are spencung a. ween .111 mrumu. Mr. Canning accidentally fell and cut one ear so badly that it required four stitches. He lost considerable `blood, weakening his system since he has been in poor health for some time. I Dec. 3-Miss Kell of Holly is visit- ing her sister. Mrs. P. Glenn. ' Arnold Mitchell of the West spent `last week with Mrs. Floyd Mitchell. I-{Ugh T.nmr.1f "ha: V-r=1'11rn::d hnmol Mis Flynn is _busy these days get- ting up a school concert. Mr and Mrs. Walter Moore and ronno spenu bunuay ut.-1'c. Mrs." Margerson and two children are spending a. week in Toronto. Mr (`.;mnin2` accidentallv fell and Dec. 2-Mrs. Whan of Lefroy visited last week with her daughter, Mrs. George Prince. Mi.-as `Mable Clute snent a few davs en Irom EH8 uwucra puunclw. Prof. Dunlap of Johns Hopkins Un- iversity believes that future wars _are `inevitable if the earth's population continues to increase at its present ra.te._ ` Afour scribe wishes to ccng:'.1tu1a .e `_ . and Mrs. Ed. Mcclung on the ar- ri al of a. son on Dec. 1. - 'u'E1mer Doyle, who has ben a steafr eL,.p1o.vee of the -C.N.R. for several Ye T5, was laid off recently, the idea bei g to economize according: to word se 1; forth from headquarters. ` crne Scott shipp-:-d live strvk he ,e on Monday and although the day was extremelv rmwrh n. onnrilv ueorge rrmce. Miss Mable Clute spent a days in Toronto last week. 1\9I'icc Vinlnf `RAH ha: Hahn -nod hnmn ln IVOTOIIEO l'd.5L WEEK. Miss Violet Bell has returned home after visiting friends in Barrie. `Rnrumn.-1 Mnrdnrh has gone to Sar- ma. wnere ne nas secureu a pus1uuu._ Miss Vera Clute spent the week-end in` Barrie. Isnluilealuilsnualanluilsiuuansanaasaimznlsi I II II: VIWII ll\Y'l`Cl\Il'\ 33 j `I A 1.3 Dec. 3-The community was grea.t1_v shocked on Tuesday morning to hear Mrs. W. T. Partridge had passed away during the night. Mrs. Partridge had been in her usual health and was only 111 a.` few minutes when death came. The bereaved husband and family have the heartfelt sympathy of the community. mg we planets, sun and moon. The first of the card-party schedule was introduced last Frida" when a goodly number of ladies and gentle- men enthusiasts of the cards congre- gated at the Phelpston House vzhere they played till the wee small hours for the prizes oered. Dan Buckley succeeded in securing the prize for num- ber one, while Miss Suzette Toner car- ried off.number two. There were ten tables occupied in the games, so one can judge that the evening was well patronized. According to reports all had a very enjoyable time. It is hm-div npnnean-rv fn -rnnnfinn mm a very enjoyable tune. It is hardly necessary to mention the peculiar action of the weather during the past week or two, as most V of our readers are aware of its freaks. But we might mention that we have not been visited with such a large quantity of snow and low temperature as early as November since 1910, in which year we were showered with a heavy snowfall as early as Nov. 10 which stayed- till the following April. Who made the guess that year? As far as we can learn there are several cars stalled on the highway between here and Elmvale which goes to show the suddenness of the arrival of the recent storm. A Narrow Escape from. Death , There was a bad accident one day last week while B. Mccarnen and James Hayes were engaged In digging a well. The bucket used in connec- tion with a windlass in raising and dumping the earth gave way and dropped about 25 feet, striking Mr. Mccarnen on the side, fracturing a couple of ribs and bruising the right` arm. The accident was unfortunatei in many ways, but in the majority of degrees was rather a narrow escape `for the head was only missed by a few inches. alter vzslung Inellus ux Da.1`1`Lt:. Burwbod Murdoch has gone to Sar- nia. where he has secured a position, `Auk-c vow; (`.11-ah: annnf thp wm2Iz_m1d Experts at Elgin, 111., are working on' a device whereby watches may be set by radio signals without `being tak- from the owners pockets. 1-.__;- 1-u....I..... I\ Tnknc `llfnnlrlnc n- nut, uu LVLUILULIY 33111 .lCI10UgH `me d8-Y extremely rough. a. goodly number were on the scene of action. P. A. Coughlin shipped on Tuesday and succeeded in seeming a fairly good load notwithstanding the con- tmued storm of recent days. I wish to hand Mr, Rnwn: (mp nn `hf: uuueu storm or recent days. - to hand Mr. Bowes one on his prophesy regarding the arrival of the winter on Nov. 27, which your scribe can vouch for arriving duly on time. If his further prophesy for 1930 is as accurate as his guess for November 1929 he can come forth with honors for- the first in. 20 years. During that many years he had made a genuine dud of his guess notwithstanding his scientic guess and judgment concern- ing the planets, and The fircf nf fhn (lav-(1.v\nv-+11 cnknrlvaln % PHELPSTON . >14 zmmmaaa&am% MINESING STATION .. n r,V.......... l'IlJ'1I\IJ 1 LJLJl\ l\lA\}l-4l\ v (I 5 l\IL vs: A-la -- ` we represent ALL STEAMSHIP LINES. . We arrange for your passport. Fire, Life Accident and Automobile INSURANCE in reliable companies. Ticket Agency Canadian National Railway: cum` in 4n.JQ.-H-331! I31:-;u-n.AA BELLE EWART CROWN H1-LL WYEVALE` s'rAYNER_ I is spending a friends in To- Dec. 2-Jesse Bldwell is in Toronto]; this week. * J. Hunter of Port McNico11 -is visit-1 ing' his daughter, Mrs. McKay. g 11.... `D.-ms `D...-....- Ina ha "I'M-u~nn+n loci- L115 una uau5Azuu;, .-gnu. Mrs. Bert Peters was in Toronto last week attending the W. I. convention at '3 the King Edward Hotel. I ....I...... `l\t..A........ .......l &`...-1n nf 'T`n n v I I It -Meat llld Drink to you up :.zsu5 uuwusu Acvvwna Reuben Madeaux and family of To- . . Give your party time to answer . V. . PURETY OATS r tie Jwidnight Supper OXYDOL After bridge or the theatre, serve your guests with steaming OX0. Its rich beef avour just `_`hits the spot. No bother-no fuss --and no sleeplessneas afterwards I "Phone 14;- Jas. W. Cheesman Phone 158 Patrick Kearns Phone 12 ARE YOU ENTERED IN OUR BIG CONTEST? KELLOGG S BRAN F LAKES DERBY LOAF CHEESE QUAKER PUF F ED RICE MACARBNI or SPAGHETTI In 6-v-oz. Flank: Tinao!4and1OCubeo There I31.` Superior Store Near You--Use your Pb one--We Deliver (`I IV Ill11I\:-a . n_____ -3.-..-- n-_L_.__. C. 5;. H1_11_13 waman sPEciAiS[ F 2 pkgs. 27 CLOWES The Superior Chain Stores are running a big contest--one that is of interest to both old and young-hunlreds of valuable prizes are to be given away. Ev- eryone is eligible-there is no entry fee-full particulars and entry blanks may be obtained at all Superior Chain Stores. 2 Pkgs. 21c 1929 GOLDEN BANTAM CORN 17c PKG. 2 for CATELLPS 33c lb. GET YOURS TODAY WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS I .Dt'l'L. L`t`Lt:l'b. The Women's Institute met at the `home of Mrs. V. Dicker on Nov. 27, iwith seven members and one visitor ppresent. Roll call was Sing, Say or Pa.y. All responded. Current events `ran to were Bert. Peters. "Fhn `XTr\rv\nv\`r: recent visitors with Mrs. Tncl-H-nfn n-113+ n Hnn Convenient connections points west; at Regina for E for Edmonton. 01-13 1-49-39 --.--._, - ._..-.... vvvus--ww- W. Rivhztrds. Braccbrldgo J. E. Boyd 5; Son. Huntsville Jones Jr: Clemence, Staynu W. J. Snelzn-ove, Parry Sound `I7, A Rnvt, Ilnn'I`IaII FREEPELIVERY CANADIAN PACIFIC rnlalvl\ll1l.J I fl.) I 1. . 1/2 -lb. size 30c Hawaiian Crushed Pine- apple No. 2 Squat each 28c Cowan s Maple Buds per lb. 47 Canadian White Beans 3 lbs. 2_5c New Choice Mixed Nuts 2 lbs. 45c ALMOND PASTE 1/ II, ' Ytmi PQRTI THE ONLY GIFT your friends cannot buy for themselves no matter how much they would like to have it. THF3 MOST ECONOMICAL GIFT, it looks the most and really is the most for the money invested. DON'T WAIT till the last minute but get your order in now. Phone 591W for an appointment today. Remember, Someone, Somewhere, wants your photograph G. Wilfred Jackson ~.,,..`.r.`.?. .r`3i..f`.`;.i.,. You will find on display at Superior Chain Stores your ` Christmas requirements - ` Cluster Raisins, Mixed Nuts in Shell and Shelled, Bleach- ed Sultanas. Glace Cherries, l Orange. Lemon and Citron Peel, Figs, Dates and Cur- rants and a splendid assort- ment of Christmas Candy. Quality considered, Superior Stores prices are the lowest. Impatience causes many people to abandon calls before the other party has time to reachthe telephone- It is another cause of uncompleted calls which_ total over one million every day in Ontario and Quebec. They mean two million minutes a day wasted - constant irritation -a handicap to business. ' We are pointing out some of these common faults in telephone usage because we are making every.effort* to provide the best possible telephone,s'ervice and, in tele- phone service public co-operation is `essential._ It takes three people to complete a call. V i Wait a reasonable period when you place a` call. Answer promptly when your telephone rings. If your telephone is not conveniently located "in your home, let usladvise. you. , Harry Fisher. Cookstown Y1` u~;,m,,,;_ u-____I__n_u__ I .nurc.uu I. ['4 H1311` A. Sutherland. Bradlorl a. cut-.u.'Juvu, rurry DUI W. A. Boyt. Mao'l`ler J. C. McBride, Ball. 0. R. Orton. Coldwutot G In`. nu-A Illlnnl 6 p.m.( S:;t;11";i--a'y wE DELIVER LARGE PKG. 3 at Winnipeg for all ' Saskatoon; at Calgary Large pkg- were given by Mrs. J. Emms; reading. Mrs. O. D. Partridge. It was decided to start an autograph quilt for the New Year's work. The next meeting will be held at Miss Gearns'. on Dec. 26 The tea hostesses were Mrs. George Rugman and Mrs. M. Beath. Perhaps she should have answered more promptly or had her telephone located where she could reach itmore easily. But on the other hand, the person calling should have waited a reasonable length of time. j In Allanddle wuss. - ' F. W." DOIEEON DI____ on-1 JEWEL SHORTENING I-lb. cartons 17c W. J. HARRlS Phone 164 3-pad 14c NEW. PACK PEAS JELLY POWDERS 4 for 25 Lawrason s S.O.S. CLEANER HIS woman has hurried downstairs to answer the telephone but when she gets there she may be told: N 0 one on the line now, Madam. * \ v Q7& JI I -Phone 854 F LUSHO 2 for 29 SHIRR.lFF'S No. 4 Sieve regular size 23c 19c 24c Toronto ticket of - ces: Can. Pac. Bldg.. King and Yomze. El. 1201: Union Station. El. 8231: Royal York Hotel. Wav. 2015. N mamng a nne man on me mgnway. A number. of the oicigls of L.O.L. No. 452, Barrie, paid a. visit to the home of S. Pratt, Honorary Chaplain, on Thursday evening to extend best ' wishes for an early recovery, he having been indlsposed-fortsome time. They were very welcome guests. Page Seven 6-pad 23c 33513 Dec. 3-Mrs. C. Dodds, who has been at Rochester, N.Y., visiting her`da,ugh- her for some time, returned home last week. Mrs. C. Carven returned with her. nnnran (`Quin nf Tnrnntn mac a. 1'9. I181`. George Gain of Toronto was a. re- V cent visitor w!th.h_1s uncle and aunt,` Mr. and Mrs. Roe. Mr.-= (1 Qhnm ha: cnnn in fnum tn ` Mr. ana Mrs. zwe. Mrs. C. Shaw has gone to town to `spend the winter as usual. Mrs. Forbes, who has been in Toron- to for some time, has returned home. The big snow plow has gone north making fine road on the highway. A number nf the nfficials of L.O.L. CUNDLES 7.... I`! T'\nnI;I- -u-I A. A. SMITH Phon} mw mnnm Manager. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Scythes spent last week-end in Toronto. The family also spent Tuesday in Midland. Edwin Rinhnrdsnn ha: v-nhwnorl ! auuw 111 pxaueb`. I uuun: J.UI.' uwuu_t:. ' Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Richardson on the arrival of a` son. Friday, Nov. 29. The mph hnvsrnnmmpnnnd +1-m pom- l.`1Ul'.. rnuuy, NOV. 43. The men havecommenced the cem-\ lent work on W. Brennan's new house.` Dec. 2-W1nter has surely arrived as we have had some real Western wea-I `TIC? ' I -ther the last few days and plenty of ' snow in places. MT. H.115 Mrs W D Qnvfhnc cnnhf zusu spent. Luesuay In Lvncuana. ' Edwin Richardson has returned! home for awhile. (`.nhrrv-ufun-{Ann +1; `Ilka an.-I 11.... 1:! \ LVUV. 4'1. The Guild of St. John's Church held their-regular monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. W. Bannister on Nov. 28. There was an unusually large at- fendance considering the roads. After the usual business was transacted the ladies considered having social even- ings twice a month during the winter. beginning Dec. 13. After this a lunch was served -by the hostess.` ' ucre. _ i Fred Crawford had the misfortune to cu-t one hand one day last wek and is under the doctor's care. 5 Arnhin 1\lfn(`.uaIn- hoe `and-us-r.nA Fun-n ` \ ounuay wxm ms tamer, Victor Ross shipped stock on Monday. Lu. vvuuu. ` | Miss Miller, teacher here, is recover- ing from having her tonsils removed in the Royal Victoria Hospital. Mr. and Mrs; Jan D91-hv and gnu. 111 N16 IVUJHA VLULULHIE: HUSDLLEI. | Mr. and Mrs.` Jas. Darby and son Mozgis attended the Winter Fair last wee . \X7nunr1nu nine n.-um-|v\1G-n`|n plan! and- WEEK. Waverley was completely shut outl Saturday and Sunday, no- transporta- tion-of any kind in or out. Therefore, it meant a regular bread famine. Rmxhpn nnd"F!d4-`HA Adnmgnn `Inf? Iacfl A.. 5*. A. IVIALLUXVIDUIV "`2umrsgI MilnEiligiii-ljE!_iI':lilillllllhlilillt I v-..-- -_.-_ Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. R. Handy On the arrival of a. baby girl, `Nov. 24. '17!-In I'1n'H:I AF 64- 'I n`hn'a I11.-uuunk `\A`A WUIIS LU!" SUVCIEIL WCCKS. { 4 1 -.._- ..._.____.-_- Dec. 3-Fred Kirkpatrick of Saska- toon is visiting friends and relatives here. `l:1v-an-l' 1.-.: LI..- ...x..:....4.....- I vvrsvulguua Dec: 2Mr. and Mrs. W111 Mayne of ` Barrie were recent visitors with Mrs.` W111. Wood. I lb xueann B Iegumr DIBSG Iamme. I Reuben and Eddie Adamson left last week for Hamilton where they have work for several weeks. f".nnu-v-ahulan-nu: d-n `Ml'v- and 1U!-u `D ORO STATION WAVERLEY \r.. .....A 1:... 1178!! v. LIL lay a thl family spent! . John Elson. a carload of H6VlS I Peanut Butter and Raisin Sandwiches cal-`:15 \\ b'I.'t' SJX 01:1 11`1Cn(.!S. -' Floral tributes were received fr-:`m lmembers of the family, the Re-Jekah .Lodge at Port Credit. the Guild of St Thomas` Church, and other friends. `Amongst those present at the funer- al were: Mr. and Mrs. George Morri- fson. Toronto; \/Ir. and Mrs. L. J. Tripp, `St. Catharines; Mr. and Mrs. Norman llvlillar. Port Credit: Miss Ellen Rands. ;Tcr0n`to: M1`. and Mrs. Frank Dolan, Bon Lake; Norman Counsell. St. Catharines; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rands. Port Credit; Leonard Leigh, } Hawkestone and George Rands. Orillia. Ina: \JrIl\ A The Edgar w.1. I The regular meeting of the Edgar `Women's Institute was held on Wed- gnesday, Nov. 14, at the home of Mrs. ; Lauder. At this meeting the ladies en- atertained their husbands and friends. g The bountiful supper was served about ;seven o'clock, and directly following lthe ladies had a short business meet- Eing. Mrs. Hayes and Mrs. Best were ; appointed to attend the W. I. Conven- tion to be held in Toronto. After the business meeting a programme was [given consisting of the following num- Ibers: community singing, solo, Mr. Aijnott, duet, the Misses McKay. read- ing, Mrs. Gordon Lauder, solo, Mrs. Bigeiow. violin solos, Mr. Ellsmere, duet. Mr. and Mrs. Arnott; a contest, the winners of which were Mrs. Bert. Slessor and Miss Mary Lauder. The max? mpetina will ho hum nn ' U511!`-'31'S \\ i 1 5 members Z ( `Ah-\nnn~.- The funeral was` held from his resi- dence, C()1`_CSSiOl1 2, Oro, to St. Thom- as Church, Shanty Bay. the service gbs-ing csnducted by the Rev. C. R. Espencer. There was zx 1a1'g'e co11g:eg'a- {tian present to testify-,` to the respect `which was felt for.the late Mr. Rands I ILCW uay nsxore. L I .v by the whole community. The pall- bearers were six old friends. - `F`lm'nI'1'-rihnfoc 11H::\'n vvn.-nhm;-1 V<'\V\r\ D1U.`:'bUl' '1l1Q LVLISS .Lv1a1'y Lauder. The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, Dec. 11. at the home of Mrs. G. V. Hickling. I ucaull In aauutzs IWIJIIIS ! Fnllowing a short illness James !Ra-nds died on Nov. 28, 1929, in his- 80th year. He was a. much loved and irespected resident of Shanty Bay and he will tie much missed by all who knew him. His wife predeceased him some four and a half years. Practical- ly the whole family were present at] me time of his death, Albert Rancis, a ` son, having` returned from the west a few days before. I 'T"hc f'11hnvu`l V171-at-` 1-":14 4`.......,. L.:.. .......: Ln wwn me cnange 01 seasons. The committee have the rink in readiness for the freezing weather. No doubt the rink will be quite an asset. to the enjoyment of the young people of {the village. We can't. get along with- ;out the young people. They keep his } in a place and we hope they will enjoy the rink. although it. is hard work to build it and make the ice fit for the I merry-makers.- l\-_4I_ _n w,,,, -. q LV1a.UU1Ul18.. Mr. and Mrs. James Hart and Mr. iand Mrs. Elmer Emms of Barrie lately ,v1sited at.Thomas White's, Orillia. I Thorn ic nnf nnnnh cHv- In Qhanhx , vlaucu aL. J.n0II1B.S WI11lSB'S, uruua. I There is not much stir in Shanty `Bay just now. The people seem to be lmost concerned about how to adapt themselves to the sudden change into `winter so early, but we have to get winter sooner or later and have to fall `in with the change of The cnmmii-tpn haw: Hm I-inlt in dr fmcm on { NEW HIGHWAY {AT BEACh . Chicago may be stealing water from Lake Michigan but it has not affected the level of Georgian Bay according to information given A the: County Council at its. Thursday session. _. A._ J. F. Sullivan, former mayor of Stayner and a. member of the Wasaga. Beach Ratepayers Association, told the council that water in the bay was so high this year, the beach road was practically inundated when the`win_d blew from the north. ' rl-I1... I....._.1 _L._:_. -5 21...... ......A `..'.I..1n`n The question of recommending this route to the government was left; over by the Roads and Bridges Committee until the January session. - Dec. 2--Mrs. Hewitt ~of Craighurst spent a few days at` R. J. Turner's. Mrs. John Sandm-snn nf `Rm-rip snenf. pellb a LBW uays 8413 114. J. '1'urner's. Mrs. _John Sanderson of Barrie spent the week-end with `Mrs. Pan: and other friends here. ` M!` on:-I live I` `I7 `Dally awn loan- OM16!` uuenus nere. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Palk are leav- ing this week to spend a. few months in Barrie with their daughter, Mrs. 3 Macclellan. MY` 0111'} RH :-e Tarmac '| .1 nuG- nnpl lv ULCW LIUILI DUB llufhll. _ V The broad strip of firm sand which fringes Wasaga Beach and makes such a. fine driving surface is much narrower than it used to be and this leads to congestion of. traffic during the tourist season. `Mr. Sullivan and the interests._he` represented were ask- ing, therefore, that the County Coun- cil take steps to have an alternative inland route constructed. It was pointed out a road. could be built that would connect the` Collingwood and Penetanguishene highways. This link could take care of heavy and abnor- mal traffic during the `summer months and would relieve -the situa- ;tion when high water flooded the Ihnonh oatmcive new construction and yeplacements of both local and V long distance telephone plant ` 4m'll'mean an outlay in 1929 of more ._t(wn $27,000,000. IJLIIIUCI. I'LL) V13 IS eagerly IOOKCQ forward to by oung and` old alike.` It is high y digestible and is turned into brain and brawn with _the least tax .on the digestive _ organs. T ' ` HUVIS means health and vitality. BEST BAKERS. BAKE IT added quantities of the wheat heart, hence its power as ,a body_ builder. HBVIS is eagerly. looked fnrwarrl tn I-av vnnno and` hid To tin slices of buttred H5VIS add a lling of ~ eanut butter into w1_1ich choppe raisins have been mxxed. The Bread of Hedlth . I-I5VVIS contains 'i-Iavls .uu.n\,A Death ' of James Rands 5oY5 :. n`-FEED 1-AN! MAKE YOUR `.E.S1i`3.Y.AT?`.`i EAR`-Y A IE6 I IKYIUQ THE 35,88! EXAMINER 5!Wf`_"' BAY; EDGAR I Frnr IV I my ..a 3|"-LACE V Lter train " 9 affected `O, Lccording 3 ' Coun ty risal ion. ' ` 1IJ mayor enm :Wasa'.ga ygs ion. 5:15 LUIJLU. ' Barn-To Mr. and Mrs. I-Inrace Wheeler on Dec. 1. 1929. a. daughter. Thnse on the sick list are Mrs. Wheeler and Mrs. D. Matthews. - The town election wa< held Dec. 2. resulting as follows: Mayor, E. J. Lambevt. acclamation; Reeve. Wm. Hawkins, acclamationz counnilm-n: C. Icouqhlin, W. J. Buchanan. D. M-:-Nab, `R. Baycrofz. S. I-Iensnn, B. Cheesman._ Dec. 2-Sympathy is extended from the friends of this place to H. Cole and . family in their very sad bereavement.` `Flnrvnv R/|'r-T.pnn ic inqhlincr -2 nhnn-l ACHUC. ` Winter has set in quite smartly and had the roads blocked from Midhurst to Barrie. but it is well for the public that the "overseer got to work and has the roads in passable shape again. `Thu: t:r-hnn1 nhildrnn arp hnnv anffina IJLU .l'U'd1uh H1 puaauuu-: D113/pt uga-111. The school children are busy getting ready for a. big time on the night of Dec. 20. The Sunday School is also talking of having its Christmas tree and fowl supper at the home of Mrs. E. McLean, Dec. 18. 'l` `Div-\nu'n kne n-nnn 9-n fhn nnrV\I'\C o_ 1. LVLULJUHII, IJCU. 10. T. Binnie has gone to the camps a- gain this fall. Before going he had a loud speaking radio put in his house and they expect to have the telephone before long. Mr. Binnie has hired help to` look after the business while he is away and Mrs. Binnie s mother, Mrs. Ronalds of Toronto, will stay with her daughter for the winter. - ----u - -9 A. F."A."'iJ1AIiIE:6Ms'oN Ulltitblllktll. Mrs. Jas. Johnston cquple _ of. weeks with r0nt0. `am-n ,nm 1.7.. ..,.; La-uxuy H1 L.lll:`LJ. \C1_)' bdu UUl'l:H.\'('.'1IlCI1l..? Harvey McLean is mstalling a chop- ' ping outt which will be a conven-| ipnm: \ . Dec". 3-Mr. and Mrs. R. Canning attended the Winter` Fair, last week and visited friends while in Toronto. `Dm-my (n-znf-7 nf `P.1'r-hrnnnd `I-H11 vie- luau wt.`-:5. WlL1l LV11'.S. r'1uy(1 J.V11ECI1E1l.. { Hugh Lament has returned home after 9. couple of months in California. Mrs T-Tnrh Mnffhnxxrc nf T\Tmv T.num'l'l I a:..uc1' `.1. cuuple U1 monms 1n uaulorma. ' Mrs. Herb Matthews of New Lowell] and Mrs. J. W. Wiggins of Beeton `vis-; ited Mrs. T. Wiggins last week. I Misz Uhmzcmnn nf I-Tamilfnn iu vicil-.. ueu 1VJ.I'.S. 1.. wlggms Last WEEK. Miss Cheesman of Hamilton is visit- ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. |Cheesman. 1\ll ua Tnn '[nk.-.po-n.. :. .-..,....::..... .. HHQ VISIIJBCI 11181105 wuue H1 LUIUHLU. Percy Quantz of Richmond Hill vis- ited his brother, E` Quantz, last Sat- urday. ` Mr Wind: nrpanheri in the Bsmtisr. Mr.` Hinds preached in the Baptist church last Sunday. Gnhran `Ram-or i: hni1dina an ion. cnurcn last. Duuuuy. . George Baxter is building an ice house, getting ready for the summer trade. `Mfiee `I-Tlhynn ic hncv fhncn dnvc x>`!=f..| ung up a suuuux uuuuttn. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Moore and daughter and Mrs. Alf. Davis of To- ronto spent Sunday here. Mr: ~'1\/| m-m=r. and two children rnouiE:29DD 1o9nunLor_ VV. FIRTH CLEANING AND rnissme DYEING AND REPAIRING : GOODS CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED