rm r.armi_ In; .111: 4-r"`~ 98c--Quarls 7 bars Gold S(;;; and 3 cakes Castile Soap GlLLETT S LYE Cash and Car_n*)/__ per tin. 14c P. 5EA13Ns v;!\"ilwf((Z)ZrE35c- 3-;)a:l,~ 1:I(-: 6-pad. 230 CplI"I per do/.. 15`. per pkg. 12c per "1. 23 each 29!: ".:i32'.7u.`r $1.50 I,` In ., 75: u -1!- \\'ii Il\\ l'l`li thc|;1dic.~ cmnc and i11.\`pcL`t :1 hcgu ..nr 69!: $l.().`) IE.- "'5": 35: I I7(: ' 10: 25: , 19` % 19 MRS. W. C. McLl-JAIN The Coat Store . WM. D0l!.H'()N OF RLL THE VERY NEWEST IN Bigger and Better than ever E Soo Beats WOril1ia For Kiwanis Annual tarlo-Quebec-Vlarltlme district of Ki- wanis, held in Windsor this week, the j Sault Ste. Marlo club captured the 1932 convention -in competition with Orlllia. Chas. A. Fowler of Halifax was elected Governor of the district over J. Smyth Carter of Toronto. Dr. R. E. Hipwell of Orillia was chosen Lieut- IGovernor of the Northern Division. 1 _._____.. ` At the annual convention of the On- .\.- 1-.....-.1" .!'\3t . unlvuo vv. \. . . v . .,.. .... .. "" After a lingering illness. Mary fiillzabeth McLean, widow of the late Wm. C. McLean. passed peacefully a- way on Wednesday, Sept. 9. 1931, in -1-mr u-mntu-niuht.h vein`. Deceased I gruvcunn u. mu. nu. ....._... __...,.... Owen Sound took the laurels t`ni.s 1 year for the attendance record with 88.97 per cent. Orillia. which has held the cup for the past two y-ears, went | linto second place with 88.13 per cent. and the Saint John. N.B.. club was third, with 82.77 `per cent. Orlllia won the travelling shield for intcrr-<~lub relations. Oshawa club was a\\':u'rle-cl first place in the exhibits, with Owen Sound second. A;lnnO3nn Ar 0 rHclinI`HlIl\l\I (`fann- asouna scconn. Adoption of a distinctiv(\1y Cnnn, dian flag was the basis of :4 rmolzutim unanimously passed. Thv 1'cs()11Itin1 contended that 11. national flag rw-Jul` pmmotr: better citi'1.(~nship and ',I`(!f1L(.`I' fouling of good-will u:nnx1<.';<`i!-i mus of the Dominion. It was 11-mxn mended that tho motif of the flue.` 1! ll-an nnan... v..,.1 hub oh:-vn u--,1: 1:` ics mi" H;u'1'ic and ';1utifu1 1';l11g`c ml` cu VISIT OUR L/\`l3rlI.S' HAT ROOM AND SEE ALL THE Nl;W'l_'Lt-'1` IN FALL MILLINERY LVll.\. K4. L:illll|l sum 1. Th llI'S(l1l._V Mrs. 'l'obn. `A/!n..lnn n..... .. `I yuulI`,', urmrs. vln-re they nth- IA`h`n_V Unilvd ..\v.-1 u...i.- Ll... Atihe Sggn 9% the Bear % Wednesday, Sept. :1. Auox, m `her seventy-eighth yam`. 3}?/as born in Dalston, and after her marriage fifty-five years ago. came to] reside in Barrie. Her husband prcdc-I feased her sixteen years. Tn hm- ummm-r rlnv.-; Mrs. McL(2an1 LEFROY BULBS in sun: znmmzn ` }EL\E@` (`E.\'TR`\I. .\N.\'l\'l'IRS.-`\R\' . \IH Fr:-d Sh:-phnrd u -.n .-vtrvu-I . r:n COME TO THE FAIR SEPT. 21-22-23 jceaseu ner slxwcn ylfktlb. u In her younger days Mrs. McLean -was an active worker in the Baptist church. also in Lhe Bible Society. Thel funeral was held on F`rlclay, Sept. 11, Irqm her lat/: msldcncc, Dunlop St. -`Those surviving an-, one (latlghtxsr, Mrs. `H. D. Jamloscn, Barrie. and one son, nlph A. C. McLean. b:u`rist(:1`, Allis- Lon. She is also survivc(l by one sister, IMrs. E. M. Rlvlmrrlsnn, Bm'x`le. and :three bmthvrs, Wm. anrl Chas. Whitv. fol` Bur1`lI..-. Tlms. Whitv. 'I`or<)nL0, and Allan White, Pzu'r_y Sound. ` English Cups and Saucers, white, each 5c Clnlhc-3 Pugs, standard quality 10 (I02. 25c Galvanized Pails (heavy) . . 29c and 34:: Heavy Tin Dairy Pails only . . . . . . _ 49c HIGHEST QUALITY POINTS to fit most ...-......-_,.. \(._..._._ . . .-...r... _.. _._,__ makes of plows and at lowest prices, for example: 21 Fleury 60; 13 Flcury 50c; Oliver Tractor 85c. EK,I: 0k%Nand TOMATOES 3 for 23 NO. 2 TALL SIZE. . 4| . ARMSTRONG & RAINFORD THE GREEN FRONT CROWN BRAND SYRUP no -. HARDWARE Sliced Breakfast Bacon . per lb. 1 Derby Loaf Cheese . . ` . per lb. 2 Powdered Ammonia . . . 2 pkgs. 1 Moody's Chloride of Lime, largr pkg. `I Huron Toilet Paper . \ n . 3 rolls '. Best Quality Rubber Rings 2 pkgs. ` J. W.__CHEAIASMAN C. c. HINDS DE FOREST CROSLEY RADIO 36 Bayficld St. Phone 453 BORDENS % EAGLEBRAND QLK- TYPICAL VALUES l.i in this :uivcrti.\cI11c11I arc the fypiml nf vnluex r-I'I'c1'c\1 rr:,L'ul:u'l_\ by SupL'rinrS1nrc willrrcxull in \Il\"iH`Qx - If imtmwcnicnt In cull, tclcplw-2:6; --u F. DQQSON A. E. FLEETHAM And while in town he sure to `visit our Store and fill your requirements from our fresh and well-assorted stock of Hardware, Paints and Chinaware. Here are a few specials which you will be wise to buy now: E6?AL6RK _. JIIIHIHIIITII l Il'|\aIL;l'.\ "2 s 28c[--T1 s 55c Call at our Exhibit in the Main Building at the Barrie Fair. It will be interesting per tin 19c 3 =,; '?j-.~', l_ '/ r at Q is` 5 PLOW SHARES 'PVhone 854 i Phone: #1 s -so 1 -4---nun - SIZE WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS 9 8 35: 29c 85cand69c '2' is; NEW PACK RASPBERRY JAM 40-02. jar 29c A Special Cloth Cam isplay Hand. E-leaner Zgr 15c ,3;15Jtt1e 26: (1ARTON S H.P. SAUCE 20c ( 79c 98c 35c 59c - 23c . 27c r 23c 25c HAWES FE? 25c `25c 15c . 14c s10c . 15c OBITUARY PhVo;:e- I45 - Phone 164 up cr 0` n\ `I n \ Inuu JCIIV Ilcavy llll vvnall IJUIIFIB, \.U|.l|Il`I IHHIUIII each......,.......... .$l..`)8 Galv d Garbage Cans 89(-, $1.10, $1.49 All Copper Wash Boil:-rs . . . . . . . `$2.98 Thermos Bottles, pinl size for ` 39 Covered Ga|v d Pails, in colours, at 69:: Galvanized Wash Boilers, No. 9 . . . 980 Heavy Tin Wash Boilers, C()pp(`I' bnllnm ......L 1 nu ELECTRIC LAMPS 5 for $1. ASPHALT ROOF COATING, gallon ` SLATE ROOFING as low as $2 Red and Grey Paint, pe-r gal. . $1 S'.ab|e Shovels, D-handle-, spc-ti.-al STOCK_ _/;N_D_ 'Fo{n;'ri{ ZS:-;;n--uz, COUCH CURE, RUUP AND WORM CURE. DlSINFF.CTANT, I-'.'l'(,'. Ynu <,an'l ..| t....l .r\ L . . . . .:oL....5 al . . . . . . . . . ..lI a..:...l ...... \,\.JI\|., IlI..)||V| I.\, II1IV I, l.I I.. I Hu (,dlll afford to be without N.`.8l`. wt-II tried rom- cdies. Ladies and Misses Fallandwinler Cloth Coats IIIILHIU Weston's World Cruise (iunlvsl Packagt-., ` `Inn VVUBLUII a vvvn nu x,-us." \-nu. ... . .-..._.. each Canadian Peaches, N0. 2 sin pcr tin 1 VVax Lunch ROHs .. . fifori Fresh Millvd Rollvd Oats 7 lbs. 3 Golden Dales . . 2 lbs. Good Cooking Onions . 8 lbs. Crown Pt-serving: Jars-- n:A., Qg__ { I HIUVVIIA Mixed Pickling Spice I Ccrto. "Sure Jr-II" \4I\JVVII I 1|'l\I VIIIA Pints S Zinc Jar Rings D- _-_.._.. Ill` lllvl '(2l1:m nH:1r~ R0.YA`:/ `_ 1`!%`f+F% - ' }*-r.:.}cW 12 FREE DELIVERY TO ANY PART or THE TOWN Thursday. September 17, 1981 /\ l\ l{l l\`l{SliI\'l}'\'|`l\'li 1'mn1m1c<>t'1hc1;* ch1.\`i\'c M;l11111:u'1u1'i11g` (ilnth (imn lluus '11c1`c :11 m11`.\'lm`c. W Hllnlnp St.