THURSDAY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY 2 SHOVVS NIGHTLY, 6.45 AND 9.00 P.M. SATURDAY MATINEE, 2.30 P.M. THIS BIG PROGRAM AT OUR REGULAR PRICES MONDAY - TUESDAY: WEDNTESDAY T ADDED ATTRACTIONW; Em-`.11 Pitts and Thelma Todd in Show Business METROTONE NEWS AND SINGLE. with Greta Granstedt THEY ALWAYS GET THEIR MAN" 24 HOURS TO PLOT THE PERFECT CRIME + RRJE1 E XAMINEZR p::::rr:w Pram the Novel by Grace Perl-ivu Jldaptanou by Keene Thompson c......__ m... 1.-. r:..._...:- n...._n .nuu`ynanuru u-v n\v.\ux Q ----- utzav-u Scrccn Play Gertrude Puree. COM1NG-"THE MUMMY" -M ALSO SHOWING 5V` VMEKEN NA, of the MOUNTE&D; i ` ` ` _ .' I-I I-hp I I \|-VVJ I Yummy Rubin Comedy. Full Coverage' Comedy No. 2--Thc Spot on the Rug" Single Ree-l---"Athletic Daze" \X/HEN THIS GORGEOUS MILLIONAIRESS MET THE MAN OF MEN --~SHE FOR- GOT HER MILLIONS AND WAS JUST A WOMAN! WALTER CONNOLLY LOUISE CLOSSER HALE LYLE TAALBOT l',\__l ,,_ ~,'.`_.Il f`_,._.. , /<:`3.RoLE LGMBARD 4900 Copies Harold F. Ritchie % Dies After .Opera.tion l A f`2A,_: I I Harold P`. Ritchie, whose beautiful summer home, Woodlands," is sit-I uzmrd on Kempenfeldt Bay. cast of Barrie, died suddenly in 'I`oronLo yes- tr.-rrluy, following a major operation in Hm General Hospital where he had Imvn it patient only four days. He was just, 52 years or ago. Mr. Ritchie was `hr-url of the world-wide. orgzmlzation i\'.'11ll'll lwurs his name. ru._.,, .. . .x H` :ll,. .1 little school on Manitoulin Is- lzlllrl, Harold I". Ritchie entered busi- Il('.`~`:s' in Toronto literally without. a pr-nny." and died, 1-oputedly. one of the \\ l"(lIHli(.`.'~'l. men in Canada. C:u'load" Ritchie. clescrilncd as "dnclm' of salosmansl1ip," was pl'osi- (IL-nl, nl L.l.(l., Harold 1-`. Ritchie Co., Inc.. of Unilvcl States, BI`lU.'s'h Harold F. Rllclllv Cn., Ltd., and International F'l`0[)l`l(`l'r|l'i(.`.S , LLd.. zmcl dirC(:Lo1' lhv J, C. Elm Co., lll,d.. London, Scott. and Brown. Lld., Bloomliold. N.J., and al Prmlpolan Co., l..l,rl.. Elmira, Burn in Bnbcaygnnn, O'nll., .52 yr`2ll`5 mm. Nil`. Ril.(-hiv wont to Mzmiloulln lslnnri as a youth, laluzhl, .<;(-,hn0l lhr-rt` "Mr 2:, limr, and wmll. in r'm'0nl.n in If}r.'44 Ho .v.l,al'l.<=.d bll.\'lllC.S.H for him- ::r`H_ hm-mning agnlll l'nl` zl, lilm nl' l);l|~ vlll. lll(`l'ii(,`il1f`S. Within H10 .`DH(.`f` of 20 yrrnl's ho br,v:amn .`ill(`(`f}HSfUl far hr`- yrmrl l.l1(- dl (`Hlll.` of must nmll. His` mlllpn,11lr3s snlrl goods and lnailltaillcrl llllTll'I`.\` in l'\ ('l`y civilized cn1lnl.r_v of lhv world. I-lr~ (:nnl.l'oll(2(l largo f:(-tnl'- lir.~: and f`l`lf.Cl'[)l l5CS in England, the Unill-(I -"5l.ali('s and Callacla. AH.( lldhlf- . his. far-llullg lm-l`esl:.. ho l.r:l,vellc~d ml `.:lW!l`.' of l25,l)0fl miles :mlma.lly. nu" n:|..I.:,_ ... in -- ~- (/'4lnllIl(,`H(.'il`lg, his (:al'cm' as :4. leach-| I X I the Harold I". Ritchie C0._' of I Mr. Ritxzhin marrir:d the daughter 01' Mr. and Mrs` Archibald Brydon of Liln Current, Manitoulin, who sur- vive~.<: him with four da11gm.c1's. Mrs. 'l'lmma.s Gilmrmr. Mis:;n.< I)o1'oLhy. Pauline and /\n!,omel`t`(: Rltcmr-. I-[is ` 1'nl.lwr and 0111- `br0Lhm' live in Little Currnnl, and our sister in 'I`o1`out.o. y Vi.lil'll(`(i .s'oldim'_ testified that ho had! `uni. Alter Hi!` plaintiff had :~'.ubniittnd his r-vicimn-9, His Lordship r(~quested (`IIllll>'.(`i for plaintiff and defendant to irv and Hl'i'i\ (' at it settlement. in the] at-iinn oi .Iaiiins Tough. Beelon, zi- g2i.iiisi. William Camplin. Beeion. \Vhi(`h xvzm commenced in Siimcine Cmiri Assizc-s lieiore Mr. Justice hi` I fmgv, Monday afternoon. Settir-inent of case was thereiipon remixed with the plaintiff x'ocnivii1;', $1250, and r,-acli side bearing its own ` (-(i:~'.L~;. Tough had sued for $939.15. the mnmiurl aileged to have been 1`oeei\'ed by Lin` defendant. from the plaintiff` in nxcvss of the amount due. and $2.- 500 clzmmges for illegal distress. The. action concerned a iarm on Conces- sion 5, Tecumscth Township, pur- clmsod by the plaintiff in 1920 through the Soldier Settlement Board. R. G. Agnew, KAC Toronto, and I)un(-an I-`. Mccuairz. Barrie, acted for the plziintiff, and W. A. Boys. K.C.. B1Ll'l'i(`, and Jaine.< P`rasm`_ Tottmihuni. ior the dei encizmt. Jillli(`~i Tough. [ the plaintiff. a l'(`~ I [llli`(`il2lS(`d the inrm in 1920 for $6.500. nnd b( f`:llll(` indebted to the defend-I Cmnplin said i`ongh owed him. $1,700 and st-cond inoitazage was plac-` vd on the farm in 1927 for that H- niount. "He said he would send inr- clmvn ii` I didn't. pay him what I owed him," piziiniiif Camplinl \\':Hil.vrl In lnlcn ihn Iumn I|I'nI- in 1l'\'ll| set:1e.;2f{EeZ}hed ; Illegal Distress Suiti~ Local _M;1t:X;);Iies ~ For Partial Pension` ()rillia~Mi'llrmS{ws Waubaushene Baker BARRIE, CANADA, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1933 I The Examiner for tine Job print-ins.` THIS WEEK'S CIRCULATION u A In xv: \Jl-l\.l IAQAIJAA A Giant in Business imsw TRIAL IN | CASE or J. A. 1 5 HUTQJINSONE (Continued [mm Page One) G(`1Dh. Wits sottled out of court. Trial 3 of the other. James Tough, Beeton, vs. William Camplin, Beoton, commenced ` Monday aftemoon before His Lordship without jury. but. \v:1s settled for $250 - for the plaintiff xvithout. costs after Witnesses called by CX`0\\`11 P1'0sevn- tor Col. G. F`. M(~Farlmid, K.C., Toi'on- 3 Lo. wore as folloxvs: Dr. Duncan MU` Calhim. Churchill. who attended` Gnugh: Provincizal Constable W. P`. 'I`homp: B.'m'in. who. with Con- sba bin S.) m Ervino, in\'osLigatc'd the ac-vidmitz Provincial Constable T1103. ' Mt-Donough. B.'m'io, ho drove Hui ` chinson to the hospital: Irving Rob- ertson. Imiism. who :u'i'ivcd sho1'il_\' after the L(?(3id`l]|; Leslie I-I111 and WH- liam Boomr.-1'. Chur('hiIi. uhn altelidod lhn iujurvrl inch. I"1'`d Colo. Minosinz. whose var Wm: pa.ssrd by Uough's rm` si1ori.i_v hefnrv Hm m-<-idem. 'I"l1r\n1raL- I\nlnnn1' 'T'nI~nnla\ :lnC'nn:-n I I 11.110 plainti had given his evidence. aum LI)` l)l`,lUl'(' HI! 'rH'('l(l0,'lllv. ! I`lmnms I)vlano.\', Toromn, dnfenr-0 mun.s'ol. callnd Lho Io1l Wall:- R. Pa,H8l1d(*I1 and Mrs. Patlendcn. Minesing. who worv hm C0l<"s. car. John A. l{ut,r:hinsz)n, the 'd(.`CllFL`l l; and Dr. R,ol)m'L Armour. .-4pe<'ia1isL in um'~ mus and n1onl.:11 rl1.s'trascs. 'I`0mnLo. T)0t.`lnr'.<: Evidr3m_-r- Dr I)unr.-an Mccallum. Chur(~hHl_ the (inst, witness, gave ovidenco regard- ing mvdical z-1U,r>.nt.i0n given to Gouh Hfivr the accident. and de:=<:ribed his (-onditinn_ R0g:n'din9. tho accused. his attiuxde waw. rather aI1tagonisLlc. and hostile tn the oicm`. and he had a. Sh`0IlL . smell nf liquor on his l)rom.h. One of the )1Iiccx'.s' had run his hand nvrr 1Iut,chinsnn':4 head. which Hut- chinson a.ppCa1'od to 1~r~. In m'm nlnfr-l1r`n r-mm- uillllhllll .'l.p[)C'`l,l'(`(1 [O IT`-SCIII. In ci'()ss-elmminat,ion, defence coun- sel endeavoured to Show that alcohol in the xsnlutinn used in wastiiiig the wound Imight liave left. a smell of liquor. ihnt, witness said he did not wa.~;h the wound with alcohol, zil- thongh it. might. IIHVC contained a small poi'<'m1t.z.igc 01' zilcohoi. Took Photograpiis (5. Wilfred J:i(:ksnii, })hOi()RTH.'[)i1Pl', Banie, stated that hn had taken phnt,o,<,'raphs of the accident early the `next. moi'nin 2ittm' the :ic('ident.. and pmduced them fUi'H1(`. court. Tiioy were filed as exhibit. one. tP.C. 'I`hnmp:~:on Testitics Provincial Constable W. F. '1`honip- son, Barrio. presented detailed inform- ation concerning the position of the two cars :i,i'tm' the accident. the a- mount, of daiiiage done, and actions _ with respect, to Hutchinson. The Gnugh ear was going north and the Hutchinson mar south. Witness de- that both ears were very badly `Idaniaged with the iront, portions of ma.chim~s driven back toward the seats. 'I`hL-y were both on the east, side of the pavement. 'I`h(`x'e were no skidmarks on tho DIV(`lTt(`.lii.. The of- ` ticor said t,h.'Lt, the cars must. have * conic together with tremendous im- pact ibecausc both (~zu's were headed ' right. into one 1tI10Uil`1`. R.nlnt.inn I-h|tr~hin~.'nn\ uttitumln 1 Han llglll. HHU UH!` H,l1l)Llll'l'. l Relating Hutchinson's aH.iludo.' Hw n`i<~0r said I+IuL<'hin.s` appeared very antagrmislic to m'vr_vm1o. Hutchinson - nf Hnnn kn! l`\t\ uvnu-id:-.`4 a-nu;In|1.~uI1(' H) ('\'(`I _\'Unl'. l1ul.CnlllS0n smelled of liquor but he wouldn't. say he was drunk, and the cm` smnllcd very sl,rm1gl_v of liquor. Tho oll'i('m' `found :1 gm bottle thirty feel. from tho our in a iiold and the cork on the sliouldvr. 'l'h(~r(~ was still sonic liquor in it. 'l'h(~ night, of the accident. was dark and Krlear and the pavmnoni. was dry. [`r\I|r4n|\In 'v<\.......u.... ..i...l ..: an\Jl-4A1\l A General Insurance Canadian Pacific All Steamship Lines "Bonds -- Stocks Gordon Stevenson ROSS BLOCK Tel.-1010. House 196 2 BARRIE has had a reaction! THE RICE-iE$T GIRL IN THEWORLD --- ..._. .._....____._..._ ......_...._-.__....._.-...-..-. Why Not Pick Up the Better Class Stocks? THE MINING MARKET AG`E'NCY AL :1 well-attended congregutlomtll `eeting of Collier Street United church on Tuesday evening. it was unanimously decided to extend an in-[ I vitatlon to Rev. Ernest. E. Long. B.A., B.D., pastor of Avondale United church, Tillsonburg, for the past. six years. to become minister or Collier Street. United church in succossion to Rev. J. Johnstone Black. B.A.. B41). who has accepted 2; call to Lindsay, the change to take place at. the and M" Hun l1I`f' (".nn4"r-r:-non vnnr hum I-um: uuullgc [U Lulu: plume all H10 (?I\(l of the present Con`fc1'(-nce yen)`, Jun" 30, and to be subject to the 1-at1l'lvn- tion of the Settlement Committee and l C0x1fe1'm1ce. Mr. Long. who prmu'l1~ ed llerc on Sunday at both sv1`\`l('os. creatt-`d 21 very favorable i111p1't`ssl<>11 u with the congregation. He was cmn munlcated with by telephone i111m(`(li- ately after the meeting and ox1)n-ssccl a willingness to nccopt the call, which ' will be placed with Slmcoo P1'nsl)ytm'_v ` next Tl10Sd_V. rfI|.,_ ._.,`,..;,__ ...l_.... . u, I The meeting Wm: presided over by the pastor. Mr. Black, and was quite hannonious, augurlng well for :1 happy -pastorate for the now mlnislor 'l'lw cmnxniuee in vlmrgo of thv 11ogn1.l;z_- (ions was composed of Dr. W. A. Lew- [is lchairmam, A. G. Ma('L.u1l:m mov- :rvt.a1'_\'), W. (1. Hunter, '1`. Sim-l;air. I H. Hurlburt. and w. 0. Walls. 1 . I rs-.. n N v ..._,, .-. . .. -. ... In-unnulllu uuu vv. Rev. E. E. Long. B./\._ B D, is :1 gradnnie oi Viciorin Uni\'ersii._v. Tn- ronio, in arts and bi Union i`i1voi()e- icai Seminary, New York, in iheo10g._\'. 110 is 44. former Methodist `but for Hu- pasi. six years has been pastor or I\\'- undaie United church. I`iil.-sonburz formerly Presbyi.erian.I. Br-iorc-. i:s.k- ing Lhis charge he spent. iwo :;umnm's in Northern Ontario and was out We:i as :1 student. He has c(mduei,ei sev- u. Ivu.u.). oral classes at. Alma College, .':'i. '1`homa:5, in religious education and has edited a, number of the Sunday School Lessons of ihe United Churvh Department. oi` Religious Education. In Avondaie church he has had :9, very successful pastorate and comes highi:.' recommended as a great, si.u(ieni., an exceileni, preacher and a mu` leader of young people. Mrs. Long is a1:`0 n graduate of Victoria and is ai, ])n`:`('ni .`at,lld_ViI\g for a Ph.D. dcg1`('.('. Mr. Long is 32 years of age. I Collier Street United Calls Rev. E. E. Long Tillsonburg Minister` North Bay, Fol). 19~~'I`0d:I_v, with Hm rigid enforcement, 0! the Lord's Day Act. `cigarettes. tobucco:;, paporsa `candles, camera lms and uvnn :t,a1m):; `arv off the Inarkct. _-.. nu. ....... ..\.. . Pvrsnns unaware of l.h- }mli('~ mm- 1ni!~ ruling that the law was 10 hr sLri('.Lly enforced were loud in their protests when they found that they were unable to get their papers or cig- m`cI.Los. J-OR Tslga GERL RICHEST Iii" LOVE? M I j North Bay Enforces _ l Rigid Sabbath Law` Following the rcsigimtion or R. A. ` SLC[)h(`ll;, one of the 0l'igill}1l Sl"\"?ll mc-mbm's of the Executive of the Cvn- 1 Lral Relief Committee. who Hll`()ll$lll i ill health has been -onfinod in his home this winter. Harry Buvlmiirinu was appointed to fill the \'l(`l1C_V. Mr. Buchanan is hcadin.-.'. up thn Relic-l Department. for clothing and V.`01l](|` welcome any gifts of spare c-lnthlnz from your homes. Place Harry Buchanan!i `On Relief Committee ` Hm Honour Judge Wismvr Judgxnem. following the hear-in mlor-plcadcr action at Hm House _vestcrda_v. b`.f.\v0l=x1 thr- mm of F105 and the Blytho agaixm, Jnhn Longhurst, Flu. s-hip farmer J. R. Boys, Barri for the plaimms. and Frank I Imand for tho defendant. EF arm Goods gized Subject of Action Circles A and B of W.A. of Burznn Ave. Church are holding meat supprzr. I-`riday. Mar. 3. in church. Come and [hear Mr. Jack Miller, talented and` ;humorous speaker, on "Changing: iconditions." Musical numbers. Ad- ,1 mission, 40c and 25. Bblj I `|__ COMING .u..~uu-uuu room and do: on away by t Mixed euchre at W Friday evening. Feb. rie Lawn Bowling - -I". nnhu` :- L in page 1 ' 10::-x'vrr1 owing hearinr; of an Cour? lay. l`0wn- Estnhn Flux t.n'.\n- I. Barri!-. act:-r1 ms. A. Ham- Anfnnrlnu-O EVENTS . plcasrl nu- 83.): .---R O XY-m1 //*9 ins` THURSDAY -- FRIDAY - SATURDAY The Prize Double Bill of the Season ANOTHER BRITISH MONDAY~-TUESDAYi--WEDNESDAY UN 'I|Il'l 5/\M5". I -ILL Anolher Famous Zane Grey % Slory, with Your Favorite Star: Till". S(.TR[';EN'S GR!-ZATEST TEAM 'fdGETHER AGAIN `HIE PICTURE YOU'VE BEEN WAITING FOR l'.)lFFL'RENT AND DELIGHTFUL an inside comedy of We in-|aws. fhe in-bads and all bu? Inqrafifude. A Booth Tarkington Comedy, Penrod's Bull Pen" n1A'v rw g-nu rrxtx A1! .--.< I` .... .. -- cQ9g1`Y\T(;-*- ~s1x, H0URs*ro L1vET'7 Ill l1Lv|"r\ Is A\ 'l'l'l\ I lt'\Illl nI\I l"(` WALTER FU'lTER'S CJRIOSITIES AND N!-LWSP ST. JOHN BERCHMAN S SOCIE.TY MARY S CHURCH, BARRIE Shows slarl 6.45 and 9 p.`m. Pricm 15c and 25c -mmxcpup --..c\-\--a.-. --.`--_.. `- Roxy BARRIESV IiE)MEV6i' H1GH CLASS PICTURES 7| nnA1\..a LJIII ll\I\.ll\I.J l\.l 1.1111.` nth WARNER BAXTER and JOHN BOLE RegLi;{;Li>ig'Lli5c"anlfsc .* .- . _ O`~,`,. V. `--v \"..` MC KEDFNA - a... uni m1`:n/:.{ MAi9im;i' s;w1;r;.3x+ A'-3.36 l\II...Ln CL_..._ _n_..A B Ar: _,,J n ,, vuu I uwul. -.JIl I Ul\IJn I H I (4.0!) r.n Night Shows start 6.45 and 9 p.m. r\- .- u_. BENEFIT ....... -v , H-.. .,.,.. '0; PWCYUII Ammo A'l"I'RAC'l`lONS 9.E.?iEfiffR."*;!ia~@'%?' {uInfs u.'Ai as .3. and 6 comedy casr Duruiod by Mhod Sonic" n... -..-u-- 3" Feafurinq