Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 5 Feb 1931, p. 9

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HOME L:\L'NDR\' 1)0.\`E .\'u`t`:1 bu! man and \\u'~.".' nmui C;\1I\\`I `and dt`U\'t`X'k`d 1 11m'.v 10.36 .\l'.'>. Noviv :10 1u1d<-rsich-"n:-tl has rocoixw-d instruc- tions from the Executors of the I,` n . I` .I I .`I .. "\ I .lUAl\ . \.l| UH, ml A} J. Codrington St., Barrie ;\-'E:\R EAST V\`.\Rl.) -\`L`Hl7()L n. I r-u_ `-/d.uen{ures of .H.\ E)- A I u .\x\A.1 -v\. AA\ 'E`rA1`S`l;;L1rday, Feb. '1'HY-` I-`1\IYx\\\'V\'1`. .. . IL 'II um uu- c..u,'1,'uLn1.\\)1 l Estate of the Late Joseph Cochrane 1: svll by Publir Aurtirm :1! .121` A-sf` HI s. I\V/ill-ZRRY` W\?L'l\L'U\l \\Il.I| vvul. uU[)L'1zlllu, D1`. Born -To Mr. and Mrs. Whitney `Thoxnpsnn (nee Nellie Stuart). on Jan. 126. 1931. :1 son. "1"!-un ru\|\.i|\vInl:.u~ n.u;.-,L*| r1.\1u'1' \'Hl.s 111 .LUl'()nL0 few days last week.` Sam. S<-on of Allistnn spun weekend with Wm. Copeland, S1`. Bnrn -Tn MI` rand Mu-q WI rep:-urs L0 an .~`m\'es. \\'mer lxeators. etc. Prices reasomtv. E<:im:nes cheerful- ly given on all \\'ox'k. Prompt atten- tion. Phone 9-15W. D. King. 2-6p ll Wlhll Illfl hlU.2l,'l.'.S-5. Mrs. Cooper of Elmvalc and Mrs. S. Parson of Alliston are visiting their sister. Mrs. George Cm'r\1lhm`s. Mrs, W. Mamn and Mrs. S. Coch- ranv: held a gatl1cri11p; in the basement of the church. Samrday aft,ernoon of Int! umnk lung L'\ruIn;:.. n IHUSL (-n_|()yamc SKQLC was lmd and /\IIislm1 high .s(-,hol pup- il. s:er\'(~cl lunch in the school room. Mrs. Frank Mitchell of Toronto is visiting with hm` fz1Ll1c1'. John King. this work. Paying Bell Telephone Accounts Ay. S. A. McQuay spent the weekend in Toronto with friends. Mrs. E. A. McLean is spending a month with her sister in Buffalo. F. A. Arnold in the village took :1 weak turn last. week. but is out again. A rininhinnzi nf nnnnn nnnnln uvnnf \VL'ill's llllll lilhh \\L'l.'l'.. |J|lb X-3 UUL k|[-`,'Lllll- A sloighload of young people went to Thornton Saturday night. to skate. F! T. Rnntinrr in cnmxrlinrr n fmv LU 1H(.)I'X1L0l'1 D'lLl1l'ud.y Illglll: [U K'd.Ll.'. B. L. Banting is spending :1. few days with his son, Dalton. of Cooks- town. A (`Lv nf` I)nH1nO`nu-A Gr nvnnuriinn` LUWH. A. Graham of Battleford is spending ; smne time with his brother. D. Gra- ham. N "Finn I\An|- uvnulrl ('l\1x his uhnrlnuv unc Hillll. The bear would see his shadmv yes- terday. What kind of weather is in store for us now ? Miss Jean Lyons loft Monday to train for a nurse in Barrie hospital. AH rich hzw QlH'f>l\Qk Job days, U'(l_)'h. Mr, and G0 tcrLaim~(l the north night. and all onjn; Next meeting will Mrs. Rrrbort. Hmwis. A sloighlond of he tn Th. .m~. f. in Erfrnr UNFURNISHED ROOM W.'\N I`ED- In n1'lvut.c homo, nice. briuh: rmur Dreferablv dmvnslmrs. Annlv to Box "A." Exnn1Inm' Officu. 5-7p to Thornton Sz`1`un`d:1y was` the score. Ivy havc this year. It koops Robor with water and slmvol rink in m'clm'. lilbh \\ l'( The I for the 1-in r1v'r\I llll: L'UllLvHH tended Allistm day evening. I ....... Iv. .-.....: Mrs. Jos. Mc- Lcm1 is improving slow- V 0oKsTOwN Jll. matinn school pupil: on skating rink on 1 A most enjoyable I I `uh en 01-... ....I.....1 ..... `P1 was in l`01'onLo for a L L spent the I111 (`.r\nnIn1\rl RI- 0 nut. brvaking the 1 ) people can get to ] 2 north way. It`s a g THE BARRIE EXAMINER Jlltlb. Lcmi 1 wk. rdnv ninht. tn SI-(2.10. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE }(ru_ Czu`1'uthr31's en- 1 lint` last Thursday inycd :1 good time. I be with M1`. and L` brvzlking road In Bar- 1 good , xstrinus these cold *1` L nyuu uu.~_\ to keep the i attundancc the weekly Y.P.S. and I ml H-3 11 L` Mon- skate .l nun { IQIJLAIV V [1141-I Mrs. Albert Maw. as delegate, z1.t- tended the W.M:S. convention in Bar- rio last week. Nlhee 'r nnnn I:`n.1m. n.n.-.- Mn. LIL` H151; \\'(. CK. Miss Lillian Earley. Miss Mamie Me Nabb and Archie McNabb spent the weekend in Toronto. At the present time Miss Jean 1\/[aw is under the doctor's care. Mrs. Wm. Dempster of Alberta is| visiting at Jas. Dixon's. Mrs. Wm. Dempster and her {nun-r. Jas. Dixon. attended the f1l!1(3i'1l1 nfi the latter`s sister. Mrs. M. Wi111iig'11'.| nf Q!-rntfnv-rl 1n:-O 1Ivnn`r Q.` vlnkbllly, lbh dub. LJLXUH .5. uf' Wi11nigu1'. of Strattord. last week. Sincere sym- pathy of this community is extended to the bereaved. Tho l:`A.-.nm.lA uy,........u,. 1-....L:s..n..| nu U18 UBYCEVEG. ' The Edenvaie Women's Instituiv | are holding a two-weeks` short coux'.<~, in sewing at the home of Mrs. P. Gil- christ. with Miss Phillips as inst1'uct,m-. Mi F`10rPi\(`!' (`ya1lnrrhm~ H>Lu~hr>|~ nf crumb. Wlhll AVUSS rnunps lI]5U'UCL()1'. Miss Florence Gallagher. teacher of the fourteenth school, and who 11215;: been quite 111, is again able to resume ` her duties at school. , . 'Thn vnnnnuf mu`... .o,......,. 1. ..-4 ' S0\\' AND NINE ['1 \.Vnnld \.~H 1.n-.uh...- HUI uuuus HE 5011001. `` The recent snow storms liavcnii made the roads impassable for ('ai'.s.` The snow plow has made its way up and down the highway several iinivs. At the presem time cars can run with very little ciifficulty. S. Elliott, who has been on iiu-| sick list all winter. is not doin:: us well as his many friends would like in can Ll) DCC. Miss Jean Binnie 1'oL11rn0d onto on Sa.Lurday after :1 ( months with her parents. IJl\J IJPII I \.lllV I Miss Mary Arn1strrmr,: roturm-d hmn~. after spending a few (lays wnh Mrs. Wesley Cochranc of Ivy. A Y.nn-nr-Ir ix unnnrlinn . (`mp /luv. vuul r1'uL1.- LHIULL. The heavy sncw and wind or Friday rendered the (`011('(`ssi<)x)s crossroads impassable for n time. 'T`hn inn unzu .1u-nhvn hmhm Mn, L'|u.\sr0':tus nmpassamc I01` U The ice was twelve 1n(`h(.`s 1 the Day this last Thu1'.s'duy 1 Steady freezing will soon mm `for the ice harvest. I \aIl\JI\\.IIIIdI4 Mrs. W. 18. [Sloan was in I`m'm last. week attending the fuuvral of ( late Mrs. Ross. Tum .-inbc nr .....-1,"... I:\:\Xr i.. 4 lill.L' AVLIB. IIU . Two rinks of (:u1'Im*s took in Ihv Bonspicl at, Richmond Hill on 1'-`ri(l:1_v Vince Reive arrived humv aft:-1 spending` some time in Vvinnipe-u. Mr, and Mrs. W. Sheath nf I`nrm1Ir` spml. Sunday at Herb. Gmham`.<. Twn rink: nf {`|lI`1nI'Q frrnn Rhmllr | uumy CVl:Illllg. The c(mcez lines 4 with snow. Motorinp; is I sleighs are still going. The congregation of church had :1 supper :11 t S. W. Wan, on "I`hursday ( 'F`mn' nr Hvn rlnlzq nf mu Ill l.Ul'|)HU). The F`obrum'_v Inonting of thv WA. Ls being held this"1`hu1-sdny aftvrlmmx at the home of Mrs. H. Clulo. Mr. Scott, of"PmoL:1m_1' spent :1 cm- last week at. his farm hnro, Len Stott. was in Barrie on Shun`- rlav vvnzan.-_y \J\IL`|HdllL' UL Lvy. A. Loucock is spending` an few day.- `with Fred Elliott. Thn hnrnny mu... "4 BOY WANTS work on farm for year` ADDXV to Box "J." Examiner Office. n VV lIdVI"II-lld Fol). 2--Mrs. W. Brock visl Mrs. R. Craig 01' "Pent-lung l: Mrs. Fred Hill and Vvallor day in Midland last. \\'(`(`k. Wrnri Rtnlf \I'Q in 'l`ru-nnln l U11) H1 1Vll(ll1lll(1 H151, \\|`(`K. Fred Stottr was in '1`m'nnln for -1 few days. L. Spring spent the first ml in Toronto. 'l`hn `C\nk.-nn.-u n~.-\..A:.... l\r HI-EL \\'Cl7I\ ill: I V day. }IuIl`lIl.5 ill Lllt` VVUUUE, Comzrntulations to M1`. :1 `F`r:mk Walker on the zm'i\':11 < girl T`hnrr- um: an nvnioinu . glll There was an exciting gznnv ml broom-bail Monday nip;}1t l)(`l\\`1-M`. Guthrie and Shanty Bay wl1irh rm-.suI\- rd in 21 score of 1-0 in favor of Gullx~ I in .~.prnL cunuuy zur ucru. U Two rinks of curlers played zm friendly game I urday evening. 'T`hn nnnnn-zuinn linnq D. W. Wlvly U11 lHlll'S(lZlY (`\'(" Four or five rinks of C\l1`1(`l` tending` the Barrie B \v\Hlll,'. | Mrs. VV` Knapp spvnt n c iwcok wiLh Mrs. Irving Czu'.smL ; F. Carson and son Howum `i iting friends here this week. ORO .-\GRICL'LTL R.-\L SO('lE'] The annual mcctmg at OX`(J Ax`: Lural Society hold on Fmday. Jan had a good atV.endan('. The so had a 1.-uz-r~n::fnl vnar R{\\|'iI\v) q r1nn\J Fob. 3--I{ the old ])l'(`di('Iin: the boar is true. we may look On L-I\I\\n nnnrn vnnh.... .. L`.|. GOOD USED CAIR WAN I'ED--Pa1`t_V to itakc radio in `mu-t mwmont. Mc- Isaac's Music Smro. Allzmdalc. 6b BIG BAY Powr (T0;\(`HlCS (H) OVI-IR S_l;ANTY BEG cHURcH1iI_ I an lei-.. .. EDENVAL? Ixzu-D 1\,rm.- no rlnl WYEVALE_ . nu. rudo Aclums. 1' purvm. hv l lll,'U U) 101"` couple of 1! : reg! LOCAL NEWS | ANNOUNCEMENT The Combined Coupon Syslem oi Rebate Prizes WAN'I'ED-200 busheh; of E0(`.(l frcd barley. quote price delivered to Learn- ard Whltclcv. RR. 2. shantv Bav. G-7p 4 turn 3 runusnlngs, Darrlc W A. HANEXIIVARDWARE WEBB S DRY GOODS FLEETHAM S GROCERY . Allannlp Allnnrlaln A"--"~`" Hzlshccii installed by t11cu1idc1`si_;'1ici1 l11L`1'L`l)1lI1i.\`. } i'vc (jm1p<>11sg'i\i'c11 with every purchzlsc ml _`_`'u` (H' moi`. 'l`lic cnupniis given at 2111 these sturcs arc 1'L`klL`L`lH1lWlL` :11 any um-(>1`t11ci11. See these valuable prizes on display in the windows. HURLBURT SHOE co. FREE CQUPQNS DOUGLAS DRUG STORE Barrie Barrie CHEESMAN, the Grocer FREE PRIZES F. c. i__0_wER, RQVAQ l` IN MEMORIAM BORN DIED `1lV1`!"l !l!'1l\ Allandale urln, Luc Barrie I mw :1! the Capitol I will 1'0coi\'0 a use- [Iv 1_L', llll` l)2l.\l`IllL`I]I ()1 whirh. it. is snitl. -rHm\' market pur- .gm.- of Judge < nl lhv county last. week worc )v held (II. :1 (late WAN'I'ED-BV widow, houso work. daily. or bv W(,`l!k, or month. or any- t.h|m.r: town or countrv. Annlv to `Box K." Exnn1mnr Offivv. (in In-:11` (.-uu1(1`casi1_v w if he nm)em'L`tI , uuu. IHCSD '1`hur.~;da_v even- Majnr Gordma "L',(` of tho affair. I nu-n \'or_v I001- -vr lust W(`(`k. and `um-n near Stay- P,.. ... (L r\......,..\,..- I U.\ 1 1:11-It)` cold. 1st.) 3111. zc-1'0: 4111.] 1 . lll')l(` lllilll nwfnll here. `ndzmt-c at tho v last Friday 1211]. The not HLVPL3l (1VllIL`| 1 Fcbru.'u'y (-qunty (`Turn . \'I|l|lL)' s" Cum- Jinerl to xvnninu (- Lxuy. Lloyd Eldridge of I'n1`(mt0.~p(*nt E day of last week with his ]JIlI`('llL\'. Mr. Sturgeon of Cmnlsnn Hill vi: on Sunday at W. T. Hillm-k`.<. Mr. Th0mp.= spi-nt s(~\'m':1l I last week in Aurma and 'I`urnmn. lllhllllhallll Albert Raincy has rt-ntod his fun Rom. Fisher and stm-in-law. Mr. I ris. Mr. Raine) has l)m1'.-ht :1 11` near Allandnlo and intvnds movin the near future. Mrs. Nelson of I.c-{my \'isiLv(i \\'vok with Mrs. Dxvight N1`Isrn1. W. J. VI<:Ma. nttvndvd the 1); inp,` plant. xnceting` in Bz11'ri(' on Su day. T.ln\rrI Flrlrhlun nf 'Y'nm...on . um C l"rt-In-h'~ l'r(-p;u'I-(I FOR REN'I`--F01x1' unfurnished moms. two upstnir and Lwo dmvnstair rooms. all convvnk-ncos.. Rant. 1`0asmmbIv. Atmlv 21 Mnmmld SL.. Bnrrirr. 5-GI) l"im-st Blur Rum SMALL FARM OR ACREAGE, I-!n,..-...,.,.\.. I uIur'Il4I_4 l'l`1l\lVl \JI\ til/I'\ Clczlr \\/';1lc1', ;'1`;1.lLI;ll .~ll-]\i ruzuls. .\l] l1lHL`lL'.'lI'lIlQ llL`.`ll Cd, ]`l'L`l~(`I'(ll`]`\` with l`lli1\l I23 lnilcs I'rnm '|' 512110 lull p;1I'1icl|I:11'~. I`. `\\'. S(illMl f(,`l\'. _;L'.mI. lhc_\' Don t Be Misled cOii1~3,W `PEASW and TOMATOES 1 tin of New J J. w.'5m-.`.:sMAN F. v;;13`o;o~ Unsurpassed to clean cI..:....... c...w FIISII HOUSE STOLEN from ?ml of Borczv St. Klndlv rvlurn and further t.roub1z~_ }{()Rnl:}S FOR 1 R(`l(`lllll1'. :3 wur: l |un\ harm 4 u\Jn\a Baking Powder Cash and Carry" .1. A-`Lona v "Hi],;h1'\l ()u.|liI)' | ;u'k in l'uro~ (H CAMPBELL S TOMATO #30? Buy Advertised I`hings n .5 55:41.43. famiry jar 45c Glacier Brand rs .-s-x-`--rs CLASSIC _ _CLEAN_SER 5.45.41 -1.45 1 1 Sweet Mgxgd . P .(.3K.LE$_ VI Iflll` and f$3?.\"I%I`>.!7iE{. 125-ACRE I"./MRM FOR. SALE --In Or" l.mvnshh). Lznud buildlnu.-., L`() \vzm-r. close in VHlH{l.`. Will .-avll (-hmm. An- nl_v Jos. Howitt. Box 384, Bm'ri(.-. Onl- nrio. 6-Inn nLEAL_A:ND_ ----- "'.I 5;; tin 34 All for 25c P, KEARNS FREE DELIVERY TO ANY nnnrr f\I` 'I`llI" PI`/\Ill C. C. HINDS A. E.mf7TLE1IZp"!`HAM BETHESDA I3I4ll }Jd3hl'.ll ll.) 1;] things fast" 2 for 15 2-f(()r721c `"r};}` 2"3%;~,& . MAE ..__..____._.._____j__._._ FOR SNLE OR EXCHANGE - In Barrie. small 021511 mm-(`rv and dwvIl- lmz. l!0()(l 5011001 !m(h-. im- I-.r(`:un. to- baccns. (',undiv.~;. Mr-: ('.\'!z1bli.\'hl`d knit- tlnz HlH(XlliH(` hIlSi1\(`.\'.`; In (-mmor-,t,'1nn. W011 uwnv frmn (t0lHl)('HH()l\. nlrz`. hrlchl, r'nrn<-1'. Brmks km)! .show rvsuXt.<;. Writ Box R." Bm`riv Exmnixwr. HI ..___.__j.._..j..j.__ l.JI\ I \J\ J Xllandale SELL THE BEST FOR LESS I. 15.45-15.11 . P`l:one 158 %'pII...;'iZ:s" I 135.15 3:`: 1 Phone 12 uL'I|u_y \'l.\lLl'Ll Jil.\L ght attended p:1<*k- 11 Sutur- [`o1`0nto.~pont Sun- h Joulson \"1sil1'd . Hillock` '. pom d:1_\'.< i-p.ul ' Pack mi1Ji1 A. L. X\ Il`( Lmvwxm` rnntn I`. L. LUVVLK, , . . . Mon 5 Furnishings, Barrie L`! [`ITTl I Allyn t !1r\r~r~rs`r ' FRET" 6}" 'iL:' T'6vv'i' Pure White Clover Honey In Cnmh . . . . . 25c each iii}. [in MANYFLOWERS TOILET SOAP 8-07.. jar ` . 16-oz. jar . 2 45-). till c."I.6'6vER, Ne F"-`uwni.-l.:....... D- PRINCESS 50?`-jp -F`-+KE5 Don t have red hands" ST. CHARLES MAN WANTED to hem cut wood and do chores. Would hirr: good man for .vea.r. `ATJDIV R. W. Jennctt, RR. 1. Barrie. 6D 1 \ILI|J A Scrvc hot or cold" 8 oz. 33 16 02. 53c large pkg. 19c HAWES (_)lL I u-1|vn J \Jl\\ Allandale CENTRAL I - \Jl nun nn1n.4x4I V Tvaporated , M."~,.-.5." "1-I.J.Ti?s' J./\/Lab./\ 'I:`hone 854 '{{.1l'1Zc" large 23c nv.xAL4.|\ TALL 5121: 2 for 23c YOUNG GIRL wishes position as gen. eral. Maw Willouahbv. New Lowell P0. Rh 3 for 19 TODDY I cply . ORO Page Nin lukc .\ "W qu:1l- llnlr II) \)ll2(\\'i1 Ind Super- ' uf NIll`\II~ ultmulcd and Mrs. 7 Buy on 13c 23c 35c 63c u_._ BOARDER WAN'I`F_}D -- Room and l].)'(l n1. 1'] IF.4mhin $2! Final nlmnn tcuult Him 604 rim: 1. ). ,BABY CHICKS - Rocks and hiszh Lorzhurns. solm-H-(I zrmlux: frnm lu- uh" znmm irmn lwsl, .~; tests. nu uwn nm in fm'tv nous or 1'nnt.r-:4! rlI'iI`l\k vn Ill IUFIV HRH? ()I la4`(!`ll()l`H.\ l c()x1t.o: Prit-vs rvdm'Nl I01` vuuut. on ndvzmvo u1'dm'.-;. E. ` Mmosimz. ulmnv 621. HORSE FUN S:\1.l`.`~- -(v '1 P\n'hm*m\ uni:-hl 1 n One cent, 9. word. cash. each insertion. (minimum charge. 250). five insertions for the price or four. 100 extra when chanted: also we extra when replies are direcbcd to The Examixxer Office. 1 WAN I'ED-CI:-zm. (::Lr)uble hou:<.cmaid. Apply 60 Maple Ave. 6b MAID WANTED for tzeneral house-2 work. no washimz. Anplv Box W,": Examiner Office. 6b` W'AN'I`ED-Onv- tn` voumz farm lml`51`.s Dana one or two am this snrlnxz. Starr.- Pn.~.'1.0ffir`n uuakcumt wAN'He:1) Room and board M 17 Isonhiu Sl.. East. nhrmc 1056. (in ROCK PUI.;hE'I`S 1 H04 rimr I5 Thursday. February 5. I931 r----_--3-1--------i- LIVE STOCKWFOR SALE FOR SALE OR TO LET ROOMS AWND BOARD :: 300 ACRES I"(')R. SALE OR, TOW1I.\`hh) nf Inniufll mh r*. PRC;l;ERTY TO LET ADLET COLUMN LOST AND l';OUND T~iTsE':.:.A'TTEG` ;M m HELP WANTED BABY CHICKS .:l.'.' `l'\\`n 'l`-luuhm _______. - WORK--Baso plugs. uws. heaters. `Iv, F!\`zinmtq 1-hpm-fnl- uuu AUH.l'.'h' 1-`OR. SALE RENT Tn\vu.s`l1i1) of Innisfll. mu C:m.. fair buildimzs. 150 an-rm nndvr plow. guudj loum. nlnnlv or xvutm" John Walt. Al- hmdnle. 3-7;) [ or two good, sound. vs: sol. farm lmrness mod cows. f1'nsh':ning .(.- nm' to Box Rn rrin n 3 FOR SA`LE-T h()lH` Rh -- Ut.ili1.v .Bm'x'v(i m'ndur'l'uu1 WHHI` for xi /.1` and \'iu.'.'n`. ruim. in lu\in*.1 mn- n now sl;md1nx: fth .4`IIh(\I`n.\ m ntnrin I b`./\IJE]--Soulh H. Imvnxlxh) of n'li<'ul:u'.~; :l))l)l_\' \':;Im\'n nr Jun wxos. G-7n - will nv in: CEDAR FENCE POSTS FOR SALE- J. Nicholson. Barrie 13.0.. 8th line. Vcsnra. 61) FOR. SALE--4Dr,v hard wood. by the cord or box load. Charles Miller, mo- phone 605 ring 4. 3-7!) VALENTINE'S DAY-Cut, flmvmw and Dlants. Earlv orclors norm.-cintr-(1. H M. Lav. Bouldorfnl Groonhnlnso. nhnnv B32. - (in FOR SALE-A good Dominion 6 octave. mahoganv piano Lrood as now. Chm!) sale tl Phone I9'7J. FARM FOR RENT OR half of lot 2% In Con. 13. Imllsfll. For hnrllwr |):n'l A, L. Mt`C1lIlull|:h. Cnnk.-;l Lmvrom-o. cm SI (`.l:n'm vx:;ux:;'L'A151m;b' FUN SALE-#Cm'mts and boots. $1.00 per baa: 1)n.rsnins. $1.25 per bag; 25c and 35c Dc-1` lrnmc basket: cabbage. 6()('. nor (lax. H. D. Abhnrton. Phone 580W. 5-(ip SAXOPHONE~1 have n .Bul'f0t." VCI` tenor .s'ax0nlmn lntvlv 1":-cm Lioncd. which cost m'iL:in:u1lV um $300 that I (10 1101 m'('({ and H sell for :L fracliml 01' its .n`i ( or would c-xchzmL'c for a. boat. ru 01' mwthinq useful. Bnx Ex: lnor Office. 4 FOR RJEN I`-- (IN-nrn I nr! rm run. 1(J):}N'l`--' doonmtcd. on Abbott, 53 DI Dhrmo 1()()()M. NOTICE TO CREDITORS BARN FOR. SALE-56 ft. x 36 fl. A1)- Dly John Addison. Edgar. 6p run. :sAm::-0nc bzLbv's cutter. wmw almost new. Apply to 54 Blake SL. or Dhonc 308J. GD FOR SA!LzE--Dinim.r-room ox'l<<)x1 table. chairs and sideboard. ADDIV 69 Maple Ave-.. phone 514. 6;) QUAN'I'I'I'Y CEDAR (POSTS I also comer nests and braces. I W. Jcnnett. RR. 1. Bm`ric. FOR SA.`LE--D1:v. bodv wood. b(`cI1 and maple mixed. four-l'or)L. Clifford Davis. Telephone 2 rim: 4, Ivy. 6-81) .:._._j___:.j._...:__..j. TO LE'I'--Iluu.~v. in mud lumlil rcu.s'uuublv. Annlv W .1. Cuwm .__.___.__:_._._____ FOR. SALE-4Pino rails. cm. abmn 112 inches long. $5.00 large box loud. AD- Dlv Jno. Bemroso. Dhono 605 rim: 23. I) rum b'Am::---tsmvmml goon Llsml DIN: ogranhs. $5.00 down and 35.0. ) 11 month. Also used Fuda and Dr-Fm": batterv sets. McIsaac`.s Radio Sim Allandalc. ` VEGETABLES FOR SALEr#Cll'I'Ot.K and hP(`f..`< $100 nnr h. I( 7` nrn-unin< FOR SALE-Onc ba`bv's <:uL.t0r. white almnszr. nmv Anmv tn 54 Rlnlrn St (W KELLY& AIKEN IU IJl'1II ILAIJII JlI\LaI_4I NEXT 'l`O I)RE:\MI..:`\NI) DAY 25(' SI'r\'iH' Nl(ill'l` Cl .`l')\71f"h` I\l-`I YT\'I2` SILVER ARROW T:`_`+XE i3T`3"`C_E . lllll .. .H' I'I'vII'l` A\I\IlI1 SERVICE DELUXE A SILVER ARROVV ONCE A SILVER ARROVV ALVV.-\\'S --....~- uunil I"\nI -5 DEBTS COLLECTED IT'S \lk`.t `izi3&::: vK}iv1;'('5N:u}};:V \.\7li` HR!-` (`-\1?|-` |",()ITL"I'I-`..K`.\' TWO Tkffm : nlv K 1 <-------------~-- .- Phon 44 16 BAYFIELD STREET 1unvv'v 'Ivr\ In) | .`.\ \H A P\VY\ |J|\\J\l.. vv AIAUKIAV, I Ivy. VVE USE (7.-\R.l'I. (.`/(_)UR'l'I'I-E`-Y AND C().\I.\I()N SICNSE PROPERTY FOR SALE 1- .9-TKDEENAN SHAW RICHARIISS` BROS. l`(H( Hot Water Heating |(`L'LLUH -?pl'\'l4 N0 Cull:-cm elph : Owen : .n_.vuu1 |11A|V\l 1:` 1vI\x14\/ Ye Olde Firm Heintzman Pianos Victor, Rogers and Majestic Radios Victor Records PLUMBING 1 mm nlv S. Omxxs WIT-46R SALE -1 "Buffet." sil- mlmm: 1'o-(.'nndi- umunr! .) nnt. need xvnuld ion cnxl. {mac radio aoful. Box B." E:-unn- lS-8x POSITION COURSES 5 for sale: . Am)1,v 3-op AUCTION SALE or FARIYLSTOCK .._`yw--Vt-I nlnnllhl ` Farm Stock and Implements} _AUTl0N_ SALE - `oi-';; Yes. Dave. they surely do look like Srmm Claus` whiskers, but you put. `em right back where you found `em. I'm going to keep right on drinking Davie's Milk and otherwise behave my- self. and I'm also going to en- ter Dm'ie`s -Children's Contest and see if I can`l. get in on their $25.00 in Prizes which I read about in last. week's Ex- :1 miner " Flt`. \Isnv.\' In an be urt~L)ar~d m ` the surlnnz

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