Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 13 Oct 1932, p. 1

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` Barrie in Public Eye i When Martin J. Insull . surrenders to Police? APPEARS TbMoRRow ...u 'l'h<- l'2.\'.'Imi two (lunudlun ll(`S.<(`(l thv an YIIVIIH Inn '1'). IIl'.\>('(I UH` Ilntull on of 1111' nvw x-<)\'m*inv,:" In l`\rHH.. THIS WEEK S CIRCULATION 4900 Copies THE + BARRIE EXA i= ' SECTION 1 I`/\C-E5 1 TO 6 68th Year. 1!-(1 uw mm! pug:-s m I over tlw wnrlcl Inst L Martin .1. 11131111, Ii - r Chicago utilitit-s nm:.-- bonn rosidim: in Oril- hlnn rh`nmnlir-nllv mum` I Chicago pmvcr bzmm is h with Bmriu, Fm` Hunt. 18 urz1m.o(i until 11 n.n1.. nut he must. zupm-ur :11 w bvlorv Jucluv H<:lnl('.~ l(!II1(`.l'l`l)\\' ill ('1ll1Hf`."~ xLl'n(liHtm px'm:m~(im'_-,x (I lnkmu nvminqt him I: II.` II I.` . Instill 1 It` Lnkv \ Ill l`Illll|!'. prmznocillw zminst mm D n or]: .1 K lulu: hccmm- .- Couchiohinu Bal'l`ln t-I'*u-(I tlw rmnt xialuvw 0! llf`W.`6D1lD`l'.\ `nil Ins-I \\'(`f`k(`H(l wlwn 63- \`r`aI'-oltl former nutx-, who had Mn, since Inst Jun:-. ch':\x11:\l1mll_v uavv himself up Lu Hw Pmvintinl Palm- hcrc. spent two ni5.r,hls and mu hvHm' nurt, nf two days In the County Gaol. and Llwn was rt-l<-n.-zt-d on $50,013!) bun M101` :1 hozmmz br~,f0rr.~ His Honour Judtzv Dudley H0lmc.s'. .`(`l\i()l` judzzv of lhv County of Simcm-. InSllH'!< nvnrv vnnvmnmn Il!'.|\` r..n..u~_ 1 `TN PER cam. icm IN GRANT 1 MAY FOLLGW But No Ohicial Notificationi of Reduction to Public Schools ` ECONOMY Partridge Attract Southern Man Anmiversary Preacher ll'l IHI lllillll <)pc`nin',: day. niquv party of Il, iillll yllll L',l'I xv lmnn-st hvlng, :1 H10 fact that 1: p:u'lrid'7,n son- rrm Omnbcr Hi my wvrr` IIIIHUIIL: l nn I`l1:\x1k.s',v.i\'- auxin.- PREACHED |(l\'iM`(I HM` owondlturv rlu \`r\-.Il` -.|~ HlH?(l llllll R04-) illl(l (`U51/.5. dIllUllllLllIL', `in all to $3(i..>0. Starr's equipment. "mnslsllm.', of :1 markorl board oullvrl an ;rnll-down", was mxlflsc:1t.(: I i l\('('m'(lin_'_:' tn the (`.Vi(l(`.n(,'(! lJl ()ll'.{hl i l'm`Lh. Starr purclmsr-cl sp'. :1: on tln-l : midway nt. Cooksl.0wn Fair and sub um his l)u:n' It \-.':\.~; (llsplayotl as cvldemtc` Iln court, and simply c0nslsLo of '1 lnunnlx-r of halos at. (mo and. (?l|('ll of` whlcll was numbered. On the top of` the bmu' was a clmrt. of munlwrs. Thvl ....nn.. "mu v\`uIInII uvlhh ulv nnlf hull.-X Inc uounly ox .51n1c0(-. ] nsu1l's every movonu-n1 xvns l`uIlm\'- rd b_v`z1t. least :1 dnzon Im\\'sp:1pm'n`m1I. mosll_v from Chlcarzo, who r(2pnm-d c-vorylhllw: from thv cnlnllr or Hu- brmtl he ate in maul to :1. l,`.vltr'l1lll`.: 0!" his Ups as has sm0(l b0fnrI- Lhv iud'_:r` while the lnttm` was :;rnntln<,- hail. I Appmux I'0mnrrm\' ` Thu fnrmm` Chl(:zlg,n is` nnl. yet I/hmuuh with mu! 1IIat.l,(-1', Bull was November 4, but tho Court. Hmx.-w Jucluv HI. HI..'Hl :1 In lmn(`rrnu~ in mmun ZLOSES $141.30? `ON FAIR MIDWAYE `AT COOKSTOWN , _. | I ll. Jory, Alliston, Trimmed; ; for That Amount, Testi- j i` es Against Joe Starr 1 "`-*" I 3 How lw lmt, $141.30 p1u_v'u1u mu" skin" gaunt` at Cookstown Fair lust. Friday \`.':lS rovonlntl by Ivan J0r_y Allislon us hr tcstifiotl in Bm'ri<- Pulim` Court, on Saturday morning aL;.unsL I Jco Starr of 'I`m'onLo, who w:..s (-11:11'c,od ,\\'iLh }:"cpi11;, :1 common Luunbilm: h')llS(`. Stm'r was x'em'oscnt(-(1 in court, by W. A. Boys. K.C.. of Barrio. Ho, (nlnna-Jnrl nub nuiHv- Inn! nftnu Ixnuviuni .u,v vv. :1. plcndod nm r=\ridem'e m fan. u\n:| u-1: O UH! d(' l lh fined him ` in all w;-nu:-hvilnn 1 ;L1cHTH6RsEs i ; FINE FEATURE AT cooxsmwn; Ecmd A11.ri5`Q}'JTshow with % 237 Exhibitors and a Record Entry OPERATOR IS 'FlNED IDEAL` `WEATHER nu: ',,uuu,y. -Iuu uu.\.. xmd ax".-,uxm`ms pro ; two hours Magistrn s found nrcusocl R1 \\ ("IR unrl 1-:u~h- u Ill!` \.zUlll`[. Hf)H.'il' I)f`l()I l` .HI(l[ll' H0 u,m, mm llnn with (-xl.1'u(litinn px` whit-,h znrv being lnkon \I',.'lilI.`I him is morv than llku-Iy that an :ul_|y mom, will bv nmrlv for r3i'.'.hl (In, H. Ls undorstonrl that munsvl urn- yet, l`l.`:I(|_\' to go on with lhv m'gun All ih|(!l`I\SHnu In:-nl nnuln In Lulu` 5 ed by no Ir! nr \\" (II I ll . ft.<:r he:n`in:;` pro and con! ill`ilL(`. Comp- gu11t._v and zunountinu, rard I tnrl I ` Wht'l'(` Iho la 4 .___ Relief Committee Formed fRecorc'1'Er;r'1}nTt at T"~Ba}~ri By )\7i;}sA4C;m 7-ii Industrial Evening Holds Lucky Ticket Classes First Night In Burks Falls Draw f_`fj E .'h sDl,l|UU j Tucs(I:u' "for thn I -_...... !....~ BAi?RIE, CAANA`D;\,;l"HURSDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1153} Eightieth Ann`ivers-ary Celebrated COMING EVENTS u |...I.) '.()n>1. S'l'ROUI) I/NI'l`l'.'I) C]/U}\'(.' Former Chicago Utilities Magnatc Spends Two Days in Gaol Here mpal H .-h.. nun dept, V%5i?f}IMPR{0?vEM:i1\!T ` T0 CROSSING RECOMMENDED: *ExECu1*1vE of` RELIEF BODY IS SELECTED . --N 1 Strong Committee Chosem to Take Charge of Relief ` Work in Town ' Pl .AN . H117 .. [H TRAINMEN Bl_.AMELESS `jj; 1 ~ ' 1 _.ornner s Jury Declares- Death of V. R. Slessor 5 Accidental RTELIEF DEPOT page H: r(.'r:, please) Hearing L{'|;ZiyWto Be Ad-| journed--$50,000 Bail ' Good Until Nov. 4 ` ` please) U01... c. Skinner and Wife Drown With Five thers ; In Storm at Larder Lake JAMES MARIAN ! Pmasmmr 01: ; c. s. TEACHERS . 3iIntcrcslEng Papers and_ Talks at Annual ` Convention Wm. Pomfrct Heads Trinity Men's Club 2,290 Pounds Milk By Cow in Month Ill`: 1411113 IILIIJDILI l4UIll\v |lV dayor of Orlilia. who died in England. September 27. His funeral on Tum- Iuv u'u\` rm-v 1.'4I`0hIL' unnnrinri E. MORRISON, SECY. Interrcd at Orillia _v(?[. l`l.`I|(l)' In with Inc` inlcrnsnmz local unu Insull cnsv Ls` thul, John R. ` rig, is assnclntr- t-mmsnl for , Hes mn;umLu_ and rem-iv:-d pfnhliclty In Cnnildiun and U Living in Orllliu \VhH-- nu nu bnil unlil N< N:u`Hn J. Insuli in 1':-slrllnu with Mrs. Insull at Hm hmm Hil(`HP Hm nnlirn u|mmm- iHnIida_y Olllirng Han Tragia I F,m'|~-- Caughl in Blizzard on Saturday !Mrs. A, I". A. Mnlcnmwzfe 1` Rro||u~r; FnrInc~r Barrie ' Rcsirlmll MOTOR R0/\T FOUND Lady Eaton t;).Spea1( W.l. Mcntina, Oct. 14. J!0RI'l- l'|'Z.\(3lll'2S .111 mu. wuuulu 1)UlH'.`V. nrnuzm tn The Examin- we-k three nice peach:-2: r the contents of mu 'cd from a. tree In her nu. Rn-co I-I-nn AW 1. 4N5. 41` (`L nvnr rn mghl Hm I....m . nI In! ml inblv xlillulld 9 II I uh II] M Ihey VVHII" (in I) 4 I-`;)(`l1[ Lhv r~nIir4,- H161!` Intention Hat-iv lmmn 01....-.. I\l\VH. Samuel Insull. 72-your-uI nldvr brother of Martin J. InsuIL nus hm-n ._I`t~lcu.s`rxl llllmndillunsully M Aim-n.~. by Luv (Pro:-k Gn\ (`l'nlm`nl Mt:-r having .hN-n :\r1't`sLvcl for r-xlrudltimx as :1 fug- mw` from justice. Thv (.h'(-ck (:m'orn- lll(_`lH-. I0l1n\vinL- n thnrmmh Qlnrln no` In(`II` Inlcnuon in their home Hum-. that Mr. and Mrs. .ruHu-r fond or Im- lowxi. ,Qunnun1 v .1-

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