V... fuck. Yes. 'Iv.;c 'l'E BARBIE EXAMINER AN IMPOSSIBLE ORDER Innlsfll 'l`uvvnsmp Cinunt-il um. .11. Strund all Ox-ml):-r 5 with :11! me nu-znbr-rs on-st-nl. Cmmnunlt-:mm\.~: um! m-mum.-4 \va~:`( read and dealt with from [hr following: Hun. L. M-.u-- uulc-_v, MinLsu-r -.1! Hh'_hwnys; Rev. 'l`.l J. Dr-w. Bradford; -ii. '\/Ir-Conm-H,: m....n. ..o m. an-..-.. ` 1\......|.. v|~.. \\\ MINNISFIL COUIYVCILT (`(1. '.l, Vll K111 . Clvrk 41 .,h(- I 10:! I A I in%_Agnv-frm$heerWeawss _ "When ll1)'( ' Mrs. Spurgcuxr "I ma. ... u-.. ll .`C\'Ill\'\l -I5 51 l`` *'">' whnever would help me . . Dr Williams` Pink Pills wen-4 recommcndcd. and after ukmx j twelve bun-5 I found ~lrt`n:(lh `_ returning and my ~tum.uh .sb|r K ` food again. I had nut known ... 1 _ -, _.L THE MISSING MANNEQUIN uuuu.` \ what 1 nuan Wu.` nun Iuuusur What would you Ilivr tu hr .4 Ida yuur wuknc~.~ .md ~uh~ urouu physical slrrmuh Thu Vhll many men and wunmx "The value uf your Ia/up/June is jun w/mt you I/uue ft." Mrs. S.purgeo'n Dawson rmly believes she would not be here today it she had not taken Dr. Williams` Pink Piils tonic. W4` >u nuns auu Iuu `. walk anus. [hr oor Even the alightcal u-1 uh Ua_\-'~` were ~pc-nl -er wnknx-~s. and n ,_ __.A .' _...v .L. but NO F,X'|`R /\ PR l(JI<`. Red Indian Motor Oil is u superior motor oil which, lwsaidox Imvinp, the highest |ubric'.:lin;2, qualities, Ims the following .s'p-cinl '.l(IV".ll!l:lL",(`.~;: Red Indian Mnlm` ()il is w;m'unte(l to give not only perfect lubrication but better luhriuution than any other oils, even thh.-se snld at :1 higglwr price. ALL these [*3 X T R AS sgA...a-4.annn. Lnn CllAIl`ER XXIII /isil. frnm .\uhr(-_v Rlaulu` nnw Ihnl l`m~ Indy Hm I :n i. nan-null ~.-nnr mu` rhildrtn wart small.` wn Dawsun`.`WuI`. I.'l'lu ,,A ,.._ 1 ,.._ 1 l rev-nling loss uf [mwrr I hmuglu mu u- nnllutiml of rzurhun in lhr uylindn-rs. naucsp nun nu x .- high speeds. Does not hrs-nk down ur u~u- up umirr |-.| , .1 Keeping V'.i`Vt`5 Yrum sliu symc-m from rlugging. Vvllllnlunlulus - nun rhamgc--1 e-Hm tin-ly, Wilhstuuding I'Hll1'.lHA' ..I.......\.... ..N.. I.. u .\l:(.ImJ-1-kuwnwut prmlm t Made in (Canada by (.'umuIiam' mpphm BY KIZNNAWAY JAMES l. MINIMUM CARBON mzposn 3. rnczoom mom WAX 1-. Low POUR TEST HEAT RESISTING FILM (fhunge today In "Found Strength Returning" TIIE telephone is the great time-saver of modern living. It gives you cxtrzi hours every (lily. ll is us dependable zind as simple as the tick of It (`lurk and its value is (hc value of time it- tlf. `king and all _________________ /-\Z"$- NOW BUD, u AND BUB cm HELP MOTHER ENTERTAN HER GUESTS` :.tL\_v, (kltnbt I` BY ED Kiissv ...._.._...._..<..__ "`Tl1on-glx I xw \\'h)' I shouldn't Hmve dune mu! 1 known you xverv [knocked up. VVhnt';z me nmttex-?" Oh. u slight nccic1e>m." said Ken- an-d_\'. . --Dnnnu uhhmc ......m.-me" .-nm- ucu_\'. | "Rotten things. :u~L-idcnts." -' ,n1omod Aubru_v. "I3cnslL\'. .1511 Nearly had .':m- m_v. Inst xmhl. gut nl1n(~ko(l my two ump;h.< .1:~' I wnlklng down Dunn Surat in .~. '1`riv(l In kill me and mat Rim l|\||\n " | 1 H11 |1hlng." \ -um -uunyz,` Wh_v. .v Finn -1 BUD n BUB