Pzig Ted!`- uhliu` mm mm. W. m. H... ....v._, ~.., the \vlntm`. vlr.-a. Oboe of Toronto is staying with mmlu-1'. Mm. Stunpson, or Om. n has boon H1. ;)x-nr E. Shank r(-turnml. Wcdut~s- V m;.:hl. {rum .l1'1ll{0l'd whore ht` ('ndI`(l the hlnorul of his fummn .w. :l:`-on of Hnmilmn is. with W. M. Reid. Mary St... William A. Shank, who died there on Saturday in his etghtlcth year. Mr: 1. Nov Inn. on mo momma Saturday In ms eLgm1eu1 year. Mrs. L. Ney low. on the morning train for Toronto nfter spending Sun- day with her`-mother. Mrs. S. Gill. who has been H1. 1.`.-nnco Xlnhhnvl nr f\n\nl( \Nnchinu'- nns D0011 m. Ernest Hubborl, of Omnk. Wu.shmp,'- ton. 15 vlsltmg his slstvr. Mrs. Gm. Col!-s. Blake x~7l.rr-0L. R/hvc n (Irnvnu nf I.|nrl. mu,-.~ thr- QJOIPS. bl-KL` HlT|`(`L. Mrs. R. Groves of I.1ud+:n:,' guest of hnr s.|.stor. Vlrs, R. F. Sunday and Mommy. M'1c..-< Flnm Mr~I(|\m\'n has V 3lll1(1H._V IHHL AV|UllUi|r) . M1s'..'<. Elma M(-Komm I af(.m' II. lhX`(`f`-\V(`(`kS' visit, ` tor. Mrs. W. J. Linvory. I Mk-h. A D (`.iu-rhuvnnrl 1nIl Mu-n. A. R. Glrdwood 1~.l'l. Wvdm~sdny night. for Pt-rlh whorv Hm doulh or`- c1n'rod. _V(`hU`l`d_V' aflvrnmu of his brother. Fred (Hrd\vund. lJI\I|I|\Ip . .... \-..u..\m... Mm. Jznnos Clm-.~'.nmn. S12, nnd Miss Mnrllm Humor nf 'l`m'nnlu sail on Jun. 24 for lhv Mndltm'1`xI.xm1g1 Lrlp and will also vlsll In Nu` .Brll.l.-;h Isles. PHILCG ANNOUNCES A MARVELGUS NEW RADIO Mrs. A. B. Cm~k.l)um l Toronto this week uwlng 1 of hm` g`mndfzLthm'. .I1`:4su\ dlvd on M ondn_v. night, .1; n-.... an I\ nn,vrx_._.... .. .. .... .. Mrs. \V. 0. M:-Khmnm has l)&"I`ll in Guelph for tho 1)n.~at ton (luyx mvlnp. to tho illnvss or her mm Jur-k, who had an op:`r~nlimn for uppondh-h,ls. ~Thoy are -xlwt-tvd hmnv this wn-vk. Gvorm\ Chnmund_\' rvturnrd Wod- .u..qL.n ..n.u- .-nm..-II....- l|\n Hm: 1.1 Hm Clm nosdny nflvr 5 work In Turm who has be-nu _-l.\|~n In Ink In nu II .\'[0l'(` ` (`d in Klu- ,. `|mm:md_\' -.s-pondlmz tho l`lr.~.l of Hm ronlu. J0.~`.(`ph Clnunnndy. nu looking` nflor the lnvnl l)mlhm":~. :1l):'.Pn('I`, n~lnrn- l.\ ..\r.:|IV has voturnod 1, with her six- mvvr Rmxgn, lms boon in 1` 1o`l.1m donlh 4... ha u mhn ' \vns the . C3f\l'l`l`Hr. l)nl1;n' 1)n_v.x. Jun. 23 and 24. OH!` lxumirml` ;.~.:mn<.~l.~'.. 1-lmson from our (h.(`5H(`h, mnlr; and null nurks. 1)r0v- inu.s'1_v \'u1uvd to $18.50. Only $1.00. Wintm` huts, l\mI.w dn-saws and 1lhdl`l` ..-...-mnun Rn um-h ur '1. fm` $1.00. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY A SPECIALS BREW & MORLEY M; J- BRENNAN I lUIlI.o U: n.4u-nu: 15: lb. Roasts of Mutton 15c lb. Stewing Mutton 10c lb. Large Sausages 18c lb. 0 III If---_- ----- ' Telephone 50-or 51 Fronis ' qr ll \lAI V-I 10 mg. _.. 5"c'.~ SALMON wt DELIVER DNEONS, \Jr\l.uvn\;_p u by the piece 15c lb. N`. ('lll'Il , Allundnlv. HIIU 'IlIl|ll`I 0| .. for $1.00. ..I.. I n:llnc' hun- -luhc Supcrhclcr ..A.,1 I l`llI!`. BARBIE EXAMINER ..__:?_.:.- 10`. Q I .UlI. . Lndlos` Wmn`. \VM. (Tl./\lJ I) IIICl". l"l` Follnwlmt un lIm~rm\l opvrulhm I death um-.\n-H-(t nu 'l`uu-:.dny, Jun. 1n-n nf wmlmn (jluud !l m*H., uuml a occ\u'rt-(I lul`.`vuu_y, ....... 1931, of William {mvlI., mn- yonr and ulnar duyn, mu 0! Mr. and Mrs. J. V. .Br-LL, IIH) :'l`m*l HI,` 'l`h- runvml was hold on 'l`lnu':lu_v, Jun I5, with 1nl.t-rnmnl. In unm-1 Unhm cmnt*l1~ry. R1-v. W. K. It. Bully nt l"h'\l Hnpl.1:l, alum-,l|_ v I,ln- l\I'l'V|l`( .`\ I'I*Zll(?Y IL (3lIl.l.I`lN l`:~rc_v 1!. (Julhen, u Iuruwr l'I`hl(l1'lll. ul Barrie. and mu Buy Point, died in the Wnslt-rn Hospital, 'l`umn!,u, :-mndny, Jun. 18, `I931. nu hm! junl. |{u|wnI1 llw ['t'Ml'4`d HM. M (JlII`1M.Inx1.-5 ultvr ru-rvlmx, 32 ymus with the non 'l`vl4-plmlw (In Mr In mn'v1v<-(I by l,hr-.- bm|.hu-r:.. Thomnn of Wludomr, .hun:~., ul (lufgnry, AlLx\., und llcrborl. at lmrt. Wllllum. xuul one :;1nt.vr_ Mm. H. I)utum_ 'l`<)l`m1l.u II1t.H'lI1m|l. Look plurv ul. l,|u~ Hurric- Unlun (J1.-nu\l.-r_v on Wv(l1wn|:\y. Jun `II V I I 1 lll'}l.I`IN M('(,`()NKl.V Orllllu Puvkc-I. unll 'l`mu-5' Vvry hmwy .-surrmv hm; l.mu`h-d I,h- hulllv nl ` Mr. Imtl Mrs. (`.hml.m' M('C(IIlk('_\,', >1 Tormxtn, {nrnwrly of ()rllHu, whn:u- cldo.-cl, druIght.m`_ H(`1\`l\, (H:-<| uudrlu-nly on Sunday nmrnlmz. Jun. II, 1931, ML lmxhm at brk-I fmlr du_V.~.` Hhw:i.\. HUI- on. who \vu.~s ln hm' Hm-1-nl.h ya-ur, war. :1 <-Irv:-r nnd vvry luvublv mm, and while in Orillln mzulo a hunt 0! ll'il'l|(l.`\ lH(Il\R.`1'1. hm` .`i(`hl)()l cu|n|)nnI and In thr vicinity or her hnmo. Lu.-at. your Mr. M'.C who is v with lhv ' C.N.R. |)<):sl.'\l .~'.4\1`vluv, \NZlh l,run:\fu-rrml " Ln l.hv 'l`nr<)nl.<) .sm~l.h)n, mm in July Hw fumlly movt-(I In 'l`umnl,<). 'l`h- nym- " puthy ur muny Orlllhs irtnmh; wm hr " oxl.m\(lvd 1,0 Lhv |)0rc*nvc'd |)i||'(`lllh. 'l'wn sons and one duughl.m' r4-nminlm; am- Edwnrd, 1)uunld und M:u'unr-I.` l`h- tunmm was hold In Stmlul ('l`l]\l`l,4-]`_v I on 'I`umsduy nfLm'm) \\'S (HIE L0 llln |Jl'(:|,u|m. Mrs. Stephens tvzu burn in 'l`0runi.n and after her niarringe. to Mnrslmll Neiily Stephen.-4. went to live in (,ilen- enirn where her whole ln:ll'l`l(3(i life was spent. On the (l(`:|Hl oi her hus- band. who was for seveml ).'eui'.t; auditor {or the County of Sinime, she went to live in 'I`0roni.() zxlmut nine _ve.'n`:~'. mu). She is survived by four tisniglners, Her `only son (lied six _V1`l'$ ago. She With .1 sister of Mrs. H. J. Martin of '1`ur- onto, Miss Isobel Luidlaw oi Barri!- nnd Ernest Luidlaw of Swlit Current. Mrs. Stephens was :1 beautiful <-h:mu-- ter. deeply interested in elnireh work and greatly beloved b_v her irientis. The ilmeral took place on Tilesday. inter- ment belng made in the family plot in Glencairn cemetery. MRS. M. N. .\"l`l~2I'lll~2N!s` Mrs. Marlon Dnuglns Stnplu-n:.', 4-ldq--`I dmnzl\Lu`r of l.h1- lulr Mr. und Mrs. J. 1). Lmdlnw, (Hm! very .~'.mld<'n1y in 'I`m`- onu) on Sluuiay. Jun. IR, I915}. 1)<-;1l,|\ dun L0 angina ))l'('|. Mlrc: .Qn~nImn_< wn.\ `She1te.1;mI\ latr bies ! Suddenly, Wednesday` S('i7.(`d with :1, stroke :1 row :;c(: after 5110 had signed for an /'.\ prc.=:< package. and was preparing to go out nn 2. m.Hn errand. Miss Mary Millvx` This Radio will hr 0:`. Display on Jan. 21st, at ` on a, lime errand. , and proparmg 1.0 gm mu matron nf the County Children's Sm}- Lor. dropped dead .'~'hurtly l)r*f 10 o'clock. Wodmxsday morning, Jan. 21. 1931. nn... uan...- nnhv ram m 1'1-.n'riv lax: 1931. Miss Miller only (`nine to Barrie ; November to succeed Mrs. Averill. former nmtron. and had vslal)lisl1vd herself in tho lwarls of tho slu`-ltvx wards. She was born near Mount St Louis, about sixty years ago. \\'h(`l`t' she lived with a sister until going tr. Richmond Hill about four yemus an/1 to become associated with tho Orzmgvr Orphanage there. leaving tlml, insti-| lution to come to Barrie. vrw... nlnnnucnri uvnu Hm r!;mrrhlm' (ll: Iutxon to come 10 I)'dl'HL'. The deceased was the daurzhlor n`. James Miller of Medonto Ioxvnship. and is survived by two brothers and two sisters. David Miller of Mount St. Louis. George Miller of Bnrrln. Mrs William Thompson. Mount. St, Luuirl nnd Mrs. James Ingram. Newmarkvt > Miss Jessie Johnston. of Forndalo, is :1 niece. I rm`.-. .-nmainu u'nrn fuL'm1 In tho hnmr Sovcnty-fivc 1'15 boys and fifty-. three (53) girls are now enrolled as! regular students in the Classes in Ag-` rlculturc and Home Economics which are being held in Stroud under the dir- ectlon of the Department or Agricul- `[ture for South Simcoe. While such .`(-curses have always been well patron- limd dulng the last few years by tho `young people of the county. the at- } tendancc for l93l has broken all pro- . ivlous records. In fact. It will be om- : nr O`\n Inn-nncl if nnl thn larvae? nf anv The remains were taken to the homr tnrio W_I. ('nn\`<`nl of her sister. Mrs. Thompson. at York Hnt(`l.'I'urnn Mount. St. Louis this 1'I'hnr.~'~dayI at-".!.i\'(-n by the do! ternoon. where the funeral will br Patton and Mart conducted by Rev. J. K. West. or Illll.<- px`0:_zran1 xvzar. in < dale Presbyterian church. on Fr'1dn_\' and Miss.lnt11i'.s v1 afternoon at 2 o'clock. Interment will` ,\nmm| rm-mi, be made in Hillsdale t-emetergr. Al '1`m-gum;-d1m~ short service in charge of Rm". J S 1:-(1 Cmm-n wag, 1 Shortl. of St. Andrew's church. wznlixtg with Rev. 5 held ill Minnlkinls funeral parlors this 1 ;~h;m~n1;m mm A lafternoon. t:n'y. The report 'mni'/nHnn'< influ- | *__ `Stroud Short Course Attendance G.rows IVIOUS YCCOTGS. HI 1'nrL. lb wur ur -nu i lot the largest. if not the largest. of any` `course held anywhere in Ontario. Thorvi are approximately 220 junior farmers` and junior women in Innishl township; and 128 or 58.1"; are taking advantage 1 of the Instruction being offered by the` 3 `Department. 1 A vm-v interestimz lecture on poultry `L IJQPBTLIXICIIL. 1, A very interesting p was given last Monday by Mr. Hon. B.S.A.. St. wnnams. to tho ibc-rs of both classes. Over 200 | iincluding quite a number of ifarmers. hoard Mr. Marston tell |`nt\I` um-I rnannan {hp farm (lock. ;farmex's. heart: Mr. marsum mu n-m up `feed and manage the farm flock. Muc-h ` Sinterest was taken m the kxilinz and` `plucking demonstration put on by th `instructor. Shock judging. an import-1 `ant feature of the course. is being ('ar- 1 iried out on nearby farms where good ,stock is available. 1 Thu unmn Nursing rnur-59. which? OBITUARY :.1`1iVu`~" {stock is avauame. . 4 The Home Nursing course. [commenced on Monday with Miss Mc- :A1p'1ne. Toronto. in charge. is proving` very popular with the young women and has been responsible (or the tn-7 , `creased attendance. : w u Alnna with (hp reuular course of lee-'; {crc-ased attendance. 1` Along with the regular lec- 'tures the following subjects will be dls- cussed: n..m,- Rnpnlrlncr--Fl`idaV. Jan. 23, 2- lcussed: , } Pub1ic speakmg-Friday. 2-: 92.45 pm.. by R. J. Rogers. Newmarket. ~ iformer Agricultural Representative gfor York County. \ Lav: as It. Affects the F'armer--Mon- ['day. Jan. '26. 11-12 a.m., by Gordon Longman. lawyer. Barrie. Banking Procedure and Farm Ac-1 I7.countlng-Tuesday. Jan. 27, 1.30-2.30: 1 '6 Lanung auv'a.xn.2q:,c] eing offered the ; poultry Iday Mars- ltams. mr-m- ;. poopie. older Marston how Ln .. :....... n.\..|; xln,-h n'1e_ ..u..._, ........ ..., -... ----~--- 'an. Quality printing at. The Examiner. 5 -......-. ... __._~~-- I mph; When a pipe line in L } came frozen an aeroplan .vmg`,`Bordcn made a forced menifield on the farm or J4 . msunnidale Road, about 0 [Barrie Union Cemetery. : 1,- v.4 r\'nIt\nII '1"una:riau anrnn \n\.||\ .n n .. S1,. .ludu'.-'. /\.Y.P./\. wil Mrmduy night. (LL Mr. an Mr-1)nn:1ld's. ()m)kin,'.',' (,'!'.l.~:s fur Juniu The Janu:\r_v tum:-Lime. I.- Ylxtlilllln u"|c hr-M ul I ` the motor be-l lcamo aeroplane [mm Campl `;Bordcn landlng In al field John Wallwinq lsunnidale one mile from 1 Union shortly before 1` '4 dclock Tuesdav afternoon. The plane; ;made a successful landlng and no other `damage resulted. . A mm-mp! nvcmn from Camn arrived 3.) x E gdamagc resmceu. , 3 A second plane from Camp arrived ishort time later, bringing repairs andl fin less than two hours both machines; fwere in the air again headed for thev fair station. The machines wer both? ,equ1pped with skiis and found no dif-I lficulty in taking off. 1 R I`H'I-I l.lNl-`. FRlI'Z'I.l.\'(`-. l..>\.\'I-I IS I-`()ll( I-ll) 'l'() l..\.\'l) -s__ or. Mrs. Ambler. Elizabeth St... last uu\n1rr\i'Il`l H`)! 11.51.. 1 '0! Purl. lluron Vin- u-luw. Wm. lrxw,4-r, MID-WINTER FURNITURE SALE ` ReeVe s Jewelry Store (Ihic and smart ; . . . Bluebird diamonds set in the modcrne motif . . the latest in style and beauty from the Rue dc la - Paix. Na- Weddl , . ll;m lwn turc s I`lCl`I' cst gift adds $2 joy to pride \\-),;,L. of p()sscss- (mm \\'c inn. ll'Hlll BUSINESS. . . lit the huttle (it husiness em-i`_\ nmve must he studied . . ynurnwn and _ynur c turs. In :1 market where there is in nnrmzil grtiwth or when the volume of the mztrket is restricted, the success ut` the lHk1lVlLlllIl1 trzuler must he secured at the expense of his less alert eumpetitnr. And it is the husi- ness firm using its :1dvertising pieces In the best zulvzmtztge which is likely tn win the game. _.----yours I l\IHr\ Expcricnccd zidvcrtiscrs knmv that TH!-2 EXAMINER is the only medium which thoroughly cnvcrs Barrie and its trading area. Its circulation is built and its lists are always open to 2ldVC1'US1'S. A GAME OF CHESS! NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING PAYS A n.aAn-as vsagv- Wedding` Rings lI.'m1~I11cl_'. (izuvci weekend. Mrs. W. A. Boys and Mrs. G. E. , Brookes spent, a few days in Toron- to this week. Dr. ]3rorct.on returned home yes- lvrdny after being In Algonquin Park rm` 2: fortnight. _ MI`.< H. R. Tmmmson ls vlsmng !?.U.*.T`N}.JM `$20.00 c and (`xrccn \'\'c\l.liu; Hill];- l-E nn .___ _ Sparkling life that wiil outlive all uthcr gifts`. Bluebird signies selected quality dia- I _ -1` Thursday, January 22. I931 |`HI $5.00 dp } Telephone 535 "l""""l munds r~`_' registered value. Rich but not cost- ly . .. priced from 325 . . . and up- wards. Mrs. H. with her smtc-1', Mrs. Wm. Tlmmpson, R R. 1. I-llmvnlo. Mi~'.' T)om11d:`nn .. ,..ul `\Ih~u [M M npld Nfgu-V as ccn (.ri.l plus ./\ulum:1tic Vul- nl .\`upc|l1clcrd_\'I\c Sclcclivit_\' 1_\ of .\ crcc11 (irid 'l'nl~cs. Dc- 1'u-;u1c.1.~t.\ pc1`l'ccl1)' and by the me the g'rc:1lc.~l .ii.xi:u\cc-gc1-