`AT 38 SMALL 8'1`. we knit to order snort stookinas. all kinds. I-Innkcvv Itocldmrs and sweaters remu-ed. Men's work socks and mitts. children's needs annulled in wood wearing yarn. Gener- al fnotinw fqr. youm: and o1d.TGond almnlr `innit .1 Dlntf. Ema, 2. !!! OI UQBEHO HF rarry 3011110.. WEEKS 8: mrrr. Parry Sound, Ont., ` _ solicitors for the Pla.1nt1!t..5-ob Thursday. the 24th day of January, A.D. 1929 BETWEEN MARK ROGERS, Plaintiff, and O. W. QUANTZ, Defendant Upon the Application of the Plain- tiff and on hearing the Solicitor for the Applicant and upon reading the Affidavit of Mark Rogers and John Roland Hett filed herein. 1. It is ordered that service upon the Defendant of the Writ of Sum- mons` and Statement of Claim in this action by publishing this order, to- gether with the notice thereon endors- ed, in the next two consecutive weekly issues of The Barrie Examiner news- paper `published in the Town of Bar-' rie, County of Simcoe, be deemed good and sufficient service of said Writ and Statement of Clainf. 0 And N in cunl-bun. m.A.......: n....4. u.- VVIJII auu DUGUUIIIULIII UL Ulllllu 2. And. it is further ordered that the said Defendant do enter an Appear- ance and file his Statement of De- fence to the said Writ of Summons in the Local Registrar's Office in the Court` House at Parry Sound in the District of Parry Sound on or before the 19th day of February, A.D. 1929. F. R. POWELL, Local Judge of the Supreme Court of Ontario at Parry Sound. Entered in Order Bk. F. '78,` Jan. 24, 1929.-F. T, D311`. Dated January 19, 1929 uaya ULIUI. CU/1 DUK- Further particulars will be made known at the time of sale and in the meantime may be learned upon appli- cation to the undersigned. STEWART & STEWART, Solicitors for the Mortgagee, Barrie, Ont. `nntprl Jnnnnv-v 10 1090 4.6:. muuaucu nuJu.L:c11h uu .L'J.Uu_y push ULHUU. Said property will be offered for sale subject to a reserve bid. Tn:-rnc' Tan now nnn+ nf` fho.r\11w4 ncuc DHUJCUU DU 11 LCDCIVC Ulblu _ Terms: Ten per cent. of the pur- chase money to be paid on the day of sale`and the balance Within thirty days thereafter. W'In-f`11cn- nnvIf{n11'Iov:- 11111? `An van.-7n J.L1l.J..lDJ.J..l. ' There is said to be erected on -the said lands a good one and one-half storey concrete residence, and good barn. The said lands are excellently situated adjacent to Holly post office. Said nrnnnrtv will has n'FFr.\r nr1 fnr uzuuua auu. yl.'l':l.lHbUD The South-west quarter of lot num- ber three (3) in the eleventh (11) concession of the said Township of Innisfil. "`1`\t\1n1\ -In .-"~34 J-A I... ........J-....'l .... LL- DRESSMAKING and plain sewing done, children's clothing and remakes. Mrs. Rlttenhouse, 73 Tiffln St., Allan- dale. A 6-7p of Valuable Farm Property in the Township of Innisfil, in the Coun- ty of Simcoe. UNDER and by virtue of the powers of sale contained in a certain mort- gage, which will be produced at the time of sale, there will be offered for sale by public auction at the Queen's Hotel, Barrie, by W. A. Mcconkey, Auctioneer, on Saturday ,February 16, 1929, at 12 o clock noon, the following lands and premises: " 'T`hn .Qnni'h-urncI', nnnrhar nf` Inf rn1I~\_ NOTICE is hereby given that a By-law was passed by the Councilof the Cor- poration of the County of Simcoe on the 25th day of January, 1929, pro- viding for the guaranteeing of pay- ment by the County of Simcoe of the debentures of the Township of Tecum- seth to the extent of $39,375.20 for drainage purposes, to be issued pur- suant to By-law No. 627 of the Township, and that such by- law was registered in the Registry Of- fice for the Registry Divisionof the County of Simcoe on January 31st, 1929, 1067- Any motion to quash or set aside the same or any part thereof, must be made within three months after the first publication of this notice and cannot be made thereafter. Dated the 31st day of January, 1929 J. T. SIMPSON, 5-8b County Clerk, County of Simcoe \JU U11` 1929. Avu Duuict uwt: uuuUs, ucwiy-usu-JG, I01` ren Have tenants ready for several medium rents west of Bradford St. . Insure Fire, Plate Glass, Automobile with us. 6b Two heated apartments, three and four rnnmc 1-.n rant-. .1.` utuxaucu uuusc wmlwu [:0 rem, I01` three people. Two fa.rms and two nice properties on edge of town, to trade for Toronto properties. Several good properties, suitable for chicken ranches, just within town limits, good houses and buildings, for sale. City house to trade for Barrie property some nice houses, newly-listed, for rent... .-v'd `3 5" -_`,I"'-WI Local Judge of th esupreme Court nf Ontario 111'. Dan-v Qnnnd J. wu ucuucu. upul. uuzcuw, uurcc anu IUUI` rooms, to rent. Newly-decorated flat to rent. Furnished house wanted to rent, for` Hm 1-no nnnn`l A niuunv A Q Oirllil} : Thursday, Feb. 14--W. A. Galloway, lot 13, con. 9, Innisfil- farm stock and implements. Sale at 1 -p.m. W. A. Mcconkey, Auct. 5-6x Friday, Feb. 15-Harry Averill, lot 17, con. 3, Innisl-farm stock and im-- plements. Sale at 1,p.m. W. A. Mc- Conkey, Auct. 5-6x Monday, February 18-.--J. B. Carruth-. ers, east quarter lot 29, con. 5, Essa -farm stock and implements. Sale at 1 pm. W. A. Mcconkey, Auc_- tioneer. . 6-7b Thursday, February 21-Hector Grant, lot 10, con. 8, Innisfil--farm stock and implements. Sale at 1 p.m. W. A. Mcconkey, Auct. ' 6-7b Friday, February 22--George Perry, west half ldt 24, con. 3, Essa--farm stock and implements. Sale at 1 p. In. W. A. Mcconkey, Auct. 6-8b RADIOS--All makes. repaired, lowest prices. Work guaranteed. Apply E. Pearson, Thornton. Phone W. E. Pear- son. Ivy. 5-6p HIS HONOUR JUDGE POWELL, , Local Judge in Chambers Barrie? Real Estat_e Office) `In the Supreme Court of Ontario .n\raa'-Vl `\rll('II\\JI-I A 1235::-old boy will appear in `Barrie police court Saturday morning on an unusual charge, that of holding up and robbing another lad ,a few years younger. Last Friday night a boy named Ashbury was sent to a drug store with a $5 bill for a bottle of med- icine. He was proceeding home on Bayfield St. with the medicine and $4 change when accosted by the accus- ed boy with the demand to hand over the money. Refusing, he was thrown in the snow and his pockets rifled. The perpetrator was later found in the pic- ture show by the police with $3.75 change. He is said to have confessed. 12-YEAR-OLD. BOY~ TIN HOLD-UP CHARGE A 1 0_I1lI$_l\`A Inna. -cull! ...... -I- Order for Slibstitution of Service and Notice Notice of Registration of By-law No. 1688 MORTGAGE SALE -515 `(5I:;; PIL`_I?."I:(3'I:I'ST.` VI-I30 U} 088 ct:aupn:uu= IJUHI-`Ii r t}ta.r1o at Parry Sound. LET OR SALE-A young part Holstein and part Durham cow, 5 years old, due _to freshen next; week. This is a very heavy milch cow. Apply to 206 Brad- ford St. Phone 420. 6b CREDIT L_ES or `Chain. 1 A ll- 4-6b `no `In lllrllilioi Mr. Tarn-c-1 Mrs. ,A1la.n D. Bell wish to thank their many friends and neighbors for their kindness shown them during their recent sad bereave- ment. ' - 6p . ugwyn 1 at-u._.I:. Wednesday, February 20 -- Matthew Bell, lot 1, con. 5, Innisl, (one mile south of Thornton) --fa.rm stock and imnlemantn, Rah: Al`. 1 Iain shown WRIGHT-In affectionate remem- brance of my dearly beloved hus- band, Harry Woodrow Wright, who departed this life February 6, 1925. , Forever with the Lord.` 6p -I-Iis loving Wire KEAST-In loving remembrance of Leslie Ellsworth Keast who fell asleep in Jesus, Feb. 9, 1922. Oh speak not of the love that soothed or falters, Oh tell us not of idle vain regrets, Wemiss him as the earth would miss thn gnngh-Inn luuus--u1 wvuzg memory 0]: my dear husband, John Muir, who was called home Feb. 10, 1926. He bade no one a last farewell, He said good-bye to none, The heavenly gates were opened wide, A loving voice said come. vvqnuaa uuu us hue earnn woum m1ss the sunshine, We loved him and our `hearts can nn nr fnrmaf. vn: auvcu. uuu uuu uur nearus can ne'er forget. 6b -Ever remembered by Family. MUIR--I_n loving memory of my dear husband. Jnhn Muir, who was nnllm-`I ........ F R SALE--20 well bred Oxford sheep; also pigs. all ages. Apply Ward Goodfellow, Stroud, Ont. telephone 11r31. 1-6p COLE-In loving memory of Sylves- ter Cole who denartc-r1 thin Hf: `mph WALKER-GLEASON-At Our Lady of Lourdes Church, Jan. 19, 1929, by the Rev. Father Webster, Miss Margaret Ann Gleason, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gleason of Napanee to Jas. Andrew Walker, son of S. C. and the late Mrs. Walker -of Barrie. FOSTER--On Thursday, Jan. 31, 1929, to Mr. and Mrst. Gordon Foster, 20 Ross St., Barrie, twin girls. HUNTER-In the Royal Victoria Hos- pital, Barrie, on Saturday, Feb. 2, 1929, to Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Hun- ter, 87 Essa Road, Allandale, a. son. GIBBONS--In Allandale, Thursday, Feb. 7. 1929, to Mr. and Mrs. John T, Faun `DAQH a (stun umnu saw; v IUD: DU The hostesses for the Costume Bal being held Feb. 14 in Oddfellows Temple under the auspices of the Bar- rie Theatre Guild will be Mrs. E. Har- greaves, convenor of the, costume group, Mrs. Horace Wilson, Mrs. B. L. Stavert and Miss Rhoda Young, sec- ond vice-president. The ball will be formally opened at 9.30 with the grand parade. The minuet will follow, danc- ed by Misses Louise Hurlburt, Nancy Hargreaves, Evelyn Clemens, Sadie Bremner, Ruby Wiles. Isabell Turn- bull, Grace Goring and Helen Luck. -Week-end specials at Frank Can-_ cilla. s Fruit Store-Head lettuce, 3 for 25c; spinach, 2 lbs. for 25; celery hearts, 20c a. bunch; oranges, juicy and sweet, 3 doz. for 50c; large grape- fruit, 4 for 25c; grapes, 20c a 1b.; lem- ons, 15c a, doz. Phone 130 for quality and service. 6b '1"!-an `an.-Annnn J... u... r~-_4..._-_- -n- um... DU Maurice Reynolds} son of Samuel Reynolds, con. 12, Innlsl, had his right leg broken between knee and ankle while tobogganing last Satur- day. He was brought to the R. V. Hos- pital where his injuries were attended by Dr. Turnbull. On Monday he was removed to his home. ",l\1n`- ..._A ....__.l-I_ ,1 on 1 - ... . an. .n..Iu HAD- -,-Ladies! Have your corsets or cor- selettes made to your individual mea- surements for solid comfort and per- fect health, or if you require a sur- gical garment or inner belt. phone or write, Mrs. Amy Simmons, 76 Small St., Barrie, telephone 707. Btfb -Extra specia.l-large grapefruit, reg. 2 for 25c.,_ 3 for 25c. We have a good assortment of oranges-week- end_ special, 3 doz. for 40c. Before you buy your fruit come in and look our prices and `quality over. Barrie Fruit Market. John Saso and Sons. Phone 6b '|\:foI1vI1nn 13nuo-.n`lA- .j..... -1! N------ -an an; waxu LVLQLULI Mrs. James Wright, 105 Mulcaster St., tripped and fell in her home on Tuesday night, breaking her left fore- arm. The injury was X-Rayed at the R. V. Hospital and the fracture set by Dr. W. A. Lewis. -On Sale--Work shirts, at a dis- count of 25 per cent. These shirts are travellers `samples. Will be sold cheap while they 1ast,.at Stephens Clothing Store. ` ' 6b Reeve Creswicke and Deputy-Reeves Knight and Rogers will attend the Good Roads Convention as delegates from Barrie in Toronto on February 27-28 and March 1. TIA ...-. 7-...-- vrv__.1_LL IAF .. n \I ..... vuuuq uA5uu -On_ Sale--All our guaranteed gray and blue imported worsted suits, at a discount of 10 per cent. At Stephens Clothing Store, Five Points. 6b -Special display of Sapera Dress- ' es Friday afternoon 1 to 4 o'clock. All new spring models, a. size and style to suit everyone, at S. W. Moore s. 6b r\.. ,1 TWELVE PIGS for sale, weighing 80 pounds. Apply to H. J.McKee, corn- er of Steel Street and Duckworth St`... Barrie. 6p uuyacsucuua. Dull: u H. A. , Groqe, Auct. \.u.As.nuua aanu II. S. 1.1. LVLELUUIIISUII WU the spoons at the inter-club bonspiel on Monday night. _.{'\r\ Quin A1! ......... -._a.--.I ----- .....u 4;: ausulsuu uuuay uuu DULHUIIUW. t-Neil Yellowlees. piano tuner, will be in Barrie about Feb. 11. Orders may be left at J. G. Keenan's Music Store. _ ~ 6b -We have certied government in- spected seed potatoes 80c per bag. Phone 341 for prompt delivery. John Saso and Sons. 6b D. F. MacLaren, F. Simon, W. D. G-riifh and A `III A `Mr.-.`l............... ....... .4. a.. a.u.awuucu, 1:. ouuuu, W. U. lerimth and A. F. A. Malcomson won Hm: cnnnnn .-.4- M..- ..4..... ..1..u_ u.-..-...:-v -B.C. salmon, 15c a lb.,- at Cancll- la'.s Fruit Store. Phone 130. ` 6b `-selllng all winter overcoats at a discount of 15 per cent. at Stephens Clothing Store. 6b -'4-Extra large bananas, 40c and 30 a doz. John Saso and Sons. Phone 341. ' 6b -only three days more to take ad- vantage of the sale offerings at The Mary Payne shop. 6b -See Cinderella O Rei1ly, St. Mary s Parish Hall, Feb. 11 and 12. Admission 25 and 10 cents. 6b -Buy marmalade oranges now. The season is short and quantity limited. John Saso and Sons. Phone 341. 6b AThe R. V. Hospital has been very busy during the past few weeks, the average of patients being over 45. Thn nnrnIa`| vnnnl--Inn -4! 4-1... r\...a.-..:.. no 1 Va :5 ua. ya ucuua ucuxg UVUIC `3. The annual meeting of the Ontario Provincial Fairs Association is being held in Toronto today and tomorrow. _.'l\Tnil Vn1lnm1nne ml...-... 5...... ....n1 :\J1..u:r-1.11 xuvuxg memory 01 sywes-a ter Cole who departed this life Feb 10, 1928. TI fem. 127...: ......a A-...n-. Jicu. a. umu, w J.v.|.r. anu M.rS. JO T. Gibbons, 60 Essa. Road, a. son. |m&&%m$$mimmmi &&&ww&m$mm1im] .._. ELL-BRED JERSEY COW for sale; freshened Feb. 1st, rising five years old. Apply at Examiner Office. 6b CARD or 'rHANll: n and fan A11-.. I\ 15.11 'I'l-IE BARRl_E EXAMINER IN MEMORIAM MARRIED -Son Ward and family '-:&:;dlv3r' -1.1-1I`Jsed by Wife BORN I} *llI.l'lIl 3501 at 1 pm. Ir ONE BRONZE GOBBLER, two turkey hens and pair of ducks for sale. W. G. Richardson, Midhurst, phone 199r4. 6b SCOTCH _ She: What8amatter, rheumastism? He: No. I bought a. pair or `spend- ers in Scotland and they won't. give. Little King Mihal or Rumania, 7 years old, received a miniature electric locomotive as his most pr1zed'Ch1:1st- mas present. _ . ' A I Feb. 0 Ella =13`-5 JANUARY ONE DEGREE COLDER THAN AVERAGE . January mean temperature was one degree lower than the normal aver- age. Highest during the month was 41 on the 6th and the lowest 11 below zero on the 14th. snow was recorded on 27 days and rain on 6, days. snow- fall for the month amounting to 35 inches and rain to 1.60 inches. T459!` Nos!-not I-inn nn'In`l:u-L Ann on... LI... HIIIIII UL SGVLCLQJ l was registered. Jan. 30 Jan. 31 CIA`: 1 L A GIAALUQ @119 NJILJLLLLCL 0 Bankers--Goal, Hamon and Powell; defence. Rowe and McKenzie; centre, Neelands; wings, Anderton and Ron- ald; alternates, Devlin, Powell and Jackson. Referee, last two games, Jemmett. This Week's Games Games for this week will be played on Friday night, Feb. 8, when Y.M.C. A. plays the undefeated Professionals in the flrst game. It should be a thrill- er as both teams need a win to get in the play-offs. '1'41-up nnnnud A-Ann-Inn;-L --.III I.__l..__ L- uuuu an nu-av Ava-2 U1. IIAAC DCGBULI. El. Crawford of Elmvale Intermed- iates will referee the rst two games and Jemmett will handle the bell in the third. Get there early so as not to miss any of the excitement. CHINCHILLAS, 3 months, 750 each; clucking` hen. $2. Apply 21 Henry St., Barrie. 6p Ll1ULlU uuu .l`uu.l DU .l..OU 11101188. Last winter the coldest day was the 25th of February when 18 below zero ma 1: FAQ` Mvnv-at-I may put; -vuu. The second contest will bring to- gether the Capltols and Banlgers, while the nal game should be the thriller when the Reforestry team will en- deavour to give Underhill's Hornets their rst loss of the season. 1111 l'I..-...J.....I -3 vuI..-_.-|_ v__L_,,,,, ,,u a.uAA\.-u| ,.. St. Vincent s-Goa1. J. Connors: de- fence, R. Corbett and Summers; cen- tre, Tomlinson; wings, Chas. Connors and McDonagh: alternates, VanAtter, Franck and Skinner. 1-a-__I_-_._ :~_-1 vo,.,_ _,, n - w..l\/i.'C.A.-Goa1. Kashner: defence. Riddell and Hodgson; centre, Kelcey; -wings, Bell and Fraser; alternates, Edge, Blogg and Hagan. Bankers in the Cellar The third game was a battle for the cellar position in the team standing when St. Vincent's managed to emerge the winner over the luckless Bankers by the score of 3-2. The Bankers pre- sented a changed line-up with Hamon playing goal for the first two periods. In the last session he came out and went on the offensive at centre, but with no results. Chas. Connors was perhaps the stand-out for the Saints. notching both their counters-and as- sisting R. Corbett to score the win- ning goal. McKenzie and Rowe, the Bankers big defence pair, were the offensive threats with each getting a goal to their credit. But their best ef- forts were not enough and now they are in the cellar position of the league. Line-up: EL ".-1AAun"- fH..-`I 7 rI....---.__. J, LVIJDL Do A-uAA\.`u`.I n Underh`i1l s--Goal. Walsh: defence. L. Vair and Barnes: centre, J. Ken- nedy; wings, Bogardis and Wiles; al- ternates, Dobson, Thompson and Looker. court: A 5u-_1 c-,_u.._.,,. - n,_,,, Juuavazu Hank Bogardis opened the scor- ing when he and Wiles combined for a fast goal which goalie Kashner has not seen yet. Play was very open and the combination of both teams was a treat. Kelcey took a. shot from Bell's rebound and Flat Walsh fanned" for the first goal scored on him this season. Kennedy wormed his way through the entire Y" team to score the deciding goal for the Hornets. Play in the fin- al period was a little on the rough side due to the closeness of the score. Referee Jemmett banished Bell for charging Walsh, who also got a pri- vilege to sit on the wrong side of the fence for retaliating, but neither team was able to score in their absence. Walsh, Kennedy, Wiles and Bogardis were best for the Hornets. while Bell. Keicey and Kashner starred for the losers. Line-up: TTv\I3nu1\\I11 a I1.nn 1 `I71: `Iain I Jalnvunn \Jvl.AAvlaL u Reforestry-Goal, Tracey; defence, M. Luck and F. McLean; centre, J. Crawford; wings, H. Foyston and W. Luck; alternates, W. McLean, M. Plow- right and A. Adams. ' Referee, Dr. Ho1ly" Dyer. Shoemakers Win Again Underh111 s Hornets kept up their winning streak against Y.M.C.A.'s en- try by the close score of 2-1, but in doing so they had to step at top speed as the Y boys were pressing extra hard for a win. As a result it was one of the nest games played here this season. Another chapter in Town League Hockey was enacted on the local rink, Jan. 30, when the large crowd of fans ; were treated to an evening chucked ` full of thrills and exciting hockey. Capitols and Woodsmen Tie The rst game resulted in a 2-2 tie, when the Capitols tried conclu- sions with the Reforestry team. The Capitols were first to score when Hook took a neat pass from McKnight =to bulge the twine. Bill Dyment made it No. 2 on a solo eort, but their ad- vantage was short /lived for W. Luck potted the first and Plowright the sec- ond goal to tie up the game. There it remained, the teams being unable to get the odd needed counter. Perhaps the reason for the teams not want- ing to break the tie was to give F. Mc- ` Lean of the Reforestry team a thor- ough rehearsal of the big act of The Tie that Binds" which he had to per- form the next day whenhe deserted the ranks of .the bachelors. Despite the ordeal which was facing him Mc- Lean played a star game. Line up: I'1on{+n1a_('!.nnI 'lRnf`|`I1-din:-u o .-`Inf.-`nan IJCQLI I-IIGJCII 3 ova; guuxc. IJLIJC up. Cap1to1s-Goal, McClellan; defence, Hill and McKnight: centre, Hook; wings, G. Kennedy and W. Dyment; alternates, Coles, stransman and Coulter. 1\_1_.._..A._._- 4~_-1 un,.- __,,, u an `Z551 `-5. iililiiiilii 22': 21,5 inches snow to 8 am. WANTED--Ambltious. industrious per- son to introduce and supply the de- mand for Rawleigh Household Pro- ducts in Barrie and other nearby towns or rural districts. $150 to $400 a month or more clear profit. Rawleigh Meth- ods get business everywhere. No sell- ing experience reffuired. We supply Products, Outfit. Sales and Service Methods, everything you need. Profits increase every month. Lowest prices; . best values; most complete service. W. T. Rawleigh C0,, Dept. CN-222, Mon- treal. Que. 6-8p CLOSE SCORES E IN TOWN LEAGUE Capitals" iagnd Reforestry Tie; Underhi11 s and 7 St. Vincent s Win. " Low High Riin Snow 4 14 0.13 6 13 0.6 3 14 x 6 16 0.1 5 14 5x. 21 2 22 7 29 1.0 00 E Peepl_ __s; Q0-Operative Store ALSO A FULL STOCK of the best LEHIGH VALLEY ANTHRACITE and DONNER GPERFECTIG COKE. ' A trial order will convince you that our goods give satisfaction. We have received a shipment of the best-DRUM- HELLER COAL and will be glad to deliver a trial order to our customers at . . . . . . . ._ $13.75 per ton ELIZABETH ST. - BARRIE U-96' . `\\\\\\\&k~%$\\\ \\\\\\\V ccc FAIR AND saumze Red River Cerea1._28c pkg. Cream of Wheat 25c pkg. Holland Rusks 23 pkg. Physician and Surgeon s Qnon A t-.. OE- LOST--$20.00 bill, on Elizabeth St., between Five Points and High St. Lib- eral reward. Phone 445. 6b qr youmr an mu. ll `IDUWIIK I vlll L!U"u| stock otyuru kept. J. Platt Rose. 8-`In 4; Use Examiner Classified Advts. }1`\f1`<}Cci:5I3? PHONE 135 ALBERTA egg; _.__...... H... .u u.uAu 5 5 25 to $1.50 A GIFT OF JEWELRY makes the most appealing Valentine. v V LUX (small packages) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 for 23 SOAP--Pearl . . . . . . . . . . ._ . . . . . . . . . . . ten bars 37 Pratt's Egg Producer Royal Purple Poultry 35 pkg. Specic, pkg. 60c UNDERWEAR, men s fleeced-lined (broken sizes) smrmenf '9"- LAYING MASH--Monarch Brand I`AT\TI/Af`E (AN ODD PIECES of some of our SMARTEST LINES offered at prices ranging from fl - L` -a4 1-,, ea scguize AND LUCKY IS A WINNING COMBINATION ----).t`\. QUALITY SERVICE WEEK-END SPECIALS,- FEBRUARY 8th and 9th BROWN SUGAR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 lbs. 28 SALMON--Red--1-lb. tin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 29 AYLMER PORKAND BEANS (large) . . . . . . . . . . 21 SARDINES (King Oscar Brand) . . . . . . . . 2 tins 29 44--AA-_----_ cRo_ci:R":' '1;L:;e". Cor. Elizabeth and Mary Sts. SMALL BLACK COLLIE FOUND. Owner may have same by proving pro- party and paying expenses. Norman Johnson. 92 Ross St.. Barrie. 6b H.E. McC_gl}gug|3 f`.P('\(`l'-`D . . ;nJ ulwtujl uuu. s.) UH D Soap . . . . . .u;16;or 25 Aylmer -Brand Canned _ r`,OllIXAann-: A uaullu \.aa.uuI.u ..J...... - Grapefruit .. 28c tin Washing Soda . . 8c pkg. Infant s Delight Soap . . . . . . . . . . 4 for'25c. . Sale on ' Friday and Saturday s. w. Maom: EXTRAEXTA! Q04 "1"?"-52'-7'-"!5 THE WAYSHDE GIFT snap REMARKABLE REDUCTION IN COSTUME` JEWELRY CAMERON & ELLIS LOST---Between Barrie and Orillia on Tuesday night, black club bag. Con- tained curling stone handles. Finder please notify Examiner Office. 6-7p . __ .. ........._.,.-..__--._......__..._...__..._..... ....-....._an-cg. u 13 only," fur-trimihd-, all coldrs, a sizes--0n Sale F riay. Hurry! Phones - Offic, 33 -- Yard, 748 FINAL CLEARANCE OF LADIES w;N;rI:R j BARRIE, ONTARIO BARRIE some absent friend would be inter- ested in this week's Examiner. Extra --._1__ - I copies, gnts each. I J. G. SCOTT 11 ----.- HOUSEKEEPERS POSITION WANT- ED by elderly woman, in town. Apply phone 638J. 6p OYSTERS . . . . 40 jar LAKE" SIMCOE . WHITEFISH . . . . 20 lb. We also carry B.C. Sal- mon, Georgian Bay Trout, Smoked and Fresh Fillets. 3-lb. pail LARD . . . . 49c BREAKFAST BACON- In piece . . . . . 25 lb. Sliced . . . . . . . 28 lb. PEA _MEAL 13Aco_1\{ piece . . . . 30 lb. ROASTS OF FRESH PORK . . . . 18 to 23 lb. SHOULDER ROASTLS Q_F BEEF %5P`?ials This Week ALBERTA COAL February 1st Phone your orders to 86 or 118 expects a carloacl of M. J. BRENNAN Bafrie Meat Mdrket Best Quality Mejsts nu:-my, rem-my 7. use s. FOWL WANTED--All kinds. Highest prices paid. H. Levit. Phone 384 or writ Rnv 54`). Rnrrin R-Rn `Wholesale and Retail. Butcher 139 DUNLOP ST. u o u . - - . u - IJ\l\ 24-lb sk. $1.00 . . . . . . . . $3.75 St. Phone 51 navy I 50c 4-- pnura pzuu. n. ucvn... write Box 542, Barrie. MEN WANTED to sell Watkins 150 Quality Products in rural districts of Ontario. Permanent money making business. World s largest factory to consumer organization. Credit furn- ished to suitable party. Established 60 years. For full particulars write stating age to The J. R. Watkins Co., Hamilton, Ont., Dept. AR. 3-8p lllll Torontb. J YOU CAN EARN $10 to $25 a week in your spare time at home writing show cards. No canvassing or solicit- ing. We Instruct you and supply you with work. Write today. The Menhen- ltt Co. Ltd., 45 Dominion Building`, f`n1-nntn 1Nff,fh GOOD HOUSEKEEPER WANTED to take charge of small modern home, three children, one adult. Must be neat and clean, good cook, Protestant. Apply Box 356, Aurora. . * 6b LIAN WANTED to do chores and help i bush on farm near Barrie. $20 per month. Apply Examiner Office. 6p OARFYFTTL NURSING Riven to mater- nitv natienta in nvvate home. charc- eg ren..Jma.bln, ADDVV "99 Essa. Road. Allandale. phone 1187M. - 4-6h V[ANTED-A reliable girl or woman tb help mind baby and assist with housework. Phone 8841?`. 61) ADLET COLUMN %&&%m$%%m av .-- --- '15` `-r '5` `s' 'n* '5' '5` '3` '5` '5` 'a\\r)` one cent 9. word, cash. each insertion. . (minimum charge, 25c), six insertions (or the price of four. 10c extra. when charged; also 10c extra when replies are directed to The Examiner Office. MAN WANTED to work on farm by the year, married man preferred. Ap- ply to Box 137. Stroud. 6-7b WANTED - Competent general ser- vant. Apply Mrs. H. )1. Lay, Barrie. 6p ASSISTANT MATRON WANTED for Children's Shelter, Barrie. Apply to Matron. WOMAN WANTED to do general housework. Apply 66 Tiffin St`... A11- andale, phone 1232W. 6p LxX}E*E8EI"6ii NOTICE-1 will not be responsible for any debts contracted in mv name af- ter bk`-7 do by tmvone. Geo. L. mn- son, Allandale. Ont. 6-7b LOST AND FOUND ' Mtc7:-LL7{E6U{ AGENTS WANTED HELP WANTED T WANTED Jllulll E7 1Mtfb ] BRICK GLAD STORE AND DWELL-I ING for sale with 1/4 acre lot. On lot there is 9. double garage and ice house, butcher and grocery business and post office in building. Reason for selling`, illness. Apply at post office, Hillsdale, Ont. 4-9p BABY CI-IICKS--Bar1'ed Rocks and White Leghorns, 14 to 18 cents each. Excellent laying strains of both breeds. Custom hatching, 5 cents per egg: discount of 10% on any over 100. E. M. Stokes, Mineslng. 6-11p NOTICE V OF APPLICATION FOR DIVORCE. uuuuuu, U11 0115 QICUUIILI U1 HUI-AIIIIUIJ. DATED at the Town of Midland in the. County of Slmcoe in the Province cgfsnfgggo, this 31st day or December, MORTIMER `CLARK, GRAY, BAIRD ".2; nnurrunnum LVLQIV -L LLVLIAITI \JI..llIVg E1503 1 . JDIILIVIJ 8:, OAWTHORNE, 425 Confederation Lite Building, V L A Toronto 2, Ontario Sol1c1tors_1or`App1lcant. . 4;-_8b `Thea. Alklns has sold his house, Worsley St ... to Rev. Nell. Campbell`,' who will occupy it. _ HOUSE FOR SALE--Seven rooms. all modern conveniences. hardwood floors downstairs: garage; 73 High St., close to Collegiate and public school. Apply on premises. _ 6p FOR SALE IN VILLAGE OF HILLS- DALE--2 acres of land, frame house with good cellar, henhouse 100 feet long. with stables, spring water and small fruit trees; adjoining main road. Bargain for quick sale. Apply to .105. Lea, Hillsdale. Ont. 5-7p HOUSE WANTED in Barrie to trade for 100 acres in Innisfil, on Highway. . Barrie Real Estate Office, Clapper- ton St. . 6b NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that LAURA ANN NEYLAN of _ the Town of Midland in the County of Simcoe and Province of Ontario. Married Woman, will apply to the Parliament of Canada, at the next Session there- of, for a Bill of Divorce from her husband, Frederick Leopold Leslie Neylan, of the City of Toronto, in the County of York and Province of Ontario, on the ground of adultery. 11A"l"W.11 at thn 'l`num nf MidIn.n in FOURTEEN ACRES, brick house and stable on town line, near Barrie, for sale or exchange for town property. Apply Geo. Seadon, RR. 2, Barrie, Ont. 6-11p GROCERY BUSINESS for sale. For particulars apply to P.0. box 593, Bar- rie, Ont. 6p " 'TLLETS AND HENS 20 and 2 males, b.C. White Leghorns. We are starting our Incubators next week and are prepared to do Custom hatching on short notice, bring your eggs to Kelly's Hatchery. Phone 1184, 18 McDonald St. 613 BRICK HQUSEFOR SALE IN VIL- LAGE OF STROUD. Apply` to S. H. Rrnlnv Rtrnnd R-Rn LJIXKJJB kll` D 1.11 Broley, Stroud. FOR SALE--130 acres, 18 acres wheat, 25 acres seeded, 15 acres bush, good water, barn 60x40, good stables, steel roof, 8-roomed house, garage, -hen- house, pigpen, etc. No encumbrance. Ill health cause for selling. Price $7,000, easy terms. Might consider, house as part payment. For particu- lars write, Thos. W. Leatham, Cooks- town. R.R. 3. , 5-10p 00 ACRES OF LAND for sale; 70 acres under cultivation; balance pas- ture and bush. Being forced to sell through illness will sell 100 acres sep- arately or all together. Martin Mur- phy, Barrie, RR. 2. 5-28p FARM FOR` SALE-.-225 acres, 90 acres workable, balance bush and pas- ture. Good buildings. Well watered. Good dairy or stock farm. 2 miles from Barrie. For particulars apply to T. E. Bell, Barrie RR. 3 . 6-8p TO RENT-North half of double brick house, '70 Small St., with garage. Warm and easily heated, suitable for a small family. Enquire 68 Small St. 5-6p O LET-Six-roomed brick cottage, electric light and water, large garden and chicken house. Apply 79 Mary st. 5-10p `FARM FOR SALE-150 acres, Innis- fil township, good buildings; plough- ing all done. Will be sold cheap. For further information apply to Box N, Examiner Office. 5-6p TO R.ENT--Steam heated front living` apartment, four rooms and bath, very desirable suite. S. W. Moore. 2tfb FFICE T0 R-ENT. Occupied 6 years by Hydro Electric Inspector. Steam heated. S. W. Moore. 2tfb FURS ALTERED and repaired. Over Hurlburtfs Shoe Store. Miss M. Mc- Arthur. 3"ltfb ELJUIII I\u\J\J.|.VJ.D U11 |Jl1lal..l.1`UU1ll 115:0 rent for one or two people. App1y_ Bayfield St. .'...-._. ROOMS TO LET.. with or without board. Apply 17 Sophia. Street or tele- phone 762J. T 6-11p TWO COMFORTABLE BEDROOMS for rent. Apply 26 Ross St. 3-8b TOOLS AND MACHINERY for sale, ice tools, including plows, markers, scrapers, tongs, bars, saws, etc., also 30 h.p. Waterous engine, locomotive type and,boil r; sacrifice for quick sale. Apply Be le Ewart Ice Company. 330 Gerrard St. E. Toronto, or Fore- man, Belle Ewart, Ont. 6b SEED PEAS-I will be in Minesing district taking pea contracts for Can- ners Seed Co.. on February 12 and 13. If I neglect `to call on you, phone Stirlziud 19r2. Geo. A. Arnold, Pains- wn Rn BJIJLKJU. wlck. SEED PEAS--I am now taking con- tracts -for company peas, paying $1.80 for 1929 crop. Shipping from Thornton and Barrie. W. E. Banting, phone Ivy- Thorntonrhornton P.0. 6-11p WE ARE SELLING off all Frost fenc- ing at cost and less if delivery taken during January and February. Prices from 27c rod up. Real bargains. Ot- ton Hardyvare Co. 1-6p UMBER FOR SALE-1-inch stock board, 2x8 and 3x10 studding and rafters also purlins and sills. $15 .to $20 per thousand. Elias Ferrier, Belle Ewart, Ont. 6b FOUR I-IIVES OF BEES for sale, in good condition, free from disease, price reasonable. Apply to Box "C", Examiner Office. 5-7p ~ ALL KINDS OF DRESSMAKING done by Mrs. Wice. phone 523W or call at 60 Worsley St. 6-7p OUR ROOMS on bathroom flat nnnf fnw nun nu I-urn v\r\r\v\`I\ Av\Ir\1uv UPRIGHT PIANO for sale. ADP`? 182 Essa Road, Allandale. 6p BARN FOR SALE--30x60. Telephone 10-15W, 111 Penetang St. 6p ELECTRIC WASHING MACHINE for sale; slightly used-, .in good condition. Phone 751.1. ` 6p uuvu DJ.n.DLu:a 101` 5516, 5126!: ZQZCOU, 16 ft. wall. Price reasonable for cash. Apply 62 Small St`... Barrie. 6p MIXED SLABS for `sale, $5.00 per cord delivered or cut to order. Apply to Alvin Webb, Thornton R.R.' or phone 15r31, Stroud. \ . 6p ADIO FORT ` SALE, batteryless, 390 complete. Phone 1418. 6p GOOD STABLE for sale, size 24x30, IR ff. um" `Prion rnnennnl-do fnvv nach FOR SALE ROOMS ggpiijnomn IRWIN'S ALL BLUE TAXI SERVICE local and long distance, night and day. 25 cent service. George Irwin, Phone 198. ltfb .._..-...._-..-..--. ..--_.-... PRQPEIRTY TSIET FARMS FOR SALE >113` NOTICE The Plaintiff's claim is for Dam- ages for Breach of an Agreement dat- ed the -25th July, 1925, made between the Plaintiff and_ Defendant and for a `Declaration that by reason of the said Breach of Agreement the Plain- tiff is entitled to have the Licenses mentioned in the said Agreement re- n.ma1o`nM'I tn the `Plaintiff hv than 'hnfnn- ILICIIUIULIUU. Ill Dill: 5&1 JISKUUIIICIIII ICU` assigned to the Plaintiff by the `Defen- dant or by such` person as the Court may appo1nt_ror that puxjpose. ERIC ? T BULL FOR SALE--One Dual-Purpose Shorthorn bull. 6 months old. This ca1f s mother stood first place at C.N. E. and second at Royal in 1926. Could also spare two or three heifers. In- spection invited. Apply M. Beath. shanty Bay, RR. telephone Barrie 906r3 6-8p