VESPRA PHONES BALANCE IS $564 Interruption of Service By Subscribers Is Condemned. $1625. V Receipts in other departments were: Sunday School, $524 for general pur- poses and $106 for missions; Girl Guides. $29.41; Boy Scouts. $201; Sen- ior Women's Auxiliary, $534; Girls Auxiliary, $12: Little Helpers,.$27.30; Parish Aid (including $419 balance from 1927) $845; Chancel Guild, $192; Choir, $22; Clergyman s Fund (for re- lief, etc.), $276; Furnishing Fund, Parish Hall Parlor, $51; Improvement Fund, $423. . Annual-n 4-.3 I-1.4.. ..u........-..-...L:-.. -..-'..1.... ` Xss et`sVsc`>? the congregation afe` plac- ed at $79,968.31, the main items being: Church and grounds, $35,000; Parish ,__, --____,_, -_._..-_-- .... The church wardens statement showed total receipts of $5299.13 of which $4093 was contributed by en- velope. Although starting 1927 with a deficit of $250, the wardens were able to close the year with a surplus of 'l\---`._L_ :__ -A_1_-_. .I___-,,L,,,'.,,L, _,_,,,-, mu. as 7 UL LC] pl cmunlg. In the Vicar s letter fitting refer- `ence was made to the loss of two of the congregation s oldest members, the late Frank Moberley and the late J. R.` Cotter,_ K.C., both of whom were regular attendants at Trinity as long as their health permitted. Regret was expressed at the loss of Miss Edith Cresw1cke, organist for `eight years, (who is succeeded by her sister, Miss Marjorie Creswicke) and at the with- drawal from. the position of church warden of Thomas Rogers. He held this position for eight years and cheer- fully gave much time and thought to the church's business. Gratification was expressed at the missionary giv- ings being the largest in the history of the congregation, the amount sent in being 25 per cent. above the allot- ment, the total being $1055. This did not include the amount raised by the Woman's Auxiliary for missions. __-..__, _-_ --- .......v..... The following parochial statistics were given. On the parish list there are 335 families and 84 individuals. During the year the Vicar paid 1,225 visits. There were 18 baptisms, 27 can- didates confirmed, 10 marriages, and 16 burials. There were 283 communi- cants Easter Day and 149 communi- cants Christmas Day. The average. Sunday attendance has been: at the Holy Communion 34, at 11 a.m. 205, at Sunday School 168, and at 7 p.m. 157. During the past two years stated the Vicar, there has been a percept- ible falling off in the attendance at our Sunday evening service. To what extent this may be attributed to radio services and motoring I cannot say." n-n, Givings to Missions Show s A Marked Increase;~'- Current, $5,299. V V Triiilty Church reported Va success- ful year at the annual] Vestry meeting held last week with the Vicar, Rev. A. R. Beverley presiding.` Tn Hm: trim-Va 1n`-C-an cu.u..... ....:.... Krusmhml Salts is obtainable at. drug and department stores In Canada at 750. a. bottle. A bottle contains enough to last for 4 or 5 moutmigood health for half-a-cent a. day. Expenditures ` n 11:`:-nn n nan $3,093,375 $3,098.88 .$ 308.21 | 2,768.02 12.80 5.85 4.00 nights. While serious, if neglected--it is or- dinarily a simple matter to relieve these troubles `by the pleasant home use of Dr. Southworth s URATABS, which have been victorious in thous- ands of cases, after `other treatments have failed. ' T ' `KYA -anal-I-pun I-unity ansv3n1ua'nII A? A!!!`l.\/U iuucu. ` . No matter how serious or of how long standin yourconditione may be. you can quic ly prove the value of URATABS without risk of cost-for' any good dfuggist will supply you on an absolute guarantee of-satisfaction or money back. If URATABS bring. you quick. and certain comfort, you will be greatly pleased. If they do not fully satisfy, their_ use will cost you nothing. Try URATABS today, and see what a `dierence they m_ake. ' 2 The embarrassing annoyance and genuine misery of Bladder Weakness, often brings discomforts of old age" to those who really ought to be in the very prime of life. nnnnl-Inca` +hnu:and: norhnng gmmn very prime U1 um. Countless` thousands, perhaps seven out of ten, of folks near middle life are pitiful victims of Headaches, Ner- vousness, Pains in back and `down through groins, frequenty but scanty and painful urination---Getting-up- nights. ' Xxlhiha can-inn: if natflnr-i'.n!1._.H'. `In nr- RHEUMATISMI and quick relief. Use Mrs. Sybilla Spahr s Tonsilitis for Whooping Cough, Group, Bronchitis, Quinsy, Head Colds, Coughs, Catarrah, Tonsil Ills and Sore Throats. Try it. Barrie Druggists. 6 8: 8 TROUBLE SIGNS F OR THOSE PAST 40 {Piles G0 Quick] Piles are caused by congestion of blood in the lower bowel. Only an in- l ternal remedy can remove the cause. That's why salves and cutting fail. Dr. Leonha.rdt s Hem-Roid, a harmless tablet, succeeds, because it relieves this congestion and strengthens the affected parts. Hem-Roid has given quick, safe and lasting relief to thou- sands of Pile sufferers. It will do the same for you or money back. Douglas Drug Store, Cross1and s Drug Store and druggists everywhere `sell Hem- Roid with this guarantee. 1 Bladder Weakness, Nervousnes Head- aches, Frequent, Painful, scanty Urinati`on,, Getting-up-Nights n.u. v u.:5uvu5Au. S1desmen-R. Craig, J. R. Dier, M. Mccorklndale, G. Dusto, Dr. Rogers, Dr. Arnott, E. C. Channen, Dr. Sprott, J. E. Billingsley, Dr. W. C. Little, A. S. Morrow, W. H. G. Marwood, M. H. Esten, H. J. Coles. C. O Connor, F. Foster, R. Holt, J.` R. Boys, J. Ken- nedy, H. H. Creswicke, R. Powell, H. Bogardls, Robt. Powell, J. Coleman, Fred zeihr and H. C. Channen (chair- man). Eggs, doz. Chickens, lb. Fowl, lb. ..... .. Ducks, lb. Geese, lb. Cream, pint Butter, lb. ULICLL was D: L CUIJLC IL VIII KM-IQ`! VJ Bay section say there is very little snow, just about 60 per cent. of what there is at Shanty Bay, for instance. Choice beef sold from 1'7 to 19 cents . in quarter cuts. Lamb was 23 to 28 cents and pork 15 to 17 cents. Eggs were 38 and 40 cents and butter un- changed at 45 cents. Prices: Parsley, bunch .................................. .. 5c Potatoes, bag ...................................... .. 75c Beets, 6 qts. .................................. .. 20c Carrots, 6 qts. ............................... 25c Cauliower ................................. .. 10-20c Hubbard squash ...................... .. 15-25c Vegetable marrow .......................... .. 10c Green peppers, each ...................... .. 5c Chinese cabbage` .......................... .. 5-15c Citrons .......................................... .. 5-10c Seed onions 6 qts. 40c, 11 qts. 75c Turnips, bag .................................. .. 75c Spinach, 6 qts. .......................... .. 15-20c \.IAaua.LAa.wAL, 4.41.. A41. u. Ll]-IL\lUU- Advisory Corn ittee--Thos. Rogers, Dr. Sprott, T. Dowler, H. C. Channen, H. H. Creswicke, J. R. Dier, W. J. Blair, J. R.- Boys, T. H. Simpson, J. F. Jackson, Dr. A. T. Little, J. E. B111- ingsley, Mrs W. J. Simpson, Mrs. Creswicke, Mrs. McFadgen, Mrs. J. B. McPhee, Mrs. Sprott, Miss May Livingstone. QIA.-.m~u\. D n....:... 1* 1-: 1-u-.. na- Representatives to Synod--Thomas Rogers, H. A. Sims, D. H. Coleman; Alternates, J. E. Billingsley, H. C. Channen, Dr. R. J. Sprott. At-Itrlanvvvv (`nu-urn-I-an, Than `lbnn-nun ur..x;.7..xu:' I That's going some---but skinny men, women and children just c:m t help putting on good healthy esh when they take Mc'Coy s Cod Liver Extract Tablets. Ij`..H A4.` L....1u- -___1 ,_'-.1_L I___21_-I Hall, $14,500; organ, $4,000; Vicarage, $6,000; old burying ground, $5.000; Barrie Glebe, $14,228; Barrie endow- ment, $782. The only outstanding debt is $81.07, balance on improvements account. Ann; _ _-_- u--._, , Wardens-D. H. Coleman, H. A. Sims. Vestry Clerk--W. H. G. Marwood. Envelope Sec y-H. C. Channen. Auditors--J. E. Billingsley, J. R. 1'11 an D135` AUTOS s1`1u. comma mro BARRIE MARKET pt. vycs u nu uvu. The snowfall is very spotty this year. Automobiles came to Barrie from Hillsdale on Saturday and sever- al from_ Dalston. Only those living on the main road attempted it. One farm- er living a half mile off the highway said he was going to roll his private driveway and get his car out again it fine weather continued. There is a fine stretch just north of Crown Hill where John Robson has rolled the road and people in that section are all us- ing their cars. People from Shanty say at filnnlnn Innnf no-\`I.-I Fmnvn 117 {um 1O not-M-5 Saturday s market was the largest of the year to date, a little above av-` erage for this season. The particularly fine weather was responsible. There were eighteen loads of wood on the market at one time and a goodly sup- ply of beef, porl: and lamb. Dry map- le in four-foot length sold for $12 a cord and mixed stove wood in ll-inch length for $8 a box load, approximate- ly a. cord. The demand was fairly keen. Farmers report some bare spots on the Barrie-Orillia road but as yet little hardship has been experienced. They point out, however, that a pro- longed thaw would leave the road bare. Operators of snowplows have answered criticism by stating that it is essential to point the nose of the plow close to the road surface to get proper traction. PHI-en no-\ nuunli In Ivnuuv nos.-n6-I-u I-I-uh- AMAZING RESULTS $&%&&$w&&$m&&&` AI fFI't`\a QIIIII I 1-urgnntnttu IOIOIOIOIOI4>IOIOXOIOI<`>IOIOI4i. " E Gainedw Pounds P'oult::y, Butter and Eggs Officers Named 35-38-40c .... .. 32-35c 20-230 25-27-28c Watchagotna. Packidge? Sabook. wassanaimuvitt? sadickshunery, fullinaims. Wlfe s gonna gettaplecedog an- gottagettana1mferim.-Ad Age. . Examiner Classifieds bring prompt results. Dl. I. G. TURNBULL Grsduste Mean] University, Montreal. office and Res1dence-Cor. Elizabeth and Bradford Streets. Phone 105. l\COln- Hanan- pnonZ71o \JLLlUU LIB lVUluUlJUIT-`\JUl1lUL DU. corner Owen. Barrie. Phone 275 \LU\J4lLl.) Physlolan and surgeon Office and Residence, 97 Elizabeth St. (Formerly Dr. Arnalrs Otce) Telephone 557 Office hours: 8-9.80 1-230 6-830 -Jdll. JD. on Friday evening the young people of the community gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Smith to hold a miscellaneous shower in honor of their daughter, Maud, who was married to Mr. Fred Leach of Bax- ter recently. Following the presenta- tion of pretty and useful gifts, the groom made a brief reply thanking the kind friends who had thus honor- ed them and giving all a cordial in- vitation to visit them at their home in Baxter. The ladies served a lunch and all spent a very pleasant evening together. DB. W. A. LEWIS surgery and Diseases of Women Associate Coroner County of Slmcoe ....Anrl__ DIS. LITTLE & LITTLE Phyaiolsna and Surgeons, Barrio Office and Res.--47 Maple Ave. Office hours: 1 to 3 p.m. 7 to 9 pm. or by appointment. Phone 213 A. T. Little, M.D. W. 0. Little, M.B. \Il\lIIIIW UL LU` ULIUU LILIJVCL 919 Phone 81 Ofce~-58 Collier an} Hours: 3-9 t..m.; 12.30-2, 6.30-8 pm.` NOTARY '13 eluding drawing ranging oungn (In Ullllalln I. J. UBLIC, Conveyance: in- oi wills, deeds, ar- ot loans, etc. Insurance of all kinds. Executor, Administrator and XII._-..l.-__ I\_A-_I_ nu. w. n.u5-AnsoN Graduate of Toronto University I Enxnuunn - A-.4. I nnnn _. PLAXTON & PLAXTON BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, ETC. Offices: Kent Building. 156 Yonge St. Toronto. Ont. O. W. Plaxton, K.O. G. Gordon Plaxton. James O. Plaxbon Herbert A. W. Plaxton, B.A. DB. AINSLIE P. ARDAGH SURGEON EYE. EAR, NOSE and THROAT May be consulted on `first and third Saturdays or each month at Queen's Hotel, Barrie QIIBAELVIJ IJUVVELV nu-mater, sonmtf for obtaining probate of wills, guardianship and sdmlnlatntlon. General solicitor. Motown nnunnnnnnr Adm nnxu-uu'.I.'zLIs, Money to loan. X'I'$"p flllllllllrlg IVUIIII-Iii `GURU; Oonveycncers, Etc. Momytolocnatloweatrateso11n- tereat. 011109-13 Owen 815.. in Mason- ic Temple Bu1ld1ng,ABa.rr1e. rnnnh nmm_mmnu NlUllU_y , uuuuuz y 40. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Mccann en- tertained the Community Club on Wed- nesday, Jan. 24 and John and Clar- ence Smith the previous week, Friday, Jan. 18. f\n Ehdplnu nunv\Ivun `kn Ilf\III1II r\nr\r\`A I0 'L ULI1[IlU Dulg DHIIIC. Branch Office-`-Elmvale. - W. A. Boys. 8.0.. `NLP. J. R. Boys lIl'Ilnll-III. ueucnu DUHUIIAJI, Notu-y. Oonveyancer, etc. orco-E1nda Block. 8 Dunlap 8t., Barrie. MONEY TO LOAN U5. luau. u ILUDS Formerly of Dr. Ross 8: Ross Late Surgeon Specialist with the Tvnnna-In`! AI-nav AIL mun-n DI. N. W. ROGERS PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Special attention to Obstetrics. Office and Residence: 50 Mary St. Phone 101 ' BADENIIUBST & HAMMOND BARRIBTERS. somcrrons. mo. Masonic Temple Building, Barrie MONEY To LOAN CAMERON O CAMERON . 8OLIOI'1`OR.8. ITO. Omen: Barrie and 01-11113 lurle: 5 Owen Street. Telephone 406 MONEY To LO 2 G -n--g- K A ax.-`- L. J. SIMPSON, M.B. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office and Res1dence-Col11er St. nnngu nvnn Dart-In Dknng CF. llargy B_a_1j'pn E. E. OIEBWICKE Bsrrlstor. Solicitor, Notary. Etc. MONEY To LOAN Rona Block, Barrie .where-"v:v.eure equipped better than ever to at- lendlaoullyour want: in theline of An apparatus resembling a gas mask has been devised in Germany for ad- ministering an asthma. cure._ '1`oz-onto-rtvrdlvb oto mom- traln young people for ottxoo position: through day and cnnlnu nations and homo study oouruo. Through 1 5-po- cmllmploymont Dopurtmont. dnnito lll1:l't&:l1oO is oxford- od both llm-ployu snd Gna- Iuto. Write for calendar. Had Otou: my 914 Chu-In su. DONALD I . MMLABEN. B.A. BARRIB'I'mR, BOLICITOR, ETC. Masonic Temple Building, Barrio MONEY To LOAN i Wdonnox Ldidmw Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. MONEY -ro LOAN BAKE E14-ugly `I31.--In DIU DUIUUH DPUUL&lllo Wlla DU Imperial Army, 4% years. General Surgery u_nl Obstetric: C--`.l- II- Iullnilul D33:-vs; Gigi: IJUISIGOIIUI Especially O1t1ce-10 Dunlop St., Barrie yang Hill EI\ DA. 11.! MULCASTI-IR sr. c.Iv1~:"' " (JET 'c_A'L'L% SHAW S BUSINESS SCHOOLS IJLLIDU LIUILLD o I-10 s.m.. 1-3 pm. 7-! p.m. DUNCAN F. MoCUAIG. B.A. successor to Oreswlcke 8: Ben SARRIBTER. BOLICITOR, ETO. nay Ross Block, Barrie any uh U. 11:. ILUUU D, ISHISDUH. ' The annual meeting of the Angu- cqn W.A. was held at the home of Mrs. J. H. Mccann. Tuesday, Jan. 30. nnarnhllnnnc fn `Mfr and Mr: I _1s OUR ADDRI-'_.SS PLUMBINVG AND_HEAT!N_G_ DB. FRED. A. ROSS llnnudu AC 'I'\v- `Dnan .9: 1: comm Ina tC Alina Cans Ah` Dl. O. A. ABNOTT (McGil1) Dluwninlnn nun` Gnu--on: JIILILVIIJ. LL} JJLJEILV Ross Block, Barrie. J. A. COBBETT BYTE? ,`I'l'I I"t\v|vvnUIn Id Phone180 `5;s;`" 0. fl. IVLUUIQIIII. Lucauuy, U411. OU. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. W. McFadden (Eunice McMa.ster) upon the birth of 9. son in R.V. Hospital, Monday. January 28. Mr and Mr: Wilhnrt Mn(1n.nn cm- lots as lots EAIIAII-nun `Tn!-,nII4 NEDICAL 32 \u.u.ALLLu In. G UIIL Qlulll Thornton, Ontario I DUKE ' 1|. Notaries , Mun: l!fn I Lava, JJIILLIV P.O. Box 1078] V1: Ila 1Y.l.lL`.NL|3LlV Funeral Director end Embelner Ambulance Service : Phone 481 Limousine Hearse if desired Cor. M117 and Elizabeth Ste. Iarrll 303!!!` E. SMITH IYESIGHT SPECIALIST I8 Dunlap 8t.-Phone 80. Hour: 9-0 Saturday: till 10 mn. vvnuun. unxuronuu J LAWLIBI Chartered Accountants Phone Main 5874, 59 Yonse. Torontd H. J. Welch. O.A. G. D. Campbell. 0.1 W. S. Hulbig. Production lnclnoor T. E. T.n.wln.u, (1 A vsvJ.\Ina1IJ.1 ununn U!` NUIBII Barrie Branch Residence 78 Worsley 81:. Phonn I W'll!I'.1'. `nA1:v f'l`I .fl11 UIEW H1 nurnc, ruuuy. Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Miller and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Arnold spent Sun- day at J. R. Hood's, Alliston. "l"hn nnmml mmxtinxr nf thn Amztli- FARMEWS WIFE GETS STRENGTH vvniuu nan! ULILNIO from 2 to 5 o'clock every Friday. Application for nurse : service! us! be made direct or through doctor. DE. A. 8. BLACK Veterinarian and Surgeon Overseas Service, Captain nnporlll Army Veterinary Oorpl Three years post war practical expor- ience in England and Bcothnd Office md Surgery: 48 Bcynld It. Phone 811 ' II: at U. CIV1'LENGIN'EER.-Ont|rlo|nd Dnmininn T .nnrl inuununu uuuu nuuuvnanszc - unurw mu Dominion Land Surveyor 133 Blake St., Barrie. Phone II! EDMUND HARDY, Mun. Bee, l'.T.O.l. Teacher of Piano, organ, Vocal and Musical Theory Organist and Choirmaster or st. Andrew's Presbyterian Ohureh. Gold Medalist Toronto oonnemtorr of Music and University o_ Toronto. 1 1 0 H1.-...-1-_ 1-1;. - -`- uuzu mcuuuao Iuronw uomernwry of 113 Worsley St. Phone I53 acauucx us rluuu. urgan, umnna In! all Theoretical aubjectl. Choir Director Central United Church Pupils prepared for Toronto Conserva- tory of music examinations. all Special attention to A.T.O.M. wort. Studio: 27 Bradford St. Inll A. E. PRINCE 8 O0. BUILDERS-CON'I'RA See us about those oors snd tilin- tions. Phone'1154W or DOOM. annually` I. all 5 Teacher of Plano. Organ, I all "|"hnn'r-atinnl nnh NLYS. JUS. 1VlU.lV1'd.bM'. Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Miller attended the funeral of the late Rev. G. 1. Crew In Barrie, Friday. Mr and Mr: D .1 Minr and Mr uu uusuu uy l'egI8Ue'ea. l.Ulil'l', EDI! d ch oreror equepaysbioltrll WELCH. CAMPBELL C IAWLIUU Chm-tn-ul Lnnnnnlnnla Ila:-I-In `lira rud- VICTORIAN ORDER OF NUIIII n. no. nuxunng, rruuuculun T. E. Lawless. O.A. Msnager Cost and Efficiency Dept. G. G. smrm & co. FUD BEMODELLING AND REPAIRING MINNIE MoKEB.NAN, 58 Saul] 8|. [ ornN`n;'_;11:_ 1;!-IE-H-'1' 47 zuubeth St. : Phone In L._;,_ V --/:-------j----\ Horace Wmn, A.R.C.O. Organist and Ohoirmuter Collier Street United Church All grades or ORGAN, PIANO and THEORY! VOICE PRODUCTION \ and SINGING (all examinstionl) i -.._____ nan _____...__ I uuu l:al00 uuonln Singing, Speaking, Public Outer! and Dramatic Expression F0!` Interview and has-I-nu nnnlu uuu unnnnmc uxpreauon For interview and terms Inn!) to loss 8t., : Barrie : mien: uni UUILIIIEWUUU l.l`lCHl-I3. I Mrs. Lou Baker and Eileen of Cooks- town are spending a few days with Mrs. Jos. McMaster. `luv and `Inn Tvtnvln IKHIAIU nl-Irnnrlno-I v---av -cg.-g sauna J-1Q\J'lJ& Motor ambulance In oouneotlu llllrl null! _ nanny nu HOT wnigi: HEATING LW- 1- MCRAR95 I '. ' "B Chiropractors, Drugless Theraptlh -Spinal Aeigstxtgent an: Mann `H ectric. rs. ry an Munod Blanket Treatment: Patho-Neurometer Service Phone 405.! for appointment u. as. as Is. nouns (Over 1". Dutchex-'3 grocery non), nnu-plan mhgpgmgu ..n }.} nEJ6u}-.3-.nuu'"' ' ll lllnbeth St. : Phone 1181 Your READING neelo Ate Well Supplied II sco'rr's BOOKSTORE now: umnuunoo In 0011110031 BAIIII. ONT - PHONE II nuuu -------- Mrs. Emmie W1lson Contnlto Vocalist, Entertain! and Elocutionlst [inning G-uu.'I-cu... -n..I.u- :-u..;_.. \ . (Last wee}; `c:>;r:s;oondence) Jan. 30-Mrs. Allen Miller and cfnldren spent the week-end in Bar-| r e. Flnnnnnn Ynvvlnru-1-nu nnrl Cnvnilvv and FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER -j WILFBED E. SMITH. 0.1.`. RlGI8'l'.l!RED AROEITTI Midland, Ontario Established 1869 FUNERAL DIBEOTOII AND EMBALMEI8 OPEN DAY AND NIGHT -4-.. -__t_,-_ 7, I Thursday, February 7, mi. -_-:- MISCELLANEOUi Buy Advertised Goods. MUSIC LESSONS mumc oPToMTng:1f CHIROPRACTIC m:'i`heodore Dempster and family and Wilfred McMaster spent Sundav with Collingwood friends. Mrc Tnn Rnlmr and iilpnn M nnle.q..| 1-2:- JESSIE B. BBYSON P nf Diana f\o-nan l--I P. c. LLOYD VETERINRY ARCHITECT BUILDERS J . A. MMLARHV. XI? W. O. WALLIS. MAIIIIC re. -1` . 11. Original letter on M0 for lnapocclou. CO. `COUNCIL INTERVENES FOR INJURED WORKMAN snug. Owing to so many being confined to their homes with the flu the `annual school meeting was not held until Saturday last. There was a good at- tendance of ratepayers. J. Shaughnes- sy was re-elected trustee. Mr. Shangh- nessy has -acted as Sec y-Treas. for fifteen years and his books do him credit. rnI-- Irv-_.--__u_ v,__L.u__.1.- _._ -4 -1. 4.1-- Vb \a\AAVo The Women s Institute met at the home of Mrs. O. D. Partridge with twelve members and four visitors pre- sent. It was decided to piece a quilt nf I-1111 I\ nvf vnnnfinn uv`\n`r\ H11 kn` By Taking Lydia E. Pink- ham s Vegetable Compound County Councilis asking the Work- men s Compensation Board of Ontario to reconsider the case of James Nash. hurt` in an accident at Warner's Mill, on the town line of Oro and Medonte.` At first Mr. Nash was refused a hear- ing by .the nance committee "at Coun:- ty Council recently,` but later the hearing was granted and Mr. Nash` \ appeared before -committee in person with a. spokesman. It was maintain- ed -he did not get a square deal from the Board. ' II-11.- 't~-.-..L_- I1_....-.II-1__: `_A-._L_ .1 - Ukalalllu LU `-\l-#3.) Ltl.\41\|b\A II|J_ IJLDL-\i 9|! Biklllll at the next meeting which will be` held at the home of Mrs. Healey. Mrs. Emms put on a contest the prize go- ing to Mrs. B. Peters. A prize will be given by the president at the February meeting for the best loaf of home- made bread. ' llllh L-Iv L\4 The ucottnty Council" has adopted e V report asking that Nash be examined by three doctors independent of the Workmen's Compensation Board staff of medical men and that their report be nal. The recommendation has been forwarded. vv uun V Jon Gearns has returned from Tor- onto. , virgin, u A u - . .. . - W1\/i r's; Wilfred Oads and children have returned to their home in Winnipeg having spent some time with relatives here. V I\_...:__ _. L, ,_ _,, , u - ... T3 '7 W Feb. 4-Dr. J. T. Thomas of` Caledon visited his uncle, J. N. Willing, last week. 0 v-1..- I-c____.-_ 1., V, I ' " -- Ialalilllp uuunsau;5u- UL L"GL&y QUULIU Cl` ectrlc light plant was badly burned, in face andleft hand through a shock . received whendnstalling a. new motor 8899'???` 59,`-. -j g _- ` -v--vv Id\lVVldIdE A social evening was held in the parsonage in aid of the Flower and Fruit Fund of the Ladies Aid on Thursday. Jan. 31. Quite a number were present. Community singing was engaged in and a very pleasant even- ing spent. A silver collection was taken.- Mr. Linton occupied the pulpit of the United church here at both services on Sunday, Feb. 3, and gave an inter- esting discourse on his mission work in South America. Quite a large num- 3 ber attended both services. uuux ucr 1`!:UEubv.lllI1BSS. ` Henry Mahatfy is visiting his broth- er Percy at the home of D. M. Coutts. Mr. and Mrs. P. Fleming spent Sun- day at the `home of Wm. Walker. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rodgers spent Sunday at Harry Kelcey's, Knock; 4 LJQILUILLE, ul 1. UL UHLU. A number from here attended the dance at the home of Milton Bettridge on Friday evening. Everyone report- ed a good time. - Fred Bail lost a valuable horse last week. ` Miss Kathleen Sharpe spent a few days with friends in Alliston last week. Herb. Wright has been conned to his bed suffering from heart trouble. Mrs. `Rrnnia in an.-.m.-mu .. ..... ....a.... Lua ucu auucnug u'0m nearc trouble. Mrs. Brock is speedily recovering from her recentvillness. T-Tnnru 1\/rnknn-`u an ..:..xu..... 1.:.. I_-.-u1 uzDLcL, mun. nu. vaucuuyuc. 7 Henry Truax, son of. James Truax. fell off his horse and broke an arm on Monday. `l\Il'un Am.` tI......-I.I.. 1.. -.a_.u.x..__ 2,4... .1. ;v:.uuuuv,v . Mrs. Art. Reynolds is visiting friends in Barrie this week. Nelson McMahon of Elmvale was home for over Sunday. F. Johnston, in the absence of Rev. A. Bushell, very ably lled his place in the United Church, Sunday. annual` I Id]-l6 I\JII (Last week's correspondence) `Jan. 28--Miss Olive Mulliss spent the week-end with Miss Olive Munro. R/I've .QnnH- chum`-sn 1-.-. ....4......-..1 uuc wccn-cuu Wlbll .L_vusS uuve Munro. Mrs. Scott Sharpe has returned home after visiting her aunt, Mrs. Banting`, in Toronto. ' A nnrnhcm -I-`vnw-. hm-. ..++.-.....a...: +1.... uaya uuzuu: 1`chu1'111ug bu 1.Ul`UIlLU. H. Burch is moving into the house formerly occupied bv Eph. Salisbury. T\/HER T\/fnwrnwaf. Dwaetnn nf Iunhv-irlnrn ;uLul.c11_y uuuupscu uv mun. Db.ub'ULll'y. Miss Margaret Preston of Wyebridge spent several days last week with her sister. Mrs. E. Vallentyne. Wnnvv 'Iv-nnv cnn nf Iornou "F.-'n.-.v (Last u;e'e-k- s' E-E)-r}-ggzgondene) Miss Edna Elliott spent Sunday at her home here accompanied by Miss Margaret Stone of Elmvale. ' (luv prnilrn kn:-I ikn wvdnl-`Autumn J-A Lva.'u;;au:u Duuuc U1 munvaue. Gar. Brown had the misfortune to fall on the ice, Sunday, and break a shoulder bone. 1|/I'n nu! `Inn... 1...- 11._--....1.-1.. 1.. OLIULHUCL IJUILU. Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Reynolds, Jr., gave a very successful party to a num- ber of friends, Jan. 24, dancing being the main feature of the evening. Miss Mary Elliott is home for a few days before returning to Toronto. 1-T Rnvnh in rnnvinrr in!-n fhn hnncn Ont.-I am taking Lydia. I. Pinkhaufa Vegetable Compound throughthechango ' ' of Life. It helps me and I cannot prain : it too highly. I won _ troubled with heat = ashes and my I limbs were heavy 5 on T nnnlrl Ho!-ru 1. U1 UIIUU 1530 WCCIS. On Monday evening. Jan. 21, about ninety friends. and neighbors met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Spring to spend a social evening to- gether and to extend the hand _of friendship to Mrs. Spring. The rst part of the evening was spent in soci- al conversation and euchre. About ten o'clock Mr. and Mrs. Spring were pre- sented with two beautiful wicker chairs by James Clark and Cecil Spragge. Mrs. J. S. Ferguson read an` address expressing the cordial wishes of.the community. After the presentation Wallace thanked everyone very kindly for the gifts. All joined in singing For they are Jolly Good Fellows." The young folk enjoyed dancing for a shortd time after which a lunch was serve . lugllh uuu 15 uupruvxug IUUCIJ. Mrs. I. M. Spring spent a. couple of days this week at the home of her `brother, Geo. Martin, Stroud. I~\ u`IInInIrr\I\ nnnnb 0| Gnu: Anna In Ul UUIJCI, \JCU. LVLUI Dilly WUIUUV-In Wm. Fullerton spent a few days in Toronto last week. u Tlkanplnuu AIrn|AIIAou `Inn: 01 gluon`!- (ast wek'sZ cor1:espondence) 7 Jan. 30-_--I. M. Spring spent 9. day `last week in Toronto. `Run Ynnliknub AG Fnnnvulrn ev\Anl- as I30 WUCIS Ill LUlUllUUo Mrs. Lockhart of Toronto spent a Arew days last week at the home of her sister, Mrs. Emma Jones. Tiirln Ynnlu Tknvnnann Inna nr\AunI'_ BIDDCIC, JNLIB. nuuuu IJUllUDu Little Jack Thompson was operat- ed on for -a.ppend1c'1t1s.last Thursday night and is improving nicely. Mr: `I M` Rnrlna gnnnf. n nnnrn nf .$upt. Lockha.rt- of Pan; sounci el- nlw-ht nth? n1nnI' Inna horn`! kuwnn EIGHTH LINE, INNISI-`Il._. NEW LoV_;_s_/_E;q._J {A1 nvnu_:.4.-.. . "":.!:Y!-_EE?'.. mu ms were ncasvy so I could hardly walk to do my farm work. I saw in the newspaper: your ad about the _ Vegetable Com- " T und and thought to give it a trial. T, e first bottle gave me relief and I have told others what It don for me. am willing for you to II! letter 1! on choose._"--Ml. D. B. ilton, Ontario. I unrounouhbu` .Y!YBFY _ CLOWES ..`l'rrIrrI-._ cvc1.'_y bracts U1. uuuumqu J.l'UuUlU 1138 disa eared. I now eat anything and feel ' e 8. new person}? ( , Fruit-aa-tives will quickly relieve Indigestion and Dyspepsia. 25c. and. 9500-3 box--at dealers everywhere. uwyulbwvvw Material ........................ .. Labor ............................ .. Long distance calls .... .. Switching .................... .. Material ........................ .. Maintenance ................ .. Salaries ........................ .. Printing and postage .. Miscellaneous ............ .. Balance cash on hand Midland s new Y.M.C.A.,. built and furnished by Mr. and Mrs. D. L. White at 9. cost of $75,000`, was opened on Tuesday of this week. (`nu-\G `ling f\ nuv\n11 ".0"-.'knA anal` U13 L HUDBIOWJ VI IILJLD VV CUBS: Capt. Wm. O'Donnell whohad sail- ` ed the waters of Georgian Bay for six- ty years, died at Waubaushene, Jan. 24, aged 7'7 years. ` It looks almost iiiei lm- _.ng1_ ` Line my a wealth of health oods the body under the healing inuence V of ``Fl`l1it-8.- tives. Indigestion, Gas and Pain `after Eating, Headaches and Constipa- tion simply disappear. As Mrs. E. White of West Toronto, - Ont., statesu. I suered from Indigestion for months and could not eat a square meal. V Since taking `Fruit-a-tives every-trace of Stomach Trouble has Hinnfnnnnrnrl T nnw uni: onul-`hind and Jvvuohpua Cash, Jan. 1, 1928 ....... .. Accounts paid to Bank . Interest .... .............. .. PLAYS A Pam? KNIFE AND FORK :3.'xu|u_) uncu auu VVUHIUH. Try these supremely efficient 'sug".u` coated tasteless tabletsifor 30 days-if they don't help great- ly your money will be refunded. nnn nynvnrnn n-u:v\nJ 4-an r\nnn:-'1: uauamu. Olcers Elected Election of office`rs resulted as fol- lows: Wm. E. Brown, President: 0. W. Caldwell, Vice-President; and A. Osborne, John B. Jory and Francis Madden, Directors. FINANCIAL STATEMENT r Receipts n.-mt. rm-. 1 1mm Q1 14:? 1n nun vvauas auyunaav vnusnwsnsu. The other common fault, and the cause of numerous transmission com- plaints, is that some subscribers speak 4 or 5 inches from the transmitter. and even then not always directly into mouthpiece. For instance, we found a subscriber at one of your rural sta- tions standing approximately 10 or 11 inches from mouthpiece, and the bat- tery at this particular station not in good condition. We therefore recom- mend that your repairman take ad- vantage of every opportunit_V `ls/hen vis- iting subscribers stations to impress upon them the co-operation required and to emphasize the following: `When you finish a talk. liauq up the receiv- er and give the handle one quick turn. Speak slowly, distinctly and directly into the transmitter with the lips a- bout one half inch from the mouth- piece. U`l J- `"211 L... l..J.-.....-.1-1...... L- I......... LLAL tlauu It will be interesting to learn that if the mouth is but three inches away from the mouthpiece three miles of cable, or 230 miles of very long haul circuit is added to the line. We mere- ly call attention to this fact so that all concerned may fully realize the im- portance __of correctly speaking on local and particularly long distance connec- tions. t\1II.I,__, u-1 VI. \.--Juucavaum WU urn: ullvnauuzevu ._, . It will be of interest to learn that after adjusting.,the cord relay on rural position, a close check was then made on Barrie two rural positions, and in half an hour s observation (9.15 to 9.45 am.) the operator reported no disconnect signals appeared on the cord supervisory lamp signals. This fault of not ringing off involves a great deal of extra work on the part of Bell operators who unavoidably, frequently observe" on connections, in order that the cord pairs may, on completed con- versations, be released for service; and what is still more important is to pre- vent the operators on other positions from reporting that `rural lines test busy. It is only fair to say that Crown Hill subscribers are not the only rural subscribers at fault, as this non-co-op- eration will be found on two other connecting company systems connect- ing wlth Barrie exchange. VH1-`A n6-Inn tur\vv\vv\4\v\ 4`nu`IL 1-snap: `-`Ara unlit vnnvnuun 9 Iwuul Uvb o A. D. Morton, Bell Telephone In- spector, in his report to the directors of the company; which contained very valuable information regarding the condition of the lines, phones, etc., with recommendations to improve these, reported on the service as fol- lows: Co-operation is required to en- sure good service of any kind, but more particularly rural party line tel- ephone service. In this respect we are not receiving this from some Crown Hill subscribers, and as previously ex- plained, one of two very common faults is that subscribers do not ring off after talking through central of- ce or when talking to a subscriber on their own line, as in both cases this is very essential at all exchanges. ' TL '31! L.` .\ Iv-I-nun:-L O-A Innmn `Inni- There was 9. very small attendance at the annual meeting of the share- holders of Crown Hill Te1ephon_e Com- pany held in the school house, Dal- ston, on Jan. 22. A |...1..... .............s...-i `kn H... .n......+.....- UUIIp VII UGIII1 CHI A bylaw presented by the directors reducing the number of directors from seven to ve was approved. T:-Jun B '"EAV\ than annninfa 32fm" x";6{is3`{{v'$s' appointed shareholders auditor. ` -Ao___A.-_. 11-11 lIl'I-I-_I._..- 9.. Inspector {Gives T-his ` One Main Reason fo Poor Service. Since Fruit-a-fives" Brought Relief From . Indigestion Ly guux. xuuucy vvux uc LcA.uuu\7u. One woman gained ten pounds in twenty-two days. Sixty tablets, sixty cents~-Economy Size $1.00. Ask Douglas Drug Store or any druggist for McCoy's Cod: `Liver Extract Tablets. Directions and formula on each box. I `U'" MR5. WHITE Expenditures $3,335.28 335.28 . $1,157.19 . 2,155.20 22.39 3 175.00 100.53 383.45 868.75 188.30 176.55 61.25 12.10 ` 28.58 1,340.77 for t aS' One clause reads: I think you are fully aware that the Bell Company operators lack the co-operation of some Vespra rural subscribers in that they do not ring 011 when nishing a talk. As our operators can never give good service under such conditions we will therefore be glad if you will take advantage of every opportunity to bring this matter to the attention of all Vespra subscribers and tell them to see that each member of the fam- ily pays `attention to this most im- portant matter. RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES ' Receipts nch Tan 1 1000 4 one 01. J2-4,510, Ilruanuwl 0:) Salaries and allowances ...... $ 115.02 B. T. Co., long distance calls 428.48 Material ................................ 350.38 Miscellaneous .......................... .. 31.71 ` Print., post, stationery ...... 18.64 B. T. Co., sWitc_hing, 1,308.27 Maintenance ............................ .. 270.10 Interest .................................... .. 11.75 Balance cash on hand .......... .. 564.53 141 V Cl. 1.`4.\bl"al.ZL L l':lUll,S. Full of health and weight build- ing substances-the proven and -successful kind--the kind that are .9. real help to frail, rundown. .~3kim1y men and women. I`... 4-Ln...` ,........-......`l.. ....!....L V`. v...... -...--.v...-4 vvcaavv-I -vuvnv uvu-4a.AuL_yu Who wouldn't spend a few weeks or months in Florida? Days of sunshine, nights of music, lights and laughter. Wonderful links for the golfer. Courts for the tennis enthusiast and lawn bowling greens. `Polo. riding, motor- boatimz. suri bathing. deep sea.,fishing and other sports and pastimes in abun- ance. ' It'll...-u. I-I... ..-u`.Ll.. ............_ -1 1-.n_....|.1- n .wc\.c1.pbo Cash, Jan. 1, 1928 ...... 4! Collected by Township Supplies sold .................. .. Collections .................. .. . Miscellaneous ` ....... ...... .. FOR. A WINTER. HOLIDAY TRY FLORIDA This is the Florida. social season. Trains` from almost every part of the Continent are bringing their quota to this famous winter resort` country. urn . .......1.1...u. ..........x - a._ __._u__ -- uuuuc. ` Then! the extic scenery of Florida! The marvellous cuisine! The tropical atmosphere! You'll never forget nor regret a. Florida holiday. Ant! nnninn National 1:mm.m. l'V.l.'l`JII ll l."lUl}lLlU: llUllU.H:y. Anv Canadian National Railways Aeent will help you plan an itinerary, Rive, full information and make reser- linnnn far Evan " 7 8-5- IKIVF. lull IXIIUFHIH vapgons tor you. kunvnu. Llsuu. The report of A. D. Morton, con- necting company service inspector of the pen Telephone Company. was very complimentary to the Vespra system. IIAOWLA J. AAuAALyuuLA, Iv UL u 4. U I..n.\.avu\.a., uaau Thos. Walton and Gareld Wingrove appointed auditors. Many matters in regard to the use and abuse of the telephone were discussed at length, and it was the consensus of opinion that as each subscriber contributed an equal amount towards the building and maintenance of the system. he had a perfect right to enjoy the ser- vice. and if parties persisted in inter- rupting said service they should be deprived of the same forthwith, and dealt with as provided in the Tele- phone Act. '1'nI\ u-noun-uL at-` A T'\ `A Ir.-\..L._... ....... The sixteenth annual meeting of the subscribers of the Vespra. Municipal Telephone System was held in the P01- ice Court Chambers, on Saturday re- cently. There was a very small at- tendance. Chas. Harris. chairman of the Telephone Commission, was in the chair. rnI__ rl-|-1-..I_-.__ II_....__.'_._:_...... ...I.. LILIOULL - The Telephone Commissioners viz., Chas. Harris, Reg. Bertram and Tru- man Thompson, were re-elected, land Vfannn 1!7n1l-nun And f1nut:n'l.-1 `!T:v\I\uunI\I1r\ `no you rmll.-u\vlI1It causes your rheumatism? lN'm.him,v hut '. mrp-enlgml crystals of uric acid Whirh vzvt hm rlcvn Mn! joints. The SIX salts in Krnsdu-n wilt clear those crystals from your BYSt'IIl nlmnsr utom-v, uml-hey presto !-the pain is 1`m';,vot.u-:1. After that " the little daily dnsw " will keep your whole systoln clrnn and of uric acid for the rest of your life. For nunzy years I hams been mffering faith 1}u'muuIi.-m, and rm/cough I won! m:cr_;/ year to V1}/41/mt :.~uc/:12/ur-rm. I did not secmto uetnnwlv brllrr. For the last 5 years I have been tukma Krum-Im: Salts, half-Ietwpoonful every m0rm'.uo, and for the last year or two I do not Immo what rheumatic puma are." -1`. I). Ormlnn! lnunecuon.