GALVANIZED SI-IINGLES for th 200 200 0:1. 150 R`. .... a.._y vuLLvL cuunucn. Terms of Sale--All sums of $10.00 and under, cash; over that amount 11 months credit will be given to parties furnishing approved joint notes. 6% per annum or: `for cash on credit sums. All will be sold without reserve as the proprietor )3 giving up farming. Sale at 1 p.m. W. A. Mcconkey, Auct. unu, a gpuac auu 1 5u.uu.t:1. HORSES-Bay horse, 7 years, Clyde; bay mare, 8 yrs., Clyde; bay mare, 11 yrs., Clyde;-grey horse, 10 _yrs., Percheron; chestnut horse, 12 yrs., driver; chestnut mare, Hackney. i IMPLEMENTS, ETC.-Binder, 7-ft. [cut, Massey-Harris; mower, 6-ft. cut, [Massey-Harris; 5-f-t. mower with pea ,harvester; disc drill, McCormick; gul- ky rake, McCormick; stiff-tooth culti- vator, International; manure spread- er; land roller; hay tedder; spring-I tooth cultivator, Massey-Harris; sul- ky plow, Oliver; disc-harrow, Frost 8: .Wood; 2-furrow plow, Cockshutt-Kidd: lsingle plow, Wilkinson, No. 4; single plow, Fleury, No. 13; single plsw, with wheels, Fleury, No. 21; set harness; ditching plow; wagongear; Bain wa- gon, 21,5-in. tire, complete; truck wa- gon and stock rack; set sloop sleighs, new; hay rack; set bob sleighs; top buggy; gasoline engine, Fairbanks- Morse, 6 h.p.; Chatham fanning mill; grain crusher, Verity; scuffler; sawing machine; cutter; root pulper; set scales; cream separator; churn: 1/ share in corn binder; cream separator; dog power; 1,5 share in International blower; cutting-box, 11-in. mouth; set breeching harness, longtug; set back- band harness, longtug; 35 set long tug harness;.set single harness; cook stove; heating stove; other furniture; . also forks, chains, doubletrees and many other articles. Taurus I\` G-.1.` A11 _._n.. .0 A -A -- vFARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS! ? I , ________ ,The undersigned has received instruc- ` tinns from _' ...._.'.-n-.a-'51:, Lrauv. AL | The following: E CATTL-E---White cow, 4 years olc'1.i -fresh; roan cow, 3 years old, milking; red cow, 6 years old, due in February; ired cow, 6 years, milking well, due in _June; 3 calves; roan heifer, 3 years, 'calf at foot; 5 well-bred Holstein heif- lers. rising 2 years old; 2 Durham lsteers, rising 2 years old; 3 Durham `heifers, rising 2 years old. I `DTFLQ Ann tnnurr vm.1...1..:..- ....... i I uuuua. IMPLEMENTS, ETC.-Blnder, 6-ft. . cut, Massey-Harris, nearly new; Deer- ing mower; disc drill, Superior; hay tedder; Massey-Harris mower, new; spring-tooth cultivator, Massey-Han iris: set harrows, 9-bull; sulky rake; lsteel land roller; John Deere manure spreader, nearly new; single plow, Fleury No. 13; 2-furrow plow, Verity, nearly new; single plow, Percival, No. ,12; set harrows, 12-bull; scuffler; disc Iharrow; set scales, 2000 lbs.; fanning !mill. Chatham; cutter; truck wagon 'and rack; buggy; wagon, complete: ;set sloop sleighs: Sharples cream sep- iarator; set double harness, long tug. `nearly new;Lset long tug harness; set single harness; quantity of lumber: ;forks. chains, doubletrees, etc. ` 'T`prrnc nf Qnln A11 ........,. ..r n--nan nance to treat [sore throats, qu1nsy,' group. bronchitis, head colds, catarrh! and 15011511 troubles, with Mrs. sybma} " 8Dahr s Tonsilitis. You can't lose, it's I Guaranteed, try it. Barrie Druggists. _ ` uuauxa, uUuU1Cb1'CCS, CDC. Terms of S.ale--A11 sums of $10.00 and under, cash; over that amount 11 ;months credit will `be given to parties `furnishing approved joint notes. 6% `per anhum off for cash on credit sums. All will be sold without reserve as the proprietor is giving up farming. `Sale at 1 p.m. sharp. I VI A 1\/r.-.rVn...1..... n.._L.--._-~ |...,u...,.u, umug, a ycala uxu. | PIGS AND FOW1rYorkshire sow, ! due to farrow, Feb. 14; 6 pigs, 3 mons. lold; 2 geese and 1 gander. nnpgmq pm, 1.---.. n ...._.... " ' 'Tz'F65w':'No; 45 HEAD OF STOCKER CATTLE, yearlings and two-year-olds, and a few choice heifers in calf. n._......- ____.u.__ _-LL1, ,,5-1 . .. The undersigned has received instruc- -a' _ tions from \`uuL1vAvJ UL VJGUD. CA'I'I`LE-Ayrshire cow, with calf at foot; Durham cow, 8 yrs., due in Dec.; Durham cow. 9 yrs.. due in Dec.; Durham cow, 6 yrs., due in Man; Dur- lham cow, 6 yrs., due in Dec. Dur- ham steer. rising 3 yrs. old; 2 Dur- ham steers, rising 2 =yrs. old; 2 Dur- ham heifers, rising 2 yrs. old; 2 spring calves, Hereford. HOUSEHOLD FURNITLURE -Par- Ior suite, 4-piece; hall rack, parlor table, table lamp, oak buffet, 6 dining chairs, 2 ~extension tables, Morris .chair, 2 dressers and wash stands, 4 bedsteads and springs, 3 beds, 2.toi1et sets, glass cupboard, box stove, baking cabinet, kitchen tables, range, churn, dishes, coal oil stove, coal oil heater, household scales, fire extinguisher, ,kitchen utensils, and many other ar- } ticles. 1'1 RTI1 v-on tvwnvv-ruru _-_.. _ - _ cu uy ruuuu AUULIUII AT FARM IN ANGUS SATURDAY, mac. 7 'T"Y.'l"IZ` `E1t'\1' `I n1tr7x rV . vnnusvv ;n\,nA\.;u cu \.a.u.. Anyone wanting cattle will do well to attend this sale. All will pe sold without reserve. l'l'l.......... -4` (3-1... n-1-.- ... __-;_s,,. iv: vvuuAuI-nu J. tad; vv. -' Terms of SaIe:--Ten moguls credit will be given to parties furnishing ap- proved joint, notes. Six per cent. per annum oil` for cash. Sale at 1 p.m. W A `MI :-r*_n`Nr`rz17rv A..- [FARM scrocx AND IMPLEMENTS aullalirla, 1/149: LU The following: HOR;SES-Clydesdale mare, 4 yrs., 1400 lbs.. eligible for registration; black Percheron horse, 5 yrs. old, 1450 |lbs.; bay horse, 14 yrs., G.P.; Clyde mare, 8 yrs.,` Peqrl Finder; Clyde mare, 14 yrs. old. PIGS AND FOWL--10 pigs, 150 lbs. each; 8 store pigs; brood sow and 9 pigs; Yorkshire sow, in pig; 50 hens. wtamn -AT\`l"l"\ .!`.'.'D Acrwr rs...-....+:+.. ......x now MISS nus! Th undersigned has 'reEeix'ed instruc- ' tions from ysso, LUALXJLLALC euw, A11 1115, i)U ucua. FEED AND :GRAIN-Quantity red clover hay; quantity mixed hay; lquantity of oats. I"A'T"I'"Y `EV Avvo-mini`..- ....... _.:LL --1A! Ei-ZN TODD S. H. Lot 19, Con. 2, Innisfil (`2 mna ,en11H1 nf !`!`hnrn1ni11\ . . - - . . . . . V . u GEORGE CUNNINGHAM A I-I { M91034 ma w:sn:s3;,B1;e."`n The f'nHnuvinnr- AIIGTION SALE ummonsm or 45 cum \;au\oA\\J:a \.4\J.lVlV1l`\JlIt'IlVI At Lot 7, Con. 10, Essa to sell by public auction on IIvI~u\nIu-In-\ A-u ._-._ A - u an. navy Av, `pull. 6 IIIIIIBI (2 miles south of Churchill) to sell by public auction on CROWN Lma .., `._.._... ..-.~........ riff-:sDAY, mac: 13` "I"hn fnnnnvna - ---- ~v-V-, am io sell by Public Auction lilo l'_*ArIll I11 11!! I--.. 3-Iil%EE ; yau. axliu 1-). W. A. Mcconkey. Auctioneer .u:. \.a.uu. 1D;1C uh I. p.111. W. A. MCCONKEY, Auct.J= DR. C. A. ARNOTT Physician. Surgeon and Consultant. Graduate of McGill University, Mon- treal Maternity Hospital. Montreal General and Royal Victoria Hospitals. Office and Residence: 64 Mary St.. Barrie, Ont. 'T`r~lm1hnnu I-'~R'7 u-2 J.v1a.1'y DL.. Lsarrle, um. Telephone 557 Special atzcntion to Maternity wor!-1, Internal Medicines and Diseases of Ch;1dren v.1vLvnuuV ununn. Ur` NURSES Barrie Branch WELL BABY CLINIC from 2 to 5 o'clock every Friday. Application for nurse's services may be made direct or through doctor. . Telephone 467W ` } DR. w. A. LEWIS Surgery and Diseases of Women lAssociate Coroner County of Simcoeq --and- 1 DR. E. A. CUMMINGS . , Graduate of Toronto University I House Physician at St. Michael's Hospital for one year. Phone 61 Office--58 Collier St. Hours: 8-9 a.m., 12.30-2, 6.30-8 p.m.[ Physicians and Surgeons. Barrie Office and Res.---17 Maple Ave. Office hours: 1 to 3 p.m. 7 to 9 pm. or by appointment. Phone" 213 A. T. Little, M.D. W. C. Little. M.B. ` DRS. LITTLE & LITTLE i - -A;ose Eity Veterinary Hospital, Inc. Portland, Oregon. _ April .?5fh. 1928. 1 Referring to the res! we have been conducting with Provendeine we are well pleased with the difference between the two pigs which were given the some food with the exci-[1/intt of one being led the Provendeinc and the other none The one [ed the Provendeine Ls considerably heavier `in weight and its general physical condition is math more thrifty. ' Ill. ..-.. ....-.. ._....L _._.:_...._4 -.._. .1..-.. __-_n.... ._...a n___. u,_. 1., .u.. 4-_...__ JJIS. A. D. l5LAUl Veterinarian anii Surgeon Overseas Service, Captain Imperial . Army Veterinary Corps Three years post war practical exper- ` _ience in England and Scotland Office and Surgery: 48 Bayfield St. Phone 811 DR. AINSLIE P. ARDAGH SURGEON EYE, EAR, NOSE and THROAT May be consulted on first and third Saturdays of each month at Queen s Hotel, Barrie DR. FRED. A. ROSS Formerly of Drs. Ross & Ross Late Surgeon Specialist with the Imperial Army, 4% years. , General Surgery and Obstetrics ' Especially Office--140 Dunlop St.., Barrie Phone .710 P. O. Box 1078 L. J. SIMPSON. M.B. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office and Residence-Coll1er St. corne_r Owen, Barrie. Phone 275 DB. 3-3. G. TURNBULL Graduate McGill University, Montreal. loffice and Residence--Cor. Elizabeth and Bradford Streets. Phone 105 Office hotirsz 9-10 a.m., 1-3 p.m., 7-8 p.m. 00 Hours 9-6 I J. A. CORBETT NOTARY PUBLIC, Conveyancer in- ciuding drawing of wills, deeds, ar- ranging of loans, etc. Insurance of all kinds, Executor, Administrator and i Trustee. Thornton, Ont G. Iifand E. A. BURNS PHYSIO-THERAPISTS 60 Elizabeth St. Phone 405 Pathodyne Blood Analysis. Pathoneur-' ometer Serice} Electra, Magnetic and Sun Treatments, Massage and Correc- tive Manipulation. WE . SOLICIT INVESTIGATION DR. R. W. HUGHES DENTAL SURGEON 24 Dunlop St.. above Arnold's Market Telephone_ 378. 30-5513 PLAXTON & PLAXTON BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, ETC. Offices: Kent Building, 156 Yonge st. Toronto, Ont. G. Gordon Plaxton, James O. Plaxton Herbert A. W. Plaxton, B.A. ,-.... _. .- .,.,. We are very much enthused over !his product and hope Hm! in thefuture wndl/Ions will permit us to take on a stock pf same. - ` {rain nnc H HIITTMAN I ' nuu..um1..5-uuN1'rcAu'1`uu:s See us about those floors and altera- tions. Phone 115-1W or 990M. ' BOYS & BOYS Barristers, Solicitors, Notarles Public, Conveyancers, Etc. Money to loan at lowest rates or in- terest. Off1ce--13 Owen St., in Mason- ic Temple Building, Barrie. Branch Offinp._F!]mxmIa DUNCAN F. `McCUAI( i, B.A. Successor to Creswicke & Bell BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. Money to loan. Ros Block, Barrie Au xcuxptt: Duuuulg, barne. Branch Office--E1m.vale. W. A. Boys, K.C., M.P. J. R CAMERON & CAMERON ` BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, ETC. , Barrie: 5 Owen Street. l Telephone 406 MONEY TO LOAN R. R, Damornn It A l'`..-............` lV.I.U.l`US R. S. Cameron ALEXANDER COWAN Barrister, Solicitor for obtaining probate of wills. guardianship and administration,- General Solicitor, Nntarv nnvcavnnnnr ah- uuu1usu`a.u.uu,- ueneral uoucmor, Notary, Conveyancer, etc. 0ffice--I-Iinds Block, 8 Dunlop St., Barrie. MONEY T0 LOAN _j.. V CTORIAN ORDER OF N '1 Barrie Branch URSES DR. N. W. ROGERS PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Special attention to Obstetrics Office and Residence: 50 Mary St. Phone 101 _'!I|ursday, December 5. 1929 RADENHURST & HAMMOND f BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, ETC.` Masonic Temple Building, Barrie` MONEY TO LOAN Furs Altered and Repaired Over I-'mr1burt'a mm. fnpn DONALD F. Ma.cLAREN, B.A. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. Masonic Temple Building, Barrie MONEY TO LOAN GORDON LONGMAN Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. MONEY TO LOAN Ross Block, Barrie H. H. a{ESWICKE Barrister, Solicitor, Notary. Etc, MONEY TO LOAN Dnce `lllnnlr `Dan-via I nun rnasclcu unu RCPIIIUU Ove; I-'rurlburt s Shoe Eton. MISS M. McAR'l`HUB tfb w1L14i:(r:*1)'n*:.Z sr(1k\4(iii'i1, o.A}I REGISTERED ARCHITECT Midland, Ontario A. E. PRINCE & C0. BUILDERS-CONTRACTORS n no nhnnf fl-snag nnro on.-I nu-m ROBERT H. SMITH EYESIGHT SPECIQLLIST 53 Dunlop St.-Phone 80 s 9.6 Rahirnlnuc H11. 1n Mlscummzoug -aonnlunau \JIV\! `ill Money Back OPTQMETRIST CHIROPRACTIC VETERINARY uu umxpxe nuucnng, . MONEY` TO LOAN .DR. A. S. BLACK m-inn:-inn an I1v-nu LVJJJLVEI X J. U IJLIAN Ross Block, Barrie ARCHITECT MEDICAL BUILDERS DENTAL 'I:lIe differenjce was `due "to.PI-ovvncieine. up m,.-rnone 60 ` Saturdays til1~10 p.m.} .j-_j_._j_.j__._.. K. A. Cameron ;V 515. R. Boys Examiner Classieds work hard for little pay. Cent; a word. Funeral Director and Embalmer Ambulance Service : Phone 431 Limousine Hearse if desired Cor. Mary and Elizabeth Sts., Barrie WELCH, CAMPBELL & LAWLESS Chartered Accountants Phone Main 5874, 59 Yonge, Toronto H. J. Welch, C.A. G. D. Campbell,C.A. W. S. Hulbig, Production Engineer T. E. Lawless. C.A. rupn oI 32 Ross Street uuuunu nu. DI\.lDU.V Teacher of Piano, Organ. Singing and all Theoretical subjects Choir Director Central United Church Pupils prepared for Toronto Conserva- tory of music examinations. all grades. Special attention to A.T.C.M. work Studio: 27 BradYord St.. Barrie _:_ DOROTHY A. JOHNSTON. A.L.C.M. Teacher of Piano and Theoretical sub- jects. Pupils prepared for Toronto Conservatory of Music and London. (Eng.) College of Music examinations. Studio: 152 Maple Ave., Barrie _._.___.________.____..__ Published every Thursday afternoon at the Post Office Square, Barrie. Subscription Price-Canada and Great Britain $2.00 per year in advance (in arrears $2.50): United States. $2.50 per year in advance. Both old and new addresses should be given when change of address is 1'oque:;ted. CAN- CELLATIONS--We_1'iud that most 01 our subscribers prefcz` not to havl their subscriptions interrupted in case they fail to remit be,v`r~.~-c expiratiorx. While subscripxions will not be car- ried in arrears over an extended per- iod, yet, unless we are notified to can- cel, we assume the subscriber wishes the service continued. REi\II'ITANC- ES should be made by registered let- ter, money order or cheque payable at par in Barrie. I A `lute-.nY AI3'I'.V\1 YT|!:L.._ Ram` co:,`p`Auv` EDMUND HARDY, Mus. B21c..F.T.C.M. Teacher of Piano, Organ, Vocal and Musical Theory Organist and Choirmaster of St. Andrew`s Presbyterian Church Gold Medalist Toronto Conservatory of Music and University of Toronto. 113 Worslcy St. Phone 663 ____::j__ B Ffhun _L.... -1: 1-`: A vv. :9. nuxmg, rrouucuon nzngmeer Lawless, C.A. Manager Cost and Efficiency Dept. uuu uL;V\.ILJV\J tau uxuxuulauons) ALSO Mrs. _Emm1e Wilson Contralto Vocalist, Entertainer and Elocutionist Singing, Speaking, Public Oratory and Dramatic Expression F;g.:u.-n.-n:n..u.--..__..--.u g-.. .n--. Hotace Wilson, A.R.C.O. E Organist and Clloirmaster 1 Collier St. United Church . All grades or ORGAN, PIANO and iTHEORY! VOICE PRODUCTION -and SINGING (all examinations) I___-...___ ATSO -.j_ MAYDEE MCAULEY. A.T.C.M. Teacher of Piano and Theory organist of St. George's Church 115 Bayeld St.. Barrie 9, Sold by all dealer: Wtlto for Pratt: Poultry Book-Froc PRATT FOOD C0-. of Canada Ltd. 328 Catlaw Ava. Tot-once 8. Out. Stenograpl-iic, Commercial, Com- plete Office Training, and Se- cretarial Courses. Twelve schools. Indivicfual attention. Rapid advancement. Employ- ment Bureau service for grad- uates. Enrol any time. Catalo- gue free. Shaw Schools Limited, Head Office, 1130 Bay St., Tor- onto. Ki. 3165. n A`! A "T\ \vwr\un.- __- `-- .-_----- `pun. `1.73 Established 1869 FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EMB.-\L.\II;'RS OPEN DAY AND _\'lGH'I` Motor ambulance in connection BARRIE, O.\'T.--I 1I()NE 82 HOT WATEE HEATING J. H. mxon. Dist:-ict Aged. BARRIE. owmmo Th fy looked the same at` bi! .h - bl/ta/ler3/I0/WIIS w ._.n 3..- _..._...... _....._.... .-.. . ___.... _..- j_ For interview and terms, apply 16 Collier St., Barrie run 1 :1 L4lVlLJl`II-llVIIaI\ OPEN DAY AND NIGHT 47 Elizabeth St. : Phone 218 G .:`3Ti.t!}-f9` C0- W. J RICHARDS 56 Elizabeth St. : Phone 1131 Evcry time L1 hen cack- les,. she is asking for` more of this wonderful Egg-Producer- Agent for McClary's Furnaces SHAW SADIE M. BREMNER. A.C.A.M. 'l"`lFArLn:vn nn nv. \Vf\ Makes Hens Lay More Eggs (|_I_I L-- _II .l_..I-._ P. C. LLOYD FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER l'\`l)l:'\T I'\A1r nun nvutsiiru-I W. D. MINNIKIN ..-.. ..-. .:;uuuu..1un:. rhbntl TEACHER OF PIANO Pupil of Ernest Seitz SS Strpnf - - Dr-v--`n PLUMBING MUSIC LESSONS JESSIE R. BRYSON -Ac n:.....- l\ ,, - nun unva- DAY AND NIGHT KIJLLU J. A. MMLAREN, Editor W. C. WALLS, Manager FOR. 4 7l`iz-m white bacon. exquisite flesh. These are the certain results follo- | wing the use of Provendeine . AND TRY BUSINESS SCHOOLS Page Eleven DUJLZ Barrie, Ont. Provendeine has proved its qua.- liti es which are further emphasised by the hundreds of testimonials received. The breeder who Iwglecls to use Provendeiue exposes himself to all the diappointments incidental to pig rearing and loses money. Cattle running at large on the high- ways can be impounded and action ta'. against the owners. This may seem harsh but it is better than for some motorist to have an accident by trying to avoid a collision. . .. ~ on A farmer having very light land suf- ersrl much {ram his surface soil blow- sing and wasting away. Now he draws \man_ure out and leaves it spread on `the surface. He says that he saves his soil as well as enriches it and generous- ly asks that this idea he passed on to others likewise situated. ` The movement of clover and grassl seeds is reported slow and generally at` glower prices than last fall. With the `exception of timothy and sweet clover the production in Canada and the Un- lted States is reported larger than last lyear. This fact, coupled with a good {crop in Europe, has resulted in a slow :export demand and lower prices to [Canadian growers. In Ontario it is ;estimated that about 50 per cent. of 16%;. n1.-Hyn nu-nn in van} lv'\' or-Jr! Rt Gn `J11 aulmc. " ' (sgd) Gus. H. HUTTMAN. NEWS AND INFORMATION FOR THE BUSY FARMER Inhuvv u.-uuuv vv yin; \.v.3u. ` crop is not yet said, 65 (nu-when by the Ontario npartmeni oi _Agrlculture) . Byithe use of Provemleine! c Provendeine is the only product that guarantees to the breeder rapid luttening of his pigs without fear of stunning their growth. vuwuu WUAU 51UVVLA 51.: ;uua Chum: u.u; nu" tal will undoubtedly exceed 12,000 acres in 1930. Essex, with a similar total of 10,000 acres this last year, and Kent with 6,760 acres, were the other principal tobacco growing coun- ties. The aggregate acreage of all kinds of tobacco in Ontario was slight- ly more than 28.000. The yield exceed- ed 21 million pounds, which was one- third lessthan in 1928, due to a. falling .01`! in burley and other dark types. This was the result `of low prices ob- ' tained for these types in 1928, which had the effect of eliihinating- many 01 the smaller and less experienced grow- ers, those growing -tobacco on unsuit- able soil and the intermittent (rower. on the other hand the-acreage of the bright ue-cured type was 50 per cent. greater in 1929, although the yield was -practically unchanged. Auction sales In town or cquntry to. be a. success should be a.dve1`tised1n :11: Examiner. 7 m(*)ntario s Tobacco Crop Recent despatches from New Zea-, land tell of the development of tobac- I co production on a large scale in what is known as the Nelson district, where land suitable to tobacco culture has been discovered. However, with only 1000 acres of tobacco in the entire dis- trict, the'New Zealanders still have a. long way to go before a comparison can be made with Ontario's rapidly increasing acreage. In Norfolk Coun- ty alone 10,000 acres of ue-cured to- bacco were grown in 1929 and the to- !-nl ml Ivnnnkfnriluy nvnna 1 9 nnn Th golden age" of hog production is between the third and seventh months when the weight attained should be about 220 to 230 pounds. Each month from its birth it takes lprogressively more feed to produce a pound of gain. But between the third and seventh month, when the rate of gain per day and cost of gain per [pound are combined. give the maxi- mum productive efficiency. After that age the combined increasing cost of gain per pound and lo'.ver.-rd value due I to overweight for the better grades ,m:-.`.;e it unprofitable for the producer gto feed hogs longer. Canadians Are Lamb Eaters Canadian lamb is a marketable pro- duct which is rapidly growing in pop- ular demand. Canadian consumers are lamb eaters the year round and conse- quently the production, marketing and distributing of lamb must be so organ- ized that the consumer dem nd will be catered to at all seasons of t e year. 1'TnG`nm+nnnh-\`lu ru-nrlnn-6;-nu and non, us, vuuunuu uv uv uAa uv..u..:.:.u-J up. unis. Jhlatbn Unfortuna,te1y production and mar- keting are not sufficiently organized `at the present time, and the industry is faced with the depression of com- petition from imported lamb which this year has already reached a vol- {ume of over 3,000,000 pounds. I `|\Il'.-u-Hun-n nvnin-kl nnwnnn:-no uyniru-Inn Smut in Wheat It is estimated that the two smuts, stinking smut or bunt, and loose smut, damage the winter wheat crop in Ont- ario more than $1,000,000 annually. Much of this loss can be prevented by smut treatments. stinking smut of wheat, the more serious disease, of the two, can be controlled by using forma- lin, biuestone or copper carbonate dust. Loose `smut of wheat c_annot be con- trollw by these treatments. Where the crop has been damaged by loose smut the grower should obtain seed from a crop that is free from this fungus disease. \.'..uu: UA Uvua. u,uuu.v\Iu yuunsua. Medium weight carcasses weighing from 35 to 45 pounds with a prefer- ence for the lighter weights is what the market wan-ts today. Such car- casses are produced from lambs weigh- ing 80 to 100 pounds at the farm. Fin- ish, too, is important. Grain feeding in Canada is essential if, choice, well nished carcasses are to be produced , in volume. ` nun: Au.15'Aca.uCA uuu LCAHUVU uu-:1u. This treatment is usually 100 per cent. effective. ' - ` uvvn, (us; AI;l.uu.un.L Aux I-ILCUUJH5 puLyUb' es. Very valuable information with respect to turkey raising, particularly the conditions under which turkeys thrive, has been obtained since the farm was established a few years ago. Personal `Attention Needed Egg-eating among chickens is largely a vice that can be discouraged !with a very little care and attention. Leaving the birds in colony houses af- ter they have started laying` will start the habit; too few nests in the laying ,house will force the hen to lay on the [floor and the fowl are quick to realize `the palatabillty of their own product. The easiest way to end the trouble is to stay in the pen for half a day, locate the ring-leaders and remove them . This +mm.+m.m+ in um...-11.. 1nn ...... ....:.a. Approximately 900 turkeys have been raised at the Ontario Govern- ment Turkey Farm near Forestville in Norfolk County during the past year. About one-half of these will come under the axe prior to the holiday season. The better type of birds, how- ever, are retained for breeding purpos- pnl Vnvv mzhmhln irlfnrrnaflnn 1:-1H-h l Health and vigour `of animals promoted by excellent appetite. 2 Freedom from rickets. 3' Rapid increase in weight. 375 per cent. of the red cloveg and 25; per. cent. of the sweet clover. o `_ V- _ -__- v V Rates of Seeding _ In `an experiment conducted at 0.A. C. for a period of eight years the re- sults show that the `greatest yield per acre with winter wheat was obtained from sowing one and three-quarters bushels of seed to the acre. When the amount of seed sown per acre was tak- en into consideration the yield at the one and three-quarters bushelsrate of seeding was only slightly greater than that obtained from sowing one and one-half bushels per acre. Ontario's Big Share Ontario made a generous contribu- tion to Canada's hog supply in 1928. the sales of this proyince totalling `1.- 158,618, or 54 per cent. of the aggre- gate for the entire Dominin. The County of York made by far the heav- iest contribution to the total, the mar- ketings from that district amounting to 126,469 head. Perth was_well up with '97,000-odd and Kent ; Grey, Lambton, Middlesex, Bruce and Ox- ford also made notable contributions. The average by counties would be 28.- 653 head. ' Golden Age for Hogs M900 Turkeys J AAL5 \aJ.Au4\.Au urLAu suns \JA~;J.:\-`J. Council adjourned to meet in Stroud on Monday, Dec. 16, at 10am. ~ W. B. SLOAN, Clerk. .A.. J.'nLu.LauA\ vv. A bylaw was introduced and duly passed naming Stroud as place of nomination of candidates for Reeve. Deputy-Reeve and Councillors for 1930, and appointing Deputy Return- ing Officers and P011 Clerks. f`nnn.r-1'1 nrlinnunnol 4-A yuan} In GI-and `Vainedlwounds mA!_`!A??.P$.%=-% 7 [That's going some=-but skinny men, women and children J11:-. can't help putting on good health` esh when they take Mc Coy s Cod Liver Extract Tablets. \.`u'l1 A-P L....'IJ-L ......-I .--...'._'l.L L..`l.l LIJVUK L`J.\hL'UD Lllillo Full of health and weight build- ing substances-the proven and successful kind--the kind that are 3 real help to frail, rundown skinny men and women. Tun {Jinan :11!-xtvntvrunliv A#:lI:nV\` uyuuuua, WL.UV, Alt. :1. \.Iu.uu.u.u -;a;, 4. Sturgeon $7.50, W. Hughes $15, F. Hughes $10.25, E. Todd $15, A. Todd $12.50, Sam. Todd $2.50, F. Sinclair, blacksmithing, etc., $4.'75j Scott Sharpe $4.25, F. Sinclair, salary, $189; W.$7.50, A. Richardson $2.50, '1`. Emerlck $5. A Lu-lg: `Ivan (outs-AA.-p...;-`I ...-..1 Ana! `n-boo] uuu. :- . PROV EN DEINE is sold, M_m,m,,cd by everywhere In packets at $1.50. ' Maison Louis SANDERS. BNIGOIO. Wholesale: Louis SANDERS Co. of Canada Ltd. . 10 Adelaide St. E, Toronto. Out A For sale by J. C. Neelands, Stroud; J. T. Jennett, Ivy; W. V. Fry, Thornton; J. & M. Kitchen, Lefroy, A. N. Graham, Owro Station; J. A. Cockbum, Edgar; J. P. McGinnis, Phelpston; R. A. Cooper, llllll nu` Elmvale; A. A. Smith, Midhurst; W. L. Campbell, Bradford; W., J. Johnson, Stayner; Harry Wood, Creemore; G. Tersigni, Pen- 5l\l.|llly IHUII GNU WUlllG'llo Try these supremely efficient sugar coated tasteless tablets for 30 days.-if they don't help great- ly your money will be refunded. nun nrnmnu ognn 4-an ~nn-nnA- ly .VUUl.' [H0116] W111 DB reluuueu. One woman gained.ten pounds in twenty-two days. Sixty tablets. sixty cents--Economy Size $1.00. A Drug Store or any druggist for McCoy : Cod. Liver Extract Tablets. Directions and gformula on each box. uuuu :.x\.u_y uyuu, 4.-Juan. vupx.u15, uA., 141051. 50, J. J. Ferguson $19.50. Isaac M. Spring $23.75. J. E. Clark $2.50, Geo. Gohen $36.20, J. Johnston $10.15; Jas Ward $9.95, w. L. Black $2.75, Wal- lace Hurst, wire fence. $14; Eldon Wlce $7.50. W. J. Leonard, weed in-' spector, $12.50; R. A. Clement $21, T Q4-nu-rrnnn Q'7 Kn 1! ulurvlnnn Q`! R `E1 T Innisl 'rownship"counc_11 met; in the Community -Hall, Stroud, on Fri- day, Nov. 22, "with all the metpbers present. , I"nrnvvnIv-Ann f:nn c and onI\n`lII'If'Ll:'7F`.I'E 111 Cacu In Communications and accou1}ts"Were _ read fzcm the following: ` um... 17. um... 13 'n unnm `D A rcau IEUIII 1:118 IUIIUWLHE. Boys & Boys, R. D. Henry. R. A. Sutherland (report of drain inspector), `A; Harris, County Clerk, Geo..Irwin, Mrs. R. Cousins and Belle Ewart Ice Co. The Assessor and Clerk were au- thorized to adjust claim of Belle Ewart Ice Co. Hospital accounts amounting to $24.75-were passed on and ordered paid. ` Pkg .}m.-nu-and-an l\"| `EH1-uni-Inn. vnnnrn- ycuu. The -ommlttee on Finance recom- < mended payment of the following ac- 4 counts: 0. R. Black, rent of hall, $2; ~ Frank Ayerst, sheep kil1ed,`$14; T. F. J Conn'ell, valuelng sheep, $2.00; W. ` Roy Allen, on account salary, $150. ' 'I3nn:-1 Qnrunud-n+nn:-Inn Chnn1oh- 1'0- a.vu_y sauuu, vu auuuuuu acuasg, Ivavv. Road Superintendent Sinclair re- commended payment of J the following accounts: Alvey Martin $15, Calvin Boyd $5, Jas. E.,Clark $5, D. Camer- on $5`, A. Ferris $2.50, F. C`. Robinson $17.25, Mrs. R. Thompson, gravel, $28: R. A. Sutherland, road 10, resurfac- ing, $15; Ed. Hughes, $13, B. Black $10, M. Wiley $10, H. Pratt $15, A. Price $5, A. Cooper $5, Bruce Cowan, gravel, `$6.40; J. D. Hatton, lumber, $102.32; Alvin Webb, tractor, $81.25;- Wm. Betteridge, road 5, resurfacing, $46.25; Matt. Bell $33.75; Thos .Knupp`, $32.50; Wm. Brock $15, Hugh Corbett} 315, John Leslie $10, John Locke $15, F1-ed Maiel $5, Milton Betteridge, gra- vel, $48.40, bridge, road 16, $7.601 and! cleaning pit $1.25; Fred Maiel, ditch- ing. $15; Matt. Bell, moving culverts, $3; W. Lucas $17.50, `Sam. Wice $5. W. H. Martin $2.50, E. Wonch $6, Frank Ayerst, road 16, resurfacing. $28.75: Mitchell Riley $17.50, Geo. Wice $17.50, J. Ayerst $17.50, Sylves- ter Reynolds $17.50, Thos. Nixon $17.- 50, J. Booth $12.50, Reg. Tanner 38.75, C. Wice $8.75, Wm. Johnston $8.75, A. McKenzie, gravel, $34.80, fencing and cleaning $4: 0. A. Spencer, trucking, $69; B. B. Warnica, tractor, -$17.30; Alvin Wice, operating grader, $13.75;! Gordon Henry $4. Asa Warnica, road 13, $10; Rex Guest $20, Sam. Warn-1 ica, gravel. $6.20: W. Warnica 31350, J. Richardson $8.50. Alvin Webb, re-. surfacing, $28.75; S. H. Reynolds $18.- 75, Frank Henry $26.25, Peter Bain $12.50, Isaac Allen $35, `Bruce Cowan, gravel, $55.20; Wellington Wilson $10, John Kelly $69, Isaac Spring, Jr., $22.- Rh 1' T Q10Rf\ Tcnnn `MI Clara":-nv\ %1Z1~z'1T~3i$1-'11,. councu. % ~ ` mssrs ACCOUNTS Hurt ! If u want to be free of the intolerable '5 3 and burning pain-if you want gxrsldn clear of unsightly --use SoothaeSalva". This prea- llptlon of a famous physician soothesl I Irritated surIaces-dest;oys the which are causing the disease-- 5 uickly clears the skin of every `One: of Eczema. 50cata.1ldruggisr.a. 5..""'e...:.'.".:.':`. .`.`;'.'. `.f.*=*r:e,'.,::..:3s:.'::;=?,5:e 5 Ilonot satised, just return the empty ` h Fruit-n-tlvu Limited, Ottawa, Ont., IIVIII nfund your money. I A gooh thing-Rub it in ,'l'h:ooNewWo1-ldkecords X the Department of Agri- at Quincy. Illinois. a Inn at lowest` `cost per egg: To do that you ued- - The quickrlief for all Sprains and Bruises V8 "lIll-h-Buht"/ Hill scant jchapc . BROWN .3; C0,. Barrie u unxnupx V1 nuns. : IMPLEMENTS, ETC.-M1ssey-Har-: ris binder. 7ft. cut, nearly new: 14-i disc drill, John Deere; spring-toothi cultix`/ator; set harrows, 15-bull: set! harrows, 12-bull; mower; disc, Bissell; I sulky rake;_Bain wagon; wagon gear; I No. 21 Fleury plow, with wheels; No. 21 Fleury plow; stock rack; fanning- mill and bagger; set sloop sleighsl cutter; 2 steel barrels; hay rack; root g pulper; feed boiler; stone boat; buggy: L scuffler; quantity 1-in. lum-ber; set Renfrew scales, 2000 lbs.; circular; saw; 4 horse collars; Chatham incu-1 bator. 120-egg: set double harness;` set single harness; box stove; refrig-A erator; cook stove; churn; qilantity of ; hay; quantity of turnips; forks,` chains, doubletrees, etc. I'D;-wan AG Go-.`In `Linn fnud and `HI .nu.uv, ;u JDDILD upu. I CATTLE--Jersey cow, 7 years, due by sale; red cow, 3 yrs. old, due in_' April; Holstein heifer, 3 yrs., due in` Feb.; Holstein cow, 6 yrs. old, fresh: ! spotted cow, 6 yrs., supposed in calf; Holstein cow, 3 y1's.. supposed in calf; . fat cow; heifer, 2 yrs. old; 2 heifers, 1 yr. old; 2 calves. ` 1 I `DTIEQ cL'r1:11:'rn A\`f1'\ `l1r\1'?Y I-I-rv-nvv .- I 4 J5. visa. a \,aAvuo. PIGS, SHEEP AND POULTRY-5' store pigs; 2 sows. due in March; 11 good ewes; 2 geese and 1 gander: ,number of hens. | 71:1-\-r E11 A-11111-rv-Ir: v-u.--u-. - - _- T-a\an\~rl-Iris, LIld\rn L6 The following: P _HORSES-Bay horse, 3 years old, G.P.; bay mare, 2 years old, Percher- . on; sorel mare, 12 years old; brown` horse, 13 years qld. nArr~rr~r1:~,1.,...-.-... ,.,.... n .... ._.. _..._ was--9 v Wholesale Distr:'butors:--Wm. Rennie Co. Ltd., Adelaide and Jarvis Streets, Steele Briggs Seed Company Ltd., 49 Spadina Ave., Toronto, Ont. uaaau. V1.1 xuuuul -runny. I x All will be sold without reserve as` the proprietor has sold his farm. Sale at 1 p.m. W. A. Mcconkey, Auct. I I 544124329! IJIIUILLLG, UUUUAUULCED, Cyhu Terms of Sa1e-I-Iay, fowl and all} sums of $10.00 and under, cash; over` that amount 11 months credit will be given to parties furnishing approv- ed joint notes. 6% per annum off for cash on credit sums. I A11 ._.:1`l L. ;-;-.1.1 .-.1LIn;u-L ________ _.. Wdnder if people will continue get-} ting famous at a rate fast enough to, satisfy the testimonial ad. demand.--i Marshall County Banner. FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS! The undersigned has received instruc- -` ' tions from 4u---.-.- ._ ____ A__, ,7 ,,__.. .,..- ._........_, .. -.uu.u.| ' It is those who have tried is most ifrequently who are convinced that marriage is a failure. - Louisville Times. A heathen country is one in which ,the pay roll can be transferred with- lout an armored car-Brook1yn Times. 1'5 :. u___; __u, v r - Barrie market almost reached the vanishing point last Saturdafy on Ec- count of the severe wind and snow storm that swept over the province Friday night and in the early hours of the morning. Roads were blocked in many parts of the country and It was impossible for farmers to get into town with their trucks and slelghs. Tn #1.... ....._1 1:", .._-_ ....v.. umuun-u sauna snyagoauo In the fowl line only chickens and ducks were offered the former -bring- , . ing around 30 cents and the latter 23 cents. Eggs were around 60 which has been the prevailing price for some time. There were no potatoes for sale. Crab Apples, 11 quarts .............. .. 35c Apples, Snows, basket .................. .. 20c Apples, Tolman Sweets, bbl. $3.00 Apples, Pewaukee, bbl. .............. .. $3.00 Apples, Kings, large basket ...... .. 30c Apples, spies, bbl. ...... .: .............. .. $3.00 Potatoes, 11-qt. basket .............. .. 40c Potatoes, 6-qt. basket ...................... .. 25:: Potatoes, by `bag .............. .. $1.50-$1.60 Potatoes, bag by -the load .......... .. $1.40 Spinach, 6 qts. 30:- Parsnips, small basket .............. .. 25c Lettuce, head 5-10c If-Yrrlnnc 1am.-m I-.....1...4 an- *Nw 'Oin es Quick I 3.12-! In In I ; uuvvubc, ucuu ........... .. Omens, large basket . . Onions, small basket . ! 'Nl'n-ny ham- ' LVU W HccK `White turnips ...................... .. New carrots, small basket I ` . . . . . . . . . . r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Green tomatoes, 6 quarts Tomatoes, ripe, 6 quarts Cauliflower Q .................. ..... .. Cabbage, each ....-; ............... .. Cabbage (large ones) - ......... .. Asparagus squash ............... .. Squash ................................... .. Pumpkins ....................... ... ..... .. Green Peppers ...................... .. l3.adishes, per bunch ........ Gherkins. qt. ` Brussells Sprouts, 2 quarts `. Marrow. each .. . . .. `Sage, bunch 1-|-__I4,,, -. .. - - %&&&&$$&&&& >x< THE MARKETS >x< `>X<`->X4E>X I<>I<>X<>I<>I<>X< SEVERE` SNOW STORM IJITG IIIFFIII I! ll mi-\I;I-III! 1 uunry, `Butter, lb` .... .. gcream, pint .. Eggs, doz. . . `Chickens, lb. `Ducks ......... .. "ff'1'l1 `-tlz.e_-Bgsket " .... ... -- `Inna GEORGE E. PURCHASE I'.`Ll I-n.`I1 n-__ n Auction sm \.llJ\.lI\\ll4 la. 1 \Jl\\.aF.ll`|DIL E.H. Lot 11, Can. 6, Essa (1 mile west of Egbert) to sell by public auction on , _....... .....-..--.. jrri1isDAY, DEC. {E Tho fn11nu.'ina-- EczEMAl v Iu|\l. a n)lV\J VV J I \II\IVI HITS WEEKLY MARKET , uuuun: Poultry, and 1333.3 er. lb , getting the greatest possible number of eggs L-.. ...... L-_ -4. ol..- vunvv $3.00 | 51 on .45cj vvv . 35c yyear. '1`n1s zacn, California has not as yet been 111- `amp graded by -the Mediterranan fruit fly, {hick is bringing distress to Florida. gmwe s it possible the western. oranges have : estimated , no insects appeaI?-The NewVYorker. [the alsike