Two Manslaughter Cases!` Will be Tried at Assizes= Opening Hefe on Tuesday THE + BARRIE + EXAMINER Lions Club Backs Relief Committee Average >56;-Vs Aroumf 75 to 80 Bags ; ` Per Acre E Three Simcoe:l;eams Competing At Guelph I Examiner Classmeds bring buyer} and seller together at lmle cast. Let Us Have Your Opinion on Things Editors fU'(` uslmlly only ord- inary lndivlrluals. What, they write is mainly Lhvir nwn opin- ions. But. lmndrorl:~; of individu- als in every 1-mmnunity hnv-'~ their own Ideas mo. Editors do not wislx tn mnnopnli7.r- ox- pro. nf opinion in thvir nnuvunnnn--u I`I~.niu- :~nhn~nn~ urn I1.'~;un.1Iy open to Lhril` 1'l":1(If`l`S fur the frr-0 1-xprmsskm of o1)im on. timely s1Il)jm:ts and for con- strm-.t.1vr~ sug gc-st.ions which might, prove or value to Hit- communlty` Thv Exannvr we`:- cnrvs cnnt,rlbut,ion.: from its r(!a.(lm`s In thv form of 10Lfc1`s `us Lhn editor. If you haw` an idea -shat you think should no hr-Ipful, put. it, on Dunn` and mass it n- lnng. Wv vmlmnm su(`h contri- butions. ...u....,n......- f t 'I'hv1r (-0lumn:; 1 rr-ndo1'.< 14,, ,. _..x__ A recommendation that. ten new applications. be granted and that three am)1lcati0ns for reconsideration of former requests also be granted, was ` made by Simone County Old Age Pensions Board at its October mom,-I mg `m Lhn Court House here. Friday` last, under the (-hairnmmhlp of Mur- cnl I'r>s'.slnr Prmr~t:nmn|,v.hmw 'I`hrm-I Guelph and New York `Men Charged Following Motor Crashes I Sixteen Pensioners { Added Old Age List |dhL, IlHlll`l' MIL ('lll|IH2|lL`3Ill}) U1 Willi" cw! I`osslor, Pm1nt:mgnl.'~;hene. 'l`h1'm`l, tvransfms were made to Slmcne 1'-um Other (-ountics. Twnlvo nppllcntionu for increzlso wore made of winch vo w`n'o rocommondvd as worthy of in {`.l`P.'.Qf\ l)Hl'l ll? 6, `L/(HlHlL{W(.'UU, l\|llLvLUH, \'l'- illia. Vr-.~p1-:1. Orillla. township, mu nnrth. 'I`hn thrvo rvvonsidm'r*d and W` (`nmnwndod 1`r`. in Mid'.:md. ('71 Hit and Orillin t,nwnship, mw mwlx Twn`s wox'r- made from Tn. rcnln In Pm1(~l:1mzui:ahm1r*, :w.'l om fun... \I.\u1. rvnnuo" on c..u..i.I..I.. nn.. IMHIU H) K`l'lII'li|IlL4lll:\lH7l|l3, JlI`fl frnm York Cmntty to Sunnidalo 3 ship. Nmo dvnlhs nf pm1 1'npm'tvd s'in('n tho Snptnmlwr my |nr' lhn Rnzuwl (1l`(`Iu.`(.`. The new p(~nslmmr.x rnsldn in Ilw following, l11lllll('.lpa1lLlOS1 Mldland 3. `) (`.nl|innuI(~nrl Alliulnn (`M-. $LAYMI:`.N S mm gm THE CHURCH` us EMPHASIZEBR ()lHl`H hl ll'\ though. (ha and clubmo ideals and {hue \u\Il : CXIUbl'Xl KQ XVICIII sultatlon with |lI4I| AVIIII An!` \llIIl\|Ill|('ll lllk omen znflmwmrds. Koorrup your nd nuns. ronu`mborm_:: a]way.~. m :n't- nu-n nf thn Anniit-'n. Georgian Bay Associationx Protests Paying Exchangej %On liliggara System Fundgi ALSO CIZVIZL ACTIONS Quote Com. Maguire as. Saying Bonds Sold in N.S. for Chippewa BARRIE, CANADA, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2'}, 1932 Again President iEmbryo Rose-growers j Have Their Innings, A number of vuhmblc hints to thel prospective 1'ose-grow'rr were passed along to the members of Barrie Ki- wanis Club at their lunchc-on meeting in tho Arnoricnn Hotel Friday last, by Barrio. President E. A. Ryan was 111` L110 chair and the speaker was Intro- dlwod by W. .1. Craig. The thanks of I iPoIl(o Magistrate Compton Jcffs. tho Chub \v\rv t~mIm'(~(I by M. 1). Mar- ricnn IJHIIIK`. [`l(.'hll| and risnn. Yiinunlr 1\ A (Turn to page 31:, please) !,Big Community Campaign % In Each of Six Wards is ` Planned by Religf Body Dr. Herbert, A. Bruce, 0! `Por- nnto has been nppolm,c(l Lle11L.- Ciow-r110r of Ontario, succo<-(l- mg the Hon. W. D` Ross. who wslgxwd 11 year ngo. In making tho n11nm1nron1vnt.. Premltrr Bc1111nLL said: "The appolnhment. of Dr. }l(-rbort. A. B11100 as l.i1*11t,-n:1my-(invornor will 1nevL wlth high upprovnl ovorywhorv. A nnlllvo of Ontario-~\vlLl1 :1 long unrl dist.i11g11islu~rl mrrvr as an m1Lsl.:111tlimz 511110011 115 well as 21 nnmblv :;(`1`vi1'c ln England and 111. L110 Front (luring tho 11111`-11 p11l)ll<--spiritrd clLl'/.011 wlm has t.a,kv11 1111 111' Inter- 1's:l. In tho wt-ll111`c of his n:1tlvI,* l'rovh1m- :1 lover of Brltlsh (lmnocmcy and of the nrdc1'1*d llbm-l,y found In Cz1nmll:1n- Bri- Llsh insl.ll.11l.l011s, he will hrlng In his hlgn offiw` 11 sy1npat.hy 11nd llll(l"rSL1I1dlllI.!, of our mun- t.ry's 1-rmst,ll,11Llon." Crown Attorney F. Evans Sues Dr. A. E. Ardagh, Orillia, for $10,000 . Dr. H. A. Bruce 1:; Lieut.-Governor ........... \.....-.a \..u ynunuuu (Turn to page two, please) Barrie will hv wlbh tho lwn am the six wards as. big vnmmunity . l'('linf wnrk lhh: `Aldermen in Each Ward Will be Team Captains for Drive Ask Citizens to Co-operate; Provide One Hour ; Work per Week MAN-A-lT$.L#OCK" IDEA HRH]. nay Luugtlcru, nun Harry Barker, B111 New. SECTION 1 PAGES 1 TO E v m'g.'miz`d by wards 1dr~rmr=n from each of us moznn mpmins in 3. drlvo for funds for c u-lnonv It um.- pl l;`lHl|)" lA`~\|ll.' ulklls HI` \ Carr. John MorrL=. Loughecd. Bruce Wlce, `st Russell Goodman. Is0'o(`l Nixon. Ruph W. C. T. U. PRIZES} ARE PRESENTEDE mvtmon--'I`ho5. Bow- `neod. Aubrey Scyuxea, run New. mnmaign will 9.1- n <~nnjuxmt,1on with m trim of (`n1p1uy- :\_\ nn.~::ihlr- Ilnlnrt l(Il'1l Ul l'Hlp|U]"- \.\ p<'>.~;::ibln doing `hr homes of the ml Ohuo Ohn hnIIun_ No. 43- T06 _ _ , l.\H(`d First Provincial Award `1'n.~ `,M\! - . 1vi_\' mrml Again Comes to Barrle * ..`.,,,..\.g,;.; ~ - \' w :~ \ c>IIes:nae 4900 Copies THIS WEEK'S CIRCULATION _\'l`l lHl`bl' Ulllllllllb ll.` ` that which wrecks} my. mentally and; 1