I`--six- Anal-AA scu. ucu Mary 5-10p I Solicitors for -...-. ovuvo MORTIMER CLARK, "GRAY, BA] & CAWTHORNE, , 3125 Confederation Life Building, __ __ Toronto 2 Ont! Woman, will apply to the Parliament of Canada, at the next Session there- of, for a 111 of Divorce from her husband, ederick Leopold Leslie Neylan, of the City of Toronto, in the County of York and Province of Ontario, on the ground of adultery. DATED at the Town of Midland in the County of Simcoe in the Province of Ontagio, ns 31st day of December, 8. ..:__: NOTICE OF PPLICATION FOR DIVORCE ,.-_.. ,,-...,....w. nuy uuurmat10n' and tender forms may be obtained at the County Treasurer's office at the Court House. try Office,` and Children's Shelter, estimated as follows: Court House about 100 tons of soft coal, best qual- ity: Gaol, about 70 tons of stove coal and 10 tons of nut coal; Registry Of- fice, egg and nut, such quantities as will be required from time to time; Children's Shelter, about 15 tons of furnace and stove coal as required. Delivery of coal to be made at the request of the Chairman of the Coun- ty Property and tenders for the coal for Gaol and Court House to be giv- M en for the delivery on sleighs and also for delivery in May. All tenders to be sealed and ad- : dressed to H. H. CRESWICKE, Chair- - man of County Property Committee, I Barrie, Ont. 7-8b ' uvuu u. n.u1vusL1::, Esq., and MARY JANE GANTON, Hillsdale Executor and Executfix of Walter Reid Ganton Estate, or BOYS & BOYS, Barrie, Ontario, their solicitors. 7-9b cu cu guuu uuu.'se, nanxecl barn, imple- ment shed. hen house, pig pen, sheep pen, twelve acres of fall wheat, eight acres of fall rye, fteen acres of alsike, ten acres hardwood bush and two acres of good orchard. SECONDLY: Also hundred acre pasture lot, consist- ing of the East half of Lot 51, Conces-- sion 1, Medonte. _ TENDERS must be accompanied by a marked cheque for 10% of the pur- chase money and terms for the bal- ance may be arranged with the under- signed. Neither the highest nor any tender` necessarily accepted. DATED at Barrie, this 11th day of February, 1929. Tf\`l':I"k'I' 4-: ya... __- V BULL FOR SALE-Registered Short`.- horn. Opals Firpo No. 72054 aged 4 years off. easy handled,\quiet. Apply W. Betteridge, Thornton, Ont. 7-9p - V... uu4s_y , JOHN C. RUMBLE, Esq., JANE GA1\T'r*nm m The nectdr from those owers, ripened by the bees, can still be secured. . , 7-12p \. TENDERS will be received by the undersigned up to 12 o'clock noon, on Monday, March 4th, 1929, for the pur- chase of the properties hereinafter des- cribed, either separately or en bloc: FIRSTLY: Part of Lot 8, Concession 3, Medonte, and Lot 51, Concession 2, Medonte, containing one hundred and fty acres. On this property is locat- ed a good house, banked barn, imple- house, nicr mm oi-can In a ne state of, preservation, barn No. 1, 90 x 60 ft., handy to station; barn No. 2, 45 x 30 ft., on a. . good highway. These `barns are worth considering if you contemplate building. 8-9b The elds of. alsike, theTbea.uti- ful white clover or thebasswood _1n ower 01 last; summer? 2 BARNS FOR SALE -y--- an at. `AAA! [4 \JI1lLVII-11']. 1'4 .I. At a meeting or trustees of 6th Line Cemetery, Innisfil Township, it was decided to make an annual as- sessment of $2.00 per plot, for im- provement to cemetery, to be paid by March 1st, yearly. A. R. Boyes, Sec'y- Treas., `Stroud. 7-9 ASK FOR }MA*GUlRE S HONEY ____________._._______. IRWIN S ALL BLUE TAXI SERVICE local and long distance, night and day. ggscent service. George Irwin, Phcixge . 1 _ TWO HEREFORD BULLS for sale, one rising 3 years and one 11 months; also cow with calf at foot. Albert Bishop, Utopia RR. 2, phone 608r2. 8b nauuJ.v1D `.I.'U La1`J'1', mm 0!` without board. Apply 17 Sophia Street or tele- phone 762J. - - 6-11p ---j.::. _._____,______._____. was ALTERED and repaired. Over I-Iur1burt s Shoe Store. Miss M. Mc- xrthur. 3'7tfb ______________________ .______________ ROOM AND BOARD b d 128 Bradford St. Phrmyn 51ym?r X3315; ..________.____.___.__..___'. TWO COMFORTABLE BEDROOMS for gent. Apply 26 Ross St. I 3-8b ___._________________. nuum mu; nunnu Dy clay or week. '123 Bradford St. Phone 1100. 8-13p ,_ EGGS FOR I-IATCHING, S.C. White Leghorns from choice hens of Baron strain and males from hens with re- cords up to 263 eggs. All eggs weigh 24 ozs. doz. 80% fertility guaranteed. 15 eggs` 75c; 30 eggs $1.25; 100 eggs $4.00. H. C. Walt, Midhurst. Phone 601-13. A 8-13p e. -. BABY CHICKS---Barred Rocks and -White Leghorns, 14 to'18'cents each. Excellent laying strains of both breeds. Custom hatching 5 nnnl-c nuts 11! !!!- uuawul. uaucnlng, O CGIIIJS per eg discount: of 10% or; any over 100. M. Stokes, Minesing. _6-1 Do You Remember? VALU!\1Z`LI..E PP..OPER'I".~;' FOR SALE. 0vc2`1r\nki!1g 11" bay. cottage with an conveniences. Wide frontage on Dun- 101) St. north side. Suitable for bus-- iness gm. Phone 100W. 8p msucucuo naymg strains or noun br Custom. hatching, 5 cents discount of 1067.. m1 anv nvnr "m CHICKS--custom hatching, A bring your eggs and have them hatched in our `-electric incubators, the healthy `way, also brooders for ,sale. Kelly's Hatchery, 1_8 McDonald _St. Phone 1184. . 8p sAi.T:'E`-:m5"E17af_ M. R. "NASH, Oro Station ROOMS AND BOAR SIXTH LINE CEMETER? ........4.:_._ __. -_,., MISCELL-ANE(3US BABY cHIcf -uuon 1.4118 Building, Toronto 2, Ontario Applicant. 4-8b --......a:- GANDER FOR SALE. Apply to W. L. S1-igley, Allandale RR. 2. 8p {, GRAY, BAIRD -TO`P.?\T`l`. LUV. 1. _6-11p Friday, February 22-George Perry, west "half lot 24, con. 3, Essa-farm stock and implements. Sale at 1 p. m. W. A. Mcconkey, Auct. 6-8b Monday, February 25-Geo. Seadon, at Gore 24, con. 10, Vespra (Town- line, near Colwell)-farm stock and implements. Sale at 1 p.m. W. A. Mcconkey, Auctioneer. 7-8x Tuesday, February 26--John W. Coul- son, at north half lot 23, con. 1, Sunnidale (2 miles north of An- gus)-Farm- stock and implements. Sale at 1 pm. W. A. Mcconkey, Auctioneer. 7-8x . Thursday, February 28-Edward Bee- croft, at east half lot 19, con 1, Sunnidale-r stock and imple- ments. `Sale at p.m. W. A. McCon- ` key, Auct. 7-8x Tuesday, March 12--Gare1d Rouse, -lot 14, cci. 9, Oro--i arm stock and implements. Sale at 1 pm. W. A. Mcconkey, Auct. .- 8-10x ;uu.c.I.u.1 Lu LUIUIIBO. Trinity W.M.S. met at the home of Mrs. Horton on Wednesday afternoon with fifteen members present. The scripture lesson was read by Mrs. Spencer andsthe devotional leaflet by Mrs. Halbert. The chapter in the study book was taken by Mrs. Wigle. It was decided to ask each member for a donation towards bringing ma- terial for supplies, which have to be forwarded by June 15. Mrs. McCor- _ ----.. ..-- ..--v smnnnvuun Us at GU11, ICU. Ll. Mrs. S. R. Brown received word on Tuesday of the death of her sister-in- law, Mrs. Matt. Nixon of Toronto and left on Tuesday evening to attend the funeral in Toronto. "l"rinH-u ur `lUI'Q .......4- -4. 4.1.... 1.-..-- -1- .___ .7`, '......n... - uuu A-\4\4 5115110. Congratulations to Mr; and Mrs. El- wood Bone, on the arrival of a. son, Feb. 19; also to Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Feltis on the arrival of a son, Feb. 17. 1|n~..a. (V 11 15..---- H Lu. uar. 11, U11 1. ucsuuy- The W.M.S. of the Townline Pres- byterian church will meet at the home of Mrs; J. A. Corbett on Thursday, February 28, at 2.30 p.m. f'!'!...:.....L.` - *r1>_..!L_.1 _u___.,, --- - -- _ -.._ .._.-_, -v, v-tv a-uvv puns. Trinity United church, Mission Cir- cle will meet on Wednesday evening, Feb. 27, at Mrs. McCormick s. This will be- observed as fee night. r'1p-u...--...-.&..1..L.'-..... 4.- 1-1.. _,, ,1 -- --- LAC]. ya: culab. Mrs. Lucas, Mrs. Patterson and Mrs. W. D. Henry attended.` the funeral of their bmther-in-law, John Gordon of Barrie, on Tuesday- Th9 WMR nf fhn "I"nunnHn.n `Dunn, auuu, .LV.l.LD. VV. U. neury. Miss Mary Mason, having complet- ed her training course at the R.V. Hospital, is spending some time with her parents. 'l\/I've T.nnnc Eva 13.-`H-.......... .......1 sun... BULL-Registered Hereford, 3 years old, for sale..Appl_v E. Howard, Bar- rie R.R. 2. phone 607r32. 8p ULIU _ _..-..--.. -...-u. -v. 4. \l\ll-IAlI\4&n m1;I.:ss-_1\/Ii1d1'ed Henry, R.N., of Tor- onto is spending some time at her home here. Tan-u-. +1.... 1.'H.1.. ..:...-....1.4.-.. -1: u... ___ ,u LLULILU LLCI U. Irene, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Kennard, who has been very in, is improving. `Mrs Waltnuv `D 1\lI a'In ac A.-1.uM.. vuL_y Lu, so uupxuvuxg. `Mrs. Walter R. Male of Addison spent; a few days last week with her aunt, Mrs. W. D. Henry. lh/QR M9? RJQEFIV1 hovinn nnvv-|r\'|13+, vv sun 1 csa UL VCD 1].]. L uruu l/U. Mrs. J. B. Cunningham of Sault Ste. Marie is visiting Mrs. R. E. Coulter. 1\II':.... vur:1.1-....1 Y'1_.--___ 1-; l - __-__- `. v...-..-a .-. JJLUIIJVJII Theatre-goers of Barrie will get a I real treat in "Peg 0 My Heart, to be presented at the Town Hall next Tues- ' day and Wednesday. 4This is one of the most popular modern comedy- dramas and has more bookings than any other show. It is full of pathos and sparkling wit and satire. In it laughter is very close to tears. It has played in the United States and throughout the British Empire. Next; week's presentation will be the rst time for it to appear in Barrie. 1 wwu um u1uu.u:.l.`. | Jos. Lennox spent the week-end with relatives in Toronto. I T\/I've 1' D f`1'|v\v\s'1-I1-'F\nv-u-\ mp c....1L cu... C. Gilpin of Toronto spent Monday with his mother. Tan T A.-n..,u. ..........A. LL- __.--1._ -__ .1 uvuuuu Announcement of the election of elders was made last Sunday at C01- lier St. United Church. M. D. Morri- son. Dr. W. Richardson, J. D. Rodgers and W. Sarjeant were re-elected for four-year terms and `J. W. Caldwell and Z. Rupert elected to ll the va- cancies caused by the death of George Urry and the res1'gna.tion of `N W `Pn1`f`vir1n-n \..v.ubu u.;y an W. E. Partridge. FOR SALE--B1-ed to lay Fishers Sf`. Whif.n T.no`hnrn nnnlznrnlc o1en MOST POPULAR COMEDY DRAMA r'n1..__L_._ -,, um. vwyavut 1.1165401 C. The question of whether the con- sumer or the Water and Light Com- mission will pay the collection charge of ve cents on each bill, as demanded by the banks. is still under advisement, Chairman John Sinclair of the Com- mission said this morning. An an- nouncement will be `made shortly, he added. Over twenty thousand people were in the stands at all times during the Thirty-second Annual Frontier Days celebration in Cheyenne, Wyoming, that served as the background and theme of Cheyenne, Ken Maynard's` latest western feature now showing at the Capitol Theatre. ` "T`kn nu.-...Hn.. -4` --.I__LI--~ Av .. `and ....... u. Members of the O.H.A. junior hock- ey team are to be presented with swea- ter coatsrin the colors of the Brook- dale Stable, white trimmed with green and orange. The club is making the presentation. It has had a successful nancial season. rrn- _ -....... .... u-.4 uvuuull. l The Seed Cleaning Demonstration train of the Ontario Dept. of Agri- culture is scheduled to visit Barrie on Tuesday, March 26. It will remain in Simcoe County from March 23, starting at Bradford, until Friday, April 12, when it visits Oro. ......J -uumua. uuq unux 111115 zany. A settlement for $925 has been ten- dered the County Propert3.Committee by insurance adjusters for damage done to the Court House in last Thurs- day's re. Of the total $460 is repre- sented'in damage to building and $465 to contents. .,. ... __... ... ......... .. vv nyux. A citizen who went to sleep in a restaurant last Friday evening with his meal _in front of him and the re- mains of a gallon of wine at his feet paid $25 and costs into the town ea- sury Saturday morning last. A enH1nrnnn- -PAL. a-nm: L-.. 1..--.. L-.. ........ --\-sum. 4.5115 :0 `U.UU. A special offering for the miners distress fund was taken up after the sermon in Central Church both morn- ing and evening, Feb. 17, together with a collection from the Sunday School, amounting to $84. A nih-up... ...I..... ....._L L- -v. ovumntuuu ' Two citizens will appear in tratfic court tomorrow for using 1928 markers on their cars.` These are the rst pro- secutions of this nature this year. The minimum ne is $5.00. A en.-u.:..1 -Jr....:.... 1:--. LL- .]\vI-IO! V R. F. Garrett skipped the rink which won the silver spoons at this week's interclub bonspiel. He was as- sisted by Dr. Lewis, W. Livingston and R. Ramage. "l"u1n nu'(-u`n~...... ...:n .....V,- -' I "3' BRICK CLAD STORE AND DWELL- ING for sale with 1/, acre lot. On lot there is :1 double 'g'a1'a5_r,e and ice house, butcher and grocery business and post nffioo in building. Reason for selling, uigjcss. Apply at post office, Hillsdale, Onp 4-9p Barrie Colts have been entered in the hockey tournament being held in Orillia next week in connection with the annual winter carnival. Thomas Williams, well-known black- smith of Sunnidale Corners, who died last Saturday, was buried at Dalston on Wednesday. He was in his 77th year. 13 Y IN.,,,, A: iiiiiiiillg '~Louus, g mm&mmaamm&mmm >14 DI! PI! >14 *3 CREDIT SALES Tl-IE name EXAMINER : THORNTON` [` I lmick gave a very interesting account of the Presbyterial held in Alliston a` few weeks ago. Bert Horton by request gave a very pleasing instrumental. __-_ ....v u.. unvsa `LAB unumu. LC` 6 cent bereavement. 8b Mrs. George Constable and family wish to gratefully express their thanks for the kindness and sympathy shown, by friends and neighbors in their recent bereavement. . 8p Mr. and Mrs. W. Wilcox, Camp Bor- den, wish to thank their many friends and neighbors for kindness and sym- pathy during their recent bereave- ment, also for floral tributes. 8p `......--_, ... nus. L\:.\.Cuu UCLCGVCLIICUL. DO` The family of the late Mrs. Car-I ruthers wish to thank their many friends and neighbors for their sym- pathy and kindness in their recent bereavement. 8p Mrs. John T. Johnston and family wish to express their thanks and ap- preciation to neighbors and friends for kindness shown during their re-! qbg 1\/I've f.`.nn-an-A (1.-......a...1_I.. _-_.1 1-, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Smith, Caroline| St., wish to thank their many friends} and neighbors for kindness and sym- pathy in their recent bereavement. 8b] Tho 4`.-uv.`l.. -5 `L. 1.1.. -- - FOR SALE-so1id brick store, 15 by 46 feet, plate pjlass front; very central location, used as a harness store. This property is offered for sale, with or without the harne.~:s business. Apply to M. J. Lawson, Elmvale, Ont. 7-8p ::.rw.1:aDL--in xovmg memory of our dear father, Albert Priest, who died Feb. 25, 1927. It is not the tears at the graveside That tell how 9. heart is torn But the unseen tears of after years And remembrance silently borne. 8p-Sadly missed by Wife and Family ________._______________ I ________________________ ,- PAINE-In loving memory of John Paine, who died in Christie Street I Hospital, on Feb. 21, 1924. ...._________..__._.___.__._. PRIEST--In loving father. Albert Prinsf. urhn .4.-ma -v.-us In our hearts your memory Ii: sweetly tender, fond and true, There is nnr. 9 Han +.v...+ .... A- u~-- sweetly tender, tfue, There is not a day that passes That we do not think of you. --Sadly missed b'y 8b Husband and Children 7 nu-u\l\ll.`.lJ ' PRESS-McMASTER -- At 73 High} St., Barrie, on Feb. 16, 1929, by Rev.= N. Campbell, Charles Henry Press! of Orillia, to Miss Minnie McMaster` of U tergrove, late of Belfast, Ire- land. GROCER = Phone l:l':.mMCC_|_l.ll0_$_,fl_l FOURTEEN ACT-LES, brick ho stnblv on tmvn line. near Ba; sale or exclmnge for town 1: Apply Goo. Scadon, RR. 2, Out. aaaa, nu LVJI. er, 82 Owen WALKIN SHAW 19, 1929, to Walkinshaw, WARD-In fhe 9. Mr. Ward, 25 William St Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. L. P. Sing-iv St., Barrie. a .son. - On Tuesday, Feb.; Haroldf Sanford St., a son. ; Royal Victoria Hos-1 on Saturday, Feb. 16,: and Mrs. Harold dale, a' I I -9 A guy Luv U . . . . . . . 35 5-lb. clover honey, tin 70c Burford s Peas, 2 tins 25c Aylmer Canned Grape- fruit . . . . . . . . 28c tin Aylmer Tomatoes, 2 s . . . . . . . . . . 2 tins 25 I` I0: .. -. BORN ALBERT-In the Royal Victoria. Hos- p1tal,.Barrie, on Saturday, Feb. 16, 1929. to Mr. and Mrs. Reuben A1- bert, '84 Penetans St., Barrie, a daughter. To Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Bone, a % BOWMAN - On Tuesday, Feb. 19, 1929, to.Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Bowman, Innisfil, a son. BROOKE--In Highland Park Hospit- al, Detroit. Mich., on Feb. 12, 1929, to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Brooke (nee Grace Thomas), a. son, (Donald George). I JONES-In the Royal Victoria Hos-1 pital, Barrie, on Friday, Feb. 15, i. 1929, to Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Jones," 111 Gowan St., Allandale, a son. I STINSON-On Tuesday, Feb. 19, 1929,` to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Stinson, Gow- ' an St., Allandale, a son. I. SINGER--In the Royal Victoria Hos~i pital, Barrie, on Monday, Feb. 18,; 1929, to Mr. and Mrs. L. Sing-J ___er_, 332 St., Barrie. a .xnn I BONIJ-In Thornton, Feb. 18,. 1929, cati1'S6zi;,' 575;}: 53.: Kinney s Pumpkin, large tin . . . . . . . . . . . .` 15c `%" 7` `k4 /-\I\ SQUARE 10-lb. tin Bee Hive Syrup . . . . . . . .. 65c S-~lb. tin Bee Hive- Cor. Elizabeth and Mary Sts. U15 :1 1928. CARDS OF THANK Any inquiries will be considered confidential. For addi- tional information address your replies in care of Zone Manager, Barrie Examiner. i ` An Unusual Oppdrtunity VALU, \BI..E PR.OT ERT`~;' FOE OVm`1r\nkinrv Hm hon n,(++..,..- ` BULL FOR SALE--One Dual-Purpose Shorthorn bull, 6 months old. This calf's mother stood first place at C.N. - E. and second at Royal in 1928. Could also spare two or three heifers. In- spection ihvlted. Apply M. Beath. Shanty Bay, RR. telephone Barrie 906r3 6-ap_ is open in Barrieor Allandale and other adjacent towns. TOOBTAIN A DIRECT FACTORY CONTRACT WITH A LARGE AUTOMOBILE MANUFACTURER i Marketing a fast-selling, low price, quality SIX-CYLINDER AUTOMOBILE IN MEMo13_1AM 7T---gladly Iissed by Wife and little Daughter ___.._...__....____...... MARRIED" pm] I A Elli!-um-nu lingers 0,0 .0.(l-').0jOC|C(l-()-()-0-(1< I --Get your ringside seat for Reg- Imald Denny in The Night Bird" at llDream1and, Thurs., Fri., Sat. 8x A 1V19fft!:.%?!I!nl29rand Heater ._-- : CCCTI sous AGENT FOR HECLA FURNACES Phone 531 : BARRIE : 118 Dunlap St. ..,4vur;-4 L'\. L\- onulla Z11) Ul'3.1,",l'lu cement building, half acre land, C.P.R. station. Apply to Miss M. l\ Ginnis, C1'ui9,'hurst. 8-1 lCONSTABLE-At Stroud, on Satur- ` day, Feb. 16, 1929, George Constable ' in his 78th year. GORDON-In Toronto, on Feb. 17. 1929, John Gordon, aged 76 years.| Funeral on Feb. 19, to Barrie Union!` Cemetery. , SMITH--In Allandale, Tuesday, Feb. 19, 1929, Florence Alice Lucille Smith, beloved daughter of Mr., and Mrs. Wm Qmii-h 1:: rm.-n14-an uy uxcucn 151:. As you will eventually place your order with us for chicks or custom hatching, why not phone or write new and save money. PCSITIVELY NO DISCOUNT AFTER MARCH 1ST Orders already received October, 1928, will be subject to discount. - - ----y nu; pay cnplcab an CUETOM HATCHING We use only Mammoth Incubators The care. experie-11r:e and knowledge put into the hatck eggs at our hatchery is well known. Df)[fVr_*(V I`r\r?\ I! 1 rnav --gg- ,,_._ _...`,`r-- LAAIAJ JJIJ March April 20 each . 18: each 15 On local orders for 50 chicks and over, received delivery up to May 31st. we allow $1.00 per 100 dis- required. You may change your date of deliver: three weeks notice. On Shinnincr m-Am-c frnv :n ,.1.:-z-_ __.s 7 \.II I \Jl\l Lf11'C On shipping orders for 50 for delivery up to May ` -annual, UCLUVCU. uaugnter OI R41`. 3 Mrs. Wm. Smith, 16 Caroline St., aged 2 years, 5 months. Funeral from parents residence. Feb. 19 to Thornton Cemetery. __- _..---- `Janna For better service, we have b Mammoth Capacity 6300 eggs early, we can plan our work Box 563 Willys-Overlajnd a_les and Service Phone 1043-Res. 1250 ' AL KELVENEWE HATCHERY _........._______._._____________ 1:`-TORE FOR SALE PPITWPY1 hII1'1Ihnn- `l-\nl6` WE ARE MOVING OUR GARAGE TO Reynolds Livery 9 Gowan St., Allandale, on March 1st, where "we will be prepared to serve all our customers. \V11ipAp`gt\. Bannerman & Hunter , , . . _ . . ..,.u`\vA1A\,ll|.. ! am rez1ri':1nging'm_v service floor and putting in cap- able mechanics and hope to give you the same good ser- vice you have received in the past. ',~ /\`r4 I\nn` A (`I`.`H'1] inui+n+nn -`A-1 `A "` ` ., .u.\.;.avu.u in LHC pdbl. 'A cordial invitation is extended to all to visit our place of business and look over our new Car Models. Ask us for a demonstration in our New Superior Whimaet. Commencing March 1, I am taking over the Service Department of my Garage that has been operated during` the past year under separ- ate man:1g`ement. . D 3 . W . - J . . . . . uuuxtply 10 cu nuuwn. PRICES FOR HATCHING-5c Per Egg 4.1/2c per egg in 150 lots We allow 10% discount on all reservations received by March 1st_. XS vnn \UiH pvt:-nhmI'|w rdnnn um... .\...a... - -' BARRED ROCK AND'Lc}voRN CHICKS l._.._L Movmd Pho;{e '53? '**" LOS 1`~-1929 Car hccnsc plate N0. 3:22-712, between Barrie and Mines- m;>;. Finder please leave at R. W. Pn_vnr>'s or notify Oliver Wilson, Min- osixlg. 8D \/v-`Js-n\4Ah.`y uuuv C553 an UIIC Selling. ahead and sa` this saving on to you. DIEDV um MARSHALL BARRIE. : Phone 10451 EARLY BRDER QISCOUNTS .... V. npuno LLUUIUC. `s chicks and over, received by March 1st, 31st, we will pay express as discount. ("I 1C"r*r\nn I ! n Fltwnu-nv;u 84 Penetang Street BARRIE NOTICE been obliged to {)0 ntrcrc ca} nu- ....44:._... unxu uuu UVC1, LCUCIVCQ Dy .LV'lal`Cl`l lst, discount. No deposit 8 V0111` date Of rinlivnrv Iofcnv 1111 n-in!-- .. "yuan vunnguu DU ggs at one setting. !\II'v ..I...__.1 ~- 7` j:-----:- ROSARY LOST--Go1d mounted pearl rosary; date on Cross. Finder please 1'et1u`11 to Examiner Office. 8b ____._,___________________________ any should occur at your place send for us at once. We are experts at all sorts of repair work and We are also experts at getting on the job promptly and of keeping the bills down. WANTED: all kinds of where the pipes are is where there is apt to be trouble. If DOWN IN THE CELLAR `Iv: Luv ulauuulllu .LVU ucpusu. delivery later by giving .109, -u--Iv QQIIIII HIGHEST PRICES PAID Write or phone before selling H. LEVIT, BARBIE, Tel. 384 . Thunday, February 31, 19 WANTED-An1bitious. industrious per- son to introduce and supply the de- mzmcl for Rawleigh Household Pro- ducts in Barrie and other nearby towns or rural districts. $150 to $400 a month or more clear profit. Rawleigh Meth- ods get business everywhere. No sell- ing experience 1'e'qui1'ed. We supply Proclur-t.s, Outfit, Sales and Service Methods, everytlling you need. Profits increase every month. Lowest prices; best values; most complete service. W. T. R:1v.'1eigh Co., Dept. CN-222, Mon- treal, Que. 4 , 6-8p further increase our ing. By receiving orders save expense. We pass nu. jmv f`1T_`l"E`G"l'1 111') Trrmn by March 1st. for annursl RTA Anannlb -.I`1'2;t;`;:hing` of your D. XLLANDALE . -.. . ..:__.L .T_..._...._...r LIVE STOCK 1=h<%)1iAI:i-2" BRIGHT BOY, 18 yrs., wants position in B:u~1'i9. Is willing and quick at figures. Will take any kind of work. ,Ag)_nly at the Barrie Ex:m1iner.. 8b BUSINESS GENTLEMAN desires room on Brn.cIf0x'd St., about half way mtwcon Buxric and Allanclale. Write `Box Examiner Office. 8b ----:._:-2 FOWL WANTED--All kinds. Highest prices paid. H. Levin. Phone 384 or write Box 542, Barrie. 3-8p ----- WANTED--Board for elderly person. Kindly reply to Box 481 stating terms, etc. 813 HORSES FOR SALE. Am disposing of all my horses. One Percheron driv- er, rising 11 years. this mare is with- out a blemish; one sorrel mare, aged; one bay draught, aged- No reasonable offer refused. J. Oatway, Barrie RR. 1 nnnr 'nn.19:!'.nn nhnnn onmvn v1_nn MEN WANTED to sell Watkins 150 Quality Products in rural districts of Ontario. Permanent money making business. World's largest factory to consumer omaiiizatioii. Credit furn- ished to suitable party. Established 60 years. For full particulars write stating age to The J. R. Watkins Co., Hamilton, Ont., Dept. AR. 3-8p _.,.---_--.--.-.--.:n.--.--._._--.----.__. YOU CAN EARN $10 to $25 a week in your spare time at home writing show cards. No canvassing or solicit- ing. We Instruct you and supply you with work. Write today. The Menhen- ltf. (".n Ltd 45 hnminimx 'nunA.'m. .4 ...- YOUNG GIRL WANTED to .mind child three mornings a week--10.30 to 12. Phone 1353. 8b :--2-::- TWO GOOD LIVE SALESMEN want- ed to sell automobiles. Apply F. J. Gracey, Barrie. ab .1..."- ASSISTANT MATRON WANTED for Children's Shelter. Barrie. Apply to Matron. 6tfb GOOD GENERAL MAID wanted at once. Apply Mrs. Gordoln Stevenson. Barrie. ' _ 8b ` are directed to ,____.__.._.._--u--a."Qr.1 One cent a word, cash, each insertion. (minimum charge, 25c), six insertions {or the price of four. 10c extra when charged; also 1%: extra when replies he Examiner Office. MAID WANTED. Apply 100 Ke1npen- feldt St. Phone 1451. 7 8p %:mww&&%&m&aaa& gr ADLET COLUMN |I0X4>I I<>X<>I<>X<>X4>X<>I0X<>F uutu Lcxunuu. u. unbwuy, .Dul`I'1E 11..!:(a. 1, near Dalston, phone 904r6. 7-811' Page Eight Tf6s'r AND F0053)` `AGEN1`"\3v}i`T3_15_ HELP WANTED- TNANTED house and H, ,. Tln m.: n em- "nun uuLmc uuu near Barrie, for property. Rm 2 `Rwy-1'in C1'aif*,l1u1'st, 1-n Inn! .4. .\.. uuxu, an E153 M. Mc- 8-13b FOI` S_\LE--1 Holstein cow, due to ireshen Mar. 1st; 2 sows, due to far- row March 10; 4 young pigs. Mrs. Marling. Painswick, Ont. 8p| u. U_I_JL'L by . Ba rrie, 6-11p ILID" 8 p nuns: u. aunna1`U1V, A.h.U.M. Teacher of Piano and all Theoretical subjects. Pupils prepared for Toronto Conservatory 01. Music and London, England, College of Mus . ` STUDIO: 152 Maple Ave., IBarr1e.7-lop FOR SALE--0wner selling out. 100 acres, north half lot 17, concession` 11, West Gwillimbury; convenient to church and school, half mile off Highway No. 11; brick house. stone kitchen, 10 rooms, steam heated; barn on stone, 40x60, with running water, implement shed 24x40; 11 acres wheat, *9 acres alfalfa. 7 acres alsike, ` 10 acres sweet clover. 18 acres plowed:' small bush`: 2 orchards: good clay loam. Write A. E. Scanlont. Solicitor, Bradford. Ont. V V '7-9b `*---` FARM FOR SALE-50 acres, Innis- `l Township. close to Toronto High- xvav and school. Good house, barn. stables. garage and icehouse, also good well. Dairy stock for sale with farm, if desired. For particulars apply to Mrs. Marling, Painswlck, Ont. 8p FARM FOR SALE-100 acres, 90 acres under cultivation. balance bush, good water, good buildings, fall plow- ing done, half mile from store, school and R.C. church. For further parti- culars apply to Box 124, Hlllsdale, I Ont. ` 7-9p FOR SALE-130 acres. 18 acres wheat. 25 acres seeded, 15 acres bush, good water, barn 60x40, good stables, steel` roof, 8-roomed house, garage, hen- house, pigpen, etc. No encumbrance. 111 health cause for selling. Price $7,000, easy terms. Might consider house as part payment. For particu- lars write, Thos. W. Leatham, Cooks- town, R.R. 3. 5-101) EGISTERED SHORTHORNS for sale. One dark roan bull ready for service; also one young cow nearly due to a. good sire and four heifers all guaranteed with calf to our new herd bull before delivery. Geo. Crawford & Son, Oro Station. 8-13b FARM FOR SALE-225 acres. 90 acres workable. balance bush and pas- ture. Good buildings. Well watered. Good dairy or stock farm. 2 miles from Barrie. For particulars apply to T. E. Bell, Barrie R.R. 3 ' 6-8p 200 ACRES OF LAND for sale; `70 acres under cultivation; balance pas- ture and bush. Being forced to sell through illness will sell 100 acres sep_- arately or all together. Martin Mur- phy, Barrie, R.R. 2. 5-28p_ ..._.__._....____._._______.___... FARM FOR SALE, 100 acres. 80 acres workable, balance bush and pasture, near the village of Mitchell Square. Apply tp Alex. McLucas, Hawkestone, RE. No. 2. _ 8-lop -- :01 ng. ffh FARM TO RENT---200 acres; 100 workable land, balance bush- and pas- ture: good buildings; well watered, good stock and dairy farm; fall ploughing all done, 5 acres fall wheat, 20 acres seeded down: 1/4 mile from C.P.R. station, 1 mile from Craighurst. Ont. Possession first of April, 1929. Apply to Robert Craig, P.O. Box 291. Phone 55, Barrie. 7-9 ....____.._..__._.__.__._____._.__... FARM TO RENTr--The south half of lot 23, the north-west quarter of lot 24 in the 8th concession and the north-east quarter of lot 23 in the 7th L-c,ncession of Innfsfil. 35 acres fall plowed. Good buildings. Possession 151,11 1\/larch. Apply to A1exander.Cmv- an, Solicitor, Barrie, Ont. 8-9b. .._..________.._..__._.____.._______ .........__._....__.._.._.___._..__I.. !F~C-SR RENT--Steam heated, 4-room apa1't1f1ont. with bath, 3-room apart- ment with bath, also bright front; of- fice, all newly decorated, centrally located. Immediate possession. Apply at S. W. Moore`~s Store. '7tfb __.______________________.__ _.__.____._..____.._,____._._. FOR RENT--The north half of doub1.e brick, 70 Small St., in good repair., suitable for a small family, warm and! easily heated . Enquire 68 Small St. or phone 1292W. .8-13p _ FARM FOR RENT--50 acres on 9th con. of Innisfil. close to schools, churches and No. 11 highway. Apply Thos. Corbett, Stroud. Telephone 13r23. 8b __-:__: u TO LET---Six-1-oomed brick cottage, electric light and water,, large garden and chicken house. Apply 79 St. TWO GOOD COWS for sale, both `fresh. with calf at foot. Apply to 206 Bradford St. or phone 420. 8b 4. u;u.LV.I.>.).l l.aJ.l 1 J.\JUDI!1 '1`) LJlS'1"'-Sj.X' roomed brick house, centrally located. Phone 1027. 8p _ __._-.--______-.__-.-___.__.___ BRICK HOUSE FOR RENT Dllld Rf. all nnnun-n-inn:-an .LJJ.\JL\JI\- J_.'1\JUD113 l"UH h'.t'JN'.[` at Donald St., all conveniences. Tele- phone 797J or apply 60 Small St. 8-9b u - FURNISHED HOUSE TO LET-- 1`()()IhP hrinlz hnncn non!-vs.-.11.. 1.... vinss n_. JOHNSTON, A.L.C.M. -..-...1.... .3 15.1-..- .`__.1 _u -.u, . __.___.__.._._.______..._...__.._..._ AUTO KNITTER FOR SALE. This machine is guaranteed to be in per- fect condition. Owner's illness reason fOl` selling: 929.0 'T`\xm nniv clranm nu.-1 Lcuu uuuuiuull. uwner's mness selling. 320. Two pair skates and boots, sizes 4 and 5, $1.50 each. Apply to Box D, Examiner Office. 7-8p ..___.__...__._______.__..___._. SEED PEAS--I am now taking con- tracts for company peas, paying $1.80 for 1929 crop. Shipping from Thornton and Barrie. W. E. Banting, phone Ivy- Thornton, Thornton P.O. 6-11p __.._..__.._._.______..._...__.._..__ ---------------------I SEED PEAS--Expect to be in Mines-I ing next week, Feb. 26 and 27, to fin- ish taking contracts for Canners Seed Co. $1.80 per bus. Phone 314, Minesing. Geo, Arnold. 8p spuu uuuuwluu, uucup I01` Q11` Harry Morren, 8 North 'St.,` Phone 387J. 1 HOLSTEIN COW, 5 years old, milk- ing. will be sold at the Geo. Seadon auction sale on Monday, Feb. 25. 8x INCUBATOR---One 250-egg size M111- er Ideal incubator for sale, in excel- lent condition, cheap for quick sale. Morrpn` R Nnrfh ._Qf- `Down-in aauu-1.11:5. "LAYMORE" meat scrap, fine; will exchange for pure bred Bantams, any variety. What offers to Bellamy and Meadows. Box 1753, Tim- mins, Ont. ;~" ' 8-13p - 200-LB. LAYMORE" meat exchange for min: hrnrl S EIGHS FOR SALE--New standard width of 56 inches, as well as several set of old style. Apply Geo. Brooks,` Shanty Bay. 81) _.__________._______._.._.__.. FOR SALE--Butterm1lk and good dairy butter; also 400 chick Ideal in- cubator and 1000-chick oil brooder.- Feed hoppers. 178 Owen St. Phone} 1343. 8tfb _______._.._..__...__.._.___ __.__.__._________,.____ FOR SALE--One Dodge Sport Road- ster, 1927; in good condition, new tires. with rumble seat. Apply Brennan's Garage. . - _ 8p . ELECTRIC WASHER in good condi- tion for sale.. Cheap for quick sale. Cash or terms. Phone 751J. 8p [________.._._________._____ .. _.._.._____._.____.._______...__ . I PPLES FOR SALE--Good` Northern spies; any quantity, delivered to any part of town. Phone 739J. 8-12p .._r________________ - BABY'S WHITE SLEIGI-I for sale, with double rails. Phone 866J or ap- ply 70 Penetang St. , -8p _ _ _.__._.______._.._____._._. TWO BEAR ROBES lined with velour,` in good condition. Apply to William Moore's Shoe -Store; , 8-9b -- .l.`\JL\ onx_;m-'D1r:u bU my 'r'15uer S.C. White Leghorn cockerels. also eggs for hatching. Fred R. Day, Shan- ty Bay. v 8b GASOLINE SAWING MACHINE - out- fit on sleighs for sale.` Telephone 836W. 7-813 . . __._.______._____.______. HAY-F1rst class, timothy, for sale._ Apply E. Rothwell, phone 828. 8b BARN FOR SALE--30x60. Telephone 1045W, 111 Penetang Sti ` _8-9p - DD 1 uuxu ti ll ?;g1nq%.`2 FARMS F OR SALE; PROPERTY TQ IE; FOR SALE s DU. U1 .8-131)` Uh anus. Barrie. 8-9b SHORTHORN BULL for sale. 14" months old. from heavy milking darn, also 1 young Pekin drake. Robt. Bell, Barrie, R.R. 3. Phone 629. 8-9p