Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 26 Feb 1931, p. 5

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JAMES E. I`ll()MI'SON Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada ; Policies 2 Pension Bond.-; 2 Annuities. Moderate Rates; Maximum Return.-; Collier and Clulmv-rmn SL5. Phone 167 TB}-.' BARBIE EXAEHNER Profuaely illustrated. Beautiful Colo: Plates. Choose your ower and vegetable needs and other . garden requirements , 0-,`... Ann anti! Send for your Copy T0-DAY xxx. \.I. nnuugu, unuunm u\IInuH u lpriz-.s~1 /kwzlrd. $12.50; w. P. clum. pm-L lszxlary {ls rullvctul` of Laxva, 1930. $75: ;.\'I1`s. Ed. Hayes. rent for council mmn. `$5; '1`. E. Smith. to pay cuuucil n1cct,- \HIIJ' ,<:`) w`U1'd W115 I1L`.\lL 4` with 56; Slldbl ; 1y. enough. Al; moms with wo} `[h(`*I'St four. I HIUHLKID U1 AU-DU ACLU! UILI5 |U Llglll Ch ; xssucd by the Department or Game and | F1.~:11eri-35 The wolf catch is decreasing year by year. not because trapping I ; n1v:$.hods have deteriorated. but because ' ;therc aren't so many wolves any more. : Thundqr Bay district led all others for 11118 three months with 93 wolves; Ken- `rn-n II~ab nnur pick 53'! Dnhuu `Dhtnr nn.\'4-(1 tnnx 10:11!) Puuly. utter. Eggs. nu. l|\ u nun.` I"..V \ .1l \Inl I.\' 0.\'T:\RlO IN 3 MONTHS hmecn hundred wolves were :11! in Onmrn: m the last xhroe uh: .\v' 1a'}n man.-nAyn.. rn om...-p..~` I l V THE MARKETS '1'<.-lupmnm 400 MONEY TO LOAN R. S. Cameron K. A. ( ...-.__.._.._____:_j____ v HIIIWI II)(J.`i llHlU' . lmrd (4-ft. length) . mixvd tbnx load) .. at .. .., , F;os{coumL . Inl. Buy Advertised Things |U.\L \VALAl U0. FLJIII) IVIVCI udbury district 41. Stran :- Algoma. which is synony- u:nh:1N in nnt nvnn nmnna 1 :I.)u. N 'j:thing' cor L"..`I.'[)lCd as rumnri tn Lll;l.L LIIVLSIUII R8315- duly rvgi.sten`d dur- : births. 26: marriag- ` .._, 40-45c 25-30c . $6-$8.00 $6.00 S6-$1().()(1 $]()~$ I 2 sntul I I\ `-140 r- EC 170 `)`lrI C V: I'\l\l'. \lI 1wimtymmunxuuusuniauinimauilimininizmnilnimilintix ; i It may be only a simple headache, `or it may be neuralgia or nt-uriIis;; irheumatism. Bayer Aspirin is alil|3 3 the sensible thing to lake. just be` i..,.-.....-. .9 c u\-or \'AnII ru t-,.l-.nn- I mum '1'eleDh()m~ I35). \l HC\.lXll'duIllI. |)d)l l nap ithc 1.-. Jcertain it's Bayer ym it dues not hurt the has genuine tablets. in L} ` package for the pocket. I BEWARE or IMnA:rTdNs ` IllllllllllllnIllIIMIIIII!IIIIIIIIIXIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIHHIIIIHIIHIHIIIll 95: NEW CIIEVR/0LE'I` SIX For good priming phone Wi n n i n g Canada up Six Cylinders! Elizabeth St. Eag.s_m OR more than two years it has been (lhevrolefs dislim-tion to I -II .1 1 , III -- ....... 5 u.a..... um. nu build the largest-selling six- cylimler car in (Ianzula . . . and in the world. Today, (Ihevrolot offvrs motorists a bigger and more beau- tiful car~~at prices lower than ever. Wheii you inspect the new Chev- rolet Six you will find that it is 1! s: "utter car . . . with new lmdies by Fisher, :1 longer wliocllmsc- and deluxe wirv wheels. lt is a more comfortable car, with roomivr interiors and wider seats. And it is a bi-.lter-pcrforniing car . . . . . . smoother. with ample power, and even easier to handle. .__._.._.j._______._. PLAXTON & l`l.AX l`()N BARRIS'1`ERS, SOLICI'I`OR.S. ETC. Offices: Kent Building", 15!; Yunge St. Toronto. Out. 0. C`l0rd(m Pluxtun. J-.unv:4 O. Flu.xt.0n I-Ierbert A. W. Pluxmn, B.A. _____.__._._________.._ T. R. COULTER h"III I3 BKXII ' LU be ' yuu'rt: Iuk|ng;{ - heart. He! the? this familia1`| .. ' .{~;;.g;r;[ c_6m3r"cIC` lL'l.]ulll'HlL'lH.>a : are oxportued I H;('hl ]IlUuu('A l' U1 5|)1'Hl`5 V'Lf'H 1 the Dominion. 150.000 pounds I been produced for commercial `es in that county in 1930` The mplira .1 lame part cf the dom- vunni1~.u~nnnJ4- unzl nun-uln. nan, BARRIE l,`.',(.' ]J.lIl L1 L11! s and surplm. 1 L0 Europe. (live Ilm (lll('\`|`()ll`l Six :1 ('ll1-l!l(`(`. to win you. Wv will lw glad to doinonslrzltv. Um" you try this bigger and fin:-r Six. wv urv sure you will never be Hilllslicll with less. (.'hm=rr)lol .s' puliqv has uIw(r_v.s' hm-n um- of s-rvice In llw pultlir . . . The (I M .4 (I plan of II:-ft-rrml paynu-IxI.u' nvrs (I10 /nu' llunrillg: l'h4!I _L{( S mrailablv . . . am] rho (I:-rwral Mulurs Owm-r .`s'vrvi1- Pnliry pl:-(lgvs lusting satisfaction. NE II" I. 0 IV I'llIl`E.` DR. AINSIJI . I`. :\l{I)A(}ll SURGEON EYE. EAR. NOSE um! 'I`HROA'I` May be (`onsultv(l on first and third Sut.\n`du_vs of vuvh month ut. Qm-vn's Hut:-1, Balvrh` ___.._.______...__.__.._:. _-_-*" | ! Hut gm-.s tin: pain lnvm goes the . `an--l|in.; lhc inl1.nmn..niUI| subsides. ` L\m.v `.uu'n- mm!) to go 10 work again ,f<-r _\-nu nu-ht In knuv: Um! \\'h(`ll you I 1111}; _|`nmI hm: nu xuux` lmllhlml jomtl `;:`.\.u IIIH~'.midl-`ll(`>><)|'HIUIW) batik - (-1) ` :-nu .: ,;vm-rum {lll)t'-;xll druggist --- uLnlu iii L`;x1uul.A. Joint-Ease ii.TITswittIy'T E Rid int Agony L%mc63I| `Al nun Iuuu uuuoau !B 1 Give: you the benefit l of 27 lnsnedinntl and ' [H780 [DO DQIIOTII E of 27 Ingredient: And __._...-. an...` .-n '1-V|E)`R?2"I:l;}_i1-S If LESS FEED COST Why not hot! the but 7 Oriel h.AJy /rt` Z ":L.`.':':.*` EGG MASH MEANS FEW INGREDIENTS AND LOW EGG YIEID 1-_4 _$ Phone 138 - DUNCAN F. Ma-.(flH\lG, BA. BllC('(`SSm` tn (Irv.-<\vI<-kv 6; Bull BARR.IS'l`ER, SOl.I()1'l`OR, 1-`. J'C. Money to loan. R.()s.~4 Blm-k, Burrlc p_.___ i L Page lmve DR. \\'. .-\. l.l~I\\'lS Surgery and L).~wxm-:: ml` W `As.~mc1ut.e tfnrmwr (`,uun(_v ox` nnul UK. l`Il`.U. .~\. nun.` Fonm-rly of Drs. Russ 3; Russ Lute` S|u`gc.-on spvrmlist with H Illl1)c'l`1u1 .`\rm,\'. 4%., years. General Surgery and Olnstutrlus I-Ispc-1'h\ll,\' 0ffl1'e~1~I0 l)un1up SL. Bm'rit= Phone 110 P (). Box 10' PHYSICIAN AND E-UttUl:ZUN Office and Rt'sido.nct~--Culher St. corner Owen. Barrie. Phone 2'75 DR. [-2. G. TURNBULI. 4 Graduate Mvcum Uxuverslty. Mont.roal.< Office and R.cs1dcnce~~ Cur. Elisabeth and Bradford Suseets. Phone 105, Olfico hours: L 9-10 a.m.. 1-3 pm. 7-8 pm. RAD!-INIIII "l` HAMMOND BARR.IS'I`I~:RS. S01.ICI'l`()RS. ETC. Musnniv Tumplv Bmldmg. Barrie MONEY TO LOAN R. E. TUCK. Builder, Barrie New Houses and Summer Cottages Remodelling, Repairing, Oak Floors Estimates free. Phone 650.) 1-;\'h;.S1C-HT SPECl.`\L.1S'1` ` 58 Duulop St.-l'hone 80 -( Hours 9-6 Saturday's ml 10 pm. It ` _ I DR. A. S. BL.-\(`K Veterinarian nnd Surgeon ` Overseas Service, Captain Imperlah Army Veterinary Corps `; Three years post war practical exper-E team: in England and Scotland 4 Oftlce and Surgery: 43 Baytk-Id B,-l rune an Thmsday, I-`ebru:u`y 26, 19.21 Ave MilnIDuli\f.]()n. WE SOLICIT INVESTIGATION DONALD E`. M:u:LAllEN. ILA. BARRISTER. S()LI()I'X`()R, ETC. Musunlu 'l`emplu- BulldinP.. Barrie NIONEY 'I`O LOAN _:._.._.T_____.___.: G()I{l)ON I.()N(iM.`\N Burrl:~'.tox', Sullcitur, Nut.ux'y, Etc. MONEY '1`0 LOAN Rnsm nlm-k. Burrin UIIILIIULV In. I 11.3 I an Barrister. S01icit(n`, Nolv.r_v_ etc. MONEY TO LOAN mnnhmn ru Oxvvn St_. Burr L. J. SlMI'S()N. MB. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Offhm mud Rsidt\l\m\~- -L`u1).1er St. LIFE ASSURANCE GORIION ll. I`():i'l`l'I|C ....n...... :_-.\H,.n-...- T\InlnrU 5 G. R. and E. A. BURNS PHYSIO-THERAPISTS 60 Ellmbeth St. Phone 405 Putahodyne Blood Anmysis. Pahhoneur- ometer Service. Elm-Lm, Magnetic and I Sun 1`reat.1m-nts. Massage uud Cor1'r2c- ' tlve Mn'nIpu1ur,lm1. | E ROBEIIT ll. SMITH EYESIGHT SPECIALIST 5!`. Dunlnn St,-l'hmn'- K0 LONGMAN `rip.-rm` Snll(:H,u1'. N0(.ul'V. I CHIROPRACTIC MONEY '1`0 LUAN Ross Block. FTET- VETERlNAR BUILDERS am, uuuve nrnuu Telephone 378 WMEDICAL DENTAL DR. R. W. HIJGHES DENTAI. SURGEON 24 Dunlop SL.. above Arnold's Market. I '1':-It-nhmw 3'18 I HE." - und- A I`. II()BS()N .r .n___.... II. `O LOAN Owen St._ Barrie. ARNOTT ` uml Consultant. iv" ' L1ni\'m~sl~ly. M\)n- ,` Hora: u.~:plLa\1. Mann`:-,-.\) N 0: Vic-tnriu }I0sp'xLu1s. `g V0" n 2 IN M-.u-y SI `QM, M 'I`<~h-phom~ 557 5 , ` `Mutvrnikv work, `FHWOR s and Dlsvuscs zimd 5 rh`:-n ` TIVHIIE. ` J. R. Boys J; Ross : with thv` \7|1b\I`,\` .. m Immt--I-rnwn vngeunnu-s wm1:.~ Ontario VI",_{('l1l|)l(' g.-,mw-rs ro- llmrl, 1211110 qu:1nLit`il-5 01' <:.'u'1'nl,s and (f&lhhZ|.g'l' still in :;I.(n'ngo, impmtzttions rn` these v0,t{vt,z1bl(:s from the Snllth con- Limw to arrive in comiclnml)l(- volume at the Iargr-r xn:u'kct.s of tho province. \\.'h(`l`I3 mu-y nrr- rte])o1'tcd ns meeting" with :1 zumd rlomrmd in spite of their l.`()Yn])U`.'LH\ (' high prim`. Mr. Gt-orgo R.l1. F`i1-lrlmun fur lhn Onlnrin \/1-trru .. ,,W.. ..\-.........,ivt- pl Rush, Fit-lclmnn for I. Lalnlv Gro\vo1's' /\S. ~'.(i'i recent. mm-Ling that stores shnwvd Lhznl. n :','nvt~ p1`vfv1'm1c.(r in (I urn-lnzl unxrnlnhlnu nu IJIilll]|.lyl\'l' lH`,.`,ll }Jl|('l'. IVII. L`ll`UI'[.',(' the Ontario Vege- Ass(:z-intimt. stntvcl in :1 :1 survey 01' )'('L11il many storekec-pr-rs display [.0 tho im- pm'ted \Iom~t.:1t)l<-s. and 0ff(')'l'(l as an -xpkmntirm for this that Lht.-ro was rt-ztter prnfit in handling` in1portml .'ll'l`(!f< nnrl l>nhhnn'{- 'I`h:- R/tnvlzntc 1l'l\]llul.|l(lll|Ill llll lylllh lzlllll lII|l.'|l' \Vilh `g,-,1`:-uter -urmts zmrl mbbnpw. The Markvts 1'-Imnch 01' I11" Ontnriu Dvpm'LmenL of Ag1'i(-ulturo has pointed out, that the udded rvvvnuv from the handling of Llu.-so 1mpm`lr-(I goods <'mn(es from the :-m1sl1n1m":; ] ('(1(HllFS tn pay a. consid- rnblr` pm-milnn for imagined v.'1Iuc.s'. ..?..._.::._______ BOYS & BOYS I Barristers. S0114-,lLors, Notaries; Public. Convt:yunncr+:. Etc. Money to loan at. lowest rates of in- terest. Of1'1(:(:-- 13 Owen SI... in Mason- ic Temple Building,-, B:u'ri(:. I Branch C)ffI(:(---Elznvnln. I A Iznuu VP. .1 R, `Rnvs FUIVL`.l:A.LD.Il;;E(.2'I= OR AND EMBALMER OPEN U.\Y AN NIFIHT (7 Elilabfth S1. : Phone 8!: ` .ll'2h'SlE R. BRYSON |'I`ez\` 01` Piano. Organ. Singing and l ull 'I`l1(-u1'vt,i(-:11 Sllbj(`,('.LS 1"upll.~: ])X`(!])1.ll'L'd for l`m`011Lu Conserva- tory of mu.~:1(-. e-xmnin:u.ions. all grades; S})(!('.hl1 nl.Lunt.i(m to A.'I`.C.M. work F`r.~1- (:l*'<':`s' In E11.-xm.-u.1,n1'y 'I`h:m'_v and Si}.-;hL Simzillr (C)pm1 lo uuuils only). Revvnl suuc `HES bv uupils of Miss Brysun iutrlucle the \\"un1'm::; of 1111* Mlwlzll n\x':\rm~ri ht tho Tm-m\t.u (`inn- | an. Anun~w's l`I`I`.\`l)_V'L(`l`ln.l\ L ,Gu) nV1~(l:nis!. 'J`m' Cons |of Music uud UHi\ ('I`S1t_V or ` I113 W01's1v_v St. I l~`.DMUNl) HARDY, Mus. Bac..F.T.C.1Vl. '1`vxu:hvr of Pizum. Orgmm. Vmrul and 1VllIsi(rul 'I`lu-ory Orgnmst. and Chulnnustur of St.` /\n(lrv\\".x' Pl'I`.\`l)_V'L(`1`i{l.l1 Church r:..m 'I':n'nI\h\ w. 9. nuung. x-ru(1u('uc.m mxgxxwer H. J. Wvlch_ C.:\. G. D. Cz\n1pb<`11.C.A. }Phune Main 5874. 59 Yonge. 'I`urunt.o > | 1 Wl:}L.L rs.-\u\' L : tram 2 to 5 u`c1uck : .-xppllmmmx for nursv`: I be made dm-rt or 111 vv . LI. lV`lSl`l`lI1ll` l*`um*ra.l Dlnwtor and lcimbalmer ; AxnbuI:un% Service t Phone -131 '|'.nnnnuin.\ 1> H rhxeivusti I eunuuumce servxce : z-none tax 1 Lixnmxsixw Hearse if desired |Cor. M-.u'_\' and Elizabeth 515.. Barns ` V - vvvwvvvuvvvvvvwwwwcvvvvvvvvv ` Horace Wilson, A.R.C.O. 3 ()1-gzxlnist and (`hoirmnster \ (`.olli:r St. l`niu-d (`hurch AH :`.1`mir's of ORC-AN. PIANO and 'l`HEOR\'! \'()I("l<`. PROI)UC'1`I()N and SINGING um cx:nmn:ui ALSO Q Mrs. Emmie Wilson (`unis-.IO.. \`.u. 4.1 I.`..o....0..l-.-- ` DR. 0. A. ARNOTT Physlchm, :`nu'g-on Ornduuto of `Mvuill treul lVIat:rr1m_v 1lu.~:pm\1. C-eneml and Royal Vic-tm-in Omen and Rvsidm-xm* Barrie. Ont. Special nt.t.ontlun tn nllurnnl Me>(l.lvim.~s of (ihildn-n. > n I 1 I ` \'l("|`0RlA\' URI)!-IR 0|-` Nl'RSl-IS Ila rriu Ilrznw II \\'El..(`lI. (`.~\Ml Bl-iLL JR L.-\\\'Ll".SS (`h-art:-n-d .-\m-uuntums '1` P ln\\'1u~<\' (`A Manager Cost W. S. Hulbig. Wvloh. C. SADIE M. IIR.l`1IV[NER., A.(`..A.M. 'I`EAC1~lER OF` PIANO Pupil U1` IL`1'nvsL S(3it'l. I2 Ross strum, : 2 Barrie. Ont. MAYDI-IE Mt-AUIJSY. A.T.C.M. ']`'u('h'x' of Plamo and Theory Or:'.`.1nisL or St. Gv01`g("s Church 115 Bzxyfu-l(l SL. Bnrrlv MISS M.-\RJ()Rll-I (`TRESVVICKE .. .- u `\ V Ni. _ Furs Altered and Repaired Ovm` Hm`Hmrt'< Shun Stun` WILFRED I`). SMITH. 0.A.A. REGISTERED ARCl'IITECT Nlilzln finlzn-in lilliu L4lllllIIC UV IIEIJII (`ontralto \'|M'uli.~at. lint:-rtzslnor and liltwuliolllst Hngimz. Spmknxg. Public Oratory and Drzunutw 1`Ixp1".ssim1 For inrvrvn-\\' and Icrxus. apply ll: Pnllinr K`! Ihn-v-In l"U.\'l-ZBAL DIRECTORS AND EMB.\L.V1ERS OPEN DAY AND NIGHT Motor ambulance In ronnectlon BARRIII. 0N'l`.-Pll()Nl 81: K)I'H.lIl7H LII] W. A. Boys, K.C. n-wxu . gr. n.. vvnunw Teacher of Piano and Vlnlln PIANO TUNER mm 513 : BARRIE : 44 Worsley SL. <=- Co- ...m u..~.....u.. Onzunisl, 'l`1'inity C11ur(*h TEACIIER OF` PIANO 191) Bnylit-111 SI. Phone (Ht n In: _ nu. n MUSIC LESSONS MISCELLANEOUS O FIIICIKIJ Glll-I I\CFIIC wvr l1u1`1burt`.< Shnv Store`. MISS M. .\lr.~\R'l`Hl'R UICIAN uluu-1K Ur .\'l'l<.S'l`; Barrie` llrnllrlu WICIJ. H.-\B\ CLINIC . :i u c1U\`k u-wry Friday. irmn (.'n' vn|r um-vimw nm `P. c. LLOYD I lll`I\ A I I\IIIl~rvl-1\r `.H1!'x \ ll'\\ .l:lu trlluh, I6 (`ullivr .\'t.. Barrie .4 `1S'1'lL'H.h.`L) AR.Ul'll'l` Midland. Ontario 1 (JAMERON an CAMERON BARRISTERS, SOI.IC1 I`ORS. ETC.` Barri:-.2 5 Owen Strum. j 'I`(.-11-.phnm: 406 MONEY I W. MlNNlKlN .....I u...|...|. I llnmt--0-rnwn \ ntzxriu ro- nnc ill in -ztnrnlrn irnrun-Intinnx ARCHITECT L.m\~mss. U.I\. and Efrionvy Dept. Production Engineer `.A. D,Ca.nmbv1l.C.A. nurscs svrvwes nray through doctor. mum -S 7\.V mwmg: The {affect of the radio advertising` coiicliintt-(I by the Ontario Department of Agrimilturn is i'eport.e(1 by the trade to hzwo had vc-ry saLisf:1('.Lm'y results in moving fruit and vegetables this pnsL full. p:1i'Licu1:u'1y (luring ):('1'i0ds of heavy receipts. and an extension of this prosgrain is being urgt-d. Press ad- \ (TI`U!~2iI`ll;` nnd the publiczition of timely and atL1'zu:t.ivr,= bulletins and paniphlets by the Dominion and Pmvinc-ini De- ]m1'cnmnLs of Agi'iciiImi'c (ls-aliny. with thin nun nf frnilc nntl vr-n-nf-ihlnu in nk-n Pmdlluo Men Approve Brozulcasting A report, 01' the annual meeting of the 'EasLvm Canada Fruit and Vege- Labie Jabbex's' Association held recent- ly at St. John. N.B.. includes the fol- lnuvinn - Sll('(?('.'x'Sflll Dairying "F actors essvntlal Lo sm-(toss in dairying" was the Hlll)j(!CL (lismissccl by M. C. M<-Phnil of this Dc-1)m`t.m<>nt be- fore :1 recent convention of (:h(`( .SC- mnk(-1'5. His analysis of tho .siLuat,ion 11-solvt-cl iisolf into four divisions, as follows: 11) ~Divm'sil`ic:1t.ion of farm on- Lc-rprises: too many dairy ikirinnrs. are so intonstrly imcrestcd in Lhz-ir cows Llmt tlu-,y l`org'ol. Lo look l'()llll(1 for inrnmv making sidelines that. can be up:-muetl \\`lLl1(llll. any great nddiiionztl outlay. I?) High yit-lclinp. crops are inipurtnnt. All fz-mis niusl hv grown on somt-lm(l_v':; farm and on rnosi, farms ohm. Ann I... ....n,1.......i ....,... 1)` (lb lowing: Thn Db .lI|llI'|JUll) :1 lnlllll illlu Ull Hl\).\l, lilllllh Lhny can b." producvrl mm'o choapiy than may can be purchasccl. (3) Ef- fi:-iL-ncy of live stock. The effioic-nay of 2,110 individual animals to uliiiizo feed is a big factor in, determining" profit. 94) O])E`l`:lH1`|`,. ,' costs. Keeping," mnimiscs at the 10\\`vsL point mnsistviil, with 01'- Ti!-in-iv-\' . ALEXANl)Ilc (`OWAN I B8i`I`i.`ite1', ':`.uli-itm` for obtaining probate of wills, guurdixmsahip umi administration, (fuem-rul Snil('iLu1', 1 Notaitv. C()i1\'(`.V1l1i(fl`1'. om. Office-~l~iini.~: Blm-k. H Dunlap SL., Barrio. MONEY 'l`O LDANl ._._..____________.___.__ Magnesia Best For 1 Gas on Stomach} Indigestion. Flatulcnce, Biliousness, Heartburn, Acidity, Stomach Flu, Cramp in the Stomach, Heat and Travel Sickness. Ill.'Hl:b U1 I1X l{7llI|rlll'L` UQ`1lHn:. , Wllll 1- of fr11iL:~; and w-gvtnblos is also] inquiry body. Prenxicr Henry lmx int.1- 1 L ma.t.ed that farmers of di.~:m'ict,.s pm'- 11. Liculurly hard hit by the clepl-es:~:ioniL period might be askvd to app:-ur l)cf~:n`<` l L the committee to sLaLc their (bases. All I r pruties in the Home havv :1.g-rvvd that L the 11-lief of agriculture is of 1)-.u'a~ . . . . I hkcly functmn as an e\`zden<~e-Lakln 1'1; ` . mount importnncra and um snmll 1):Lrl,1 of the pr<=senL scssiun will he d-vuu.-(I to considcr:1ti of xnouslxrcs aimed in ` 1 k 1 l 1 that direction. I Ufllh (.'Ull('I{`l.L` l.'Vllll'lK'L' l/HILL llll wmught by Lhv bnrer has bven mlly reduc:-(I in the last two ()1 \m.rn'< ` _-`rw--v-- .-.,-----. Farm Stock and Implements T`ui3:`i3A?fz`vi}xi'cili'3" vnnw cum I . n `Lot Q, Con. `4, Oro 1-` \HI I-` `\.'( )H I`H (H4 VHI m xxvzu J. Iilusalccs 1 J. A. (toluu-:'I"r ` NOTARY PUBIJIC, Cuxxvvynncer In- cllldmg dru\vh\g of wills, d(`vd:~:. ur-, ranging uf luuns. cu-. Insurance of ull` klmls. F.xuvutur. :\dxnlu'1.~:Lrntur und.` '1`rusu:e. 'I`horuton. Ont`

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