I ALLANDALE `I .______./ I!;mcl- .2lVL'. Illlk \'VHlL H1 flrc ().`('m` the h-.)m<- GI ll"\lIv\ lJl-. \\ Hl candles. the ski.` \c'|P\v\\ '1`! Due Fourteen ; I\V ILD I Auumon I`.-\RMl:`R M PETITIONS AND ' Honsusuoza vrr moxsx -..._.?___ ZACCHINI. THF HU.\l.-\.\ CKNNC BALL--SH01' FROM A GUN TWICE D.~\lL\` u0\'..\ 1_. (:m.1sr:1'.\1 I\/l\\r.1 |\r Kailwau Ruin: I`: Fan-v ('Illl'll REDUCED BUS l'.\Rl3S \\Il 'i`h(' 2` L.) 1111` e... ,.\-o II: II IHIDC klldl Mrs. A. H. visiting her A. Ferguson. x an:-nu V IN Fl LI. S\\l\l.' U\ UI l'f\I\lL l)\\ W I N 'I.` IS] I*`;\ I R "R0\'.e\lT Hflll. [. F`erguson ` mother-in . and me:-Lil l\'l'I".l{\ \ l'lU\ \|. .\l{\l\ |l'.\\lS ........ ...l .\... ...... rguson of North Bay is: )hc1'-in~1z\w. Mrs. Jas. i xncz-Ling` old :1cqtm1nL- '|`o1u).\'1`u md Jmmrs B. Roberts 1 Lhv wx-okcml with .....| \n...- 7 I Du- 1 a run on Wed- 1 Ave. but found son s. : Ronald .\1cLoan. who \I.'a.s operated )1l.\'E0n for appendicitis in Barrie Hos- .lI|})il.'11. is making a spvody recoxmgv. km]. M1". and Mrs. Eric Wilson and {am- ith`i1_\' and .\h`s. D. G. Boll spent Monday of}w`nh the 1atIox"s bx'oLh0r. J. E. Hodg- inu nnn Reg. Ambrose of 1`o1'onLo visited with friends here over the weekend. Mrs. Nina Moore Jamicson visited with Mrs. Gco. Leslie over the week- end. Prw... um. In-lrrnlln hear! :1 run nn WHI- weekend. On Monday a special meeting` M the L.O.L. was held. Many county omens were present. from Elnwnlt-,. Vvavorlcy and Pcnetaxm. W.C.M. Had- I1 don was in the chair. At, the con- oiusion 1'of1'osh1nont.s were served. . Mt-mnrial Service for (3. lillsmc-ro On Sunday Inst. 3 mclnorlal service lwns hold for E. Ellsmcro. who was -drowncd thrcv weeks ago off Moaford. . The church was cmwdcd to its ut- . nmsl m1n\ci1_v. Many beautiful bou- qnms \\'m'o sent from friends at Bar- . ` riv, Miss L. Ch1`L'~.tl(`. Mrs. W. Christie. 1,.St. John's W.A.. L.O.L., 937. of which .'1odgo und Order Ed. was :1. member. .'-1 Among those frmn :1 d1sta.n<'c were R. (1 Dunlap. Mr. and Mrs. N. '1`oskc_V and .fn1ni\y of Wzn'n1in. Mr. and Mrs. (H11 Rix. Mr. and Mrs. w. Rix 01' Or- [5 min. Mr. nnd Mrs. A. Board of Jar- n rntt The nddro.\<. based on II Sam. .1 14:14 I~`m' we must needs div and are A - an an Ohn m-mm.-1 whinh ` during the weekend. Aubrey McMnstcr wns a visitor to his friends here last Sa.turdn.y. J. T. Rhodes or Wycliffe College sponb the weekend with friends hero. Service at St. Peter's. 11 n.m.; St. , John's. 3 p.m.: S1,. Jxmms. 7.30 pm. Arthur Snider and Miss M. Charl- ton motored lo Pcterboro during the I'\-\ mr,mam- n cnm-lnl mr-Minn blununa Knox Prcsbyteria.n service at. 7.30 pm. i VPS meet. for o1'gani'/.at.ion next, 1.17.0. Inucu nu u.u...........-_. , , 'I`uesday. 1 Miss Grace H111 spent the weekend! at her mother's. C. Christie vL<.it,c-d at, his home here I the weekend. Anhrml McMnste1` tol i 19:14. "1~'m' Wt` musk nvcun uw mm nu` `as \\`nl,or spill. on the ground. which `cannot be p,aLhorcd again." Yo! I10 Idoth devise means so that His ban- < ishod be not expelled from Him. point- 1vd to tho \\'mkno.&< and in(\\'itnbi1ix._v |uf death joinrd to our oxporinncc by :1 "_\'oL" nf hopo and hmnm'tu1H_\'. Tho moxnbors of the Orzmgn Lodge were \\1-nL1\I\l in u hath- \" An English supper was held by the L.adie.<' Missionary Society on Tues- day e\'enin{.z. A splendid supper was -1`lpro\'idc-d. The programme consisted .nf readings. solos and commnnit_v Jsiiigllig led by Howard Allan. with [i'lll(` aecompmiimenls played by Mrs. L,[H0dg.~`0ll. The Mulholland Brothers of _ Slrond gave some splendid selections: Wit '51.: their first appearance at Chur- ..chill and we hope it. will not. be the :~lzi.sl. The following took part: Mrs. hll. Bell. Mrs. F`. Beatty and Mr. Spen- _ l eer. who has recently come from Eng- llnnd. gave :1 splendid address on ,"`,Englnncl. Rev. J. McEwen occupied `)`_`3ll1e chair. ).m. Y.P.S. meet. orgamzation ncxt% r'\...\..,`4n n Lu). \ 1 .\Ir. . Clarence Arnold is \'i_~iLing ', fricnd.< in Toronu) for a few days. 5 Mr. and Mrs. B. Rigby of 'I`oronlo~ .~apox1l a few da_\'.s` visiting their cous-7 Ilns. the Mccann brothers. Mr. and Mrs. John McKnight andi fanmy of Baxter vxsitcd at the home} of A. Elphlck on Sunday. Mrs. Lyons 0! Ivy is vi.s'1ting her" `daughter. Mrs. 1'-`rank Higginson. } Examiner Classieds bring buyer] cml .`~~*Ilv*I' cw.-M)\~-r .1! Illtlov ('n.~L L mu. Ann, 0 amvs Nicol and Mrs. W `n. CHO. The fire brlgaclo had a ncsday night to Burton 1 it 11 false alarm. Kl!-c A N Y~`r-I'uI1<:\I1 nl CRAlEl:lJRSj` _\ NH LHl'H l|l|&.'lt'. l\|L'H|Llu DELL. .'1d Sluxvart. Dumroon. visited` am". .\h-s. Mary Ellis. Sunday. and .\-Irs Richard 8011 celebrnb xelr 53rd wedding ann1versax'_\'. \' New 6 ` CHURCHILL .\u 1-inglish Supper ., .. 1...: Mrs. Gordon Muir -wf Not- ! Sunday at. Reubm Ragw- STAYNER Alliston called or . Dcmpslcr last Sat- % Mrs. W. E. Banting is spending :1 ` week in '1'm`onL0. Mrs. John Bzmting is not so well asl her frlomls would like to smr. Born-~-On Wcdlwstlay. Nnv. 11. 1931. L: Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Baker. :1 sun. Quinn I":-:\n\ hm-n Lllllillllfl lhv ()l'- L-I wu. nu Somv angcmcn cvcnm'..". \lu~ an H a1.'r_v R()l)m'ls n of Toronto .~:pcnl their parents. .\/Ir. box-ts. "l`iH'u1 SI. Bk-c.. Qt Du-nah evcnma`. Mr. and Mrs. S. M(-Quay spout the` weekend with t,h(~'n' sun. /\rLhm'. ml I`lmrntnn. \inL' Q:-inhxr nf Al1nm|n1.- um] \,1is;~:l I HUIIHUII. Miss Sriyzlvy Srigk`._\'. }I011_\'. Ivy last, week. Mrs. W. B. [.j .. run. uh-H h\Ar Iv 1111!! Mrs. J. 15. nzlmu. 11 mm. 1* from horv utumdr-,(l the 01'- m\':~'. d:1nm- at Bzxxu-1`. Frktlnyl `BETHESDA Allumlulv lsilvd Mrs. H ll(| All In.` L. swig- ` they p1`c~sontr`d .1 new play. It was an "'I`hr- Road Buck" gives pmn1i. ul ` 1-(l ('l1l1l`ch at the clasp of last Sundn_\~'.s' UV 1 lll\lI.4 l i Nov. 9-~It. would almost. seem that Guthrie. through the energy and ab- ility of its young people. would make this sectlon of Om famous t.lu'our:,h- out :1 wide circle of this county. and a. household word. through the mod- llum of the plays which have been pro- snntt-d to tho publlc for the past sea- son or two. l`hoy are showing abllily which is attmctlng larger mlcltoncvs Wll(`1`(?\'(`l' they appear. On 'I`ucsdn_v mvoning. Oct. `.27. at. tho fowl supper in Conner-tion wlth the United church nm)rccl:\ti\'o !ll.l(tlL`llC(` and there was no doubt. that they cnjn_','c-(l 0\'or_v min. ms`. The play. vntltlod. Tho. Road` Em-k." kept up the lnt(u'o.=.t of cv(`1'_V- one. Alrt-mly . dates nrn bD0kt`lJ. l)<~lm.r nun of tho must. poptllar nlzly.-4 <-omlngx out of C`-uthri<~. A dirazmnmnont. petition was .xi_:n<-(l l)_\' tlw (-onp,rounllm1 of GuthI'i(- Unit- 1-inn ')lull. \vLr\.\In.Mn. -V[J\.'lAl. Luau a.;uuuu_\ at J. Wood's. Mr. and .V[rs. Russell Get and Mrs Phillips and daughter Betty. all (>1 'I'or0mn. visited at Robert, Lcc. .~ 1- .. C1: \:IIllA|_\ \H IUIUAILU vnauuu AlI\.'lI\lr` LIL hut Sundzly. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Adilllln of Sl1u11ty Buy. Mr. and Mrs. A. Ba1.ssingll1\\".1iur of Toronto and Mrs. Ba1'I1o(1.of Sund- `mrn. \Vi. spent. last, Sxlxxtluy -:1 .1 \\7nnr|'< U.'l' a})l'IlL HM` K and Woodbridge. nnirvhhnv-|~arv\z K DCTIIS. 1111111-3|. Essa St. Prosby! Ladies` Aid .54-nL :1 Toronto last wook I tern relief work. '1"!-un Y(in11rvnnn 1 GUTTHRHE II nlnn THE BARRIE EX.-\1\'[`B\IER. on Stocks ing as on Roller m ,, -. ,- -- , .. r. The {incsl lines ml" l%u_vF. (jluH1i11;;' :11 p1`iccx` that will 11'u1_\' zlmzt/.c _\'L1. i{\'c1`>\' Such A gfaveefpmg mam pi Real Economy 55 Dunlop St. BARRIE Mmws HSE A ? 3@ ~ 5%: - 7% it-ntIInAlI.\n)I7?.j ---- - V 7 7 Q Viivery Man and VK/oman who atkend - Don't idle away a single moment U\" tern PC1101 vnnn, The Knnit-0n_>, I Sunday for thoir (- Cong River in PM 1, 0:1 W. B. Webb. Box Spcarn. 'T'hn nnlv ml! in $233 They are priced for quick selling. Our nasl record of value-giving has been left far behind in this group of High Grade Clothing, Twccds, Scrgcs and Wors~ tcds, of fine lmp()I`tC(l `N()0lCn suits at savings that are sensational. Don t wait, come at once, your size: may go and we cannot cluplicalc these values. I:mc_\' U )l >15` 1en s and Young Men's Pullover SWEATERS zmd .;111 m;39"59 W Illle II Last $1.59 MEN'S SHIRTS Values to $2.50 Boys? Wool Golf Hose ITI.: .. 4.`... DH|.'l'H. The only M11 in vlcc on this (llvisiu: is the ('amo1]zxt:<>11 responding, .<(;uLhl days :1 \\'(-(-K 1301 North Bay. M.~.- nn.-n mm-L4. .1c11. 1";1nc_\` m`p12li11a.`()l- xi`/.cs. mac lIz` $2. my $4-35 L1u:1liLv. Fc:n't111"i11;;' tlu` l;\lv\'l i11s1_y1cx', the I'i11c.\`1 in $1!) rmci nu _y< ml` ric:.w mum lVUl'bll lJ(l_\. Mrs. Bcrt Pm` daughter Audra} here. Lit.!,1t~ Miss as :1 radio ontvrl eight. _\'cm's olrl from l-Iumilhvn s wag; ;i;ey $9.00 to $32.50 Thursday. November 12, 1931 .\1i MEN S NIGHT SHlRTS OR PYJAMAS $1.69 I( jmnc. ``l\ ( ).M H. John I.u.'zk(-I`. Burton Ann. \\`.1. tor ac(-idem lam tham and has Windsor hospim`. proving I]i('('l_V, 1 hnbly have :1 in from u so\'('r'.* EH