--- -.__- - v-._-.__, Two different properties here chang- M hands recently. Herb. speak has bought the house meantime occupied by Oscar Rowe and owned by Mrs. John Switzer 0! California. Oscar Home has bought Herb. Matthews bouse on John St. second morning with virtually the loss on only one business day; Trnnvnva amvuima hatwnan Tnrnntn In onxy one uubuuaa uuy. Improved service between Toronto A N N D U N El N DDIJEE BROTHERS Superlative performance-incomparable va|ue-traditiona| dependabi|ity-comtort, beauty and style of an entirely new order--you are assured of these in the new Dodge Six and the new Dodge Eight in generous measure. Worthy additions to the present notable Dodge Six and Dodge Senior, these latest achievements make the current lines of Dodge Brothers cars the most oomprehensive from every standpoint, ever offered by Dodge Brothers. UPHDLDINE EVERY TRADITION OF DODGE DE-PE-NDABILITY THE_'__VCANAD|AN-BUILT DODGE FOR CANADIANS Corner Bayeld and 123;? Sts. Livingston Bros. Ltd. DDD 5 EN SATI D NAL IN VALU 5 BY and Ottawa and Toronto and Quebec City will also be provided in the new schedules. AMAZING LY LOW PRICE- AND W. L. Brennan Automotive Electric Service BAYFIELD STREET, BARRIE -4 The Latest Prices on Exide Car Batteries BATTERIES TYPE PRICE c1irton-3-gL-1; ._. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $8.25 .-.. A-Au.-n . ` I .. A-_p.;. Apr. 7--Mr. and Mrs. John Bethune: _ arrived home on Monday after spend- ! ing the winter in Florida. -..__ as-u..- 1-:r\_....1..... ........+ thy. u-nnb- Aanb vonv --.....-- --_ __-____- Miss Ollva. Wheeler spent the week- 9 end with her cousin, Miss Evelyn ' i Wheeler, Collingwood. [ l"'I__.__.L._ -.:..:L...1 I 71 Anyways, -v..... . . V V .. ' I Herb. Blakely of Toronto visited ~ his parents last week. 1 `Ink-\ 'M'n`|\ne and farnnv nf (`.l'\1H`l1D'- ms parents may wccn. ` John Nobes and family of Colling-1 I wood moved to town last week. ] p, ,,_:1_. Illa new Durant 6-`I4 De Luxe sedan, 9, new medium-prlce cylinder Durant product. This new automobile, In ue various models. made a eeneotlouul lmpreeelon upon the t dealer organization at the recent Annual Cen- mutton held in Toronto. The Du:-out 6-14 to now on display In the showrooms of Harold lllll. local Durant dealer. vvvu. ...v-..- V- - Mrs. Norman Matthews and family J. F. CRAIG 8: SONS i_i<{Ui`KNcE 5pj0MoB1LE ow1~{E13_z ..- rxvurnnurxrs rv-,\ , A. F. A. MALCOMSON ' I-8-\lnv st - vvnvx--u ISN'T IT `BE -F'TI?--T?) PAY T1715 PREMIUM YOU u/xurxunr _,, hz_I I !_l_!I!;!-- 1].. r`_...._L l`..1!__-..L.. )1` I ll LIA`! ILvI\ I\/ I III A 1:54 I l\l.4lIIl\./[VI imow Than Risk Liabilities You Cannot Estimate. on ox` 2:1` RIQHIIIQ I1vII$IIt\I VII` IQIIII II` A Q ......; \lI ,....-..- ......., .... ..... ,............... .. ..... ALL RISKS POLICY INSURANCE OF ALL KINDS in Reliable Companies Up-Town Ticket Office Canadian National Railway: Illl.` DDDDECEKIT Al I CTITAIJCLIID I [MFG row ----u v--vw----"- now- --1 Write or pfaone today for full part-i::ulars ofnour A I I I'IIC`|IIV Y\I'\I IIWII CARHARTTS QVERALLS When you need new energy, when you are hot and mouth is dry-pep up with Wriglev/'s-it lnoluem mouth and throat. 'IIJV'II Ilia-CI \IIIIIrC \.rI.IlGIJ.Ill l`IlI.l\lII-RI IIIIIIVVI WE REPRESENT ALL STEAMSHIP LINES STAYNER Phone 291 - BARRIE AGENTS FOR x ! Mr. and Mrs. S. Henson and daugh- iter Adeline are visiting friends at E1- 1 I mira and other points. * Mrs. Holdbrook died very on Sunday moming, April lsympathy goes out to the 1 friends. iof Collingwood spent the week-end 36 ` John Matthews`. | Mrs. Kell has returned home to i Holly after a couple of weeks with her _daughter, Mrs. P. Glenn. I Thunday, Apri-I 10, 1930 The increased ow of saliva feeds new strength to the blood, you can do more - you feel `unions __-j `ll Dink) It Phnml suddenly 6. Much AV} MOI bereaved Ngw _LO_VVE[.._l: Yunoantnd llnnblni nn nnnnnlnn in IDII ?.::c: ujj it: 2 1 Zj--: twj Illlutraud booklet on application to Dan Sinclair Laird. Macdonald Couou P.0.. 0:50.. or Any Canadian Pacic Agent. or WI. Futon. Jul. General Passenger Agent, Tonomo. ONI. Leaves I Leaves` .enJoya.b1e evening was spent. A euchre and dance, under the aus- pices of the Orange Lodge, was held here in the Town Hall on April 1st,! Quite a number attended and a. most Juan- uwv-.......a_ -r._..A.lL..a... .....L -J- 41.... From _ From v-~--~ :------ ...-.-.. -.. ..,, ....... .. You will travel by rail. steamer and motor through Canada's industrial and agricultural regi_ons. . . through the Rockies with thexr crowning Jewels, Dana` I nlcn ' 1:41:15:-n anal, nosanan ' llb lKlTUUgH ll: IXUCKICB Wllll llltll CIUWIIIIIS JCWCID. Ban, Lake Louise and Emerald Lake tn \/nnnnnunr and \/{pt-Ar}: ulnar hv nne hiqhwav Ulllwp DUKE LUUIJC UIGU DIIICIUIU 'uuno . . . to Vancouver and Victoria. . . . west by one highway . . . east by another . .. Over Canada's Scenic Route Dean Sinclair Laird s Seventh Annual All Expense Tour The New Durant 6-14 De Luxe Sedan MONTREAL " TORONTO n1oNTREXf. . TORONTO (NI... And.-I Other points quoted on applimlion Apr. I.'.eugh.1in spent a Jew days last week in Barrie with her mother. Mrs. Markle. _ ;.nn-,, ., ,,_ L]-_ u_,__, ,u_.,,-, - :11! Expense Raty DA! BJLIUJULI IGDI. |J|lUIIl/lI- This community was sorry to hear of the death of Miss Flossie Mccuatg. who died in a Tononto Hospital where she was training for a nurse. Her re- mains were laid to rest in Knox ceme- tery Monday afternoon. Much sym- pathy is felt for the bereaved relatives. Iicn Tiln (`.1-n1nnrn In kl-wag fvnvm Apr. 8-The Sacrament of he Lord's Supper was observed in St. Andrew's Church last Sabbath. '1"Ia{e- I-|I\rv\v\-\11uqaI vwvnn 1-Aunt: on Inna`: uu: uuayum. uuu .ua uxuug uuc. Miss Katie McArthur returned home from Cleveland where she spent six months with friends. `Ilia-n rinnanknli at Dnuuln nu.-u..& ilnn I \VbCl\'C$lLl VVIWJI IVJLDD u.a.5a,Lc|. JJI:llu Mrs. George Leigh of Hawkestone visited her daughter, Mrs. George Shellswell. 11-- 131..-... ....{....s .. :..... 4...... 4.. rm. KJJACII-DWCAJ. Mac Elson spent a few days in To- ronto and Hamilton. `Kl:-n ITIAILI. 1514.`... I.-- ..-&--..-.\.I Inga..- LUHLU uuu Bdllllllull. Miss Edith Elson has returned home to Thornton after two weeks with her aunt, Mrs. Mac Elson. - Mn... truaau. n.......c...._a ....;.........A 1...... uuy, LVLIB. JVLKIU ll\-H19 fl Miss Edith Crawford returned home after a month in Toronto with her` sister, Mrs. Davis, and other friends. lms `Inn 'Il'nAu6\anuu- A-A Anny:-Iainu DADLCI, JVJJD. I-JGVIB, GIN-I ULIICL Llnllillllo Mrs. Jas. McArthur and daughter Annie spent a day with her sister, Mrs. 'I'h_omson, in Orillia. Oro Station Women's Institute The April meeting or the Women's' Institute and F`armer s Club was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Crawford on Thursday evening last with a very good attendance consider- ing the poor weather and condition of the roads. The roll call was answered by an exchange of ower slipsand those who had no slips brought ower seeds or bulbs. The names were taken of "those who intended entering the Girls Junior Fair and who wanted onnnla our -u v.. v---. w.- `Wes. Mumberson. is improving but not as rapidly as his many friends would like to see. QIGULAJ AD LCLL LU) UIIC IICJVGVCU LFlH|vlVCu Miss Lillie Graham is home from the hospital and is doing fine. `Alice Ynfin '!\nAv-fhnv v-nfnrnn hnmn AILUIJLLLD \VAln\L $IlC11\-CD. Miss Campbell of Barrie spent the lxveek-end with Miss Margaret Bell. I Mr: flnnra-n Taiah nf` `I-Tauwlrncfnna DZCUD. It was decided to hold a social ev- ening in the near future, to take the 1 form of a crokinole and checker party. a prize to be given. 1/fr: Q (7 `Inna: in hnlrna an nffnr- u, yum: LU uc gxvcu. Mrs. S. V. Jones is holding an after-I noon tea on Thursday afternoon. the] members to take patches to make quilt. = An infnvncvaa nannr um: a-{van hu qquu. ' An interesting paper was given by Mrs. Thos. Luck on "I-Iousecleaning Hints." Mrs. V. Ross gave a reading and the accordion and violin music rendered by Messrs. Crawford and scobbie was enjoyed by all. A (".ovu-in Fnnfacf me 1-nah! aid rnnnu - a lunch was served by the hostess. uuuwvtc waa CuJU_ycu lay an. _ A Candy Contest was held and many varieties were displayed. The candy was so tastefully displayed that it was dif- cuit to judge. The prize was given to Miss Ella Day for Divinity Fudge. The men joined the ladies for the treat and run. ._._-L:,,, 4 __-1 Mitzle Greene, 9, was granted legal authority to sign her own movie con- tract and is said to be the youngest [actress to sign a contract in her own name. The next -meeting is the annual M meeting to be held at the home of Mrs. J. W. Walker. A prize is being given by Miss Helen Ross for the best idea for a house dress. . JULY 20-22 Days . JULY 21-21 Days Z930` STATION -w-,v,..~-v -.v----- .. `_-___ The Women's Institute met at the home of Mrs. J. R. Conn on the 3rd inst. There was a good attendance. A lunch was served at the close of the meeting by Mrs. Jas. Martin and Mrs. 1-I. Corbett. , gun--- -_____ -...I :1..- r~-_:x..l..I $371.00 $340.00 Apr. 8-The roads in this vicinity are very bad and it looks as though they will be worse. ' Miss Maude Ford of Toronto spent the week-end with her parents here. ..;4,__ _._.. ...u.\. 1-1.-nae MAE WEVls'Cuu VVIUAA gnu: ya.`-..--. -.--_. Miss Jessie Bishop was with friends in Toronto over Sunday. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. .1-Iancock on the arrival or a. son. I ~---4~. -.._----:..1 ....1;. VAL Iallb awn.-vun \dQ - ....... Wm. Cole had a very successful sale last Wednesday. Everything sold well Mr. and Mrs. Cole are busy moving to town this week. They are going to run the grocery store on Bradford street at the comer of John street. A11 wish them success. 11.. .....a -mt... :`rAT\nh nf Prhmnfn mem SUCCESS. Mr. and Mrs. French of Toronto spent the week-end at George Young's. Mr: man mmmhlpv and famllv are spent. E118 ween-euu nu ucvxgc swung a. Mrs. Neil Cloughley and family visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Elrick. n... 1:s..a.:.... ........x.... An.-n A a larch HDDEFD Jmncxs. On Friday evening, April 4, a. large number of the people gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Harris and presented their son Elgln and his wife with a miscellaneous shower. They received many useful and beau- tiful gifts. After the gifts had been duly admired `all sang For They are Jolly Good Fellows. Then a. dainty lunch was served. nu-.. 1.7-1; 1...... ...-.+...wmA knrnn on `Dav- 11.111011 WES bcrvcu. - Mr. Holt has returned home to Bax- ter after a week with his sister, Mrs. Charles Degear. I 'l .'l nw\ 1'11"` in hunt) fhncn (lav: mnvina 1 u.ua.nr::s ucgrcu . Ham. Orr is busy these days moving to his farm which he has rented from Wm. Cole. ` .-. nuucwiln The monthly meeting of the Grenfel U.F.0. club was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Young, with a. large attendance of members including new `ones. After the business was over the evening was spent` in cards and con- tests. The next meeting is to be held on May 6 at Mr. and Mrs. Fred Harris . At the close the presentation of a ,handsome clock was made to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cole before their moving to Barrie. This was accompanied by an address which referred in a.pprecie.tive terms to Mr. and Mrs. Cole and their work in the community. Mrs. Thos. Rowe and Mrs. Garfield Paddlson attended the Ladies` Aid meeting at Angus on Tuesday, the 1st Inn? WCWIS Wlhll Us BCVCLI: UVIH Edward Bonette of Toronto has been visiting at Harry Allen's for two weeks. Colds are quite prevalent in this vicinity. ilnannh huumnn:-I hoe wahn-nu-I hnmn VJUIILI U 1 Joseph Dumond has returned home after completing operations at Pow- ers Brldge, near Wasaga Beach. Report of Brentwood Public School , -_ __-__ .__ -.__1-_. -1 ....._u. D-.. Apr. 8-Co1d weather has again In- vaded this district. ' 1-`... 71....-- 1...... 1...-.. In this Ov`11l\lI\ VIUCU DIME ulb1'1UU. John Hogan has been in this village` this week, renewing old acqu'a1ntance.l `Rh-n Tawnon Tuvnnvu-I 111439 !3nI:`hAH F1115 WCCK, rcnewxng mu HCQUHJHUGHUC-` Miss Teresa Dumond was detained from Collegiate for a. few days last` week with a. severe cold. ` YEA-.-_.l BA.-.nLJ-A A5 'TVAuA-\.I-A `LBS `Kan!-\ ucuu xvcuuuuzu, vv llllllvlll 1vL\.aVqua:_y. SR. III-L1111an (Homer, Genvieve .Desja.rd1ne*, Roger Desjardine*, Louis Readman. run 777 111-1-n..l- 13.-IA |fVvu\{p9 Ila, _--r--- V- -__-_-.._-.. ..._.____ -__-_- Names appear in order of merit for month of March. Asterisk denotes per- | Iect attendance. ' 1! mnnn `Elm-vuu-4 w'1m~.`Z.-tin lf'\ru-In JCUIJ HUUCIIUULIUC. ` `V Class--Ernest Com'a.rtln. Doris Falconer. SR. IV-Ms.rgaret McCarthy. JR. IV-Lenore Comartln, Hazel Al- ` len, Jennie Allen, AKat/hleen Corbett, ` Jean Readman, William McQu9Ly. an 1'11 T'11`nv| fL`I'.nrv\nv rzanninnn tuc LIIKWKXLLIB LIIOQJIC D`yl|-I1-In _ Mrs. F. Wallace of Aurora spent a few days with her daughter, Mrs. 0. Todd. 11.. .......1 `Mr... "lYniu\nnCI\vu DA-dun-\ nu;-I DXIUIJ ' , J.` 1 H.115 uuxucu uu ' . SR. `.II-Jack McCarthy, Dorothy McCarthy, Myrtle Horner"', Harvey Stalnton. SR. I-E1sie stacey*. Helen Mc- Bride, Kenneth` McGi1livray, Fran}; McCarthy*.' JR. I-Mary Comartin. Bessie Der- by, George Stainton, Wilfred "I-Iorner"'. SR. PR.-Teresa Winters, John Cor- bett, Ila Derby. `ND D13_.__`lun1r A1'lor\* \XH'H rnH 1'a_ mu. Quite a number attended the .-wedding of Mr. Donald Thomson and Miss Cora. Rawn which took place at the home of the bridegroom on April 2. Rev. J. R. Conn officiated. A dance I511 Anvn Apr. 8--Qulte a number around here are making maple syrup. `Mfr: W '\XTo11,oma n? Au!-nra nnnnf n LUUU. Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Relve and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Reive visited friends here on Saturday. `I/fr: J `I?! T-Tndncnn cnmnf H14: 1:794:18. I711 111 IDVKIJUCI. Mrs. Wright is spending a few weeks in Alllston with firends. 13:: Y Iln`-`nun 4504A`-untl BvInr_~F\vvnsII7 pucw, uh. ucxuy. ' JR. PR.--Jack A11an*. Wilfred Sta- cey. Joseph Truen, Joseph McCarthy and George McGil1ivmy (equal). 17`!'1\1'h1:|\Yv1` 1 1\'m"\f\`!\TA`l\T fnunhcv $lIUHuD JJCLC Ull uuuuxuuy. Mrs. J. E. Hodgson spent the week- end in Stayner. `Alva `Rh-in-hf in cnnntna a fnm monk: uu Lucauuy. _ On Saturday afternoon the home of Mr. and `Mrs. Lorne Matchett was totally destroyed by re with most of its contents. The family were all a.- way from the morning and the cause is unknown. NIL... 1-.....x.... 'r....HL..&- and n&- Han svcuuuaau. JR. III--V1ctoria Budd, Craig Mc- Br1de*, Frank Comart.in*. 1..-`. mlrnri.-...o`L\u `I'M-u-A4-1n $11 ILILIGLUII WILII .lLlCL|\JDu Rev. J. McEwen attended Presbytery on Tuesday. n Rnhn-(lav affnv-nnn `rho hnrnn Af 15 UIIRSIIUWII. The Junior Institute met at the home of Mrs. Robt. Bayes on Thursday evening. "I"!-In van-n1ov vnnnfihn hf +hn Y A nf CVVHLIIE. The regular meeting of the W. A. of St. Peter s Church was held at the home of Mrs. W. B. Sloan. nu..- e...........1 ...-.....x.... .8 um` Inn. 111.1- Many consider the gold throne found `in the tomb of King Tut-Ankh-Amen to be the most beautiful piece of fur- niture ever made. HULHC U1 JNLZD. VV. .2). Dlulbu. The funeral service of the late Wal- ter Ralston was held in the United church on Saturday afternoon, Revs. McEwen and Pickering taking part in the service. Interment was made in the 6th line _cemetery. Mrs. Raiston and family have the sympathy of the community in their bereavement. A new boxing glove is inated with air instead of padding. LXCUJ. EC JVLVLXIIJIVLG/J xcqucu} a VINCENT J. NOONAN, teacher 1331`-:1~41'%v_voo1) CHURCHILL Grenfel U.F.0. SAVE Busmass nouns BY SPEEDIER TRAINS 1 International Limited Train Montreal- Toronto-Chicago Effects Striking Time Economy with New Schedule Commencing on April 2'7, the Inter- national Limited, which has been in service every day of the year since 1900, will leave Montreal at 3.00 p.m. and arrive at Toronto at 9.00 p.m. It will leave Toronto at 9.10 p.m., reach- ing Chicago at 8.15 the following morning. The previous running time of this train between Montreal and Toronto was seven hours and forty minutes. which will be reduced to six hours, with a running time, Montreal to Chicago of eighteen hours, fteen minutes, as compared with twenty-two. hours and twenty-ve minutes under the older schedue. Montreal, April 8-Saving one hour and forty minutes for the business man travelling between Montreal and Toronto, and four hours and ten min- utes between Montreal and Chicago. the International Limited of the Can- adian Na;.g.1a1 Railways will operate on a. new fast schedule, commencing April 27, and will be the fastest train in the world over a like distance. "The new schedules, which go into eect on Sunday, April 27, will be the best yet provided for the public bet\veen Mont- real, Toronto, Chicago and Detroit," said.R. L. Burnap, Traffic Vice~Presi- dent of the Canadian National S_Vstln! in announcing the fast service. "`i.-xtsei have been made possible by the pro\'i-` sion, during the past few years, of powerful locomotives, new steel pas- senger cars, and. a roadbed of the highest standard." n~_._._..._..x_._ ._ A..__'I nn u_,l `f.-L.... la SWV. 0. followed. -..-v vnunva -u..~...... -. Eastbound from Toronto there will be a similar fast afternoon train, leav- ing Toronto at 4.00 p.m. and arriving in Montreal at 10.00 p.m. This will also provide fast service for passen- gers from `Chicago. Buffalo and De- trolt to Montreal. Passengers from De- troit will leave that city at 8.30 a.m.. travellers from Buffalo will leave at 11.50 am. and those `from Chicago at 11.50 p.m. an-u.._x_____ .x..;_..-_;_ \___._ _...__.I Business interests have urged upon the Canadian National the necessity for fast afternoon trains connecting Montreal and Toronto," Mr. Burnap stated. With this service effective. the business man will be able to spend almost the entire day at his desk and reach his destination the same night. There will also be fast trains leaving in the morning and excellent services for those who prefer to travel at night. The new schedules provide two trains a day ineach direct ion between Mont- real, Toronto and Chicago, in addition to The International Limited. The morning train, The Maple Leaf, will leave Montreal at 9.30 a.m. and reach Toronto at 5.10 p.m. and `running via Hamilton, readh Chicago early next vnrnwulnnn IA min}-if ifrain hnhnpnn IIHIILIIUUII, IVCEUII \.l1l1UU:5U caxny AACAV morning. The night train between Rlnnh-on! Whrnnfn and hinnan will 11101111113. 1118 Iugnu uruui Ucuwccu Montreal, Toronto and Chicago will continue to leave at 11 o'clock and will be known in future as The Inter-City Limited. It will arrive at Toronto at 7.30 am. and Chicago at 8.45 pm. A new service will be provided be- tween Montreal and Detroit, leaving Montreal on the International Limit- ed at 3.00 p.m. and arriving at Wi.n_d- sor and Detroit early the next mom- ing. There will be in all three trains a day between Montreal and Detroit and three trains between Montreal and Buffalo." ....... ............ I With the new schedules many new connections are made, giving the pub- lic -over a. widespread area improved facilities for travel. It will be pos-. sible to leave Montreal on the Inter- national Limited at 3.00 p.m. and join The confederation at Toronto that night, reach Winnipeg early on the Bodies of the Dodge Eight-in-Line reflect the subtle, long, low lines of modern body construction as ex- in the Four-Door Sedan shown at the upper left. The simplicity of design of the new Six is il- lustrated by the Four-Door Sedan at the right center. In the oval at the upper right is shown the man- terful radiator and emblem design of the Eight-in-Line. The wider radiator shell and bowl-type head- lamps of the new Six are shown at the left center. Immediately below is the smart-looking Eight Convertible Coupe. Beauty and utility are combined in the new Six Business Coupe at the lower right. The Ilnertneee and dash of the new Six Roadster are shown at the lower left. New Six and Eight F eatuie Dodge Announcemeni Gaston StVeve'n_son. Agent, Battle