(E IE`? `Ec'!M\I[} REV. louls PI same MINKTFR: I amn . Aynpmr xxx-' ' mu] l':.Fm~Im~c-ll Z@IIR ROAST SHOULDER BLADE SHORT RIB S} ALL BR_I_S_KET for boiling. lb. Sc CANDIES Tlnllrszclny. I`):-N-miter 14, 1933 14 on. Bonk 1' pm plan vi ohr 15 15c l5c| H` & I Oualily HNI [l3f'fy Hour |i""r'lit creams 2 ms. 1 !.S}1(j"r"[bread mscun nu. A iinled Oats .`\'unm'/iold I I DI: lfurm it .'( Us A`: I Uur Uiwtrl B ' T- lb. av :,..'_V_` `mu Ydur choice THE POUND l\l]l-l1l`l]lT l`lu- (`ulmv of I.h:- Lm-ti" II(1mIr'I/ Ii I'.M.~-~'l`HE CHIIFLCH SCHOOL. 7 PM. "'I`HF`. HUM/\NI7.IN(i OI" X.H"I-I." nnlmm. `-n'..:| 1.. H. I...-.l`. AnninI_ BARRIE 5? . _`*"-~v'.'. .`.. Rnl - mwzumsx )1 /writ-I lbs. Ifzuge Nine 25., 17 21 UI0J_ ...1_A FLOUR MILES, 19 U`TO; lA, ONT. A__. FTMEMPKE HARDWARE WI"1.:H THE sJUm1\I-f)_I2>FARMERS AND `HOMEMAKERS 1 .-4 Anninl - Artrlrrwn.-:1 I :'L3D p.m.. `hi H-4 sun. \ |||I'A|uI|` 30 pm. A /-:{L '\ CHRISTIAN SCIENCIE. `- - . uuulxun "ml REV. lOUlS PICKERING MINISTER! \.l lI\ILI I An :1 1 5.1`/-n.aA `sing All those int.:-rostncl in Ch1'i.~'l.i:m: SL`il`I1(`(' arr cnrdinlly lnvitrd In u!.l,(-n(l mg at, 11 o'(-lovk in Am:-ri(`un Hutu-1., V 1 ` lihv sm'\'i('(-x hold uv0r_v Slnuhty ll1()l I1- \ ,_L_____/ lTuosdny--The Annual Sunday School! Entertninmnnt, at. 7.30 pm. A special Mi:;sionm'_v play will be given. W0 wt-lmmu you to this Christmas Sor- via`. 4 I urn.-1 mm-In \'---P rnvor MP1` Lima` E /ii? 1 ST. AN_DREW S I I SUNDAY, DECEMBER 17. 1933 i 11 AM. and 7 I".M. I [ I F r THE MINISTER `- 3 RM, Slmduy School and Bible Class, ` Young Pr-op]:-`:4 Society, Monday at. 8.1 P1':1_vx*r Mm-Im;;---Wv(lnr~sd:13'. 8 |).m.` \ I Wr.~clnosday~-Irayc1- Mmminp; Guost Speaker "I'/mu shalt call Ins 1I(l17lC.l('S1lS.` for H0 . shall sum llis pr-01710 /rmn I.hm'r s-ins. !\ /[ \'im~. v E V . I `J1. rlAVlIn\a.avv LJ Presbyterian Church REV. J. S. SHORTT, M.A., D.D. Minister Edmund Hardy. Mus. Bac., F.T.C`.M. Organist. and Choirmaster I ual. III!`-II-luv` \,....___,__ (Cmpperton Street) REV. W. K. R. BATTY. Minister MISS M. KAINE Choir-Leader and Organist SUNDAY, DECEMBER 17. 1933 11 A.M.-~"THE APPROACH OF` CHRISTMAS" 8 P.M.--Blble School Session. 7 P.M.---'I`I-IE LOST SHEEP" Haw you seen the picturt-?t First Baptist Church Iln nnnrfnrl Qf.l`PPI.\ I x\L. $1.03 C-.. OE , SUNDAY_ DECEMBER 17. 1933 10.15 A.M.--`f-`orty Minutes of Medita- tion and Pmyer in Church Vt-st,r_v. 11.00 AM. - MORNING WORSHIP Subjr-ct,: Lights In .lhe World." WHITE GIFT SERVICE In Church Allditnrium at 3.00 pm. Cnngrngnt,im1 invited to pa.r(.i(~i-path` with Churr-h School In this .s(-rvice. Study pnrind I`0]1uwim.:. Classes for an. 7.00 P.M.--EVENINC`. SERVICE Subjm-1,: "CHRISTMAS REMINDS US." Christmas Carols. - A Chm-my Ch_urr~h -nu -. I A. u Phone 79r5 40 in. Flexible Steering Sleds Othvr Sleds priced from Al vw-rsnnrxnn r~ nu . F'VIrV.w Headquarters f o r T O Y 5-. GAMES. SLEDS, SKATES. . r....--... ..v. AL?T"c>:'vi6sxLE sxns. A to b:{$h}: 4|... I....n .9. l\I\ r\\.' I \J|vI\.-uIL.L. JI\n`\ l L. they last TUBULAR TRICYCLE. in. wheel . . ` Others from $2.19 up .1;-1' nut` nrvv .J\.r\lVIl' VV.`-\\.|\JlV, stream- lined with electric light $ Special . . . . Other VVagons priced from $1.15 up ,, __________ See the new SCAMP WAGON, stream- Ilnnrl with ...L..-5..-2.. I2...L; 1~ A g - The following items are only a few of the hundreds of gifts that fill our store. Come in and browse around. Let us know your requirements. and every as~ sistance will be given. in aiding you to make` suitable selections. The earlier you shop. of course. the more complete will be` the assortmcnts. Percolator Sets complete $10.50 nmm-m: mm In mm 1 MI" On l"x'i(lzL\'. l)vr'vn1l)-r l5 llw Clllll`('ll .':`.r-lmnl will nuul Cln'i: Sumwr. I`rivn(ls urv ll)\`lll`(l (n I mm! \vl\l<-I1 wlll fullmv : \ DU`.\TCA.\I JOHN MA(,.'l.l-I.\'N:\.\' (Kincnrdinu R<=vio\\'-Rv1xn`t,m'u | There fpnssc-(1 away at his home. Lako Rnxmo. A.s`hfi<`ld. on F1'idu_\'. D03. flst. me of Huron Cm1nL)"s wvll Ix`- ; low-:1 citizens. in the person of Dum-am iJohn Mar-Lenmtn. His; last illnoss \\'::.~. 101' brim dlmltion, although his hoznltll had been .'-(nmwvhnt impa.iro(l. for $0111 ` limv past. Hr was of tho 1121- 01' (E5 .`.V'(-ms. HM had liwd in }\Ehfil(l all his , lift-. \'.`h:rt- hv was knmvn and n~. - N: an iuxrluuch-invuu nv\tl hnnr..~uhl.. Tjjj E gvox COLLEGE! I? J ` .....-..u. ...-q`.. I The bod_v.o1' Ernest L. Juqun. of Grand Rapids, Mi;-h.. who (lit-d `in,-.1 Dt.-mm. hospital. De;-. 5. as Lln: rezsull, u! an automobile accident. was int:`r:'- ed in Ba.1'1'iv Union Cmm.-bexjv. Sutur- day, Dec. 9. Rev. E. E. Long (-ondu-ztted . s and the p:1l1b<>m'm':~; wm'v Alex. Cowun. John N(-:*l:u1ds. Wallm` Scott, Connie Brmvn, Dr. Fred Ross and (}~:>. Currmx of Orilliu. Mr. Janua was 2 gradtlato in Law from me Univex'siL_v 01' Micl1iI,;:m and was a member of the Ottawahills Cun- gregutional Church. Hts wife. who sur- `vivcs. was fonnerly Miss Ethel Urqu- lhart 01 Barri-t-. 80 Dunlop St. MI :i:l:l::I:l&I:ldI&l: . OBITUARY ERN EST JAQUA ..u.. n.. . u w .-w . nu A/--vvuu\ $1.00 pr. . a dandy $7.98 . 98;` 39c up I \x Collier St. United Church`' IHJV. E. LONG, 8.21., B.D., Mim's!cr LLOYD TUFFORD ()r_oa1I,isl. and (flrnirnzczstcr ..UNI)A\', In-`.CF7MBIs`.R. 17. 1033 11 AM.- " l`HFI DIFFERENCE .lEHLIS MAKES . \nl.lu-m: " (`ulory rllmnlnl ... ..~.V.. ......n... nnnnnu ySays Pensions Act $ Should Be Revised: ion Liazoue says: Council me-inl)<.-rs considered that the local board had lx.-come pr:u:ticall_v :1 rubber staiiip. in that. they are not allowed to do more than make rec- oninwncintions as to wlit-Llicr an ap- plicant. should 1't~o(-ivv a pension of ,nol. They are not allowocl to suggest any amount which thoy consider the ponstonur should rmeivo. This is handled by an iI'I\'(`.\`UL [Ol` sent in -by the department, of pensions. It was felt, that the local board are far mort- ('()l`lV(`l'S(llll. with ('0ndil.ions than .11 tyiitsiclm`. and t,lit-rt-t'ore should have ;1 right to rvcommt-nd what they feel tho amount, or t.ht- ])(`l].` should be. "It was fr-It that the P(`llSi()ll!~` Act` : llll(tt.`t L',(i smnv 1'v\'i. since ( (`l't1|ill pt-rsons are :tU()\\'('(l to (h`:1\\' pensions and still bl` in pr):~:sos.si0ii of ])l`()])t'l`L\'. A motion t':u'i'ivd to the t-t`l'<-('1. that tho (lvp:n`t1m-nt, bu poti- tionwl tn rt-vi.~;- thv /\('l and give tho lornl I)o:n'rl nmrv pm\'vi'." l`h.- :-lm~l- uvuu inctrlu-tnrl tn inr-hi(h- *--- I `At the recent meeting of the Prince Edward county council there was considerable discussion regarding the I lack of power \'-.~;mr.l in thv local Pen- `sinus Board. The 1`0por1, in the Flu- ton Gazc-me ' J"nIInni1 m._..u1I\;..~.- 1-nut,-ir4hn`nrl H1211` I'\'l'I|lII`C. |'\IlllHll'llI lzlsiilu; nnv hum`. Suvizll I-?\ A Yurnn nnnVI' H1` HUIIIIIIIILIUII 1]` Village tr11.~.tm~.< 1- in tho. Iwnnn; Nomination 1\'l('0tim.:' mn1inul.ion rm-r-ting fur lzxgr will I)!` In .1. . .. rx..n ...\ THE B.-KRRTF`. EXAMINER, BARRTE. 0N'l`., CANADA n n n c 1 I1 APTO I. l-I\1'nim.; Spent uhvr n1 Irit-nrl JVIIB. t.JIllIII\H\I . with :1 go-M 5. and \'isitm's. -(`ling l,hr- host- Nvxl, mnnl.h'.; x`r..1.1..,.!.,. '1- Hg 1h!- 1` In-Id W In`\ Ii`:-i in(-ludv '5: in HM- H-`(ii11gs. nI' H11- `to spe-nd the wintvr in ']'m'onto. TI` vnn hrnm nnu hnwq irnmc nl` unn- . Mrs. W. D. Henry left on Sunday I/U -\|)('ll(l Llll` \V|llLl'I III JUI\llI|\I. I1` you have any news. items of gen- c-ral int.o1cst,. please phone` 7 ring 32. Iv_\'-Thornton Lelt-phone. Itr-ms should` [be in by Monday noon. I 1 Mrs. W F1 Grov snont 21 ft-\\' davs! '00 In by Monuny noon. i Mrs. W. E. Grey spent days` _in Barrie 1'(`C('ntJ_v and am-ndvd lhv |C`r0ld(-n Wedding or hvr parents. Mr.; and Mrs. George Col:-s. Sr. ` Mrs, Fry 01` Nu-'\'m:u`kt-1, who Is; spending the \\'inLo1' with hm" son. W. V. Fwy, was seized with :1 StI'()kI on Monday evening while talking zmmnxll (he fnnmily <-irclr and is in n. \'(`l`_\` (-1'!t.ioal condition. T?nr-uni viuitnvau Rlfiuc Dilr-l:|.. 4-I` @&%K@%%@%@%%K@%%@%%%@ggg@%EQQ /% L)lUl'-l\ Ulllll -`Ull IJI l\II-Llll`ll\'I, \\lIlI lhis f.'\Lhm'; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Vvivv.` `Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rowlny, Mrs. W A. Jamie-son and Miss Juanita ml" 'l`or- 1 Hmto called :11. their lmlnv lwro nu` .`5IInda_v. , N I T`h1-rn me n nnnrl nlln-nrlun.-1. -ul I \\(`l |' -`l'\\ l ill i but no ::(-ri 5 Hztlhvrt \vn.~; V l:omr- from .s~ Hm mumm- l(,'l'lU('Z\l (`UIl(llllUll. Rm-(-nt, \ i.'~`,iLOI`SZ Miss Ritt-hiv Fnlnwrsmn. with Mrs. D, H. Cnrlwl Broc-.1; Jmk-son 01 Kim-11:-nm~_ \\'i lhis` Wk |Mr. Harr- W A .1.-wmio-!:nn nnd M .'lunnil.n ul' l`n -bllnnuy. Tm-x`u was :1 poor] nll-nd:tm-- :1! the m<'v1in.g of 'I`rinit`_v W.A. un WHI- nc-. :1! l-moon ah the ]).l`SOll1lL`,(`.; I`h(- work 01" the )`(`.'n` was ro\`i(>-\'.'v(li nnd all old ()fH(`,t'l`b` 1`('-(*Il`('YI`(l. Rm . 5. C`-. 3VI('C`m'In:-w}: l.h:mkvd lhv ludia-:< for (h(- spit-n(Ii(l way 1111- WA. hurl` ltmktirl nflnr Ihn mnr~.'nn:m:- [PI illlll hnlllll. L7|l).V \\lH U!` llll\|'ll In-up Lhv r npt-n all winlvr. Sh:-,|u-r Child I`l'll Rmnomln-rt-d "rm Dm-t-xnbvr mot-lyixw uf I`hm'n1t Juninr Inslitulv was hvld :11 the hm` nx` Miss Doris Pnrm-ll. Thv .\u:n two (lnl1:n'.*; \':Is \'()|l'd low:-rd H Childrt-n's Sl1vllm' in B:m'i1- " Christmas (-hm-r. Exm-`:1:-ni, pap: . I... `.ur...< Ink.` Qnnn 1.. Kins-, Winn-r ha-kl .'~'wn_\' on and lmnu-(l mu. n[ his 0 mi-/.znrds. 1`h:- .`nu\\' \vn.-; :41 that. l1':ll'fi(- wus (lzlm.-,<-mm`. \\`l`l'(' st-\'v1'nl mllision:-; on thv l ::r-Hons; (I:llYH1(.',(' (low tul.-Inn 4. lnurl n1 1 un... l'ill'Il unv mu,-mu. u~unu;.-, uuw ; umv r'n\'('I`(`(l (h('l`(` was 110 Santa Claus." Tl was diS('O\'f`1'('d that 21 lurgv mlmbor |)r(-smll. still firmly ))(`]il`\ (` Lhnl lhr-ru is: n Santa Claus. Tl'N'1`f` was also an P.`-:."l1'.|IIf.`,f` of mvxpr-1m`\'n Chr1slmn- ..:r'c.~ I ||\\ MIMI KIUIIU AVIlLlIIIl'In Homo." Miss Mary Mm'rm\' I hunmrous ;n'li('l-. "R[`I1\iI1i:~'.('(`l :. IW1-I\u|'lrnnnlnl .Qnv'n Run!-1 Ill` l.UWlllllIl' UH qH|wll|IiU_\` 1, lU.`|`l. ZUHI I wir bl` nm(l(- into :1 hiulmuy m-xl. umm(-1'. vmnlwt-t.im,: up with Hamil- rm, Kilt-hwu-1' and ()r:u1gv\'ill(-. AL- (-ntly ma-n hn.\':- bu-1.-n hr-rn ]nnkin~.r wr (ho ;1I'()Kll1(l and asking for 1:1`<'l\" I and suntl. S14-ps will bu tnkvn (H ntn'\ H... .-,...,I nu...` n`l uvinlnv unmrous ;n'n(-u-. MPH!lnl:i('(`II('(`:1 I)vpnI'l.mm1ta.I St.m't- Sunlu Clnlt nrl Vtiu. lnnn Rnnlrn n'_|\vn 1| finn v T`-cod Rrpcrt from Zion ` mu Prosb_\'t(*nan W.)/LS .I...- ......\o..-.. ..` H... 1.|VI\vu 1' .`a]Jll'l|U|(l \\il_\ lHl' ufl:-r lhv ]::n1'.~mx1:Ly_(-. : THORNTON \ -H'HH l)\l'(I?\|' }',il\ l' N Roll call was zmswt-r - pr:-st-nt U-lling; Hmv lh:-rt \\'ns: nn Snnln (` Jlll `-u1\ VACH` 5|Hd.\ h1(`1(l crsu-}::~ci. 'Il'(` Pmvorful Than 'll)ll.`u (UH ; mkhug z st-I100] wl 1:I....a I||\: HM" NH. ' (-hildra-nl `run inl.)| l\I|1\ \ |lIlI' ]}I' r-rc-d by ' I dis- I`1nnu " h0BET$9N?5, nave] s'roiiff% `\\\/////' I I I IJIVII In-I ie Phone 108 : BARRIE : SC in. aaaaiaaiieiai33311553`/533$:h3a2=a3a`f2nE.`3. $22 Imam Soup 2 ms iyakerats az: Baking Powder Hnim or FM -~]r'1:`I'l Brand `llrrn nrrnh Inn I um'v Now! sprzn,-_v B O N SA L M o N %A'L`iSiio WT-3:` 2 2`: Ihf 2`o`` OYSTERS .';;`.;'i`J.`.. Pint 490 FILLETS ?z._-` :2` HL120 GRAPE FRUIT 7 for 25 Frank T:-xru IANc:.Es 37c SPINACH 2 lbs. 15: In pas? gears manq- peopie gcnveexpensive Pr`ihieL[Rib F153` Chrisrmas giffsu... Ths gear everqbodu %is giving the fresh ROBERTSON & CALDWELL Opposite Post Office Phone 5 T `iii; i$;ZIe3; Vc'ji;.'.}i."" \ VEI.:COME. Miss Elsirr CIoughIey_ Orgmrist Mr. A11-.1:a1zdr=r Kvmr, CImir7m1ster .'~3-- Our Church Bullmin Hmlrtl