Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 2 Nov 1933, p. 1

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ARENA PROJECT 1 PUSHED AHEAD; BY DlRECTORS% Annthvr ls Transferred mi the County Court; Two 1 Divorces Withdrawn Eiifxregf SEVI-IRAl.. PROCEED l(H_'l'1S ()1 LI Azzriculmr v hr` hvlrl up nu .'x"I I ll a ui\'(' H1!` -/- nn1.- L`\1l\H\`\`- WIND \' nn :\ makc :1 `sLx`u_\'ed en in z` ; X`..` C` True Bi1lWReturned I I '1 In Elmer Profit Case; ] ..__..._._ .. A true ':)'1!l" was 1'L1n'nrrd by the Grunrl Jury at the Assivxx; yesLc1'day aftornrrn in the case of Elmer O. Pm- fit. aged 28. Bm'rio, Char;-;ed with m:msIaur.1hLm' "m the: death of Clmrlvs S Mickle. prominent G1'avenh1u`:st, and Toronto Iumbcrman. who was instantly killed in an m.-<'1denL on Highway 11 five milvs south of Orillia on the .r:vm1- in: of April 22 last. 'l"hr- Gmnd Jnrv heard H10 Cm : . . \' mg m Apru zz m The Grand Jury Crn*.-.'n':a widen:-(2 and d(-,1ibr~raLnri for about two hours before reavhinz :1 v!*rcH(-I. wwm Drnfif trial will nut nrm-I-nrl Bylaw Palseecyl `Increasing Stock to $40,000; Share- holders Called l`i .)lli`S r):`IOi'C I'|"(l('lllH:: Pl V'.'l`JH'l. The Profit. trial will not n1`<)(:(-orl, however. until the (-.0mplei,i0n of tho Cadeau murder trial whivh will likely last. the rest of the \)\-'(`.(?k or l0nc_:,r'r. (H'l\/I112: Ull l1lL1lIV\:l-y an, '.nh Lzlvru :1 w'zu'11in9, and the ("aw \\':L\ clisn1i.s'=s~-:1. Prr.vim'iza1 Con:-ambltr W. A. '1`. Robinson claimed Limo haul lm;:;znri" tho sirnulv strip nf pavt~m0nL. omsidn of St.a_vmu'. land Lllisrnby rlitchcd two other motor `('a1`s.,L1r,~ <-lainwcl an app:-oar-hin'.-. team and a. car ah-Pad px'=vnntod his t,urnin,r.; on`. His speod was 30 milv.'~;.] \r.u........ .,........, ...., W. Little. Allnmlalm r'11m'r_wrd in C01- lin9,w'.md Poliro Court. with 1'N:kl(\.s A. nn LYinhu"1v ')l{ rvnu niunn -.1 ! Governor - General Stresses `E Value of Ties of Empire Evidence of Satisfactioni Felt in Rights of Our ` Citizenship NOT ONLY HISTORICAL IAddress 07f Mgnyor Pays Tribute to Loyal Pioneers ~91 ~ . 1 1,1`. Huge Crowd of Y()!l71f_{.\`tL I'.\` hnjoy 1 HaUou'c'cn Part)` Gircn by Ixiuunis` 'l'ribul.r~ in tho vm'1_y plant-I-r:; L: Sinwnv Cmmty mm the l,radit,in|1:: whlvh l.h(-y hroughl. with lhmn {mm Hw Old Country war: paid by Hi:- Worshlp Mayor J. 1". Craig in im- orfk-ial addro:<..'+ nf Town of Bar- rio. whirh was; prnsontr~d 10 His Ex- <-ollr-nuy Lhv Earl nf Bnssl)m'0l1p,h, an the or-rnsion of \i.sil. nl thr- (`zm'- vrnn1'-Gr`nr-ml':s party to I3nn'ir'. Mun- dny .'1ft,s:rnnm1. Official Arlrlrt-. "your l'.'X(`(`.lll`H(',_\ "Tho (-i|,i7.(:n.<; of Bm'1`1r~ and sur- munding <.-ounhry wish to mzlvncl In you and to Hvr Em-.r>1l~m-_v mv Coun- Loss of Bx-ssl)m'nuv,:h a most, simmro and hcm't_y welmmo nn ymn' first visit In mlr Lnwn. IL 1`. H. 4\ lil.ll'lllll:xUl| \vlI.IllllL', xnr'('Mnr.: nf lhn zahnrvhnldt,-r.'; Wcrzt. Riding of Sinu-,or~ A2114 Jninl` Stm-.k Umnpnny tn the PnIl(:r- Court` Chnmhr rm day. Nov:-mhr-1' ll. M. '/..3n 1).! '[`hr` nnlim. :;l:m~ l,h:||, H1!- uvill In. |.nl:l Fun Pu. v\IIl'I\I|lftu pupw, "Wv wish to n:.'s\1rr- you, Sir. M` on (loan npm'(*('im.im1 nf Lho svlf-5-.u(`ri{l(w of ymlrsclf and Her Ex(',('11m1r'V `n t.1'z\\'Mllng Sn rm` ufiold and of 9.11111! im: In us tho ()]\pm`l`lIllH`_\' m oxl:-nci inn in mm mm` `nuns! hm-:n'H:-ll klllllllill l\Ul Thv Right` Hmmlxmh F.m'l of B(`:<.slmmI1L:h, Gn\'m'110l`-Cvm1m`:|1 of "Yam" EX(`(`Hl`H(',_\ :---V B nnnn:-Hun I-nnnl I`(' xvi (IR.\'l ICll l. IVOR l{I`.(`l-'.I"l'I()\ N0 Poms ; IN ms sway I.-.$ASW1THR0W\% gwill Give Credit to Any`? l \XIl--. \.\IZlI {`-......,.n SEGREGATIUN URGED ` ( I \.JIvL, \rI LIJIK Who V`/ill Co Abuses Correct ABARRIE, CANADA, THURs6XY,'_N6EMBER 2, 1933 wm w- ::idm'm.z pa:~'. : in Pvt-5: CADEAU MURDER TRIALMST-ARTEI); J MAY LAST FOR SEVERAL DAYS 1----0---o------- --u-...- ._ ._ .._ - _. _. 1 1...; o`g4%m`gw ..~ 1 l WABOLITION or` 1 ;%GRANDJURY IS owosnn u. pumuuu u) mu .-.--.. `vxmtnpll. '1`m- Last Post" Turn In page flrrvr, plvasr; Allarnduie Crew Vice-Regal Train Cunlprmnisc Ends Rail VVuge Strife` As Men Agree to 157.3 Instead 0f 20 7i%'iT1'1ed F or Failing To Change Addressl Bocaiisn he failed to notify the Do- partmont. of Hi_L:li\\'a_\'s of a rhango in his address within the noces.sai*_v six days. William Foster. Toronto. was fined $10 without costs in Barrie Po~ lice Court, Friday morning: last. Traf- fi(- Officer W. F. Thompson laid tho r-hnv-nn `cztor on his truck Tm'I.mm_ $2 and 'I'\\..n. v\I:1\V'| :nn. Hwo BLAZES 3 IN 0NE NIGHT 4 CENTRAL AREA In I"Il':\lH"l|V on Or't.nhm' Z`? :: law uut,hn:'lz w. mzlrir In Hw Liv! Hun lean... nf KI vBusiness Agai Threatened by Mysteri- 1` ous Fires 'I`\\'o firms of undetermined origin caused mxmsidmublo dzun-age in Bzm'ic on Monday evening. Incondiarism is blnmocl. :1lth0ll2`h than-9 is no definite e\`idcn(*:~ to this vffvct. 1`hx'ce Imsv alarms wvro rung in T1w. m`7~n`2 g. x-I:111m\'o`on, two r n ,, .-, -5 v,.-... "4 12 ulfnri HA1..LowE*iaN CALLS v Show l't`]).'H1' snup U1 p. w. Dunlap street. f(v`mor1_\- mvn-` I., Van.-\Hvr. resulting in '4 amount. or claumuzv being done ' .\'r*(`H0n of the building. tn- : with dzumxgo in UN` :1p:u`lImenl:-: :nd the aim`. The from pm'- -~ I4`iv~I|\ um! Mnm-n`: w`n: 10' 2 Cents a Day Cost of Jail Fare No. 44 ll; \'V21:x IH'l'I . : 101- of Hw mr I`fIVV\Y1!Il|l' 1, 4800 Copies START THIS MONTH? THIS WEEK'S CIRCULATION TWO ACTIONS AT ASSIZES 5 ARE smm)

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