_. -.._-_, Eggs, doz. Chickens, lb. Fowl, lb. ..... .. Cream, pint Butter, lb. xuuucl. uuuuuus anal: eggs\snouiu take - a boost. They sold up as high as 40 cents. Butter at 45 cents has not f changed all winter. There were very few potatoes oifered. People are very * fussy about buying their potatoes ow- ing to the prevalence of rot. They seldom buy more than one bag at a ; time. It would require very careful , picking over on the part of the far- mers to restore condence of the buy- ing public. Parsley, bunch .................................. 5c Potatoes, bag ..................................... .. 75 Beets, 6 qts. .................................. .. 20c Carrots, 6 qts. .................................. .. 25c Cauliower ................................. .. 10-20c Hubbard squash ...................... .. 15-25c Vegetable marrow .......................... .. 10c Green peppers, each ...................... .. 5c Chinese cabbage .......................... .. 5-15c Citrons .......................................... .. 5410c Seed onions 6 qts. 40c, 11 qts. 75c Turnips, bag .................................. .. 76c Spinach, 6 qts. .......................... .. 15-200 Cordwood dry, 4-ft. cord ...... .. $13.00 Cordwood, 4-ft.,_g'reen .......... .. $10.00 Cordwood, cord .......................... .. $12.00 0 Stove wood, load .......................... .. $8.00 f DON T BE A SLAVE TO INDIGESTION Super-Acidity of the Stomach Need- lessly Spoils the Eating Pleasures of Thousands.` GUMPUUND I8 WON|JERFU|.l 51.6511 uruuguu Ben uouars. . Beautiful, almost Springlike wea- ther, attended the market. It was the third fine Saturday in succession, a marked contrast from a year ago, when almost every Saturday was synonymous with rough, blustery weather. One farmer who lives out Midhurst way told The Examiner that two years ago he put his car away Dec. 20. Last year he made his last trip New Year's Day. This year Old Hank is still going strong and the robins are beginning to make their apnearance. For the benet of the folks out West let it be said that this typies the kind of winter Barrie and immediate district is enjoying. There is plenty of snow on three sides, however, east. west and north, but the automobiles are down to the pavement on the Toronto highway. Easter in the nina 11'. um: ya.vcxuI:uIa uu one 'J.'01`0ntO mgnway. With Easter in the oing it was rather ominous that eggs`shou1d take a. boost` Thnv .en1r1 nn on him (It! An Green, not dry wood is in demand by Barrieltes. This was evidenced Saturday when jshe green wood was all dlspwed of early andseveral loads of dry remained unsold at the noon hour. Some of the latter, four foot hardwood, was mildewed. Thirteen dollars a cord was asked for it. The green brought ten dollars. Besmtifnl nhnnef cm-1.-....1n... ....... g` THEMARKETS '1' >14 >X<*>Y<>X<>I_0X0X<>X0I0X0I0X0X0I<>!< SPRINGLIKE WEATHER III:'IZ"I' IlAl'II)l'lI-In I-:4`: -- Tl-IE aimnuz Vaxamuln "Fruit"-a-tives" -_Restores the Liver to Healthy, Normal Action M ' '{'?oLx I Butter and Eggs 4.... -- - 35-38-40c 32-35c 20-23c ......... .. 30c .......... ..45c $835 R1011 208 nun twouucu, an Auanrlan lp01'lil- man who won $20,000 at Monte Oar- lo, was robbed of it the same night In lnndih. - . nqvugnw -- --.-.1 omwvgg Miss Mary Stewart has entered the R..V. Hospital as nurse`-in-training. Friends here wish her success in he chosen work. . n lllnam-Inn than 1I1..........o.. -r..-a.u...A.- IJLIUDULI WUKS. On Tuesday the Women's Institute met at the home of Mrs. Jas. Rix. A large quilt was completed for the se- cond bale sent to Northern Ontario. The March meeting be held at the home or Mrs. W. . Partridge. 9A an A Cnunvrln an`:-ul I! UIIU HUUIU U1 WIS. I` Roll call A favotews1:&." MAKE THIS YOUR LAST DAY OF CONSTIPATION IIUUIU ucrc. Miss Eunice Dunn has returned home from a. visit with friends at Churchill. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bonney and son oi` Churchill were guests of friends here on Sunday. MPI A `ll! Dart!-{an mac n Gun:-inn 115117 UL} QILIIUI . J Mrs. A. E. artridge was a Sunday guest or sriends in Barrie. Mrs. Drage is seriously ill at the home of Mrs. Macxay. I11... 11...... zu.-..._.11. 1.-.. -_.;.,__,u A_I__ LIUIIIU l.lI':1'C 1'UUUIl.l:1) . Misses Enid Partridge and Beth] Drury have been the guests of friends in Toronto and St. Catharines for a couple of weeks. `R1-{Minn hllnavnnrn nf I-ha t'\Af! UU UPIC UL W GU55. Britten Dunsmore of the 0.A.C., Guelph, spent the week-end at his home here. an... 1rI....a...-. v-\...... 1...... -..4.......-.a Feb. 18-- Miss Hazel` Cgappell, R. N., of Barrie spent a few days at her home here recently. Mlcnnn `H5113 Dnrtridan ant-I `Dnfh CWC HILIIIJ3, 00 C115; IMPLEMENTS-1 McCormick bin- der; 1 mower; _1 lumber wagon; 1 wheelbarrow; 1 buggy; 1 single plow; 1 cutter; 1 set iron harrows; 1 set narrows; 1 seed drill; 1 set double harness, heavy; I set double harness, light; 1 set single harness; 2 twin neckyokes; 2 sets doubletrees. 1'-Tf1TT.Q!TJf\T .1` 'E`.'Wu"I7`f`,"I"`:A nuns-u- JICVDJ ULCB , 0 SC DD UUUUICDI CED} HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS-A quan- tity of household furniture, consist- ing of chairs, heating stove, cook stove, 2 tables, churn and other ar- ticles; a quantity of seed oats; also forks, chains, doubletrees and many other articles. All will be sold with- out reserve. VFUIDRIQ f\`1 GAY`!!! I'!u-gal... JA...1 -_.I Llll LCBCL VC- TERMS OF SALE-Gra1n, fowl and all sums of $10.00 and under, cash; over that amount 8 months credit will be given to parties furnishing ap- proved Joint notes. 5 per cent. of! for cash on credit sums. Sale at 1 pm. W. A. Mcconkey, Auct. Q--nhuld-VIII I ZICI X\J The following: HORSES-1 black Percheron horse, heavy; 1 black Percheron horse, heavy. matched team; 1 grey Percheron horse, heavy; I sorrel horse, driver. CATTLE. SHEEP AND HENS-1-1 Durham cow, due May 1; 1 Durham cow, due April 1; 4' ewes, 2 yrs. old; 2 ewe lambs; 35 hens. . T`IK'I3T.`I`,"E`\T'1"L.`I Rfnnnnulnb I-dun Juana vv 4 IIIAJ a.Jl4ld\/l\\.II 1 EH. Lot 19, Con. 1, Sunnidale (NEAR ANGUS) to sell by public auction on 'I"I II 1353 I I F?!` oupv u on u-uvvu -may La'. M;"`3 est1.s`.` I `tlzvove Thee," "When Mothers of Salem." He Lead- eth He, Come Ye Dlsconsolate, Take Time to Be Holy." God Lov- ed the World of Sinners Lost," Sweet A is the Sunlight After Rain," Eternal Source of Every Joy." Holy Bible. Book Divine," Will Your Anchor Hold?" "I am Thine. O Lord, Sav- The undersigned has received instruc- tions from TERMS OF SALE--Grain, fowl and all sums of $10.00 and under, cash; over that amount 9 months credit will be given to parties furnishing ap- proved joint `notes. All will be sold without reserve. Sale at 1 p.m. W. A. Mcconkey, Auct. Also at the same time and place the farm, consisting of 100 acres, will be offered for sale, subject to a reserve b1d`.t If not sold, the farm will be for ren . - FHIIIERIQ I\1!| EIATITI rV.._.I.. 3-...` __- .1 LVLGUULJICDD D Luugc. D -_-_-_ -_- --.. -.... ..v -..y-. WHOUSEHOLI3-'l=`URNITURE2`-"-`-5. ta- bles; 6 kitchen chairs; 2 washstands: dresser; barrel churn, Maxwell No. 2; Matchless B range. AT:n :1`. HM: mama Hwsn and along uuc nyru. D, 4 short: U1!-gs; DU nens. IMPLEMENTS, ETC.-Massey-Har- ris seed drill; McCormick mower; 2 scufflers; Maxwell mower; 2 culti- vators; 2 Massey-Harris binders; cut- ter; Corn King manure spreader; McCormick sulky rake; Tudhope wa- gon; set disc harrows; Massey-Harris single plow, No. 21. new; Massey-Har- ris cutting box; set Bain sleighs; 2 buggies; plow potato digger; scraper; De Laval cream separator, No. I5;` set heavy breeching harness, nearly new; set single harness; set backbandl harness; good stock rack; 8 tons Tim- othy hay; 20 shocks corn; many other articles too numerous to mention. cu`-nova-c-no-Am. -_ -.-.._ --..-___ ... FARM" rocx `A'N-D` IMPLEMENTS Karl Rettinch, an Austrian sports- nnn whn won 20.00!) at Mann. mp- uuvcx, :7 yrs. Ulu. I CATTLE-Holstein cow, 9 yrs., due` March 28; Holstein cow, 6 yrs., milk-f ing, due June 12; Durham cow, 8 yrs., fresh; Ayrshire cow, 6 yrs., milking,` due July 1; Hereford heifer, 3 yrs.,- due Apr. 13; well bred Holstein bull, 2 years old; heifer calf, 6 months old. .QT-l"E!`_D__'7 chnnn Qh1nnna`l-:4-an An a yccuo uxu, ut:u.v::.I. Uixu, 0 xuuubns U10. SHEEP--7 sheep, Shropshire, due April 20. Drag A`Nl"l'\ 13nrr1' rmav, ,1:..-...1 ..-... rApLu av. PIGS AND POULTRY--Brood sow, due April 6; 2 store nigs; 50 hens. TMPT .W\/fF`.'Nl"F.Q WT! :'|\:To ccnu...`LTn 9-__ : @5139 : own :11 V1 - \v\J\JIdJ\Jl` N.H. Lot 23, Con. 1, Sunnidale (Two Miles north of Village of Angus) ' to sell by public auction on 'IVIIIHnI\ LI Inca:-u 4 pay-uurnoain, nldlJo 8|! The following: HORSES--Bay horse, 9 yrs. old, G. P.; brown mare, 12 yrs. old, heavy; bay driver, 9 yrs. old. (3A'T"T`T.'IT?:lTnIc1'nn (Inn; 0 Ivun Ann! has nu-IIJ I FARM-;OEK AND IMPLEMENTS The undersigned has received instruc- tions from ,,__,_,__, _______-__ I nuuwu uh hunt: OI sa.1e. TERMS FOR CHATTELS-All sums of $10.00 and under, cash; over that amount 8 months credit will be given to parties furnishing approved joint notes. 6 per cent. per annum off for cash on credit sums. Sale at 1 p.m. W. A. Mcconkey, Auct. 517631 VG. ' PROPERTY FOR SALE-A1so at the same time and place the property, consisting of 14 acres, with house and stable, suitable for `market V garden, will be offered for sale subject to a reserve bid. Terms will be made known at time of sale. 'T|~7'.`D`lA WAD rittnrru-n1.-rr a An ......... mourn`-'51:, IIdIJO hi! The following: 1 Durham Cow, due March 13; 1 heifer calf, 6 months old; 60 Barred Rock Hens; 1 single plow, Fleury No. 21, new; 1 spring-tooth cultivator; set iron harrows, 12 _ft., nearly new. 1 mower; 1 scuffler; 1 cutting-box; 1 cutter; 1 buggy; 1 lumber wagon; 1 set sloop sleighs, Bain; 1 Eureka po- tato sprayer, new; 1 wood rack; 1 gravel box; a quantity of lumber; 1 wheelbarrow; 1 grindstone? 1 De La- val cream separator; 1 set double har- ness; 1 set single harness; 60 bags potatoes, Irish Cobblers; 4 tons mixed hay; a quantity of straw; also a num- ber of forks, chains, doubletrees, grain bags and many other articles. / HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE -Mc- Clary range, Coleman lamp and Ian- tern, bedsteads, mattresses, springs, chairs, etc. All will be sold without reserve. 1)`Df\!!!!I1'-n-nv -ux-- .. . - ._ - . - -u.&l_` hlfili FARM STOCK AND s ; The undersigned has received instruc-S ti nn a fa-nm csoli i3iXDoN Gore 24, Con. 10, Vespra (TOWN LINE, NEAR. COLWELL) to sell by public auction on Ilf\lII'\ A I! Iwiwim `- EDWAli`lv)wB.l.E2Vl:I:&2l3_OvF'l_`_ .-1l\ 1` v\I sun. It`, rvulvnaw yuvnvvnv ; vn THURSDAY, FEB.` z "FHA Qnlinuuloqnu -ICCILI5 Llhlll UIIU II\l\-Ilia For example. it is proposed to omit, among many. the following: From Every Stormy Wind that Blows," More Love to Thee, O CXu'1st," There's a Wideness in God's Mercy." Come Ye That Love the T gs`-pl U UII-5 Ynu-un Y nun "V`nnn . JOHN Ei_3LoN_ 1&3 3 us.-. nu`; yuwuu uuuuvcuxl UL: "VTUESDAY, FEB. 26 Thu 0?:-.11.`...-1...`. AUCTIQN SALE_i vv Iuwoc .1; yuuuv uuvulvu UM MONDAY, FEB. 25 Fkn Cn11a....l...... . CROWN HILL AUCTIQN SALE 5 nun.-.p~-- -_ _____ _, AUCTION sin? I awn:-In Ann I-an-urn:-u 583 RUNS! '1`) LIUA administration. General 8- Notary. Oonveyancer. 1" Offlca--Hindu Black. 1 n I uxiuulw n.cu'l.u Umverslby, AIOIIBTEIL. Office sud Reaidence-Cor. Elisabeth Ind Bradford Streets. Phone 10!. Office hours: I-10 3.111.. 1-8 p.m., 7-0 pm. 1:3. smrson, M.B. l . pmrsxonn AND summon I Office and Residence---Collier St. corner Owen, Barrie. Phone 875; H the draft for the new United dnurch hymna! as sent downto the renbyberies for consideration is not materially amended 9. number of the Oldest and best known hymns will be missing from the book. E:-up nunrvuvn It In nunnnonl-I in Ann- DI. I. G. TUBNBULL Graduate MIcG1ll University, Montreal. lfnn Ind 'RAl|dnnnA_(`.nr IE1!-aha!-.1: [Va :1; uyyvauvnuuuu. ruuuu 11.0 A. '1`. little, M.D. W. 0. Little, M.B. 1153. l4l`l."l.'l4l'4 6 l.4ll".l.'hE Physicians and Surgeons, Barrie office and Rea.-47 Maple Ave. Office hours: 1 to 8 pm. 7 to 9 pm. or by appointment. Phone 213 '1" IA ru-M- 111-. In a run. any. urgery on cases o omen Associate Coroner county or Simone I DI. W. H. CARSON Graduate of Toronto University Phone 61 Oit1ce--58 Collier St. Hours: 8-9 s.m.. 12.30-2, 8.30-8 p.m. rnyucun Inn surgeon Office and Residence, 97 Elizabeth St. (Formerly Dr. Arnalrs Omce) Telephone 557 Office hours: I-9.30 1-2.30 6-8.80 DI. AINSLIE P. ARDAGH SURGEON EYE, EAR, N05!!! and THROAT May be consulted on first and third Saturday: or each month :1: Queen's Hotel, Barrie 0- Au UUlDl.`j1"1' NOTARY LIC, Conveyancer in- cluding drawing of wills, deeds, ar- ranging of loans. etc. Insurance 0! all kinds. Executor. Administrator and "`IUI1nAA 7'-----4-- I`-`--`- DI. N. W. ROGERS PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Bpecisl attention to obstetrics. Office and Residence: 50 Mary St. Phone 101 PLAXTON & PLAXTON , SOLICITORS, mo. Offices: Kent Building, 156 Yonge St. - Toronto. Ont. O. W. Plaxton, KO. 6. Gordon Plaxbon. James O. Plnxwn Herbert A. W. Plaxton, B.A. DUNCAN ll`. MoGUAIG..B.A.' Successor to Creswicke as Ben BARRIBTER, soucrron, no. money to loan. Ross Block, Barrie MAY ELIMINATE I owmvokmas l IN NEW HYMNAL| llargy B_a1'ron $ll-Q$`llB1 IJIJVVCJ-` Barrister. Solicitor for obtaining probate of wills. guardianship and Solicitor. Oonveysncor. etc. Ofrice-HindI Block, 8 Dunlop Bt., Barrie. MONEY TO LOAN IOII O 3018 Rm@I. Notulu Public. Imvnm-An, 1&1-_ w- A `U 0 J. R. Rye aurnlig DUIIIBIFIJII. 110113 FIIDIIO. Oonveycncera. Etc Monenoxounac1oweatraZteaocm- terest. 011109-13 Owen St`... in union- in 'I'nmnln Rlllllna Haw-rln Young people come in from all parts of our province to take the place of graduates who go out into office positions through the Employment Department or Shaw s Business Schools in Tor- onto. Why not take your turn`! Free particulars on request. W. R. Shaw, Registrar. Bay and Charles Streets, Toronto. DAY by BAY nannriuunsr a HAMMOND BARRISTERS. SOLICITORS. mo. Masonic Temple Building. Barrie MONEY To LOAN sr. Simcoe Presbytery Com- mittee to Consider Suggestions. DI. FEED. A. noss Formerly of Drs. Ross & Ron ate Surgeon Specialist with th: Imperial Army, 4% years. General Surgery and Obstetric: ---A`I-II.- Office--140-D'rn-1.3;), St., Barrio Lona -no Po. Box 10' boNu.n r. nnoI.Am:N,' nu. muuusrm, soucrron. n.-ro. Masonic Temple Building, Barrie MONEY '1:-n l .nA`Nl' GORDON LONGMAN Barrister, Solicitor. Notary, Eta. MONEY TO LOAN Rosa Block, Barrie. gsoun ADDRESS_~ I DIS. QETITTLE Hunlnlnunn nuul u.-gun.-.- Il..-I IEJJETILIJ Physlcun and Surgeon ` and Padtlnnr-A 0'1 `llmunl-u D34 0. A. ARNOTT H|ou180 D/Iinard's Liniment Co. Limited Yarmouth, N.S ii;/n. cnxswrcm: HA! Hnllnll-no \`h\n-ur nu unnjuu nuuumg, 1 MONEY TO LOAN tar. Solicitor. Notary. MONEY To LOAN Ron Block. Barrie % :f A. *c"oisEF ' Dfrllf .75 I`:-Lvu nnuyn 32 % MEDICAL \AA-bllbdd Us In HUI: SLIM Thornton, 0nu'lo . COWAN CA-an Ah` "Tova EXC E LS I0 R lNSL:ANCE F E COMPANY { wucn. CAMPBELL a uwuu Chartered Accountants Phone Main 6874, 59 Yonge. Toronti E. J. Welch. CA. G. D. Campbell. CA. W. S. Hulbig. Production Innnoor VICTORIAN ORDER or NUISII Barrie Branch Residence 78 Worsley st. Phono m WELL BABY CLINIC from I to 5 o'clock every Friday. Application for nurse : eerviceo Ill! be made direct or through doctor. unlonn orvn. momma - onm-1 Dominion Lnnrl u--g-.- vavu .n.nu'uV.I!iin'a UDFI-F10 ml Dominion Land Surveyor 183 Blake 8t., Barrie. Phone II! r- oversees service, Captain Impum Army Veterinary Oorpe Three years post war practice! exper- !ence in England and Scotland Office and Surgery: 48 Bnyeld It. Phone 811 C7 -ivnnlli our my AND mam both St. mm. an EDMUND HARDY, Mus. nae l'.1'.O.l. Teacher of Plano, Organ, Vocal ind Musical Theory _ omern of Music and University of Toronto 113 Woraley St. Phone ui ` 1*. :3. Lawless. O.A. lnnlcer Cost and Efficiency Dept j_: ` `QIIDIA '-n--L 1- FUD IEMODELLING AND - REPAIRING MOKERNAN, 58 Slllll 8 -r-- ;;I- T Jfssnc nbgnrson eacher 0 Piano, an. Singing an all Theoretical eubjectl. choir Director Central United Ohlreh Pupils prepared for Toronto Conserva- tory of music examinations. all :1-adee. Special attention to A.T.O.M. wort. Btulle: 27 Bradford St. larrle A. I. FILING! A 00. BUILDzR.S-CON'rRAUI`OB8 See us about those floors and Allan- tlons. Phone 1164W or 9901!. TIONB--We and that most at our nub- mmmwgma ==.,,t...* to .2-ve =w=.,..,-~ to remit before exn1ra.t1o1i\:7I-nu. .32 nun u.u:.us:nwn'uI'-uulnclleinoytqll r'$m1t epirat1on.Wh1lo lub- sorlptions will notdl; carried In reuuovernnuten period, . lea we uonoued to uni : n usumotheuubscriber wlahuthcub v1oeoont1nued.R.EM:I'1'1`ANOBl.hou1l 03" be made b registered letter. In order or ue bio t In 61: P8578 I vu- C ?- HOT WATER HEATING PLUMBING M EHARBS `,-- MR. DUPERRON - - __------cj iuiorcuoahrrnrunuu llllhnhctlltzrhaoull Au.-so Mrs. Emmie Wilson Contnlto Voonllst, In and Elooutlonm Singing, Speaking, Pubu on ; and Dramhtic Exnrpexntnn um : u , pcunng, one oratory ````a ?3ram n.t1c %reu1on For Interview and team. In]!!! OOIou8t.,:Barrle : Phone I1 } ' nurlce vvuson, A.K.L'.U. Organist sud Oholrmutor Collier Street United Church All grades of ORGAN, PIANO and THEORY! VOICE PRODUCTION = and smama (all enmnnuom) } ALSO * - G. 1. as E. nouns (Over 1". Dutcher a grocery `jog. Chiropractors, Drugless 'I'henpm)n Spinal Adjustment and Mann Electric. Vibratory and Mun. Blanket Treatment: ` Patho-Neurometer Borneo Phone 405., flu` nnnnlnl-ngna runl-'LnA'L_5mc'ron AND EMBALMER Ilihv -5.: ---- - T Horace W'1Iaon, A.R.C.O. ! rrnnlnt nntl (II--I--.-.A.. j WILFRED E. SMITH, OLA, ARCHITTI Kllnn n-6--I- ruusu-ueurometer BOIVIOO Phone 405.! for appointment Buy Advertised Goods. CBC $52.05 .. 58.14 MISCELLANEOUS Vrhlu-Inlay, February 81, 192! MUSIC usssorii cumormcnc? VETERINARY ARCHHECT j ---------...? IS THE POLICY you can afford BUILDERS I.-IIIODO "I 's:turdnys till 10 pm. nervwu DIS gtirough V HEAD omca mccmsxoa um: aunmuc. TORONTO __ MAIL THIS coupon '1`o-DAY . J. 0. SPRING, District Mlnalfo Barrie. Suduuf'ullinforuutionnbouIyoIu'?EXCBI.'pollq. My "C i vonvonnnnnuu1nnunIInonon"nonlounnonvInuawooticinooovlu Nmvownuooouoououvonquuuwnnuunnnunnuunnwuuvlonnoocgunouooouou Adduss ............................................... ................................ .. 3Q__ 33 new In me town hall on the 12th inst. Ice cutting is going on at the Pond DOW. uuy, vcu. auuu. A largely attended meeting in con- nection with the proposed abattoir was held in the town hall the 12th `Tm: m1H-.1na- in trnina m-. ..+ M... n.....: I-IVJ VVIGEIJ Feb. 18--A Valentine party was held in the town hall on Thursday, 14th, under the auspices of the Women's Institute. A large number were pre- sent and an enjoyable evening spent. The Ladies . Am will metal: at H... acuu auu uu cxuuyuule evenlng` spent. The Ladies Aid will meet at the home of Mrs. Lawrence on Wednes- day. Feb. 20th. ` ' A `low-n-ah: cl-fan.-Ind ouand-:.,.... .1... ...... uua. The Y.W.A. met at the home of Helen Cockburn on Thursday, -Feb. 14, with a good attendance. A report of the .W.M.S. convention held at A1- llston was given by Miss Beth S1es- sor which showed great progress dur- ing the year of all the- branches. ` uuc wccn-cuu uh uel` nome nere. Miss V. Barker of Barrie is visiting at R. Thompson's. M1-9 Wm `Janna in ulall-inn an r\.. (1111 AV: Mrs. illia. Tkn null! \JrlI Miss Byers of Bethany is visiting at Dr. B1ge1ow s. - My-9 Gan `Dan-m~m-m an n..nn.. ....,..,.; av JJL. D15U1U\V b. Mrs. Geo. Patterson of Orillia spent the week-end at her home here. Mic: V 12m-lnw nf novisin -I. ..a..:H...... lllol l kJblJUU- Miss Theresa Dumond of Brent- wood is spending a few days with her sister, Mrs. Eugene McBride. ucl pxcacuu. L116 wuowlng omcers were elected for 1929: President, Miss Mildred ~ Ford; Vice-President, Miss Elsie Cloughley; Secretary, Miss Jessie Howard; Treasurer, Mrs. Nor- man Scott. RII'1'nn l'lV`l,..-......... 'l\..._-_._ A 7 n - nun. .n1uukuu uxuuguwy. The Helping Hand Society metyat the home of Miss Ethel Harris last Thursday evening, with quite a num- ber present. The following officers were elected fm- 1090- Dvncinnf UUL D U04]. (3- Miss Ross spent the week-end with Mrs. Richard Cloughley. The `I -Tplninn` T-Tnn Qnninhy w\n4- no- The Excel policy gives exceptional all-round protection. BENEFITS $3,000 for death from natural causes. $6,000 for accidental death. npst month and $3,000 at death for total and permanent disabili no premium pay- duting disability. No Medial Examination for select male ' fmm 15 to 45. Specimen Rates for $3,ooo A _, II--- A_- _-_ A__ II--- Iliad -I ICLI III-Co Mr. and Mrs. McNabb of Edenvale and Mr. and Mrs. Ern. Knupp of Minesing spent Sunday with Mrs. Albert Bishop, who is under the doc- tor's care. TUl'u'nn `I5 A . . . A .-A. 1.1-- _.--I_ ___,1 au1.u:1u.l5 wwu cums. I" Congratulations to Harvey McLean of Mineslng Station and Miss Emma I Cloughley of this place who were mar- ried on January 31. Their many friends wish them a long and happy married life. `AIM. and In..- `nu-..\v._I.1. -13 say; u aauannusa, vv `yu Vuzlvo This committee will convene in Central Church, Barrie. at 9.30 a.m., Tuesday. March 119. to review and re- port to a special` meeting of Presby- tery to be called for the express pur- pose of dealing with this committee's ndings. .V lijl VI Id (Too late for last week) Feb. 12.--Nearly all the u patients have recovered but there are a number suffering with colds. (1nI'1D`V'Df'Il1of'3I'\r\c fn UGIVIYQYY `II:-Cl no..- I .' V'i`Vhe select committee of Simcoe , Presbytery appointed to consider and . report on General Council remits in- I 1 > cluding the new church hymnal is as follows: Rev J. F. G. Morris, Hills- dale (convener);-Rev. A. L. Atton, B. A.. Goldwater: Rev. A. E. Baker, Bar- ` rie (secretary): Rev. W. E. Pescott, D.D., Orillia; Rev. E. J. Adams, Nel- son Banting. Alliston; Rev. Jas. Brown. Stroud: D . Williams. Coiling- wood: Rev. J.J. Black. H. M. Lay, Bar- rie: Rev. R. W. Beveridge. Jas. Hen-` derson. Tottenham: D. G. Bell, Stay- ner; Miss Jessie R. Bryson, Barrie; Mrs. John McEwen. Churchill: Mrs. Theodore MacMillan, Cookstown; Mrs. AMcG_ill, Orillia; Rev. A. J. Eagle. Vic- toria Harbour: Rev. E. F. McL. Smith. Penetang; Rev. E. M. Burgess. Bond Head: Rev. S. G. Mccormack, Thorn- ton: J. C. Rumble , Hillsdale; Rev. Al- bert Bushell, Wyevale. Thin quill nnvnvnil-4-an ..;........... 3.. I 1 I iour,i Thy Dying Love." God Calling Yet." "Alas and Did My Saviour Bleed," A-rise my Soul, Arise, "Day is. Dying in the West. I Love to Hear the Story," Kipling's Reces- sionai. "From Greenland's Icy Moun- tains." Now the Laboure1"s Task is o'er. Servant of God`, Well Done," Work for the Night is Coming, Ring Out Wild Bells.' "0 God, the Rock of Ages." When Israel of the Lord." How Beauteous Are Their Feet." .:. uuuxyouu 5. Wm. Hayes is visiting in Or- Z; NEW Lo_\a-v'.:L n A 1v-1-..u._- . .."-"". E'-_ A -.B__. , '39-53 _.l!W\ .. -91.35 ..x 10.85 G1 and quick relief. Use Mrs. Bybiila Spam : Tonsiiitia for Whooping Cough. v `Group, Bronchitis, Quinsy. I-lead Golda. Coughs. Oatarrah. Tonsil Ins and Sore Threats. '_l.`ryit..Bsrrie Drunlnts. 8&8 x uvuvna UAlll\4 clad U119 UKLDIILCDD VVa4D ULUDCU. Bylaw was presented and received necessary readings making an estimate of expenditures for Township roads in 1929 in order to share in department subsidy. L ........n ...1:._......-; 4.- _--_L -1. --H- ~--- Feb. 18-Mrs. F. McMahon of Tor- onto spent a. few days visiting rela- tives here. Mr.` and Mrs. Harold Dickie and children of North Bay are visiting here. Mrs. N. Rawn spent a few days at Phelpston. Alfred Smith was called to his home at Selkirk on account or illness of his mother. A `Kins at-\cvu\oul Ilnnunslluun -1-lL-.l Miss Alma Marcoux, 21-year-old in- surance stenographer of. Sherbrooke, Que., threw a. drinking glass at a. ban- dit who ordered her to throw up her hands, but she was overpowered and the office was robbed of $170. `ml..- 9-..: _ . . . -_ -1 gI-_____--_s o- uc; maucr, 1.vu`b`. uurue uucxman. Mrs. Kinsley of Toronto. is viiting her daughter, Mrs. Andrew Synott. -.u..l,, Liuuulu, wiuen are usually caused by consl:ipal.ion. As Mr. Duperron says: After trying many remedies for Constipation, `Fruit-iv lives" was 1-m:ommended-and the` results were marvellous. All the ill effects of this disease left me, and "I"ruit-a-Lives really made I]. new man of me. Try this great; fruit medicine. 250. zuad 500. a box--at dealers ever - Wilere. av vqnu ovluwvu VA valve - ` Miss Louise Lyon or Glenwood. I9... is earning her'w_ay through the Uni- versity oi. Wisconsin by shining shoes and acting as porter in a barber shop after school hours. uscuub db .LVCWld1`lSUl:.. Clarence Cauthers is in Toronto for a few days. Mr: .T T4`! .Tn'hncf.nn in c-nnnd-Inn J; U. 1VJ.Ul:aU1lUl.'1.1. Mrs. Coalls of Thornbury is visiting her sister, Mrs. Lorne Jackman. `Mfr: I(inc1nu NF Phnvnnl-n 31- won`-N-.'.... UL ILID IIIU IJILUI 0 V Mrs. Howard Marcellus visited friends at Mlneslng last week. LU]. 11151 D 1541 Cl! - Miss Lillian getch of Toronto spent the week-end with her parents here. 118-- 151...- 1-\........._ .1- _.:_.:-1.2.--. - ---- ..-..-_ v-.-. v won my. louuovnavv L\aL\rn Miss Elma Itigers is visiting Miss M. Martin at Queensville and other friends at Newmarket.. l`1nvInv\nn (`A114-`nu-nun In In l'l'Vn_.....h.. 0.... a u:w uaya. { Mrs. J. E. Johnston is spending a couple of weeks in Toronto with Mrs. C. McEachern. 1\Irm~ f`nn11n at rl'Ik.......1........ :. ..:...-1.3.... ..-.. -4-nevi`, . Council adjourned to meet at Thorn- ton on Monday, March 4 at 10 am. uausuucx, .Lvu.a. n. u. ncuxcy. Mrs. John Cuthbertson of Toronto is with friends in town for a couple of weeks. ~ `In onus;-l 11.... `l\.........J.L 1--\~r_t_n -1: UL W `SCAD. Mr. and Mrs. Dermott McNabb of New York spent a few days with the former's parents. `Mice T.HHnn `D131-nh nf "I"nv-nnl-n anon!- `I-U. il-H wiaer .. . . V . . u w qua ouch; aux unuagcuua. Power was granted reeve and treas- urer to borrow $4,000.00 for trustees of Thornton Continuation School until such time as the business was closed. 'Duy1n.-. nu... ............-L_.1 __. I Feb. 18-T-Mrs.`J. T. Der is spend- ing a. few weeks in Detroit with her` daughter, Mrs. A. D. Hedley. Mrs Jnhn llthhnrfsnn nf "Pm-nrufn ...,..\.u -.4.-u -..uuu 1.u1. uucu. WUIRS. Reeve Denney and Deputy-Reeve` Coxworth were appointed delegates to Good Roads Convention, expenses to be paid by Township. A grant of $20 was made to J. A. Corbett. Thornton. to purchase, when necessary, provi- sions and fuel for indigents. `Dnmcm (mo .-......+...1 ......-... ___: .._._-- RESULTS . uruyuu The following accounts were ordered ` paid: W. H. Hatton, plank. $12.66; F. ` Broley, balance wire fence bonus. $1.- 25; Dr. West. M.O.H. account. $21.00; Municipal World supplies. $43.49; Co. Clerk, hospital re Evellyn Wren. $5.63; J. T. Jennett. provisions for indigent family, $24.26; Wm. Pearce, on ac- count. $100.00; Orange Hall. Ivy, re nominations, $5.00; auditors report was received from Thos. Banting and D. H. Ross, adopted and necessary printed copies ordered. -Auditors re- ceived $15 each for their work. `Dunno I \l\Ir\Inr\vv --A J "` ,,__.. -v-vtn-1 The regular meeting of Essa Coun- cil was held on Monday, Feb. 4, 1929, at Thnrhfnn AH wu-.w.1...\.... ....--- uu vvas uelu on Monday, Feb. at Thornton. All members present. Minutes of last meeting read and ad- opted. ` nu..- 1.-_n ,__, _ .vuu uu Auuux U1. bill: quurwt-be nappeI1- ed to be the rst to discuss the mat- ter and told of the Success he had had from dairying, poultry and swine. He grows everything he feeds the stock and poultry and of late years has been building up some large alfalfa elds, it being his intention to use alfalfa for pasture as well as for feed when the cattle are in the stable. This nian stated that he had sold nearly $800 worth of hogs in 1928, poultry to the value of a little more than $400 and nearly $200 was de- rived from eggs. He did not give us his returns from milk products, but they would amount to much the larg- est of the three lines in which he was greatly interested. an wu Auuuza an UWU DLIUUSEHU Uusels in one year. A third farmer when asked if there was any money in wheat said he did not think so. He makes his money chiey out of live stock- horses, cattle, sheep and hogs. The fourth man of the quartette happen- ed tn hi3 l"df'. fn (anus-n G-kn ---L SOURCES OF FARM REVENUE (Alliston Herald) The inclinations of farmers, the _ same as those of other communities , of interest, undoubtedly differ. In two days time The Herald had four callers, all successful farmers, who i state that they make their money out of four different branches of agricul- tural pursuit. The first stated that he never made any money till he in- creased his milking herd to fteen cows which is the capacity of his facilities. Another man stated that he was keeping but one cow and sel- dom had more than two. He.- how- ever, went strongly into stock and made money out of this line of farm- ` 1 ing, but his big successes had been A from wheat of which he had harvest- ' ed as much as two thousand in nhn Una A LI.-..`..A o-_...-Ai bushels . Mr. Donald Dupormn of Mnxville, Ont;., is only one of tliousands of men who feel tlmt Fruit-ix-Lives is their sure prut,m:Lm- against Bilious Head- mhos, Sick Stomau.-.11, Indigestion, Kidney Trouble, which usually by (.'0IlSlZln.`1.f.inn Au M `aavltnav on smvuuu op&UU,UUU. with the purchase of the `Bala plant`, which the Hydro Commission has been after for some time, it is expected that additional power will be avail- able for the Eugenia system, as it is | planned to hook it up with this sys- tem, and thus provide a connected service throughout a much larger area than ever before. `Keeping [pace with the continual increasing,` demand for power the Hydro Electric Power Commission of . Ontario, has recently completed `ne- gotiations ror the purchase of the plant and assets of the Bala Electric Light and Power Co., at Bala, Mus- koka, according -to an announcement by C. A. Magratlf, chairman of the commission. This plant, which is a fairly large one, has been supplying power-for a, number of years to ser- era] of the surrounding places, whic service will not`be interfered with. I is said that the price paid `for the plant is about $100,000. `xiifk fkn -no--I.._..- -9 4.1-- `vs, I HYDRO stirs PLANT AT` ` BALA I-`OR 11's svsmu ESSA COUNCIL W. ivi. DINWOODY; drerk. WYEVALE STAYNER uauuu; vuu `nu nuunueu. . One -woman out on.1u5Vpounds in six weeks. Chxhken `grow robudt and stron-feob1e old people feel younger in a few weeks. _ ` ~ 8 TO-NIGHT TRY Minard s Liniment for that cold, and tired feeling. Get We1l-Kc_ep Well. KILL FLU by using the Old Reliable! |m"l:`e`l.l`f1`i`r`r1mi: l; the only way to take those grave-like hollows from his cheeks and neck. fl!..11 La... .u_-;. LL-___-__ .11- _.Bk;'I.3.. 1113 UUCUILB 511$]: HVCLo . Tell him that thousands of thin, puny, peaked scrawny men all ov- er America ave improved their physical health and a pearance and bless the day they rst heard of these wonderful `sugar coated tablets so full of weight producing and health building essentials. Ah `PH rM'lI(`.l\\F Q r, uuu uccuuu uuuulng 63881113818. Ask for `McCoy s Cod) Liver Ex- tract Tablets. Douglas Drug Store and every Adruggist sells them-a60 *tablets--I60 cents--economy size $1.00. Almost any thin man or woman can put on ve -"pounds of healthy esh in 30 days or your money will `be refunded. nnn enrnnnnn sun]: A- 1 E'_-.-_ .1- 1.. Who Is Your Skinny Friend, Ethel? Tell him to take Mc'Coy s -`Cod Liver Extract Tablets for a couple of months and get enough good healthy esh on his bones to look like a real man. il'1_I1 'L:._. _'L9._ ;_`L- _._.1__ __-__ L, 1311 UUI LHCUJ` cine reeach of themwasbornand , \.__ . have ainly re ' " ` '_.greatbenet h'anit.I myfriendstotakeitaa I am sure_ ey will receive thesame halp I d1d.-Mns. Mmron Mo HUu.l_N.Vun1.0nta1-in. P|NKHAM S Thousands of people suffer daily for the good things they eat or else are slaves to their disordered stom- achs-living on disagreeable diet, a- fraid to eat the things they like for fear of pain to follow. Yet good. heal- thy, painless digestion is easy for most folks,_ for nine-tenths of all stomach misery is caused by merely an excess of acid in the stomach, And a little Bisurated Magnesia, taken immediately after eating, will instant- ly neutralize this acid, stop food fer- mentation. prevent gas and sourness so that what you eat will digest just as nature intended it should. You can enjoy your next meaI--and every meal -if you will get from the nearest drug store a package of Bisurated Magnesia-either tablets or powder. Give it a real trial and you may soon be eating hearty meals of those foods which now disagree with you, with- ` out the slightest fear of stomach trnnhln `WW D11! 1\G I:)";.lble. Read This Letter from a Grateful Woman KEEl_ _\_?` v_.1r HEALTH