I ALLANDALE `ii Early In M0m:Lun. N.r5. Miss M. l"lect,h:un and Fmnk 'l`uI-I : of Hamilton were gtu-. M Mr. and Mrs. l`h0s. I"!ccLh2un. '1`it'l'in S.L,, fur part. of Monday and I`1x<-stluy. \,Hu.- Im..A,. mzmnnm-us ul` (_'-m\'(~n- PHIL Ul Auuuuu_y nu ...\ M195 Edna >U1(~n1mvn.x' or (.`-1 nurse is visiting; an, M11: hunn: Clt-.mn1(:n.s'. William .51.. Misr; M(:CuIm of Gruvunl1lu`:L wan, : weekend visitor Lhnn-. _,,'1`m. mu-in : km` \\'<>n' _, . wockcnu vlsxwr Ll1l.`1'('. . ~~ I`h4~ Gnu-,iu 51100 xvmnvn is ` the finest value Ln hr had tntluy, Orth- opedic, urch support. -x<-vilcxxl \\'m'k- man.s'hl|) and only 34.11: : in \\`idLh. Ag tau E at, Hll1'.~. Shoe Box. 8|) Bun Bear. Jr., was mthw :11 :u, (Ins-\ udvmxtugv (luring Llu~ Omen Sound- Bnrrlt: lmckcy nmuth us. hi. mu.x`in is (lcfcnso mam. M'K:1y. of mu (i1',~_\'.-4. nnd Ben med Ln root for hum l4'2uns.| p._, u:.. ...'..|.o no Hun r....];.,- P135 Ten 1 l`0x'0nLr) 5 up {roux} a brotlurr I from u butrlaoulw 0 Anna Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Kneeshuw spent. Saturday in Tofonto. Arthur Kneeshaw spent the weekend with Tom Bateman at Bond Head. 11.. nn.I 1\/lru Rm-r. "l`|n'nnr nf 'T`n- wxm Tom BBLCIIIHJI um. uunu nuuu. Mr. and Mrs. Bert. I`tu'ncr of To- ronto spent, Sunday at H. Nlcholrs. `Mmw nr Hm vmmg nc-01310 from Friday mgm. I Mr. and Mrs. John Gillespie and children of Toronto were at Roy B01115 for the weekend. 1' art`: cnmm on v-nnnri Hunt. '1'hmm1s FOHLO spent; aunuay ul. :1. ruvuuu .3. Many of the young people here attended the dance in Stroud on Friday night. Mr and Mrs, Gillesnie nndl --Flt. your feet at Hill's Shoe Box. 813 - Nelson Magce is back ut_. work again after a second attack of flu. \ Maurice Hanna of the S.P.S.. Toron- to, was home for the \\'CL`k(`l1d. 1-1.... u..o,.I1mna i= nvnnr-uurl hark` xor tne wecxenu. I am sorry to report that Thomas Gibbons, Sr.. is very ill as the result ` of a recent fall. R/[re K(|nn- nma Mics: .Qn King of` UOIDYI KHOCSHIIW S. A number from here at-t(`.nded the funeral on Monday at. Churchm of the late Robert Bnteman. nu-nnvilln unnhnu Vvilfrnri KnN-- of recent Ian. I Mrs. King" and Miss Susie King of! Bradford were weekend visitors at. Dolph Kneeshnw's. A numhnr frnm hurl` nt.tm1dm1 the Lilo law KODCIT, nuwnmu. Grenville Hughes. Wilfred K1100- shzuv, Marion and Eileen Knecslmw `visited in Toronto on Sunday. I The pupiLs of Coulson'.<; Hill school were Lrvatod to a. Valentine social by ltlmlr lonelier. Miss C-. Burton. | Mr. and Mrs. Frank O'Connell lllid l dklllghl.(`l' Margaret` of Uptergrovc- l .-;pl-ni, last Wednesday at I'lms. Gil)- - buns`. vnhn Iiumvlunx niucnm (.n|-h-Ilrlu | nuns. . John 1~I:u'rison. MiS.\`(S Cv(!l'U'lldl.`, Ir:-nv and Josephine Ha.rrls<)n of Nv\v- Lon Robinson visited at Thos. Glbl)on.~;' ` ` on Sunday. .1 V Humhlv nnrl Ad:-1:-nn snnnh muluuy. l J. F. Hu.n1bly and Adult-no spnnt I<'1`id:1y and Sutu1'd.'1.y In Toronto, Mrs. Hzunbly rL-tI.u-nlng with them nftcr four wm-ks` holiday thorc. 'r`h.. v ns: rill nu-nf .11 um hnmn nil l(llll' Wl?(`Kh nulu.m._y Hu'|l:. n The Y.P.S. will nu-rt, at tho ll()lll(' of I Anu-l_vn Humhly nn Wndnosduy even- in::. 'I'll(- citizenship ('nnv(.-um`, Glrvun Smvyl-1', will be in (`.lllll'[.U`. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Culrns uml Mr.` and Nlrs. W. M. Km-v. ('0l(`l)l`ll.l(`(l ` llu-ir 32n(l \V(`(l(lillp,' n.nnlvc-r. on 1`/l()lldL_\' z-vvnim; at. Mr. l{11cvsl1uw':s. Cnuls Hill W In.~4lll.ul(- "|mvl. :11 tlw lmnw of Nlrs. Jnnlos Slozuw ` lust. l`llurs(luy uflvrnnmu. l`lwrn was; :1 'l,;nnrl :1t.l,:-ml.-nu-v and all l`(`])0l'l(`(l u ' .-..n....m.q mm. -(-J:)ULSON S mu. .....x xx...` wmlmln `knm `h|`IIl| \\I Sprim: \Inrnn' H ' WYEVALE W, nomc wr uu: vutcnvuu. John Hutchmgs is cxpecwd buckf tonight, from a vacation trip to Los - Angeles. --- I`hv Val-Mm` {inc calf Oxford VFIIJLA oz` .\h l"'1':m1-; Clun-. .1 xv... I '1` 1 I anqm-I nI|ll\-v \l`1| LVll'S. Mason Vlauuu uu.'nu:: 11; nun-I Lon last week. Miss Mary Mason 01' Simcoc 1- it spent the \\'eckL-nd with her pan-nt,;<.. St. Jude's A.Y.P.A. wxu meek m~.\:L Monday night at Geo. 1vIcDon'.1lcl's. 1A'..... 14...... nun.-at ..r 'I~,...nno,. ......n4 muuun, ... \4\4\lp .. .. .. Miss Mary Elliott of Toronto spt-nL the weekend with her sisu-1`, Mrs. Josh. Terry. Jnuh 'r`m~m- in v-r-tnrnimr In M:mi~ JOSH. '1(.`l`l'y. | Josh. Terry is rct,1n'ninp; to Muni- toba for :1. Lime, after spending 111(- wintcr here. Tw F, (1 IJ\nI\(|\' Nhx Ll-In`('.- nnd! on auncmy. Service at the 'I`0wn1inc PI`f`Sl)) U`l'i:l2l } church wlll be held next Sunday even- ing` at, '7 o'clock. Last 'I`hursdu_v 1,-vunin',; CtI(>l'sl(:v." l United Sunday Srhonl hold it skating part.y on 'I`ho1'xmm rinl-:. Tho WA. 01 'I`x'in'1L_v Chu:'<-11 urll nlevl. at the lmnw or Mrs. Kvnnum on Wed1ws(lz1y zufmrnoon, Mun-h 1. `.... uy nu 1. . ..,.c .. THORNTON J1 . Mason visited f1'icnd:s in Allis- no u-nab M1NE.s1Nc snow pumow l~'()R Hill's Shoe Box. on John Morton of Aurora will sing at the evening service on Sunday In Essa. St. Presbyterian (-,l1u1'ch. Mru S '1`hnm:u< of NI`\Vln1lI'kL`(.r5l)CI1L BROWN%& co. .._.._.._.._..__,.-.._...:..:`.-..o 1 NOW iN STOCK BEGONIA BULBS Nw'T'6N"'Roi3iNsoN FOR SUMMISR l3l.()UMlN(j THE BARRIE EXAMINER. .\l-uplv '\ 1 \___ By1'(m mum. Miss N1 in I`u1`unl Mrs. W 8. Visitor Miss M in Tomnl Miss .1 xmr.~'in_L-; I. Mr. rm wvokc-ml R-. J. E 1n'0\'(~d in 21 slmrl` rl :v,. . BARRIE. 0N"l`.. CANADA I C()od3;.e fx1;VRe;7)_c>}'t _ ` Reveals Strength, F I -Thc Val-Mm` with solid leather insole now $5.00 at. Shoe Box. 81) Jnhn Mm-um of Aurora LEFROY !Five Barrie Rinks 3 At Toronto Bonspiel I-`uur Bzu`ri(.- rinks have 1'c~.wm-d I s(`I11i-filmls of two events in the Toronto bonspicl, R. Malcomson :1 Dr. Slmrtt in the Norm A1n01`i<'m1 I mnu)(`t.iLi(>n. and R. 1*`. (jmrvlt 11 H. Meredith in tho W1"u.-,X mnmt Lion. '1`ndu:,".s (~0nlosts will dc<-klc 1' they will be plzu-ed for the iron!` and 1)ri'/,o.s. u \/rm-.-moh lw.-:1 l'~:m-Iv nl lhv G1 : `With the Junior Farmers And Home Makers" 21110 IV. 1'. \Jilll('LL unu mn1poti- s how ~ n'ophics 1 NH` 2 Big and I H l`Rl.\'(`l-I OF \\'ALl-ZS IS l!F.A'l'I-1.\' BY KING l~2l)WAR|): S('0ltl~1 `I-73 In tho s(`<.'0nd .24-hcdulcd mum )1 the Junior Public School Hockey Len-' 9,110. King Ed\\'zn`d School o:1nf('uL< cl Prim-0 of Walvs by the .sc01'c of 7 to '2. on 'I`11os(1'.L\'. | \Vl1ih- l`I'in4>4- of W;llI'R \|.'m`4' \\'l'1\k ill uwscmy. Whllv Prinvo of Wales worv ml 1,z,0zll. the \\'inm3rs` uclvantagc lay must- ly in thv (-<.)ml)i1mtion play of their first lino and in R<>\\'0n's n1m'k.smmn- ship. The lattvr was high scorvr for his tmn1 with three goals and as luxury. assists. 1.00 haul hm gunls and two as-l sists. Svutt on:- goal and one axssistl and l)i.\on. one goal. l-`or thv lusvrs. Smith was host. scur- inu, their Ih'sL goal on :1. nice lum- rnsh \\h'1l:- Ri~l1:n'ds vvns soxwlng` :n.; lwnsxlly. l`:1lnu'r. sC0r('(l l,h(- ()Hl(!1` 9.0.11 on :1 mm- puss {mm Livingston. l rim'v of Wales: (`-ml, 111111, llam- 11101" (lvl vm-<-, P:\lmu1'. l,.i\'im.-,sl \\`|n',-.s. uvvr. Jv'mmcLl: ct-ntrr. 1. . :1..viu.. I-`nH l\/1-.zrlin gi CHURCHILL Presbyterian cnurcn. Mrs. S. '1`homzus of Nn\vIn:u'kuL spent it few days with her :si.s'Ler, Mrs. Gru- ham, Bradford street. Mcu sunlm (`.Int.:- and her IN(iRlu`l)IEN'l`S Y<'1l<)w Corn- mvnl. Gmuml Wheat. Sh<>r\.~:. (`-rmlnd Out (`-r):\Ls. Corn GL1- lvn l"-`vvd. I.in.~`(-<-d OH. Cake Mo-.11, Groumi Burl:-_v, Milk l u\\'(l(-1'. Fish Mm). .\ 1l`ilL MNII. Bunv Mvul. Alfulm Mvul, I0(i'L`/.- -4! Sam. Sm Ba-mi OH IVIMI. Iron Oxhlv. Calcium l`1m2 l)vlL\'(1rul,*d Sou Plum. (70.1 Liv- .. t\;I .....l \,l.\l..cu..- 7| Recondilioneg IHHH` lVll'ill. I H! Sn; 4 .` ('1' Oil and I $2.50 per 100 cwt. $2.25 in 5-bag lots Wheat, Oats and Barley taken in exchange for any of our Mashcs MADE AND SOLD BY Barrie Flour Mills BARRIE, ONT. 'I`hm-aday. February 23. 1933 BEACH S Chick Starter VALUE FAR ABOVE -._ ...._ .. -._. 4. .. -i_ CHITTICK MOTOR? -V5MF3 Dunlap Bmcuorcx sLrccL. Miss Stella Clutc and Cameron returned this week ` visit to Niagara 1921115. NY. I Minn numthv Webb was in . BARRIE, (_)NTAR|() In .1 l D(`1l l'l2|H N1ul'.\ss(`:; lxlmn ':`I;"5 (ml) mm l\i|I|(l \\|l Inlay sun.- 'u (`ll|l(ll`I*l . .l \Ix'l;VlH|II) ... $195.00 Phr`>-n-4`: 391 Niagara rams. IV.I. Miss Dorothy Webb over Saturday. Geo. Webb w-.u.~; l the city on 'I`hurscl-ay nip,hL. Mm I. .1 st,obbin.~; or Buff: $i25.()(i 5.47500 ,IfH~`| \, `Hm \l I I I , $250.00 $'isl65 clty Tmxrscuxy ll1L',Ill.. . Mrs. L. J. Stobbim; Buffalo \-.'u.s called here by the lllncss of he-1' l`nLl1<-1'. ; John Pyhumc. Essa St., who is still 111 poor l1cult.l1. . Mrs`, .l. Clcnnm-us aml Nliss Bt'.S2a'l\' ncalm. Mrs. J. Clcnnm-us Spearn left on '1`h1u`s(luy for :1 two- wccks visit. with Mr. and Mrs. G. Early In Monctun. N.B. Miss; M. llecLh-.un Tu:-I;