BOND HEAD Feb. 18-Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Bant- yaand family have moved into this e . D. A. McClain was a. visitor `at the? honie or his brother in Toronto last wee . Mrs. F. McArthur spent last week visiting with friends and relatives in Toronto. fI"|l-u-. In':.....I.... nx..-1- |__u_u _ U]. U11` _13th. `All.- .-_. 1-`-vs;--\/, extra T goecfi `quality, neatly made, sizes 8 to 14, in lot. You have to see these to appreciate this bargain at . . . . . . $1.49 BIGCLEARANCE OF LADIES AND MISSES HATS. The sea- son s newest styles in felts, vel- vets, also some metallics. Reg. up to $4.50. Clearing 89 each GIRLS FLANNEL DRESSES, --.L.... ..- _ -I - - NEAR FIVE POINTS BARRIE l Extra copies of The Examiner may be had at this office or from Wm. Crossland, W. R. Keenan and Kend- rick, Allandale. uuunc wuc1.'c sue expxamea ner met-n-' ods of making hens profitable, she! took` all into her home `and treated` them to a lunch. Mrs. Bradley and Mrs. Cerswell moved a vote of thanks, to Mrs. Aitken for her many kindness- I es. ;uv:uuu uctc H156 WEEK Mr. and Mrs. R. I-Iefrris entertained 5 number for tea on Sunday evening. A few from here attended the dance at F. Coulson s, Utopia, on Friday ev- ening. Thf In u about -and. A-_ --A--- appreciated. After a. ,vote of thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Jardine for their kind hospitality the visitors Wend- ed their way to Sunnybank Farm,, the home of Mrs. H. Aitken, where' . Mrs. Aitken in her usual manner. wel- comed them. After a tour of inspec- tion through her wonderful poultry house where she explained her meth-I ods Of YY'In.I(ih0' hnne nu-nl-akin -5-- pretty little red and green tissue pa- per basket fined with candies, an or- ange and a handkerchief and to the ' men paper bags filled with the same. After a short programme consisting I of choruses, recitations and step- itors to a program which was very much enJoyed by all. M. B. Hipweli, seconded by W. Brooks, moved a vote of thanks to Mr. Jardine and inmates which was responded to by hearty applause. Mr. and Mrs. Jar-. dine treated the visitors to a. very dainty lunch which was verv much M1`. and Mrs _1m-ing om. 4-1.4.. dances, the inmates treated the vis-I VI \Jl\l` l\J\Il\\I VV \.I\Jl `cgtton mixture, good and serviceable, first grade . . . . . 0`) .._2.. 02. MENVS WORK SOCKS, wool A.-.4 aha`-`ace ...!..L....- ........l ......l nJn4\JA.4 NJ! I IJLJ \.lVl4l\' A-LALS, first graa, best-- make, regular $1.95 line, all sizes at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98c pair. MEN S EXTRA GOOD QUAL- ITY BL.UE STRIPED 'OVE:R- AIIIW 1` MEN S WINTER CAPS vi/_i_t_h ,_ _ -- .v uvupuu vvcuu III III i Made lzy The Canadian Shredded eat Company. Gives colt! weather health at low cost. full s1_ze biscuits of warmth and energi Crisp Ill oven and sen-yfewnth warm lllll ll-.4- I... mp- rs- .0. H. Speere lost}; horse last week. W. J. Lennox of Thornton called on friends here last week. MP. and Mr: D 1.h\.....I.. -..A----LA 9. nu \.I IV awn: Luv 2 pair 25}: 01-` rrs COST. WHILE THE ' UP TO MINUTE MERCHAI} `fj '[rI'VI'NI'WI\ Irnvlxu-up-_-4. MEN S WORK SHIRTS, Weli made, double yoke . . . . . 69 Big Reductions in all lines ck rubber footwear. BOY S MACKINAW COA'I extra good weight. Reg. $5.50 91+ ' Q9 Q3 BIG REDUCTIONS IN BOOTS AND SHOES. Wo- men s cushion sole Oxfords, ood fitters, rubber heel, in E,. `E and EEE,- all sizeswin lot v.,+ ' an. no _._. MEN S MACKINAW at . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 49 pair MEN S WOOL UNDERWEAR first grade, shirts and drawers at . . . . . . . . . . . . 89c garment BU`Y Now AND SAVE /. Ltiia , _ _ V V . _ . - _...----.-an Last of the Pioneers The last of the old pioneers of this - MEN BOOT RUBBERS 89 WOMEN S . . . . . . . . . . . 69 CHILDREN'S . . . . . . . . . 59 FOOTWEAR. Every pair is of first grade quality and guaran- teed to give best of service or replaced free. BIG BARGAINS IN RUBBER rs.-.;\.-.-_.-_ . _ Extraordinary Bargains in Men 3, nunaay, rein-any 21, mo -:_-7;--,---------- . Montwa! 5***%%%&wa&&m$ 3 71 3...... u, P-- ` 31% `PRESTON, ONT.` A SAFETY Deposit Box in the nearest branch of Bank of Commerce will relieve any anx- iety regarding the whereabouts of your valu- ahles while permitting free access tothem by you or a duly authorized person at any time during` banking hours. The cost is less than one cent per day; the value received is an in- estimable sense of security. THE CANADIAN BANK OF QQMEYERCE umr. AIVIJ l:.Vl:.l'(I AK I IDLE D` bright future. me or u f Epsom! Otter and Free `i`uo13.f IIVUW [or D! mar pay and 3 hMlNlnM TDIHE cnnnnnn gm emu. uomee m _i eheete. Forms hg t-ttxng, re. roof.1ow-costroof or Barns Shedm Houses. ummer Cottages. Made to `Coupml Standard quahty. Send ridge and rafter meas- urements and nd out about our SDDPIAI CODING llli HD0113 OUT PECIALSPRING OFFER. Free cost estimate 3 1 ad ly Riven. Maximum Security at Minimum Cost `IE9 II` $1.98 IU pl`. Po:-onto UGO: DUI]. 0'6o Mrs. C. McLe11and returned home` on Monday night after visiting heri daughter for the past month. - ' Q Tnd in hnrlnvlna in "l"nv-nv-M-n I nyuu L11 .l.UI.'UuuU uua WCCK. Our District Curlers got into the semi-finals in Toronto but lost to Hamilton Victorias. minus 1 E` LYAA.-.n.. In ..a..u.a...... a..1.....1.. npnvuu uuur uuu 1` 1'68 DOORS. OMINION mm; SCHOOLS ` 163 King Street West. Toronto L11 .|.Ul.'U.l.1laU. The local hockey team journeyed to Stroud on Monday night and were: beaten 3-2. Mr... n 1ur..1-..n......1 ..-;..........: 1.-...- sacuuuuuu v IUUUL Lab. | Mrs. J. E. Hodgson is visiting friends in Toronto. ' rru... 1......1 1......1-..-. 4.--... .1 _______ ___9 uuuay One fink of curlers took in the bon- spiel in Toronto this week. (`HF 'l\icfv-Inf l"n1~h:n-n and lube. I-In- Feb. 19-7-Misses; Eva Allan and` Georgie Reive are in Toronto for a. holiday. Ono Mnlr nf mn-1m-c fnnlr in 4-1."; I-\nv\ Cliff. Perry of Orlllia spent Satur- day and Sunday with his sister, Miss Perry. I auu Lvub. :1. uumpueu. I :_y vvuguzy. uurulew nay. I Miss Ella Hutchinson of Orillia is the guest of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Campbell. Cliff Pnrrv nf f\I~HHo nnnnf Q.-.4-.... u:w uuya wwu re1a.uves In uruua. Phil Shedd of Toronto is spending a couple of weeks vacation with Her- ry Wrigley. Carthew Bay. Miss Ella `Hut:-hinann nf nvima In -----.-- voasnnvoo "sou u: \-|\4uI\.lU\4 DI-lUUCDBn Hawkestone hockey team played Rugby on Monday night at Rugby. Score 3-2 in favor of Hawkestone. Mic: Ttlfnranrnf Qulnm in annual- .. uuuu: 0-4 m Luvur UI nawxesuone. Miss Margaret Sykes is spending a few days with relatives in Orillia. `Phil Rhndd nf Tnvnnfn 1. cvsniv-\-`Jinn- nu. uuu 1vu`a'. Lo. W. 1481311. U The bean and pie social held by the young people on February 14 at the! United church was a. decided success.f T_Tn...I-_..L_.__ I--A|-- uc Vanna-1.: Earn 36 to $10 Per Day Few woaka required to learn, Expert Instructors. Practical Training. Bic: Demand. Start` NOW for bi and me or an]! em- AVLIIAGII. ' Mrs. Robt. McDonald and baby boy' of Atherley are guests of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Leigh. Thn hpan and mo cnninl I-mm H" M... uxuuu wwu DUO uameron. Thos. Pugsley and Jack Reid motor- ed from Toronto on Friday and stayed over Sunday. Mia: Vnv-no `rain-k mam-.+ .. an... 4...... U v cl.` ouuuuy. Miss Verna Leigh spent a few days` in Lefroy. the guest of Mrs. Wm. Mc- Millan. - `II-n DALI Ir..'1\_.__I.1 ._..I Let V I uul lab. Mrs. Carruthers was a faithful member of the Presbyterian Church. She was gifted with a line voice and her strong, sweet voice could be heard in songs of praise to the good; old psalms and hymns of some yearsa ago. She -had been an invalid for a ' number of years but bore it all with` great patience. rmly believing that God does all things well and that some day she would understand His great purpose. The remains were laid to J rest beside those of her husband who predeased her over forty years. _She leaves a family to mourn the loss of a kind and loving mother. besides : many friends. The family are: troit. G. of Ivy. Mrs. I. `Spears, Thorn- ton; Mrs. Ross of North Bay, Mrs.. Reynolds of Toronto. Mrs. Lyons of } Carruthers of Barrie. Dr. J. of De-l Ivy, Mrs. Downey of Alliston. One son, Dr. B. H. Carruthers. passed away some years ago. The pail bearers were some of her neighbors. S. McQuay. J. McLean. R. H. Jennett. W. J. Lennox. I. F. Lennox and J. Lennox. 3 1 .__ _-v-- Feb. 11;:-1;/Ilss Kitty Cruse of Tor- onto is the guest of Mrs. Cruse. 'F`nHnme annnf $1-in nvAn1p_nn;I {ca uuuu 13` um: guesu OI M1'S. Uruse Billie Fellows spent the week-nd in Orlllia with Bud Cameron. 'T`hnc `Dun-chau nn run]. 13.4.: .....4..... .au5uu:1. xur um: push muuuu. S. Todd is holidaying in Toronto. 8 conducted by her pastor, Rev. E. 8. Clifton, assisted by Rev. F. V. Abbott, Mr. Clifton based his remarks on Heb. : 11:5, speaking of the great faith of Enoch. how God rewarded that faith` as He also does all who firmly believe and htold to the faith and love of Jesus IE ARCADE WOME_N S OVERSHOES, :- choice of black, fawn and grey colors, sizes 2% to 7_ in nearly each line. First grade, every pair guaranteed. Note .the price . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.69 pr. LEARN Engineering. Auto ` Mchanics. Electri- c Ignition. hatt- ory or Woldinc Exports House Wiring. Irir:kiayin2 \ and Piasmring. also Barbering and Ladies Hair. dressing. I9, An. A...-u _ A CLEARANCE OF MEN S AND BOYS ~WORK `RUB- I\rIr\r\ BERS, Bvelet i1'ig11.,c`Jnl;r;iLz -i es 4, A5,_ 6 in lot . . . . $1.49 pr. HAWK}-'._$TONE i CHURCHILL it 1.: 1.: 1.: It I! 4.: 1.! It 1.: 1.1` 1.1 n . umuuuu auauwulac I The reghlar monthly meeting of the Crossland Institute was held on Thursday, Feb. 14, at the home of Mrs. A. Lvnng with an nu-ana...-..... ..a. `I - my. unvaua uswulca 11 lslllv -------- -~ I I The only imperfect note in the` pleasure occasioned by the Masonic At Home is due to the lapse of time before its recurrence. It is a. function held but once a year. On Friday ev- ening, Feb. 15, the Masons, their wiv- es and sweethearts enjoyed an At Home at the Parish Hall where the evening was spent in progressive euchre, crokinole and dancing. The euchre Drizes worn wnn my I/fr: NFORGET THE If` BLUES ! 1 cuuus ls, uruzuuuxe 8.110. aancmg. euchre prizes were won by Mrs. G. R. Lane and Milton Train, lone hands by Mrs. Dan Rowat, crokinole by Mrs. Wm. Andrew and Alvin Flem- ing, centre counts by Mrs. F. 0. Bishop. After a lunch an hour wags spent in dancing. l'V_.......I.. _ .I 1_ -1 -A A VI lIlII\4l I IVIIIIJ A number of the Anglican people I. and their friends donned their sum- mer togs on Tuesday evening, Feb. I 12, and went a picnicking in the Par- - ish Hall. A program of picnic games engaged the attention of the merry- s makers until supper was served a- . round the camp fire. A few group songs came as an enjoyable interlude - before some of the picnickers ended I the evening in dancing. Thompson Cup Bonspiel The annual bonspiel played for the A. B. Thompson Cup between Mid- land, Penetang and Elmvale clubs took place in Penetang on Thursday, Feb. 14. Four rinks from Elmvale skipped by C. E. Dutcher, Dr. W. L. Tyrer, Geo. Ritchie and D. H. Ritchie took part. A good evening's sport was enjoyed. The cup won and held by Elmvale last year was lost to Pene- tang who will hold it for 1929. The Late Thomas Burgess The death of Thomas Burgess oc- i I curred at his home in Tiny Township , lon Saturday, Feb. 16, after an illness .of some duration. The deceased was 1 5 in his 76th year. The funeral was held on Monday at his home and was con- ducted by Rev. `W. C. Stubbs, inter- ment to Allenwood Cemetery. He is survived by his wife and two sons. Ernest of Gravenhurst and Clarence in the West. There were many beau- !tiful floral tributes. | I McCarthy Cup Final The final game for the McCarthy ` Cup was played on Tuesday evening, [1 Feb. 12, between J. H. Simpson andfx W. J. Hill's rinks. Mr I-mi nn+ ham. uuuu: UL zus p8.l'8I1US nere. The Women's Institute will hold a social evening in the Parish Hall on Monday, March 4. Everybody welcome. Mrs. Stehhh and riounrkl-av vpxauturu unu roronto. Bert Gilbert left for the West on Thursday after some months at the home of his parents here. The Wnmnn'e Tn;-Hh-.+.-. man 1....u.: - VV IIKICUII Mr. alnd Mrs. G. R. Lane of Mid- .hurst attended the Masonic At Home = on Friday evening. H Miss pPiS1`1n Dnlxrlnvr in nun-u-In!-- ' uu ruuuy evenmg. I I Miss Priscilla Rowley is spending. la. couple of weeks with friends my Bradford and Toronto. ! `Rmvt amm.-+ 1- a..- 4.1.... vvv_-L U51: ' Mrs. McDonald of Toronto is the= guest of her daughter, Mrs. H. R. Warren. IR: ...A 1:... In - - ` --" . cuu an uer nome m vlctorla Harbor. ' Albert Lennox of Stratford was the `guest of his mother over the week-I end. end. ll: Clan-up of Rib Roll Showing Sidelap uscuua uh .D!`8.(1IO!'(1 recently. Miss Edna Ball enjoyed the week- end at her home in Victoria Harbor. I Albert L4`-I.nnnv n`f .:u-.-..n......a ....... 44...! c a saw uuys wwn I118 parents. I Charles and Francis Burton visited friends at Bradford recently. Edna Ball Aninvm-I fhn n1nnb._ wucn"cuu wwn ms parents. Mrs. Harry Wade enjoyed the week- endwlth friends in Toronto. N_ E. `Dr-Inn nf Rranl-n.-A a. ......-.....-H-- cuu . wwu zrzenus 111 '1'oront;o. N. E. Dean of Brantford is spending a. few days with his parents. Charles and Wrnnnie Rliv-fan uh-u--.a -my uucnus In '.l.'O!'0l'1EO. Mrs. C. E. Dutcher spent a. couple ` of days in Barrie last week. I R. A n hf Kfnnnynnn-I av-.u.L LL- nu uuya an narne last week. R. A. Dean of Norwood spent the week-end with his parents. Mrs. I-Iarrv Wnn Aninunrl +1.... .......1, wccn-cuu 8.0 1115 name. ,3 Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Mlllsore visit- I-ing friends in Toronto. MP3 (4. E! hllfnknn .-u.....L _ ------`A W111. Campbell of Toronto spout the . week-end at his home. M ! and `Alma fl'II-nu. 1pn1-'-_- -.x_sL muuy, run. 1%, as me nome Of] A. Lyons with an attendance of! clung. There 18 11 great rush on now while `gxiviesriaow lasts getting wood pp and rs. B. McQuay and t hi a-Went the week-end with hat) fgthlcgrig Ltigy. r. and M . L ~ rstroud visited rstheirengggt, Bi/313$, `Banting. on Sunday. A number frnm horn nl-6-A-`AAA 1.1.- ,% ELMVAIE NEWS ,1, .il||lI|!l|Il|II|II|ll|I||llIlI|l||_l.l|III 5;3;f:d Institute ` _-- --`, . Winter Picnic ... .p L`, un \; \.aun.u1A\rxL1\4l.'\Jl l..4l1IJl.L5O COATS all this'yea s styles, best materials, values. up to $32.50, to clear $6.95-$10.50 BIG SPECIAL MEN S FELT TOP RUBBER- BOTTOM RUBBERS, the best outfit for cold weather, all sizes Big Special 1 . . . . .. $2.98 pr. Same in Boys and Women s, sizes up to 7 . . . . . .$2.69 pr. ER; CLEARANCE o1=Tg7A13.%1gas' r`r\A'ro -11 u_:_--,- s.W9y} d Children s Clothing and Footw`ear "`IWI\ IN! l_._.. _. -V-- vI&nn Among those who motored to Tor- onto for the Old Boys Reunion were Mrs. J. W. Stone and Dorothy, L. E., McClain and Rita, Mrs. (Dr.) Cum- 'mlngs, Mr. and Mrs. Watson McLean I and Allan McLean, Ted I-Iipwell, Wm. Sutherland, C. Brethet, Donald Mc- 'Arthur, Duncan McArthur, Irma =B1-oderick, Connie Bateman, Arnold Breedon, Elva Bradley and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Amey. `Frank Wilcox, M. B. I-Iipwell, J. W. Stone and H. Bannerman attended a banquet given by the Municipal Bank- ! ers in the King Edward Hotel on! Friday evening and later the same evening attended the Old Boys Re- union. I in... 15....._-1.:_ u.-- _-.,, 1 A - 'w1Ii1'ss G1enna.H1pwe1l, Toronto, spentl Sunday at the home or her father, M. B. IV-Iipwell. A......._ LL--- ___I,, 1 - . .- & UL UIIUU. The Mission Circle held a. supperl and entertainment in the basement (1% ltlhe United Church on Wednesday, t . smith business Dun uug, U11 aunaay. A number from here attended the sale at J. B. Carruthers . Utopia. on Monday. Mr. Carruthers is giving up farming and going into the black-