Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 5 Feb 1931, p. 1

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THE + BARRIE + EXAMINER [ UI CUIl\'l')'l|llk`V.' EH A\l|(lHUl'S|'.. WINK!` ve miles into Barrio to mtom first session. Monday afternoon. 67th Y::nr. Buy Advertised gangs of $1,345 Shown;l `. Stephens Again President. Jll KIA lI'll\U||l'\L n the Canaduux , I finding no furthm `e at Mxdhurst. walk nln Ila:-win In art: I Will Strive to Effect Union of Two Bands ;ORlLLlALEADS ` 5 IN AGED POOR; l to unite the Barrie and .\Il:mdaIr hands are seen in the rrpnrt of the Finance Committee udnptrd hy the town council at its srssinn .\lond:1_v nlght when RH-vc Rogers and .-\Id. Robertson were nppuintl :1 vommittco to negotiate with tho pnrtics intorcsted with :1 \'i(`\l` to fedoruting the two hands". Thn Rvnrrin hand 1-nruinillnn nnm \'II' II) ll"lIl`|"iI.XIllK llll IVVO "EH03 . Thr Barrio hand committee was xzivrn zn gr-.u\t of $200 to Jan. 31. min was 21 misundvrslzuldfnpz work as prcsidrllt of rnmnltrt`. I lmvo no 1 wrnto. lo av! nn any of the \|`h2|l('\'{`r. I had any ambition to dc will l`(`qll(`hl that my nzur drawn from this vnmmil thing I lmvo done. wh murh. I did it as I tholu MORE ROOM % BARRIE FAlR S`, GREAT NEED; |l'lL`l.\ Ml .`\|H:lUH. .Vl|'. Lahl) .de{ntigab1e worker. very popu- . muse amom_z whom hi : :\Ct1\'i- IN THE PUBLIC vr uunr, Mlll('ll WEISIII I thmlyzht for Hm RECORD FOR `smoun HAS ` ATTENDANCE grown co{{;1mw*i11sng if! 1 Government Pays | 5 I Half. AVLA this the 5 inc 4 ilncreased Membership and` ;Gi(vings Shown at Annual of iSimcoe Presbyterial W. M. S. 1,383 Members and a Trotal of $13,. -%00 Raised During Year; Graphic Story of African Jubilee by Miss Jamieson. Mrs. J. McEwcn, President. '"EAizkii:} ?:XiuX6Xj a~;;13g;s.m; %.=.;.;Ro{,;RY[ {1931 Unique Feature in 1931 Count) Council Annual Meeting Favors! Erection of a New Building. .uu< I u. n llll. Id-\lv _\l'(llh |l`l'\ (',| 1-0 tied whvn the ballots xwrv mum.- The tmvnship clerk, Artlhur Bel- lI`L. (lccidcd in favor of Mr. Robins. Ar. Rubins had his first glimpse of s \\'m`l(l on May `.20, 1867. HI` was ~ $911 of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Rob- . the former being the first man L01 .' and rmp fall xvlwat in the town-I p of '1`iny. Tlmmas Robins \\'.' `n in Yorkshire. England. while his; 1` was born in Nurtl1c1'n Ir(*lnn(L 'n mm w 2 Dnlxinwc u'-1: m......;..,z .,.l x umu 1:1 nu1`u1L'1`11 1ro1n11cL ` 1 189-1 W. S. Robins was xnnrrivd 14) 111.111 Mus CJup1m1d. dau,zl1tvr of and Mrs. Watson Coupland of, COMING EVENTS FATHER AND SON BOTH ARE REEVES .U \\'Ul'l's HKU EH1) b|\'( L` God's dear Son." v. to page two, plcasc 5TOWN MIGHT ` 5 TAKE ON rrs ` OWN PAVING` Public Works Committee Asked to Report I on Matter. E. LALLY 1s ASSESSORE !Fire Chief Asks for New` Fire Truck and Other I 1 Equipment. ; ('Ull.\l(ll`I' llll` X|(l\`lbilUlI||_V (H U|l_\ lug u plant and doing its own paving. as was done by Pvnvtancz. Al the mort- mg on M(md21.y nighl. H11` public works Nmuniltm` \\'ns asknd In in\'s`.s'H:ntn ,....a ....,...n I... H. non .~..n-nlur vnnnl- (`.0013 YEAR REPORTED i (`0lHH11lH`(` WIS lSKl`(l Hi Hl\t'.\\Ip;uu' and rvporl. by the next rvgzulnr mock.- lmz if pnsslblc`, (an the (`1ll(`.`~H(1l l hf whvthvr futurv paving in Hm (own "an be done by Hm mrporntlnn: this. -vuun-I On I`I\l'nl` ' l)itlUl'l-N Ul lIH' UIVVII ll-5! bylaw be pzmsod closing shops at. 12 o'clock ovary ' aftorxmon during Llu: ym1'. WCdIlP:~(l:t_\ falling in n wee Lhvrr` is :1 holiday. C'lIiPf Shrnxhunln in hiu hlylL'l`l. And1'0\\' C:Irs.m\ nlm n.s|(od c0mp(`n- mtion for Linn` lost, as n rvslllt of in- Iurios ru`<-ivod \rh(`n he [(-11 on ivy sld~,\\'a1k on Russ street. Bzu'ber.<.' Half Day Barbt-r.~; of tho town asked Hm: a kuinuv |\n nu. l`l\Il "IA.-Inn all knrhnr LIll'll' L\ M uuuuay. Chief Slwrubsolc in his nnnual ro- pnrt. gave the px'op(~rt_v loss by flro 11.1 59.110 which was about $1.00 pr-r capila. only one-Lhlrd of th(- mmnnt-l Nd Int in 19"`) I A.~k.~`. New P`ir'.` 'I`rn('|-c In his rc~qul: for supplies (thirf Shrub:.(l(~ nskvd for: A nnm ii.-... Ow-nnly uri|`\ n nnmnlnn DHl'lll).`uUll' 4'1.`-K|`(l IUIV. I A nvw fire truck with 21 pumphuz c:1p:1ciIy of 600 lmporml izallmn. pm minulv; all 4-inch dead-(`nds of watvr mains to be connected so as to giv '1 ,.Iw.uIo flnuv nr urnlnv" mm uilunhl UHHHS H) 01` CUl1I1l`C|(`O .\U as I!) gm.` rm circuit. flow nf wmm': (me single- circuit. thruo loop .\L0rugt` lmtl,(`r,v switchboard: lap bells to be instuuod in the h:;m0:<. of all firemen. 9 firrul men have no bells; 200 foot. of 2 1-2 inch lm.<.(\ (bl-latvrnl); l.-30 rm. 1 1-2 Inch huso and (`.0lm0Cl.i(ms and other rvu\nHnv~ ....mnm , " `and {or the acin1in'LsL:`aLiun of the Old` `Age Pensions board in not granting ~. Hull pensions in all cams. Referring ito roads. he said. "The only way to keep the boys on the farm is to give them roads so that they can come to fnwn " Given the Courtesy of Addressing ` County Council, ()rillia s Mayor ` 1: I I . A .. , I Tl K` ,, , .4 I),,_] I'l1r` Town zmsidvr (hr x nix. nu:-I An Surplus Amount nf |1(`C's~'.I1'y machin- . 4~.qu'1pmont. out. 3. Appr0xinml.o numbm' nf local I) who could hr t`xnpI0_v(~d nnd bo- -rn whzu, dates. 4. Saving. If any, on Hy.` (`unstruc- \ nr nnvx-Innntvq on Hm rnlmmn-rs. 1. onvIIu.'.. ll uuy, nu nu. l\lI|.-IIu\- I of pn\'t'ln(`nts. to rnlopn_v<-r.s I 10 um corporation. Dmnngos. Clnimccl /[r.~.. J". J. Love. 241 Elizulymh S1,. nnvd dzI.n\a.o;os~ as a rout}! of stop- ;: in :1 huh` loft. aftvr :1, drum had 11 mndv nvur Ellmbmh and Small ...I W....., V. ----._ .. Makes Sharp Attack on That Body 1 Council nf Barrio is M z\(l\'is.'1l)i1i(y Hf bll.\'h\8 H lnhny Hm n\l'n n-avlnn {IS l()\\'ll H-\K('(l 'lll':ll H; all bnrbm` ck Wednesday yrar. rxcopt. am ` z at week In which 1 |)l'l|h. "W0 nlm {Ind Om and Innisti` $2,245.25 for shew umpimz In 1930 It was ms pvr which we think. fwatvr fact. that, me to gi\"> bylaw in 1930px` uilmlv `M. lnran nf rlmv-< s Grant to Village Paving Passed in County Council Despite Stiff Oppgsition I [Assessments Not to Be? Equalized This Year} I L('l IIUUH Ill mmmltwc ment.. Y'1-\n I-nun l __ 'I`horv will be no nqtmnmmon of the `nssossnmnt, in Simone county In 1931. the <~ounl_v c:)un<*I1 (I(`(`ld(`d F`rida_v af- tnrnonn In ndoptim: the rrport. of thr- on equalization of n.x\~(~ss- mt-nf ..u-u. xunu L WUUIU urg( era to rmuinm-d (`Hun and better fair each 3': --117.. _.., - -- ' Hl('Hl.. ' The room`; read: that. they hnvn Opposing, Urge had before them the rosolutlon of the '.`0un('.H to have a gonornl equalization Economy. of km` nssmsxnrnt of the s'\'orn.1 mun- _-.__.4 l<-ipamir-s or the cmmt._v of Slmcoe in Dmpife stromz opposition to nny the ymr 1931. and after very careful pm`n1anem mvmg In the coumy this ('011s1(IPrRl,l(m vmuld rnrommond thatlyc-nr. Victoria Harbor and Benton will no gmmml vqlmllzzltlnn 1):` nmdo thls I get, their .=harr- of new roads (his yenx`, vnar lmt Hm! nl`. Hm .hmr\ . ll-|fnHnu'in0 q 51, ? tn 1?`. rilvlclnn in Hm [BARRIE BYLAW ; SAVED sum Ht-Us on shc~p nnd tho mrmlllmz of dogs at n'ghL mt` nnmngz remin- mendatlcns forwarded by n .spe<~.la1 vomn11t,too. .s<:1e<-.Lod in M10 l')4,`(`.vxI1b4'x` session, which repnrtod at. Thursday's 9`SSlOl1 of the` county cmmrll on the clnnnhr:-r nf chnnn hu .-Inna 1 Committee -7St;1;;eTs Tying Upi Dogs Was Great Help. K 291'-`ASIUH (ll lrllt' ('.U|lI||_V (.'U|l||1`Il I'll lw|Il.1 slmuzhtm` of sheep by dogs. F0Iln\\'1nLz an lm'c:st12z1l.1(m by t.h1~ Manners 12.011311 of Adjnla. H. .1. Crawford '0! Om and ex-Councillor Charles Don- noy of Essa, thn fullnwing rvport was submitted: That. the Lcwnslllp councns -pay u. ibwunty to any person capturing and destroying n. dog found kllllng or wor- rying sheep. That we also believe the placing of bells on sheep would hr :1 prou-ctlon 9:; It, Is very unusuzu to find that shcop have brwn kilfod by dogs; when wvarlnsg hull: cmnxnmcc*, (`mnp_*s:`.d or Counvlllors ` u:- IL 1.` t lwlls. "\lfz that In 1929. Vcsprzn. Innlsfll Lownslllps pald. out, $2245.25 sheep killed by (logs nnd redurod to $776.50. the town of Barrie had :1 1930 prohibiting the running at. largo of d`;{s In that town, and WI` would advise that all towns and vil- lazos Lake slmllm` actlon. "xvo would slrvngly recommend that all (lorzs be bled or corrallnd from sun- srt. till sunrLs'~ and the clerk be in- slruvtt-d to roqtwst thv Mmistm` of Az1`l<*l1ltur0 rm` the pmvln(`r~ of On- ,Lari0 tn) l'(`L:0n1m(,`l1(l lvgislation mn- lnwu-m-lvur mlunlr-lnnllfinn Ln nn\< h\.'1uw.\ was nmsuy due to [hr 1 SEHH 215 Ill.` _]ump"u up HUHI Inc. uuLu'.`.. And I would lllw to point out that Mr. Johnston was a member of the. government that. was responsible Iorl that clause not being in the Mothers ! Allowance Act. and although lts amendment had been asked for very `$40,000 Voted for Beck? 5 and Victoria I Harbor. {D1v1s1oN,W33 TO 15 WK` lU'(` L0di1_\' H1 fl .S()Ul1(1 condmon. its will be shown b; ports. and I fvcl that. n pmgr lmpmvcnwnts. cnvcrirlg say {our vcnrs. should be under .- _ iseveral Rural Members, in r 1 i HIK('.\ UL` HUD Hll(I}}\;L`U. Thu following is the report. which caused the debzttct 'I`h:\t we have con- sldvrcd thv reqmats from the villages of Victoria Harbor and Breton (`or r-onsLru~t.lnn nf tr-rtuln streets in each of those plaves and would recommend that the rr`qu'.`sts bv g1-nmed, but that th~ t-.\'pc-ndlturus by tho county mmll not exz-.vr~d In the Cl-15`. of Vlctnrla Hm`- bor. thv sum at $10,000 and In the case nr Bcoon, the sum of -%24.000." Cm1n(`.lll01' Ed. Dutton of Victoria Hm-hm-, briefly nmphnslzcd the nevd for pavrnumt in h!s village. Economy Urged I`hin;.rs are not the same ns tluay xvcrv and prices are not good," said Roma`. Joseph Spicher of Smmldalo. Why not hold off the pnvimr for an- other year?" I am in favor of paving these vu- lrxgos." said Rnvve A, L, Webb 0fInn1s- fll who moved the hon-ndopt.1m\ mo- tion. But then` Is grnoml depmsshm and we must cut down our rxpendltuxu cs. They ran wait another year." In Wnqt. (`nrilmhnrv H. rnqf. mmh (TS. lIl(`y l'Hll VVHLL HJll)Ll|{.`I' X8111 . In West Gwimmbtlry it cost onrh pvrson last, year $12.40 for county pur- pcrs:~s." snld Cmmclllor Edgar Evans. It. was hard a few years ago -to xnevt. this. but. unda-r conditions mday IL is :1 Int. lmrdor. The otlmr southern mwn ships m'(' the : `Inl' way. Wn can't meet. 1t.. Our r:vcmx.- ls dm'!vod from our grain and we can't, gnt. the price for It. I`hr- m)rl.h9rn t,nwnsh1p:4 have more m`.xn>d farxnlng, potatoes and livestock. and are not hit so hard." As long as we preach dnprmslon in Canada we'll hnvv 11.," declared Conn. r\..n..u I U011. ll:V`x\H.`s'. "Why not. leave me pnvlm: off for another year?" asked Rmve Barry Jcbb [of 'I`ocLnnsct,l1. Cnndmons are bad in "[`w:umseI.h and we are having a hard Llmc trying, in pay our [muss>uL _,:.n.... 5.. .1 .. I1 L11! l`(HH'Al'H :l~ U.'|UXL'. Se-nmm: this nu-mung of Councillnr B>yd'.~` new xuznarks, Councillor Blah` .~.:Lid: "I felt 1ik;- uelllm: him off this ,aflx~,rnoon and couldn't keep my seat." | "Sometimes. gentlemen, we've got. to 9puL up with things we don't just. like." said Warden George W. Glover in his usual quiet manner. mt prezu`hlm; it." came bmtk \u Pages I SECTION 1 s1to6 No. 6 ur prt under wln haw [U H O|\I...I 1.. _ UI |.||l' \`I)uX`.(`H. Councillor Barr Coldwatcr on 1 Railway. and tin nf nt\v\I>a\I'a unn -xv 'lI0l)Flll) I l'

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