Zge 30 p`.`.'I;ge 59s CHRISTMAS CAKES C As. BOYD, ,ne____: IN CH ENGLISH BREAKFAST STYLE Sizme of the Men Back of Dominion Stores Service r blamed it on the condition of the. road. A woman in the car was injur- 3 ed. She also has a -claim against c3un- ty. Examiner Classieds work hard for` little pay. Cent 9. word. Approx. 2 lbs. Each Packed in Suitable Gift Box \ THOMAS BATES Su'.mida.1e's 1930 Deputy-Reeve OUT` ` E E852 Silk and Wool Sox, fancy patterns $1.00 Silk and Wool Sox, fancy patterns . 75c Wool and Lisle `Sox, heather mixture 50c Auto Knit Sox, black, `grey, heather . 50 Men's Scarves, white $1.50, $1.95, $2.25 Men s Scarves, white with dots or figures no Q1 En .....I Q`) :n REG. 650 L8. WHERE QUALITY COUNT 2-`size Tin 3 Cakes 3-oz. Tin Each 1.. ;n;u-nuns-v.~u-, Born County I~`e rm:1na,gh, Ire- land, General Superintendent. 79c `Fla1111elc;t-:3--l;}:j:-tvma-s at . . Pyjgxma Cloth Pyjamas at Flzmnelette Nightgowns at A11 \X/I-`Ha nv f".nIru-or 28c 1&- LIMITED . '1'. ARMs'm0NG, n,___..-, .,._____.._I. Phone 250 E j }ew!2=s=a2%!&!:2a!a4a'ra2a2%!%!&!=%!&!!&!&!={ !5;2a!!ta2%sa22a2sr%a:e: 3%? % 0Rf EARLQE .;- I 1,. . R `%I.l& lvbuluwsov EAL OLD SCOTCH SI-VIORTBREAD MACAROONSA`ND CRULLERS Vjvvuu nlario Bakeries Limiled Bring your gift lists and let us help you select your pre- sents. Weh ave a big variety of suitable gifts: Towels: Bed `Spreads, Table Cloths, `Madeira Pieces, Blankets, Baby Presents. V ' SUTCHFFE S DRY GOODS STORE I r _i i Mexican surgeons have discovered a I A baby girl born in Eketahuna, New > . | "method of using ethyl alcohol as an lzeaxand, weighed only. two pounds, anesthetic during operations. but lived. ' n-..a..I..1.. L..1..-.t-U.-....e~ H.-um I-anon rln1.'i:_ `(nun 6-hon H-n-on_fnnv-fhc nf Hm, u1u:5u.u:Lu; uuL1u;5 U1JC1a:LAUAAu. Portable telephones have been devis- ed for plugging into specially wired sockets about the house. Qlmfeaaa 33 L Veiveeta. Sheese CAMPBELUS MCL URRESE SOAP Gbristmas ake *i%MAro map JELLY D6i1GHNU'rs ~ - A REAL TREAT ALSO OUR SPECIAL ALMOND PASTE I :\,L|.L.. l1lAl|,\JVV IIJ (LI. u - . o u u Vailil VAII Whiteor Colored Stripes Men s Fine Shirts at $1.69, $1.95, $2.25 Men's Ties, boxed at . . 50, 75c,*$l.00 Made from a real old English recipe. Our own make, and guaranteed to be of the highest quality. In an earthenware bowl. 1/2-lb. Package Approx. 2 lbs. each CHRISTMAS _ punmnas F OR THE BEST It Spreads or Slices" SPECEA.&T.m-- SPECIAL-- Tin i1 Ila un v nu, Born Gloucester, England, Assistant Buyer. Jewelerv Stone BARBIE Mgil Orders promptly attended to uuu uvcu. More than three-fourths of the world's silk is consumed in the United States. ' H. DAVIS, -u ..... .4-.. 37 Thllrsdlfo 1 75-: cnocms 5, 1929 What happier choice than c Bulova . . . o if? of exquisite beomy . . . a lifetime of depend- able time keeping service. :32; F3351 '/;~;` coho Ah .'~`.45\ C L O L .' :1 From $25 to $2500 III J 123333; :; r"4` 52%; -t-4 {/11 RE`E\/E'_ S 5l\alLl V90` \'V |IlL\r VVILII kl L.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.50 a:1Idl2u.6 'MEp1_ S PYJAMAS ` Ann 4. FATRICIA -ClIIrmlng. beautifully engnved case; I S -jewel movement -- for her! .M'5}N"5, 50X 'sm mm mm ruu. nAv s rnv Is Adfice of the .Re'eve of Beeton to Early _ Departers. Reeve John Carlton of Beeton at Friday's session of Simcoe County Council rapped the knuckles of sev- eral colleagnes, in. a figurative sense, for wanting to get away without at- tending the night sessicn after they had drawn a. full day's"indemnity. I stay here till the work is done and so do most of us," said Council- lor Carlton.-Why, can't the other fellows do the same. Let them stay till tomorrow if they `can't get away tonight. I maintain if they are not ready to finish-up the day's work they should forego a day's pay." -,u, L` Treasurer Coleman brought up the question of paying councillors before the session- was over He had no au- thority to do it and it placedhim in an awkward -position. It was brought out that two mem- ,bers who were away all day had been granted leaveof absence by the coun- cil to attend a funeral. The storm centered about the heads of Orillia and Collingwood re-, presentatlves who felta distinct urge to keep the home fires burning. Councillor Coatesvof Orillia said he wanted to be at home that night and was applying for leave in the usual manner. He did not propose to tell the council why he wanted to go horn . It was not a case of illness, nor of funeral, nor yet was it the neces- sity of staking up the family furnace that prompted him in his desire to v leave on an evening train. . -. . . ,n,,u,_1 After a certain amount of vrbal shadow boxing about the duties of County Councillors to see the muni- cipal ship of 1929 securely anchored before the crew signed off, Councillor LaR.ose of Orillia got up and told bluntly the reason -back of his `collea- gue's request. There would be elections` in Orillia on Monday and representa- tives of that town "on the County Council felt the need of mending their fences because they had been pre- cluded from doing any eiectioneering up to date through attendance at the County Council. There was a ratepay- ers\ meeting` called for Friday and those who were offering thexnselvas for re-election felt it would be in their own interests to attend. l`..... --.--_-_._ -- -.--___ The question raised by the warden was the possibility of not getting a. quorum at the night session. The forc- es wer; marshalied from` court house corridors and it was found there would be plenty if all promised to at- tend`. This they did with the result that it was found possible to excuse those who wanted to get away on ear- ly trains and still carry through the evening's business program. Members who left early sat in at the night ses- sion for about half an hour and had their votes recorded `on 9. bylaw to show they were present. After e. that some departed for the home fires and others went" forth with their pol- itical swords drawn to carve their way back to the county council of 1930.` Page Two Shopwnere you are invited to shop I $2.00 $2.95 _$2.oo Ladies Silk Kni1;-Bloomers . . . . . .. 95`! Ladies Silk Knit Vests . . . . . . . .. 98c Ladies Silk Knit Bloomers, lace trim 98c Ladies Silk Knit Vests , . . . . . . . . .' 79c . Ladies Silk K_nit Nightgowns . . . . $1.95 Ladies Silk Knit Pyjamas . . . . . . $2.95 Children's Vests, 6 to 14 years . . . . 69c Childr`en s Bloomers, 6 to 14 . . . . . . 89c Ladies" Cre e De `Chine and Georgette Figured ' `carves at . . . . . . . . . . 98c, $1.49, $2.25, $2.50 Ladies Kid Gloves, $2.50, "$2.75, $3.00 Ladies Silk-lined Suede Gloves . . $2.95 Ladies Wo'ol'G1oves .' . . . . . . . . . $1.00 Ladies Silk Gloves, wool lined. . $1.95 Im1`:m- cm. r~_1,...,.. n`Ln.u.-.1.-all-A 13...! IP I l`KCI, IP03? l Ladies Ladies esilk Gloves, chamoisette grey, sand, at . . . . . ; . . . . . . . . Gravenhurst, Nov. 29 ,- Muskoka district lost one of its most prominent citizens in the -person of Chas. Mickie, Sr., in his 81st year, senior partner of the lumber firm of Mickie, Dyment & Son, who died here at noon today from heart failure. Although Mr. Mickie had been inl failing health for the last couple of years, up to the time of his death he` had taken an active interest in his` business affairs. He was at his office as usual yesterday. The deceased was- one of the surviving -pioneer lumber-f[ men of the province, having conduct- ed the lumber industry with the late Nathaniel Dyment and his son Simon Dyment of Barrie, for over half a century operating mills at Graven- hurst; Severn Bridge. and Fenelon Falls, with a large retail yard on Bloor street west, Toronto. During the past decade he also `was interested in the mining development of northern Ontario. 1-\....x._.. La- 1::.\H...... I-..-nu. lvimumnndc CHARLES MICKLE,' SR., mas AT GRAVENHURSTi Ullhbllu. During his lifetime here, thousands of employees have been under his supervision in mills and forest oper- ations. He was closely associated with the town s affairs,_ having held the office of mayor and almost all other municipal offices. In politics he was a Liberal and a staunch advocate of temperance. Before union he was a Methodist, and at the time of his_ 'death was a trustee of the United Church here. Mr.iMickle was noted for his generosity, and along with his wife gave freely to any worthy cause or persons in distress. He was a keen patron of clean sport and was hon- orary president of the local curling club for the past 20 years. He was a I lover of horses, and with, the advent of I automobiles he -took a great delight: being out in his automobile as late as Wednesday of this week. Q , g , ,,__. Surviving him are his widow, form- erly Miss Emma Rowe of Paisley, Ont., where they were married over 53 years ago. and two daughters, Mrs.{ Howard Cane. Newmarket, and Mrs.i Geo. Harper, Kitchener, and one son, ; Charles S. Mickie, of Gravenhurst. V who has taken over his father's duties"? during recent years. |t 34 Elizabeth Street, next to` Bry;on s'.Te$. Room - _ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%1 Interment took place at. Newmarket on Monday afternoon. I Auction sales in town or cpuntry to` )9 a success should be advertised in` me Examiner. I 4 SCREEN GRID TUBES O.-TONE `MODULATOR % ear sale by +- Barrie Radio Electric, Srvice; v 5 Clgpperton `St. ` ' `Phone; 129 uupu, $1 .50 VIOIIII lined, (4.1 an [o I WAUL1 UL. LIlVJll vvuavus Kama. . ` On Thursday Clifford Baldwick. and [Stewart Bell were presented to" the icounty Council by Stewart Page. They `were congratulated by the warden on jmeir good recordein stock judging. A ._-_-1..L:-.. -.......-_..:.._ LL- , _, _un_ D. H. Coleman, Simcoe County trea- ` surer. appeared -before the council on Thursday and presented a picture of Eben Todd, warden in 1919. Mr. Cole- man was at one time a representa-tive at the County Council from Innisfil, Mr. Todd's township and it was felt appropriate that he should make the presentation in the absence of the former warden. The picture was re- ceived by the present warden, Charles Gratrix. who expressed appreciation of the services rendered to the county by this predecessor in office. The pic- ture was placed on the ccuncil cham- ber wall with the portraits of other men who. in days gone by. directed the destinies o,f Simcoe County Coun- cil. coo won! nous ;KN0lWiEE&EE [County Council Agricultural Rep; -. rgesentahves. Siincoe Co'unty Council at its session Friday tendered thanks to agricultural representatives in-the county for the gcod _work done during the year. `G_:a'nts of $100 were awarded each of ` them to defray expenses in connection with the Royal Winter Fair. I Iu "I"\q1uuu~:-lnov n'Hl\wp' 'I3nIA.-.l..I- Au`;-I """' "" ' """ !"`Uf'=I A resolution expressing the council s regret and concern over the illness of *,Judge Ross and wishing lgim a speedy recovery was introduced by Councillor |Dr1n_kwa.ter of Orillia. Township "and lpassed by the County Council. c Thu f`,nnn+u l`1\unn'H 1-Innh-Ia-I O-A o;e_ HGCDIZI IIIIU QUEEN QIJIILIULAL The County Council decided to is- sume responsibility for all bridges on the county boundary lines. Enn1iAc~+ AF Davida I-1\nG a DC: l\f\l| (LAG Uuuuug wuuuuaxg 111.1179. . Request of Barrie that 9. $55,000 I. block of Collegiate debentures be guar- anteed by the county was concurred In. The county also agreed to guarantee a $26,000 block of street debentures for Goldwater. A ;--..-s-.& AC` 61 nnn -cu-n ARA L. I! I \J\lAlA 11 `run: a A grant of $1,000 was paid to_W. J. ~Wea.thera1l 6'f Dunedin to reimburse I `him for damage done to his mill dur- 1 ing spring oods.._ ' Young "Judges Recognized Tangible recognition of the achieve- ments of Clifford Baldwick and Stew- , art, Bell of Vespra in connection with `stock judging contests mt the Royal ..v_Vinter Fair was contained in a re- commendation of the County Council finance committee Wednesday, Nov. 27, that they be presented with $25 a- piece. 'Tn nth-Hfinn fn nrrlnv-Ina Phi: wanna`.- 5 I k .m'?r:."additlon to ordering the money grants the committee expressed. its best wishes to the boys for continued success "in stock judging. I `l'\ `D `Lfnv-lrnncc nrlrh-nanny! I-kn (Wanna- DI.l\A4UD Au nvuun Juu5uA5. D. B. I-Iarkness addressed the Coun~ ty Council upon the work being car: ried on -by the Social Service Council lof Ontario. Her dealut especially with direction of the council in the town- prominent Toronto dentist had inves- tigated `the condition of children`: teeth in rural schools -or `that area because there are many children who do not get along in their studies or -who later become delinquent that are hampered by their health or en- . vironment. I nu... _......_:1 _.__ A..._.:..... L- ...._.___L- the survey of conditidns made under `ship of Nottawasaga. Only last week a A i V II Uxusuillv. The council was trying to promote child welfare in a broad and. intelli- I gent way. To do this itwas necessary lto collect facts respecting social con- ditions surrounding the child. Next year it was hoped to put a trained worker into the county to ._carr;; on this work. Up to the. present time there had been no provincial grant. But if the county felt like contrir.-gt} ing a little toward the preventative service being carried on by the council it would be appreciated. Mayor of Midland Mayor Roebuck of Midland was in- vited to the dais by the warden and addressed a few words to the council. He congratulated Warden Gratrix on this record as presiding officer and hoped that his `successor next year i and the new council would be equally ~ I successful. A. K-.. .. .........I- 5`..;..... LL. 6.! OLIUDCDGL ut. A requgst for a. grant from {he Sal- I vatlon Army was filed. The usual grant of $10 to the Stayner public library was authorized. "I"!-an `Dnnrhu nu:-'I `D1-h-Inna f"I\rv\vv|+nn EX-WARDEN E. TODD S I PORTRAIT IN CHAMBER| l 5.11:. (u J W as: auvauu. unpu- The Roads and Bridges Committee recommended that growing brush be cleared out of Bear Creek where it crosses county road No. 1'7. Councill- or Lovering is to supervise the work and $50 will be granted on his or- der to cover the expense. The Finance Committee recom- mended that $886 wrongly paid by Orlllia to industrial schools be" refund- Recommends No Action The Roads and Bridges Committee recommended that no action be taken in connection with -`a. communication from Sam 'McKee of Nottawasaga Township claiming compensation for damage sustained to his property dur- . ing spring floods. 'I"kn nnnnvuil-I-an v-nnnnnn-unnn Tho? ` 1115 Dytllas LLuvuo- The committee recommended that a request from Port tMcN1col for pav-' ing in that village be laid over until `the January session. Fkn nnna. and Fnrlria-an I`.~n\n1N-Gan uuc uuuuuz _y acooauu. The Roads and Bridges Committee recommended rbhat no action be taken at present in `connection with a mo- tion of Councillors Spicher and Bates irespectlng qeconstructlon` of the Pow- ers Bridge. It was recommended `that `the council of 1930 make an early, I start on`-building a new bridge. Mr... 1!! .1 : ulaonn 1Z!lmvn1n nnH_ `span Uu-uuuuuug -U. ucw unaugc. Mrs. W. H. Wallace, Elmvale, noti- : fled the council she -was claiming $300 damages as 9. result of an accident gto her car when it Iplunged over the iside of the Kidd `Bridge on Nov. 24. up..- '1': 1' `r_Yno-`A g-uh:-nil-I-Ari uni-H-'{na_ 51016 U1. U1: xxxuu. `.l3LAu5c un umvv. 1. '; . Mrs. H. J. Hand submitted notifica- ition of a claim against the county for "1 injury sustained `while travellig in I an automobile on the county road be- }tween Alliston and Beaton on Sept. 2. The Globe indemnity co. oiined Council tha.t_1t had settled a claim against the county for $77.50 prefer- 'red by J. H. Vancise of Collingwood. One of Mr. Vancise s salesmen while .' aauuna vn uauv. -uu or The Examiner. ' prefer- r driving pver a. bridge on a county road last June damaged his machine when the bridge gave way. Pf` A Ihorn nf .`l'i1o1-st` nnfiflarl fhn Iouc uuugc suvc way. T. A. sharp of Midland notified the county he was holding it responsible for damage to his car in an accident last August near Perkinsfild. He I__ III III ' o '9 db 0 A III /7. 7/. cl Local or district news on every page .1 VYH... E`-no-nlrunu ra Razor Blades _ - V . "7 ' 5 Packages 25 . . . _ GOOD QUALITY ~ - GILLETTE ' _ ~ Branston Pickle V . Jar 25 w 3'1`; cnossn & BLACKWELIJS el k L L L"l' Q- JOSEPH SPICHER "Reeve of Sunniclale, 1930. 7 '4 Made in our own modern bakery, of the choicest ingredients. Leave your order with the Manager. Fry s~ Cocoa Lifebuoy Soap ROYKL Baking Powder% 6- uuluvd. Luunpnuw nu . .- ncwcusrylc 3 75 mush band. {L CANADA OR DURHAM `Corn Starch cnossn uu ICED A FULL FLAVORED TEA THAT CHEERS AND SATISFIES , SPECIAL- 1/2 `Ibo Package Domino Tea lb-. 390 Dominion Stores is proud of its mean, of all ranks, who maintain the high standards whih have mczclc the name Dominion Stores a shopping by-word th1'oug!2ce:zt -Ontario and Quebec. Three important executives czre pictured above. It is interesting ' to note that each one has been born within the Empire. vnunu. uv 4 u, Born Campbellford, Ontario, Stores Operation Dept. BANKER-An unusual I5-jewel dust-proof Bulova. compluc.wilh nnnvnxl (:1-In D _ 4-up