.,,g u ovb vuuu No seconder could be secured for the amendment, Ald. Lang being the only one who would vote to endorse the re- solution. 3. Mclnnisl Sunday School held and skating party on A lunch was served in f the nhvlrr-1n ..----. g T The Electric Shop, Barrie & Burton) were awarded the electric- h0l1 al contract for $333.36 and R. J. Wo1- annt` fenden of Barrie the heating at S1828.- * 5 00 and plumbing $410. :12? NEXT THURS., FRI., SAT. Thestory of Life .- . . . Love . . and Hate, midst tF!1!!!R I'\t\l\I.v1-n 4`-- --1 . . _ _ _ -____-- Comedy, THE CHICKEN : ,:,.....,.u,. wuuuo wcxc upcueu, Lrom H... F. Garrett, Barrie, Cumming & Webb, Midland, E. Webb & Son. ox-i11ia.! Bath _ & Anderson were the lowest; tenderers. The building is to be of In- , diana limestone with brick facing.l Masonry constitutes the bulk of thei work. I She gambled with Fate for his money --but he won her heart instead! Gorgeous gals, gangsters and gun-play , thrillingly blend- ed in this amazing revelation of the Broadway racket. A gang preying on the wealthy--with Norma Shearer as a fninnhnna n-:.-1 nr-4:.-.~ tit` :L- u,.,...,. n r~A._--u.:,, .- ....b r/.yJu-6 uu pup w\.(uLu_y--WlL1l IVUIIIHL QHCQUCI ilb a telephone girl acting as its ears. Something new for beautiful Norma-sometI1ing decidedly novel in pictures! I` I IIIIHIIIH 4~uv-nnu-wq--.- I The rm of Bath & Anderson of ` Midland, are the successful general contractors for the work of building the new registry office in Barrie this; summer. The price is $31,475. Four? general tenders were opened, from R.3 . . I F` (7.-arr-nH~ Darrin IVn.~-....\..... 1! VG` " CONTRACT IS LET . FOR REGISTRY OFFICE I THUESQAY - FRlD._Y__ 7 SATURDAY A Thrilling, Romantic Comedy of Love and the Prize Ring. The young rmd Imndsnnu: pxxgilist packed dynzunitc in both g'1ove5~-hu1 Ki-.1 Cupid needed unc \.\';.11-\}` 2- put him nut for the cnunl. Melodramatic --- Sgzectaculai` --- Upma `C513 Comedy A 'I'\v.`\rv1 ------- SPECIAL ADDED AT? 3AFCT1t'31".! ------ INTRODUCL\'(} FOR THE FIRST T]; E l.'\' l$.\!\ SCREEN SNAPS'ZC?T,3 THE SPICE OF ALL E.\"l`i;3l('I`,~\!.`~.'M1374'!` MON, TUESO, .-.--_.:.. THURS., FRL, SAT.-L7EB. 23.,_ 23 R/I-ufri...-... C-1 -1 `,6 I` THE Docks 615 NEW 3?E)'1'iiE'5" ___...j mmauasr vs. Matinee Sat. at A DENNY ruarvw Comedy--TELL IT TO THE JUDGE, with Max D:1viA.l>`n:1 nu:-`nu.-.-. -- -~ ~- ; `We cannot play all the pzctures, but zzvv A _____________._..____ __._._.-..-:. 3% M333? .a"r"1`&'aE" iWiETzER N9. 8 2.30--Children 5c; ...u..m;c cu uni energetic worx 01 the 3 1 Chief of Police," the report says. P The depzmrtment this year is asking zjfor 6 pairs hip boots. 3 petch coats. 10 house alarm bells. 300 font now hose _;a new sw`.t'*hb<>:u'd to replace the pre- _;sent obsolete one and an inspection and reoort by an expert on the com- plete alarm system. E1 Total re loss in Barrie in 1928 was 1 $8,900, Chief Shrubsole reports. This , loss was occasioned by six res. There I;wex'e also twelve false alarms, six fichimney res, twelve res where no ,damage resulted. six grass res and -`three remen`s practices, a total of 45 , : alarms. ``l`l.-. J-.-.-..- :- 4 V ` ` ` I anal. Ann. I The town is to be congratulated on ;the small amount of re loss. I would 'ask you to note the reduction in the `number: of grass res. clue in a great measure to the energetic work of the plip " H19 vnnnv-.` Cnxvn 1928 FIRE LOSS V5/A15 % LESS THAN $10,000 M.c;.Ml NEWS ' pla_:/ /,lzc Best! Am, 13 SECTION 2 PAGES 5 TO 12 K R115 M:0l`J., TUE.S.,, WED. - FEB. 25 - 26 -N 27 for years ;\ THE WORLD'S OUTSTANDING STAGE success: forerver NORMA TALMADGEYS GREATEST CONTRIBUTION TO THE SCREEN REV. DR. EAKIN ` Principal of Knox College, who will conduct the anniversary services at St. `Andrew's next Sunday, Feb. 24. J Anniversary Preacher 2- Shows Each Night, 7.15 - 9.15 COMEDY-AND MORNING CQME "1:\`LSO PARAMOUNT NEWS REEL luv baubl- Ald. Lang--I move that action be taken. It is a slur on Canada to allow these 14-foot, gasoline boats, loaded with booze, to take out clearance pap- era for Cuba." iv- ....--.__1_.. ,,,, V I - - l have brought no man happiness. I can bring you nothing but despair V ' ,LEAVE ME - J AR- MAND - LEAVE ME! in"7`EXRi'i:'if"sEX" -- COMING Don t miss this heart- throbbing love scene as played by the screen's greatest` actress! ' No advance in bc 10c and 25 bfk it i't'o'o' '1a't'T"' _ Righarcj Barthelmess V`.-'.L"\ LIB. .)l."`U UH LUU IllU.l'1\.UU JUL xuuuy .',';a'~"'~: and because of its rapidly in- |"x`mS1'm; favor with Canadians during we last few years, The Week is be- ';'w~: fmtua-ed this season to focus _ad- cithnal attention on this ne cough remedy. 8x The week of February 28th to March ;m:h is being observed by the retail ;r.I;-upgists of Canada as Buckley s -=..`ww'h Mixture Week. 1 This week has been arranged by the ;_I~`,~n,i1 1V[erc1m.nts Association of Can- i=.'1r`:1 and the Provincial Boards of the ,.;e1..i1 Merchants Association, in co- ;"nr=.1`.f.im1 with Messrs. W. K. Buckley :i='.iv~n.ii:ec1. fhe manufacturers. This pro- ` rhtcf has bP"1`l on the market for many .rmn~=a nun! hnnnnun n? H: ranlrflv in- yy-nan-s Mu no uuuacuu I/111115. Ald. Lang--We have a moral ob- ligation to our neighbors." Deputy-Reeve Knight--I' move no action." I AHA `I _.._. luv "7 IUCLL JJICIIIUCLD llallu JD [JLU5J{I'. 331l.l.s WUll.' The Cubs have been re-established by G. F. Holloway, assisted by several Scouts, and many scouts between eight and twelve years of age have taken ad- vantage of this ne training. Juuuup; uumi. The Rovers, a senior section of the ' Troop. for boys over sixteen, with Mr. Crossland as Rover-master. has recent- ly been established. This patrol has ten members and is progressing well. 'T`hn Huh: hnvn hnnn vn-no:l'.nhHchnrll suki;} ELLQ. wIi;:L?;'\'as7eek LILCU. l.1VU4U.y LGKSCD [J15 UC. Last Saturday the Eagle and Crow patrols of the Scout section-the Eag- les under Henry Sims .and the Crows under Alf. Crossland--snow-shoed a- cross Little Lake and through the ad- joining bush. 'T`hn Dnxynrc n cnninv can!-Inn nf Han `awn. uvvvcba The 1st Barrie Troop has now Troop Headquarters complete in the base- ment of the Anglican Parish Hall. The Scouts have spent their spare time putting it in shape and the different sections of the Troop-Cubs, Scouts and Rovers, have each a section of the room to decorate and much good-nat- ured rivalry takes place. T.n:f. Qnfnrriav Han 'E!na1n and IV-many Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. 1 Feb. : Isle The past two weeks have been the coldest fortnight of the winter so far. On six days the mercury dropped be- low zero, yesterday being the coldest with 12 below. Only on two days in this period did the minimum temper- ature go up to 20. In the two weeks snow fell to the extent of 5.3 inches. Here are the official figures, furnish- ed by W. H. Buttery:-- 1-... -v1.1-1. I-5-1.- 1-u..-__I DUWHE uuu VHLHIECB U1 MIC CUUIXBY. The morning session was taken up with a report or the committee ap- pointed to investigate the quotations of fees throughout the county. A great lack of uniformity in prices charged was reported for similar operations. The committee submitted a tari of fees which, after some changes, was adopted as a minimum standard for the county. It represents an increase from ve to twenty-ve per cent., the latter being on plate work which, it was felt has been much too low. Dr. Webster, ex-Dean of Dental Col- .lege, Toronto. conducted a clinic on several children in Dr. Sprott's office, stressing the need for greater care of the children's teeth. The children were chosen by Miss Thomas, V.0.N., and Miss McMahon, school nurse, to whom i the association is grateful. LONGEST COLD SPELL OF PRESENT WINTER Simcoe County Dentists Association met at the Wellington Hotel, Barrie, yesterday, morningland afternoon ses- sions being held. President Dr. George Westman of Midland presided. There were twenty present, representing towns and villages of the county. The mnrnina Amzsxinn um: tnlrnn nn "I move that no action be taken," said Deputy-Reeve Knight. If the (stuff was coming Into this country it would be a different thing. Aid 'I'.ann-__uu7.. 1.-.... .. ...........1 -1. 'couN1'Y DENTISTS MEET AND BOOST THEIR TARIFF .Q (~12 I?l_?U_G(EIST_S _(:)_BSERYl_E'. a J. . . . . . . . . . . .. below zero) 36::/sF 13 15 17 15 *2 #12 *4 `High Rain Snow I 22 27 2.5 16 23 0.2 20 25 8 12 0.3 *2 19 0.4 *4 13 *2 11 0.1 5 16 0.7 25 31 22 19 0.6 *0 : n 1: Ivvnooa vvu-a,v-av-vs, usavw all JJAULCGBU UL` lmore than 43% in 1928. or these as- Barrie Town Council Monday night] made somewhat short shrift of a re- solution of the Ontario Prohibition Union soliciting Barrie's support in; the Union's attempt to have declared illegal the practice of issuing clearance ` papers to vessels carrying liquor to the United States from Canada. The Union has an active campaign with this in view and has sent the same resolution to every municipality in the province, with varying success. ll! ..--___ L any-an van Univ vvnlsgluataj uulltls 1.000: < The new insurance issued during the year amounted to $2,858,607.00. Total Insurance now in force amounts to $8,053,164 not including` double in- I`nlV|I\`l! Lanai-n AC I-I-an an-uunauggc u..--u vu,vvu,a.v: uuu Luuluhuus` uuuun: Au." demnity. Assets of the company now being $621,520.52, show an increase of nuns; H-nun 4001.1... 1!!!! A: 4.1.... __ At the annual meeting of the share- ! holders of the Commonwealth Life 8; Accident Insurance Co., held in Ham- ' ilton on February 19, the directors re- port showed continuous gain and pro- gress of the company during 1928. The many Iwsnuuuununnn In-nuunal .lu_!.._ L1... COMMONWEALTH LIFE ' % SHOWS 0001) REPORT After an illness of some months? from flu followed by pneumonia Thos. | Williams passed away on Saturday: last. The service was held on Tues- day evening at the house, the remains being taken on the Wednesday morn- ' 1ng s train to Barrie and from there to Dalston Cemetery where interment was made. CLC auuacn U1 quinsy. Visitors in the neighborhood were Mrs. Fred Rose of Coldwater at Jos. Spicher s; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kais- er and daughter, Lillian of New Flosi with Jas. Buie; Gordon and Kenneth Moir of Nottawa with John Moir; Mr. McDonald of Toronto with Ivie; Milne; Mr. and Mrs. Bruce McNiven} and daughter Jean, Miss Lottie Mar-g tin and Amos Luck, with Jack Mar-I t1n's. A0!-an nun `l!.......... -1.` ......... .._ _--L1_..' 4. U1. uuuu. I Norma`n Schell returned home after some time at Dundalk with his son, Norman, Jr., who had suffered a sev- ere attack of quinsy. Visitnrg in thn nniohhnrhnnr-1 nrnrn agoon Buie has returned to his home after spending some time in Toronto. I 'KTnuvuu\`u-\ Qnlnadi qua`-11-`.-A3 1.-..-- -.lu.___ . T * `T I Feb. 18-The regular monthly meet- ing of the W.M.S. was held at Mrs. J. C. Bu1e s on Friday last with 23 ladies present. The reguiar program for tlge World Day of Prayer was ob- serve . (`_nu.-inn 13-13.. 1.-.. ....L.......-.:| 4... 1.3- BANNER PRESENTED As a reward for wrxning the Simrroe Presbyterial banner last year. the Mis- sion Band of Collier St. United Church was treated on Saturday afternoon to a sleighing party, Douglas Ferris and Kenneth Miller each takinn` a load. After the ride the party enjoved re~ freshments andvgames at Bou1derfe1" the home of H. M. Lav. On Sunday] morning Rev. J. J. Black presented the banner to the retiring president, Doug- las Simpson, who passed it on to the new president, Frances MacLe1lan. COUNCIL Ttiizns DOWN I PROHIBITION REQUEST` CANADA, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1929. -_- -v--v.u4-V -4\/415.}: 1:414 Four rinks of Barrie curlers went to Toronto on Monday to play in the big Toronto bonspiel in which 140 rinks entered. All the play is on articial ice. The Barrie club's 1'e;)1'esent2.tives were J. O. Scythes. H. Hook, C. Beelby and W. H. Kennedv, skin: W. D. Griffiths. S. Meredith, A. D. Simon and G. 0. Cameron. skip. Those re-1 presenting the Thistle: were: S. Rob- inson. H. Armstronrz. B. G. Robertson and Rev. J. S. Shnrtt. skip: W. 0. Walls. J. F. Goodfellow, Dr. Richard- son and R. A. Stephens. skin. Churchill sent one qunrtette consist- ing of J. Reive, T. G. Reive, F. Allan? and W. Noble, skip. uuci. D Lcqucbb. Arrangements for Mr. Herre1l`s fun- eral had not been completed this af- ternoon. The Brotherhood. Orange- men and Oddfellows are in joint charfre; Deceased was a son of the late James Herrell of Thornton. His aeed mother at present resides at Cundles. Service will be held in the Presby- terian Church. Allandale. tomorrow (Friday) evening. for the late Mr. Hill. attended by the B. R. of T. and Ma-. sons. The service will be in charge of Rev. J. B. Thomson. The remains will ~ be placed non No. 47, northbound train. the same evening. uiuncu, 21: 15 1":[JU1'Le(.1. Mr. Mclnnis was found by Conduc- tor Kightley in an upright position be- tween two box cars and with his feet submerged in water. This was said to be-an hour after the derailment oc- curred. Conductor Kightley went to a nearby farmhouse to phone for aid and Brakernan Fraser to ag a south- bound train running on the next block. Mr. Mclnnis was removed to the van until the relief train with doc- tors and nurses arrived, when he was removed to Bracebridge hospital. His . condition was known to be very crit- - ical from the start, internal injuries ` being feared. He was conscious al- most to the end. Funerals Not Arranged At 'the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mc- Guire, with whom the late Charles Hill made his home. it was stated to- day that the bodies of both Mr. Hill and Mr. Herrell were being brought to Allandale Friday to their respective homes. Mr. Hill, however. will be bur- ied at Callander. beside his father, -probably on Saturday. This is his mo- ther's request. Art-nno-nrnnnfc Frw 1\/rn '| J.-uu..n`I1'.. cu... I Wllull 111111. It was stated Mr. Mclnnis suffered ve or six broken ribs, a cut in his chest and one in his head. Both feet were frozen, but it was not stated de- nitely whether or not his legs were broken, as is reported. T\/H` 1\/|'r-Tnni: um: +`rn1r\r1 Inn fin.-Inn, u:uua._y) uiuruulg. Inquiry at the home of W. C. Mc- Innis early today brought the informa- tion that Mr. Mclnnis had passed a restless night in Bracebridge hospital. Mrs. McInnis, who went to her hus- band's side on the relief train which left Allandale at 4.20 Wednesday morning, returned last evening but went north~again this morning, Mr. McInnis having asked `that she be with him. `I 4- titan .-A-..L...'l 1|Ir_. 11-1-..,__-, An - UCJIL5 yam-:u. wiuluub warning. The bodies of Brakeman Herrell and Fireman Hill were recovered from the wreckage this morning. Mr. Hill's body was found at 8.50 and Mr. Her- re11 s shortly after. Both bodies are being brought to Allandale tomorrow (Friday) morning. Tnnnirv -2+ H-u-.u hnrnn nc xv n 1\.r.. Advice reached Barrie at 3.30 "this afternoon that Engineer W. C. McIn- nis, injured in the wreck near Falken- burg early Wednesday morning, had died in Bracebridge hospital. He is the third member of the ill-fated train crew to lose his life, the other two be- ing Brakeman H..vR. J. Herrell and Fireman Charles A. Hill, all of Allan- dale. This is the saddest railway fat- ality Which has struck the railway centre in many years. the heads of two families and a vigorous young man being taken without warning. The bodies of 'Rrnl(.cn'mn um-m11 om: 'Third` Member of A Train - Crew Died This Afternoon. . SUNNIDALE CORNERS CIRCULATION THIS WEEK Injuries Prove Fatl to Erlgineep W. C. . AT TORONTO BONSPIEL V .u...uvu. AAu.\LAA5 .LuuLC uJ.1(LJ1 l.lUU.UM.`U 7 in the last two years. The company` intend writing this year, upwards of ' ve millions of new business. I i I `sets a total of well over half a million dollars is invested in Dominion Gov-I .ernment. municipal and industrial bonds. and first mortgages on real estate. Pc-licy reserves now total? 18469635. having more than doubledf Iiax f-Inn 11-\n` {awn -.......... PHLA v...\,\.;u aaaa Pres., Miss Lillian Allen; Vice-Pres, Miss Florence Parker; Sec y.-Treas.. Miss Elizabeth Nevils; Ass t. Sec'y.-, Treas.. Mrs. Colwell Ramsay; District} Director, Miss Irene Shepherd; Branch ' Directors: Misses Lena Fraser, Jos-I ephene Robinson, Irene Shepherd and- Margaret; Fildey; Press Sec y., Miss Alice Harris; Auditors, Misses Dorothy Cullingham and Velma Bateman; Vis- iting and Flower Committee, Misses; Esther Downer, Irene McMaster and Myrtle Rankin; Chairman of Health. and Child Welfare, Miss Eleanor Arm- strong; Chairman of Historical Re- `search. Miss Vera McFadden: Pianist, Miss Edith Beatty: Assistant Pianist. .Miss Velma Bateman; Programme Committee, Mrs. Colwell Ramsay, Miss Irene McMaster. Miss Edith Beattyzy Directors to District Annua-ls, 1\Iiss9r< Lillian Allen, Irene Shepherd and `Florence Harris. v vvnuuu IV as a uxuul. Alla!/llallla Bring a little happiness to another door, `. Give a little, and love a little more. At the close of the Short Course 9. Junior Women's Institute was dis-I cussed among the young people of Cookstown and vicinity. On Tuesday. February 12, the young people met at the home of Miss Lillian Allen to elect officers. Mrs. J. W. Stone of Bond Head in her usual capable manner act- ed as chairwoman during the election of officers and gave a very interesting` 1 talk on the aims and objects of the Institute. and the duties of branch of-. ecers. After the installation of officers, a dainty lunch was served by the hos- tess to the members and visitors num- bering t\venty-four. r\1x_-,, A--A Phones 1005 and 1010 Ross Block, BARRIE nut: uaacuwul, U1 CH8 Cnurcn. Misses Irene Clements, Muriel Mc- Millan: Kenneth Kidd, Elward Spind- loe and Milt. Marling. all of Toronto. were at their homes over the week- end. l'1.. ..l_._A __._A. 7 ' ` Gordon Stevenson Ullul U11 Symi)at11y is extended to Rev. J. Templeton, who received word on Sat- urday last of the death of his mother. in England. 'T`hn TTn~H~nA c......a..-. Nit - ` There ;q'oe"_ Keii ridiiig` like 1:: wind, while a beautiful girl cheers him on to victory in the World s Greatest Rodeo. COMEDY-AUNTIE S MISTAKE. I1!-I.4Q.nu. A an nu...-gm. - __ .:.-.___ _.(,,, 111 .L'Ju5l'111l.l. The United Sch their sleighride Friday evening. the basement of the church. 1\/HQQPK Tvnnn f`,`laI-nnv-F- `-""' lV1.. KJUUUIJ. ` The junior hockey boys of Cooks- town played the junior boys of Allan- dale in Allandale on Saturday last. Lantern-slides are being shown dur- ing Lent every Wednesday evening at 8 o clock in basement of St. John's church. Ouw.'..L1... :_ -_.L - - - - W CCKx'Cl.|.U. | Miss Efnily Gollop of Toronto spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs. M. Gollop. 'T`hn 1'11h1'nv hnnbnn 1.....- -1: r--4 V (Auspices Woman s Association) CAST Mrs. C'hz'chester, Mrs. (Dr.) Hart Alaric ................ .. Frank Spearin _ Ethel .............. .. Miss H. Lennox\ Montgomery Hawkes, C. Elrick Christian Brent Frank Craig Footman .............. .. Doug. Smith Jerry .................... .. Cliff. Graham Peg .................. .. Louise Hurlburt `under direction of Mr. and Mrs. Horace Wilson Town Hall, Barrie TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY F ebruary 26 and_ Z7 Y!7........--1_ ; _ COOKSTOWN mmaammmmwmami run 1:` $ W 5 PK` *3 K` it Peg 0 MyHeart {"-'-`I :"i"Fil'll`%1'B B'B$'biiIi$_L!| 'KEELY & SMITH Mrs. Inxnpl --- Llfll Ultlltll Saturday iVi.;a.t`i;1;;3.-3(-r C;h.ildren 5c, Adults 15 TECK HUGHES HudsonmB-;y Mines Membersvstanidard Stock and Mining Exchange Reserved Seats, 60c General Admission, 50c INSURANCE \ BONDS" MINE _ SHARES Cookstown Junior Institute `winnn n 1.'LL1.. 1__.-.A:V- The Famous Comedy-Drama PRESENTEf) BY Collier Street Dramatic )Club REPRESENTING -vm.. Vbicers 1929