Ono cent a. word. cash, each Insertion. (minimum charge. 25c). five insertions low the price or four. 10c extra when that-zed; also 10c extra. when replies .120 dh-acted to The Examiner Omce. 'iiTaEr_vIc21:Axv1 THE BARRIE EXAMINER .nl_\'; -cuch xx-cck n|1lc.\1 1 with tho Lho mos: `Lung old children 1. \ .\|)(.`Cl8l$ `(IL LHC Nlilfy l H.)'llL` hll()]). nu J. L. Bishop, dnpu(.y fire marshal, is in town checking up on fire preven- tion work. h,...' \v\I|-t- (Inn {Ian Ixin. Ann.-A in -Some good values in weekend .<.pccial.<. at. the Mary Payne shop. Sb .1 T. Riuhnn dvnnn1.v flrn nmreh-.1] i< POSITION WANTED -~ As lm\|s(`k(-np- or. `R.(~usmml)lr- wmzos. Mrs. S('(!1.`Inl`. 8 Oumbc.-rlzmd Sl.. Allzmclnlo. Sp IVIUII W()lK. -~D0n'l. miss the big` dm1<-,r- in H11` Orzmgc Hall, Allandnlr-_ Friday. Jun. 30. Come and have a. good time. Sb -_`ff vml urn t.hh\klno1 nf nn\'I.l\lnLr ` "rho regular bv imld at. the 1 23 Wnmlcy SL, DJ. --.'Y`(n\1(rhl I"'l` p.uI. -~-Tomght, ('I`hursda_v) is. Sll\'or\\':m- Night at. the Capitol 'I`hontro. Evr`r_y adult. Indy will rvcolvo n l)r\nuI.Itul (nhlr knlfo nbsnlmmly fI`("(`. x _.4Dm\'l fnrc.-rm. thn .uwr~1:1I nffm-hm HIUH` KHll(' llI)hUlllM`I_Y lI'l`|`. . -Don'l. forget. the .'~.poc1:1I offering on floor covcrlmzs: at `A. E. Bmi(h':. Mid-Winter Sale. 29'?` off (:omzoI- cums. llnolr.-mn.~: and cm`p(`ls. 51) ~-'I`hu Inosl. unwful. uzlrlful. mirth- ful and mlorful nntcrtn.lnnu`m. on-r on -`~U\.|1,'(` or scrovn: "C-o<)d Nv\\'s_ now showing: M. the Capitol 'l`m`al,1'v, x ,.IImn'\' .RIlI\..1I`(|L'.I l`I'l\(l\l\I\l'K fur JU` LAHHL` Kill] lllI.\'L' H. KUU(l' llllIl'. .1!) -1r you are thinking -or nnythlnpz In new furniture, see A. E. Smith. He takes your used furniture in r~xchunp.o_ ._.A nlnv "NF: `.2 l\Mno " will hn hold Ulllllh, llll I I (1 n ,JIn1n`1 LEKCS your U.'~3l`(l lul'l1l\All'(` In l.`XClIkll|u,L`. --A play. "IVS u Ming." will ho hold in St. George's Hall. Allandnlo. by llw Allamdalo Guidorx on 'I`hurxdn_v. I"(.'b. 19 an II-l.\l\('u LU \`UlIIll|ullIl.'iI.|.l' W'II,H I llUlllKl.\ Burton. A Il`|(}(!L1lU{ will he hold on Monday in 'l`m'0nL0 to (l(`(`l(l(` the (lam- lor the bat.t.a110n's cunning rv-union. .u,,,.-\ ,,,,1 , ,. . ... J. R. R<>zzcrs was further mijmmmd un- upprocuum ny me mums. AL the request of J. R. Boys, acting [or Lhv (lcronco. the case against. Ibocvv Lil I`hur.~;dny. Fob. 5. Mr. Buys -xpInin- ml the adjnurmmnt was askvd bocnu.-.1` of the fact that his rnthvr, W. A. Buys, who is defence (~mm. is nttvnclimz :1 n1or~Ling of thv C.N.R. Board. Albvrl. I)<)wnlm.:. pronllnvnl, 'l`nrm1In` lunar. will appom` at St. Andrvwlx (`,ll()ll' comwrt on Fol). 17. R<'.sl(iv:\ nih- or selc-(:l.luns ho will slug Lhv bis: l.l`llnl'| sulu in H1 vnnlam "IHn\1 xIH\:\'x \Vml-| YOUNG G-ANDER WANTED ~- Shem'd's. d?m1lr~ J. All-.u1dnl(-., P110110 21 rimr 25. 5|) I`l .\l.'ll.`lZlJUlII\ Ill` VVIH BN1}; LIN` K)l){ l.l`llUl' mlu in nu` caxxlam "lHnwuLlm'.s Wm]- dinq l"vn.xL." which the choir will )`(`l)- dm`. 1u.. .....l \n..,. 0 In x:... \H'|. Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Monrv huvv pru- xcntod two electric .so\vixu.r m:u:him~s In tho Women's Auxl1in.1'_v 0| Lho Rn_\ - :11 Victoria H(IM)il:`t1. 'I`hr~ mau-him-.s \x'vn* ba,dl_\' noodocl and mo thnughHul- x1o.\..<. of Mr. and Mrs. M0011` is mm-11 appreciated by the ladies. roam-st. of .1, R Rum n(`Hm! OBJECTIVEOF 1 . RADIO LEAGUE Opposed to Direct Ad-I " vertising-Canadian 1 Service. I'h<- Cunadum Radio L<-n~,-.m- .~i;lll(I` fur lho olimixmtiun of dxrocl r\(I\'rrl1s- mg. the nrocmnn of hlL;h-pm\'crod slu- lions and fl liccmrr foo mmu1ntin'.; It less than one cent a day a. lisloncr. Sn!-h nnlnnhln rn1<-Atntrnn1r\v\Lcnf1hr IL`-53 K-llktll UHU CQHIL H uay H. llhl(`Hl`I'. Such palpable m1s-.tat<`n1cnt. tho` purposes of the Canadian Radio Lr~u- `K rzuo have been made aver the air and | by newspapers associated with broad-1 casting stations that. it has bccn Kound } necessary to Issue. the following .stutv- L vnnnl I IHCHL. V` The Canadian Radio Lcugun dot-5` not admcaw. did not. advocalv undf will not. advocate a. llconsc IL-0 or $30. That. is an absurd and totany inaccnr- me figure. without foundation in any; pubH.\h(`d or other statommt of they Canadian Radio Loaguo. The Camp} dian Radio Lmguc. like the Aim Cnm- 1 mxssion. recommends an annual lic-i mu- hm no c'1nni\nu- than -1 t-nnl :1: ' Ilnlilll, HALCI L'l:. That private .;tat.tor.s. a.< with American chains. should CiX`r`u- ' late such exaggerated statenients is an example of what the Canadian public ` may expect from a system which is responsible not to the public but to ` the advertisers. ` There are arguments for both pri- mate and public ownership or radio. In is a difficult problem for the Cana- {dian people to settle. The way to set- ; tie it is not to spread erroneous state- lments and treat the Canadian public, - ' like ciiildren. 5 FAIUI. KIM :4|.&lxlUIi.`- All pauaun EH [be owned and operated by a man cnmpmw. established by the Cana Vpcoplc. and administered by a d * term of twelve loading reprc:~ema of business. educational and enter: Irrnno inonrnctc L\J ...u..u. I`l\J\\.I|.A ponsorod programmes .~ always and Imperial 011 Wiflh nH urntinnc in (T UNF'UR.N'IS}-{FED ROOM Wl\N'l'F.D-- In nrh`u(.o hnnw. mm-, hrium rvv v` l)r(-rornblv dmvn.xIun-s. mmlv In Rm "A." Exmnimw ()l'H(-n 5-7x ~l()H, I'l`CUlIlHll. KlUh HH hlllllll L - {cc of 5300-1055 than a cent ' W.C.'l`.U. meeting will - homo of Mrs. Dmvnoy. Monday. 1-`ob. 2, ul. 3 'I`h- b:\:+kvL vmnpzmy urv bu.-ey p,vl,l,|m; in UN` .\x!:|:st)I1's stock of logs. OH\'I`l` Wil:.nn is (luing qnitv :1 bun!- xwss with his <-lmmflnu mill. Wullm' l)m\'nvy is uH(-ndim; Cnunty Cmmcll :.iLl1np,.a In H:u'rl<- this \\`l'Ck. .., ... . , , ; .,, .,.. 1, .- nclu LHL` l`ablSAHlL`b L0 l\&'U CUUHLCTS. Gov. Plowrlght. J. P-alne. H. Prles! and M. Ronald proved good men for the Eskimos. though the others did real well considering they are young to the game". El. Crawford was playlng `under quite a handicap owing to a bad fthumb received in a hockey game. ANNOUNCEMENT The Combined Coupon Syslem oi Rebale Prizes CHEESMAN, `the Grocer FREE PRIZES 1-: cf "1'.'("5v1-11, Barrie ---?- M1-n's I"urnishiny{s, Barrie w. A. HANNA HARDWARE WEBB'S DRY GOODS I-`LI-;li'l`HAM S (".R()(,`l-LRY Allantlnln Allnl\r`nIn A II___l__I, H:l.\`lN.`Cl1 installed by the u11dc1`si;q11cl 1ncn'l1:ml.~_ I-`Irv (Iuupm1sgivc11 with every purclfztsc ml 33:` Hl'(\ L`I`. Thu C()llp()l1.\` given :11 :11] tl1c.\`cstn1`c.\` :ll'L` n-lcc1n;nl1u :11 znny unc<)Hl1c1n. See these valuable prizes on display in the windows. HURLBURT SHOE co. FREE COUPONS l)()U(;LAS DRUG sronu Barrie Barrie 1-:__c_ 1 ,(_;_w1-;u_,_ I)_.-..-... an 1 MINESING `IIVIVPI I Il"lI\ Allandale It you tell It. weIL the [{n0d.`~i wll` LARJGE BEDROOM WANTED Gro1mdl`lnor. .~sult.nhlv for office nur- Doso. S!.nt(- dl`l5lH.'~ and m'im~. Box `K. Exnmlnvr Offi('(`. lip 0urVasl Resources Are At Your Disposal CHATEAU PASTEURI /ZED CHEESE "-1-H). pkgs. 19 SUNERA , THE VITAMIN QERELAL SINGAPORE SLICED PlNEAPl l.l-L FRESH MILLEI) ROLLED ()A'l'S GOLDEN CORN MEAL E}itr'{ I;1_lL_1.!;I')";2V6i.l;E_f)i()-,;x"l'--. . 5 1.14;. E . . 4 lbs. ` Shirriff's Good Morning MARMAL/\Df;' . 16-02. jar I llll"All'I"!(` r\r`l If`Il I` L`f\Al) BORDE.N S Ch0c0la.c_ MAI`,:l`ED MILK ;,;;s;;;;;'[3.2;.`a';;irg;';;:" LILY CHICKEN HADDIE VENO'S LIGHTNING COUCH SYRUP per bottle 29!; Hz_\_w'r;s`_ FLOOR v_v _/xx uurnx `1llD`l1l\|"|.V cx~-pm|111\l lcliv nl c;|c|1Su;\c1irI - an --_l|vu\ -_an v -.4 max/1 In `I315!L()MMl{\|)I:IJl1\ 'll|| l`-l.'\1 I`: `l l-'H||m~lH\" -3 Cakes 24c and 1 Cake FREE TENDERS will bv ro<'(~lvr-cl bv lhr llll-I (h`.r.*:lLrn-od In) In mid in('lu(lnuz l"r~b. lsl. for 5 (:(n'ds ulw-.11 lmdlv lmrdwnnd lo ho dell\'(~rl-cl ul. Nu. `.3 .H('ll()()1. Crown Hill. I. H. Luck, Sl'(:l'l`l1|l`\'-'['l'(`llSlll`('l'. R.R.. I Run-I-In 4.l_Rn ROYAL Y()}`RK C(JH" .li '/=1-lb. tins 25: Vl-l}.~. tins 49: GRIMSBY SWE.ET.Ml?EEI') PICKLES J. w. CHEESMAN F. vv_.DonIoN -\\.4~-n-un.a J\Jn\n in aluminum pkgs., '?'= :s .Z c 1'5 55 WE SELL THE. BEST FOR LESS PALMO_LI\/II; `I I 'H1}J_bs A. E. IJI\ I \.I\ `J p. Allandale FREE -To ANY Y1AI1'I" /\I" I`lII` 'I"('\IlIll lNTERL_A_KE T0g_Lr;1_: TISSUE LlBB_\'( SnPC_)RK {\[~4'D_}>ANS HllA,l:CR$ 1_` SHQRTENING 'IARM. FOR 1 half of In! R Innlsfil PM A Y IL`:-/`lull: 'x>I.'...'..?`1'E' 0 AAAAVA4 I 1;-l 1one 145 53541 3:`: 1 ' Phone 12 No."."z';i7.'eT"H'..s`. ' Elflc-)`r'M.'55c I n_; n n.:n.4n.4n bags RYVITA CRlSI:f'_3RE'.AD FAMILY BLEl\JFI) v1 J11$. ea;.:o;.sj .2f0r 27 _ROYAL Y0gu_< j1_`;3:A '.oZ."2 i?;-L;;'."&'s5J LOST OR S'l`0I..ENr--'I`:m mule hound. Anvmw l`<-um aflm Ihl.\ (inlv \\'lH bv nmsx \\'nl'r| fur nun" inhn-n\-nlinn "1\io." 521;` '72'&{{ 135' "1~1{. Tsaze" 7:51} 53;" B:AR_TL_T;I` P};jZ;RS'_ -.4. A---.4 . up... 3 large roHsu2:5c- ;:_\ Lhzliu ~11: n._an_a n .vn:ann_4n. family jar 4 5c Del` pkg. 2`3cV Inn- \/-n--.4-n per pkg. 29c .\l)\ IN` \'|`I-.\' \\'lll|`l'lN(i I'll ' i)iiT"61?~' it' f6wr" Tenders` [for '-Thea tre SEALEID l`!'*2x\'I`ERS :\dd1'v.~.\:`d `.0 2` Ilvudnuvuu-n.u~1 urn .n Lxhn .\`q\.w R-.4 I nr1IvI . I \,ll\V Allandalc n.4A4n_4 I `Phone 16:1. LI\Il.I\J\ '[;hone 854 4 cakes per tin 2 for Page Nine 1 23c 25c 19c ' 23c 25c 21c nmL:l.~;< -nu; hn Thursday. January 29, 1931 W000. Llnl. The 10\\'vst or a essaruy accented. JOHN ' .WOMAN WANTS WORK by um cm. Phone 1394-M. 5p essaruy accemm. JOHN WILSON. Architect. Co1I'u1g\\'o-Dd. Janlmry 215:. 1931 5b; LIVE srocx FOR SAL`!-I ADLET COLUMN T6r7E1Fv"T"(>-L'ET_ _LOST AND FOUND :uT:EiTvX~T1?6` MISCELLANEOUS WANTED 513 FOR SALE--Chlna cabinet. Anplv 69 Maple Ave.. Dhone 514. 5;) WOMEN WANTED to sow for us at, home. Scwlmz mntzhlnn x1c(:v:~;s'ax y. No selling. Oxxuwin Nt-ckwnnr Company. Dept. M8, 'I`ormu.n B, 5Pb ` FOR SALE--Pine mils zubout. 12 ins. Inmz. Apply Jm). Bmnrrwr, plume 605 . rim: 23. 5;) FOR SAIJE-Cultm' m1cl"btx2-.;\'. A1)- Dlv to 253 Bzwfiold. St. 51) FENCE POSTS FOR SALEM-AD|)l_v 1 Walker Caldwell. Slmntv` Buy. 4-5 FOR SALE-aD1:v cord or box load. ( phone 605 ring` -1. FOR SAILE--~C\lLll"X` with dour. nlnmsl now. Anplv W, Abbott. 53 I)1md0n- ald street. 51) FOR SA`I;E--Pall` 01 l:1dv`.\` |)l)()l.\ and skates. size 4; al.-40 l:~(lv'.<. 'P(`I'.\1`lI1 lamb coat, in Lzood condition. Ph l204W. VALENTINE'S DAY--~C1lI. f|()Wll`.\. :I.I nlzmts. Earlv orclcrs. mmn-r~1utr-(I. M. Lav. Bould(,~rfr-1 GI'(-t`nh0us:-. mm 832. A FOR chick I Mon. 1 men. FOR SALE--Six m:l,av(~ lovely Dim` orxznn mm`, lik able (-.hux'(:h or hum!-. Al rmznrds. Rickmrrl Rum|)l4~, VEGETAJBLIDS FOIL SAI.F.' -Curl and b(`nL:~;. $1.00 um` hzuz: muzxn (1 95 1\nr hna ')."u- '|nr|` f(,"w- nu-|' "I MAID W`ANTED-~-For (rookimz and washing. Other hch) kvnt. 5'1 Bcrczy SL. Dhnnc 435. 5b Barrie Real Estat; 4MR.S` MAY (`.lN".b'Wl`(7l' 1IVl'". /\C`R.I-"S WANT]-TI) In ( `D... I $1.13 per I bnskt-L: cu mum-mn. . tlllcup uuumn nu mun . u'.|:_ |nl_\` mt-nls. rc-(l-<-m'zm- _\'nHI`.st'H. TWO SMALL H()U{~'.l-is W/\N'H.l) In In... - um.-I ..nrI `NOTICE TO CREDITORS. 313 V l.2al`(`l\`L4 (-llonp ha nunn I < Pu SILVER ARROW TAX` SERVE? . IV IJl'llI llalall sJlI\l.4l.l NEXT T0 I')HliI.'\;\11.!\ND D.\\' 251- .\`4'r\'in- .\'l(i|lT QK4`K)\'I{`li` Y\I."1IY\ |.' QEJl\-\lLK1z lll`.|>L'.\l'4 A SILVER .*\hH.()VV' ONCE A SII..\'F`.R ARROVV AI.VK':\\'S BRUCE WILSON. Prop. WK USF (TAYH-I (`(\1'wR']`}-TS\' PROPERTY FOR SALE 1- %KEENAN WANTEID---An cxx)oricncod- voumz wo- man to do domestic wnrk. Good sal- arv it work is sulisfnctorv. Box Examiner Office. 51') <:----------~p.J Phone 44 16 BAYFIELD STREET Y\YI ."\"l` 'm'\ I \L\I.'.\ -\n A vvx SHAW SA`I..'EA-I()()-cmr im-ubulur; 2(H) K r-lccl.1'i(: broad-.'~r. in cmud 1-undi- Both $15. Apnlv I-3x4mim'r 01'- .`in I EVI`ZR\"I'lIXNCi IN NIUSIC) 11:1 rxn I -w. .. I`(H\' Hot Water Heating RICHARBS BROS. SLOW COLLECTIONS Ye Oldc Firm" Heintzman Pianos Victor, Rogers and Majestic Radios uk KELLY & AIKEN PLUMBING WAN I'EID--An oxm-rivncnd young woman to do 1m rt (12: v housework. Good terms if work is wnll done. Tlnv .l'3' 'Rvnn\inm- (\H'i:-n !"\n Oppm. -,____, _ _ _ . . _ . ._...-.. Victor Records Ls. .'il,l)U mu: 7 bust`: 25(' :md` 3531 (:$Lbl){l.[1`l.`. 60:-. nvr 4 . Phone .')80W. FOR SIKLE I hard wood. by the Charms Miller. It'll`- I Zl-`7h POSITION COURSES .1\JAI, 1 Ivy. ` C017R'l'l'ISY `N S-l:`.N'SEI I U) ~51) E AUCTION SALE Lop FARM_STOCK uooa terms 1! work as \ Box F." `Examiner Orficr`. Cl"llL.[)RE`.l\I S CONTEST 1stVPriz:: $6.00 2nd Prize $4.00 3rd Prize $2.00 5 Prizes of $1.00 A Card of Tickets valued at $1.10 with each prize 'l'hc cmlc.\'l i.\< :1`;-c:n1.i under. Ynu :1 cnlcrinlq` the C<:HlL`.\'l :|l1.wluIcI_\ `I rec. live: The Hurric lixzlmincr picturcx ml and ]\:l.\| rulcm Then wrilc :1 I. a.lH._.. ...l...I \.HlL||||I'\' IIIL L"|I|L.`I |'I Ill ,'n|I |`:\"Cl`_\' week piclurcx }\:l.\lL` them : .\hnI`l .\l \\wn`.l.\` lclling \x/11:1! _\'vu knnv l);nvic'.\ Milk and the nuurislu |lll|1]l|lhml_\'. K021111035 i_~ .nc . ..A_A " . ll. , ... ...III I.. 1.. I|llL.\. Ill\.|I \\I|IL an .`Il|'I\ .V|"I\ \."|I`I`ll|l`\ knnw l'L`_4:ll .Hl1_`\' ll` nuuri.~|1mcnl lh:ll mil` |ll||111l|ll1ml_\ . nl llu'cs~cI1li;1 cnlncxl. The _imi_:;cs will hc imlcpcmlcnl mt` I 5115434051 _\m1 .\I:ll'1 lhis ill mice. lfighl \\'L.`L`l\.\ Clu\'L`> S:1lun1:1_\`. M:|rcl11.\ , 1'H1. .|v\ n unuu ;n..nnm .u n.- A u. Codrington St., Barrie \vL'/H. x.'nu`r` \\`AI.\I\ ';f`IJI\I\l As good as the b e s t film" Aclventutes of szs-on in P3!Z"-TS GIRL--CzL|mb)c of cookinu. desires llrht, housework. mmlv `Box 981. Bar- ne P.O. 5p VALII "\l|\'\r <$n Salurd$y. Feb. 7 '7'lIXT |-'4 \l I A\\\'I\'{Z nlch fur`Advcnlu1`c>uI'Sum by W. A. SWEENEY .\()\'El. MARRIED 1vi`sHti2RY BORN DIEDT .-\|`El< 'l'L|I |`' All are umlcr I111 1 ur in pxtrlic nrv uu\nl- I \-1 W1AN7'I'I~]D- Su~rnna,'m|)l10x`-ft)0r)lckornor. office a.a must. havv amd (-du- CBMOII and :~'.mm- oxnorim(-,t>. Annlv in wrlblmz In Box `R, Exuxnim-1' Offirn. b RULES ~21 fitting description of the thrilling serial story which begins publication in today : issue of MURDER BY LEGACY THE` BARREL ' EXAMINER all IT IS ENTITLED ANTEN MILLS x thi.~ SALESMEN WAN I'ED --- Salesman who have had uclual snlllnp; -xpc-rlr\n('.r* in Lubrlcutlmr Oils, Grou,sr~s. Linsor-d Oll Soup and PlI.x':Lb(`Slus Roof Conl- lnsr. A :~;p1ondid cont,rm-.1. wilh com- mission and bonus. fog (-xm-ri(~m-1-d men In our lino unlv. Tmnds furni.<.h~ ed. Address: The Brooks OH Com- pany. Hnnxllum. ()I1l1ll`l(>. 51)