` cznw :1 \'oi`y interesting talk on "Intro- (]ll('li()11.S"'. 1?`. `)0 lm 1.5 \l . 1'. D. DHl_\"LH g\'(` R llll('llUIl.\ . Fob. 23-Ms`t. at Miss Evelc-on Wattv'.s. ,'I`his was Mission Night. Roll call. "A Eiiibii I'd iiki.` in .-:-st rid of". The story J1` Mary Si(`.S`.`s'0I'" was g`i\'en by Miss_ Viuln B_\'l`1`S. Misses Jain and Dormhy \:V'.i(.L and M.ii'g:1i'vL Morris supplied iiio music-. A p.1p<-1' on St. Valentine `.`.'.'|.5 givvn by Miss Ktuiiieen Allan and me by Miss i\'I(ii`g:1i`1 Morris mention- ing` all the imimiis musicians. poets -and .\'(1li{`Sn1( n \vho:<(- bii'thda_\'s (.1n1f,` .:i the niuiiiii of Fubriiai`y. Reed \\'0i`k '.'.';i:; \J:`}._ .1lii iimiu-1' the diI`(`(`li0i1 of thc I1.{`.l(il`i'. CANADA n'll_\' m grapv or 5.z0oselw1`1`_\' jam or . then spn-ad with (110 ('l\<'<'s` mix~ and drop :1 spot of the je`1L\' on - . with 1`1'm\L\' gmund nut.- IU HlllK(' \(`l_\' ll`,'.II'. ` I ! t'I`.'m mt for last. \\'ovk) Iv . n __,,. .. ~..., n... CHURCHILL I ll! :1! 1.11 1933. I \--I nuw ca $2.291. .\ I ` .`,a.:,.2Vl. A. C. Sulmon ('mm)lv1<-(l 2&5 yvn|'.< as l`u\\'n Clvrk um ! 'l`I'v.'\sm'oI' uI' Ul`.'l(`t!l)l'idL{(` un I-`(-hru:n'_\' 2%. St:1_\'nor had :1 lmlnnco In ils vur- rvnt ll('l`()lllH of $2.314 :1! tho and or lS)3.`. Ils 1':-c0ipt:: lwinp; $37.l)();', l!onl'.\ 2\1'ons. mm of ()rilli:1'.<: ul(l-l -.' cilizt-ns. n-Ic-ln'.'1l<~(l his nim-1)"-I lourlh l)iI'lI\(l:1y on 'l`m-.\'(ln_v, l`v|). 27. I ,1. A ... n.. I, . Jnlmstcm pnmlvd RISSQ at $3l)(l pm` 3 p0. i\:1:n':\ |`n\I Inunr nun uumu g,uuuu -n-run nu I (lhmse and Rive (fruqtmttrs Mix 2. (`ups cold bnilotl rice with 2 lili)l(`S})00ll.\'. melted l)utt.ur, 1 slightly 1)o.'tten egg: mu! 2: little salt and lmppur. Sh:1p<- soft. 0110030 or g1'ut,<-cl (`]ll.~'-L` S0114,-m-ll with button`. in . lmlls. th4- sir of u. wnlnut. Around Hl(`.\`l` 1)1'(~ss :1. <-nnlinr. of rice mixturo to mvvr ('Olll[)il`I(`1_\`. Roll Hl(`.H(` lill", .`\"l` lmlls in sil't<`(l hi}.- cult. or dry Dl`('(I (`i`1in1l).~:. lil(`ll in Danton 0;;p,', mixed with a littlo xvntmx and again in tho (*1'uml)s l\\'hl'.'h should be setlsonvtl with salt. and pop- per). Fry bulls in d<-op lmt. fnt. Tom- ])m'a.turn 385"-300 F. or hot. onnugli to brown :1 small .=:qum'o of l)roz\ in -10 svr:ontl.s). Smwxn with ('llvt`sv s:u1(-0 (Lesson 1). II`L`lL {I-olnl|n_._\Ilvxl-n nihnv 111:. |)U.\'lil;. .L`. :\r1nm 'l`u\\'nship has givt-n pm`- missiun fur lrnnslnissiun lim-< 1'm:n. ()ril|iu'.< new pmvvr piamt tn be run l lhmugh that mnnici; .1li(_\'. l m1cl:1I1:zuishono Kx\\'uni.~'. (`hub is slugging :1 wimvr spurts (-:n'ni\'ul llwro on Salur(l:1y. Mnrvll 3. whivh '11! include an (ld|'ushimw(l (lug (im'l)y. [ Rn!-\';\ H H 'rIIl"Il\I\lV (WI-il guvruy. Rt`l`\ (` H. R. Tll(H)p(`, Orilliu, l`(`~-I (`vntl_\' I'vl1In1vd {rum :1 trip tn 1h." Wost Indies. whorv he xvus :u-m:n- pnniod by his (lnu;:htor. 1\/Iiss Numh 'l`udhnpe. | ()ri|Iin 'l`nu-nqhin in um-lzinn Hun I |llllllll[)l:'. (.)rilIi:1 'l`m\'nship is soo (~stul)|islnmml or :1 rolivf r`.mm).~' {hero In look :11` needy ':1sv.< and :1 dL`|)\ll:l mtm'\'io\\' the zunllmrilivs. Q/unh hull` Lu 1`) :I:\|\:v lHll'l`\ lL'\\' llltf i(lllllUl'lllL`.\'. South hull lot 12. concession 4. '1`ocumscth. rot-vnlly purcl1:1sc(l by Mrs. James Neill of Camp Burt!ux.. has been rented by G:n`|`icld Mc- Quny. who ;:'(`L\` pm:.~:ossio11 <':1rl\' in March. Iniuncnrl in o\ 4`-`ll Hnvnn -unnl... .... . lVllll'L'lI. Injured in :1 full thrvo weeks 1134:). Mrs. Emma Starr Cox. wife of Huph Cox. died at Severn llridgo last week at tho ago of 77 years. Nlrs. Cox suffox'od :1 fr:1L'!1n'v(I hip in the accident. Al`lnu- n Hlvinoc nl` nnnuunnn:-. nl nlL'l'lUL`lll. After an illness of pneumonia 0! less than :1 week. (`marge F.dwz1rd Reylmlds died at his home in Beo- lon last week in his 68th year. He was prominent in the l)usines.~' uncl publiv life of that village. ()rilli.-1 'T`n\\'n- (`\nn:`iI I1.-1: en! fauna:-_=Io::oioI=o:-.:=:o::ox% 9 "'\`I`!'VI'IWT\'I/'\FI'1 1-r--a-warn O Estinmtes that the Gull River project of the ()ril1i:1 Water. Light _zmd Power Commission would cost $'.'5().00() is high. acc0x`din1_{ to Mayor John Good. The official figures of the cost of tho pmjvct. which h:1\'e bvon furxvzxrded to the g0\'ern- mom for amurnval as :1 relief mea- 1sure o. the cost at S609.000. q._._._:,.1: .. \... `H1111. | um..)I._...I I _.u_ U1 ll1'_' lililllll Ul IJULII the coming l"i`ovim'ial election. March 2. Hon. W. Finlayson been asked to address them and `two \voel-cs. later. Dr. G. E. Tanner. the Liberal candidate in the riding. will present the Case for the Lil)- eral party. llieh:n`(l Grahain. lifelong dent of Orilliai and (listrict. suc- cumbed suddenly to :1 heart attack at his home. in his se\'ent_v-secutid _\'ea1'. last week. He was born at \V1ll`lY1inSI(`l` and lived there until he moved to Orillia. about three de~ vades ago. `and two d:uighters. Mrs. Edgar [-.\!:i_vnai'd and Florence. Orillia. l Owing to lack of xvorkiug capital. load debts. and the pmlungerl ser- mns illiiess of the inan:i_i:ei'. the Bon Marehe i\l1dl'.1nd. finds rlittieulties. and in financial :1 stmn.: itself there IS put HUS All` On ` has . resi- Sur\'i\'ing are a widow: l\Iantifacttn`iiw. Cumpan}'.: pnssibiltt_v that it will cease uper-` 'ation.< in the near futttre. .'i<'em'dinL! tn the Midland Free l`t'es~'. The llitisiiiess ma)` D0 sultl tn :1 'l`ni' l . (`By-nu lLAL'.'s'5Ull IL (tlwcsc 0h1!'|CU(`-M.'lk{` oitlu-r lh*~ plum nmelettc or Lhc fuIl'[v \)I1'IH(*Il!`. .` us I taught you to do in tho first. pun of this lesson. B:-mrc folding: it. 51):`:-.n(iw half gt-n0rousl.\' with grntorl <*hoo.~- nnd if you like. sm'\'<- <-lm-.~- snum-_~ with H10 onwlx-ltv. To in zlr.Hni.nu- Iy\ ne-nb an 1\n1n1nOln` Ion.-. \.u ..u.. -..\. .,...\.... Midlanc Labor .~\ss0ciution be- lieves in an unbiased considomtion of the claims of both purtic.~; ihn mm-xinsr Prnvinr-6:11 nlm-Hnn \.\'vl$ ... \J\:\I 0'1 in` .-....u-....v. nun .-u,.~.. .. .. .;..u.._, possibxlny that 0pQl`<` minus the future. 1 Free business sold to firm. An indirect charge by Dr. Garnm E. 'I`:mner. I.1b-ml c:mdid:m-. that` the Cnnsor\'ati\'c party w:1~: going" to fu1uncv :1 `llnrd ('andi(lu1u In East 1`$in1cm3 wuh lho objvvl of .~plittin'.! thv V010 and ensurimc the election: of Hon. Wm. F1n1;I_\'. are denied. by .1. B. Johnstnn, fnrmor mayor! Fi56i5Zi>}}{a;i$T1.? J\10nI'nrd IS 1u`p_in;: lhv crvuliun of` I m'\\' pus! uffi('v. 'l`lu- pull-nus ul` 1\||islnn'.\` 1\'1vnmri- ml I.||n`:n'\' mu! )1 (H0 hunlzc Mn H00. ()1-illia 'l`u\vnship`s not mw $`l.l(i5. hEl\'il1;; hm-n um - '1`-unnnr I :1 BEE HIVE CD RN SYRUP 7/4.4: H` |1uuuH.\ UI I\||lSllYll S 1\'ll'lll(II`l- .|br:n'_v roml 8.!)-I0 lmnks: luring (H HHS ll'S5Ull. Dl`l\H`{' lUllllllf. . IL. S])l'!!1lll snxm-` It. is (l<-li(`im1s In pack an mnt`1(`lh` \'.'lt,h both :1 \'0_2<-(211110 like :1s)>.1x`:v:'1l.~'.` (`rcnlnotl pvus or (-1'mn1t-(1 ('{`]{ l`)`. .1210. the grate -d otwme. Pl I1-In-ll l|`.l"IIQ uviih (`hm-en \rlnL':- 41` u= wehe TO GO TO THESE SCOTTISH SPORTS -- A GREAT ENERGY FOOD DISTRICT NEWS Ilru\\'u ossnr of _\'v:n'. ho l I .1bm-1'11! czmdidul xoiun nu no u nun. lip so('l 11w vamp nr :1f101' local dz,-putaltimx will H\m~ili4-< has hvvn up- l`ny 'I`ownship - to pay his mvn lifchmg rosi-f I .1 Inn... xv` GOLDEN lIl(,` [,'I'qlH'(| ('lll`('.\(` Ptlnclmd Eggs with Cluwse .VIz\kc :1; (h(-050 . viLhv.r by ndcllng ;;r:uocl (`hm-so to tho r'1`vmn S.'I1l(`4` of fur u .*:nnppit-r dish. in [hr wuv I shall give. ynu m\.\'l`. Tlnnr Hc nvnv` Ind hnHr-vnrl fnn.-1 (lob! is l`l`(l|l(`(`(l Highlnd Fun; mi Orillin and fnrmvr l..'I|)m' :1n `U.I".(). Invmbvr ul' lhu I.QL{is|:l1||1'4: ll)!` East Silncno. ' A frt-sh nulbrvnk nl` lhit-ving frmn .~:1umm`I` (-nIl:u:u.s' i:: l`l`])l)l`ll.`(l from Hnn(`\' ll:n |)ur zmul int'm-mnlinn Ilvnc .-.unum-r (-muu:u.~.' 1:: l`l`])Hl ll.`(l lrmn Hnm\_\' llnrlmr zmtl inI'urm:1!iun |l.'l'~2 bvvn mm zlnzlinsl lwu |n-r.s'u|:~'. Snnm \vN`kx llgll) lhv lhmx-_y ll:\rI>m' :'\.\`.H'lI(`i:IliUll Lit-uixlml In take :1 hum! in the \\'m'k ml" Int-anixua, lhu x.:uill_V |):ll`li(`.\` and they SPHI, :1 spm-inl pru- \'invizIl pulicv nl'fi(`v:' inln lhv (lis- Iricl whu gmsvtl us 2| \\'inlx>l' ;,'1z(-.-at vn :1 hunlim; and l'i:'hin_u v:1<:nlim\. ll.-..l..n.....l ....I.l ... IIJIIANII |.:n .4 .*l'Ul`l V I 0: mt- .`:t*\'(`l`:l| numlrul ].|1(`1IS:llH.\` \\`lliI'h inhuhil lhv sunili` walrd ml ()ril|i:1 \vh-re I). H. (,'lmr<:h li\'ne:. The plwn.~<:u1ls (in not, |nn'rm\'| in lhv snow as (In ihv p:n`h'i|_15(-_l but must in the txwws nml frm-7.0 tn; dvnlh in 1-ulcl \vo:lI|u-I`. Mr. (_`|mr('lH is :Ipp0:nlin_L{ In l`i1iZ('I!S l'm- (-unIr`- ihlltnms of j_:r:Iin lu I):-mu :1 <-:mI- lmiggn tn ['1-ml uml vnrv fur llw hirtls. M:<.IArr n n . n. . . . , ,,. ..... ....-. ... .1.--... Mi(ll:111(l l:`.-.1:1l Wcnrks. wl1i:'l1 1111' . } (`lll'.\' 11:1:1l l1:1.~: 1-lust-1| lawn 1':1cl1 \vi11l('1'. has 1'1-11130111-(l. lwgi21- ning work 1111 :111 n1'(l(-1' for 1\vu |:11`;.:u-.~'i`/.011 |:11111('l1u.s` I111` :1 'l`n1'1111'.u ('11m'v1`11. Altl1nu;:l1 :1l 111':-12111 1>11l_V :1 purl sl:1l`l is v111pln_\'('rl. ii is l(-:11'11- ml H1111 \\'1l|1in :1sl1nrl li1111- lhv I'ir111 will lw \v1>1'I:i111.: :11 1':1p:1('ily :1111l will 011111111111: upu1`:1liu11:: l'1>1' lwn 111` ll11'vv 111u11ll1s I11-l'u1'v llw ]>1`1r.s'1.-11t job is 1:u111pl<.>lv(l. A bill has p:1. ll1<- ()11l:11-in l.v;:1.~:l:1l111'1- :111(l b01111 :111p1'1)\'1-(l lo 1111-u1`pu1~:1tc~ 1111- Vill:1gu of Port .H`_v:|- 11:-y. l\'Iusl((>k:L 'I'ho 1-n1111111111ily w:1.s m'i1,zi11:1ll_\' 11:1111(.-(l M:11`_v l::1ku l 11.~:l. ()l'l ice. but \v:~.s l:1l(.-1' <'|1:111;_{v1l ln l`u1'l S)'(lm~_\'. ln.-in}; 11:1111wl .'1l'l(n" S_\'Lll1(`_\ Smith, :1 plum-01' ul' llw .~;:-l- llo111m1l. I11 1-:11'l3.' (lays lhu mail was taken l'1'u111 l u1'l. S_v(l11<\_v by \\':1lc1` In H11` purl ufl'iL'cs l'111'll1(,-1` 1:u1'lh. IIUHCC tho (lvsi;{11:1tim1 :15 :1 purl. 'l'l1:\ -:11111 nl' :1n111'11vin1:1l:-Iv `U1 '7!!!) The sum of :l])})l`tI.\{ill1ll('l_V $5,7()!) mu.-4t Ix` l`(`l11l`ll(`(l to tlw CUllH|_V 0|`. Grey and the (`ity of Owen Suun-l by the l ruvin('t.- nt` Ontario and County Crown Attorlwy W. D. Ilen- r_\'. K.C.. as the result nf the exam inutinn of the :u'cm|nt.s' of the lat- t(-r`s ul fic(,- by p1`<>vin<:i:1l :m(litur.4. The amount. n('<'m'(lin;_{ tn infm'n1:1- [inn 0! :1 1'uli:|l)|<- . i:: (li\'i(l(`rl oqu:1ll_\' botwvvn lhu two. that is $2.- 850 by the l`1`u\`int.'(- and $2.t1.":fl by Mr. l{om`_\'. In 4ls.\ I n I-AI'VI`IIl`f\ " I~1\~\\:4|\~ KIA:-up l\ll. lll'lll_\. In the l.~3uisl:Itui'o Promit-r llom'y :ms\vcrc(l qno.s'tiun:< as tn the cost of thu stables amrl barn at the On- tnrin llospitzil zit Orillia. Thu total cost for the project. which was zil- lottcd by public tuntlcrs. was $37.- Ht).`.. 0: tho (.'Ul]ll`1lL'li for an equipped ciniry burn For 72 hour! of cattle xvux let for $`_ 9.3()t): for two silos. $3.90t). and for electrical work. S1.-190. 'l`ht.- 1 coiitmcts were ziwurdcd tn: M. ll". ljrarlcn. E. Webb & Sun and Ritchie zmd Muuld. all 01' Orilliu. lvlaking :1 mmmtziin out of :1 mole hill." is the way D. H. McGill. principal at` Orillin Collegiate ln- rloscrbos the reports of n ro- cent ziltorczition between Miss J. C. l\'ichm(.>nd. tonulmr of tho C()llC;.{lill(`.. and John Jones. 18. fifth form nu- ;'-il. "No 1>oi'sm1 airmmcl tho s('h(\<)! is at :11! pm'tiirl)o(l by tho inciclm.-nt. -tntecl the principal. who called thv `it`t'aii` :1 inisulult-i'stnn(lin;: l (`g. ,ll`(lill}.! :m (it`(l(`l' h(~t\.\'m.-n tvzirliur and pupil that mi:.:ht have happt-nu( l in any `\v(:h()(`l4 | i New R:a:d on Marsh l Will Provide Outlet; Road work on tho I-Iollzmd Marsh \I.'h`.('h has D0011 go'1n*,': on for sunn- .time. is not bvinp; delmvoci on accmml of the (`old \\'v.1ther. The Third Line. :1 road leading mL'1`()s the marsh from `the 11ig.>,hwu.v about at mile fr-;>m Brad- iford to the L3\\'11`.'uv:. Ls \\':~1l on its \\':1,\'. nun! u r iOv-I1 n-i\' fwn xririn nnri thrvm nBmdfo1'd Witnvss) ` kmds or cnvosm. I 'l`cnstt'd Chl'lYS(' Snndwl:-hos--Sprvnrl 1 slice of button-(1 bu-ncl with .-xnfl or grntod cheese. the ntlwr sh:-v with or- ange m.'n'm:1lml~ or <-l1om)vd fr'1o bn-| con. tour-h of `(`n.l.Sll|). 01:`. Put lng~~`.l1m'| and toast on both siclvs. Ssrw \'<*r_\' hat. I u.,,,,_... \1..l.. Ll -.`L`L uvc} `of this I`( `of tho cl fshould 1` for the ! . .- . .-..n..,: ..._., _l`I'ulnm:v(| CHI `(Irv-< nl` Hn ~ I Has: you road the ndvcrLlsnments'.-I . up 15 UCHl`' mm 9 road. The clay 2 ditch is put 01 1 pmdc :1 mix` rn vinun hninn H` THE BARBIE ERA-NHNER, LHLF V1.1)` IIUHI HAL on the re :10 fairly good hninn until oh.- _., v-I\.II\|Ir'I.| old \\'\`IlH1t`l'hZl.`-I killvtl I11: -unvnu--\l |\un.l.... I U11`. 1) \\'.,'ll UH H..\ \\il_\. fret wide and thrsc lg made on each sidi- - <~L1y {mm the bottm`. no :\o\ nu. mmrl nnrl .`vllHlHl|'l. LUU (Ill ()c(:upiv.`(1 by U11` Holland about` e (ii.s'Lum-0 from ":1Li to Brad- -.` nnlhzc u-hi:-In COLONF_L.* ])ll1l_-L. Plm,-L` n1n('m'm1i or sp:1::11:\Mi clish in X1 pan of hot \\':\mr and lmkv in mud- (.`I'{lt,l` nvt-n until mltlvn In~n\\'n on mp. nu.-. _. 1 n1... n-.. ..u.__ \.r:.. -`I