Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 14 Feb 1929, p. 6

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IQE T :10. Ulu. CA'I`TLE-Holstein cow, rising 4 yrs., due May 2; white cow, due April 17; Holstein cow, rising 5 yrs., due May 20; heifer, rising 2 yrs. old; grade Jer- say, 10 yrs., due March 25; cow, rising 6 yrs.. milking, due July 15; cow, ris- ing 4 yrs.. due May 6; cow, rising 6 yrs. fresh last December; cow, rising 4 yrs.., due April 9; heifer, rising 3 yrs., fresh last Dec.: heifer, rising 3 yrs. due June 8; 2 calves. nrrze Ann 'Dr\1'TT 'T`DV_.D111~n hrnd ` uvvvyuvuu On motion of Peacock and Henry the collector was given until Mar. 4 to nish collection of taxes. I On motion. Ban ; Aim Martin. the iclerk was instructed to communicate ,with the Dept. of Education re pro- {posed new school section. A resolution was passed asking the Government to relieve the municipal- ity of the share allotted them for the up-keep of Provincial Highways and further assistance on township roads. at request of Ontario Roads Associa-] tion. 1 auA;. Finance Committee recommended payment of the following accounts: 0. R. Black, rent of hall, $2.00; W. B. Sloan, registering B. M. & D., $18.75; Municipal World, supplies. $45.06; D. `Barclay, 3 sheep killed ($51.00) and 2 injured ($4.00),_ $55.00. . `I31:-.11.-o-2...... .___ .1 uowu on Buvu uuuusnuaixn./U. The president was not able to at- tend so Mrs. Geo. Crawford took the chair. After the business was over the ladies listened to an interesting debate held by the Farmers Club. The subject was Resolved that a Home in the Country is a more Desir- able Place for a retired Farmer than a Home in the City. The affirmative side won. The hostess then served a delightful lunch. rrm- ..-..4. ....,.................. a- 4... 1... ...x-.....- I .u_y uu. vu \ xp`x.UU I ,_ aD:JU.UU. Following road accounts were pre- sented for payment: Geo. Richardson, $21100; Roy Jacks, $6.35; Geo. Ferrier, $5.00; Wm. Jacks, $1.25; M. Browning, $3.75; J. K. Irving, $14.00: S. Kell, $22.50; D. Ferrier, $2.00; J. Broome, $17.50: D. Clarke. $9.50: F. Webb, $29.00: H. B. Armstrong, $25.00; Geo. Arnold, $3.10; 0. R. Black. $27.72: W. Atkinson, $11.25; Thos. King, $3.50. A bylaw was passed appointing fence` viewers, sheep valuators and pound- keepers for 1929. Another bylaw was passed to provide for road expenditure for 1929. Oro Station Women s Institute The Oro Station Women s Institute and Farmers Club met at the home of Mrs. Archie Fletcher, Thursday, Feb. I7, with a good attendance. FF!-`A 'n..m-:A....4- ....... .....4. .L1.. L- -4. vuumban v; u: J\.lI.L\/LL: The next programme is to be given by Miss Irene Jones and Mrs. Mac. Elson. The meeting is to be held at the home of Mrs. George Pearsall. -u. quintu- Council adjourned to meet at Stroud, Monday, Mar. 4, 10.00 a.m. LIUIJQI I. Ell B- Regular motor tours will be es- tablished next Spring by the Santa Fe and Fred Harvey from E1 Tovar Hotel at Grand` Canyon. The undersigned has received instruc- tions from Tl-IE BARBIE. EXAMINER OR0 STATION V W. B. SLEJAN, Clerk. Remarkably ne winter weather again greeted vendors and buyers at Saturday's market and the attendance was unusually good for this time `of the year. Sleighing is reported excel- lent and a hall dozenvfarmers who use the Barrie-Orillia highway had no complaint to make on snowplowing when asked. One lady said she wished the authorities would take some step to have the mounds of snow thrown up by the plow at the intersections of the highway and sidelines removed. This is allowed to pile up all winter and the high ridge formed is not only annoying but dangerous. I` There was more wood oered than at any market this winter. Prices var- ied according to the size of the box load. Parsley, bunch .................................. .. 5c Potatoes, bag ...................................... .. 75c Beets, 6 qts. .................................. .. 20c Carrots, 6 qts. .................................. .. 25c Cauliower ................................. .. 10-20c Hubbard squash ...................... .. 15-25c Vegetable marrow .......................... .. 10c Green peppers, each ...................... .. 5c Chinese cabbage .......................... .. 5-15c Citrons .......................................... .. 5-10c Seed onions 6 qts. 40c, 11 qts. 75c Turnips, bag .................. .............. .. 75c Spinach, 6 qts. .......................... .. 15-20c Cordwood, cord .......................... .. $12.00 `Stove wood, load .......................... .. $8.00 Most people who suffer, either occa- sionally or chronically from gas, sour- ness and indigestion, have now discon- tinued disagreeable diets, patent foods and the use of harmful drugs, stomach tonics, medicines and articial diges- tants. and instead, following the advice so often given in these columns, take a fnnennnnfnl nr fnur fnhhaf: nf 'Ri:1'n~- SU ULLCH g1VCI1 111 uucbc cuiuiuub, ban: a teaspoonful or four tablets of Bisur- ated Magnesia in a little water afterw meals with the result that their stom- ach no longer troubles them, they are able to eat as they please and they en- joy much better health. Those who use Bisurated Magnesia never dread the approach of meal time because they know this_ wonderful anti-acid and food corrective, which can be obtained from any good drug store, will instantly neutralize the stomach acidity, sweeten the stomach, prevent food fermentation, and make digestion easy. Try` this plan yourself, but be certain to get Bisurated Magne- sia especially prepared for stomach use. c12 The hens are beginning to lay more generously, judging from the plentiful supply of eggs at the market. I` `ices ranged from 35 to 40 cents. T .tter, with the exception of a. few we .5, has remained at 45 cents all winter. Chick- ens were in popular demand at 33 and 35 cents. one lady had a. turkey. the only one at the market. A butcher bought it at 40 cents a pound, other- wise. she might have had to take it lhome. Terms of Sale-'--Turnips, grain and uh sums of $10.00 and under, cash: I over that amount 9 months credit will be given to parties furnishing approved joint nots. 6% per annum on for cash on credit sums. All will be sold without Much-meat was offered. Baby beef sold for 24 cents and fronts for 18 cents. Pork was 15 to 18 cents a lpound. The demand was slow. $%%$$%i%$%$%%$ g THEMARKETS g %$%&%$%%%&%%%%m mmu\mNmnummmm1 FURMMKEPHWMNE _ ....W, , Eggs, doz. .... .. Chickens, lb. Fowl, lb. ...... .. Cream. pint . Butter, lb. .... .. rzuuawxun uuvc nun: b11.lUb'I'B of their many friends in Minesing Station in the death of Mr. Johnston on Sunday, February 10, after a long illness which he bore very patiently. 1.1 - ....I up... -r-r__._.-__ up--r __._ L-__-| ____..--_ ___--- --.. ...,- .. . --_, ._......-..--..__, . Mr. and Mrs. Harvey McLean have returned from their honeymoon trip and are taking up residence 0 the groom's farm which was recently Wn- ed by John Maw of Minesing. `Km and `Run IN!-L- 1\-...l.. -..J.-..L-l_ -_. -, ..v.... .v...... --..---\....-- Mr. and Mrs. Otto Davis entertain- ed a number of their friends to a par- ty one evening last week when a good time was spent. Mr. and Mrs. Pat. Kavanagh are entertaining their friends also as the last party before the Lenten season commences which ends much of the entertainment for the remainder of the winter. The usual crowd from here were present at the Midhurst rink Saturday night to watch the game between the Shoe Factory of Barrie and Midhurst. It was a close game, the score being 4-2 in favor of Midhurst. MAGNESIA BEST FOR YOUR INDIGESTION Everyone Past Forty Should Make This Test No longer need folks near or past the prime of life put up with those painful and often embarrassing condi- tions brought on by overworked, slug- gish Kidneys, or Bladder Weakness with their distressing symptoms of Lameness, Pains in back and down through groins, scanty but frequent and burning urination, Getting-up- Nights," Nervous Irritability and lack of i'orce-beca.use 9. ten-days test of Dr. Southworth s URATABS will con- vince the most skeptical of the value or this special treatment of their par- ticular case. Annuals-nu nnlvnnvlnv ' AP Ehualnlnnn on-\Io\n.anr .., - --.-u -- the following: HORSES-Bay mare, 9 yrs., inxfoal Clyde; bay mare, 11 yrs., heavy; bay driver. 9 yrs. old; brown mare, 12 yrs. old, heavy. IWAVTVIVT Y2` `LYn]nl>n1'n run: 0 vvwn vni1Ir# uuuuu: 0336. Amazing testimony 01 Physicians and users gives convincing proof of the power or URATABS to restore Health and Strength to a weakened, inamed or irritated Bladder and Ur- inary Tract. A multitude of alarming symptoms seem to quickly disappear- and you see and feel a truly genuine improvement often within two or three days. No more Backaches, no more pain, no more embarrassment or Get- ting-up-Nights. I now. sleep soundly, and get up in the morning full of `pep, thanks` to URATABS!" Feb. 11--A popular pastime these fine nights is sleigh loads of young Deople taking in the hockey matches in the surrounding district. A load went to Barrie last Wednesday even- ing. Feb. 6, to the match between Camp Borden and Stayner. 1|.f..- 9-1. -r_I____L-_- __-_I A-.__1I__ _ For Amazing and Lasting Relief from Middle-Age Ailments That Cause Daily Annoyance and Sap Vital Force -..-__`. -..- ..v_- ...--.. -.....-.J--..- Mrs. John Johnston and family of Painswick have the sincere sympathy nf fhnhv rnanv `Fr-inn:-Tc in `l\/Hnncinrr vast-Qnnnhl vw wo While new to the general public, the wondrous value of URATABS has been thoroughly proven by nearly 40 years ofsuccessrul use in the private prac- tice of Dr. H. G. Southworth. And now any good druggist will supply them on a guarantee of satisfaction e or mone Kan`! Taco YYE L""AB `Alan `C B V T GUWVE" VA I .\r ~- MINESING STATION Poulfry, Butter and Eggs _,__ -n an 35-38-40c .M 32-35c ." 20-23c ......... H 30c .......... H 45c IIIIUUIE, IEIIIU. Money to 1oJ:st lowest rates or In- terest. 011199-13 Owen st.. in Mason- Viu, ALUG VJ . CA'I'I'LE--Ho1ntein cow, 8 yrs., milk- ing. in calf ;' Holstein cow, 5 yrs., milk- ing, in calf; Ayrshire heifer, 3 yrs., fresh,Apri1 15; red heifer, 3 yrs., due` March 10; Jersey heifer, 2 yrs. old, in calf; Jersey heifer, 2 yrs. old, in calf ; Ayrshire heifer. 2 yrs. old, in calf. W. A. Boys, K.O.. DLP. DI. I. G. TURNBULL Graduate McG111 University. Montreal. Office and Residence--Cor. Elizabeth and Brndford Streets. Phone 106. Office hours: I-10 s.m.. 1-I p.m., 7-8 pm. maa comm Barrister. Solicitor for obtaining probate of wills. guardianship and ntlrninlnh-ntlnn (Sonora! nllnlfnli, \JLllIiU""EIIlU- EH59`, O I-JI.I.LI.lU]I 90-, `own TO LOAN L. J. SIMPSON, M.B. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office sud Res1dence-Coll1er St. corner Owen, Barrie. Phone :75 DUNCAN F. McCUAIG. B.A. Successor to Oreswicke & Bell BARRISTER. SOLICITOR, mo. Money to loan. Ross Block, Barr! PLAXTON & PLAXTON BARRISTERB. SOLICITORS, LTO. Offices: Kent Building, 156 Ygnge St. Toronto, Ont. O. W. Plaxton, K.O. G. Gordon Plaxton, James O. Plaxton Herbert A. W. Plaxton, B.A. J. A. CORBETT NOTARY PUBLIC, Conveyancer in- cluding drawing of wills, deeds, ar- ranging of loans, etc. Insurance of all kinds. Executor, Administrator and "Hunt-`AA llunuqlnn ll-.l--l- xnuuuuu} Ph -clsn and Surgeon Office on Residence, 97 Elizabeth st. (Formerly Dr. A1-na.ll's Omce) Telephone 557 Office hours: 8-9.30 1-2.30 6-8.30 DIS. LITTLE & LITTLE Physicians and Surgeons. Barrio Office and Res.-47 Maple Ave. Office houra: 1 to 3 pm. 7 to 9 pm. or by appointment. Phone 213 A. '1'. Little, M.D. `W. C. Little, MB. PIGS AND SHEEP--Brood sow, due by sale; '7 Oxford ewes. ' `DINTTY 11113 X7 LY A `I A 'l\T`I'\ 'ETh17W 0 I: DB. W. A. LEWIS Surgery and Diseases of Women ' Associate Coroner County or Blmcoe _AnrI_ I13: '70 ll: IJIIIJIDIJLV Graduate of Toronto University Phone 61 Office-58 Collier 61:. Hours: I-9 e.m.. 12.30-3, 6.30-8 p.m. DR. AINSLIE P. ABDAGE SURGEON EYE, EAR, NOSE and THROAT May be consulted on nrst and third Saturdays or each month at Queen's Hotel, Barrie OAMIION & CAMERON BARRIBTIRB. SOLICITORS. ITO. Offices: Barrie and Orlllla. little: 5 Owen Street. Hklnnhnnn Ant! DR. N. W. ROGERS PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Special attention to obstetrics. Office and Residence: 50 Mary St. Phone 101 nn. FRED. A. Boss Formerly or Dru. Ross & Rosa Late Surgeon Specialist with the Imperial Army, 4% years. General Surgery and Obstetrics C--ugnln II- BADENHURST & HAMMOND 7 BA.RRIS'I'ERB, SOLICITORS, ETC. Masonic Temple Building, Barrie MONEY To LOAN E. H. CIESWICKE Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Ito. MONEY TO LOAN Eng: `Dinah `Dan-u-Ca DONALD ll`. MIOLABEN, n.A. BARRIBTER, SOLIcrI`oR, ETC. Masonic Temple Building, Barrie MONEY To LOAN IIUEIIULV IJULV IILVIIIXV Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. MONEY To LOAN Btu}: `DI.-uulp `Do.-`In HOUSEHOLD FURNI'I`URE--Coal oil stove and oven, Standard; Crown Jewel range; 2 tables: glass cupboard; 6 kitchen chairs; 2 iron beds and springs; chest of drawers; cook stove. Young people come in from all parts` of our province to take the place of graduiztes who go out into office positions through the Employment Department of Show ; Business Schools in Tor- onto. Why not take your turn? Free particulars on "request. W. R. Shaw, Registrar. Bay and Charles Streets, Toronto. DAY by BAY IJUI-IUIQI VJIJDUUUIIUU O1ce-160 Dunlop St`... Barrie none 710 P.O. Box 1078 llarri Barron . . Phone 180 ST- gsoun Annmjss IIIBUKCUIUIIQ 535851 51 DUI] O Nohry. Oonveyancer, etc n_.._E'IounIn EIAAB I I\IIn`InI\ aoinibit i;6iGMAN T wlnlunu AIInCI-n- \`I'1-xhnun-v 1 -uuu-- DI. W. H. CARSON 'IIQQ AC Vnunfn 'I'7v\ us. 5.1 vvnnwn Di`-Ilnivnvrvu-1 _- ..__v.. I Terms of Sale-Potatoes, poultry, feed. and all sums of $10.00 and un- der, cash; over that amount 9 months credit will be given to parties furnish- lng approved joint notes. 6% per an- num off for cash on credit sums. All will be sold without reserve. sale at 1 pm. W. A. Mcconkey, Auct DB. 0. A. ARNOTT (McG1l1) Ulluahulnvn nun. El-uvnnnu Ill-\IL`ll LKI I-l\l!l.L`l Ross Block. Barrie. 133 U IIWBII DIET` Telephone 406 MONEY To ` I018 O BOYS nlinll-Ala `NI :-ml-nun! MEDiICAL 32 IA\I-l.LAlL&IQ Ill. 3 V95 Ill Thornton, Ontarl nux I: Notaries Public. alal-1- 1'00 'i'ION8-We find that most at our ecribere prerer not to have their acriptione interrupted in one they to remit before expiration While ecriptione will not be carried in rear: over An extended period. yet, ieee we are notied to cancel. assume` the subscriber wiehee the Vice continued. REM1'1'1`ANO.B be made b registered letter. hili AD A Anita annals]: gh ug- uuynunduuurn thoPo|,BnrrIn.:b- Quick Pile Relief EDMUND HARDY, Mus. Bu, l'.'l`.O.I. Teacher of Plano, Organ, Voeu And Musical Theory Organist and Choirmaster 0! St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church. Gold Medalist Toronto Oonserntory of Music and University of Toronto. 113 Worsley 81:. Phone can auuumuu--Uuu'L'nAU1UIIB See us about those floors and Itha- tions. Phone 1154W or 9901!. DE. A. 8. BLACK Veterinarian end surgeon Overseas Service, Captain Imperial Army Veterinary Oorpl Three years post war practice! exper- ience in England and Scotland Office and Surgery: 48 Baytield 6!. Phone 811 lulu 10 IIIII own. ENGINEER - ontu-1o we nnrninlnn T and nrununu VICTORIAN ORDER OF NUISIS Barrie Branch Residence 78 Worsley 81:. Phone 5!! WELL BABY CLINIC . from 2 to 5 o'clock every Friday. Application for nurse : service: may be made direct or through doctor. Ivmuvu. lJll'Ll.".Bl`4.IJIJ C LAAVVLLI Chartered Acoountnnta Phone Main 5874, 59 Yonge. Toronhf B. J. Welch, O.A. G. D. Campbell, OJA. W. B. Hulbig, Production lngineor "I" `I! Tnmlmu (1 A I03!!!` 1!. SMITH IYESIGET SPECIALIST I3 Dlnlop 8t.-Phone B0. Hour: 9-! Saturdnys till 10 pm. JESSIE B. BBYSON Teacher of Plano, Organ, singing :11 Theoretical nuhinnta E` LUDUI-IUK w. rnsuu, urgan, 5111']!!! In all Theoretical aubjectl. Choir Director Central Unltcd Ohuroll `Dnnlln nu-anon-ad can Inn-ant- n._-._.. vuvu uucvvv; vcuuus umwu UDHIII Pupils prepared for Toronto Conserva- tory of music examinations. on (radon. special attention to A.T.O.M. work. Studio: 27 Bradford St. lulu The undersigned has received instruc- ions from J. B. CARRUTHERS - "At E. Qr. Lot 29, Con. 5, Essa (UTOPIA) to sell by public auction on VA!-LIJ QAVLILLVEIEJIW K1119` Dominion Land Survey 183 Blake 81).. Barrie. Pl "0 lie IH.l.'LVL`1'&IL` ' linen! Director and lnlnlnel Ambulance Service : Phone (I1 Limousine Hearse it dented Ger. Mary and Elizabeth Ste. lune FIJI BEMODELLING AND REPAIRING MINNIE MoKERNAN, 58 Small SI. WELCH. CAMPBELL & LAWLIB;` nhlifniol A nnnvuwulncnln vv. 9. xluuug, :'L UuuUI.a.lUu ILIERDCII T. E. Lawless, O.A. Manager Cost and Efficiency Dept. uvw vvu-vu, rInl\u\voo 1 Organist and Oholnnutor Collier Street United Church ` All grades of ORGAN, PIANO Ind ` THEORY! VOICE PRODUCTION ` and SINGING (all enmunmonn) 1 __..._.._._._ nan ._...__.__.- O DAL ll EJIUUIIUIUIIIIU 311181118. Speaking, I-ubnc Onion and Dramatic mrnrmuinn uungtug, Dpcunxug, runuu IJIIIIIT and Dramatic Expression For Interview and .terms. sum: 0 loss 8t., : Barrie : Phone I01 I own` my AND mdnr 47 lnnbeth St. : mum Ill c. G. smm & co.| The undersigned has received instruc- tions from V ---I-I-9 I-alas Inna the following: HORSES-Bay mare. 12 yrs. old: bay mare, rising` 7 yrs. old; chestnut mare, 10 yrs. old; Clyde gelding, ris- ing 4 yrs. old. nnwvwr m 1'_Yn1.-.0-n:.-. nnnv nloinn A In-c xuvur 1.". uuwneru grocery non) Chiropractors, Drugless Thenpull Spinal Adjustment and MIIIIIO Electric, Vibratory and Munotld Blanket Treatment: Patho-Neurometer Service Phone 405.! for appointment Us 5- C E. DUKNB (O 1". Dutch Oh;:.tnractors_ g;u:1 m's?& mm ...m.n" .31; '.7.'nn..'_'a.a IAIIIl.0NT-P0NlC nor wA'ri:T HEATING nma SCO'I'I"S BOOKSTORE W. J. RICHARDS A. 1:. PRINCE as oo. BUILDERS-O0N'I'RAO'1`OR-I 9 In about thmm nnnn and .15.. iorace Wilson, A.R.C.O. (Iran:-Ila} nnnl l'\IunI--.-.J... Ill? VI IICKUX Cot.1't:s'l;o Vocalist, ante:-ulna and Elocutloniat ll-nylon-n an.-...I-l-_ In..I.-n- r\...n.... ..{..[..o...,-. l'u-luau unnucnst.,.:nuouu IMPLEMENTS, ETC.-Deering bin- der, set harrows, Massey-Harris mow- er, hay rake, Frost 86 Wood cultivator, Massey-Harris hoe-drill, 11 hoes, set Batu sleighs, set long-tug harness. set single harness, quantity of turnips, quantity of oats, quantity of buck- wheat, also forks, chains, doubletrees and many other articles. | FUNERAL D'nu~:c'ron `NR VVIIJSDBIJ Ba Dlu.I{l.`II, U. RIGI8'1'ERED AROEITET Illallnnl (I-4- _l- Your READING noel: Are Well Supplied at ursday, Feb:-ax-y 14, 193! Established 1809 FUNIIAL DIIICTOII l!\'l'I'I Elli AI.Il'-Z M1scEu.AN9qs MUSIC LESSONS Buy Advertised Goods. CHIROPRACTIC Dr. Leonhardt s I-Iern-Roid is guar- unteed to banish any form of Pile misery, or money back. It gives quick action even in old. stubborn cases. Hem-Roid is 9. harmless tablet that re- nnniusu `\`l'|l\f` tifl in OPTOMETRIST VETERINARY ARCHITECT BUILDERS Q: WI o . que ?'y o`:' Phone 013 I'C30`I IIl C ZICCITIZIQ -2 V the following: EORSES-Ba.y team, well matched; gelding. 14-00 lbs. CATTLE--Black cow, 10 yrs., in calf ; grey cow. 5 yrs., in calf; red and white` cow, '7 yrs., in calf; red cow, 4 yrs., in cslf; black cow. due in June; yearling heifer; 2 yearling steers; 2 spring calves; brood sow. due in March. FARM? !TOCK A'N_D` EVIPLEMENTS Hem-Rom 18 8 nannies: mulch vuuu sv- moves blood congestion in the lower *bowel-the cause or piles. It brings Joyful relief quicklyand safely or costs nothing. Douglas Drug Store, Cross- le.nd's Drug store and drusslsts every- whergaeu it withthis guarantee. __V-,.- .__---- FARM. ESEOVCK AND IIVLPLEMENTS FAIH STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS V "0 r-"--- ---'- M6N3AY, FEBRUA-l_!_Ym18 fl-un Pnllnt-inn I Lot 10, Con. 8, Innisfil to sell by public auction on -q----can-s gun ----1-5 -- r at 1 pm. W. A. Mccqnkey, Auct.i Jll. UUC aunt: 0, a uwnvuo. PIGS AND POULTRY--Pure bred Yorkshire sow, due March 14; 8 pigs, 3 months old; 7 store pigs; 75 Barred Rock hens, 1 and 2 yrs.; 40 Barred Rock pullets. 1'1urn'r mxxmmmc uvrn __`nnm~in1:r hin- THURbAY, FEB. 21 Plan l-`nnu-rinrv - FRI:5A3?,mFEB." fhn l>`nHr....:....... _AUCT`9.1i*` .513!-P AUC'I_'I_0N SALE AUCTION SALE ._ ..._.A-.- guy.` -Q-nvwylnnu cEotEE_'13i13iRR\: in-I .n Hacfiiii 1 , - A 1` ""W'vW`.)o.;y\" . Q` \. _\._ f``` V\` Is Your Child Thin and Weak? zuiu. uiauy Ul;.I..|CJ. amuxpxco. Terms of Sa1e-Fowl, roots and all sums of $10.00 and under, cash; over that amount 10 months credit will be given to parties furnishing approved joint notes. Discount of 5% for cash on credit sums. Sale at 1 p.m. sharp J. M. Speers, Clerk. H. A. Grose, Auct. ROCK puuebs. IMPLEMENTS, ETC.-Deering bin- der: wood rack; Deering disc-drill, 13- disc; wagon and box; cutter; pig box; set disc-harrows, Cockshutt; set iron harrows: sulky rake, 12-ft... iron wheels; -sulky rake, 8-ft., wooden owheels; 2-furrow Fleury plow; No. 10 Verity walking plow: set sloop slelghs; llelotte cream separator. vvnnxfcc eat Annhln hnrnaer 5:91 . In just a few days-quicl:er than you ever dreamt of-these wonderful health building, esh creating tablets called McCoy s Cod Liver Extract Tablets" will start to help any thin, underweight little one. A1... ..:,.I.......-... nun! Juan 4-Rn McCoy's Tablets Pufs on Flesh and Builds Them Up ees 01 um: uumpauy. Regret was expressed at the passing of the Company's late President, H. Victor Cawthra, and satisfaction at 'the acceptance of the Presidency by Sir Robert Borden. who was one of the original directors of the Company. Reference was also made to the re- cent addition to the Board of Grant Hall, Vice-President of the Canadian Pacic Railway. A very greasy sink may be cleaned well and without loss of temper if dusted well with scouring powder and then sprinkled over with ammonia. A heavy rag and hot water will wipe out all grease and the ammonia will kill the nasty odor. yuxu unnu- IMPLEMENTS, ETC.--Massey-Har- ris binder, 6-ft. cut, nearly new; Frost & Wood mower, 5%-ft. cut; manure spreader, Cockshutt, nearly new: Mas- sey-I-Iarris seed-drill, 13 disc, nearly new: set drag harrows, 4 sections; _cul- tivator,'spring-tooth; Tudhope And- lerson walking plow, No. 51, new; tur- nip pulper; riding plow, Verity, nearly new; cutting box; rootscuffler; fan- ning-mill; set steel trucks; heavy wa- gon: set sloop sleighs: light delivery wagon: grain rack; 5 sling ropes; wheelbarrow; buggy; cutter; logging chain; 2 doz. grain bags; 2 sets dou- bletrees; 125 ft. draw rope; quantity good turnips: forks, shovels, chains and many other articles. I'I1m..~..- AF Qt-:1n4_Ti1r\1I71 vnnfc and 911 lllllile 0118. After s1ckness and when the children: are exceedingly puny they are especially valuable. A nvnvv \NTnrH1 and Rnnth AW!- VU IDJ.,UO,U1O. A bylaw was passed providing for a staff pension and insurance fund for the benet of salaried ofice _employ- ees of the Company. Pnarnf nmc'nvnw:accnr1 of Han nocaina the following: HOR.SES- Brown horse, rising 4 I yrs. old; bay horse, 8 yrs. old; brown mare 11 yrs., supposed in foal; bay mare, 7 yrs., G.P.; grey horse, 9 yrs. old, Percheron; bay mare, 10 yrs., in foal to Rosador Surprise; bay mare, I rising 3 yrs., roadster, sire Aldino; bay ` -u---an`--n-I'|Jun,|Jo colt, 2 yrs. old, G.P.; bay mare, 10 yrs. old, Agr.; bay colt, rising 1 year, Hackney. 'l'_`l I\`l3'kT1I`EG GAL Innnluuu Lam--- .-.:J.1- are eSpeClauy vaxuuuxc. All over North and South Am- erica and even in Great Britain and Australia tens of thousandis of skinny run down men and women have put their faith in McCoy s--- and have n~ot'been disappointed. 111.... Ll.neu\ nynnrlnm-P11` +G"|`ll+G `A1 The director's report of the Crown Life Insurance Co._ presented by Gen- eral Manager` I-I. R.'Stephenson, at the annual ' meeting showed that the Crown Life has had another banner year. Insurance in force had reached and passed well beyond the hundred million mark, growing from $87,877.013 to $105,705,236, an increase of 20 `per cent., new policies issued totalling 29,613,383. Assets had grown from 10,383,194 to $12,277,544. The aver- age rate of interest realized on invest- ed assets was 6.43 per cent., total in- . come including both premiums and in- terest being $4,033.127. The excellent condition of all investments was in- dicated by the small amount of inter- est due and unpaid--about one-fiftieth of one per cent. of all invested assets. I-\__-.___._A... 1.-- __-__. _I.' .1--LI. -I-.l..... V \;n.n-..rn\\Jn_. 1. n.41\|\ I. | W. Half Lot 24, Can. 3, Essa` (THE CLEARY FARM) to sell by public auction on -w-...-. - _- __._ Payments by way of death claims were slightly lower, representing a dis- tinctly more favorable mortality rate, having regard to the increased number of policyholders. Total payments to policyholders and "beneciaries _a- mounted to $1,028,518. An amount of $1,642.062 was added to the policy- holders` reserve, bringing the total statutory reserve to $10,537,135. In addition, the surplus funds for policy- lholders dividends had been increased Ito $12o3,o13. A 1 kvvlnuv nynzv run:-any-I nnnvvi:-Iinn 4-`nu n I ____ -- -- l ` The undersigned has received instruc- tions from 1 HARNESS-Set heavy harness with breeching`; set heavy harness; 6 col- lars; set single harness. | CATTLE-Ho1stein cow, 5 yrs., due Mar. 28; Holstein cow, 6 yrs., due Mar. 23; Ayrshire cow, 7 yrs., due Aug. 25; Holstein cow, 6 yrs. old, milk- ing; Holstein cow, 3 yrs. old, fresh; red cow, 5 yrs. old, due May 14; hei- fer calf, 5 months old; bull calf, 8 : months old. v-vrt-4:-4 navy` 1-uruvvvv vv-.,v,,I, 9, All\l&AVA5L) v PIGS AND FOWL--Yorkshire sow, due in March; 2 Yorkshire sows, due Feb. 15; 4 store pigs, about 100 lbs. each; 6 pigs, 80 lbs. each;'6 pigs, 60 libs. each: 2 ducks, pure bred; drake, I pure bred. 'I 1\ll"EIT 'l'.'|1\Il"!2\\Yr'l'!C Iflrnt It . ~ . A -. VT-.. 8.110. nave Il'UL uccu u,laappUuucu. `Try these wonderful tablets for 30 days and if your frail, sickly child d-osen t greatly` benet you get your money back. Acb `nnntrlae nrlia Stnrn nr anv CROWN um: sHows SUBSTANTIAL GAIN get your uluucy uaun. Ask Douglas Drug Store or any drruggist for tMcCoy s .Cod- Liver Extract; Tablets---as easy to tak as candy and 60 tablets, 60 cent: --Econom,v size. $1.00 I `Th; 1.1mm. T _th-at'Relieves Al` I Ailrnents. 7- can : Q has nnana FARM STOCi{ AND IMPLEMENTS At Lot 1, Con. 5, Innisfil (One Mile South of Thornton) to sell by public auction on uexowe crealu scpzuuuux. HARNESS-Set double harness; set dngle harness. 'nr\rr|Av'rIt\`I:`Q Ann 1iImmn._5n hams wE15i\tEsIi5}s3r,"i5:Ei. Eb fhn {-'nnun'v\n- - Use Examiner Classified Advts, ' FOR lNFLU_E1_ZA_ MA'I."VIi"ll:l'1?-5/'-._l-3l':'._LL_ CREDIT SALE runlxruwr - nv-x -- -.._ _._ Feb. 11-There was a fair attend- ance at both churches on "Sunday evening last. In the United church the quartette from Guthrie favored.` the congregation with two selections. The last, God Will Take Care of You, was particularly appreciated. Mrs. A. G. Muir and Mrs. J. D. Gil- christ, Mr. McKay and Wilbert Stod- dart constituted the quartette. George Brooks and helpers have started to fill the numerous ice hous- Good catches of fish from over a dozen shanties are reported. ' Old saw-logging days are recalled by seeing the large quantity of logs being brought from Crown Hill and lling the station yard. The rest are dumped in a nearby field. They are elm and of a good quality from the bush of E. C. Drury. Their destination is an Oakville basket factory. an vanuu. Auv LIJL Inn: ouuuucx. Lloyd Sawyer has resumed his posi- tion in Stroud Bank after three weeks. holidays with his parents and friends.i IMPLEMENTS, E'I`C.-Deering bin- der. 6-ft. cut; spring-tooth cultivator; Deerlng disc-dri1l; 2 cutters; Verity 2-furrow riding plow; 2 walking plows, Wilkinson No. 4; 2 sets drag harrows; gang plow; root scuffler; wa- gon gear; 2 buggies; root pulper; hay rack; Chatharn fanning mill; set Chatham scales, 2000 lbs.; set disc harrows; gravel box; set double disc hm-rows; Ford touring car; hay rake, 10-ft.: wheelbarrow; 2 set chime bells; 63-ft. hay fork rope. new; set sling ropes. new; stoneboat; Beatty car for wood track, new; 2 sets heavy har- ness: 2 set single harness; 4 horse col- lars; 2 doz. grain bags; De Laval cream separator`; also forks, chains, double- trees and many other articles. -~-~ r-- ---v- ----v- ---'-------| Quite a. number from here took in: the play at Churchill on Friday nightl last which was given under the aus- pices of the Junior Institute. Fr...-\ .'...-. 1...........a. .4. 15.11. m'.-.....a. .1- In the middle of March, 1928, a motor colossus on ten wheels, dragging behind it a sturdy trailer, roared smoothly into the Santa Fe freight yard at Flagstaff, Arizona; swallowed fteen tons of structural steel, and then headed away into the northeast on the first of many journeys that were to mean much to travelers from every corner of the world. |&&mm&&mmw&&m$j Aaau avvvaav Luisa. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Clarkson visited at T. A. Sawyer s. ' `Hove Ahsv A:-Insane in uoh-(I-C-um Inn.- nun. Lnusqnu ua. 4.11.10. UULI-Ll vvcuta/uc. Mr. and Mrs. Montgomery enter- tained a number of their` friends last Friday to a. euchre party. ` - I`, `D `IRA? nnnnn has nasal-Ag] 1-8.. gJl\.I\aIJ UL ULID U EALIJUL 113 ldlllllllco The ice harvest at Belle Ewart is going to be short this season. Only one company is operating and it ex- pects to be finished this week. The person who wrote last week of Mrs. J. Brown spending the week-end at Cookstown was in error as Mrs. Brown w s in Toronto. rn1_-_._ __,__ _.__Lv-,__ _1_-A-__._ 3,, .__- Gordon Grose is on the sick list. V U I. Nelson spent the week-end [in Toronto. ' ' Al vv_..: 1-:u_-I.__. .1- ..__--__,.x,,_ L V5 \I&AlI\lu Harry Fischer is recovering after his recent fall. It. .;...1 II'.._ 15...! Iu1-..I_..-.. _.1-xL_,I lglc uurucba. POTATOES AND FEED-50 bags Dooley and Green Mountain potatoes; quantity sweet clover ha,y; quantity of cats: number Chinchilla rabbits and hutches; forks. chains, whlfetrees, pulleys, other numerous articles. ---...._- -1 n-1,. Ia..6..0-nan nnuli-ru L59. (nun. liuauln L VABLIIIJI5 LIVLI da.`1'1ghter in Toronto. . Mr. Campbell of Toronto spent Sun- day at D. E. Ha.mer s. ` A`v-rsn `!Yknv| In unnnvvnuionn AG`-nu Inn \lIJlJ II If: I3: JJGILIICL Us Alrna Whan is recovering after be- ing sick with pneumonia. Tnhn `I'.'l'nv\I-or AF Ci-9-Anal nkinnnd an 1:15 ouun ways: yxncuaxxubua. John Hunter of Stroud shipped a carload _of clover seed on Friday. Thu `I7R' mi vnnnf nu `Eh-irlnu n4- Una; luau _vI. DAV VISL DCFI-A uu J.` L Auay . The W.M.S. will meet on Friday at the home of Mrs. John Wallace. 11.. .......1 1:..- -nu-....a...-.._-...- __.;__._ .n.auvvL:. vvu.u IAL .a.u.n.\.u.;vu. There was another shower in con- nection with the marriage of Walter Palk and Miss Mildred Reynolds of Edgar. It was held at the home of Mrs. James Hart on Tuesday evening last week. The whole -neighborhood, both sides of the village and also vil- lagers as well, numbering over fifty. A good sociable time was spent in games and social chat. The gifts to the bride and groom were numerous and very timely and practical for two launching out into married life. All hope they may live long to use so many useful things. A very fine lunch was served at the close and every- ` body seemed glad of the opportunity of the social gathering. The huge truck ended this rst of four months continuous jour- neys at a mushroom growth of white tents and frame buildings 130 miles from Flagstaff. A few yards away a dull-red chasm split the earth. At the bottom snarled a leaping chocolate river. Beyond rose the yellow and green tinted talus of the Vermlllion Cliffs. Here in the Navajo Indian Country of northeastern Arizona, at the north- ern tip of the Painted Desert, and in a setting of amazing grandeur. was the one point in nearly 600 miles where engineers had decided that the greatest natural travel barrier on the continent could he bridged, ' That barrier is the Colorado river nroper, born deep in southeastern Utah, at the junction of the Green and the Grand, and owing thence through Cataract, Glen, Marble and Grand Canyons-the most stu- pendous series of gorges on the globe. Until this year it has been unbridged for vehicles from Green River, Utah, to Topoc, 600 miles below on the western border` of Arizona. There have been, and are, only a couple or vehicular ferries. and these uncertain-at best, and often dangerous and abandoned. * Arizona Completes the World ; L Highest Highway Bridge Use Examiner Classified Advts. . 5`i1`.'T X351 Ivy uca1\.., c \J(sLuL\A uvvuu. POULTRY, HAY AND FEED-25 hens, 2 ducks, drake; quantity of hay, about 100 bus. oats. 'l`I rrrv ~r.~r1rv111Yr11no V-annri I-\_.___.1___ I_:.- S;mta'Fe By. Photo World's Highest Highway B:-idge-Arizona. own In Communications and accounts were read from the following: Hon. Geo. S. Henry, Salvation Army, Hospital for Sick Children, Ontario Municipal As- sociation, Ontario Township Roads As- zsociation, Ontario Tractor Co., the Pedlar People, A. E. Wilson 85 Co., F. H. Gooch, A. G. Ardagh, Sawyer-Mas- sey Co., J. E. Hodgson and R. A. Suth- erland. On motion referred to their respective committees. on ,motion, $15.00 was given Bain Stewart, Alliston, to help def1_'ay ex- penses of short course at Cookstown, January 1929; also $15.00 each to Stroud and `Churchill libraries. The S. Reive and R. W. Redfern, presented their renort and on motion of Henry and Martin it was accepted. I (`ha -and-1.... A: ~n-----I_ -.._1 v-----r-- It is seven miles below old Lee`: Ferry that the new bridge, rightly to be called the Lee's Ferry Bridge, conquers the hidden river in the world s highest span. Beneath it, in Marble Canyon, the Colorado races through a rock slot with sheer limestone walls nearly 500 feet high-and only 585 feet from rim to rim. All through 1928 work on the bridge has continued. 'l"|n`..~ hnnnmknun I-kn Tnn n Fnrww UIJ IJIC UIIUSC Ill-KB l..\JLlI.ll.l\lU\l This December the Lee s Ferry Bridge will be an accomplished fact, its 18-foot reinforced concrete roadway, with steel and concrete curbs, sweeping-above the brown churn of the Colorado at a height of 465 feet. , -1,1. <(\1\I\ A,u_,,,_ 1---! V1. 101) LDC! On June 1st, 1929, Arizona local and state bodies, the National Park Service, the Indian Department and the Santa Fe Railway invite the world to a unique dedication en- campment and celebration at the Marbles Canyon site. ` 5 To engineers the Lee's Ferry Bridge is another milestone in the conquest of natural obstacles. To travelers it is the key to connected exploration of the hitherto divided portions of our wonder-lled South- west. The manifold fascinations of the Spanish and Pueblo cultures in New Mexico; the Navajo and Hopi Country; the endless attractions of northern Arizona; the Painted Des- ert and the south -rim of the Grand Canyon-all these will now be di- rectly connected with the north rim of the great Canyon, the Kaibab Forest, and Bryce and Zion Na- tional Park. TIA.-.-IA.. .__-L-._ I._..'.... _III L. .. 1 ISI-`II. ASKS To BE j % EVED or UPKEEP PROVINCIAL HIGHWAYS Innisl Township Council net in the Community Hall, Stroud, on Mon_- day, Feb. 4, with all the members pre- anni- Terms of Sa.le-Hay, grain, fowl and` all sums of $10.00 and under, cashi` over that amount 8 months credit will be given to parties furnishing approv- ed joint notes. 6% per annum off for oash on credit sum.-. All will be sold wimout reserve. Sale at 1 pm. W. A. Mcconkcy, Auct.

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