cubeu. .mF' `F0 101' uuormauon. Harry Tmvc -=1 ')-'me 1386. Barrie. 43p -_:- PROPERTY FOR SALE A -_- ________.__________.__ BARGAINS in used radio -receivers,` completely overhauled and good as new, only a few left. See these now at the Barrie Radio-Electric Service, 5 Clapperton St. 48b _ FOR. SALE--Che `modem electric `condition. On Owner leavln Phone 129. up for quick sale. washer, In first class ly been used short time. g town. Cash or terms. mums xur-unea coat with otter collar. in first class condition; also washing machine and wringer. Telephone 212M. ` 44-48b ..._._..._._..__.._._.___._..._.. APPLES FOR SALE at Hume farm, shanty Bay, handpicked, highest qua- lity at fair prices. some Snow and Mc- Intosh windfalls at half price. 44-48p '!Il\UI 4-..__. _ FOR SALE--Man's tube skates and boots, size `_7!,{,. in good - condition; cheap. Apply Campbell Hughes, 43 Park St. Phone 7581-`. 48p 1- rcasoname. Apply WI pla P.O. Ivy phone. ,--:-_.---.:.j:-:- F63 SALE-A Blrdsell clover huller. in good shape, run 40 days. Will sell reasonable. Apply Walter Smith, Uto- Ivy phone. 44*-fh --_-.:-j--:_.1-1.:---.- FOR cl in Road shnma run 4n Am GREY PURSE LOST m Barrie, with a small sum of money and a cream cheque. Would the finder please leave at.'I`he Examiner Office or telephone 9082-12. 48:) ',`_'TT.T":C -'_'-:-'_"'-"' -9 v M... OR:EAMSEIPARA'I`OR f L - sey-Harris. nelrlv new `m\'III8!?le:':n%1aE+ . STOVES FOR SALE-'I`wo good rang- es; also combination Quebec heater. Bargains. Apply Jos. Balfe, 14? Bay- field 51:. . ,. IVTYRSPIIIHI-u:- --_ .. . _ _ sen o W1 fie "I"! uonu uumuzm. r'0R SALE, good sound inch lumber, 2x4 scantling, 2x8 joists, 18 ft. Apply 98 Wellington 81:. `east. -' J Uta to USED LUMBER FOR SALE, lumber. sca.nt1lmz_ mm - ELECTRIC LIGHT ULBS 60 watt. 5 for $100 BAa-an!-.a'< zsL:2:;U'1'.H.1O LIGHT BULBS, 40 and watt. 5 for $1.00. Agents for Ed!- son Mazdalamps. Urry Bros., Bayeld st. - 41-43-48-48b .____.______________ run. a`1u.d--GO0d hand picked cook- ing apples. $1.00 per bushel delivered. Apply Harry Ottaway, Barrie. 48-52b .___________.____.___.. LOS'I`- I`ruck me on rim. between 14th Innlsfil and Maple Ave., Barrie. Finder please phone W. J. Clarke. 163, driver,Barrie Planing Mill truck. Re- ward. ` .. ` 48p unuz-a wmruxu. GOAT for sale; new, size 36 (too small for owner). Apply P.O. Box 834 or phone 1351. 48b ' ` STOVE FOR SALE---Jewel range In good condition. Very reasonable. Ap- ply 6? Brock St. Phone 329w. 4Rh guuu conuxuon. very 329W. -18b .._._._._...__._.___._._..._.__... __ URRY BROS. BAYFIELD ST. carry a complete line or colored. fancy and plain electric light bulbs. 41-4% uumpleve um: 0:: colored. fancy and light bulbs. -11-48b ,____.._______._.______ __._____._..___.________ _ I FOR SALE--spy apples. A 1 J h ' Caldwell, con; 2. Oro. smn ? Slim? .13 run. muu9--_upy apples. Apply John con. 2. Oro, Shanty Bay -P. 0. RR. 2. Phone 1075.1. 48p .__.________.,_._.__..__... run 5A1.-E-Quant1ty of 4-ft. I?a.`x{<;Jv\l'-c >od or cut to order. E. '1'. Emma. phone 1491.1. 45tfb . snap ...-1e:e you are imr. ALF`ALFA OR - sale. Phone 60523. ` ._________-._'.___,__.__. WOOD FOR SALE-Quantlty 4-11 hardwood cut to order. 11:` 1- mm. mums 1-`on SALE ,1 LIIUUDEUOT Crawford. 48b JIIIIUEIE, 44-48p 40, !o_t_h , , L, UFO` tfb THE A?`IN'UAL of the Bar- rie getable Growers" -Association will be held In Mr. Page's Office, Dun- lop St., on Tuesday, the 3rd day 01'. December. at 8 p.m. Every` member please attend. 48p J. W. BISHOP. electrical dealer and contractor, all. kinds _of' electrical sup- nlies. repair work called for and de- llvered. Phone 295; 43 Dalton St., Box 633. Barrie. A l 44-48p A1 101' 47-515 ` - OVEROOAT FOUND on or about No- vember 1. between Stroud and Churchill. Owner may have same by applying to Rayner's Bakery. Allan- dale. 48-b _v __._______________ MISS AUDREY CLJFION. Tew of Plano, also open for engagem for dance music at private house 1 ties. 41 Sanford St., Barrie. 46- __.___.___..________ __,.____.,__.__ -BRING YOUR Km and rerouting -to ,38- class of yarns to cho< Innllv nun... 1......-I-I~- ' uuu rezoonng mo 38- Small St. B4 choose from or knit yarns furnished. 46-5 __.___?.___.___* McNabb Thursda shotgun S. MATCH s, lot 15. con. y, Dec. 5, at 1 pm _________.._________.. IRWIN S ALL BLUE TAXI SERVICE local and long distance; night and day. fgacent service. George Irwin. Phone , _ mttb oru:usJ.:LaA CORSET! N. Hoblev. successor ` 201 Elizabeth St. `Tii I SPIRELLA N '|'-Tn1'\hn1 . V " "I" '!1='oR SALE--one carroad of mares ' and geldlngs from six to nine years "old. weighing from .1000 to 1600 lbs. tone pair of dapple grey mares. also ` blacks; bays. browns and chestnuts. ' One chestnut Belgian mare in foal. some good farm chunks and some general purpose geldlngs. some matched teams among them. All must be sold. no reasonable offers refused. Triual allowed. Also some team har- I ness. Apply Reid's Feed Stable, 21 Collier St.,. Barrie. 4813 ` V..- _-vs-`apt: Propose opening a/- Receivgng Station Va.-tr" Ba)-rle,.`.Ont., _which will' of an unlimited quantity of-`CUGUM-BER.S. In- 1'ormationfgladl`y' given `by W. J, Oravezi,*'B.'1`rie: Tel. 621W ulu 433 __.__.__._.__.__.__._._..._.___ LOST--Pair of old-fashioned gold ear-rings, at the Womeuls Institute play in St. Mary's Parish Hall. Re- ward. Phone 1482F. * 48p ,-_---_. -u.o bred. ages` from 6 to 12 months, also one 8 h.p. International portable gas- 'o1!ne engine. Prices reasonable. Sel-by E. Carr. Allandale _R.R.1. Telephone Stroud 20r11. 48-50p x:Ir\-n an-- - T___________'_.________ 4 HEREFORD BULLS for sale, pure~ GERMAN SHEPHERD (Police) dog, female. for sale. Twenty months old. pure-bred. Will sell cheap. Also, some choice Chinchilla -rabbits, all ages. Apply Jas. _A. Spencer, Thornton. 48p _____________________ ,4 `71-van-.-p-..~__ .__ V --.- FOR SALE--Manitoulin Bronze tur- keys. young, well -bred. also a. few bred-to-lay Barred Rocks, 6 months old and 1-year-old pullets. Harry 0`- taway, phone 739.1, Barrie. 43~48b .._________________._____ p.-.--_.__ ,7 -vz-' .._.______________._.____ I-IORSES_F`OR sALE-~One dark bay gelding, Percheron. six years old, heavy. One black Clyde gelding rising three years old. Phone 603r4. Apply. Jas. T. Spence, Midhurst. 48-49p Barred Rock cockerels. also general purpose mare, 7 years old. Apply Har- ry Irving, phone 609r23. 48p ' L!r\1n P1-Iwa-n -.A._ . - V 519 -vr FOR SALE-Pure bred bronze Mam- moth turkeys from prize winning stock. Toms $8, hens $6. Apply Lewis S. Wilson, Barrie, RR. 1, telephone 904r31. 44-4% 3. W115 - STRAYED to lot 9, con. 3, Vespra, one red and white two-year-old steer. Owner please phone 603r5. Jas. J. Orok, Midhursc. 47tfb __: um, .:mms---:sarrea Rocks also White Rocks. cockerels, all from good laying strain. at a reasonable prica Phone 814M. H. I-Iirlehey, 15 Frederick St., Barrie. 4 8}) EII'\"h 31": -vr FOR SALE---Barred Rocks also Rocks. cockerels. from annd hmlmv ----2- COWS FOR .SAILE-'I`wo.we11-bred Durhamtcows; due to freshen, one in November, one in December. T. B. Sykes, lot 9, con. 14, Innisfil. Phone 634115. 48p FOR SALE-Two dual purpose short- horn bulls, from high producing cows, dark red. twelve months old. Appiy A. Walt, Midhurst. - 48-49b 634r14. _ 48p I J. uunlpl I Barrie. cattle of v;r1ous aes. Apply Walter Thompson, phone 61214, R.R. No. 2. --__ -__ - av v.:rs.s.u.l:DI:VCl'&l 11830. 03+ , 49-40 Notic to `Farmers and Gardeners _ -vr CA'I"IfLE FOR SAI..E--Several head of cattle various ages. A1_3_pl_y \_7fa.Ite_r "I" nnnncnn nI......... nun: ..._._.____._____..__..____.. YQUNG PIGS for sale, Yorkshire Whites, six weeks-old. Apply H. McKee, corner Duckworth and Steele streets, Barrie. , _ ` 48p .._._______.__._._._____.__ STRAYED from 9th line pasture, nisfil. red yearling` with leather in ear. Finder please notify Jas. Le ard, Cralgvale. __________________, j-2-j-- FOR. SALE-Slx young pigs, six weeks old, also three -young cattle. Apply Geo. Rugman, Shanty_Bay, telephone 9061-6. ; 48b -:n:-- _._T_____.._____.__ ._ [FOR SALE-Cholce pen of Plymouth Rock pullets. A good laying straip. Apply Mrs. F. Wallwin. Telephone- 604r3. - '48b ::-- 4-.__ _.._. , WELL BRED BLACK MINORCA roosters for sale. Apply to Geo. Ca.t- _ ruthers, Thornton, RR. 3, Ont. 47-48 _..___________._..__ FOR sALE-'-Pen of 150 Barred Rocks, good laying. strain, this year's. Apply J. Moth, Kempenteldt H111` or Box 414, Barrie. ` 48p __._.__.______._._..___.-._____ FOR RENT-TaGarage` next door to Dreamland Theatre, Barrie, early oc- cupation. Write owner, Frank Vokes, 40 Queen St. E., Toronto, for full par- ticulars. ` V 48b _________________} ruun-n.UUJ.V1.E.iU newly decorated, age and onm-Inn ucwzy uecoratea, age and garden. St. ; ______________.____._ To RENT-A1l or part of house, gar- den and henhouse. Low rental; Annlv xu main."--Au part of house, rental. Apply 73 Titfln st.,-Allandale. 48p _______._____.____ -14-: .__A-- .____.___T____.____.__.__ TO LET-`-Front office, steam heated. Apply. to Jory & Richardson, `King 'B1ock, Barrie. 48tfb LOST-~Purse containing money. Fin-. der enquire for" ident1fication,;.;`a. the Sarjeant Co. office, 51 Dunlop St., or phcne 94. ' 48p GARAGE TO LET on Dunlop St. Ap- ply to R. .R. Bothweu, grocer, Allan- dale. N ` 46-48p __________________________ ru:u`u.D':.`I$J~ JHQOMS, with board. In a _quiet: home`, Apply 35 Louisa st., Barrie, evenings : 1:` - 47-49p -. FRONT _srr`.`," !foRoN'ro - y FURNISHED RQOMS. with In "home; Apply 35 Louisa. st__ M35 '10 17.:1=9ynca.s `., L: U.'.~ "11 l}'l""`T .__.-.__ j"`--"-"' MISCELLANEOUS , LIVE STOCK: FOR SALE normiir TO LET` j;__Z__:_ CORSETIERE. Mrs./Jno_ successor to Minn Illimm uulal.--A trauer wneel "between Holly and Thornton. Finder please tele- phone 370, Imperial 011. 48b __.___....___..___._______. 1.0. con. a, UIO, on , pm. Ries and 481) _..._____..__.._. 3'-n"1ON. Teacher 01183. ements Drivate hm? haw- u.J..1.'uVU wants Small Best I )0SE frnrn An In: ---j..j.:-j.--:-- COTTAGE to let, conveniences. mu-- vu1.'1.'tLu'1:i W 165, conveniences,, gar- ADDIY 31 Vemra uunvenlences, Apply 31 Vespra -. .- 7 4813 ____.__% .1 _ _1`.`,,"'tu1"nished. Apply `M ' 38tfb . . * gseese, at A. p LOS'I`--A trailer wheel "between nlease mp- LOS'I'--~Fox hound. male. tan and white. speckled, about 6 years old, on or abou`. Nov. 22. Anyone found har. bD!`5X1`. after this date Wlllvbe prose- outed. Rwwrd for information. =1 4n or we 46-5013 1 wants nal` uupnone 44-48b ' 1. J. . 5. JVU. 3. 48-4913 I uuuuc neat _:.uaI:e Umce Several nice furnished houses to rent. Two good garages for sale. ` Some nice .houses to rent. For quick saie-house with hot water Heating, oak rs, centre of town, azery low price 5 00 down. ` The Ward Price-Creswicke Co. 128 Dnnlnn eh...` MH- rnuay, uec. 6-Geo. H. Campbell, at lot 15, con. 4, Oro-40 head of cat- ` tle`. Sale at 1 p.m. W. A. Mcconkey, Auct. - Saturday, Dec. 7-L. S. Lee, at Angus, will hold an auction sale of 45 stocker cattle. Sale at 1 p.m. W. A. , Moconkey, Auctioneer. ' _- Monday, Dec. 9-W. R. Brock, at lot 3, con. 5, Innisf1l--farm stock and implements. sale at 1 p.m. W. A. : Mcconkey, auctloner. t 1 Tuesday, Dec. 10--Eben Todd, at south : half" lot 19, con. 2, Innist`-ll (2 miles I south of Churchill) - fann stock 4 and implements. Sale at 1 p.m. W. l A. Mcconkey, Au_:_t. 1 Wednesday, Dec. 11 -- Geo. Cum1ing- 2 ham, at lot'_ 7, con. 10, Essa-te.rm 5 I stock and implements. Sale at 1 p. m. W. A McConkey,- Auct. ' Ijhursday, Dec. 12-Geo E. `Purchase, `_---at east halflot 11, con. 6, Essa- farm stock and implements. Sale at 1 p.m. W. A. Mcconkey, Auct. ____.____..___________ [$99 I ILIIV 29-Chas. Ellsmere, Friday, DBLLD November Craighurst--farm stock and imple- ments. sale at 1 pm. W. A. Mc Conkey, Auct. Tuesday. Dec. 3-Wm. Lamb, at lot 21, con. 7 Thursday. at north fil, 1 W. e ;A. `Mcconkey, Auct. , Innisfil, at Nanty1f--high dairy cbws, farm stock and implements. Sale at` 1 p.m.. W. Moconkey, Auctioneer. . Wednesday, Dec. 4--John` Oni 32, con. 5, p1enien_ts.'Sa.1 bailiff. s. at lot` Essa--farm stock and im- eat 1 p.m. J. T. Emms, Dec. 5--~Stanley Copeland, 3 half lot 13, con. 3, Innis- mile west or Chm-chili-farm ` stock and implements. Sale at 12.30 4 sharp. W. A. Mcconkey, Auctioneer. Dec. 6-Geo. . con. 4. Orn_4n ham: .4: ma l IT .__..._.____.___ YELLOW _KI'I`TEN. LOST. Finder please return to 46';-'_- Clapperton St., Barrie. 48p . 76355)'1'--1n sad and loving memory of our dear mother who was called Home, Nov. 28. 1928. No one knows the silent heartache, Only those who have lost can tell Of the grief that is borne in silence For the one we loved so` well. 4211 Q- .31.. ...:----~ ..u 481) ._..._____________.__._ W'RIGHT-In sad and loving who was M11051 ,_., WRIGI-IT-In loving memory of 1 dear mother who departed this 1 Nov. 28, 1928. We often sit and think of you When we are .p.l1 alone. T For memory is the only thing u That grief can call its own. 48b -Fa.m _ Barn` 'e Ral Estat Office veral nice furnlshm-I an... . --.. 1T.----j.- LOVE-In ever nf 9 rlanrlu J That our hearts still ache for you. oft we think of you. dear mother, And our hearts are sadly pained. And this earth would be a heaven Could we hear your voice again. -Loving1y remembered by Roy. 48p Christine and Grandson Arthur ._________.___.________ uuvn--1I1 ever loving remembrance of a dearly beloved mother and grandmother, Hannah H. Love, who departed from this life on Dec. 1, Just a thought of you, dear mother, Just a memory fond and true, Just a token of affection That I think of van rlnnr wu\+1...... ':.wu years nave passed since that sad day God called the one we loved, away. As years roll by we miss him still; Forget him, though, we never will. 48b V -Wife and Family ' ..__________,_.____.______ 1' r\v1v-u v - ..__...._...._._..____-.._.__..____.__.... FOR SALE OR TO LET-House, barn and garden. Apply T. I-`leetham, R.R. ` 2. `Barrie. or phone 986111. 48p _...-.-.----------------.----'_--------- ` LOVE--In ever Of A rlnnrlu 1- ______.____.___________ HOLMES--In loving memory of our dear husband and father, Wm. Jbhn Holmes, who passed away Dec. 1, 1927. 4________._._______ `.. VE-In loving remembrance of a dearly `beloved mother and grandmother, Hannah H. Love, who departed from this life on Dec. 1, 1928. {ha "inn ..I.....-._ -- - - - * ` ' __.__-- V. ans:-uII\J jThe_ ladies of St. .hMary s Church wish `to thanlrall those who by their generouscontributionshelped to make ` their recent bazaar such .a success. 48p Robt. Thompson andjamily wish to thank their kind friends and neigh- bors `for kindness `and: sympathy shown them in their recent sad be- reavement, also for floral tributes. 481`) J Mr. and Mrs. Allan Hounsome, Cookstown, wish to sincerely thank ` their neighbors and friends fnr Irina, 1 guuan, uaauc, uu VVCQIICSQEY, NOV. 27, 1929. Matilda Clark, beloved wife of Angus Clark, in her 72nd year. Funeral will be held from thrresl- dence of her nephew, George Smith, 60 Mary St., Barrie, on Saturday, `Nov. 30, at 1.30 p.m. Service at Gos- pel Hall, Craighurst, at 3 pm. Inter- ment; at Presbyterian Cemetery, - Cralghurst. ~ GILL-suddenly, on Saturday, Nov. 3 23, 1929, at the Isolation Hospital. Toronto, Catharine Gill, aged twelve I years. dearly beloved daughter of v Mr. and Mrs. Jas. G111, 504 Clinton 1` St., Toronto. , 11011111 Hl WIEH loving` 1 an r} + If CLARK-In. the Royal Victoria. Hos. Dita-1. ' Barrie, on Wednesday, Nov, I 27. 1929. Matilda lnrlr 1..1.......a .....-- J o MAN OR WOMAN WANTED with ' 4 ambition and industry, to Introduce and supply the demand for Ra.wIeigh's Household Products to steady users. Several fine openings near you. -We train and help you. Rawleigh Dealers 4 can make up to $100 a week or more. No experience necessary. Pleasant. ' profit-able, dignified work. Waite today. I W. T Rawleigh Co.. Inc., Dept. CN- 253, Montreal, Que.- 45-48p ___ --`nu HAIGHT--To Mr .and Mrs. Gilbert ' Haight, Detroit, Mich., Nov. 23, 1929. the gift of.a baby boy (Wil- liam, Gordon-B1lly"). LESSOR-At the R..V. Hospital, on Nov. 26, 1929, to Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Lessor; Anten M1 Is, a. daughter (stlllborn). - TEDDIE-At the R.V. Hospital,` on Nov. 28, 1929, to Mr. and Mrs. John Teddie, 110 Bayfield St., a son; uuu-uv I I DB] _ Mrs. John Luck returned home this week after visiting friends in Toronto and Brampton and attending the B1- ble Students` Convention in Toronto over 'I`11anksgiv1ng.A mun n unuc-wrclwl 128 Dunlap Street AUCTION SALES . Nnvnml-um `)0 I114... Inn u fars have passed since that ' cums or THANKS 1A `India. .: n1. an`: Ivy Auvuu WU W511. --Sadly missed by Family .-..-..-:._.._..:___.._._.-___. .T_ IN MEMORIAM ` SHANTY BAY Tnhn `l'.n:-Ir s-M-.........: 1. Asnnnannmzxnumn ._______._._-____.._.. MALE HELP WAN`I`ED-W111 have two vacancies on sales force on Dec. 2 for wideawake aggressive men. This is a 15 million dollar concern and if you are a good producer a permanent position assured with excellent pros- pects for -advancement. Free training given. Character references required. Apply H. D. Lawson, Simcoe Hotel. Out. of town applicants write General Delivery. Barrie. 48p M lovmg bE10VEd mnthnr urn` ` BORN '1'--1=*am11y nu. l'-VH|.W.Y- 48b Warden Gratrix thanked the 1 our ' life ..... .. uaun w me county council as he had a lady member in the village council over which he presided whom he would"1ike to see accept the reeve- shlp. Councillor Hambly told several interesting. ancedotes about Governor simcoe and his connection with the county. ~ Ilfasulna. nn.._.._._ .. - - -- ,.,____ ---vuvnn u:.u5AAu:L. Councillors McKnight and Hambly extended felicitations to the warden during the presentation of the watch. Co'uncillor McKnight hiqted "he might not be back to the county council had 3. Inch: mnmknu in 41... .-an--- rut ife ,_ _. .... ... \/uLAH\ACl cuuny. The Minister. spent some time dis- cussing _Simcoe County. It was, he said. the largest and one of the nes: in the province of Ontario. It was honored with the name of a great British pioneer-Governor John Gra- ves Simcoe. He told of Simcoe visiting the inlets on Georgian Bay. at the present sites of Midland and Coiling- wood over one hundred years ago and , writing back to England stating: I . think I have found a link between the east and west." By this he 1'efer- . red to the natural harbors on the bay . and the route `through Ontario by I which "goods might be moved from them to the east. He was a. man of wonderful vision," said Mr. Finlayson. He looked away into the future and saw something of the big elevators and harbor development that is to be found on Georgian ports of today." 1 I 1 1 l t I `To Get, Simcoe Relics t c '1 o F While in England Mr. Finlayson. had. visited the native.-shire` of Gover- nor Simcoe and had learned .much a- bout the man from Lord Harmsworth, _ who has collected the Simcoe relics 1 and studied the career of the former J Canadian executive. Mr. Finlayson described to Lord Harmsworth the '5 wonderful county that bore Governor ' simcoe s name in Ontario and Lord Harmsworth readily agreed to send out certain of the Simcoe relics asso- g ciated with the statesman s service ' here which would be turned over to the - county council by Mr. Finlayson. ; 500 Acres for s'4.1o . _D. H. Coleman, who was presiding, admitted.that Simcoe County was very ne, butthat some parts of it were not appreciated as much as they should be. He told of 'selling 500 acres in Mat- chedash township at a tax sale recent- ly for $4.10. He didn't think such a municipality needed a representative at the council. This view was not shared by Reeve Lovering of Matche- dash, who took issue with Mr. Cole- man amid much laughter. f`,nnn.\Hl....- II-v- ' - --.............. ...a.uu uuucu presuge to me I man who possessed it. It gave him a` stake in the country and a. right to i direct public affairs. It had always been so in the British Isles and it Ishould be so in Canada today. "l"hn 1ur:..:..4,.-. -..-.. ecu y- .L I`t`& esing P.O. _.--.- rauvn. He took advantage of the occasion to congratulate Cliffcrd Baldwick and Stewart Bell on their splendid showing E at the Royal Winter Fair. He though: > one of the most impressive things a- bout that great exhibition was the parade of 590' farm `ooys, every one of . whom was a potential agriculturalist. Agriculture, the Minister declared, was the premier occupation of Ont- ario and as such should get all the en- couragement possible. It was the most ancient and honorable of all callings. In England a man who owned soil 1 was always regarded as an important individual. Land added prestige to the Who nnsnssp if `n Ifnvyn ta... - H .... .. vv .... xuuz1._)/hull i Hon. William Finlayson was the principal speaker of the evening. He prefaced his address proper with some` jocular remarks about a. party for the county council which he and the war-, den were to have held in their end of the county but which did not mater-! ialize because the minister had to go overseas about the time the event was to have taken place. ' 11'. .4. --v - ..... Last, buC_ ursmct representative of the Agriculturl Department, who had helped them m their preparatory work. He thought as Mr. Bell was only a few points behihd the record made by Mr. Baldwick that it was a pity some arrangement could not be made to send him along on an over- 'seas trip also. ,. v-..--.... up uu Kai Mr. Rowe recalled happy days that . he had spent in the County Council of Simcoe. He thought that the person- nel of the 1929 council was up to the ' usual ne standard achieved by Sim- : coe and felt that the electors would not ' be going far astray if they returned them for the various municipalities. Edgar Jamieson was particularly proud of the boys who had done so well in the stock `judging contests at Toronto. They had brought honor to the county and were a credit to Stew- . art Page, the_ district representative ` Agricultural hnnm-+m.\...4 ...u.- .9 EU auyyus tcls oi his own party. He recalled the occasion on which Mr. Robb was called upon to meet a huge deputation from Oshawa, Windsor and Toronto respecting cuts in the tari on automobiles and their parts. The crowd assembled in Loew s Thea- tre. Ottawa, and it was hostile to the Minister of Finance. But Mr. Robb- faced the situation calmly and told the audience that he was convinced the tariff revision accomplished at that time was in the best interests of Can- ada as a whole and that he was pre- pared to. stick to his guns. Mr. Robb had the reputation of sticking to_l*is' guns and it was a very good reputa- I tion for public men to have in the opinion of Mr. Boys. He thought if 1 members of municipal councils and legislatures of every kind would do their utmost to reach a sound opinion ` on public questions and having once V reached it would stand behind it they would not go wrong. `Mr; -Boys reit- ` erated a statementmade several times M before that when -the life of" the pre- 1 sent Parliament ended his politicali career would cease also. He wanted ` to retire and had been in the harness ` a long time. The suggestion that he ` should" leave public life was hailed ` with shouts of No! No by his friends ` at the dinner. _ I (Continued from page nine) paid tribute to the late minister of nance in the Federal Government. Hon. J. A. Robb. Mr.vBoys, in particu- lar, spoke highly of Mr. Robb. He said the former x(11nister was court- eous and kind tolopponents as we}: as to supporters of his own party. occasion nn whit-H M comm nms nan: wnnnsn Hon. Wm. Finlayson IIHIH... .... run I -1929 Council up to Pa BA... .__--vv q a - ___._._____.__..______..____ TENDERS will be received for digging a. well at Mlnesing school. Work to be completed during month of December. Specifications and terms and condi- tions can be had from the undersign- ed or any of the trustees. A. Ronald. Sec'y-'I`rea,s__ SB. No, 9 vnenm ninn, _- ....-......-.-..yu IJI-. `IOU -..... I-4\AAALA\.l Luv: LCUUIU galdwjck --:Something just a. little patter in mgemem radio at Hills. Phone 293 for a. dem- him n5trat1n- 48b --Correction--In Dominion Stores Vm jadvertisement price on shelled almonds , `should read 1-2 lb., 300. 48b :1 er ` ` *"`g- H ce;` 1rc3z`i??12nWiwbif? dress . . , ' `V me radio at Hills. Phone 293. 48b which Allandale St. George's W. A. will ye hold annual bazaar on Tuesday, Dec. 1 mater- I3, 3 to 6 p.m., afternoon tea served. b 1 he go, -Good assortment or novelties. 1 be Christmas cards, seals, plain and fancy } lace. wrapping papers, at Mary Payne _Shop. I J ntage _nlnl.v mm kn --- ~--~ " ` ~ mem- I nuuug uuuse enumea thereto, having" regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice. ` Dated the 22nd day of November, ` 1929. DONALD \F'. MacLAREN,. Solicitor for the Executor-s, 48-50b . Barrie, Ontario , _________________.___ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pur- suant to the 'I`rustee Act that 9.11 per- sons having claims against he estate of JOHN WESLEY O D, late of the Township of Vespra, in the! County of Simcoe, farmer, who died after which date the Executors will distribute the assets of the estate a- mong those entitled thereto, having regard onlv to thp nlnimc M ...1.a..I. ..... vvcuucu auu cuuncu on nnelr record | for the year and expressed the unal- terable view that Simcoe was the nest _ county in the Dominionof Canada. There were several musical selections during the evening which varied the: program. Other speakers during the evening were Stewart Page, William Woods of Bradford, Edward Coombs. Bradford, Eben Todd, Dr. Lewfs, R. V. Brett, Shelburne, E. B. Brown, Vitoria Har- bor, David Williams. editor of the Collingwood Bulletin, J. T. Simpson, County Clerk and Charles Millard, Goldwater. One and all congratulated the warden and council on their the VERY and nvnrnccnd H... .---I bers of council for -the honor they had done him. He was especially appre-' ciative of the ~co-operation afforded him by his colleagues during the year. He praised the boys who had won the stock judging` contest and wished them continued success. __-.,. `IOU ' "` I Midland had eight inches of snow} last week. The bus from Barrie did not run Monday and will be discon- tinued after this week. i -An associate membership ticket, for all the Theatre Guild productions .-of 1929-30 would make a most ac- lceptable Christmas gift at $3.00. 48b Notice--Commencing Dec. 1st we will discontinue for the winter months the delivery of morning papers. W. R. u Keenan, West End News Agency. 48b 1 `H. A.` Henry s auto took re on the 1 oamopnomo A AER - `I! ' . ___-- .., `VII ....u.4u.uct.u >J|.. `IOU --Come in to the Mary Payne Shop and see all lines of ladies silk lingerie, handkerchiefs, gloves, scarves. for , Christmas gifts. 48b f last wppk Thu: 5... 5...... n._ vvnu 1.o.lJ--VVULll(1 nice 50 hear from any person having a pure bred Oxford mm for sale, for immediate use. Ap- ply to F. N. Page, Angus. Box 66. Tele- phone 923r5. 48p _ _ ,1, r_.,....., ...u avAuAJ L ayut,` _0HUp. -Rink`wi11 be open _soon. Season's tickets are now on sale at H. G. Robertson s Drug store. also at Rink. b ' . --Trade in your old battery radio as part payment on new electric set at Harold Hill's, 55 Elizabeth St. 48b rnw... :-. L- U, -- ____..________.._.-._.__._j.._._. NOTICE TO CREDITORS irrcxyon, zvmmnv AV?` Gnu-r~\7 r . run... Opposite --Be sure you hear'those wonderful radios a;vH111 s, 55 Elizabeth St. 48b a..__-u_ 1,, , [wwmawmwmwmw `m Lmmmmm % {mwwwmwmmwmm T ~ K Phone 75 :_ Wellington Hotel Block : Five Point! %% %&&&mm;Y4.v..v..v..u'r.|, I.-nun uumwrz W ANTED change on radio set. Urry Bayfleld St. Phone 453. 4 EVER!!! Rn ` "7-`P -'7 ILA YIOIDIHRHI f'7'7.IlA.B A. an up. I uwucx auu ucam . . . . . . `ll U GAY PAREE TOILET SETS, containing` ~two creams, powder. and per- fume. A bargain at`. LA RAE PERFUME ANb'+b'1Li5T WA- TER SETS-'-A wonderful buy 5' at . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . II P PERFUME ATOMIZER - Several 69 beautiful shades, S1,." value . . BATH SALTS-Rose, narcissi and_;pine odours, large vase-shaped bot- tle. . . . . . . . . .' c o . o . . . . o u o . u MlNTY S GLORIA SETS--C0ntainin;4 Perfume, Toilet Water, Face $2 Powder and Cream u GAY PARFF7 Tll PT Ql':'rc --..L-2mr- Douglas is now showing two wind hfistmas Gifts, specially priced. See them now! LADIOS I 508.58 8- [ I F whinh --uuuicr puree: United Ch hold their anniversary sup concert on Tuesday, Dec. 2 commencing at 5.30 o'c1o which there will be a good Tickets: adults 50c, children 1 i.. ... ..1u5Aauu UCIOTC COHHI --Tickets for the play Theatre Guild in St. E Hall, Thursday, Dec. 5, and may be purchased a Drug Store or from me: --(?nn1'nr C4--u.AL 1--r._,-. H any `j'*- N'I`ED-Would like to hear from person having n 131]?!) hm.-I nvamue Sun Tee. This do in England before th lall, Thursdav, Der 5 48b g was a big winner coming to Canada. e presented by Mary's Parish awn En .... L, Ray. 1.: Doll.contest--Nov. 30 to Chris Free! Six lovely dolls for six popular little ladies during conte Miss Irene Collins Ladies Wear landale. p,,_, .. _ I , , -_,_,;......., uuuqut: ouop. D ] -Mother and father would enjoy! {the productions of Barrie Thatrei Guild during 1929-30. Two tickets are ? $5.50. Buy them for the first play on ,Dec. 5. 48b I Doll contest--Nnv 2n +.-. nt~:~~---- -road north of Churchill late last night. ' ` The blaze was extinguished and thei car came to town with its own power. I` -We have put in some very ne real leather articles for Christmas} gifts. Come in and inspect them! Ward Price-Creswicke Antique Shop. b :'MfhPr and 4`.-.H...... -` ' ` I 1 `J8 v 1.4 n we-uvu:.l\A I 1115 Y] EVERYONE, whether child or grown-up, pictures and Eastman Kodaks and Brownies choice of color and lens at a wide range of $2.25 up. The new Brownie Cameras in rose, ancfgreen are especially attractive gifts. g For the lucky one who already has a would suggest a Carrying Case of heavy call perhaps a new Album, in black or color. j -...5 uuuu: UL` IP01 -Co1lier Street ' mlri fl'\1;n'v- ------- I I IIJ l\llJIJlILI3 I Somehow, we think Santa Claus would be glad to fill up his pack with the new children s bookslof all kinds. in our Painting Books for the little ones. These bo oks range from 10c upward. The big. new Christmas ANNUALS for Boys and Girls deserve honorable mention at this time ofu-year. AFTER BOOKS, COME GAMES such as Lost `H- ei'r.`"" Checkers, Parchesi, Pit and Colored Plasticine Outfitsto keep the most active fingers busy. And for the littlest one we have pretty, bright Rattles, lvory Hair Br.us_hes, and delightful Baby Books that will please the proud young mother. CR9 .1.-AN D S 1 Six 1la,r contest at Wear, Al- ale. !`S. P. Eamshaw hf f"=""` """`" ' ,.A EAKINDB ot live fowl wanted. High- .--es `price paid. H. Levlt, phone 384 o fwrite Box 542. . 37-48:) .._..___._.___..V____'........._.:_.._..._. ._j.__T_ white. speckled. about 6 vpnrn A111 ,_-_ _,. ..uAA5 uAcu1Ut:I`5. Iollier United Church supper ; rrt Tuesdav mm -2 ---- ..__._..,.,.- -- FD DUNLOP 51'. See Our Windnwni_;uIId Count THE KIDDIES CHRISTMAS O\Vu Snfil (`IQIIC \Irnn1A L- __1 _.-..._y u A :11 tall day, Dec.H5, are 50 cents at Robertson's from mpmhnrc Am- -_ .....u day, bee. suppez: o'clock after program. \c_ Children 9`n Am- --o-n I-Au. .I.ULlU members. n.'a...: nu, ,, `:00 Christmas. 11!: fnvv ..a.. _...--.A --\/-\l - n.-u uuu. LJ\Jl 11.1.0" ' .C0ntaining /2-ounce perfume bye DUSTING POWDERS, - Exquisite g1g,s_` containers in rose and-blue, mauve 5'n;f'_`: green. complete with poyvder 89 } and puff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ':: PHONOGRAPH WANTED in change radio sat, `Urn: `RI-nu BOXED CHRISTMAS CAR~DS--16 won- derful designs, worth 10 and $1 00 15 cents, per box . . . . . . . . I _PEARL PERFUME BO_TTLES- 89 Containing half ounce perfume BRASS T OASTING FORKS-- 89 Antique figure tops. Boxed at IVORY PERFUME BOTTLES-- 69 * . 3. u5L aux. . 25c. 48b 31-4 Counter Displays W4sb will / __-_ - -Jl`II.\ r likes to take a_nd offer you :1 Wide pnces, from GOAL, OOKE OR WOOD FROM 7mJnu7 co. - -nvuv VI Yard Office: Foot of Mary St. Phone RR ' Why Not Solve Your worx. urgently. W111 thing. Phone 986113. --2-- I41] Head Office: 49 Dnnlop st, Phonn 94 PROBLEM by buying your AND BUY moss CHRIGTMAS THINGS I WAS THINKING OF_/ Thursday, Noiunbet 28. 108! .3 it L2`H.`'lCl'3.,""" calf leather, uvo 005 0' Phone 88 . -vvu, I I Ulll e, grey, brown . .._ MARRIED MAN, vex-soldier. desires work. Urgently. Willing to do any- thing. Phone 986113, um ;: vV:A1:I`ED--O11e horse suitable for 1 livery purpose, for its feeding for 1 winter. Brown 85 Co. 4 uvcry purpose, 10!` lbs Co. - VVALVLNU-5811: pulley attach! for a Fordson tractor. Write N. gold, Shapty Bay. -------j----2----1--__- >2:- WANTED--Be1t pulley attachment Fordson tractor Wrlfa `M rm- ._.._..__._..__..________... WOMAN REQUIRES daily work, flce, house or shop cleaning. T4 phone 986118. ~ * FOR SALE 0R'TO LET _____._____________ PIANO WANTED in exchange ( set. Urry Bros.. 36 Bnvfinld Q1. uuu `UUDI--l'Tl(lay, NOV. 15, at Oro Statiox;,',.yv Q yvigh darl~:- spot above heart on rt 17 side. Answers to name 4 at spo:t". $6.00 reward for informa- tion leading to recovery. Francis Home. Hawkestone. , 43p -A..._ __ - - xu excnang< Urry Bros. ---2:: RADIO SET, battery model, in exchange on new electric ra U1-r_v Bros. ruuvu wAN'.l`l:}D :21 exchange or Urry Bros., 36 Bayfleld St. 453. I T-Z- WAN I'ED---Woman would like to take laundry home. Phone 1160. 48p jj __._____.____________ WANTED - A good second-h sleigh. R. D. Coutts, Midhurst. ..______._._...___.j - 1 WE ARE in the busiest season of the year right now; we need two am- bitious men over 25 years of age. who want permanent and pleasant em- ployment. Experience unnecessary. Apply Thursday evening after 7.30 or Friday. Simcoe Hotel, Barrie. Ask for Mr. Joy. 4813 __._..._________.______ WAN I':D--Sales1a.dy for Christmas season and woman to clean silver every week. Ward` Price-Creswlcke Antique Shop, 128 Dunlop St. 48b :--""""-`---'--'-"-'-'-"--` GIRL to take full responsi- b1l1ty_ as domestic; good remuneration it work is well done. Apply Box ."R", Examiner or phone 710. 48b one cent a word. cash, each Insertion. (minimum charge, 25c), ve insertions for the price or tour. 100 xtra when charged; also 10c extra w en replies are directed to The Examiner Office. ____:-- DOG DOST---Friday, N . 15, Station.'.._Wh1tB" with da(x-,1: snntayggg LOST AND FOUND AGENTS WANTED HELP WANTED ` um: Lrusnees. A. RC , S.S. No. 9, Vespra, y, nuv. 1.7, at Oro 1 . ward for inrm-m..- nvlited to shop. nuv u. up- con. 3. 48b 15!. mg . Leon- 48p DUB.` 48;) I rmwuu 1-uuxvu on Saturday. Nov. 23, between I-Iewitt's hill and Barrie. Owner may hgye same by proving pmperty and paying for this advt. Ap- ply to John Luck, lot 15, Oro ` In, WEIIBBG : radio set. 44-51b ---:---1 LU tag Ph- 3 ori radio if Dhnn n umuu. \ Min- Ak wanted nln an} ,1. .______._.. Place your order early for greetinc cards_.`a_.t ;I'he Examiner, . run . SALE IN ELMVALE--House and lot, water and lights, near school and central; good woodshed. would do for garage; well rented, everything in fair shape. Terms arranzed. Box "12". ll!!- SQYGSC; wen rented, everything arranged. Box "R", Ex- aminer. ` 4n._s-.nn _-,l PARCEL FOUND Saturday, and `Ran-in uroxuzs nuuam for sale. comparative-. ly new. All conveniences, 2 blocks from Collegiate, 121 Sophia St. The estate of the late R. and W. Love. For further information `apply Box 524, Barrie. . 48-52b -"-*-`- ill 173.1110 . Phone 44-51b BRICK HOUSE for sale. conveniences. 2 h'ln.~l.rc -. . FOR SALE-30 acres or bush, lot 24, south side of con. 9, Innlsl, compos- ed of pine, cedar, spruce, tamarack, basswood, elm, hard and sort maple; birch. Apply 131 Bradford St.,A Bar- rie. ` 46tfb LV].lll' 48b HS, U1` Tele- 48b --~..-- - ,_ -..`. .______________....____ FOR SALE-132 Burton Ave., 6-room- ed house, newly decorated inside and out. all coqveniences, new` furnace, double garage and stable. Apply * 21 Poyntz St., or phone -108-1W. ' ' 4_2t1'b ..................._._.__.._.___........_ uu1'1'AUE FOR sALE-Ha.l1' sgblock from store and. post office. 4 rooms and summer kitchen shed. Apply `to Miss M. McMillan, Hawkestone. On- tario. 42-46p-48-52:.` ._.___.____...____......__.._ IJIIUIIB Lid- _..- STRAYED on to the premises of the undersigned, about June 1st. one two- year-old heifer. Owner please com- municate with Jos. H. Emms, Oro Sta- tlon. Phone 1924. --v`-1 __________________ FARM FOR SALE-100 acres, plowing done, 20 acres of wheat, farm, in high state of cultivation and _two miles from the village of Gookstown. Bank barn. brick house with a1l,c5nvenienc- es. Would consider housaggiii town of Barrie as part pay. App1y`.'F. Clarkson, Cookstown. 45-49b ` . uny- 48b .-hand 1 Ann S the 48b r'nLl:w.V.l run SAIJE, lot 14, con. 8, Essa, 200 acres; clay soil; 20 acres wheat sowed; 20 acres alslke; plowing all done; farm in high state of cultiva- tion; good hardwood bush; good buildings. Apply John McDonald, Thomton,P.0. . ` 48p l'.'IAI-nu-I -A- ---* I _____.__________ FARM FOR SALE, lot con. acres: clav SON` an anion .130 -,5lb ` FARM FOR SALE41 state of cultivation -'z`.n3a 2'.(.:.l;$'. _. ..`. . _____..___._.___._______ FUR-LINED OVERCOAT, size 40,, cost $80 new; also heavy broadcloth, overcoat, size 38, both in good condi- tion. As I naval i ogrurther use for them will accemilgo`-tgfdr "both. A ew choice White Leghorn cockerels, weigh 5 lbs. each, $2 each if taken soon; also 120'-egg Chatham iriubator i in good condition, $5. Geo. Oro Station. . man : .wR.1sT WATCH LOST be- tween St. George's Church, Allandale and Mary St.. on Sunday evening: ha.s;dark brown strap. Finder please phone 878. 48b 'Z"_`__".T.'L`-"_'-""-"""-"` ,1 mm 48b I E 101' I ____._.______._____.___.__.__ I AM OFFERING FOR SALE my en- tirg stock _of horse shoes; 09.11:: mm ..__..._..____..___.___...__ DELCO LIGHT--Two. up-to-date -au- tomatic plants for sale; one of these less than one year installed and still operating under Delco guarantee. The other plant installed for seventeen months. For immediate sale both of- fered at half price. Write or telephone `W. H. C. Ruthven, Alliston. 48-50i= __ _-.- RADIO--You can exchange your ra- dio, phonograph and used furniture on a new Batteryless Fada, good al- lowance made. See Chas. Kelly, Tele- phone 535 and 1184. Used battery sets for sale. _ 4'7-49p ` v\vH9 HA _ __-i- uuAnAN'rEED VACUUM CLEANER (Ohio), with attachments. priced to please purchaser. Also Radiant Home heater and two rolls Ready Roofing. gutcliffe, 28 William St., Allandale, n . v1.uJ.`UN CONSOLE ELECTRIC RA- DIO, 8 tubes, beautiful walnut exhi- bition model, perfect in every respect, used a short time, sacrice at about half price. Phone 225w. . 40tfb _---_ GUARANTEED VACUUM CLEANER! attachments, m-inn-I in _.______._____________ FOR SALE-~Ch1ld's crib, large size, newly enameled. Five-tube radio, ta- ble model, "new tubes and batteries complete. reconditioned. 18 McDon- ald St. Phone 1184. 48p I 1!'lrr\r\1n ..____ _ _ - VICTOR CON tubes. SOLE beautiful W917-n1+ nvhl_ v _' MAN S WRIST WATCH George's Church` A11nm-inn.