One cent a word. cash, each insertion. (minimum charge, 25c), ve insertions tor the price of four. 10c extra when charged; also 10c extra when replies ere directed to The Examiner Office. ter. 3.110. J.V].1 bridge. A HaI}_':'.y"1'~i$'Yea Wm. Patterson, Mgr. eavavv&vea&v We will be gathering it on Monday, Dec. 30, on the streets on which hand `bills are distribut- ed. _ 1-`pugs; Bowling as Usual CARDS 01-` THANKS nu-: Manna nowune AOAIIEMY wishes all patrons _ and f|'.i?nd8` I 1 OPEN Al..L DAY NEW YEAR'S ---._.._ IN MEMORIAM FOR SALE--One set light sleighs. Ap- ply Fisher Flour Mills. 52p WASTE % PAPER lst TROOP BARRIE BOY SCOUTS ` MARRIED ORN DIED only eight pages this week. Municipal nominations in the town- ships, except Sunnidale, next, Monday. Miss Jean Goodfellow, when bobog- ganing with some other teachers, on Saturday morning, had one leg broken at the knee. ' ` A- -2.. Vhn nnel-Ann bf #11:: nnnvufu {nil Eb um nucc. As is the custom at the county jail, at special dinner was served to the pris- oners on Christmas Day. This prac- tice is followed in all jails of the pro- Vince. n-11.-.... ....... .. -yawn `knnnu Hivn ..+ I VLLLUC. There was a very happy time at the Children's Shelter on Christmas Eve when Santa. arrived and made happy the hearts of the kiddies by numerous gifts. `rkn Tuivuinh nnorfmnnf n`F E! An. u uuxcx Ulla Eu. ha. 'The Junior Department of St. An- drew s Sunday `School received a plea.- san}: surprise last Sunday when they found a. ne new piano awaiting them, the gift of an anonymous donor. PM-m run-cnc and hmmn staff nf than FOR SALE4-A pair of curling stones in good condition. Apply 126 Bayfield Sf. nr nhnne 380W. 51-55]) U13 gnu UL nu. u.uuu_yu:uua uuxxux. The nurses and house staff of the Royal Victoria. Hospital made a very jolly family party at the nurses resi- dence, Monday night, and enjoyed the Christmas tree and other festivities. ` rr|I_....- ...-..:l..l-n Fwnsvu ovnn `llnrrin-n Ul11`.Lau.|1'aa u. cc nuu u uuu. Lynn; v . I/Ava. Three cadets from Camp Borden appeared before the police magistrate, Saturday, and paid fines of $10 and costs for being intoxicated. They were picked up by the Chief on Elizabeth C! St. Barrie Post of the Canadian Le`gion will hold `its last meeting for the year in the armouries on Monday night. A full attendance is requested by. the of- cers as unnished.` business must be attended to. ' 1r.. ....~9a 1lIrou~ A Dnriicnh TU|'r onrl 3. BDFIIQCU DU. Mr. arid Mrs. A. Paddison, Mr. and Mrs. D. Paddison, `Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Dates, Mr. and Mrs. F. Goring were in S:-ayner on Monday attending Lhe fun- eral of their uncle, the late C. Paddi- son of `sunnidale. _._f".anni11n'c `I .m-In: Nnmhpr Cnnfpstl 01 `bunnxaaxe. . --Canci11a's Lucky Number Contest `--1st number, 1502; 2nd, 1046; 3rd, '1611: 4th, 1534. Call for y-our prizes and we'll be glad to give them to you. Wishing all a, happy New Year. Phone 130.-Centra1 Fruit Market. 52b Thieves broke into the skating rink on Saturday night and stole a quan- tity of gum and candy from the booth. Nearly every winter something of this kind occurs as it is hard to protect the property after it is closed at night. my... nnrnoc nf-` Incnnh Wparina T((`. 1 uu: yxupcn. u_y axvcx All my unuuuu um gubum. H The names of Joseph Wearing, K.C., ' city solicitor of Peterboro, and Donald Grant, K.C., of Huntsville, are men- tioned in connection with the vacant judgeship in this county. Mr. Wearing is an Oro old boy and is a very active citizen of his adopted city. There was issued: this week by the Executive of the Barrie Presbyterial Women's Missionary Society, a neat little publication called The Presby- terial News. It consists of a dozen pages dealing with the work of the presbyterial and its several auxiliaries. hgu tnhinann has numhased from presoytenfcu auu Huh bcvcuu aunuuzuuza. Chas. Robinson has purchased from Mrs. L. I. Vair the block in which the Dominion Stores are located. The lease of Dominion Stores does not ex- pire until 1931. When Mr. Robinson gets possession he purposes occupying it and will run his business partly as a. hard-wareteria." 15 `II! rrimumv A4` nlnncino Rtntinn 8. "naI'Q-wa.1'cu:n'a.. B. F. Tracy of Minesing Station called to renew his subscription to The Examiner on Tuesday. He is still hale and hearty at 84. `Sixty years ago lagt; Thursday he drove from Barrie to Minesing. At that time the area be- tween" Paddy Dunn's hill and C. F. Wa.ttie's house was solid bush, the road winding among the trees. ll`:-A 1- ans: Dec. 24-The Isunday School helsl their annual Christmas tree and con- cert last Friday, Dec. 20. The concert was put on by the children from both schools and they all did splendidly. 'I1]1e program surely was enjoyed by 2} I an. .L 116 1'\Il FOR SALE-Good hand picked cook- ing apples. $1.00 per bushel delivered. Apply Harry Ottaway, Barrie. 48-52b all. Mr. and Mrs. W. Scott are spending 2`. week with friends in town. .1vn- (.1n1'k is .c.m=.ndinE the holidays week with Irlenas 1n DOWII. `Mr. Clark is spending holidays at his home in Collingwood. C\nH'n 9: number have been confined in Coumgwooa. Quite a number have been to their homes with bad colds. . milieu flnccic: `Righnn is home with her lto their homes with Dan C0105. Miss Jessie Bishop is home with parents here for the holidays. Vnnr mrresnondent wishes The Bar- parents nere Ior me nouuays. Your correspondent rie Examiner and all members of the staff a happy `New Year. `E`.nm=nn McBride and brothers happy `New year. Eugene McBride Frank and James attended the shoot- ing match at Jos. Dumond s, Brent- wood, and were very successful. .-nun -Rllmchnad` is gnendimz the hol- and successnu. `Miss Bumstead is spending the may at her home at Owen Sound. Edward Travers is in Toronto for a couple of weeks. Mm 1\/[nude Ford. who is attending couple of weeks. Miss Maude Ford, Toronto Normal, is home with her parents for the holidays. itume to represent Robin Red Breast. Successful Concert | I The Minesing Station day school concert, which took place on the even- ing of Dec. 20, was an enjoyable event. Miss Graham of Barrie, the teacher, is certainly a wonder at arranging a program. Her chairman was one of her pupils, Edward McLean, with a cos- and every selection called was in rhyme of her own composition. The program consisted of Grandmother's Garden" and many different acts by the children, all in different costumes, - ......... 1... A (`lav-n'In.nv-H and ammrnl pin-` Erie CI11J.Ql'Cu, nu Lu u`u.u:J. cuu uuouuuamu, a song by A. Orchard and several elo- cutionary selections by Miss Graham, the teacher, in her very attractive manner. Miss W. Orchard furnished the piano music for the evening and, the school children had a. little or-| chestra among themselves consisting of kazoos, piano, ukulele and kitchen utensils which made lots of noise and fun for the kiddies. After the program was ended old Santa was right on the job ready to undress the Christmas tree when the eager faces watched for his or her little gift, a remembrance of some little friend for Christmas. SKID CHAINS, Weed and Dread- naught, regu1ar&$8, special sale for $3.50 and $4.0 while they last at Tuck's. 521) Mr. and Mrs. Wallace G1lchr1st"a.t- ` tended the funeral of his sister. Mrs. Pa.rtr1d`ge, at Barrie. ~ Frank Hall from the West is visit- Partridge, at. Barrxe. -Frank Bell from the ing his brother, Arthur Bell. am 'l"11den_ teacher. has `zone to: mg his brother, A1-mur neu. I Mr. Tilden, teacher, has `gone spend his holidays at his home at` London. ` Miss Margaret McArthur or Peter- borough Normal School is home for the holidays. Mug Mm-v Walker. teacher at Orde me nonways. Miss Mary Walker, teacher School, Toronto, and Miss Isabel Mc- Arthur 0! Normal School, Toronto, are spending their holidays at their respective homes. `Mrs, Chesnev has zone to snend the respecmve nomes. Mrs. Chesney has gone spend winter with her brother, Mr. Lang, at Sault Ste. Marie. unchlna H-ui nrtnr Vnnd staff A hm )-. samn sze. Mane. . I Wishing the editor and staff 9. hap-. py New Year. I MINESING STATION QRO STATION GRENFEL m goon CUIILLIUUU. I` St. or phone 380W. Miss Frankie WaTx`ren was in Tor-1 cnto for Christmas. _ _ _ _ I 1\.In- and` Mrs, Gallm are v1smng. Ru. - Philip Love is spending the holidays with his sons in Toronto. `rncnnh nndv vi:if.:sd\ hi: narpnks a '1e=r Sons 111 .I.u1`uuLu. ` Wltn ms 50115 111 J.UJ.'UU.`bU. V Joseph Coady visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Coady. `Mlicc T\/fnva-m-at `NI -2.1:-nmann nf nn1'h- Mr. arm LVLI5. U. u. uuuuy. I Miss Margaret Malcomson of South- ampton is home for the holidays. ` John Skinner of Kirkland Lake g spent Christmas with Barrie relatiyes. 1 Mr. and Mrs. I-Iarry Love and son went to the Queen City,for Christmas. Miss Louise Hurlburt of Toronto University is home for {he vacation. Mrs. Knox, Louisa St., is spendingl Christmas with her family in Toronto. `II-l..~ Tn...-u 1IT`:~n`.u at l'I'Vp.-A...L.. --_.._ \dLA.AAuvnna|nsI --.y.. -.... -......._, .... -u.\.nau.v. Miss Jean Wilson of Toronto spent the holiday with her parents in Bar- rie. Aan hnnflnr nf 1-he (infer-in an- ne. Allan Chantler of the Ontario Den- tal College, Tqronto, is home for vaca- tlon. `Alice Anna 1\Tn.(1An nf 'T`nv-nnfn annul- E1011. Miss Anne Noden of Toronto spent the Christmas holiday with friends in town. YM'v-c `KT 1-?` Ti1cnn nf `Dr-onffnv-A In BDWII. Mrs. W. F. Wilson of Brantford is visiting her daughter, Mrs. D. F. Mc- Cuaig. Miss Amerf. Price. n1)rs9-in-trninim: i$mmmim&m%F & Pmmmm a mmwmamwwwww ib.).DU ' Tuck's. cnto mr Unnszmas. I Mr. and Mrs. Galhe are v1s1tmg . their sons in Toronto. Dhilin T.nvs>, is snendving the hnlidavs Misls Amert Price, nurse-in-training in the Wellesley Hospital, spent Christ- mas at her home. `Alice `REA-i+h "l`nrn and `Frank (`Ev-ac- R185 814 I181` 1101118. Miss Edith, Tom and Frank Cres- wicke of Toronto were with their mo- ther for Christmas. T\II vv and '|\'v-c `K7 .1 T-Turf} and -Fo`rn_l LUCY 101' Ullflhul. I Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Hartt and fam- ily of London were with friends in town for Christmas. `nlhvc o-hr-I '1\/rice honnnn aH-nnot-I EOWI1 101' UI11'15L1IL'31.b'. Mrs. and Miss Channen attended the ordination of Gordon Channen in Toronto last Sunday. M19: T.nrn. Asnnh nf R1-amnfnn '.lOX'Ol'1`LU 121l_.5L ouuuay. Miss Laura Asaph of Brampton spent the holiday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. W. Asaph. Mic: Addie: `|\/fr-(`.n11nncrh nf 'T`m-nn- N11`. auu 1VJ.I'S. 1V. VV. naapu. Miss Addie McCullough of Toron- to spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Longhurst, A11a.nda.1e. Mr and Mr: W P nrhpft and f'I'3J1K L:()!lgIlll1`5l:, t'u1a.I|(1'd.ll:. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Corbett and Bob of Bowmanville spent Christmas lin Parrie with their friends. T.Tov~n'lr anti 1\I| iec T\lTo kn'I .Qr\rnH` nf 11'! '2l!'l'1B \`VlLIl H1611` LIIEIIUS. Harold and Miss Mabel Sprott of Queen's University. Kingston, are hol- idaying at the parental home. On '.2f.nrr1nv A `R (`.m'1pv (".n1Hpr: SLEIGHS of all kinds for sa1e-Set. of sloop slelghs and light sleighs, set. heavy sleighs (standard 56 Ins.) Geo. Brooks, Shanty Bay. 51-52p luayulg ab Lue p' 1151116. | On `Saturday A. B. Carley. Collier St., will celebrate his 82nd birthday. He has been over 60 years in Barrie. air. .....a 1ur..... 1::'IA..u......: 1,1'....L..I..1.. -4`. ya; \.A1ua, LVAA. wuu. 4.u.:.u. uv vvnu, .n.u uuxx Mr. Strother. 'Sr.. and Mr. and Mrs: Fred Strother of Horning s Mills were Christmas guests at Kenneth Stroth- .er s. 1 1I`:l|n'ov- Dv-inn AF .fho T29 'T`nTnr\1'1r\hn 5.`. 1...... -av`... \.FI\tA vv Jug... .u .4... -y. ` I Mr. and Mrs. Edward Huxtable of Toronto spent the holiday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis, Brock St. 1\lfw Cfwnkhnu `Gr nv-n~1 1\'v- nu-`A. `llfv-c gera. Edgar Price of -the Bell Telephone Co.. Montreal. is spending a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Price. | D A (Town 'T`nv-nnfn Cf hue n-Ann fn I."].'1Lit.'. R. A. Carr, Toronto St., has gone to spend the winter in South Bend. In- diana, with his daughter, Miss Rebec- ca Carr. `|\lI - nvul T\Kv Y Tn:-Ahnn and `munnnna " L/'&I'I. Mr. and Mrs. J. Jardine and Frances and Allan of Collingwood, are Christ- mas holiday visitors with friends in town. I 'IUI'icI: Duzhtr 'LI'n!1ncnrnA run-an,{v\_ LUW.ll.'. I Miss Ruby Hounsome, nurse-in- training in the Wellesley Hospital, To- ronto, spent Christmas at her home on Sanford St. `\Tnv-nnnn Tnhncl-nu A? `Lin:-nH-an nun:-I on D8.I1IOI'(1 D13. `Norman Johnston of Hamilton and Hollis Johnston of Toronto, spent the holiday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Johnston. R/Hoe A1rr\o I'\nin1nn A4` +`f\r\ \TnG-Invxnl 1V1l'S. IMJDCIL JOIIIISEOII. Miss Alma Quinlan of the National Grocers staff, Toronto, spent the holi- day with her parents, Mr and Mrs. Joseph Quinlan, Owen St. Mr and Mr: Dav-`hin nf '!`nv-nni-n aha-1 uumrpu sgguuuan, Uwen at. Mr. and Mrs. Carbin of Toronto and Mr. gnd Mrs. Frank Hartman of Thornbury were Christmas visitors at the home of F. H. Hurlburt. T-Tarv-U "Dov-v-An v-n+1n~v\nA '|ne# cunnly FOR SA-LE--Apples for sale, Peewau- kee, Spies, Ben Davis, Maclntosh Red. In bushel, hampers or barrels. Price very reasonable. Phone 775W, Barrie, Om. 52b hilt` HUIH8 01 1". 1'1. HUTIDUFB. Harry Barron returned last week from Sudbury where he had been for `six Weeks installing a. blower system in the CPR. roundhouse. J A R/frrT(nn')in nf` Hna A:-nlnnrs 1 ule u.r.n.. rounanouse. J. A. McKenzie of the Asplundh Tree Expert Co., Glenside, Penn. is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. McKenzie, Mary St. Char: .T P 'Rr1o*1anJ-I AF (.r:'lrrnrv um. LVLCACIIZIB, Mary D13. Chas. J. P. Bridqland of Calgary. who is attending Toronto University. snent over the week-end with Mrs. Chas. A. Perkins and Miss M. E. Ross. 1ur.. _._.1 :1..- 1- 1-1! -1- p. , 1 .,..w... --. - .;s.a.u.z u.LAu uusoo 1.7;. 1.1. ADDED. Mr. and Mrs. J. `H. Mccaw and Jack, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Reid, Mr. and Mrs. ` W. C. Walls. Mildred and Kenneth, \ spent Christmas with Elmvale friends. l n.. .....a nu..- v'\ 1. n,,,_-,, nv`4\4A.1u \.;ux;uuAuuo nxuu l;u.ll.L\'d.Al': uxcuua. | Dr. and Mrs. R. A. Carson and son of Cleveland and Harry Carson. Birm- ingham. Alabama, are spending Christ- mas with their -parents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Carson. Jnnlr `Dnhincnn nf T,(\v\n- T nlrn nnkn nuurew U'LI`SOI1. Jack Robinson of Long Lake, Cache, Que., and Misses Elsie and: Ottie Rob- inson of Toronto came home to spend the Yuletide with their parents on Wellington St.. W. 'F'.dWnrd rnscland nf 'T`nrnhfn (Thor- vvcuxugwu cl... W. Edward Crossland of Toronto. Char- les Crossland of McGill University, Montreal and Miss Rita. Crossland of St. Joseph's Academy. Lindsay, spent Christmas at their home in town. This is a wonderful production by Oscar Wilde Cast of 9 Men and 7 Ladies J. G. KEENAN Opposite Post Office, Barrie I?__-__-,1,,'. ,, ll `, _. 3.1 N CANADA stock salt condition pow- der. veterinary services guaranteed. Free protection in case of loss of any animal. 25, 50 and 100 pound bags. Phone 775W, Barrie. 52b Barrie Everything in Music YE Oi.DE FIRME HEINTZMAN & CO. PIANOS NORANDA - `POWER CORP. INTER. PET. - MCINTYRE LAKE SHORE - B. A. OIL MINING CORP. - DOME TECK-HUGHES - NICKEL Gordon Stevenson Phones: 1005 - 1010, house 196 ROSS BLOCK : BARRIE ORTHOPHO I:I-I-(;'-`VICTROLAS AND VICTOR RECORDS Barrie Theatre Guild PRESENTS VICTOR, EVEREADY AND SPARTON RADIOS January 15 and 16 WIND-I-1l_{'lVl-ERE S --4-- in Collegiate Auditorium HOUSE TO RENT--Comfortab1e 1% storey house, 6 rooms, on Caroline St. Water and light. Good garden with fruit trees. Phone 732M. 521) T TAgency Canadian Paci: INSURANCE Ayn vwvvw-I1-A cv v 9\T1"\ BUY . i22z2w&v@@&??%?3?3$ s `IIIIIIIIIIIII; I onrruzuzv Ii G; E. VALLEAU 5 Gerge Ernest Valleau, a former re- sident of Barrie, was buried at Ottawa on Tuesday of_ this weak. He died at` his home, 75 Crescent Road, Toronto, ' on Saturday. He leaves his wife, who , was Annie Bemrcss.-; daughter of thei late Mr. and Mrs. E. Bemrose of Barrie. Mr. Valleau ran a drug store on Dunlop street many %; years ago. He went to Ottawa and 1at- ; `er removed to Toronto. -Ph"o;ae'75`: we11ingto;'H:t;1 E10;-L gm Five Points g ' wwga@8@&@w@@@w@awawawawgwawwa@@ 1 _ _T_;T__ _ `Miss Mary A. Watt of Barrie pass- ed away in the General Hospital, To- ronto. Saturday night, following an operation. She was 51 years of age and i was born at Walkerton, a daughter of g the late Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Watt. The ; funeral was held at Walkerton on i 'I`uesday. Miss Watt is survived by two 1 brothers: Rev. W. J. Watt of Longf Branch and a former pastor of Allan- 1 dale Presbyterian church and George! H. Watt of Ottawa. Miss Watt was? well known in Barrie though she had `I lived here only a. few years. She was a ` talented teacher of music and was an * active worker in the Sunday school and in various church organvizations. Her many friends heard of her sudden . death with deep regret. I x I . i MRS, ALEX. GROSE ` Mrs. Alexander Grose passed away` at the home of her daughter, Mrs. H. | M. Stewart. near Lefroy, on Wednes-l day, Dec. 18, 1929. I I `All .-n I`_ru-n rnhru-n rnnirlnn nnnnn 1170: uay, -uuu. Au, xv-av. - Mrs. Grose, whose maiden name was Charlotte Maria. Wood, was a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Woody of Dalston, where she was born 69 years ago. In 1882 she married Alex- ander Grose and they lived and farm- ed near Lefroy until the death of her husband twenty-three years ago. Three | years after, her son taking over the I farm, she decided to move into the V11- lage where she lived ve or six years. Then she moved to Barrie, where she made her home till about a month ago when she could not be alone on ac- count of failing health. She was a member of the Collier St. United Church and a regular attendant while she was able to go. Clan 5 anunhvn kn /\v\r\ Annnhhnvv g.-j1: FORV SALE-One darload of mares and geldlngs 6 to 10 years old, 9 to 1600 pounds. All sound. good workers, dapple `greys. browns, bays, chestnuts; some matched teams among them, also 2 good drivers; team harness. team slelghs. 2 cutters, driving harness. All must be sold by first of month. Trial allowed. No reasonable offers refused. Apply Reid's Feed Stables, 21 Collier St. 5213 D115 WGD GULC IA] EU. She is survived by one daughter. Mrs. H. M. Stewart. and one son Ivan, both at Lefroy: two grandchildren; |t\vo brothers and two sisters, viz.. Mrs. John Farrell and F`. J. Wood of Bar- rie: Alfred and Minnie of Dalston. n-n__ n______._1 ___ (V-A....._'l_.. -1.-A. _ _ _ . .... ALL. LAALL\n.A auu. a.v;au.un, ux. `-l(AL.!I.\J.LA. The funeral on Saturday afternoon was conducted by Rev. L. Pickering of Stroud United church. Interment was made at the Sixth Line Cemetery, In- nisl. ` Reports indric_atin-g satisfactory pro- grass were tabled at the annual meet- ing of Collier Street Sunday School held on Tuesday, Dec. 17. It was shown that there are now over 50 girls in the section devoted to Canadian Girls in Training and almost the same number of boys enrolled under the Tuxis banmer. 7 ...1:.._ -: 1.1.- ru....._1. n-1---: . _ . . _ . ....1 I L UALD uaxuxcx . I Ladies of the Church Session served a. splendid banquet to the executive of the Sunday School and to the active] workers. This feature of the program was much enjoyed and officials of the school expressed appreciation of the kindness shown by the ladies resp:m- o sible. ~ | I vs-__-_.;._ 4-__-._, -11 _s,____.L.._-__;_ -5 LI__ . 1 cuuun Reports `from all departments of the school showed that the work was pro- gressing along satisfactory lines. The Canadian Girls in Training are under the leadership of Miss Leila Hunter and ' the Tuxis Boys under the direction of Fred Sarjeant. Tn n -nvxrnnlr 4-n'\\n.n'6l-na-I LA G-Ian v-And |ORGANIZED CLASSES i 1 LARGE IN COLLIER ST.` 4. A vu. >.:u.xJx.a.uL. In a report submitted to the meet- ing A. G. MacLe11an. missionary sec-' retary, gave a report of the year's work along missionary educational lines. He believed that last; year's contribution of $335 to the Maintenance and Mis- sionary fund would be equalled in 1929, if not surpassed. `nnnnna A? {Jan Gun;-Inn Qnl-.nn`I vrnnrn Nonsense, PA `a SON vou'o ` IT'S ALI. ` OHLV 1 Mo'.?E HQUR$- `;AH'T u L1 uuu auuyacooiu. Finances of the Sundav School were in a healthy state according to a re- port submitted by J. E. Carson, treas- Ivvunuo Luca. Oicers elected for the ensuing year were. Supt. of Religious Education. Rev. J. J. Black; Supt., W. J. Walker; assistant superintendent, H. J. Heath; Secretary, Clifford Elrick; Treasurer, J. E. -Carson: Temperance superin- tendent, A. F. A. Malcomson; Mishion- ary secretary. A. G. MacLellan: sup- erintendent of Young People's depart- ment, H. Armstrong; superintendent of Canadian Girls in 'I`ra.inine:. Miss Leila Hunter; superintendent of Tuxis, F`. W. Sarjeant; superintendent. of Home department. L. A. Hill; super- intendent of Junior department. Mrs. H. G. Robertson: superintendent of Primaries. Mrs. `.1. E. Carson; superin- tendent of Beginners. Miss Evelyn West: superintendent of Cradle Roll. Mrs. A. E. Bell. A superintendent of teacher training will be selected later. Esther Howe is pianist: Harold Bry- son. a$istan-t pianist and Mrs. H. G. Robertson, greeting offiper. 'l'\u.-h~n- Hun rrannfh-ma +mn rncionaflnng :::---:-- ROOM AND BOARD with use of piano, also garage to rent. Telephone 439M. 52p I:UUUl'I:Ull, gl{Cb'laLllg ULLQJCL. I During the meeting two resignations This family drug store is an impetus to better living- preciation of each day s possibilities of comfort and wish to you for the year, folks. neum.Asf[n:eua s-go;-.: NIISS MARYWWATT HEALTH AND HAPPINESS OUR PROSPERITY `/00 9E vm nut. Tn were received and accepted with re- ggret. One was from Miss Emma King. I `a teacher of long standing in the Sun- liday School and the other was from 1F. H. Hurlburt, for 15 years secretary 101" the school. The secretary and the TO LE*I`-~Froht office, steam heated. Apply to Jory & Richardson, King Block, Barrie. . 48tfb A WARNER BROS. PRODUCTION] ?@`@@WE`%7` %@@@@@@@@@@@@3@@2&@@% @@@@@@3@w@@@aw@@& g IIIUIIC OU -'-U V 0 17 `-15 `L Vfil ` `W @@@w@@a@@@@&@@z@@a& W F @ V @112 arirant Qln. E111. @@@@`@"3'@@"@@@@'@@@@'t7 @@@%`@@@@Q@@@'@@@ Q@@ 9 - . g appg New iear in All A gay-hearted, peppy romance. A college football hero s adventures in love and in Wall Street. MONDAY - TUESDAY - WEDNESDAY 2 Shows, 7.15-9.15-l5c-35c ~-- - New Year's Day Matinee at 2.30 Big New Yea:- s%All? TALKING PICTURE FOR -SALE -- Should make a 1 mare. Apply to R. 1, B.u`1';'.*. All Talking Comedy, Garden of Eatin Coming: `College Coquette , `Broadway Scandals. ALL TALKING COMEDY Also a Screen Novelty, South Sea. Interlude. As a new year is about to dawn, we wish to thank our many customers for the generous patronage given us during the present year and to assure them that 1930 will find us in a still better position to serve them: Uerv (lordial thanks and I I_\_v_Year s Greeting SUPERIOR CHAIN STORES V5/e wish you joy, health and prosperity for the New Year and for many years to come. 1iving-t;more joyful ap- charm. Every good M. J. BRENNAN E w'7s.|'.L_' A HAPPY AND ; pastor were asked to M appreciation to Miss Hurlburt. ___y FOR 5 horn I dark 1 Walt, Fine job printing of all kinds at The Examiner office. As the old year wears towards its close we wish to extend our very )sincere thanks to our customers who have favored us with such a large patronage. It has been our constant aim to give the best ser- vice possible. In the year soon to open we shall strive to do it even more efficiently. In the meantime we wish for the people of Barrie and surrounding a country `A Bright and Prosperous New Year Thursday, 1 wa$Aa-I V50 December 20. 1929 write letters of 121...... and mn- ...._._____--..__._____. COW FOR SALE, part Jersey and Holstein, rising 4 years; due to fresh- en the end of February; quiet and right in every -way. Apply at Examin- er Office. 52p OWING T0 LACK OF ROOM we are offering for sale. pure bred roan Shorthorn stock bull. Thirty months old, good individual and priced right. J. C. Fraser, Craighurst 52-4b FOR SALE--Shorthorn bulls and fe- males, also a 6 year old bay Clyde mare, weighing about 1550 pounds. `ye mile from station and 11/_ miles from highway. Phone 1910. Geo. Crawforcl 8: Son, Oro Station. 50-2b _____.........:_._.____..._...__ LOST~B1ack. tan and white hound, lame on left front leg. Finder write or phone Oscar Rowe, New Lowell, Ontario. 52-1p LOST-Two dogs. male and female. one black and tan. the other tan and white. Reward. Ph-ne 1366 or write Box 3, Barrie. 52p ._....____..___________ GIRL or middle aged woman wanted to` do housework for two. Apply tele- phone 1297J. 52b :-j. PAPER BAG containing groceries was placed in wrong sleigh. at Mr. Asaph's Blacksmith shop, Bayfleld St.. on Monday. Finder please notify A. A. Watt. Shanty Bay or leave at Asaph's Rhnn 52;) ____.___.....____..__..j._ MITTS LOST-Brown mocha mitts` with fur cuff, lost between Owen St. and 66 Maple Ave. Finder please tele- phone No. 2'77. Reward. . 52p T .._._..-.._-._._._.__._..__._?.. LOST-Fr1day morning between B.C.I. and 58 Park St., Waterman's fountain pen and several -pencils in a pencil ' box. Please leave at the above address. Reward. Phone 971J. 52p who. shop. pa-.--- p B'I`OLEN-W111 the party who was seen taking pair horse covers from the corner of Dunlap and Mulcaster Sts., please return the same to the owner and save further trouble. 72 Codr1ng- tnn -R!'. 523 anu Jsuv ton -St. ..------- u. LOST IN BARBIE--Black purse con- taining immigration identification card, Federal Commercial and savings bank d-raft issued at Port Huron, Mich., in favor or undersigned, and other ar- ticles. Finder piease return to Muriel Donnelly, Phelpston. Reward. 52p ::j-:- -HIV wxucty nsau. cu with 50c minimum. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE . coming Events" in The Examiner sre` widely read. Three cents a. _word .14.`. :11. mlnlmuom MAD) WANTED for light housekeep- ing. No cooking. For particulars apply at Arcade Store. 52b -j.::_- ..-......._.-. .._.- ROOMS AND BOARD Adanrs WANTED L SALE-Two dual purpose Short- : bulls, from high producing cows. : red. twelve months o`1d. Apply A. L. lvndhurst. 50-52b Mcumaarv TO LET iOUND HELE WANTED WANTED FOR SALE Young light mare. . good driver or saddle Horace Partridge, R. 52;) --- TYPE SETTER-G1r1, 5 years` exper- ience. Apply 11 Cumberland St ... or phone 192W. 52-1-D q 1JCpM 49-52p| sayxxcxu 51-55p! LL16 52b I bah 52p mu :2 52p nug- 521) ' CUITAGE FOR SALE-Ha.1f 9. block from store and post office. 4 rooms and summer kitchen shed. Apply `to Miss M. McMillan, Hawkestone, One tario. 42-46p-48-52:. : ~ FOR SALE-132 Burton Ave., 6-room- ed house, newly decorated inside and out, all conveniences, new furnace. :loub!e garage and stable. Apply 21 Poyntz St., or phone 1084W. 42tfb BRICK HOUSE for sale, comparative- ly new. All conveniences, 2 blocks rrom Collegiate. 121 Sophia st. The estate of the late R. and W. Love. For further information apply Box 524, Barrie. ' 48-52b FOR SALE - Eight-roomed house," centrally located, five minutes` walk from post office; all modern conven- lences; furnace, hot water heating,-wel1' decorated, vegetable and furnace cel- haw wifh m:n1nr\f.nnrf am'dr>,n_ Smnil --: GOOD HOME for elderly lady in re- turn for services, more for good home than high wages. Apply to Box 1085, -Barrie. 52-lb --T-- decorated, vegename and Iurnace cm- lar, with cement oors; garden. Smnu payment or $400 and balance to suit purchaser. Apply Box 432, Barrie. 52p -: . IJIATERNITY NURSING done at home. Nice, bright rooms. Apply Box 1085, Barrie. 51-3b ?: SPIRELLA CORSETIERE--Mrs. Jno. N. Hobley, 201 Elizabeth St. Succes- sor to Miss Willers. 52-4pl IR.WIN s ALL BLU_E TAXI SERVICE local and long distance, night and day. 25-cent service. George Irwin. Phone 198. V lsttb --- All accounts due the Stroud Telephone Co. are requested to be paid on or .be- fore January 1st. 1930, in order to ap- pear in the auditor s report. Lennox Black, Sec y. 52b .?:. All outstanding past due accounts ow- ing to the Otton Hardware Co. will be collected by our solicitor, Mr. Alex. Cowan, with interest and collection charges added if not paid by January 1st, 1930, at our office over Eaton Groceteria. Kindly take notice ac- cordingly. 52p FORESTRY RECREATION CLUB MIDHURST There will be skating every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, afternoon and evening. St. Vincent's are coming out to give the Midhurst Colts 9. go New Year's afternoon. Skating after game and also in evening. Everyone; come. 52b LV\Jl.I\Jl`4 The sarjeant & King Limited having parted with all its property, divided its assets rateably among its sharehold- ers, and paid its debts and liabilities Hereby Gives Public Notice that it will make application under theprovisions of The Ontario Companies Act to His Honour, the Lieutenant-Governor of Ontario, for leave to surrender its Charter on and after a date to be fix- ed by the Lieuteqiant-Governor. SARJEANT & KING LIMITED _ . , an-L1. .1--. -n U`- v.nn.-avnaaa-.u-. may --an.-x... _-.v-.-___ Dated at Barrie this 26th day of De- cember, A. D., 1929. 5213 NOTICE is hereby given pursuant` to The Trustee Act .that all persons having claims against the Estate of John H. Leadley, late of the Town of Barrie, in the County of Simcoe, gard- ener. who died on or about the 23rd day of July, 1929, are requested to send particulars of their claims to Messrs. Cameron & Cameron, Barrie, Ont.. Solicitors for the Adminlstratrix, on or before the 11th day of January, 1930, after which date the Administratrix will distribute the assets of the Estate among those entitled thereto having regard only to those claims of which they shall then have notice. CAMERON & CAMERON, Solicitors for the Administratrix, 51-53b Barrie. Ont. Dated this i7th day of December, 1929. PART TIME MAN WANTED-Esta- blished electric washing machine manufacturer requires the services of a reliable man who can devote from two to three hours daily to selling. servicing and collecting. Apply to Box K", Examiner Office, giving full in- formation as to qualifications for the nncitinn ' There will biwztgered for sale by PUBLIC AUCTION by the Adminis- `v'n.f,-risr of tho psfnte nf H11: 12?`: Jnhn FUDMLU IXUULLULV uy bill`: Ilulllllll-E` `ratrix of the estate of the late John H. Lea-dley on Saturday, January 18, 1930, at 1 o'clock in the afternoon at the Queen's Hotel, Barrie, by .W. A. Mcconkey, Auctioneer, the following property, namely: in the Town of Bar- rie in the County of Simcoe and being composed of Park Lot No. six (6), of the west side of Bayeld St., in the said Town of Barrie according to reg- istered plan No. 135. This property which is known as the Old Sanitarium Property" con- tains fifteen acres more or less and faces Bayfield St. It adjoins to the south property owned by The Barrie Country Club. A `portion of the land is in orchard and there is erected on the property a small brick house. Town water and electric light are available. I71]..- -_Auu_uL-- ...l11 L- A00`.-AA Dag. -.-1A uuudvuv vv sq Auuvn vv -u-u. Further particulars and conditions of `sale will be made known at the time of sale and in the meantime may be learned upon application to CAMERON 8! CAMERON, Barrie. Ont. .C!n1tlnif'.nr-a fnr Han Aminiutrnrlv Of Valuable Property Situated in the Town of Barrie vvuauvb nunu un.uvn4 AABLAV umu uvsunnunuun The property will be offered for saie subject to a reserve bid. `l'.!....LI...... .......Ll....I-n_ A.-A An.u..JlLlA....- UALVLEZIVULV OZ UALVLEIVKJLV, Dll'I'l(3, UHL. Solicitors for the Administratrlx Dated 34th December, 1929. 52-2b , ECPHW FOR SALE NOTICE TO CREDITORS ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE Full line of Tubes and` B Batteries. ` 1Ul`ll13.1.laJ.UJ posmon. W.LB|lE|l||A|l STROMBERG CARLSON" RADIOS *7 MISCELLANEOUS RADIOS IIEPAIREI NOTICE carried Christmas cneer no as cuu.u.- ren on Monday night and quite enjoy- ed the experience. Parcels, similar to those distributed in former years, had been prepared by a. committee of ladies with funds contributed by the Yimoniane Wading throixgh deep snow on many streets of the town, Barrie Kiwanians carried Christmas cheer'to 229 child- ...,.. AVI nxnnunv nicrht and nuite eniov- BARRIE KIWANIANSIIIADE l . MANY CHILDREN HAPPY LEQJBS `W 1 Lu. Kiwamans. COBURN-At the R.V. Hospital, Dec. 23, 1929, to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Co- burn, 7 McDonald St., a. son. McCUA-IG-At. the R.V. Hospital, on Dec. 23, 1929; to Mr. and Mrs. D. F. 'McCuaig, 69 McDonald St., a. daugh- tar _?_. MAN OR WOMAN WANTED with ambition and industry, to introduce and supply the demand for R.aw1cigh s Household Products to steady users. Several fine openings near you. We train and help you. Rawleigh dealers can make up to $100 a. week ormore. No experience necessary. Pleasant, profitable. dignified work. Write to- day. W. T. Rawleigh Co, Inc., Dept. f`.N-9.FxR Nltintrpnl Que. 49-52!) CORCB'EI'I`-:AIJDER}SON -.- At St. ` John's Church, York Mills, on Christmas Day -by Rev. A. C. Mc- Collum, Muriel Amanda Laurlne Alderson. daughter of Mrs. andthe late W. J. Alderson, formerly of Al- liston, to Leonard Earl Corbett, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Corbett of Cookstown. MARSHAILL-GAR.DINER-On Sat- urday, Dec. 21, 1929, by Rev. E. S. Sinclair, B.A.. B.D., Midland, Iva M. Gardiner, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gardiner of Allenwood, to George E. Marshall, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Marshall of Wye- hvlr-Ian GROSE-At the home of her daugh-` ter, Mrs. H. M. Stewart, Lefroy, on ~ Wednesday, Dec. 18, 1929, Charlotte Maria, widow of the late Alexander Grose, in her 70th year. HUBBERT-Suddenly at 184 High St., N. Dunstable, Bedfordshire, Eng., Edward Milton, fourth son of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. I-Iubbert, Allandale. aged thirty-five years. STEPHENS--,-At Churchill, on Sun- day, Dec. 22, 1929, L. H. Stephens, in his 54th year. I I WATT--At Toronto General Hospital, on Saturday, Dec. 21, 1929, Mary A. Watt, late or Barrie, sister of Rev. W. J. Watt, formerly of Allandaie. ` Miss L. Cook Wishes to thagk her. ,many friends and neighbors for kind- Nness shown in her sad bereavemerti). 5 Vanna -Mrs. Margaret Armstrong and fam- ily wish to thank the many friends and neighbors for their kindness and sympathy during their recent bereave- ment. 52p I ..-n., g____n__ -2 L1... 1.1.. 11.... A1-.. 1 Aucuu. .._,. The family of the late Mrs. Alex. Grose wish to thank all their friends and neighbors for kindness and sym- pathy shown them in their recent sad bereavement, also for floral trlbugcs. D Mac1..n;mn-m, lovlng memory U1 Ralph, dearly beloved son of Don- ald and Lucinda MacLe1sh, Orlllia, who was called away Dec. 29, 1928, aged 11 months and 8. days. ` He was too pure for this cold world, Too,beaut1fu1 to stay, And so God's holy angels Bore our darling Ralph away. --Lovlngly remembered by 52b Mother and Daddy MacLEIsH-In loving memory of `Rn1nh dnn.rI\f* beloved sun of Don- WEBB--In loving memory of Reuben H. Webb, who passed away Dec. 26. 1926 52p --sadly missed by Wife and Daughter McSHERRY--In loving memory of our dear wife and mother. Mrs. Stephen Mcsherry, who departed this life, Jan- uary 1, 1929. A precious one from us has gone, A voice we loved is still, A place is vacant in our home, That never can be lled." 52p --Husband' and Family. @@w3@@@?| uay. w .L. rvd.wu:1gu CN-253,. Montreal, Que.