m. . n Fourteen 31-37 Bradfo!rd Street, Barrie 25"o I-xlra Prntvrlinn against blowout: 25": mnrv non-nkid wear and safety I-'|\r '1 Longer Mileage \l|vll unsung. - -.-_.--... and see for yourself that it dam not pay in Ink!- chanccs with special brand tircs wht-n you can buy Firestone-Oldfield Tire-3 for less. Car manu- facturers do not take Chanrr: with special brand tircs. why should you? COMPARE TIIILSLL PRICES Heavy Duty 7r7TfT}}.;s 'I`hur.\d:y. August 21. 1931 Life Cum-Dipptrd Cord Construction Scientifically Designed Tread Evvn llmuyzh |r(`:slnrH`-`Hdflrld .lIYt`s worn nn cheaper than ordinary tires. it would pay ynu to buy thcm b(`C:~Ill51` nf Hw extra construction fra- turcs whirh only Firvr.l0n(` tirvs have: But. when Oldfield Tires arc` 20"n cheaper than standard lincs and give the lowest cost-per-mile service, you cannot afford to buy anything but an Oldfield. Look at the low prices at the right! When you consider that this tire is made and guaranteed for LIFE by Fircslnm`, it docs not pay to take chances. Come in today and let us show you other reasons why wr can save you New, Dnublr` Cord Br:-akcr money. Bryson & Morley