l't`l?`Jl'(S. wr un` cm and such othm` bus? before the x1m`tiv.. of thn hvl-.\\\`s. A11 c shareholders. "runs. iBarrie Real Estate Ofcej mms. MAY CRESWICKE i STROUI) TI-`.LEl ll0NE CO. ANNLLNI. MIFIETING of the share- ] Imldvrs of tho Stmud 1`vIophonc Cum- .`p:1ny. Limilod. will be hold in the 1 Hull. Strmld. on Wvdlwsday. J:|nu'.1r_\'! `*11. 1931. at 2 o'clock. p.m. | E1:-vlinn nf Diro(:l0rs and 0l.hm' bus- inoss. `I7 I f`,.\.\.-lf..!l.\u. 13...`. ur r\LVIV\|r\11 A\'L.lZ4l`.4lllVLl ()1 UN` .D1Ul|l' Br:mvlu of the Victorian Order of Nux`.~:cs. 'I`m-. Jun. 13. 8 p.m.. in .thv I.,ib1':u`y Hall. Speaker: Dr. C, P. Fmxvirk or` 'I`nronto. Chairman of tho ; Snviul I{y1.:`iNu- Council of Cmmda. 2b . ..__ 1 llOR'l'I(TUL'I`URAL SOCIETY ; .\.\INUAL. MEE'I`ING of the Bm'ri(`- 1 Ilmtmnltuml and 'I`m\'n Im1)1'n\'cnwnt ; Snvivly will be: held in tlw Pnlivv 7 Cvtlri Chznnbr-r.~ at 8 p.m.. VVc(l:w.s'(Iu_\'. ' `.Izmu:nj\' 14:11. All n1(`Ihb(`l`$ um` 1'o-| ; qun\.~:v(i In um-ncl and the public is al- | ` ~n mun-d. ?.\.\`.\'l7:\l. MEETING OF BARRIE ! UIIEIIL ilb |.L`il.CHCl'. Ivan Slessor is spending a few days in Churchill. `1<(- unn... u,.,:...... .: rm... I|I K/IILH cunt. Miss `Helen I-lodges of Toronto is visiting at her home here. winrr tn tho cnrlnnc innncc nl hm~ umuug in. nu! uuuu: llt'l'. Owing to the serious illness of her mother. Mrs. 'Shaw. Mrs. John Lees was called to Toronto last week and word was received on [Monday evening that Mrs. Shaw had passed away. Much sympathy is extended to Mrs. Lees in the loss of her mother. l'lm1'.s'd:x,v. Jan. 15-'I`he Trustee and Imn)cotors of the Estate of Robt. J. B. PulIb1'o0k..at. cast half lot 6. Con. 1(). Essa-{nrn1 property-. farm stock and implements. Sale nt 1 13.111. W. A. Mc-C0nke,v. Auctioneer. 2b I`uo: Jan. 20-Oscur Bates. at cast. half Int 2!. Con. 8. Essa ,. stock and lmulomcnts. Sale at 1 mm. W. A. Mcconkoy. Auctioneer. 2-3x ~ AUCTION SALE * OF smmz GOODS E \'l("l`()l{lA.\' ORDER NURSl'Z.\` IANNUAL ;\lEE'I`fNG nf H10 B:u`1'i(` I `h"IIu~|\ nf Hun Kfinvnriun l'\vAnu- nf n1m:.'n;-n<:uuM AP Anplv 17 Buvs S1,. ..--w--....c-an--, v--:1 THE F`0hLO\VlNG: HORSE-.`S- I hm\\'n 11o1`.~c 7 mm H\\` 1 hI..,.L- m...... (":. Vk-km .-e. Sm-rvl'.11`_v; W. '1`. H. Gil- nu` py-.-mm M- (`!l1CI(`I'_\'. . J. 'I'wix<. WM. R. J. Sprott. SN"_v. J. (mndfcllnxv. Pr(`sid('nt: nx Black. Secretary. AUCTION SALES ' IHULALLID cu.-.xu \\`|IL UL` gl\ 3 furnishing apnroved per cent. off for cash n\< .. .\.~.. -; unsl 3 FOR. CHATTELS: All sums` nd under. cash: over that months` credit will be given < fHrni, nnnnxvswi Win! alii" Funeral Notice Kerr Lodge, AI-Qlll A.F. & AM. ll) l:L`)l '- _mnd~rn lm D(`l`t '11) Sf. `. Dunlop S1,, - hrld Satur- ut. 2.30 p.m..! 8 pm. The rnrrn Hahn: ` l A COLOR s(`m:.\u:, W 5 Black bugs in my galrcicn patch. I 1 And apeckled bugs and red: 1 ~ A funny little .=.u'ip::-d bug t \Vi(h whiskers on his head: 3 ` And green bugs, purple bugs. Ana` 'o`.1'.'s of salmon hue. L.:A11|`.i all of them seem happy, ` \` Fm` tmnn of rhnm m-n hhm ! CROG-HA Nln m`c~:1I-zmndxn (`.r4mh:n\ u-h \.1`I|\nluJ \II llll1|1I\nJ I I N11`. and Mrs. Jnhn ()nis and f l ily wish (0 (hank their neighbors. ,(ii(`.< and nu`-.)|)1" or Angus for I ` kmdm-.\< m\x':1m Hmn .\`in('(' Mrs. is` .'u'('idvnL ` \/Tr: 'rn........- r..v,4.... .._ I lJ\JI\lI 1 ~ I-`ERGUSON~-In Allamdztlv. on Frid'.1_v. 1 Jan. 12, 1931. to Mr. and Mrs. W. WA I<`(rm:.:<>x1, 11 Cumberland S1,. arson. (slillbm`n>. \ I-\lllllIUl'll7. HARR,IS-On Wcdm-sd`u.,v. Jun. ,7. 1931. to Mr. and Mrs. Ruxsvll Hur- ri.~;. RR, 2. B:u'1'io. n dm1Lrl1lox'. - ` ROBINSON---On 'l`u(~sda_\'. }mL 6. 1931. at Primtv Pu1i(~nt.s' Pavi'lion'. 'I`m'0ntu G(`I1(`l`1l.l Tlospital. to M1`. :1nr'J Mrs`. H. O. R.cl)in.~'nn. n. dauzh ten` |Elh(`l E1i'/.:1lx'll1). 19.51. at y1'1v:m\ 1 :m(~nts' Pavilion . dauszha tElh(~lE1i?.z1b0lh). piml. B-.m'iv. m1 'I`hursd:1V. Jan. 8. 1931. to Mr. and Mrs. M. A. VVz1ta0n.` I 1 WA'I`SON---In {ho Royal Victoria Hm`- I An;:us. :1 dzm.;l1t-1'. : lVlFII\I\IaI- j HAGAN-SCO I"I`-Al lhn Allamdulu 1 Prt`sl)\tor1:111 Mnnsr`, 4m 'T`nn<(!n\v r'e1'Lr1|.<.ox1. I 1 rm pp -) u 51:14:: N CALDER--In Innisfil. on F1`id:u'. Jun. ' I 11. 1931. 1`hon1a.< Calder. in his 62nd V'(`:Il` ." -j"- """"""""" bO(`)D BOARD AND R00 nuivt. lntmv with all cnnvowin-m~v.~ nlv tn Ii`) Run-.ull Kl 1 .v(-mt WAR.NICA--In thv Royal Victoria Hospital. Bzn'rio. on Fridav. Jan. 2. 1931. Wall!-1` (`w(`(n';.:v Warnim. sQc- ond son of Mr. George R. Wurnicn., in his 44th V0111 , I uuc. :1. wall, l)_\' mu 1<.v\'. N. Sin('l:1ir. ;VIurs.uu:1'itv L. d-.aus:;ht:`1` or Mr. and `Mrs. Sm-Ll. tn Edwzu`d I-I:1:::u1. sun and Mrs. E. HiL.{3I). both of duh`. 1nLrI\N-::k;U1'1 Pr(`sl)_\ torizu1 Doc. 9. 1930. Qin:-I-xiv \,I 1 wan. want-1` um C 44th _w:u'. M. J. ;BRENNAN}I SILVER BRIGHT SALMON 13YT|{l| llf(:l 15c lb. WHITEFISH ((Zl.l;`.\E\'l:`l)) 15c lb. SMALL PORK SAUSAGES 20c lb. Domestic and Easifirtu SHORTENING FRIDAY AND SATURDAY CARDS OF THANKS FRESH FISH Teiephone 50 WE DELIVER wAN'I'ED-Two neat appearing young men. between the age of 21 and 35, to take jobs: as salesmen for an. old re- liable firm. Must, have no bad habits and a car is an as9eL: must, be will- nut to leave town. only real ambitious men need apply between the hours of 2 to 4 ,p.m.. Jan. 17. at the Clarlcsrm Hotel. Ask for Mr. Alward. 2 15: EQQ" 30c per tin i`viXER1n `1(\v,Vl\ BORN " bisib FOR 1-1u Km Anmndnlu Mamet`. on Tuesday. . l)\' thv Rm , N R D THE BARRIE EXAMINER I115. uu unu \:||d|H.L'.\ Ul I)l`(".lKll s~nLm'inp; and of stealing an mm _ l from Camp Borden lust summon - llur chauzos against :1 zrompunim 1' old Crcdd-ock. wore withdrawn 1 - of lack nf c\'1donc(=. but with t bidorstanding he may bv warm: ` nny Lime. The two young men w "irostcd by local Provincial pal E` flcvrs as tlwy loft Sarnia jail ` 1. (`ember 27 after serving: timv for D I ma concealed weapons. HI LOCAL NEWS H NOW ON DISPLAY AT Eggs Drug Store WOMAN WANTS VVORK by tho day.` Phone 1275.]. 31) ... .... \,......u..... m xmys. The Bnrriv Th(`;1t1`o (`-11 Jug full time on Ihv mm all the comvdios of the f and 1)l)il(mx)})l1c1'. Gem` Shaw. (0 be ])1*0du(:(~d :11 week in January or first |'llY`\' ` \V'l".'l\ UK L(.'ll Hyb. 1 Members of Trinity Church H1011 are sponsoring a benefit rict1m- at. thtw, Dreamland I`h(*:1Lro. Jznmary 19. 20* and 21, when John M(`C<)rm:u'k, I1'i."h` tenor. appoars in "Song 0' My H1-;n`l,". The picturo had a 10m: run in I' Mcnlbors of Hw chair will be out, now! wmrk selling Livkvts. Bx` vy....... 1., . W. G. Gough. Shanty Bay. on Jun. 3 saw :1 large flock of bla.ck,birds. -G(-L your skates ground and 1'1`- pairod ah" Pndddsnn 8.: Shcph:u'd's 5'31`- vicv station. Allrmdzllo. Open up km 9 p.111. 21) l Kmnnnnrnh-I1 Run urn: com om-I..n\ . . .11; Kcmpcnfcldt Bay was still toclny. with a thin coating of glassy ice ovm` its entire surface. Around the :~'hm`('~ however. the ice was thicker. Dnnanr nnIn\Inu nu. I\r\lv\:\ r \l n um mg can no saxct amount 1, Less than half an hour w to handle a dozen (`asvs Court. Tuesday. when they \ journod at the rvquost of 1: cerncd. nu. .. \: 1\1\II\ uuvuuu l.(\LIl wuvn |U ll'uuA|1L; II. This week Supcrintvndt-m W. B, Way. assistant "S11pm`1nu!ndonL W. Cznnoron, and W. J. 'I.1t.Llo. r(~Li1'ing us- sistnnt supcrintcndmmt. are making in- ,s`pocLi0n tours of the Allzmdulv divi- sion of the Cnnndl;m National Rail- l\\ $I\.'S nun` uulvc. ` W. A. Boys. [{.C.. will leave 1x'l(l:\_\`; for Windsor wlmr(,- he will act. :15` Crown p1'0s(`(:ut0r next wvvk. with twn ` manslaughter and twelve otln-1' (`rim- inal cnsvs. coming: l)v{m'- thv ('nu1`l. ho ex1x`(rLs the vproccoclim.-.'.s' to lust all work ox` Len (lays, l .\/fmnhm`-: nf 'T`v'inHv (`Inn-nlu ..)u\h~ I01` me rost. 0: mo wmtor. Leslie McLeod was soxxtt-x1<'t`d to imonths deu:-rnmixmtc and 2 yours 1' [determinate in polivc court this mm` ling. on trwo charszcs of brmkinp. :11 nnim-inrr nnrl nf chmlinn nix ....u.......u. l|'.:WL'VL'| . MIL` ICC \\'il.S IHICKCI`. Rumor couples the name of M. B. Tudhopc. K.C., Orlllla. with the st-n~ ior judgoship of Simcnc. left. vacant by tho death of Judge Donald Ross. --"l`hn hixr I\i(`HII`r\ nr Hm vnur "Tim WOMAN WANTS HOUSEWORK any kind. Apply Examiner Office. uu: uc-mu U1 uuugc uunauu noses. -Thc big picture of the your. "Thv V Big House," showing at the Cnpilni. Thursday. Frida_v. Saturday. Nolhinu too big can be said about this pi('tur:-. was i Cq1lii (`(1 in Division worv all ud- pm`Li(~s con- (:u1'm`ri. The Men's Club of Trinity (`hlll`(`ll are lmvlngr :1 socizll evening: tonight with .:Ao\'cx'ul reels of moving pit-luro.<. All the men of mo parlsll are ask:-d In be pro.-tent. -Wlm0pCc Bill 3005 Wvslo1'x1"-~ you'll go h_vsLcri('al! It's :1 rod:-0 nf mars! William I{ainv.x' in "Wny Om Went." sl1o\\'ing at. the Capitol. Nlnn-` day and Tllcsdny only next wvck. `.32: R.(`9'll\2ld '(rnrldon I`n`n nl Hun m-- l uuy uuu 1llL`.\UH_V Ulll) HCXI \\'(`C Rogixxald Goddcn` ]J1`(`,Sidl`(l` at 1 mm at both S_L`I`\'1(.`L`S in I`riu'l(y ( lust. Sunday. At. the (,`\'Ol1il1.', : Squadron Lcndm` G. E. Bm::kv~ (`.y~n fhn nm-" In .. .-..ui.... ouuuuluu Lt`.`il(H,'l` U. L. b1`()'JK(`.\' hilllll "Cx~o.<:~:mg; the Bar" to :1 setting (`mn- * posed by Mr. Goddvn. R. Millar. 'I`oronto, was fined $225 and costs: :\mountln;.r to $44 1111 :1 chzwgo of reckless drivimz. and $50 and costs l()tnl1ix1p.' $60. on :1 ('l1'.1rg<` Hf consunllng liquor illegally. when ho zmpenred in police court. .aturduy. An Innisfil` sub: \\'rits~x: Please find cnc1::s(~d (`,h(`(]Ll(` for my 1'cno\I.'u1 of the good old E.\'u.minm' for tho _v(~m- 1931. I would not want In __n1i.~'.s a copy of this p'.\pm' for I ulxmys look forwnrd each week to 1'uz1d`1m,~ it." T`hl< umnlr .Qnn:u~inInn,lnnc mu 1) .113. Percy Bin-ghnm has five i11u~1'-.~4li11p. war nleduls. three of tho l"`r:u1(-n-T rl1.~'- siam war. one of Boer War and (mu m the Afghanistzm (-:1xnpni;:n -at` 1842. The last. is very rare. 'I`lu~s<~ are xmw on Vi(`W in the window of The Ex:m1- lncr Office. W A Rnvc rzn u-in 1.mu.. m.-;r|...- I iKl.l\ .x......-,3 u|\.|\( .3. Nixon Hurst, has stwxxxwi liu tract fur re-cI9cor:ninr,:. pa; painting. clc.. of "VVnndI:md:~. forxnvr Pouchnn rt-.<'idon<'v on H -slmro east, of Barrio. H. F. Ritv '1`uront0. the new nwnm`, n nx-Innclun inn\...mw.....o.. a 1\v|UIllU. Illl` l1(`\`V n\\`n('r, IS H121 ':.\lonslve in1p1`0\'(`m(`nts H1(`1`L` and Hurst. and his mom will be kept for the rost. of mo winter. Inqlin M~Y.nnd u,-ac cnnnm,-ml appears proudly from any purse, scented with the fragrance that Virginia Valli says "makes ten years slip away."Convcrtiblcinm loose powder vanity if desired. K COMPACT that WA.NTEI)-A qxmntity of good cow hay. Apply Harvey Crim):;. Angus. 1-2; `. ncnuu ulnnlnlllll. uuu t zrompzminn, Hur- : 1x"nus: II hilt u-Uh Oh.` nu vL'Ul).',l' . Jl`1'HlllU \ about 1111- l:1.~l `st wovk in I-`vb- IIIIIXK iI|l' \\l)Il'." nos! !'m`(" - funmus xx ` inrnn '1!- UH` U} Rim-hip in vnubh l'L'f\. .3}. L the or- : churn h Awgcial Gathering Welcomes New Pastor Phnnc ' O 93111110 ea "L \ mm: 1.-u.n~n` muzuuyur .~.n1.r WANTED TO BUY-Hou.-`o or cottage in west end. Slam price and terms first letter. Box "M." Exmnincr Of- fice. 2]) I-IHIII nu ARMALADE"':`-A33? FEOUR Qorned Beef -ham \1(IIIllIl(`l'D III Q Vil I \l'HH'\\' pl \"(.I e umnu. qL\l.I'x\"" n.\ . I)()\H.\(l l\R\\D HIE FIULVI llFI.I) |Ul`F\'}'l| 'I'I).\l,\'l()ES /\.\'l) L'UOH`|'Z !\'l'I(F.5' one L\.\ml's --T.\.s1 \H\l'l'l n n -\I.l. 'Hl.\'l' A (.001) 1 M\YFl}'l ll 'l'H|\'l.\' l.l('lIl)_ MILD (THE Iumxn (`UT l~'l().\l SILl.'(.l`Ic'l) (.'.\.N'ADl.v\.\' ll! YOUNG MAN v.'anvts. may kind of work. Gnmrzc work nrofvrrcd. C-nod. careful drrlvor. C. Irwin. I2 Woralvy St. or phone 792.1. 2p pinacht WI2(L)TI0 the Buying P0 war 0 Your $1 . 00 T`}"<`TP1{IN Ly;-,:~E 2 IN I SHOE POLISH . /\.`xIER.IC AN BI .AU'1'Y SHRIMPS . . . . .. I":\.\ICY J A PANESE CRABMEAT ... N E W (T()()K}NG FIGS. A N.-'\Y. I` TONIC DRINK OVALTINE . . . . QNNOUNCEMENT! Commencing very shortly we are starting a New Rebate System of Coupons, to all Customers. We are requesting all customers holding our Green Coupons for Silverware to turn these in as soon as possible and receive their Silver- ware. CmIIin1u'.s' In -MINESING ' EDOUGLAS DRUG STORE "` wHERE QuALITY'"couNTs " T. ,-----_ r`r--.\ mj. (jg {.-- Ar--;.w -. .H!\.`N.lJ WUKIU Wl\N].R`.4lJ 101' 1J(ll.`l()I`n school. six cords of 22-inch grown wood. :~`.n.m(` to be at least half maple and uilod in Lhv wood .'~h(`d. T1-ndexs for wood will bx` ro(~oivod hi. the un- dersisznod until Jan. 15. 1931, John R. Wilson, RR. No. I, Bnrriv. 2b .A-I:x_1ual Meeting I L.:-__ I`___- VI ll|l' I\I|illH diam Nutinnzt quivtly 101:! '1 p:u hisLor_v ; :1 niln nf nu Ontario \'illngv, him ruilu-n n nnm... Brantforcglliiaj. Asst.-Supt. of .. Tin 35c 2 lbs. 19c 2 fol`: Tins Tin I .1! .'VII tlll\l Hl`l'llll|H)-', ll) LIIIK HUUlHv' `If. E. W. C:lm('1`lm. who took u\'-1" ul,i(-s nf :I.\'SiSl.lllL s.up-rmtt-11(h'nLI - /\lI:Ln(I:11v of thv `Cnn.'x-. Nul innql H-nlu-rum uni I 'v|I\II1)I'IY I FREE--E Brad!v .$ Barb@r.3h9v FOR SALE OR REN I`-~Six-mmnvd housr`. in vllhuzo of Baxter. Am)l_v Lu Mrs. J. Wnlkom. Baxter. Ont. 52-4p Barrie's Mo;t Up-to-date Barber Sh(:p 47 DUNLOP ST. 1;`;.'g-' 1`-`1'< 13:'1`:`. |`<>;1llchildrcn l1;1vi11`qll1cirl1;1ircnl :11 %1';1dlc_\-"S H:11`lwI`SI1<>p I'mm .l:m. 1.7.10 Jun. 17, il1L'IllSi\'L`, will be given :1 ( irzlh I)....- l.'l)I`l` --v-a 50c .\'n'LMF.R CHOICE QUALITY 3c 0 an )C GRAB BAGS FIVE `.'\-'.'1:"i'sB'i"~}i.:i{'L 7`u (lllltl plv to In l:Hll(lUI1. DUI]! UH` `Cumuliun vlh Jinn u-I... Duo In tho pres:-n1 wrv luv. urirr of (mu!-.Iu thvir fzurllitlm; fur Iluvlnu In \`n'.l quzunlilx Inns ruuins: dawn on rnsl. llw llmnlnlun .'IT(' plmwtl In hr :IhII- In pass on In the-Ir on an uulnuzunl ul ::< In inrr HANDY OR STAR MMONIA ` I-l|"\l3!\l5"Q HORNE'S LARGE TIN CUSTARD POWDER . .24c v ' ' 1. H.-\\"SIDP2-CHOI'L7Il`}("`r I` 2 PILARS sYm;1- `rm NIPPY OLD CHEESE ...... lb. SMA`RT'S SI ICED ` 1 ........No`2'rnq DOMINO TAPIOC- \ s`?FP 2 p`;;`%, I1'A\IT\V f\D QTAD is New Isuvrs z1:'sisL2lx1L .sup-I ovrn R(-gimx. : is I: On April 1. I930. 111' was to the B1':1m,[ diviseiou .h:u'dl_\' haul tinw to .<\vinL: `whvn Lhv Allzmtlulv nmm |.....,:.. .... SELECTED QUALITY R Bot. l\V() \( .-`ale. dun- ! Rann , for For lb. 4 Pkgs. 25c LARGE TIN One cent. a word. cash, each insertion. (minimum charge. 25c), rive insertions lot the price oi tour. 10c extra. when lhnrged; also we extra. when replies _In directed to The Examiner Omce. IJIHIIIIIIHH IVIUll'.`I pnlrnnc '1-aw mnsidu-r.'Ihly hi`: (I (III Wellington Hotel Block 1-LU. 9. : mos, -dc 14c 39c Page Klmi '1 ENDERS-I"or svvvn cords of wood will be rr\(-r*ivc(1 fur sclmol s(\cH0n No. 10 01-4 nn nniil Jun `)4 hv Rriflnn thv West- M0():~;L`jilW. Wlll l)(.` l'f`(`f`lV(`(`l I'M" S(`H()0l S(`C|l0Il ND. 19. Om, up until Jan. 24. by Brittnn Dunsmnro_ -Box 13, R.M.D.. B.'u`rir*,l Phone 901 rinn; 3. 2-31) HARD WOOD WANTED for D:1l.~(m`. unhnnl xiv rnrriu nl` ')`)-in:-h orrnnn IiCrE'i*6&k r6iisALE" Thursday. January 8, 1931 .i._.,- ?6 nunnnuuul IVIBLIIII5 ul AJI Union Cemetery NO 1`I(`E is horohv utvvn that (11 uuul Cvvxuw-.11 .\1-ctink `wt the holders uf the` Bm'riv~ Union (`N1 will be lu-Id in lhv 1`o`.1cc Chulnbcrs. Comer 9:. Barri: Mondzxy. Jun. 19. K931. at 8 p.n tho purpose of ro the n l`|`l!'J1`lS. for Ihv a\Im`rinn nf dir T>E6FEET176EE _ __ , ?, ROOMS AND BOARD PROPERTY LOST AND FOUN ADLET COLUMN m.-.~u'w mmzv. nu (`r)11\'(`j1lr".1 ' n Hnrdwnrv. Plmnv 1040. V--.-.. Vr\a`II-\r`\v- _, E is mwn (hm thv .-\n-, unor-.11 -at -S'n:m'-` Cmnv:te1'.\'3 ~ Court` `rs. S`... Barrio. on '. Jan. p.m.. for? fposc the nnmm!` for tho clvction of directors 'h business as may come, `he inclurfuw """" 3 c.\mc':s of 13:2` area mm-,.~ Tai:_LFCv7T}=.B` VRTT rnl.~h<~d rmm in xvurm . Cvnlml. Apply 58 Clap- ~ 21) FOR SALE R5 ncrvs Iimbcr. consist- mg of nnmk`. l)a::.~a\\'vvd. h(`l111()(`k and codar: two miles frnm milmnd. Ono saw mill (`mm)I-l(~. Sloirzm. \\`:1<;nn:. lmr. No. Apply Bnx Examiner Offlro. `)n Uml.~\u COWS rm` and H .\m\L\` C? P0, or vhono Eh) ` NASH. Prrsirlent._ . NESS. Secret~.`Ar_v.. 'mu.vu-um 1' In M. phtmr` 769W. 2;) TO LET `nd rimz. i-`index nvr Offlrp whvrt ?\4\ nv-v-unurrl `)1- \. \\'1l`.`.l)l]:< ` 2;) _ ,.,.n1 2-3p f'f`I\ 2p mum. I01` sun`. quau`t_cr 0;: lot. In thr I`m\'ns11 infnrnl-II inn 1.. I50-ACRE I"AR..\`l` `FOR. SALE or ` Wrllv Bm`l`i:- P.O.. Box 374. I l PAIR OF` CURLIN-G STONES. in gznoci conditlonz will sell cllvap. l26 Em"-` field SL. phone 380M. `2-4pi run. ob!\hE.'-b'l(1t`l)()8l`(1. huh! oak ish. good as now. Als;> baby : Phone 589 or apply 15 Burton Aw FOR `SALE-Dr_\' pine mils. out 1 incho.-4 Iona. $5110 :1 card (II`12\'(`l`."1 Apply 22 Smnp.~;on SI.. 2 |)1m:ks vast . market. 2 FOR SA:LE--I Gx'v(`\' 13-1 1112 custmn ::rain u1'inxi:~1 elevators. bolts. m-:u'l_v now Reason for sollin-,3, sivk Hugrhvs. N('\\`mn Rmbinsm SEASONS (`-REE? INC-S In E. Cm well frmn G. E. M. Like in we ,\' stunt 'I`nrnntn rlrirllmuu L ifEAl3.lYL ASA!-E nnnnnnln - \IuI IJLHQA 50 ACRES 01" (E001) 1../\NI)_ 111`): lnzum fur ~;:I.\ ho-inn (`In 'u.u'!|\_u GOOD CU'I"I'ER. FOR S/\I4E---'I`<`1'ms szivcn if desired. Apply to Exmnim-1` Office. 2p FOR. SA'LE-~Ba"m cuttm`. with d\)(1l'fV. mod as new. Apply box Examin- or Office. 21) BOY'S HOCKEY BOOTS FOR SALE. about. size 5. Am)l_v 141 Dunlap S1. 01' phone 938W. 2p 'I`HREE-R:OOM A PARTMEN'1` In 1:-I. Annlv I7 "Run/< S! mum. mow -m ELECTRIC WASHER. re-i in rrnnd r~nnditinn (`Jwnn n.'un;unuu W1\'b'HL'JK., rc- In good cnnditkm. Cheap Tclephoxm 122. FOR. SAhE-Cut(or. with dmn-5. most new. Apply Wm, Ab-bull. Dundnnnld S1 'Rnrrin FOR SALE-CuL 1'1mvor.~. : zmdl wreaths. Prices n1ndm~:uv, 'Rm11dn-rfvll FOR SALE-Sidvlma1`d. liuhl ish. Qd us nmr Altw hql STOVE WOOD I-`OR SALEv-l2 inch] lcngrlh. mostly pin:-. $8 a load. flnm" cul-. $5 :1 load. 'I`lmn1a.~; Reilly. plmnvl 612 ring 3, RR. `.2, B:n`rlI'. 2b; FOR SALE--H\l1d-n11l(i(` .\1:`ie,l1.s_ 3- inch and 2 1-:2-inch runnvrs. spring 510?}: also wheel b;n'm\\ .< nnd '1x:'t hzmdlos. Apply to A. J. M<*A1'1hm'. Ed-{ Km`. 21-41) I Dl\Vl1a I"LH.LLr**U'. and d 406 1126!. ELECTRICAL WORK -- I3:N x'v.:)airS to all .~'tn\'n-5. wulvr hm Prirvu I l`1lK.\l\'.ll\]|I Wxvinu-ah-.. r QUEBEC HEATER FOR SAI..E-'I`L`ll`- phone 664. 2;) LOS'I`-~-I.ud.v`.< dizmuz plum` Imvv ut Exznni sunablv r(-\\'urd` "111 I owunnr.` nvmm rmvmw rumu. n:u'u- l_v used. A snap at, $25.00. 'I`clophon(,~ 122. 2b run D!\Lma-`UllL xm\vor.~. anal n1ndm'aU`. Bouldn-rful Greenhouse. Phone 83:3. 21) , I ELEC'I`R.1`C WASHER. re-built and in stood condition. $25. 'I'c1cph(me 1'22. 2b ELECTRIC RANGE-rc-wired and flew plates. $45.00. Telephone 122. 2b SQUARE HEINTZNLAN PIANO. hurd- lv nsnd A ,-annn at. 3:25 nn 'I`\lnnhnm~ FOR. S ITR.1'C'I LY NEW LAID phone 739.}. Will deliver. H. Oma- wav. 52-41) .~-v.-- \'.-\,... .4. u... OP` VALUABLE I"AI{M [`ll(TI IL`R'l`Y r.5-:1) B:u` W. A. :\H`C()NKE\'. Au SILVER ARROW TAXI SERVICE. I0 Lll1lIII- I..|J Jll\lLlLl NEXT TO DRE.~\.\IL;\ND DAY `. .5t` S(`r\'i\`c .\'lC-HT ERR \.'T("Ff hF1Y.TY\'F` LOST --All blnvk fvmalv Pmnz-r;mi'rm. "'1`in\"' \ nhmblv pvt. Finder kindly notify 38 flu-wk .xtru~r-L or phone 1089 Rmvard. 13p ..__.::_.____._.________ lI.'Il l` Bl'I'\'Il'l' .`l[llI1 SERVICE DELUXE A SILVER ARROW ONCE A SILVER .-\R.RO\V AL\\'AYS BRUCE WILSON. Prop. \VE USE CARE. COURTESY AND co.\moN SENSE Q-----------------) Phone 44 16 BAYFIELD STREET ,\:L`\"1` 'T`:\ Y\I?I.`.\\lY \x-n "MORT"AEE VSALF: MORTGAGE SALE jlTSEE 1 slow .on2Lh1v. n all \ m 01% 76!: SALE r-built and at $33.00. ')l\ . b:1Il-|Jt`:I1'- linn ch-wfr :1.) | 21) WOMAN WANTS VVORK by day. Exporlmxcod. Applv Mrs. Grant. 1266 Ellmboth St 2;) l U1 2p ' `.`>b W. A. IVICCONKEY. Auctio- \`ll'CAl .`UIll.\'. SALE AT 1 P..\L A. Kidd. CZ:`1'k.; E.H; LLc""`,`Ef},.?."li`6,"iassa THURSDAY, JAN. 15 'X`HL` Luv 1 :\u'1\u -, "rho Worshipful Master r0quc:s(s 1hv| |b1'z-thrml of the Masonic Lod*;:v.s' uf ; Barrie (.0 nssexnblo at. the residence of i Bm. W. A. Lowe. 266 Elizabeth St.. at :1.30 1).m.. Friday. Jan. 9. to attend I mo funeral of our late brother. II. B. . McAu1C-)-'. Intornlent at Barrie Union I Ccxnetmw. H I '1'wiv<< I `.\/I P .1 Rn!-nH RN"\` BRICK HOUSE TO RENT. $20.00. IAR.M.S FOR SALE OR. R/ENT. SOME NICE HOUSES FOR SALE. FARM WANTED 'I`O RENT. ROBT. `Ii: I`;`lJI`l:I:i3ROOK; The school rc-opened on Tuesday. Jan. 6 with Miss M. jchryslcr of Sea- bright as teacher. Ivnn Rlrmcnr I: .-nnnrlinn n Tnuy rlunl: THE ANNUAL MEETING of the Orn .An-vhnunnu-nl Qnnnu- u-ill hn 11:11:! in lr1K`_: !\|VNU!\h l\ ll14E;11|VLl Ul Hll,` KJIII Ap;ri<'ul(ural =Socim_y will be held in llw 'I`u\\`n Hall. Om. on Friday. Jun- uury 16. at. 1.30. Dirvctnrs will meet ALL l o'clock. Irwin McMahon, S(`(`l`(`- l;n'_\': W. 1. Clark, President. `lb PASTURE F/\`R1\1 FOR SALE---37 norm. On vast hnlf Int 18. Con. 2. Om. mmlv to Wm. Bovlbv. mu, 1. Bn1'x'1o. pl