._g} Ulllllil, lL J. Wlllhlllgiui Lvu. ..Mr:.. C:.nlbl`:':llUl cf Zvhlmn, at R. --W`~ I's: Rev. G. R. Kltclnng, Mrs. Kit- :_'1'jl1l11g and Ruth of Holland Centre. ,,;.vJ,tl1 friends: Rev. John Wilson. Mrs. ..-Wilson and daughter. at R. D. Henry's. Senlnr Women's Institute ,.,,,.. The Sc-nlor Institute hold mt-11* Au- ~g~um, meeting last 1'l1ursdny evening at Hr ham." nf Mrs. D. Aclruns with mne- tc-wn numbers present and one visitor. 'llu~ roll call was answered by giving :'1lgp,cst.1u11s for the fall fair. One of (hr- xnmnbers. had rt-.~.olvc-d A letter fmxn hm` slster in the West asking for recond-hand clothing for the newly in ht-r community and it was _gcl(l(-ml Lo pru-k n bale a.!. the next nm~l'mg. /\lnmnm-5; {mun Hm Depart.- ........ ..4 IlnuH|| mm-.. .lu-orlhxnml Mlrx: CANADA or DUITOALIV `N __gg3_N STARCH wt IQ : TASTY Fnurr O/Q :2 of}. wheat " BISQEAD 1\.9;t1!:r_r__' .1. lb. eIock"EZuog DOHINGON STORES x1L1.irL'AWc:ii 'E5mrin.a`3 PK?.-g5?i ' \/alues_ 'I`Imr.~1ay, .-\ug'u.sL `.37. 1931 Largest Tin IC (`ton Loaf Icuo- Loaf 2 31: hone WI Wed` HOSIERY James F or spendir nth hDH1(:lVlul' 111 Jnuuy may morning. Next. Sun- Mr. Dobsan of A11m1cla1c= .n..:..1 mum llnr C;nm`.!-.zr2ll, Juzmlta and eeon and Neville Jam- :1 Aumm on Sunday . nmd Mrs. Adams. Mr and `any. 1 Mr. and Mrs. ` home after a Hands in Men- IVIIIVILJIIVLI J I PI I l\lAI Bobby Marmn of Midhurst. is spend- } mg Lwu mwks at Mrs. E. M(`I..<-an's. I Mm Rnbv Pmtendc-n is :sxwnd.hw a I 1113 LWO W( (`K.5 l. .'Vu`:. L. LVll'A.K`K1lI:u Miss Ruby Pmtenden spendmg a| yceek with Allandale friends at Novar` Beach. !uv.- mu: 7\/rrc r`hnc l"_lmm~h|:>v and` The Children of the Farm -_rJI`i'tiE~sim1~i(ir'A'r|oN .\.\.. An.-mu n` Kirlhnrnt )0 ch. THORNTON jl EL; 0F %iT`8`i? `3*i`6Fe, daWda `TiTi9Tg.`i y n Shoulders Lamb lb. 12c 23 Dunlop St. Blade Roast Beet lb. 13c FLAT RIB lb BOILING BEEF c~ FRESH PICNIC lb. LEAN BUTT lb. C Shoulders Pork ROAST PORK BOLOGNA - lb. 15: Barrie Branch Thornton Branch The Royal Bank .0f'-Canacla ised 11111185- --dreaming . . . planning . . . think- , .. ing of the future, perhaps. Let a `V Savings Account shape their course. Let them look forward to what money in the bank will do. V It will buy land-- help him cultivate the habit of saving. stock-implements. Open an account for your boy and You will like banking at the Royal A. A. PARKER, Manager Meat Dept. Page Eight W here B `.-3:2." Foods Cost Les: - R. Diet, Nfanager R. H. Buckingham, Manager 0 Al Exa` BARRIE EDENVALE {CHUCK lb Pol Roast Bee! 1 1C 11' cooxsmwn jr; Phone 936 `wns?r" o}28 Y \r5\w Bunlisx In n-\.n K`/Irs. W. D. Henry Ls vxsibing friends .. Turn no fnvrl )v?5ii PICKLE 119:-I ') KC C \N\0N 4\ pl NA4DA__, nu ` p Pickling Onions Qzts 25c"`%c5?.{~`}``E ;"5 L`,{`fn 29c Cooking Onions .`.,`, ,,,25c;3`} .]E.`;Ty ORANGES Z- 23c Cantaloupes 3 for 25cE.`:;,.L.,g APPLES ,?;;t19c o.?T CAN uw1uNAL txnnmlnml }PbSTS BRAN ._......_ ._._,_.._ ,_. .._.__ ._ .__.._._`.......__..._.._ ._ __ ._ 1|-W 5 N If MARMALADE CORNED BEEF PURE ORANGE uuuuuuuuuuuuuuu '- jiavxiggxgng I -- namxuxggsfgiiinvs ..vu.~s. w. u. nx- -.1 v..u.,..., .......\.- 1 Rmntford. St. Jude`s WA. will mwet on Tues- nv, =..~pt.. 1. at. Mrs. Harry Lynn's. CG1\p,'l'.tv1l16.U0l1 to Mr. and Mrs. .rt.hur 1171.1 npyn the m'r1va1 of a son d (`oak-=t.n\\~n an S:n.nrda_v. n. u.\.. ..l \1-.- and Mfr: uuuuar In: U I6-Ivunvywu uuuuuy Ycu will Find all your requirements at your Dominicn Store. Small ,I992.,,.. R"=RR|"$ 5dz? Medium .95 doz. p""U" 2` ` C [s...r.,'cnu) 29; PMOWAX 2,. 2.5 Compound end: in `I g _.V`~GARBi1Co:c? 9t.,n.4("> Musfaap 29",, uropm ' `EC? WW `I Z [qrgest Selling Soap in the`\A7orid. Q __._....._.__.`_ ...._._._ _ . , ............-....--._...- FRAY BENTOS Crosser s.Blacl<.wc-llb I3. BACON ;P&G,S0AP% .Is2r55 A `Faun JARS Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Come `.y of Toronto spam the in \\1\|u-tn Al` `\nIn nvnnte in This is Prgservinq Time I ;.II u.;...9 ...n......:..An-n.... km 4} nnnuu '\.4 He-rh. Hm*nsb_v. Elde-.n Frnmclx and Gm. Brock made a flying trip Lu '1`m-- nnO-\ Q-2 hnuluv \Vri_v,hL u u-.4:-la-`c WQYVZAVERLEY return:-d Ln Chum-hill` \'L with her mum-.. no ...~ Large Jar ZINCRINGS '5 :1oz. 3d.,.25 PIc_I_(uNG 21%, :3. Pgwcanaaem*or;assmesm.~ lli Rev. W. Ii. mm lVll`S. mxmus. Mr. mid Mrs, Marshall, Mr. and rs. llzmkey and Mildred have re- rned honw after spending their hol- ly: wiili Mr. and Mrs. M. M(-Clean. llimnicn Junior Institute will meet. Wednesday evening. Sem. 2. M rs Tsdiael Carr's. Roll call will be .'.`l'Ed by "A suggestion for the ill Wain-" ._.2_f_ #5; us`) Mageld Brand Thinlg Smoked Breakfast Sliced Lhurrnn Three-Day Hosiery Sale 500 Paifs Ne`\.{v Hqsiefy Three-Day Sale 79c N().\1L`C()H\l`w',2lH 1.--atqu:1lit_\=111crcl1:1mli-;L (Zl1ilTl'm, lllculilllll um! '~:u1'vicc wci_:l1t' :11}.-silk. l1.`.`\ Nlfy L1OCllI.\n(' IILI5 Jmuluru Toronto nftvr some holidays wuh `hurst friends. Kr. and Mrs. F`. Wallwin and two ghtcrs, Misses Marion and Eva. Mr Mrs. Henry McGowan and Mrs. cc were visitors at Thos. Nelson's. rlr. last Friday. cxxgrntlllnuons to Mr. and Mrs. >L Peacock on the nrrivnl of a baby man `u SIMMONS & CO. COATS - HATS ANY PAIR ()l |l(T).`%l{ IN '|`Hl{ .`'|`( )I\ | FRIDAY, SATURDAY, M`(v)NDAY AUGUST 28th, 29th, 31st Ladies, Altenli0n_! REGULAR $1.00 TO $1.75 Maple Nut Biscuits 353.. KRAFT CHEESE alga). CRISCO Mn 24, QUAKER CRACKELS zpkszfi` AYLMER g 5 ms 25,: D mino Tea r 5. nglisk Brcokfa Style EL /`n r|r\|/r` _ __( \- '-~' ` ' \ ' `V La qcst Tin j Pork andBeans ' Perfection Floor Wax '`*~*"' 25 4-.-guano`; _ -snn-un..\_a `C N|U.'l apruuuxg I friends. no Cobweb Chase 'llJ`\IID `f\Il.\ ...\n