Jmm Poddic of Sprucedale has pur- Growing circulation is the best evj. x .`1'H.15;cd the grocery business of W. dence of the qualityot Examiner ser- C\.Ta1lL`_V, Isayficld St. V vice. SUMMARY OF COMPANY S PROGRESS` BURNS 5 co.. LIMITED First Mortgage 5`/2% Bonds Due I June, 1948 CANADA STEAMSHIP LINES V First Mortgage 6% Bond: Due I October, 194! V CENERAL STEEL WARES. LIMITED First Mortgage 6% Bonds Due 1 November. I952 THE HARRIS ABATTOIR CO.. LIMITED First Mortgage 6% Bonds Due 1 July. I947 LAKE ST. JOHN POWER fr PAPER CO., LIMITED First Mortgage 6 1/2% Bonds Due I February, I947 1923 1926 Income . . . . . . .. $224,205.39 $156,457.97 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 621,520.52 297,223.37 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 469,635.00 222,557.00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 22,018.00 11,120.00 New Insurance Issued . $2,858,607 Insumnce in Force 8,053,164 _ ,-_ v_-.--.-av-v if ii Established I901 E. R. Wood, President Had Ofco: TORONTO. 26 Kins 3:. E. ` DISTRICT MANAGER HEAD OFFICE H. H. GRAY HAMILTON, ONT. Managing Director PRICE Consolidating Prots in Sound Investment Securities I02 I03 I00 I02 97 7 WINNIPEG VANCOUVER 5.77% 5.75% T` MONTREAL LONDON, ENG. 5.84% 5.50% YIELD soythesf. ' A ' Death of George Constable one 01. the most highly esteemed re- sidents or this community was remov- lJ\`I&i:iyt'ors during the week included Mrs. Bert Cunningham of the Soo; George, Fred and Bert Mulholland of Toronto with friends; Wm. Metcalfev of Ravanna. with his brother, John Metcalfe; Mr. and Mrs. Brown of Or- illia and Miss Brown of New York at Alex. Black's; Mrs.. Shaw of Thorn- ton, Mrs. Mcclain, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. ggsglemgnd family or Barrie `at Thos. was ween. V | The CJ.G.I.'1`.- were pleasantly enter- taindd by Mrs. Wilson Black at her home last Friday evening. The "Dav n`f.13r1iv'dr admins can uuuu: may r'r1ua.y evening. The` Day of` Pra`.'y`er service was observed in the United church on Friday afternoon. The suggested pro- gram was followed throughout and consisted of hymns, scripture readings and prayers for all branches of civil I and church life. Mr. nun: -Mr... A1.-- \v....u....----A_| an awuuw. I Mrs. Angus Wamica is visiting re- latives in Toronto. Mrs. H. J. Marquis attended the horticultural convention in Toronto last week. . Thn fififi douxup. 1.1-:-__L1.. -..J.-.. . I Ell ULILIIULI ILLU- Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Northgraves celebrated the fortieth anniversary of their wedding Tuesday, February 12. The wedding of their youngest daugh- ter took place the same day to Mr. Dudley Sale of Toronto, the marriage being solemnized by Rev. Sextus Stiles, rector of Church of the Epi- nhanv. 3II\T&% I Mr. and Mrs. Smythe visited friends in Creemore and Collingwood last week. `Alan and `IA ..- 1'1'-..-.--- -I-v.-_I_-_ -,, u Prenlhun Inconie .\sscts .. ... ... }{escrvc .. ... .. Interest .. WUUl\o Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hughes and family spent Sunday with Orillia friends. x . `fun Annnnuun 1l'1.......l.... 1- ...l_u..I_.__ _. .4.-anus.-.4: la JIIJLIICIJ I Engineer Patrick Delaney is recov- ering from a broken collar bone and other injuries sustained in an acci- dent at Martin s Siding, Monday last when his engine, on Train No. 44, piled into a van, the tail end of. a freight being pulled onto a siding, but which had not cleared the main line. The freight had been split, ow- ing to the grade and the second half was being taken away at the time of the crash. A brakeman had been sent back to flag the oncoming passenger train, but owing to a blinding snow- storm the crew did not see the signal luntil too late. None of the passen- gers were injured. The van was smashed to matchwood, but otherwise there was no damage. vaunu J. lllbll Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Smith, Caroline St., were bereaved on Tuesday, when their little daughter, Florence Alice Lucille. aged 2 years, 5 months and 6 days, passed away following an attack of measles a few days previous. Be- sides the parents, two other sisters survive. The funeral was held on Tuesday afternoon, Rev. Mr. Coulter officiating at the home and Rev. E. S. Clifton at the grave. Interment was made at Thornton. I.` _...:........ .1- 'I'__.1____-_1 I ucuuui iugc, :11 Du. The Ladies Aid of Burton Ave. United Church will hold a Maggie and Jiggs hot corn beef and cabbage supper, March 19, from 5.30 to 8.30. Program continuous throughout. Ev- erybody welcome. 35 Homes Quarantined Bbl In January 24 homes in Allandale were quarantined, 23 for measles and one for whooping cough. So far this month 35 homes, practically all in Ward Six, have been quarantined. There is one case of whooping cough, one of chicken pox and four of mumps. nun. nun m..l..... DUI} V ULIDlUI1o Mr. and Mrs. Leighton Moore re- turned on Tuesday from Toronto where Mrs. Moore had been in the hospital for several weeks. Mr. Moore leaves on Tuesday for his home in Lethbridge, Alta. Th Tarne Ail` (VF DIIVI"l\IA Atop. Clarence Riddell is in Ham11t5n this week attending the hardware dealers convention. 1\A's- on-.A `Mr..- 'r..:...L.A.-._ -.-_____ _,, *l0l1|l0I0I0I0I0I0I0I<>I0I0I0I0I1 H 1 mawmm&&&i&m& Engineer is Injured An... 1-;..4...a-1- 1-\_1___-_, . Little Child Taken . .1 a nu." -~- Paco Twelve STROUDJ ll... 1!... __LI- _ Cbh. Forty-nine years ago he married Miss Margaret Thomson. who survives with the following family: Mrs. F. C. Robinson, Stroud; J. Russell Constable, on the homestead: Mrs. F. K. Robert-I son, Cookstown: G. Harvey Constable. Lumby, B.C.; Wm. E. Constable, Sanc- tuary, Sask., and Mrs. R. G. King, Walters Falls, Ont. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. , - V.-. VI - vu sums`. -. -v..v-4 Deceased was born at Maple, Ont.. Nov. 30, 1850, and spent his first twenty years there, the remainder of his life being passed in Innisl, where he followed the vocation of agricul- ture, until he retired to Stroud 18 years ago. He was a life-long Presby- terian, and was honored with an eld- ership in the Craigvale church, con- tinuing as a member of the Session af- ter the Presbyterian church was built in this village. He was a Liberal, and though never active in politics 01. municipal affairs he was a diligent reader and close student, following` putblic affairs with an intelligent inter- es . '!I1ru-6-u vdnn ovnn-on l\t'l'I\ inn vvun-vuuinrl GUUILUIX UL uu. I The funeral took place on Feb. 18 to Sixth Line Cemetery. Services were taken by his minister, Rev. 'J. B. Thomson, assisted by Rev. E. M. Bur- gess of Bond Head and the pal1-bear- ers were R. A. Sutherland, John Cow- an, John Marshall, A. MacDonald. S. J. Reynolds and W. Webb. Friends were present from Toronto, Bond Head, Schomberg and Meaford and there were oral offerings from church, relatives and friends. .-- 1 .-.. ed by death on Feb. 16, 1929, in the, person of George Constable. Death was due to heart failure following an attack of flu. VT`!-\n Puumnu.-.1 4-nnlv vnnn Ass 'E1n\a 10 fax W.'_lj'.;_Ho_I1sbg_rger HUPMOBILE AND CHANDLER DEALER Phones: 563J-Barrie Hudson 2279W;, Toronto samavo 1926 ESSl;`._X COACH `$450. NEW DUCO ' 1927 Met. Chandler, 7-Pass. $1690. A BARGAIN 1927 OAKLAND COACH $800 cannot be told from new. 1927 Advanced Nash 7-Pass. Sedan only gone 7000 miles. $1550. 1928 Chandler Demonstrator Delux Model---cost $1670. . Sale Price $1300. 1925 _ Hqyp. SEDAN '\ , ,J FI`!,.__ ne Commonweaith Life That means an Early Spring and a Big Demand for these Good Used Cars: THE GROUND HOG- FAILED TO SEE HIS SHADOW Ne\.zvBL:c.o~::11:1n'iires $575 -_...___- ...._. .--.--.;-.,-\.z.- \/AAU\/I-JIJ Mrs. Geo. McCo;1l;ey opened her home to the February meeting of Col- lier St. Mission Circle last Wednesday. Joy was the theme of an inspiration- al worship service led by Miss Reta McKever. Mrs. Davey gave :1 most in- teresting report of the annual pres- byterial meeting held in Alliston. Mrs.| McCuaig, who was also a delegate, gave some impressions of the conven- tion. The primary importance of mis-` sionary enterprise was realized as con- ditions in Africa were pictured by Margaret Wallace in her talk on The B1acksmith s Hammer. IE. Constable arrived home from Sas--I katchewan in tlme for the funeral but? Harvey Constable was unable to be present. ' C0LLIER;I7`./1;IISSI0N CIRCLE `R... 1a.. v\v,1~u TORONTO, ST. THOMAS. WINDSOR, 'LOI\'DO.`\7 LINDSAY, KITCHENER, ORILLIA, PETERBORO Local Office: 12 Owen St. iii;-. Cuxnpzlny intend writing this year, upwards of five millions of new business. . - .3. J. MAnKs~_ MINING STOCK BROKERS n : BARRIE : Phone 1440 H. A. HENRY, Resident Manager Thursday, February 21, 192? `W. H. WARDROPE President ONT There is great satisfaction in the realization that whatever the change in market conditions you have an investment of long-term, income produc ing, first mortgage securities. For this purpose the senior" obligations of sound, wellvestablished Canadian companies are admirably suited. AND ACCIDENT INS URANCE COMPANY