(I13 1VlJ3lll lvwclnun a nce of J(,)l_NT-EASE. THE NEW WARDEN? **"+D`**"iR5T Vacated-. ` u/a, L can, sauv I Provincial Paper 5%%. 1 May, 1947 Rio de Janeiro Q1] tn 1 111-1. Inca ~(Meaford I7/iirror) D. Mclnnes as Sons, Wednesday brought in a trout fromltheir nets which is a stranger in Georgian Bay waters. Local authorities disagree as i to his identity, but he seems more like a Rainbow Trout of the McLeod River variety than anything else although he has markings and general appear- ance in some respects of a sockeye. How a sockeye could get from British Columbia down into Georgian Bay, however, is a question no one dares to answer. Then he might be an At- lantic trout whi were one time found in Lake ntario, but never got to the other lakes because of the barrier at Niagara Falls. That he is a Rainbow seems to be the best yet made for identification. The fish is on view\ at Mr. Rows butcher shop. `Authorities in Toronto have been ask- ...I .1-.. ___lLX.._ :.IA.a-&8l-uuGo\o-n auyua. wu nu uuvy. A new X-Ray maghine has been added to the equipment of the Mem- orial Hospital at Bracebridge. n1_n_.-__._ ._x_L_._.,_ __ , 172 /0 1.0 Iacpu Ontario Province I 4`/3% 15 Ja.n., . `Dawn I I P018. E-Au V/G nd 8%: xu~a`: LIIIU us: IJGAAUJ-I-\l 699%. 1 Feb., 1953 . Shawinigan Water A1/, 07, 1 lknw 10!!! `X7; /0, L JNLQJ, LUIIU Southern Canada. Power 1 3.` I ABC (1 D.vvuuuuAAA vaxsauva Lvvvwl. 5%, '1 oct.. 1955 . 99.00 Saskatchewan Province 415%, 915 Jan., 1957 92.57 Toronto City AILDL 1 Tan 1340 09 0'1 ;. VA VA: vv vs V; _4%%. 1 Jan., 1949 .. 93.23 A Toronto Harbour A11 171 1 >c<.....L Qnzo an AA I om) KINDS or mom CAUGHT AT MEAFORD 41/2% 1 Nov., 1961 92.00 Montreal Tram 5% 1 Apr., 1955 93.00` [New South Wales 5% 1 Feb., 1957 .. 91.50 gun um u\.uu.L 61/2% 1 Feb., 1947 100.00 Manitoba Province 41/.% 15 Apr., 1957 92.57 Massey-Harris 5% 15 Oct., 1947 95.00 Montrea,1 -Metro. Comm. N. S. Province Jill)-I rw_._A. can-n nnnq ILIAULIUIAVIUD All .I.\.n.vLLvu uwvu -. ` ed for positive identification. \.A\1A1\4A nu wavy: V1 cu-Us 6% 1 Nov., 1952 . German 11- l\,L nnnt By virtue of a change in its market bylaw Orillia. will have an extra whole- sale market on the Wednesday before Christmas. I 7.. rv.....-..._:n- - L,u,,,,,,,_, ,u_u, _-_ \a VA AA1a.A1 7% 15 Oct., 1949 107.25 Great Cons. Elect. ' 6`/- _>% 1 July, 1950 96.00 Tn'I1r `van; 7% 1 Dec., 1951 95.50 Lake St. John (211171 1 21-1. 1nAI-1 -unnnn IJLCBU|a| UUHLLULU UULMCB qusuuag It absorbs instantly and is so clean and stainless that you can rub it on often and thus get results much more quickly, when the joint is stiff or in- flamed and the agony intense. 13-1.... v_.._I. _ -_-.A.Jl u-1 .-nuu-qLp.- In-uni gauunwu. sauna. vuv ugvung aaaa yuan.- Being `such a powerful-counter :_lrri- tant, it just can't help bringing speedy and happy results in conges- tion, sore throat, chest colds, lurnbago and neuralgia much quicker than any ordinary remedy you can use. ll`! vnn inns} v-an-nnvnhnr +1-Inf, H , `E uuuucuy Lcuscuy yvu van unc. But you must remember that it is for. joint afflictions that it is mostly dispensed and its helpfulness will astonish you after "all ordinary lini- ments and other treatments have rail- ed. Made in Ca.na.da-60 cents a. tube `at all up-to-date drug stores. . A-4 ` IJUIIM \A Mal. . \J..LV db`! 41/2%, 1 July, 195193.94 Dom. Guar. G.T.R. 6%. 1 Sept., 1936 105.85 Dom. Tax Free 5%, 1 Mar., 1937 100.25 |Dom. Victory R140/, 1 Tina 10'.!'7 1n : OI: awvnn. V av mu. J 5%% 1 Dec., Dom. Refunding 415% 1 Feb., T. Eaton Realty 5% 1 April, . I3.-nun AL 11/0 French 7% ; (`Ln 4-! Ann I70 I. ucm, 1010 Gatineau Power 5% 1 June,, 1956 . General Steel Wares cm 1 17.... 1n:n vun Au\.AAIuu. In Huntsville a toboggan slide is being constructed by the Parks Com- mission which will be one of the best in the province. Tn +1-u:u'v- Run! nnlna-.An1;. rhnunn -0 tlan it will penetrate to the bone and blessed comfort comes quickly. 1" nlvuunduu (nu-I-nnl-`In nvziri its an n'Inoh Municipalities will benet from re- fund on old age pensions according to a. letter received by the clerk of York County from Dr. Jamieson of the Old Age Pensions Board. Ti`:-nrn +hn v-cf ii mac uvu-Inw_~l-and 4155 I. \.AAsu.vL.u) aavasuo .From the rst it was understood that Ontario would receive in full all money paid by it to an old age pen- sioner. who dies and leaves an estate. Dr. Jamleson s communication states that municipalities will also share in this return on a pro rata basis. The letter was in reply to a. question asked by a. member of York County council and no general communica- tion dealing with the subject has been received by J. T. Simpson, county clerk of Slmcoe. ' .45/2%, 15 Dec., 1944 94.00 Dom. Guar. C.N.R A 1/ I71 -I 1..1-- nan run an ! Maturity itibi P. & P. 5% 1 June, 1953 ....... .. ; rgentine ! 46%, *1 Oct., 1960 V ,Austra1ia :01 1: Y1u'Iur 1nEC Bue 72 '/01 *9 nos Airea ED! 1 `In: I QIICILVD `I-lL\C 6%, 1 Mar., 1961 87.00 `Burns & Co._ E1/ hi 1 Tuna 1(\AO Ah qDu.Luo uu vv. 5%%. 1'June, 1948 92.00 Canada Cement E11 01 1 `Tan: 1AH nn An kltllui-Ha vvnuuu u 555%. 1 Nov., 1947 99.00 Canada Steamship 6%, 1 Oct., 1941 97.00 Can. Canners am 0 I7..I.. 'Il\EI'| 1A1 AA nu mu. ynv veuuc. In their nal schedule game of the season Penetang rugby team was beaten at home by Malvern Grads, the score being 24-0. Midland rofnnotvnrn mu: 1.... ....1....-: -4 van. \.Icl:|Iu.uL D 6%, 2 `July, Chile an! 1 Eh.`- $1119 6%, 1 Feb., Colombia 6%, 1 Oct., IVBE ma." VMUNICIPALITIES 'IT'0i/GAIN FROM PENSION REFUND I Furnished -by The `Dominion Se- curities Corporation, Limited. `Ilnv-lvnb 17% A14! nuau anti: _5%, 15 July, 1955 . Bell Telephone I :07, 1 Turn: 10'-'.'l I Dun a.\.n.yu-nu 5%, 1 June, 1957 . `B. C. Province ` A1101 1: 1.... -In: 1). \Jo L &\lVOLlV\r 41/g%, 15 Jan., 1951 93.46 |Brazil 5 21/(77 `ll: first IIIKH an nn xvalvv LLGA HUI-U 4%%, 1 Sept, 1953 92.40 6% an-`A _.-..--..--..u-. Talking pictures made their appear- Vance in Midland on the same day as they were introduced in Barrie. lIVVJL1J5l4NAl vv uuwl. 4%%, 1 May, 1968 nil-unnu Iinvun:-In DAIIIAI L: 4. LV vALAu\. i'7% 15 Sept., 1952 93.21 In-no-{A `Dvvun nu lab: 6%%; 15 Oct.. 1957 79.90 In-tll Lin-an REPRESENTATIVE BONDS u Lvcabuy 1949 .. 95.21 4. v v nun./v 1945 . Jan., 1950 . 1\........ Dec., 1960 1949 . 1961 The Penetang Herald reports a. good supply of both junior and intermedi- ate hockey material in that town. 1961 1950 101.00 1937 1946 95.00 uAu.u vtiu a Market Yield Value % 101.00 103.25 111.50 X 85.00 i {An additional 500 seats will be pro- vlded in the Orillia rink as 9. result of changes-made by the management. 1-\.. _.._- _ ,p 102.00 94.65 98.50 71.00 93.50 79.00 93.00 79.00 85.50 98.00 93.00 93.00 9.70 8.84 5.00 7.80 I sfea 4.87 5.07 5.00 `TFoY$R x3x1'r-E55? OLD R .1-AND MAKE YOUR RESERVATIONS EARLY I We represent ALLSTEAMSHIP LINES We arrange for your passport. Fire, Life Accident and Automobile IIICOI lI\ I IIIII! I II I I 5.05 i 5.05 5.61 5.00 5.43 5.00 5.52 4.97 4.95 A. F. A:." MKi:C6lW'(-)" IF YOU TO VISI MA} Tick: 6.86 7.41; 6.50 5.00 H 4.96 5.40 6.02 5.50 I .5-92 7.79 F-__-.035 5:99.- _ T _ :1 5.06 4.90 5.00 4.87 8.47 7.03 6.22 6.36 5.91 6.5 I TORONTO, -ST. THOMAS, WINDSOR, LONDON, LINDSAY, KITCHENER, ORILLIA, . PETERBORO 6.16` 6.14 5.51 5.00 5.53 Completely exhausted after having fled from the terrifying haying of hounds a. yearling doe came out of some cover on the west side of the fifth slderoad of Tecumseth Sunday afternoon. At the fence at the road- side it hesitated: and then decided it could not jump the fence. Fred Mur- phy and some companions were com- ing north in a car and seeing them the little animal vaulted the fence and approached the car as if seeking n-11... -..l__..1 -.._.. :.. - ..L..L- -2 _..... UU|\lU\lL n The animal was in a state of com- plete exhaustion. Its breathing was rapid and its legs could scarce sustain its weight. Its terror was pitiable. The rapid dilation of nostrils and' the con- tinually outstretching neck to give the nostrils every opportunity to obtain the scent of danger together with the alert and wandering eye betokened a. condition more pitiable than that of fatigue. 1'1"}-us Ann!` Ah-I nnf nkinnf On hnuincr CHASED DOE SEEKS SUCCOR FROM AUTOISTS Lllls BIC: The deer did not object to having hands laid on it and courted the pre- sence of the young men who had be- friended it. l'l'__ _-.LA..-L-J n......n1 -nun Incl q'vu5A LLICAIUULI III. The exhausted animal was led into Wm. Stych s driving shed whge it wa safe from the attacks of dog and man. Its fright was calmed in a little while and the: rescued animal lay down after being given a drink of wa- ter and some oats. It was too tired to eat and lay down to rest. Later it elped itself to the grain. When the oor was opened as neighbors came to the Stych home to have a look at the graceful animal it showed little fear and soon became the object of our- {A4-Nu ------- Local Office: -------- T l20wonSt.% : BARRIE ,: .I'I|oIo1440 The home-brewing industry, which ourished considerably under the Ontario `Temperance Act, has since the Liquor Control Act has come into force dwindled to a. mere shadow of its former rrobust self, according to Barrie merchants who, while admit- ting that the sale of malt, hops and the various other syrups and concoc- tions used to make home-brew beer ` was relatively high a `few years ago, now: nd that it scarcely pays them to keep these articles on their shelves, so small has the demand become dur- ing the past four years. 7 JUDA u; Rather than see the deer forced to` again take a. chance with dogs for the preservation of its life Dr. S. R. Mc- Kelvey of Beeton took the little ani- mal to Toronto and presented It to the commissioner of parks in the city. HOME BREW ACTIVITIES ON WANE IN BARRIE T Rogers "Pbonolectro Radio ' 8 Rogers DeLuxe Higbboy 90121}: Rlgers H ig/I501 only only $3 (Alliston Herald) BATTERYLESS THINK OF IT! You can now buy a brand- new 1930 Model Rogers-Batteryless l_{ff1dio- 1 `new Radio- with 8 _l}' guaranteed tubes and built-in Electro- dynamic Speaker-for as little `as $198003 And three other popular console models have also been sharply reduced in price. Here are the new prices now in elfect: New Rogers Model S30 - - $198 Rogers Model '54.0 - - $218 Rogers Model S50 - - $258 Rogers "Phonolectro-Radio $353 IDn:l:A Dlmnoqnnunnwuls Factory sales in October were the largest in Canada -nearly $2,000,000 at retail values. This greatly increased production has brought about savings now passed on to you. At these "rock-bottom prices, the proven, reliable Rogers is unquestionably the radio buy of the season. Come in and choose yours today. More than 150 by-products are now Rayon is now used in the manufac- produced from corn. ture of wigs. Phone 82 Corner Collier and Bayfield Sta. V (cIj{4dio-Phonograph Combination) All prices complete with Tubes ir3s"iJRAN-" 5173' i;'}'1i'I'bfe ';f:"a;}'}'. Ticket Agency Canadian National Railways --Q. LLZIXLZC ISARD - ROBERTSON AND COMBANY LIMITED HEAD OFFICE )FFER their clients reliable counsel in the buying and selling of sound securities. . LORNE A. ARNOLD, District Representative Cookstown, Ontario Terms to suit your convenience HAVE THE BEST; IT PAYS! G. G. SMITH &%CO. INVESTMENT BANKERS Rogers Lowboy only $198 LONDON, CANADA [V810 Reduced Price , November 28,` 1929 Dealers` in ` Nha LLVLJLJ-- vermin-proof - ( that prevents George H. Street and George Hem book thirty-seven ducks one day recently, thus establishing a new re- cord for a single day's shoot in the Orillia. district. arr;-.:I-...: n-..__-u u-__ __._A. _ ______ _n The BALL PLANING 1 Jlnv-.._v and greater comfort. DRY INSULEX is a re and vermin-proo Waste, thereby saving many trips to the coal-bin. Telephone us to-day, we'll tell you lvivhat DRY INSULEX meant -- `Antwan you what DRX J in other homes. DISTRICT NEWS MINING STOCK BROKERS iaayeauuialualui-esislsualesneaianlq H. A. HENRY, neaiqeat DISTRIBUTORS : This Winter uaxnuna; uAou1M.I.. Midland Council has sent a copy of a resolution to Hon. Chas. Dunning i I `IUD I-dlnvnan - ..__ 3uu.nms' suvpuss . mu. co. Ltd., Deden uuuu \II Inn; Juan . Mrs. Rena Johnson and Martin Mor- rison, daughter and son of Martin Morrison. Sr., of Longford Mills, were members of the crew rescued from the tug John L. Russell, which sank in a recent storm on Lake Ontario. fl..- r\..L.....x.. I1'-..!..- 1-:II__.|...:- I-|__.__ uuuuvvvu an nnvun v,UVV uv qau,vuu. Men in the employ of the Ontario Hydro Commission are now engaged will end the calendar year with a decit of several thousand-dob lars. On Nov. 15 there was a decit of $1,126 which will be increased by ex- . penditures necessary during the bal- ance of the year. `Iva Dav-an Tnhuann and `Ila:-68 IE;-nn_ L\.\.uAIv DIAVLILI VII L-IGISC \lLIun;ALU. The Ontario Hydro Electric Power Commission has agreed to make an inspection and appraisal of Orillia's power plant if the council will guaran- tee payment of the cost which is es- timated at from $1,500 to $2,000. lnn Sn I-kn 1\I'Il|V\`l\iv .-.0 4-Inn !\-.4-nah; Hemp growers meeting in Orillia de- cided to ask the Federal Government to help reimburse them for their crop losses out of a million-dollar fund set aside for the encouragement of hemp growing. (\vHHn rill and 6-Ian nnlnvu-Inn IIAAOG urging completion of locks" at Swift Rapids and Big Chute and dredging of the Severn River. '1'... |_.....I -4" ..... 'I'....:l..... ad..- nu-nu _.... -..- ---.. _-v.~- _- _,_.._,, Consensus of opinion prevailing at a recent dinner tendereq Orillia tawn council by the re brigade was that Mayor Johnston and nearly all alder- men would seek re-election. The Meaford Mirror reported last; week a. regrettable absenceof inter- est in town affairs." An effort was be- ing made `by the Board of Trade to get prominent men to accept oice. O` ,___u_._,- _ 1 ,, , L .,L R. D. Boyes of Alliston got first prize for carload of select bacon hogs. This was a provincial competition in con- nection with the Royal Winter Fair. I\.,,, v Pmceedings under the Elections Act may be taken against a woman in North Victoria, who is accused of vot- ing twice. The chief electoral oicer of the province is investigating the no to IHIC $CVClll L\4LVCl.o The bowl of an Indian pipe was found by Albert Lavlgne on property owned by James` Kirkwood south of Vict&'1a. I-Iafbor. It is said this area is rich In Indian relics. , rrn.- l\u...I..I........ _I.....L s... r\..l1Hn -nH`I 1115. Lu I.l.l\11llLl 1C1lUD- The Dltchburn plant in Orillla. will be enlarged materially if ratepayers of the town sanction a bylaw granting the company a xed assessment of $5,- 000 for the next 10 years. ,; '. barren, outside, "~- um 43 r_-._ __-___, __- Farmers in Simc_oe and other coun- ties of Ontario will no longer have to buy their lime from the Unitedstates. A Canadian company, the Limestone Products, Limited, has been organized, and will operate extensively at math- o , with a view to supplying the de- mand of Simcoe and Ontario farmers with high grade lime from the quarries at Uhtho. The new company started to operate last week and now have a huge crusher working. that is able to produce 1,200 tons a day. V (Midland Free Press) Two sh with one hook at one time is rather an unusual catch, but such was thesluck of J. E. Ferguson at the town elevator dock on Friday morning. In pulling in his line he was surprised to see what. looked at a glance like some new species of the tnny tribe. On closer inspection it proved to be a ten-inch `sucker with a twelve-inch lamprey eel -attached to the sucker s throat, with such an `rm hold that the struggles of the sucker `rwhen land- ed failed to remove it `and either sh could -be lifted or tossed around with- outbreaking the eel's hold. v-~- -- We understand from Murt Dunn, manager of the hockey team last win- ter, that Bracebridge will have two teams this season, intermediate and junior. says the Muskoka Herald. Most of last season's players are available for intermediate, while there is con- siderable new material. The juniors can also present a strong line-up as there are a dozen or more players to pick from, who have shown ability. 'Wa1ter `I-I. `Adam's, or Manes, who~ was arrested in Toronto on November 7, charged with fraudulently obtain- ing monefand` goods," is also wanted by the police of Orillia on a series of `similar charges, says the News-Letter. Adams,eduring the six `weeks he spent in Orillia in the employ of Herbert J. Justin, farm implement dealer, suc- ceeded in cashing a large `number of worthless cheques. Leaving there on Saturday, Nov. 2, he journeyed to: To- ronto, where he was recognized and arrested on"-a variety. of charges laid -against mm on ;August 20, when he had allegedly obtained goods `under false pretences and h'un up bills he could not pay. - - _ . VVAUIA I/IIU I/UVVLL VVGIIICL aynurlu. ' A round robin has been circulated in Orillia according to the Packet and Times urging W. S. Frost to offer him- self as a mayoralty candidate. w-`_____,,, ..,.p,,. .. _ 1-0 -I The change in time tables of the C.N.R. which went into effect on Mon- day has created an unpleasant and very unsatisfactory mail and passen- ger service between Toronto and Cree- more, says the Creemore Star. To ar- rive in Creemore at 7.30 p.m. it will now be necessary to leave Toronto at 12.30 and spend nearly four hours at Georgetown. VFISHERMAN SURPRISED GOT EEL WITH SUCKER ......5..t. The statement which appeared in the Oriilia. Packet and Times that 118 , more ballots were cast at Port Mc- Nicoll at the recent election, than were on the lists was entirely unfounded says the Midland Free Press which quotes the clerk of Port McNico1l as stating that there were 522 names on the revised and certied list and only. 464 voted. `CH1-:QuE ARTIST WANTED ~ BY POLICE or oRn.u_A Reports of wolves in the district north of Orillia are by no means un- founded, if the skins of three timber wolves trapped within the last month are any evidence. The last of the three was caught last Saturday 10 or 15 miles north of Oriliia, by R. McKen- ney, Uhtho , who trapped the animal. This is the` third McKenney has caught. ' '1")-un ontnmnnt -.1.-.x..I.. _____ _._.1 .-._ John Morton ` of (Edinburgh- died from injuries received in an accident _ `just three minutes before 9. clergyman arrived to marry him to Miss Janet A na-Ian:-and-1 Dissatisfaction with the present state of the Goldwater road was regis- tered by the Orillia. township council- lors at their last meeting, and 9. mo- tion was passed recommending that county councillors use their inuence at the coming session to have the Goldwater road resurfaced with lime- lstone. ' L- -1 __._u__,_ Canadian National Railway econom- ies have deprived` Alliston of its ev- ening mail service, complains The Herald of that town. Monday, a train running out of Toronto about 3.30 in the afternoon and going as far as Stratford was clgt oancl the mail for the points on the Beeton and Coiling- wood branch of the C.N.R. did not get out to Georgetown where it is picked up by the` Ailandale train. ANo notice was given the local post office of the difficulty of getting night mails in and evidently the Toronto postal author- ities were unaware of the cancellation of the train because the mail was des- patched from the city by some route which took it up to Colllngwood in the nick! T} no?!-In Annn-\ fn A'|`Hci-run 4-kn Owing to the great number of acci- dents that have occurred on the high- ways around Orillia recently, most of them due to cars travelling without lights, the police of that town have been instructed to take immediate and energetic action to put a stop to the menace caused by speed fiends. v\:__, L!,,E_ , ALLISTON NIGHT MAIL SERVICE IS msnugnzn __ _._._, -..--..-..---. Duncan McIntyre of Collingwood won first prize in a shooting toum9.- ment held in the interests of the hos- pital. There were 40 teams entered. E. N. Cooper, H. R. Cleland and T. H. Randle of Meaford have been add- ed to the executive '01 the Penn-Ryan 011 and Gas Company,_Ltd. The con- cern will drill for oil` and gas in the Meaford district. Head otfice of the company will also be moved to Mea- ford. \ 4\_..I..__ 1.- 41.- ....-_L _....._1.___ .5 _,_a vvnanux vvyn ur uy UU Uuuunswuuu Lu DLIC night. It came down to Alliston the following morning. The local post otfice will bringthe matter to the at- tention of the postal inspector and ask for a_ closed mail by the C.P.R. train reaching here shortly after six o'clock in the evening. Earl Rowe,-fed- eral member for South Simcoe," will also be asked to use his good offices to- wards providing this town with an ev- ening mail service during the winter months. ' obtaining information and approxi- mate estimates of services that will be required upon a. new hydro line to be constructed from Midland to Waver- ley and beyond. ' -. no _ -- -q ~u,u ,,,-n _,,,u as With the closing session of Simcoe County Council in sight someone ask- ed us-the other day who would bel warden in 1930? To be frank, we `do not know, but since the query was put to us it has been passed on to others. Oneguess is Reeve Glover of Notta- wasaga. It is a long time since Not-I tawasaga has had the honor and our guessing friend may not be so far out. I Mr. Glover has a. good record and as` Chairman of Finance in the county council has given faithful service. I If you `wish to nd one spot in small area where you can nd violets, for- get-me-nots, convulvus, `buttercups, dalses, gentlans, foxgloves, clover, thistle blooms, corn owers and aza- leas growing in millions and all grow- ing as wild owers, climb up to the snow line of the Jungfrau in Switzer- land-they are all there. You can Quickly timber Up l Sore Slill Swollen Joinls l TOO MUCH FISH Fish Week starts to-rriorrow, says the Bracebridge Gazette. For seven days all Canadians are asked to eat sh, presumably Canadian sh. They tell us scientists nd sh rich in vit- amins, whatever they are, so neces- sary to good health and strength. Anyway, as a loyal Canadian I pass on to you the suggestion of the Minister .of Fisheries that we all specialize in sh from Nov. 22nd to Nov. 29th. All the same, if there's sh every day for a week at our home I 1l-- It's here, rlghtin town and ~ live druggist has it. , ___,__ ____..-.u-. 4... 1.... uvv uauagouv nu-no -v. It's 9. low price remedy, to be sure, but that doesn't stop it from taking the klnk.s,`1ameness or torture out of your rtroubled jomts. _ 1- 1.1.- .__..... -4. AIun!' Meaford had sleighing on Nov. 20. Penetang Curling Club will pay $450 a. year to the new arena. company for accommodation. I1-II... rs_Qnu_ vrv_.._A.-.: A- _L_.___ ..,_..._--.I ,-_. .-_-....___. ,_,-\,,, -Joint-Ease is the name, so called because it is compounded solely for the purpose or relieving all Joint ail- ments. _ ` ` ` ` Just rub it on -the stiff, tormented, ~ lame Joints andin just a 1ew seconds_ 2 unqn. The snow has made its appearance at last and looks as if it might stay for a. while. ' Even Chronie RheumaticSwell- ings in Knee, Elbow, Shoul- der or `Finger Joints Yield to the Mighty Powerful Influ-l 4..-- - l(\lRl"I`_I.'AI-' Belleville, Nov. 23-Eighty-ve men are engaged in preparing for the in- vasion of 500 iers from Camp Borden at Trenton, which will become the permanent home of Canada's air and sea forces. Much preliminary work must be done before the site will be t for ying and trees and fences are be- ing removed, ditches are being dug and tile drains laid. . ___ _- __ __-_.--_--u -v..---.-. V R. Lyt;torV1,'James Coutts and others] returned from the hunting grounds last Saturday with their supply of venison. 1:... _._.a up..- 1-\ u-___,, . , vnnouvnon ' Mr. and Mrs. R. Ma.son`ha.ve re- turned after being in Toronto a. few days. rru-m .......... 1...... ........1._ u- -._..-___.-,, Field at` Trenton Being 'Leve]`ld -`- Farms ', Merchants in both Belleville andi Trenton are looking forward to they inux of the iers and their families. When completed, the airport will cost in the neighborhood of two and a..half- million dollars. It is expected that the coming of the iers will mean a big: impetus to sport in this district as] Camp Borden is represented in all the branches. The new rink here will likely become the home of the hockey team which will represent the iers. alliav `uss. Winnie Monteith has returned| to Toronto after spending the week- end at her home. -lull-.. 15.4.1. 1rr_1..|.:- -2 rn-..-,_;._ 1,` C11 HI; 11U1' 11U111U. K Miss Ruth Wattie of Toronto is spending a few days with Mrs. Robt. Wattie. ` ` $L.._1-.. _...I 'l'\..._ I'\..._._ 1.4-; 1, ,1 1 vux. uvunu UCALA5 91'!)- Midland ratepayers will be asked at the forthcoming elections if they fav- or installation of meters in connection with the town water system. `A rnnn rnhin he: know nhvnnlnhui in rnsrnmne NEW HOME ron c.A.r. acres will be levelled off for the airport. All the dwellings and buildings in the area are being demolished and, telephone and hydro wire lines will be dismantled and run underground, so`| that there will be no obstructions forl the planes. Farmers whose propertyhas been purchasedby the Dominion gov-T ernment have been advised to vacate: and must do so before Dec. 1. This aects ten farmers and over 1,000 " (To_o_ '12:} }3{{a; {mm 1 Mrs. Reid is in the R.V. Hospital, Barrie. Illa-n Ifilgng.-1;. \I--L_lLl- 1--.. ....L.....__A vv awuns. ' Stanley and Reg. Dunn left last week for the hunting grounds. 1-: v__A.A.___ .____ 4-___;L, IF YOUR EARS RING WITH HEAD NOISES uarrnzu uuuxuuaa, gu w yum druggist "and get 1 ounce of Parmint (double strength), and add to it 1/; pint of hot water and a. little granulated sugar. Take 1 tablespoonfule four times a day. nu -1-L..- 1-...-.._. ....L.I. If you have roaring, buzzing noises in your ears, are getting hard of hearing and feat 09.- tarrhal Deafness, go to your .I........-l..&.uu.A nnl- 1 nunnn nf vv unto. - This will often bring quick relief from the distressing head noises. Clogged nbstrils should open, breathing become V easy and the mucus stop dropping into the throat. It is easy to prepare, costs little and is plea.- sant to take. Anyone who has Catarrhal trouble of the ears, .2- 1......: .4 1.......:.... Ave has hand uaharrum uruuuu: U1. uuc cans, is hard of hearing or has head nbisqs should give this prescrip- tion 9. trial. i1UUULlll1l!JU.H. LIUII . The Orillia Worsted factory resumed operations this week when 30' hands reported forduty. ~ A non: Y_Dnu rnnnhlnn has knnn