Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 23 Apr 1931, p. 4

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focouncn. P9_S_IP0NES1 Think of Sa.v1'."rLg as as Getting . . . Capital &13,00()_000 Reserve $24,000,000 ` Tnml Assets ovcr $265,000,000 A /I the power you ewpcrt {I C/.!(ltII[7/09) to bare . . . mare fmzrer per (`I//vir im'/J t/van mt)" other car mu/cr .53 I00. baker's All I/vr` all this. plus the most important a(l\'ancv in mnmring since the electric starter-l7rcc \`s"hceling with positive: gear control! '74 iili-mbetlx St. Free \\"hccling. pioneered by Stu- dcha1kcr.h;1s swept the: nation. Other motor car builders han c adopted it-- numbl_v Picru--Arrow and Linculn. ()!I.'ver.\` tr//.7 fo. [nxz'. All the But right now. in .1 Free \\"hceling C.un\n1amlcr. _w.v can enjoy the thrill of unfettered traxcl. nrrr/ca in- stead of /v.n-rivd by the form` of momentum! (C'onlin.ucd /ram page one) rt.~gzu`dlng the sale of lots owned by the town reported: (1) that the offer of Mrs. P. '1`. Clark to purchase lots on Burton Avc., be not accepted; 12) that the offer of Dalton White to purchase I'-_- 1oLs west of Bradford street for 540 he accepted. AI.l .yu,rcv..AA.... mu! Hm- mnvntl 7 /eie `W/zege///77. J. A. McLEOD, General Manager, Toronto You will enjoy it duxnbiy. because F.J. GRACEY .,, ,, , mu erw` a :-nunzd. 'spc-rd and stamina any emer- I I ' style lay u`/.v:'c/.2 f/H` new Starle- ure so z'm`' rcrngmhzb/e. "1-:`s'T"miL}s151r},13 is style and spirit! thrill and thrift! r ncccpwu. Aid. ; M<.`P`ndden and Hurst moved that, sidewalks in Wurd six at scvvmi points where trees have raised tiimn due to inrgs roots. be put into safe con- dition. The nmttvr was referred to UM Board of Works. uI....|.a can rzu-nun] DH spell. * "As the roads are not, in condition to apply the calcium," rcpllctl Deputy Reeve Longman. I ask the people to ~ be patient and pray for rain." Dumps Discussed With the passing` of a motion intro- duced by Ald. Mc`F`m:lden and Deputy- Reeve Blair. `that. a sign prohibiting" clumping at Cotter and Tiffin .s'trect:~: be placed. and material now there be levelled up and covered: also that the tile drain ni this paint. be extended. nnd debris now covering the same be removed. considerable discussion arose over th: (lumps. some members iindim: fault with the officials in charge. nnnm.u.n:mvn Lamzrmnn stated he from the streets during the present dry spell. --Au mo roads are not, fault with me muomls In cnargc. D9put.y-Reeve Longmnn had found no fewer than six dumps in Wa1rds'Flvc nncl Six. 1[o\vovor. IL was pointed out Ithnt the dumps came un- der the jurisdiction of the Board 0! Health. and no further action was La- bnn Ken. A1d.'M<:F`ndden and Robertson mov- ml that the work of clonnlng up M the market -bulldng the completed und Lh: place put in a tidy condition: also that the approach `be put In good Ol'(l(`|`. Fzavor Buying `Cement Mlxor Following the p:|s=:ln:z of n motion mat the count-H consider tho ndvlsnbll. in` or puxmslng :1 ccmcnt mhcvr. and after pmctically ovary member of (hr council npprovod thv p1'opo.~=1t,!on. M was decided to us}: the Board of Work In .~x\rhmlL n rcpcrt. rccommcn(lim.: the purchasr of such mm"Jhlnc1'_\'. Am, W. J. Cmvcn. chzxirmnn of the No 4\1/`r/-Year Model (flmuges ulrclmsz` or such I1m('JnI1w1'_\'. Akl. W. J. well BARRIE it will save you I5 to 20'? on gaso- line and oil. Out of each l().()0() miles you travel. the (I0mmander's ve|\'ct 101-horsepower engine u'm'k.r but 8.000 miles. You will shiftsilently. easily. with- out touching the clutch. Publiv.` high- way and traic officials from coast :0 coast have prunuuncecl Stuilehakofs Free \\"hec1ing with pnsitixe gear control a distinct contribution to highway safety. bouru Ul Vvuuun. Would Sell Gravel PH, 011 motlcn cf Aid. Lang and Atkin- son that the counoil consider selling tho old gravel pit south or Penvtnnp. stlrent. -the council was stgmcnblo to such st` snlc provldlmz :1 suitable offer wus made. A motion of Deputy Reeve Blair and AM. R,obcrtson. that the Board of Works mko ncccssury action to repair 51 brokon sewer on M\I1Custor strmr` south or Dunlop street, uh an estlxmutud cost. of $20 \\'us. p;\s=od. The nttvntinn ol tho condition of the 5ou'vx' had boon hr:su,:ht. to Ihv ('0un('H by the `Bourrl of Honlth. Md. R1l_Vlnomi u.'k1:d what, Lhv Bo-.u'(I of Works war. doing I'r'-.'.:\r(l|nl: Lhv dust Think ahead before you hfxv. Ask yourself: "H0tl' new it any `m'u" ma- u'ir/mu! Free ll"l_a:e/ing."' How much will it re-sell for a year or two from at your disposal? J 4-dam`. 5-paxverzgrr sedan Other (kunrnander Model: range in prire from 3300! to $2290 a! ll _/armrr. "ally-n"/.'e. Om . Bumpers, Jpn`: tire`: and gorerrrmml `rI.\:`5 extra. May we place a Commander Eiglvt I I : $2095 rcllcf committee. uskc what. ho was going to do with hls "large mnxily" now that, summer is on -the way. "I can't understand how we are keeping down cxpcnscs when we are hlrlng men to do work and still paying others enough to live on." he said "I'd like to know it I have to keep these `people all eummr-r " .~:ummr.-r." Deputy Reeve Longman nssurcd Ald. Craven that. If he had men who would work. they would get, it at the first op- portunlty. AI. Hm rnnm-.- of Dnnul.v R1'r'\ (` runuL_ . AL tho roqumsc of Deputy Rot-V0'mnn an n-ppiivut.i0u to erect n on- bin by B. J. I-`miick, whlvh \vas rofli.-mi at last meeting. was re-opcxwd, and permission finally gx'nntc(l. It, was pointed out, mat the building Iby-inw Lziving permission to erect only gm`nges nmi dwellings hnci been p:\ssc to pro- vcn-L tho erection of (ianN- huiis. _,-. .. , u,, L, ._.,_. _x._._ u_...... vcln. IAIL un\,-m-zu un uunux uu...y.\ "It would only be enc0urn;zlm.: tlwse cublns. for which tho town (lm'l\'(`~' but lltt,l(~. and 'hur1,in*.r the hotel Lrn(l(`." sanld Ald. D. F. 'M:wl.nrcn. Many of tho mcmbors were 0! Lhv c-plnlon -that such :1 cubln would (`0l"l1(' under the clusslll. !.tuLlon of n (lwcll|nLr". A motion. by Ald. .Mm:Lur<-n and Slmnnou. wns pus.-Nl l`(`(]ll(`SUl1Q the owner of the gravel plt north of .lunu's ;l.rN-t. to replace the rmul zxllovwmcc whox'v ll hml ll):-on undt-rmlncd and has lullrn mm hls pit. nnd to put. the snnw ln :1 rule mndlllnn wlllhln l.hlrt,_v clays. 'l`l\c lollmvlng wm'o 1)x'v.~4onl`: Mu_v0r M('Cunl{.:: D:-puly R4-::\'r-.~; Blnlr nml llonr.-,m:m. zuul /\l(l. l.nn:';. Atkinson. R.nynmn(l, Mm-l.m'(~n. Shannon. Ro- Iwrtsun. 'l'_\'r(-1'. Cl'l|\'(`ll_ l-lursl and Mc- l~`m'l(lon. , ` ,0 , [ l'()ll'l`;\l$l.l-I ll()(i (7:\lllN.\` I |':u't.i('uI oqulpnwnt ls. l)<'.~;l. sultvd Lo (hr rnlshw, of lnrurs, oxpvrls of tho l)n~ (minim) Expm`lnu`nl,nl lu1'rn.s flnrl, nnd lrhv vssmmnl (`hnr.Icu'risll(- u{ 1.11:` nmv |l_\'pc of n11~y<,-ur hog <-mm \\ hl<:h Ls` rc- l'-nmnwndml !'m' Lvx-nt-rul fnrm 1150 [SI Ifyau would be wealflzq Il,_\'p(` 01 nu-ycnr um: (TAUIII \\llu:u m u;-I [v-nmmcndcrl for gum-rznl farm is }1\s.~'cn(l:\ll_v prnct.1('nl. II. 15 porLul)1(`. (lurablv smd st.rum.:, (-001 and (-om1`m`L- nblr` for sum'mm' use yrl, cnpublo nf provldimr u.d:`quulv .~:hv!t.('r for winter: It m-;-nmn1-:KlnLv.~' fuur or rlvc -brand sows. and H. is r-<-unmnk-nl and vasy Lo build. Complete plans nncl spv<-lfl<'n- [lions arr pl'O\'i(l(`d In special Clrr-ulux F7}. nVn|lul)l(` without chnrzzo on um)1l<-u- Eunn tn Lhv Puiymutions Brnnvh of tho lD-p;u'Ln14-nl, of A'_:rlculLux't- ul OLm\\'n. 1 .___..___ I V}, 1 The total number or 'ChrisLi:ms In, [the world is r`sti1n:u!.`(l to bc 68`.Z.4(m, ` I000; Lhv mm! number 01' nnn~Chri.~- ,t,t;u1.s. 1.l67.10().000. A I~nni`\l\rl rm- nmnhxinn uh-nhul frmn 3 Al.Bl-ZR.'l`A 'l`.\Kl'2S LICAID A`h(`rt.n 11:15 the l|st.|n<`t,Iun of iwhw. llhv only provincr in Cmmda pm(lu(-.ln'.: I`nf.zistm':~(l alfalfa svod. Thr first suc- r-nuuflll unr-nu-M tn rvv-Aw thlu vnml wux l`(`,',!l.'i(~(`I'I`(I uuaum N('('ll. llll` lll-`vl hllli` z-vssful nLLr'n1pt. to grrnw this reed was ll`IzI(l(` .~:i`\'c1'u1 yc.m's ago by the :C.P.R. Lanrl Irrip:allnn Cnmpzmy. uslnzr Lhr v|)(J|)llliH' Grimm strnln on lrri;:nt,Nl lands In Lhv Brooks (l`isLrl('1.. Most of lhv ulfnlfa pm(l11':('(I in t.hi.. dlsLrl(:t is 'nm\' x`w:l.~'tv1`r-(l. `being grown umlcr the `vrulos px`o.s~c1-11):-(1 by tho Camldizm Seed C`-m\\'or.x" 1\sso(-lm.`mn. Including: |nsp3(-- Lion of the p{x'0\\'h1'.`.' crop and the clean- ml S(`l`d -by 0f>fi(~.iuls. Tho S(`.(`(l has (10- vclum-(I an vm'lubl(` wputntlnn in 01.1101` nrmim-c.< nnd has found nmrkc-t.s R- |)l'n21(l. (]ll:lnLl[.i(`..\ hnv`1np; lwc-n cxportml [.0 l):)(.h Em'0pr- and tho Unilml SLIILPS. About :;:m,unu lbs. of cloznwd svr-(1 wn.-; m'nrlm'rrl Inst ymr. and of this 80 per mm: will Aw cnlrl n< T?.mvisl,r~rr~rl with . |)l'l){lll(`l"(| lTl.\'l }'l`Ill'. llll(l (M llll.\ ml pt`: I rout. will -lx` sold as Rcgislcrctl. winh `L119 bnlzulco No. l and No. 2 L:rn(l(~s. |lHlLlIl'Xvll glib nus vm'|'n uvvcnumzu ugl ('h:`lnisLs wlm "rack" Llw gas into ,vll1_\ lcm` and conx-'(`rl, the 1nLL:1' into |cLh_\'1 nlcohnl. mans. l.lnl.AUu.lIuu. A method for obtaining nlcnhol from natural ans has .|m`n clnvclopcd byl r~hnn\iv.-In \\'hn "1-I'n('k" ans into` Phone 919 WIEONFER ON HOSPITAL . FOR ISOLATION Town Mu;-;rovidc This Accommodation After I October 31. Page' Four 5:.--:_- The I"lnxuu:<- Culmnlln-4: nl Ihr lnwn ,(-auncn wus nutlmrivmtl lo mull-.x' wllh the Hnnrd oi `I-Icullh nnd the Ruynl Vicmrlu Hn:q)|lu1 lxmrd 1'4-unxxllnv,-_ Ih-- (~'m.~I.x`ur:ll(m uml ('(|lll})|)ln|.; ul' nu Inu- lntlun nmanllul. n-ml In ('1IlL`ld1'l' Ihv advl.s'n'bHll._v of mm.-n<'Hn1.: llw 1m-.-.1-nl milk bylnw ln ln(:lml~:- [Hlhl(`ll|`l'/.:I||IIIl of milk .~.nld in Vlw mwn, ul. Mnn(lu_\' n|g.rhl':. mcrllnu; ml the lmvn mum-II. following" In lt-mzlhy r(.-purl by Dr` A. '1'.>. vM.(1H. In tho 1:11.51 llI.~ lm.-.pilul mm (0 look uf:.(-r n |)I|H(`lll .sull'vx'1Iu.; {mm x: ` (-0nlugmu.u dI.~:<-nw-." :uI(l D1 . I.llll- "I-lnuv,r-\rm- Illltlw-I` Hm Iww :u-I lhul I`-:.< `)\V`Il .'I. |]l'hI\l|- (I) the Iuwn'.~. \' which cunm. mi 1931. plu('v.~. ull Inutn III. N If Mahomet Wei; H5. "'l"lw prim-,ipnl <`nl)`]!*."l4l\1l1 mu mm lmw` raiscd b(tf()l'(`. is lhul. n 1)asl(!u1'~ '1'/.z\tinn bylziw would (*i'(-alv :\ mono- poly." he said. But 95 per cent. -)1 lhv milk dnlivcrecl in lawn today .5 pastcurizx-(l. Undcr tho ])l`\"S(*lll, milk bylaw we can't cm-(ti; on live ])nsLc~ii1'- i /ation. which is the nnlzv \\':i_\' to des- troy the p;e1'in.< of tho vuri -:lis:0ast-.~ ;which may miglimto Llirougzh impurv milk. Pzistcurizalion -:l`(w.~ `mt d('str<)y Lht` value of the milk. Pas:-Iouri'/.nt.inn was unlionrd of \\'}1".1ll we wore boys." reminded Ald. W. .1. Lung. "But. this world i.'~' gxoing an. isn't ;.I`."' naked "Dr. Litilr. l --v ..:....-: O|siu\l- vhn .u.ul.-n-n v\`|l\I`\l|V'k l-l. {I-`.l`\l\.l LII. .`4l\Lll,'. I "I dun`! think tho lnodorn Inn` raisin ,-. any lwalthicr b Ewe vcurc." came back Ald. L: H) ll)l'('l` |l('l|)l x`v.~.pnm.ll)|lily THE BARRIE EX AMlNF.R. UU_yn Lz1np,. L-vulopctl nu-nrhlnnc COMMANDER EIGHT xmhcrs than to the Mo1.mtain"_ Iuounua iuxu um nuu time in Jasper Nan mu`. _-.m \lmn~.' I>~?."n:. S1-.19 Yuur In`-mulyq-.aIr II(!:IIG`,I` n wcck-end.-4 are coming. Time to in- nurc against tire dc- laysandtircchangcs. And the best insunr anvc is to ace your (iundyczlr Selected Dcnlcr about your tires and tubes. I`or he is a selected dealer-:i m an chosen lay (ioodyenr for his expert tire know- ledge, for his ness integrity. He has years of tire ex- pericnre hehincl him. He is one of the dealers who in the face of lmsiness conditions in 1`) 30 Slkl more Goodyear Tire`; than ever he- liorc. in your com- munity, as in every other community large enough to sup- port :1 good tire dealer, there is a (it1(\d`_v'ClT Sclevted Dealer. The scrvivc of Good- ycar dealers is another of the reas- 1 ../`nu on< why T\4()RE PEOPLE RIDE ON GOODYEAR TTRl-':5 TH/\N ON /\ N Y 0 T H E R I1}'13. [UNl)Rlil) mile THE BANK 0E__1}{9\_I_5 scom payable in twenty ycar.s'-~f0r lL'.s`.s` than Buy $5,000 `I513 MANu_FAc'rURr:Rs LIFE _____ lU_____-- INSURANCE Cb;11:AY HEAD OFFICE - TORONTO, CANADA Branch Office---Bapk of Tofonto B|dg., Barrie, ( W. J. WALKER, District Manager [GOODYEAR MEANS GOOD WEAR 58` a day "l3;1.~cL. Immediate I)olivm(v in lC1'm1f of Prior` I)( (If/I THE Systematic saving is the foundation of prosperity. The Bank of Nova Scotia invites your Savings Account. Interest is compounded half-yearly. Lmpalirmlg nnurl u'nl'rl I) H 1.3 V - thy Inko future prem o.'.:. zriljmzx Du Thursday, April '33, 1931

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