... .. (}n\dI1~.m- 01' ' }'hmu- U1 . }luur.~~. R-9 u.m. I Cow testing is very important. Not. all mws that glve mllk are m`ofiml)le~. Tlw only way to mnkv sure of Llmsu 1n1m'ol`ltable cows is by the systematic ll!-'4` 01' 1h:- mill: QI`2ll|K and thn nnlm-m-lz Only land that will x'0s;1)I)11(l to goocl tronlnwnl. shuuld be mxltivatc-(l at all. 'I`l'u-1-o nro mrmy thou.:nn(ls of acres .ln OnLm"1o that will not ])md1l(:e l'm'm t'rnp< q)ro1`itn`hly and should be rotor- |-stml without furllwr w:1.s-l:- of `lil]14! and l~m-r;,ry. Evm-y 1`:1rmm' who applies in tune can go! frvo 3.500 trees for ro- l':n-nulinar u-nob "um... nu-`Al mm [they are available and are of a satis- 1`m-,u:1'_v quality. The com grmvers of Essvx, Kent and Lnmbton =Cm.1m;ies are F this year" in 51 position to live up to the enviable. mputation as seed `pm- | dllC`I`S built up prior to the invasion of the corn borer. Purchase your supply of seed mm at home and know what. you sow. lII]II|l|H.'!l.Ult`. (`UWS 1:5 uy Ln!` sysurmtuln we 01' the miik scales and the Babcnck IIL" W('(`kly Crop Report umlly at. this Linn` 01 111: -pm'l.s uf Ihv :1gri(-111l\11'nl r ivvs llmxlxghmxl Ontzlriu \ -hivl'l.\' with am-(ls and an-(1 'l`)m Inn- Iuurnnul mm m;:a`sI.,`n:;c`:1 ; Cause ljdigestion McCOY S :Cod Liver Extract Tablets GpoiWT;as:cs* WRIQLEYS ALEX/\NI)l'llK. (`OWAN Barrlstel`. h`ull<'lLm' fur nbtzxlning probuts: of wills, gu:u'(llnn.s'l1ip mull udllllmstrutiuu, (.H:1n-ml Sulir-.H.u1', Notary. C0r1vo,v:1n('t-r, t`l,(',. Office -mds `Block. 8 Dunlap St... Barrie. MONEY TO LOAN I Was 50 Skinny---Now Feel Like New Woman Warns All Past 40 to Heed These Signs THE BARR-IE h`EAMlNl:IR NORTH SUNNIDALE 'c_nE?~ue-ouM llIm()S[ c:\re= and Cll`ilnli-1 ncss -- fresh; and full (lav- cred. These are wh:Itgn0d-- I n*,~:.6; nu-ans; in I Try it when you are tired. and hungry and see how quickly it pep.-I yuu up. ` lnexpensive- 5 Satisfying , BAH-H..lS'l.'E.H., ':3ULlU.l'l'U. RZTU. Money to losn. Russ Bluvk. Bnrriei nes.-; nu-ans I WRIGLEWS. terials - nncr nrlrn l'ill.`1lll]l\ /\m)Ivs (-w1nt.m') Inruo l)nsk-L small Dusk`-I \Vnnrl. hnrd thnx lur....,: 1......| :11! ; llrl VV I\l-All \Il`I4 Chas, R:-id of *S.'md`~wi(:h (rallvd on his! si 101'. Mrs. Gen. Clark. on his way UH `Nnrlh Buy. \/In unzl \/luv I"):-`nun. nnrl L'(Ir\ nf 'I"nu I uulu; Butt:-r. lb` ; Bumtrmilk, 'F7|'"`.x' (107 II): n rag}.-_.\', (um. Pulh-1,5` ms, 4 Chit-kcns. lb. F`u\v1. 11). Pork (fronts) n,...I. 11.: `.-A\rvv .;u_y...,., . u n nun punuu \ In mm |\ ztskixw, 33 cents. Clm-kvns wvrv down slightly, selling at 28 (V-9111.5. Purk. tlw only fresh nmnl rm Ihv nmrkM,, was (nlnu-(I M 12 and 14 H-nts for fronts and hinds, x'vs])(-<`- ~Liw-ly, n;,r:11n.=L 13 and 15 Lhv provimls W('l`k. ' I u..o..a,..... . ........aux....] With mud vonrlltlzms sllll `bud the f:1rnm's' market was :1 ])lll'll('lll21l`1y dull plmrv Sat11x`rln_v n1urnlup;. I`lmugl1 tlu uutrket. usually ls in full swing shortly um-r 9 o'clock. it was after ten when any slgn of :u~tlvil_v was ('vld('nt. Evmx llwu only :1 few stalls xvorv ()(`('ll])l43(l uurl pl1r`lmsm`s \vm'o svaw-(*. At 10.30 n'(~ln:-,k eggs were still plan. llful in spite nl` l`f*dll(`l.i()llS 01` two 120 fnlr I-nnlc DI-lune I-nnnn/I fw-nn '1`! On Road Conditions ' ' Hurt Marl'et and I I : Prices Move Down I ("Z)HLUL'l- \\'HH llll` .`.ilW. 11 H H )(-vn for his: }w:1v_v glove lu- m\'<- 109'. his 1'ix1,-,m's. `M M:u`inn G111`:-it of B.'u`riv 1 ft w days wilh Mis.~'. 'M:u`;:m'(-L 1 |\i.- 1IV1unl' JAMES E. THOMPSON Sun Life Assmrnnae Company of Canada Policies 2 Pmlsinn Bmnds : Annl11MP.\ Moderate Rm:-s - - MZ1XiYn'llm Rt-turns Collin` uml Clzmnr-x'ton SL9. Phone 167 u, Hillu Minx Hull!) hnrd (Hi ilwlwsb Poultry. Butler, Eggs, Etc. 1-r lh '1' nu un. Au. 1. : I thindsb I |l)l hllllll` \\':'n 1 20 ct-111.94 n 1: 2. 'l`)u-rv \vm':- uuuul and Iluu \\ ('1'l` qllU(l'U' ill: QLUU illlll $15.31!. lislwr nmdo their first z11:`}):-211':\|w- 0 market win-n II. M. Lay r-xhiblt,_ | small q1I:mt.it_v nf Lhv m'-mmnl1.~u- . whit-h h" mid :11 {ivv 00111.5 at H3 (-11 Hi --/\1I'x'<-(1 We-hl) Jutily injurcd whilv szn hmuv wln-n u piw-v 9; suddv:-n1_v |)mu','.hl In:-I. wilh Ihn run: If THE MARKETS Hgw.<;;si;.E ). a,I ..r L-.\.., ti Mrs. P111-cc and arm of '1 `.9. 'I'ibbou of Windszu`, '1 l Sink:-nsml nf PiLL~;m1x'<,;' v ' \yTv unrl. S/In-u I: n '`\N:. I Suddenly in Htlsbnrg hnk4-n.~.m dn-ri vnrv mm! G. R. and E. A. BURNS "P!-1`/S10 - TH ER. A PIS ) `S 60 l'2Ii'I.:|lu-th St. Phone -105 Putmodyme Blond Amuly.-;is. Pnlnh0neur- D onmter S4.-rvIr:<.-. Elm-mm, Magnetic and Sun 'I`r<.-ubnu-m.s_ Mus:+xx;:r- and Correc- tlvc Munlpulution. ' WE S01 lI(1'I l| INVESTIGATION BAY POINT- ' haskt-I ll l):Is:|< -rv in 1:111-;(-1' (|llll1|.H.l(`S] - wevks nnd p1*i(-vs u.skvd ; lzlrgv l)n.xk<-L. or 750 mly two lands; of .1 Hws" were lute urrlvuls. (ml! at $7.00 and $8.50 An Chnir Hun-O o\;l'v\:In\-nn\:-A. lC.mm'ngLon and Miss ; nf Orillin were weok- ` rs. A. H. `Crawford and E unoml nr their um'1~.- 'mtt.. on Monday. R Jin uf RznI'i4- u'!I< hrnnn a \Vl\'l'S <-uxlmlnim-(Ii nfl : snulh of Rzlrrlv on ` that, fnrct-(I tlwm to (Hlvlws with r-ut.l.vr.<. mrth uf the town m| Ax! II... - . . . . u. ..b `\\'il|lIl'l |Ill' LVIRIH` 1 n'- :11. Slmud will 11,:-r (into. HI fun u Fnuv zluuu ms been in Wind. ` of N0v4*mb('!'. is I Ll mu` ]IilVl'll| \(' ])1:n.--.<. 'b_V (`Hll`l` ])].I( l`. ~ !~TN~ 1'0: l(N'l((`(l. znlthm u .. nhln I1. In : 1' m wunu L-,hl his hand If it lmd nul rnvv miuhl IZILL. urulsl .- level with I ; and zm-M ... \ nan`.-_-..- n, DR. R. W. HUGHES DENTAL SIJRUEON 24 Dunlop SL.. ulmvn Arnuld'~s Market. '[`-lmnhmm 378 mm. un )).'lVl'l)N'Hl. `vs H):- ])l.m-5: Hu- l:ujv ruzulx, ..n hnnn 1. f Tm`- Tom For l'('(fol'(lill: thv numh:'r n1" r})(`l'F n n Llu-an-r u mm-hinv hus `hm-n "nlo-(I into which :1 pzllrun ins:-rt Iwtnl (lislc. ])|H'('h:lH4'(I il)Hll`:l(| ul inluu ONE TH|I\/\BLEFUL- _l.HINK 01-` IT! One liny lhimblcful . . .all {he iced a chick can put in its; lilllc crop in one day. 0n1hi<:1iny hit it must live . . . grow . . . build bones . . . build musclvs . . . start feath- crs. Think of (he jul) lcccl has to do! They lllllSlLlL`pL`llLl0Illl:(`(ll0['S0!Y1lllyllllS! They get lhcm all in Purina Chick Stzwtcnzl (nmsh) or Purinat All-Nlush Stzlrlcnzt Chow . . . 12 different ingrcdic,-n1s in cvcry thimblcful. Cod-liver oil . . . dried buttermilk . . . alfalfa. flour . . . gr:mul:1lcd mcal . . . these and eight ulhcrs are lhcrc! 'J`ln.-`cc 12 ingrualix-nlr:...lhink how carefully they must In: ll|lYl?4.l In innkc. (`very lhimlxlvlul alike. Purina. Slnrlx-nn and All-Mn-.|1 Slurlvnu (`hnw an-. mixed ow-r and OV|'l` illll . . . 960 lim:-4 ju~:l to ho llmrnuglil You will liml the swunc (`arc l;nl.'cn with linlay Chick Chow (.-;c1'nl('ll) . . .10 he [ml wilh Slzlrlt-nu unlil your cllirl;-: are six \v.-uks` old . . . and with l`urin:| (irnwt-n:1(1n.'ul|) and l`urin:l Illl('l'XlH`llilllE I'i('ll (fhow ( s`CI'.'liL ll) . . . lo he IcdlrmnlhcnnnuntilIhcpullvlx::1rcI:1)iug:1t16 \vm-ks`. llow lilllc in-Ll n chivk cal`; . . . jun! unc lhimhla.-ful :1 day . . . ya! how impurlnnl ii is . . . hmv murh (lI'pt`II(l\` on it . . . the (`hi1 k`.~: very liic . . . ih: grnwlh . . . what ll1cpullvl!~: willcluinrymliu-xlf;1l|:Inlwilllt-r\vln-n4-gig; are sure [0 he wurlh gfnml mun--.y. You um allurd to feed only [his bc.~.l . . . l uriu;1 Puullry (hows. wuuu vv III I 1'. Be-furr you enter llw .'-`h0\r\l`(NIlll. (hr big trade drulc-r kmms yuu un- gning lu hr Imvking for u lnrgr allow- ance` uml that you will not hu_\ hi-A purtirulur our lmle-.-on ynu go-I it. Sn hr in ull set In giwr it In you. Tlu-re i.- nulhing (`usual or ac-ritlrnlul ulmul ;. '|`L.__ .L...I..__ r n , - ,- H he pays you murv than your mic-(I car is worth. the-n one uf two things must happen. Hr mu.-4| l`I'-M` it In 1-umv one Inc all mu high 2: price- (whioh in nu! fair or ju.-l) or hr mu~l make up the diff:-re-ncv on lhr new car. The dealer cunnnl uffurnl to lake- u hum. The nmney mun! ('0llH frmu .-unnu-M her:-. Ihr Fllllll NIIITIIII I '0.\II'.-\.\ \' Ir: a `In - u us: II uuurlllllulir llll'll. Has one It-uh-r mutlv u nni.-lake-'. Can you Hutu-r _vour.~wlf on Inning fools-1| him am to llu- vomlilion of lhr ('ur and made a good truth-'. Vo -- {hero in litllo ('hunr- of than. H`: tho- dt-ulc-r'.-n llllillf`.-1H to know our saluc-.-4. \Vhc-n a de-nlrr bu}.-4 u u.-ml car from you. he (I00.-3 not bu} it to keep. Hr lulu-H il (HT your llaunln an all ur- rommodution. Hr would ln- glznl if he no-\~r had to take a um-4| car in trade. In-I - ll: '1 uxnmt: l:Sull(lHI}'.~ l`S`xll`l`ll`. Bram-h OfI'1(:u-~ 1'3-lnlvnle. W. A. Boys. K.C. J. R. u... ..w .n u "me _\'nu 1-H-r .-aluppe-cl In run.-iulc-r why me tlvulrr will u}-r you $23!) for il--annlh-I` $300 ur mum 53531)`? It} lhr hill!!! mu`. _\1'l Iwro is an |iffrr- 1-.n-0 of $3010 SHNI in llw -.-linmlc-.-A of 1-xpc-ric-II(-rd ;uIlmnuhih- mo-n. --u nu. mu: 0 It in nulurul that you Hllllllltl Maul In gvt as much an pm-.~4il)|1-. _V`(`l you Inmw the uld cur inn`! are gum] as it un4-c- um. It has ;:I.m- l(`l|. ha:-nl_\`. p('l'll(lp81hil`l_\'IIIUIIHEIIHI mile-.~4. \ l':Il`.~ of 0|)(:I|i(Ill h:|u- 1|:-pr:-4-inlc-I ilu Vulm-.. The In-.-`l part of its use-|'ul life is behind it. II - I (I III`W .~u:v-u. |I.'II nun: 1 vuu VVIII Ill uulunmlnilv uml our 0|" llw hr:-I qm-.-4- tiunn ynu will ask _\uur lll':lll'l` will In- -- Hnw much will you allow nn- nu llw nltl ('Xll`? Smn-: I).-\\' smw you will no (`II II lll`\' 1 .u .- Y0 U CAN'T 0U'I`-'I`II1\IDI<} A 'I`IlA I! I4} ll 7 DAYS nu. nuullul nu arrlurlllul llllllll The dealer fulluwa u nlun that I .VlulmisIs an-0 I4-arnin;.:' In In- l'|-zmkly skc-piic-al of I00 lnigln an I"lI\\':IIIl`l! on I's-1| fairs FEED FOQ Orin: CHICK [ nzl \ now an-, nnxcu iu~;l I Chow lnru-nu I (9vr:1lL-la). . _ m h.- . MUN` 'I`oIenhnno I39. "'I'IIIi I .\N.\IDIA.\' C .\II .. De Lute Nun Hr Luxr VIM "0 Law` ("uni Ur I.|l\I` Tudu llultrinlrl . . Tuwn W}-dun . \i'luriu . I \lII"" I I Tudur Sc-Jun `purl Luupv . hmdur Sc-dxnl Rand.-to-r I'luu-luu 0 'HVlur(|I1-ule-rtlm-Mmlum-clnnlvh nu-lhmlz-< In no-H the Fnrd cur. H0` in an :uIlhm`i7,4-cl l`('prl'Hl'lII:lli\`' of llw Fortl nlnr llunnpuny uf (fanudu. Limit:-L and h!` duo-ya hln.-wirn-.~a.~ un a fair. .Hlrui;:hH'nI'\~2Ird hm-3:4. "0 dcwn nul .---:-k In lulu` zulx znnlu,-.51` of H10 puhIit"n known sac-uklw-an fur :1 "|mr;_-uili." Th Inwc-r lira-l ('0.-4! 0| llw Ford. the luwc-r rm-sl uf up:-ration, up-kn-op and at-r\i'4-. and the mlclrd vulur 0|. [hr nlmllc-rlt-rm glam wimlnhivltl. fuur Hmuluillr tlmlhlt--at-lin;_v hydraulic .~|m1'k ulnmrln-ran. fully t-Iwln.-u-1| fun!`- whe--I brakes. nmrr lhuu twrnty ha" and rullo-r In-uringn. uml Ihmllo-u.-o SN-c-I amount in fur murr lhun an} 1-t`t`lllilI,'.{ diH'-r4-In-r in lrmlr ..n ..... .. .... P... unuvvunu I IIIINHIIII has been I-arof'u|I_v wnrkml out for him in mlvznu-4-. He will gladly gin- _vuu $3). $73 or l`\('lI $|0U nmrr in [rude uHmum-- Iu-1'uII.~4- lw mukrn ju.~l lhul llIlll'll more on llw new 1-nr. '|'|I1-It-anlm".-I prnl in M-Ilillg hma hm-n pllrpmu-I_v inn-rt-um-I In nmkr llmt Iur-'0 uHuw;nu'- m.~4.~4i|p|n*. r- I 'I'I.4..l.`.....I.l....I.....I_.._ . ,, n - uuv ru 1 III ullnwumw-. pnrvu [. In In heat I lhnuupovu an-I opal! I 0F I'.\\'.-\ID.\. I.I.\ll'l`I-Ill J , _-. l)l.\"l`lHlil"I`(H(.\' \';n'l fun! of M:ur_\' St. l |n llvzul U|'l`i-c-: S) lhlnlnp S1. :-j. R. E. l`lI(!K, Builder. Barrie New H()1I.'.u:~: nnd Summer (jollngos Remodelling, Rt-puh'lnp:. Onk Floors ESLIIHHIPH frmr. Phrmc 650.1 -nu yr . - . -Tudur Sc-dun . Ur I.u.n* Hmlimc - Nnud-lrr . . . . - l'|Im-lulu . . . . A _ The Sarjeant Co. Ltd. Slululurtl lhulir-u luv l'|mm- 5 H('l|l|4`H(`1 auguin. IlI|' Id` 1. $370 SSI 3 320 385 583 . nu -10 635 Win 695 BOYS K: BOYS <-'Bnrr1st.(u's, S0111-iLnr.~;, Notaries Public, C Etc. HM0ney to loan :11. luwq-st, mlms of in- terest. ()l'1`1m:4 -13 Owen St... in Mumm- 1:: 'J`exnplt.- Buildhm, Burrlu-. Ot'1'1(:u-~E~hnvz1ln. qpnu .095 L'llk In) J 7l0 <-nrrlnus -unnm; shinnnblv Hrmd m has put up n ;u'.x- pic-rm-(I Irm- I-:u'rln((.s'." _.j.__._____-.. Page Rn-van ._A.j___.--__ (IAMEll()N & CAM!-IIl()N BARR.IS'I`ER.S, S()I1I(7'I'I`ORS, ETC. Ilxlrrilv 5 llwl-In Slrtu-I Phmit` Your news items to The Ex- nnnnor, No. 223. JVIUN l R. S. Cann-mu .. .- uuviouuuu I-.v\r\u u-II--- "Published every 'I'mu-saay afternoon at the Post Office Square, Barrie. Subscription Price-Cano.dn and Great Britain $2.00 per year in advance (in arrears $2.50); United States. $2.50 `per year in advance. Both old and "new addresses should be given when change of address is requested. CAN- `CELLA I`IONS-We find that most of i our subscribers prefer not to have their subscriptions interrupted in case they fail to remit before expiration. While subscriptions will not be car- jried in arrears over an extended per- iod, yet, unless we are notified to can- cel, we assume the subscriber wishes 'the service continued. REMITTANC- ES should be made by registered let- ter, money order or cheque payable at put in Barrie. - J. A. Ma(:I.AR.FiN, Trliitnr llAl)l~:NHlInS'1` &. HAMMOND BAR.RIS'I`ERS. SO1.1Cl'1`()H.S. ETC. Mu::m1|<- '1`mnn1v Building.-_. Bnrrlg-. MONEY 1`0 LOAN DR. AINSLIF I . AlH).~\`GlI SU H.( I EON EYE, EAR. NOSE HIKI THROAT LJIIV ho` 1'nl|.-nlltml um l ir~:1 nnri thin DONALD E`. M:u'l.ARl-IN, ILA. UARH.IS'l'1~IR. `n`()Ll(. 1'I 0R. ETC. Insznnir 'l`unn\l:- Hnllrlnm R<.n'r|n uAru<.1n"u-.'n.. `n'UL.AU|`l'Ukt. nwu. Mu:;unl(- '1`un1plu- lmlldmg. B;u'rhe MONEY To LOAN IDIINIZIIN I". lVl('lTll/\l(i. lS..`\. Sm-.-e.-:.-:or to (Jr:-s\vI-kc & Bx,-ll BAR.RIS'l.`ER, SOLICITOR. ETC. Mom-v tn lnnn Rcwn Him-k. `Burr! 1.. J. SlMl'.\`()N. M.l!. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON (')!ve- mm] Ra-sldm\m\., (min.-.~ :9 rlVL' MHnl[JllHlLl()l1. S01,/[CIT Thursdn.y, Mm'ch 1931 ...__.__.__..__.____._.__.__ DR. FRI-ll). A. [loss Forum-rly 0! hrs. Russ & Russ Late Surgeon Spvcluh.\'l. \\1Lh ll Xxnpvrml Arm_\'. 4`: ,\'r-urs. Gnwrul Surgery and ()l:.sl.n-trit-s lispec-iall_\' Of(im`---Ml) Dunlup Sh. Barrie` Phnne 710 1 . 0. Box 10' uuluulm 1.uNuM1\N Bul'l`L*;L(~r, Suli(:llm`. NuLzu`_V, Etc. N|(1NE\' 'I'() 'l.( )I\N \A\rlwlI\IA1 nu. - :1... uuo BBl`l`l.`:lt'l`. So1i(~il.ur, Nul,:u'_v. etc. MONIEY TO LOAN nlonhnnn [Ill (`hm-'\ .K'.I Hnrr WILFRICII E. SMITII, 0./LA. RFIGTS'I`FIRET) ARCHITECT Nlidln nil, (hum-in us. ruuc, Nutim mm 1 bv ('ul1:u1ll-d on fh`::t, bjuturcluys of mu-I1 mm Qm-c-11's Hut:-1. Hm` RUB!-lR'l` ll. SMI'l`ll EYI-`.Sl(,`-HT SPEClAl.IS'I` 53 Dunlap Sl.--Phonr 80 's 9-6 Szuurdu\'s ml 10 GORDON R. I'0.`'l`EII OPTOMETRIST #Lll'-`E ASSURANCE `.l.b"1'l1JH.5, 5UJ4lU1'|`UH,:a', Barrie: 5 Own: Street. l`(-,luphum- 406 MONEY J'(') LOAN f`n nnnu/-n L A (`:1 VEER*INARY l`l1\ ElU1AN AND SURGEON 0!'Hx'e' mud Rcsldr`1u`c~ Collie-r SI corner Owvn. Barrk-. Phoxw CHIROPRACTIC l.`iL('l`, B(lll(!ll`()I', NUL1|.l`_V, MONEY 'J'() LOAN Russ .Blm:k, Bu.1'r.lee lh"l'l*ih'.l`Zl) ARCHIT M~i(ll:1nt], Ontario MEDICAL ii71L'5i5R? Db ILUUVL` HIVIIUII 'I`ul(r]mome 3'18 E&~ mrrne. A. MacLAREN, Editor W. C. WALLS, Manager ' DENTAF LEGAL DR. E. G. 'l`l'RNBl`l.l. Graduate Mccml Unl\'er.\`1I_\'. Monmml. 1 Otu` und Ruaddvncv Cur. Elizabeth` sad Bradford Strc-vts. Phone 105 Offlcv hours: 9-10 am. 1-3 pm. 7-8 p.m. T` T SpEClAL]ST IV. 11. IVIIIVIVIBIIV up ` Funeral Director and Embalmer Saturdays till 10 pm. AH1bl:ln(`x` Sc'r\iL'` : Phunv 431' ---- ` Lxnnmxxmv }{:Hll \`.\ ur r'n I U53 1 ' the ` \`mII`\` IVEHH. Boys .L. La. l4Kl.\\R'.\h. L:..'|. Manager Cust and Eft`1vimu*_v Dept. 3 W. S Hulbig. Pmduvtiun Engineer , 5H J. Wl`1L'l1. L`. A. (3 D. Cnrnpbc-ll.C.A. ;Phom' Main 5374. .59 Yong:-. 'I`orontu ------------------------ I - .-uxmuxzmcv b`t`!`\'1(`9 Phunv (Bl , Llnmusmc I 1! desired Cor. Mary and Elizn.b~th Sts.. Barrie ,_ ` fvwooacaoatooooovooovvwowoooowv Horace Wilson, A.R.C.O. E ()r;:uniwl. and (`huirmusu-r ` (`ullic-r St. l'nitt-d (?|Iun-.h M1 _s:1';ulv.~: wt (_)Ht'-:\N. PIANO and 'l`lHI()H\'! V()I('I'2 I`ROI)U`("I`I()N nmi s1N`(`.ING null <'x;uxmmllnns) AI.:~`.O Mrs. Emmie Wilson (`ontrullu Vtwulixt. litmwtzuiner -nul |l...-no '- Jl`1lol`l1l`!` m 1-uum and vmlm PIANO TUNER Phone 513 : BARRIE : 44 Wm`. St.` I ,_ Irom :4 Applivuu bv mad I-ZIIMUNII IIAILDY. Mus. Bnc... l".'l`.C.M. '1`c:L(-l1vx' ul Piano. Omzux. Vocal and I\I1x:-ivul 'I`hv0ry O1'gz:1ni.s`t. and Ch0i1'1nusl.er of SL. Az1(l1'(-\\"'x Pr:-sbytmizux Church ("mid Mvdulist '1`ux-unm Conservatory llur Mu::iv and Lmivz-r:sil,y of 'I`nmm.u. .113 Wurslvv SI. : Barrie t Manage-I W, S I I all 'J`m-nrr-l.ir*:1l Sllbj(!,t,S Pupils pr:-gum-(1 fur 1`urnnL0 Conserva- tory of music 1-xuxnimmnns. all grzulos. Sp:-cial um--nt,ion to A.'I`.C.M. work I"r<~v (-1"-~<-s in El(*n1o11l:11',x' 'I`l1mr_v and SiL'.`hlv Sinuimr. (Om-.n In nIInil< nnlvb 11.u(:v11L : s nv mxpus; at Mxss B1'_vsmn 1n<-hxdo tlw winning of mu M|'(l:LI. :u\':u'd(~(l by the '1`o1'0nl.n Cun-- sorvmm'_v for tho hiezhest. oxmninmion sl:1nd"mp: in Lhv Dominiun for the vvmw 1927 Hl`. _ 1`l',"Q nnri HIRII \'I("I`UI{I.~\.\' ()RlH':R 0| '.\'l'KI`:S Iizlrrin llrznn-h \\'I-?L('H. (`.-\.\lI`BI-Il.l. A` l.:\\\'LI`ISS (`haru-red Au-oum:mts 'r 1: 1 . 5].! Mn IDOMINION TRADE S(7ll()()l.S, LTD. 1-3n.s:lr-rn :H('1l(l((llf1l'|(`1'S. '79 Qum-11 \A. v.\'l. 'T'm`unln. Employment . to Mast ` rm-:~ or-ea-x m 1sI<`nw.n Sipxmv Sim.-.`in;:. (Open Rocvnl, mu-m vs lw r1aI|J |.|v|A.u'\I..dvll..l\ Ol'F.\' I) \Y AN!) .\'|(i|IT H Flil;|b(`H| St. : l'hoIu- 1 A.;r|I\AV wu I\I qtlu I l.4l\ 1/111 An1blI`luns. rt-1lnl)]z~ mm wanted at mwt-. Part. limv 1m_v while training for Avit-.t,Iun I\/Iwlmnir-.5, Garage Work, ' Driving-,'. Bntlury. Eln-(-trio Ar:0t.vlenv Wvldin9;. 'Hm1.~'.(~ Wiring. Industrial El- :-<*l.1`i(:iL_v, Mzuthinist. BI'i(`,k1l\`il1[1. Plus-I` M-rim.-.'. DrzLl'I,inu, B:u`l)m'im; and II:1ir- I dx-zvssilmz At`! quick, got, your nm)Iirn- lion in now. W1`it,( - or call fur inform- Minn Alfalfa hay reduces the cost of pro-[ ductinn of live stock pmclxwts. Grow alfalfa! The x'nc::nt,'l1c:1vy snowfall, which! was ;,:.'~neml Lln'mrghouL O1`ltl'i0. scrveci tho rluztl purpose of l`(`.])lL`l1l!~'.hlll{.{ the water supply in pla<~es wh."1'o the shm'l.- ngv lmtl be-rm km-nly felt (lm'ing Lhf,` past few months and of pl-ovicling a ...-nv....m.. ..,.m...;.... ..~,u ...x..-. -I DR. A. S. BL.-\CK *` Veterlnnrlan and Surgeon \' Overseas service, Cupmln Imperial Army Veterinary Corps A Three years post war pravticul exper-` it-nee in England and Scotland V Office and Surgery: 48 Buyfleld St "ham an 1 \.\\.| u reap." sced.2 EARN $6 TO $10 PER DAY Anlhillnnnr 1~1.Hulxl.. run `ac `cu -J:-until \& `.r\lo llstublisln-d IRIS!) l~`l`.\'ERAL l)lRl(`T()R,S AN!) EMBAl.MERS OI !-IN DAY AND NIGHT Motur ambulance In connection B.-SRRIE, ()NT.-PllI.).\'E 8': I '1":-uvln I O1'p.2un.~.~t (1 11.: 1!` Furs Altered and Repaired Ow-r }hn*ll)m`I`.~ Shun Smrv. MISS M. Ma-.-\R'l`lll.'lt SADIE M. BRICMNICR, A.().A.M. TEACHER OF` PIANO Pupil of Enwst, Sc-itz 12 Ross Sm-(~l. : : Barrie, On: G. G. Smith & Co. I-`Il"|'|`iu`nu:' I turn MISS MAR.l()l{H'I (`RI-'..\`\\'l(`Kl'I r\. :.a In. M AYIII-IF. M('Al1LlCY. A.'l`.C.M. 'l`v:|1'h|'I` nf Pinnn nnr! I`hnnrv Know wlmt ynu sow-"I7'or whatso- wer :1 man sznwoth that. shall he also vxnn" Qnnr nnhr In:-no I\]I|vv\v\ 1. 1.4 .l. A. l7UltlSl'."l"l' 1 NOTARY PUBLIC, Cuuvvynmw` in-i vludim: drnwlnv. uf wills. dm-us, ur- mmzlng of luxnux, -Lo. In:`.m'um-v of all f kinds. I-Ixvvutur. Adn1lnist,1'ut.ux~ and: '.l`ru:m'e. l`hurntun. Ont` no\ao L.Al_4\JI FUNERAL DlREC'll':)R AND EMBALMER nlIl.`\' I\|\' A\'n vn-n-r auxumu 1:1 mm ummnmn my H mm l9`.?7. 1928. 1929 and 193 Studio: 27 Br'.ull'ortl `t.. Barrio ____- l`R()l-`. D. 'J'vzw11-r ml` Pm mnmn v ...v.v nun-u.I\::u|n I l\I'n` VVl\vl Oru:1m.st. Trinity Church 'I`EACIIER OI-` PIANO 190 Bnvliold St. Plmnv 3H .1. unux .~.uwL'Lu Mull. .<.nuu Hi` :llS()| v r. Sow only large, plum-p. bright . Poor seed is deal` at any price. I MISCELLANEOUSW P. C. LLOYD` IlkIl,`l)AI l\IrII llmno Grown Sc-ml (`urn MUSIC LESSONS TV. D. MINNIKIN nl I\i-n.-In- .....I l`_.I...I.._ rxvnx, May Hut. Vallmhlo Snowfall .\.\ (DICIPEK (|I" liurrir l!r:uu~h l.I. HAHV (`.1 IN .r. JVll'!\lILl`.I'. 1\.`I'.(7.M. 1` of Pimm and I`h(><)ry of SI. (;-om-`s Church 1;1vfi<~hl St _ Rzirrio lrrn` nralwn . BABY CLINIC n`(`lu('k c-vm-y Friday. H` nnI\u\ \`n|l'\`lx'u< vnu )1 the v(-ry I"avm'nl)l(' im])l'UV('(1 siL1ml,i in [turn hm.-.... ;.. 1 non . Ii. WEIR um and Vinlln 'I`1YNl7F\` Iy 1':IL \l|lllIl;. LII!) ml ')r fall whr-nl. and . is not, oftvn that Ls 1'om~i\n> such a 11-11 and this may :'y for {I ])1`0s.po1'()lxs an lll(' u\Hn'I` S uuscnvv and (`.111 D2` Uri! in u radio rec-ei\'ur, is the mve-nlion 4 Swedish engmeer. >uI'vp auuw sugnx ;min1als, particul: with the notable whi:-h shows an nnH`i.nn in M... . `mum. nm- HIUSL rw't'n1 OIH` Sl.'.ll.:'\ that semi <-lnzmlmg m'l`lvil,y is (|1lll(' |)!'Ull()llll(`(`(l. p:u't.icul:n'ly in Lzmnrk, ` \\'l1vr(1'011<* lnx'g'o plant has bu-vn runnim; ~ to mpzmily fur sonw Limo. In Luvds many onquiriz-s are being: rvc-1-iv:-d rm` :-ml` main. Wintvr mndilions as ru- pm-I`:-(I from Musknkn and Parry Smm(l_ lmvv l):-vn :1lm0.sL ideal for new somlixugg. Hay in l)N'mnin,q' svnxw` with the l)nlv(l V:11`iM,_\ .<:<-llim: for $18 per ton. Oman-in rt-p:n't.s` .1 11-nvy demand for both sm-(I and sivw m:1to1'iz\I for fanning mills. Ill'L'.'(` numb:-rs (if Prwl `{".mn\fv fnI'Innv`u PLAXTON & l`l.I\X'l`()N ` B./\RRIS'l'IR. SOLICl"l'0RS, ETC. V Offices: Kent. BuHdinp;. 151; Yunge St.` 'l`r.runtu. Out. | G. Gordon Pluxmn. Jzum-:: O. Pluxtnn IIt'rbux'L A. w. Pluxlnn. l3.A.