DR. [-2. G. l`URx\'Bl'Ll. ` Graduate McGl1l Umver.a'lt.y. x\Iom.rml. Office and Rvs1dm1m- Cm`. Em.-sbvth` and Bradford Streets. Phune 10:3; Office` hours: ` 9-10 n.m.. 1-3 pm. 7-8 p.m. 3 u..'1~`,-ac, Ont. apt)?! . (HIlH|,?`. theme. WF_'_i!""_"Eff`.ff $ i PHELPSTON ]" ; \_ I long [astinj nan`, nuunrna u('u'ul)1Mll.s aft: :11 3| 2 H11: year in judging the best kind ---._ -:--jzrr cm-:wTa GUM ELICIOUS a- vors - f'rcslu:x} 3' that was about and around this Ilu Vunlr -uf fnnpk 'l'rarnnl.u. Ulu. O. Clordnu Plnxmn. Jaum-.~: O. Pluxtnn Herl.wrL A. W. I luxl,un. B.A. THE BARBIE EK.\MITu"F.l' .... ......... nuu u lncxcaadlj, I guuu wmc. ' You can get Dr. Williams` Pink Pills from any drug store. Du .~.o at unre. Price $0 cm: 21 bux Ur write to Dr : Williams -Mcdicinc Co., Brockville. m, 1 and stronger and I continued taking the pills for two years and eight months. ahd 1 cm safely say that my life is due to Dr. Williams Pink Pills." \r_,,,, I u . -.. .... nu--onus I Ann I Ina. Your, daughter needs rest. good food, exercise in the open air, a hobby or interest - and if nL`.*S:.'.|l'_\', a goud tunic. 1 vn" ,..,n n.~.o h. `I'll :_.I. ran: Nl'llI'I h. 1 PutnLuv.s'. lnrg-0 mslu-1, {lmlzntuz-s, small Imskvc 'I 4>ml.uvs. lmg llrivd lnrzms, ll). IV:-i..:l n. .x- .`.lX'.)W illltl [Hill mnmlry mzul*;. n1'1'm-ml. Only in on \m1g HI Sillll ll Mull With :1 bountiful supply of eggs, an txlmllsuzxlly largo mark:-1. fur this tinn- nf llw _v-ur. was gnwml with an :11- mnst .lm'Hlng drop in the priuvs an the f:u'n1ors' mnrkt-I. . :`nlurduy m:u'n- ing. Eggs mngvd from 24) In :25 ("I-nit; :1 (inn-21 with um: Indy :)l'l-rimv, ht-rs In! as lnw n: L : mmlu n zlu-um V Egg Prices Hit New Low Levels; " S-a1V)_IAs Running! THE MARKETS -g_rew stroniir JAMES E. TIIOMPSON l Hun Life Assurance Company 0! Canada J Policies-; 2 Pt-n`slm1Bond.~`. 2 Annuities Moderate Hutte -- Maximum Re~Lurns Collier and Clnnncx-Lon Sts. Phone 167 ll H il Iuzul.-. [ha-y Jll Ill -1-! \ ' doz:-n. mm .-o Theft of Mitts ! Dismissed By Court! Jkf 7//rm IIZIII in` pig. IXTURE. 8 l.u|;:-r \\ <-.u-in;,r (IrunL~4.hul'l 9 hnpruvml Uuaulim: (Lulmrctor 1 Murc- (2 l`:n.-iv!` 3 Nvw ( 4 N1-w I 5 Nmv I 6 l,1Il`;1v [Cm-ivr S'l:rliI1j_', lhmliugz, Hyslvnu Luln`i-miun .`~'yalmu lpniliull ."3'_vnh-nu Air \Vu.-slwr 7 lh-alt-z-,i;;n-I Tl'll)H.lIli1-`.i0ll Bl\R.R.IS'l'EH., S()l.1U1'|'UK. miu. Money to loan. H.053 Block, Burrle CHITTICK MOTOR SALES Feaiures of the Improved orJson Iv lhvfl 5;! I13 I I) \n. Phone 491 VAUIHI UL u.~.v.'nLuung IVZIVCD H) I lHHT0l'.] r U 0 H J A slxock-regxstt-x'1I1g devxce has been Give` Bub Chicks vigor and Vimmy to I invemed to register the strains on [ V, ,h,ouh 83,), an, and mnke; `hem ,`1.mding gear and other parts 01 (ml Pastgatuvlnu bi_rds. t.:\ak your cealer `airplane in taking of! or la`nding. O`;-ruezsg ' "`" `` ' , A survey of San tFranc1sco counL\* ) H ` X ` _ _ ` > records show that the xwt-rage motorist ` I K` 1 T "00" ( 0- 0" `A-\-` L1"- [pun nun.-.s mu-c gallon.-. or g;L:.nlxIn: pt`! ' Gurlph. Out. I'.1uIo1nC:bl1e DEF d3y- An aparatus has been invented by which photographs of heart beats and other body sounds can be seen in the form of oscillating waves in :1 mirror. I A shark-rpaicmrino do-vim: ha: hnnn Illulutll quill-.5 auu (I UHSIIUIUI UHLIL` H] the country and she asked him why he had never got, married: "Well. Eliza- ibeth. I believe in every father keeping `his own daughter." DR. N. W. lt0(:l-2l{.\` PHYSICIAN und SURGEON Special mtontiun Lu ()b.~'.l-u'|vs Omvv und Rx.-slmwm-: 50 Mary St. Phunv ml [Why Weeds Are lF.X)il`I`illll'l 'h kind of Ann: .....I .s'I.?Gll'I`LY S lady member nun! null :: D` 1:1al}}fto Kill? ' SCOTCH r was visiting two u hJl(`hI-If)! nu:-Vn in HI-an" \`V:l1:';l 16 "L16 .l'i(:1:u (I; 10 Hot Spot Mmlifnhl 11 llvuvy l"mnl:-r.~4 um] Plulfurvn .`1'lumIaml Hquiplnc-nl 12 ."~'.ixtt-mi l |ul<- '|'r2umni.~-iam Ii 13 SIN-I SIN-ring: \'\"|u'a-l- - uni Huhlu-I` (Inva-r4-cl 14 Shm-k /\lI.~(nl"nilI,'!, Vrmul (hail 55, 15 /\ulnmuIi- l.lllH`i1`:llinH ml` II \I.wI n n Barrie `nlllll n uuurn ul -4" ('.'ll'ilI!.'-- .'Ll:l l`|l`uIl \`v} New Discov`r;Limhers 'Em Up and Even the creaking Ceases 1'HY:5lU-'L'Hr:hLA1'L:-5'16 00 l'}ll'l.uhclh St. Phone 405 Pnbhudync Blood Annuysis. Pz1Ul10ncnr- omc-tor Service. I371:-<~L1'u, Mugmatitz and Sun 'I`a'L-ubnwrms. Mussztgu and C0-rrc:c- Live Mumpulztmm. WE SOLICIT INVF.S'I`IGA'I`ION T 2 Given Baby lwe through days. fast-gtuwxng birds. Ask your dealer for Prune, urwrita us for prices and name of nearest deal-r. Stiff mints Ba:l_>:g !|_icl( /nuvlun 1 I.u'./u 1' 1v 1 Smnks Right In And Limlu-r.~a l'p Urnkrs 5~'priug I`:-.-:1` [jive -_.._..._..-~._._ DR. R. W. llllalll-IS DEN I'A1,. SURGEON 24 Dunlop SL., above Arnold's Market 'l':-It-nhmw 3'18 BOYS & BOYS l Barristers, snl1:1t.urs, Notaries Publir:,} C0uv(:yu.m-.urs, Elm, ` Money to loan ul. luwa.~.4L rates or in- terest. Ofl'1(:(:- 13 OW1'll SL., In Mason- lc Temple Building. Bun-lo. Brunch O1'I`ic(: Elmvnle. ` I - Al.l'}XANI)l-IR. (VOWAN ' Barrister, Su1l(:lt,or for ubLninh1g ` probate ul wills, gumlunslm) and udm1nl:;Lmt.mn, Gum-rnl Snll(:Hm'_ Nutaxiv. Cnnve.-vuncvr, vlc. 0fflce- Hind.-; Him-.k_ H Dunlap SI... Barrie. MONEY TO LOAN Burri. lVlUN 'I`u-lephonv 69. DR. 1 Form:-rl_v Late Surge-u Imm-riu IC Tempu: uuntumg. uurrm. Brunch Ol'l`icc W. A. Boys. K.C. J. R. CAMERON K: (YAMERON BARH.IS [`ERS. S()l{I(2I'l'UR.S, ETC.` Burris-: 5 Owen Hl.I`(`(?L 'I'(!l(.`[)hUlll.' 406 MONEY TO LOAN D Q f`nn\nrnn `II A !`runnwn\ IVIKJIVIL R. S. Cam:-run R. E. 'l`lI(JK, Builder, Barrie New `Houses. and Smmn<-r Cnllugns Remodelling, 1'tcp:1i1'in;r. ()nk Flzmrs Estimates fl'L'(`. Phone use.) ...-_ uawauuuu I-tivru uruuuis Published every Thursday afternoon at the Post Office Square, Barrie. Subscription Price--Canado and Great Britain $2.00 per year in advance (in arrears $2.50); United States. $2.50 per year in advance. Both old and new addresses should be given when change of address is requested. CAN- CELLATIONS-We find that most of our subscribers prefer not to have their subscriptions interrupted in case they fail to remit before expiration. `` While subscriptions will not be car- ried in arrears over an extended per- iod, yet, unless we are notified to can- nel, we assume the subscriber wishes the service continued. REMITTANC- . ES should be made by registered let- ter, money order or cheque payable at par in Barrie. J. A. Mar-.l.ARF`.N Firiirnr I'LA.\"l`0N & l'LAX'l`()N BARR.IS'I`KR5. SUl.ICl'I`ORS, ETC. nrm-.-gr Kent. `nllllimv, lli Ym)1!(- S1,. RAD!-1NIllll{S'l` & HAMMOND BAR.RIS'I`ERS. SOI.1CI'I`()R5. ETC. m[uxnnh- '1`:-mnlu Hnlldimv Hxwrlv r'HY51Ult\ ()mvv und 1 `nrnnr ()\m-n IIII. AINSLII-I I . Al{.l)A(ill SUR.Gl*20N EYE. EAR. NOSE uml 'I`HROA'I` hlnv hp 1-nu.- nu hr.-:(` nml Ihlrx uAH.tuts'1'r;H5. :au1.1U1'1'u:m. unu. Musoniv Templv Building. Burrle - MONEY TO LOAN Au|Aul.|A_\ an unn. 1\.\I.\\ I Surgmn S[)t'n'i'.\li.\`l. Imp:-rh\l Army. 4`: _\ General Surgery and 0h lC>|'nf\`i'.lUy Ol'fl('v--~14l) Dunlup '30. Phone 710 P. O DONALD E`. M:u~.LAlll'IN. B.A. BARRISTER. SOI.ICI'I`OR, FTC Musnnlo '1`enI.p1- Building. Barrie MONEY T0 LOAN DUNCAN Iv`. Mc(!llAlG. ILA. SI1(:-ossor to C1'm;\vi<:lu- 8: Bull B/\R.R.IS'l'ER, S()l.ICI'I'C)}1`,. ETC. Mun:-u in man H.ns.< l Burr! L. J. SlMl'S().\'. MJS. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON ()f{h'.v und R'Si(lI`lI1`'- (`,nllh-r Rt (iUlI.l)()N I.()N(iM1\N BXl.l`l lSl,l'l`, Snlh-il.nr, Nutury, Etc. MONEY 'l`O LOAN uurn.-:\:n nu. ; \II . ..-u Bar1'1sun'. Solicltm`. Nouniv. etc. MONEY TO LOAN uhanhnm. nu Hun-~| Qt 'Rm'r Thursday. March 7.6. 1931 x--- Wll4FRED E. SMITH. 0.A.A. HEGISTERF") ARCIHTECT Nlllnnnl, l\nlurIn R0l3llt l` ll. SMITH F.\'ESIGH'l` SPECIALIS- I` 5:! Duulop St.---Phone 80 8 9-6 Sm.urdu\'s till I0 G. R. and E. A. BURNS PHYSIO-'[`l-IlE}R/\PISTS ll I-`.llv:nlu-H: Kl l'IInnn d LIFE ASSURANCE` Phone your news Items to Tm Ex- nnuner, No. 223. GOR.l)()N R. I'()>'.'l`l~2IK. ....a.... .. a.,I:..u.\.. IJ.... mxs (i()lH)0N I.()N(iM1\N `rlulu-r Snlh-il.nr Nnl.m'v,I CHIROPRACTIC VETERINARY DE. A. S. BLACK kerlmu-inn uni Sm-m lslm`. 5nm:u.0r, Nuuwy, MONEY T0 Russ Blur-k, Balrrlu l:5'l'Lu`R.El) ARCHIT Mldlnnd, Ontario MEDICAL .-.1. G1'nd1mtv nt ' Phonv (`>1 Hours: 84! n.m., DI/., HDUVL` !H`IlUl( '11-lcphom: 3'18 ARCHITECT .1. A. M9.cLAREN, Editor W. C. WALLS, Manager DENTAL LEGAL up s:.--rnom- an Saturdays p.m.. x A. nuns ` W . Ross .5: Russ , from 2 *L`iuli.\`l. with the ` Ap;mm\Lin1 years. , be made VI nu-I liked.-I n-Inn `U LUAN Owe.-:1 SL. Bo.1'rio. sum.in;UN - Comm` St. Phone 275 Boys as 1) Hours V7. 11.. Av|ll1IVIl\ll` | I-`uneral Dirvclur and l-Imlmlmcr . Ambul:-mce S:-r\'i-0 : Phone -1 I Limousin Ila-arse If dcsired I `Cor. Ma.r_v and E1i7:.1b-In Sis. B111`: _._.________..j__.__.___. nliH' R(`.'~;ll]UIl:.! hl l"1(-- of H !Iu. f`n .\l IJIIIL vpid 1'1 dmu',:` .ll'ISSll'I R. HRYSUN Touch:-r 01' Piano, Org,-`an, Singing and all ']`l1mn'1eI,i(-:11 subjm-t,s Pupils prup.'u'(-(I for 'I'm'nnLn Cunsex'va- Lory of musir (`.'~C:1I11iI1:lli()H. ~'.. nll g'r:1(h'.". Special ul.M-nli to A. I`.C.M. work I IH-n(~1'1ut4~\ in Ivfln-nun!-n~\~ 'l`h.-. ~.- null ICHWIUNH HAICDY. Mus. 'l`mu-In-I` nl` Piunn I l,I()l(l mu-uuusl. `rm-unm of Mu::i<~. and Ux1ivv1'.~;iIy H3 Worslc-y St. ' . .1 Munngvr Cost W. S. Hulbig. H. J. W:-lch. C.. \'I("l`()Rl.-XN (DRIH-IR ()l<` ;\'l'l{.\'l'I.\` li:Irrh- Bram-h \Ml-`Y I. 1.'..uz\' (-1 nxnrv 1 0 \/0 l..4|4\J I 1/ FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER ()l'l~`..\' l).\\' .-\.\'l) !\'l(ill l` I7 I-Ilixubelh St. : Phone 81 V... v... "nu uuu-nu Motor ambulanrc in connection u.u;.na-.- nu. ....n.... A- DE. A. 5. BLACK Veterinarian and Sun-genn Overseas Service, Captain Imperial Army Veterinary Corps I Three years post. war practical exper- ience in England and Scotland ` Omce ana Surgery: 48 Bayrleld St `Vane R1] : SAl)Il'I M. IRRICMNI-Eli. A.(,`./1 TE/\ClIlL`lt Oi PIANO 1`ll])il of E1'nl`sl, S:-it.7. K2 RUSS St1`u(,>I. : : Rnrrirs Furs Altered and Repaired Ovvr Hur1h'.x:"'< Show Sh1'(`_ Illuu -u vvvw vuvuvvuvvvvrrrao. Horace Wilson, A.R.C.O. 0r;::uIi. and ('huiI'nIu.\'lt-r (`ullivr S1. l'nit-d ('hurrh AH IIl' Dlnrun on. MISS MARJOIHI-I (YRIC r\.. :..u tr. c. G. Smith gz Co. I-`ml -1 `|lim"|n|1` I\ 1 I51) Mrs. Emmie Wilson (`nntrullo Vm-ulist. l-Int:-r`.:1in and I-Ilqwulimnixt Einalnnv u......I-.n.. n..I.\.,. r\.... Yl)I'2[-I MvAll.I".Y, 'I'l`:l('hl`l' nl' Pimm um] (Wl`Ir.'Ini-:9 1.! HI ('.n.n`Iu- . ... Iv nun.-u. BAKRIE. ()N'l`.--I ll()N|'l 82 and Orguui.-;t t.. Amln-\' m M a \5I `pa 54:5:-Isl! SK \a\J Iistublislled I869 FUN!-IR.-\L DlRE("l'0R.S AND EXVIBAI.-I\l|'ZB.S OPEN DAY AND NIGHT J. A. (`()Rl!lC'l"l` NOTARY PUBLIC, (tuxuwymxcer in- vludlng druwlng-, or \\'ill.~:. (I:-eds, ur ranging of Iuun.~;. 1-(.0. In:eurum'o of all kinds. E.\'v(2uLur. Adxnini.~eLr:u.m` und 1`1`u:1tee. 'l`hurnl.on. Ont m..4.`n..,. Ox'Lzani. 'I`rinit_v Churr-h TE/\CI-IIEIR Oli` PIANO 19!! Bu,\`1`u-Id SI. l"hum- 3l( MISCELLANEOU nun:-. u. 1.. vvhllu 'mu)w1' nl" Piano and Violin PIANO TUNER * 513 : BAHRlI~`. : 4-1 \VursI<~\' L n. 1 :\.Vll'lSl`.l.L .\ l..~\\\'l (`lmrlun-d .-\rrnunl'.ms T. 14`. I.1|\\h'\,\ (`A P. C. LLOYDT IIKIPDAI I\Inu`r~'I-rxr v\| :un Auu ~ .unu- nuuv MISS M. Mu`.-\R'l`Ill'I{ nurrw lsrum-In WELL h.-\B\' L`LIN1C 2 Ln 5 n`:-lurk |`\'n|l'\' 1`r MUSIC LESSONS lHll'|\H`\\ illlkl ll'lllL. ll`. ('0|li'r .\`l.. Barrie AA.A-_.-_---------_. W. D. MINNIKIN -\I I\:u-unI..- ..n.I I.`... ..\ ... xstm, .|'j.`\N'.. NUL`.' unu '.l'HKUA'l' Muv be` (`(lH.'i\llLl`d un fir.-:1. um! third; ' Saturdays at` um-h uuml.lx M. Qun-1-n's Hum-l. }3urrk- l'Il()l". 1). IC. \\'llll ..I..... ..r n.. ` .....x 17: (`:\M| Bl`Il.L .\* L.-\\\'Ll-ISS Imrturvd -\m-nn In -.a n9 \- 1` U1 m:u1()_ ur;::m. V()(!fll \ ml Mllsirtul I`h(-nry ,` ;L and Cl1ix`xnustr`r of I`r(-sl)yl.u-x'im1 Ch1n'('h ulist. 'I`m'nnLn Cum":-r\':1t,()1'y n1 'I`nrrmI,n. I; M Bl. l IIlll'lI \ nurrn V of ORGAN. PIANO and V'0I(7l'~} l R()l)I1C'I'ION nw-. ...H .w...n;....o..\....x `l`U(]ll(`UOH 15ng1m*-r I G. D. Ca1mpbv11.C.A. . 59 Yc)nL'.`. l`unmtn . A. '.!Vl. nd 'J`hem'y `en-`:2 Clnxrvf Rslrrin ' I!:lI'l(-y Irl`l'Iil\1-n { Sl`l`\'l(`t`S 'uugh dm '7 Y hf. . luwxwy Dvpt. ion Engine`:-r .\lIIlI I 313 _:_._._4 BA}cH.l>.$'J`llR. `o`Ul.lU.l'l'Ul(tS, 1s;'1'u. Offices: Kent Bll|l(liIw_. I. -Ii Yongv St. 'l`rarunl.u. (int. ('1 (`lnrdnn Plnvtnn Jnnn-.< O Plmztnn