. .... ._nuu..u ~ I The first \vlLne.-as was 1`h0.~:. Slmmn-E hm). who ursmlcnl mm M was \\`ulkln<,',{ north on `the unsb si(l0\v::,Ik of Hi,r:l1wu_\" 27 just. south or St. John's Uni1.":I Church when Lhv m'cl(lcnt hmmcm-(I. The time was ubout 7.15 pm. und it was quite (lurk, Mr. Shmmhun .~'.Lzu:'(l. that he dld not see tho nccl(lnnt. I-Us first lntlnmtlzm of it wus whurn he heard the scrunch of brnkos and :1 cm` \\'cn`L past, him. gnhlg in Lhv .~'.;un<- ccuun. suddenly swcrvvd In thv ML. and then stopped on the west side 0! the hlgmvuy. . Mr. Shunuhun nun. u _voun',: uirl u: the crossing bcsiclc Lhv ('.hur('h zuul! said to h(~.r, Ynu had :1 <~lu.sv -nil? Walking` on about. 50 {out Mr. shunn- hun said ha` saw u hotly Iyinp; 011 L110 west sldv uf Lhc pavement und \\ l`nl am to find out whut was \\'l`nn*,',. 'X'lwrvlu \ were svvc-rul other puupln llwr- by um tlmv \\ CIT` .` time. A up |4|lll\ Amlrvw Bcm'(I.s*nl1 wus Lhv H'('( wimmzs. Mr. Bcnrdsull Lcstlrlctl t _hs wns In his g:m* about thrnv I off Lhv highway when ho lururd sound or hruku. .s'u(l(lL`nl_\` nm)Ii('(l. 1 came out to tho mud. Hr |)i('|u'(l up llttln z_'|rl um! -m'ri4~rl hm nrr Hm rn Rev. W. G. Brown Gives Forceful Discourse on The Pre-emin-1 ~- once of Jesus Christ"; Makes Ernest Pica for Stronger Sup- . port of Missionaries; Predicts Pwsbyterialx Church Back to Former Strength Within Fifteen Years. Local Presbyterians Hear Message; From Moderator of Church in Canada. VI UWCII. UPUII KHE lJUjL`Cl. U1 K and declared that t.`1ou.sanc Still living on the l:\'el of an Amer oumning and analyzn of the truths contained in thc lures. Mr. Brown said that thinking demanded that Jv=~ w THIS WEEK'S H CIRCULATION 5100 Copies SECTION I PAGES '1 TO 8 67th Year. QPEOPLE ABUSE: JHOSPITALS Acn {SAYS WARDEN! In Address Congratulates; Those Who Kept Cost of Assizes Down ; ganu, .uv..u . . u .,. I "We flnd that Evelyn Isabella .Julm- ston came to hm (loath on I`l11I1'sLln','| cvcnlng, Nov. 19. at about 7.15 wlun she was hlL by it our opcrntml by Wm. Moran. The cm` was n0L unclm` 1)1`()|)l'l' control. but we find that the (Ix-ivur dld cvcrythlng he posslbly (`()lll(l Ln uvold the uccldcnl." ` {MEMBERS WELCOMED `M. Parker, Minsing M M.B.P. North Simcoe LAXITY omwuf gnusmass MEN; woman BY mmg 40 Years on Board A, D. KNIGIIT wood. who 11-(`(511 :1... 1), . Engineefs Look Over 1 Road, Bunker s Creek; "Af{:i1ia," c7J~i;{:5}.. 1~TiJuiBXv, Niiiaisiiiiliiz 2}Ti1 nun: I1] nu" Luuuxu. H, inzmcc Committee. 9 nmuun (sailed 101' clmsl nn pln |\\n|\ (: unuuuu Lulu pnrlizlxnmnm r-nl inr v-nrl l. 2| lk`Ul.lL'lllHl HI 6:) v mado iI`l11T1{`diHl(`]_V in all ml n-d(-r Gnvvrnmcnl control an no principle be mnwicd out b .ni(:ipa1i1_\'. 1 lhrx F:nw-rnnmnl nf On! IIIIHIU Ullb LU LHC l'()(I. Hf` |)l( little girl und cnrrictl her 01 She \vas 1_`,'lng entl|'cl,\' on mcnt. `Mr. Bvumxull huln-\ slightly nxlsty nut on the n Ljyccklcnt. - Chi-sf of Pnlivv M(`I)mm1 land tcstlflcd to being :11 Jjkzht or Lhv nccitlunt und lllnnwxlc about un hour un `M |l|t.y ()C(`.lll'l'."(l. Hr hurl mm marks on th\- rmul from H the hccldcnl bark {H3 fret `mic marks stu1`u`(i ngm. gm Mm: h(!.\'l()l`. mu! flu-.1ll_\' ('0 abrupt. stop. Ht` ulsu b(`ll:`\ :`( inlst. on l`hursduy nlgrhl. bu nhcnl Iuukcd an-. (Jhivf Mvl tpkl of Ixuwslumllllg thv nr I7`urn lo [mgr /IN`, p \.lL'\l.'lU|)L'U HUI) `(I h\'llk`h nd expressions of opin n('iIl<)1'.s' Cunnmglmm of Job!) of 'I`ocumscl.h, tab 1_\' motion. which was ml of tho council. 1`efor1'0d Inn rVn.~.u.iHnn parlimncnts Pssm`i1y large : I.\ \\L'l mun. I ICHURQH m_..Lg:@ Ask C')n$defz1ti9:1 of AT FUNERAL @ ":\:'2;*:,:*,:::;;=,.;E`1:`::::, THOMAS WGER3 isHf?=&`%f%%i Many Pay Last Tribute to True and Staunch Friend MASONIC HONORS COMING EVENTS h?1`S?cU*SSEWY i lERS.?LUMPTRE! Death of Evelyn Johnstom? Elmvale, Held Accidental; W|'IepM%%Struc|<% by an Auto` Despite Eastern War Clouds } Conference to Go on I Next February | 313 vmu- TO CANADA` DESARP5_AMENT_ Leaves Govt. House Ework oFChi|dren Aid for `Last Year Shows Increase Says { Rgport __o_L_Rresident Through Which We re Passing" Held Responsible Times All Speakers Pay Fine Tribute to Inspector W. J. Justice Four-Year-Old Orillia Girl is Shot By Boy of ?AWhi|eP|aying Game `Little Ruth Harvie Dies Within Few Minutes of Being Shot ` Through Neck by Earl Curran--Refused to Stick 'cm up" is Story. Inquest Jury Returns Verdict. and Holds Boy Re- sponsible for Fatality. Lad says Discharge Accident. WOMEN S AUXILIARY `-: I '1`raLu-(ly came to Lht: sLx'vul.s ml F2lm i vale last. 'l`hursduy night for the first, time when 12-your-old Evelyn John- ston was struck down and mstuntly killed by it our driven by 15-year-old Bmy Moran of F105 township. nun- z-1...: u_._. ru_...u_._ r....u.,.n.. u..|... I\l il ])l'\'I(l| I l)_vl(~r_v. hold in Monday aflorm .,;'I.. Me on iiev. awd Mrs. Stewart Leave for Nova Scotia Members Have Already Ordered 68 Ewes |rIV5lH.\lill.lHll Mr. um! I nu.-ly um-r 1 their l200-n of labnr. urn.-I nilln isms AND GIRLS {OF INNISFIL TWP. QIN SHEEP CLUB OFFICERS ELECTED 1 VII: VIII? ` from the He in the I at town of 4300 pmpln In 2 Act-nr(ling In the unla- hv 'Prvsl)_vl(`ri:1.n church ~ lmnilk-:2, 478 ('omm1mX- nduy whnnl of 225 with PIIULI LHIIL |lll.'j WCIV t but a shurl. lime. In a verdict "um AC to her death an- xe discharge of 8. .22 3 hands 0! Earl Cur- No. 48 Jury Decides Car Was Not? Under Proper Control at Time I IIHZ Cal-nil!` IN, 0! x;nr(_.u-- I Lh How- c Dnuudl 1 .u. Luau Hipwv IHII n: rcgulurly 1n_ lurrlvs mul- JURY our TWO HOURS Dr. Woodruff Testifies That Her Death Was Instantaneous Such was the verdict of Lho jury om- pnnclled by Dr. Cor(:m`nn. mmm.-1` or the township or Flos. at Lhv inqm-,sL on Monday in the Am.-,1icun Parish Hull. Elmvnlc. S0 keen `\\':1.-s l,h(- 1ntm't:sL Lu- kcn In the Inquest, that. th:- hull \\`:1s packed with people and nmny wt-,n~ unable to gain cvcn sLun(Iin;.-; romn` The evidence wuss pmzIur'r-(1 by I". (; Evans. Crown Attorney, uml wok nt-ur- ly three hours` time. Ovnr um hour.-, were required by `me jury to ruu,<-11 a verdict. 'Y`hn hn-u u-..- 1-1|nIv\1\L-nil Hr rmiln... vcIuu;u. The jury \\*:|.s- <-.mm)0su(l nf Miltxm '1'raln. Thus. Mills. Archie [`rnh1. Stam- ley 'L`lpp1nx.z, Reg. Cooper. F1`c(l Rluzhiv. W. Downer. Put. Dmmzr und V. Shun- ahan. 'I`I... !.*.,:.I........