Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 7 Feb 1929, p. 4

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uu. Ten dollars to the boy taking the highest percentage for general pro- lciency, marked on attendance, live- stock Judging, public speaking and an examination, won by Calvin Ireland. AIIVI`l\`v\ an... ....a ._--, ,1 V ............. .., nun nu; \JcuvAu uczuuu. Fountain pen and pencil to the high boy in the novice class in stock judg- -ing, won by Jack Wilson. $2.50 and $1 an hm +1.... -1.4. .....1 n...1 rug, wuu Dy uacx wuson. $2.50 and $1.50 for the '1st and 2nd prizes in Public Speaking won by Wal- ter Ball and Harold Parker, respec- tively. . ' e The stat! of the Dept. of Agriculture wish to acknowledge the splendid as- sistance rendered by the local Wo-- men's Institute, the Cookstown Agri- cultural Society, the township coun- cils, the Stevenson Farms, Alliston, for their hospitality and accommoda- tion during the visit to the firm, also |tO MBSSFS. Dn.w:nn and T\ivII!1n-03" A` ,uuu uunng me v1s1n to the farm, to Messrs. Dawson and Dinwoody of Oookstown and T. R. Coulter of Bar- U; uuaa .LVL_y1. u!': .l.'Vi.I.lK1I1. _ Five dollars to the girl making the highest number of points in sewing, Won by Miss Dorothy Cullingham. I Five dollars to thn am rnobinn +1... nwuu uy .Lv.uss uuronny uuumgnam. Five dollars to the girl making the highest number of po nts in Home iNurs1ng, won by Miss elen Suther- rland. land. ix nu. auu. LVJJDD h1C`culUl LvJ.uu'uc'cLu, uuu ` he Class in Agriculture, proposed by Miss Myrtle Rankin and respond- ed to by Arnold Sutcliffe and T. R. Harrison. ' `lUl'h~n `El `[7! V7I._A:.. A__u. ru__._1_ -1 LL, The banquet at the Short Course i |in keeping with the ivailed throughout ti A1` R `an Y\h'\ vnnf J.VL1bb in Orr` duties ` Tllfna A I-l\I|\lnJl 3 A , Q ----`tn nuu - `The following: I-IORSES-Roan horse, 10 yrs. G.P.; roan horse, 9 yrs. old, G.P. r1/u-nrrrr1:I `I31.-Jr nnuv 0 11V: In ` Died on Friday, February 1, 1929, at- `his home, Hartford Lewis. Interment was made on Sunday, February 3, with Ifuneral service at the house. . Miss Ruth Cunningham, nurse-1n- [training in R.V. Hospital, Barrie, and` T.1nvr1 l".11nn1'no~`|-mrn nlcn nf `Dos-9-in] v J.uuU1uL ac; VLUU `(lb L116 IIUU ; Cunningham training 2 Lloyd Cunningham, also spent Sunday with their pa IAN ENJOYABLE BANQUET I | -_.CL_OSES_ SI.-IQRT C_OI_JRSE_ , WU]. V after 6-Inwrnn Young people come in from all parts of our province to take the place of graduates who got out into office positions through the Employment Department of Shaw : Business Schools in Tor- onto. Why not take your turn? Free particulars on request. W. R. Rh}. `nu nun. out Blur! Charles DAY by DAY LVLJD9 IVGLLI Orrville 4-! An 4-kn...-. THEBARRIEEXAMINEB Joh'n Bell. 14.. won the Somerset plowing contest at Wllliton, Eng. `Eh-nnnn 111111 nnmmlnnlnn R1 naval 1 V1116 0 there. `I (1 A : Ramsay 1 rvln 1-hie may 1: this . Arnold has returned home \+11 Irrifk knv pinyin-Ind-nu 'YUI'-n at the conclusion of mrse in Cookstown was 1:11 the spirit which pre- nout the whole course. . ninety students and ap- thirty-ve guests sat wtvutuumuu I.\\/\r\r-1` nn..-....J 1... ' returned to her ; `S week to resum VI can 0 ll; '.l'o_ronto. am, nurse-in-,! L1, so of Barriep parents. } ;o school resume herl n [.llUWlu uuuulinu am VVLIIIIJULI, 11.15. France will commission 31 naval vessels during 1929, oi. which 17 will be iarge submarines. Feb. 4--Miss Glayds Monteith has returned home after spending some time in Mimico. flan Yurln.-an Quail-`In nun-I 'l\lI {.-+4-\`lr. 1-v\r\v\+| DIIIIU L11 1.VLlL.l1lUUo ' The Misses Smith and Mistele spent the week-end in Toronto. `lunvdu f\.u-nu :1.-un `nan knnuu t\v\ 4-1-an D115` wccn-cuu. 111 J-ULULIUU. Frank Orser, who has been on the sick list, is improving. 4\-Kr an:-1 1\/fr: 'l\lYarI An!-Iv-nee nf Qfnfnh rie, for the donation of prizes whichl helped to keep up interest in the work. ILUA Llbll, LB lll11J.l.UVlL1 . Mr. and Mrs. Mac. ixndross of Staten B1-eakastBacon ", ,',.`.,`; lb. 230 sued lb. 25 ' IIAMS In. 27..- Hall or whole-per lb. tnnm T I131! 01' wnoxr-per ID. O l0OQVlIIlII.IlOIll Ibo 28 ouaauiooonunococo 24c HTTYI j II. In. 'I\J\rl.I\aa1 nun: FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS The undersigned has received instruc- tions from LUINS .,..., .... .... .. 1b.z8c . '* BUTTS . .... ...... lb. 10 per order to any part Sea. -ooooaooooo lbs Rolls :";%.':.`; ?;'.:.,:i \J'l.lJll.` I.Il.IrLVsAn saw- ..-..--_.. - .. _ Size l s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AYLMER. FANCY QUALITY BEETS Size 2's . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. AYLMER CHOICE PUMPKIN Size 21/2's--Each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..13 HEINZ COOKED SPAGHETTI _ Medium size-Each . . . . . . . . ..16c AYLMER. GOLDEN WAX BEANS ' Size 2 s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 21c lJ.l.\/I21) I.J'.llI4JII\J L U ze 2 s . . . . . . . . . . . 12%;c LIBBY S SAUERKRAUT Size 21/ s . . . . . . . . . 12%c DELMONTE ASPARAGUS l`IPS-Size 1 s-Each. . .32c '1 U Uvnllnlnu L unuvunnv .-. svu... ...-...-..-... Belfcious Pancakes Easily . . . . . .17c Fresh rendered-3-lb. pail. . . mom) cA1mo'rs 6_I__ ll)- I "" Accurate] The finest grade of pasteurized 42 th f e arm. creamery. Per 11)., Aunt Jemi_r1a Pa_ncak_e Fl2ur-Makes Maple Syrup- -. an . `IE7- T\3_-J_ `I._LJ.`I- CALIFORNIA ASPARAGUS TIPS 61-- 1 L. r]oMArr9E..s BEEF SPECIALS I`I\IIJl`Il, I --anao`..--- _' The following: I-IORSES--Brown mare, heavy; roan horse, 10 yrs. old, heavy; team Clydes, 4 and 5 years old. CATTLE AND PIGS-Hereford cow, 6 yrs. old, due March 1; black heifer, rising two years old; red heifer, rising 3 yrs old; 6 yearlings; 2 brood sows, in pig; 11 pigs, 4 months old. __ -__ -- --go--an Ir-.1rI-Ir! 1p_,.,.,.., 11-, 3 R Stand-ar;l` ;}u:,lit~y. gize 2's SIRLOIN STEAK `3284: ROUND STEAK `Is. 27eS WING A STEAK 1' lb. 32 MIDHURST rnnsnt PORK CARNATION BRAND #4.:--_- Beef Prices Are`Down at Arnold s Markets.` Buy Beef This Week. Aylmer Choice Quality Size 2 s nu 55 I` 1'1 uvvvu, poo "'] -- .~-..~. - IMPLEMENTS, ETC.-Massey-Har- ris binder, 6-ft. cut; Massey-Harris disc drill, 13; Deering mower; lumber wagon; Massey-Harris rake; scuffler; fanning mill; 2 sets harrows; Wilkin- son plow, No. 4; pulper; gang plow; em- ery grinder; spring-tooth cultivator; cutter; disc harrow, Massey-Harris; set sleighs: hay rack; churn, new; cream separator, Melotte, new; set long-tug harness, new; set light sleighs; number grain bags; democrat; road cart; quantity good hay; quan- tity of oats; Home Comfort range; also forks, chains, doubletrees and many other articles. v lT`nv ms _qa1o__All cum: nf 1000 I IJLIUIUC Quanta] u CORN ` THE PRICE REDUCTIONS Come and See, Tuesday, Feb. 12th, or When You Can. FIRST TO COME WILL BE BEST SERVED Store will be cldsed Monday, Feb. 11th, for preparation. WE CANNOT QUOTE PRICES HERE THAT WILL ADEQUATELY CONVEY THE MAGNITUDE OF TI II` I'\I'\II\I'V I'\IHI-\I v/up-nu.-.--.-.. S-chandlen is able to be out again I Iafter his illness. Island, N.Y., are spending a month with the former`s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Andross. Mrs. Lorne Poole and children have returned after some holidays in Tor- onto. ] Mrs. A. Finley, who has been on the sick list, is somewhat improved. I W. W. Boyce is improving slowly. I The Misses Annie and Mabel Mc- .13 /20 . FRUITS AND VEGETABLES ICEBERG LETTUCE 10c COOKING ONIONS 4 lbs. 25c DELIVERY SERVICE Stock up your pantry shelves now with these high-quality brands at money-saving prices. "13'ii{t"1o`t't'1"e .. Aylmer Golden Bantam 2 5 31 AYLMER. CHOICE TOMATOES Size `/.i s--Each . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. CHATEAU CHEESE-PLAIN 1/. _ll\ Wyn.- .-5... . - . . . . . . . . SA A]IiA`-TE;1-BLACK 1/.,lk ..l....,. _. __._--- .,..--s 'AJLl A 14. : U \_/1 1, -lb. pkgs. nu.-s- ._.._- THt31is]bXY","i5EIJ}LR 14 `VTVIAA n11n1Ivinn I 4nu4nAJ..1 .l. ILL` 1/_ -lb. pkgs. FRESH EGGS Accurately graded-direct from ` the farm. Pulletextras. Doz. SARDINES 2 tins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ` VI-TONE (HEALTH DRINK) 1-lb. tin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Ginnis are home after spending some time with friends in Craighurst. Aylmer Choice Quaty FISH SPECEALS Legs English Bloaters or Scotch Kippers-_3 fish for . . . . . . ..22c V Fresh Atlantic Codfish or Fresh Atlantic Flounders-lb . . . . . . 18c Hen-ings, Weather Chilled-2 lbs. . . . . . .. .-_..__--...____ ] FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS! Choice Atlantic Fillets-lb.. .220 _- -un-A1 Q ELECTRIC FLOOR POLISHER AT $1.00 PER DAY 1 LB. FLOOR WAX FREE ..... .. . I 0 I'I n AYLMER FANCY (390:-SBY CORN. Size 2 s . . . . . .. 17' 3 for 353% LAMB . 4.144. ALIKJKJLU VV nx). 1`[VI14L'4 Tuck's Barrie Fair Thursday, February 7, 1929 -_--..-.-\ LIBBY S PORK .5`; Size 2's . . . . . . . . .. AYLIVIER FANCY :4 n rwvr TENDER YOUNG .A-4unp.anv ; AhA\\r AC}-I. Size 2'5 Mao Four . Iorm. Take a teaspoonful oi. the powder or tour tablets with a little water after your next meal, and see what a diner- enca this makes. It will instantly neutralize the dangerous, harmful acid in the stomach which now causes your food to ferment. and sour, making gas. wind. atulence. heartburn and the bloated or heavy. lumpy teeling. that mm! to` follow most everything ou cat. You can enioy your meals t - put a tear ct indisgstion. ,.__, . ` F OR RENT -av.-... .___ 7 Blade .. . . lb. 19c Boned and Rolled Rib lb. 29c` Per lb. 40 Dunlop St. BARRIE ROASTS 35c Loins @E& $90 . .18c '7 0 (10 \Jl`IIdld\I VV At Lot 13, Con. 9, Innisfil to sell by public auction on _..-- ---_-; A an -nun-\r\IvAl'\Ir 1 A 29c 4c 29` .37c MRS. HJii1"Ki}ERALL At Lot 17, Con. 3, Innisfil to sell by public auction on __-_ .-. unriu-nl'|I'lAl'I\I -up: DUAL NJ rlhlv-our .----- Fl{iDAY, FEBRuA1i'ifi5 FF}-an fnllnuilna ' Additional Salesladies WANTED WXuc'noN SALE -- nu-uasrqtr A\YI'\ I`|\/I"DI'.I4"|\/I1 _vv. `A. GALLO'yVAY_ - `all f! REORGANIZATION SALE at Sarjeant & King's t v tr j A SALE THAT WILL INCLUDE THE ENTIRE STOCK OF THIS GREAT STORE COMMENCING TUESDAY MORNING AT 9 O'CLOCK. FEBRUARY 12TH A Sale At Prices REGARDLE$S OF PROFIT That Will Raise For Us $20,000 IN A FEW DAYS _AUC'l_`l_ON SALE .._.._ ..._ --... wunu-sv -nun: People who suffer from indigestionl usually have tried pepsin, charcoal, drugs and various digestive aids and got little more than slight temporary relief-sometimes not even that. But before giving up to chronic dys- pepsia. just try the effect or a little Bisurated Magnesia-not the ordinary commercial carbonate. citrate or milk, but pure Bisurated Magnesia which you can obtain from practically any druggist -in either powder or tablet lnrm BIGGE5T_$A__1_-EIN A1_.-1- QUE YFAR$..QF.' EXPERIENCE And the quality of this stock is so well known that you will readily understand the offering we make is really worth while. Beautiful new Silks and Dress Goods Carpets, Congoleums, Blankets and Comforters All Hosiery, Gloves and Underwear V All White Goods, including the Spring Purchases of Every Garment in our Big Ready-to-Wear Department N Pillow Cottons, Sheetings, Linens and Curtain Materials The Balance of Men s and Boys Wear including 50 Overcoats and 75 Suits will be Sold at a Fraction of the Cost Price. AFTER TWENTY YEARS OF HONEST, AND WE BELIEVE SUCCESSFUL, ENDEAVOR TO SERVE YOU, WE ARE MAKING A RADICAL CHANGE IN OUR FIRM, A CHANGE THAT MEANS REORGANIZATION OF MANAGEMENT AND A LARGE ADJUSTMENT OF CAPITAL. ~ EVERYTHING T GOES ON SALE o1d,E 1 3 uicuva. uu wuuiauuub. us The Curatrus. with 1929 Para- tex" shield, holds perfectly, giving comfort and allowing Nature to close the opening quickly. These new. rup- ture aids have received highest approval and are endorsed by many physicians. If you are tired of your old truss and would like to be done with heavy steel springs, bulky pads and chafing pres- sure on hips and spine, then investi- gate this method and learn the help it offers at small cost. Remember it is different from everything else, and is giving results where all other appli- ances have failed. It is modern, the result of over 30 years in this special- ty, and is made in 30 different styles to meet every person's demand and occupation. Each appliance is guaran- teed for purpose intended and you try it for 30 days and if not satisfied that it is the best for your needs, your money will be cheerfully `refunded as per -written guarantee. Mr. Egan is the only expert in this specialty that backs up his work with a money re- fund. guarantee. No_ takes, no mail order lies, just, straight business. Try reliability for a change and better re- sults. Surgical elastic. hosiery for vari- cose veins, etc. Latest `models of ab- dominal supports for obesit ,- post- operative conditlons, sacro- - or weak back troubles and all abdominal conditions, over 30 -st les and medi- cally approved. Call an free. Tear thisoutrnow. consult. ' 4.: xcuuo uucx C. I Wilson Abernethy of Weston was a. visitor at the home of Jas. Cerswell one day last week. The vnnncr nnnnln u1nn+ I-A Qnhnum ---...--.. -....n.-navy `JO vnawv vonnu4U\.v.' | Autos are pretty nearly as much in evidence as during the summer wea- |ther. the roads being in such good l condition for motoring. Draw 1:! IA` 15 ...... .. ....s an A an. jtuv-r --u-gnaw Wm. Reynolds motored to Oshawa and spent part of last week with [friends there. \!71~nw-. Aka...-nu-1.... -1-` 111..-`.-- --..... .. I uuc uuy man wccn. I The young people went to Schem- berg on Friday evening and gave their | play in the hall under the auspices of ` the Women's Institute of that village. AII.'I\r1 ....- .....-L.a.-. ..__..1_. __ .- - UJ5. cuuii, 0 auuzr: gusa, 1U noun. . IMPLEMENTS, ETC.-2 buggies] buggy pole; 2 wagons; set sloop sleighs: 2 cutters; Massey-Harris bin-! der; sulky rake; Massey-Harris mow-I er; scuffler; seed-drill, Massey-Har- ris: spring-tooth cultivator; set har-l rows; 2 walking plows; Cockshutt 2- furrow plow; potato moulder; cutting- box; fanning mill; sugar kettle; pole truck for binder; set double harness; hay rack: 2 sets single harness; Daisy churn; 2 plank bottoms; cook stove; cream separator, Renfrew; quantity good hay; collie dog; galvanized water trough; 4-cylinder knitting machine; also forks. chains, doubletrees and many other articles. 'f`nIvrnc nf n1n.__1i1nml hnv and all v..--...- ..-nan. gv. auna vvn nAa5- Rev. E. M. Burgess and W. A. Mc- Clain attended Simcoe Presbytery meeting in Barrie on Tuesday. APPLIANCE EXPERT COMING '1`. Y. EGAN, the well known interna- tional appliance expert and member of the New York State Surgical Appli- ance Institute (Offices: New York,, Chicago and 1057 College St., Tor- onto), will be at BARBIE, Wellington Hotel, February 22-ORILLIA, at Or- illia Hotel, Saturday (hours 8 a.m.\ till 9 p.m.), Sunday (hours 9 a.m. till 7 p.m.), 2 days only, February 23-24- to give a free demonstration of mod- ern rupture appliances. Private fitting rooms for men, women, children. Tele- phone hotel office for special appoint- ments. Lady assistant. This (`.In-n.f.1-nsa" mlth 1090 Dams; RUPTURH RELIEF 3 1 C` 1%;/e`;;raeJr:36yab1e evening was spent dancing at the home of Will Sear] where over a hundred guests were pre- sent. ` VT`!-up. `I f\f' Aonuana 1...... `1.13... ...l..1.J. m'i`Uhe L.0.L. dance here Friday night was the most successful of the season. Being the first Sunday of the month service was held in the evening at the i Anglican Church. E Miss Velma Beardsull of Elmvale b spent the week-end with friends here. Feb. 4--1vZI1s-s-EdnZaT Tompson has returned home after spending some time in Midland. Misses Ruth and Velma Bowman Earrie spent Sunday at their hon ere. Tlklnn Dnunlnn "Funny nu? 1UI lAInvuA nvuu _ .__....`, -- . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . _ -. V VBabe Barlow has returned to To- gonto after some time with` friends ere. , Thfmn ('1 'E`A-41.14 Lusn -uni-.uu......J L- L-.. W1L\/Es. C. Ffench has returned to her home in Vasey. 'l\/Tw: `I -`|'n1-n'|r1 'hnhn'|: and cnn TFnv'I nf uuuu: zu vaocy. Mrs. Harold Debals and son Earl of Birch spent; a few days with her fath- er,_ J. Draper. M A vnrv n'ninvnh'ln ntynnina um: cunni- TRY MAGNESIA FOR 1gIg15;Es1'1oN LICL Us Miss Bernice Trew of Midland spent Sunday at her home here. u-I~._I_-n -nn__.\___. 1... -. -__..___1 L. In. -?19{.Df!5A.D. WAVERLEY: To Accomplish This Reorganization We Shall Have The nan of home unlit savvaavu II: can \IIIlUIFl The annual meeting of the W.A. of St. George s Church was held at the ' home of Mrs. Harry McCann on Tues- day evening, Jan. 29, with a goodly number of the members present and two visitors. Mr. Abbott assisted with ` the election of officers. These are:; Hon. _Pres., Mrs. Abbott; Pres., Mrs.z Clarence Arnold; Vice-Pres., Mrs. Jos. Tiffin; Sec y, Mrs. W. J. Miller; Treas., Mrs. Watson Mccann; Leaflet! Sec y, Mrs. Geo. Ellis; Corresponding Sec y, Mrs. D. J. Miller ; Home Depart- ment, Mrs. Beckerton; Flower Oom., Mrs. Tiffin, Mrs. Fred Mccann, Mrs. M. McMaster The next meeting to be held at the home of Mrs. Arnold the last Tuesday in February, Mrs. Mccann to take the missionary paper and Mrs. 0. Arnold the bible reading. A Farewell Presentation on Wednesday evening, Jan. 30, a large.gathering of friends and neigh- bors met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Mccann. After a very en- Joyable evening a cordial address (signed by D. J. Miller and J. Har- old Bell on behalf of the community) was read to Mr; and Mrs. Mccann on the eve of their retirement from the neighborhood. In the address re- ference was made to their wise ad- vice, kind neighborliness and hearty support toward better social conditions whole lives have been spent. Accomp- anying the address was a three-piece suite, as tangible evidence of esteem and goodwill. Mr. and Mrs. Mccann replied thanking the kind friends -who had thus gathered and extending a cordial invitation to all to come often [in the community in which their to see them in their new `home in g Amrus. . - nmuy Uhucl. tu uusca. Terms of Sale--T-Fowl, hay and all sums of $10.00 and under, cash; over that amount 9 months credit will -be given to parties furnishing approved joint notes. 6% per annum off for cash on credit sums. All will be sold without reserve. Sale at 1 pm. W. A. Mcconkey, Auct. Aboui: Russian exiles are nv-. mg in France and Germany. A New York stock exchange `seat, bought tor $1,000 in 1868, was recent- ly you to: g5s_o,ooo. . .s.~__.._~..._._._-_ I J.uu1-suuy cvcxuug. R. E. Bell of Orillia visited his par-: ents here last Thursday. WPH 5:/T1` and `Mfr: T-T T\/Tana: and auu. .l.V.lLb. uuuu LJUUDU11. ' Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Miller were at home to the Community Club on; Thursday evening. | I P. F! 1253" nf (\ri1Ho vlcifnri `hi: how. `I-`Inll I Feb. 4-Miss Bella Miller, Barrie, spent the week-end with her brother Allen Miller. 1 'l\II u:~ 1`lYnn4- E4-A-.A1........ A11.......I..1.. I naxcu J.vuuc1 . ' Mrs. West Stoneham, Al1a.nda1e,' spent Saturday with her parents, Mr.` and Mrs. John Dobson. 1\/fit and 1\lI'mn `IN `I `ll'l`I`lnu Ivvnuna A4- lvuuu uci. u1uu11c1 111 1.U1'U11bU. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bell are enter- taining the Club this (Wednesday) ev- ening. an 1-1 , a cu. . A-.. V--v---' 'r"'""' "7 ` ` """' Ithe Shc The annuai ousmess meeting and keepi election of officers of the United S.S. vaned t] was held on Friday evening last. The] At 33. new officers are: Superintendent, Ira.lpmx1ma Partridge: assistant, E. C. Drury; Sec.- down to Trea-s., Oscar Chappell; assistant, Cecil the co Chappell; teacher of Men s Class, E.;Jack W C. Drury; assistant, Rev. R. G. Hal-class, ac bert: teacher of Women s Class, Mrs.;Ve,-y pk S. J. Dunsmore; assistant, Miss Rix; program Girls` Class teacher, Mrs. Drury; as- to -The sistant, Mrs. Chappell; ]_3oys teachergby wan Rev. . G. Halbertc assistant, W. T.Rev_ D_ Partri ge: Primary. Mrs. W. T. Part- Clement ridge; chairman of Missionary Dept.,,c1ags," ; Mrs. E. C. Drury; chairman Ten'lpe1"'}respQnd_= ance Dept., Miss E. A. Rix; organist, .1 nd am Miss Beth Drury. Church service at rhe C] 10.30; S.S.. 11.30. Miss uuunouuwu uxcuus. l Miss Alderson spent the week-end with her mother in Toronto. `Mfr curl 1\Irm~ *r_1'...m1..1 13-11 ...... .....a..... cuua uczc Juan J.uu1'auu_y. ' Feb. 5-Mr. and Mrs. H Mapes and` Mrs. Morrison of Cookstown spent: Monday evening at the home bf Mrs. |E1ph1ck. mlor 1'\A:nr\v\nIv annni Gvunolncv u-1&1-u ruyzuun. Edward Denney spent Sunday with Cookstown friends. KaL- A1:-`nanny; .-.vuu.J- J-1... .....-I- -...I The undersigned has received instruc-' tions from Feb. turned north. `lkun AJUL VI A 3 Mrs. E. C. Toronto last ` `lllflpuu IN:-`om .1. UL U11 UU Miss her dut Q A number ` enjoying the ; V St. James ( a rector and r U` Ee Februa men s Institute home of Mrs. . Feb. 12. There an exchange of V be answered by nunnv. n cud I:r\vv| A LIUIILC UL $VLL D. U HID. I-U118 U11 -I- CC will be quilting, valentines. Roll ca a. joke or a. story. eryone welcome at 2 o'clock. ousmess uvvnn L-`A1;-I Au. 'lT1..-iplnc. n.....~l-4.;-. 1...-.L LJDB LV&.l1| duties wst. George s W. A. Officers .... -....-.._-I __-__L1,- ,, --- I I number of our young people are `mg skating at Guthrie Rink. Church is as yet without; or no services are held there. 2 February meeting of the W0- will be held at the Jas. Rix on Tuesday, also ..I............. -4.` ..-1.....u..,... 13.11 ....H ..I U.1 .; ruuu HULBC, .7 _yLa. uau, \J-L . I CATTLE-B1ack cow, 9 yrs., milk- ing, in calf; spotted cow, 6 yrs. old, fresh. nvrun A\YY'\ -umwra an`!!! I: run-a an Drury vi 0 week. Mildred Luck .Ll;u- an nnuuunru Iv '4-Ernest from seven Ezown mu. .}JT_f :- `nest Partridge 1 . several months 4\A Auuuvln nurse- visited :1: has returned -in-training in ' . U11 -l U.U3\.Iayy 9.15 I as. call to | u n nl-nun `EV friends in lfbllp I PIGS AND HENS--Sow; 5 pigs, 80 lbs. each: 3 store pigs; 40 hens. I 1'` n31 1:mIn:I1\1I1'IQ u-run __`) hue-ralnc' 1 has 5 in " "" VGJICLI lI11lUU.`t','llULll; hilt: WIIUIU UUUXDC. E; The 6.30 p.m. 'f~ 11' proximately guests a sumptuous repast served by 3 Cookstown Women's Institute. 355 Wilson. president of the boys ~ H31` 1 class, acted as toast master. and in a 5 M1'5_-Ivery pleasing manner conducted the 5_R1Xv programme. This consisted of toasts Y The King," Our Guests," proposed 3ahe1 `by Walter Ball and responded to by T-lRev. A. Ferguson and Rev. W. R. Clements; The Domestic Science Dept- , Class. proposed by Harold Parker and 3mDe1"';responded to by Miss Helen Suther- Eanistv i land and Miss Eleanor Muirhead, and ha (`Juno {V1 Any-inn`I4-yon nnnnn an I/il (U Ev- the | LL04]. L lDUlIw Miss F. E. Eadie, Ass`t. Supt. of the [;`Wom,en s Institute Branch. was the `special speaker for the evening, and in la. very able manner outlined some of ']the phases of the work which should ' ;tend towards the Improvement of com- b munity life in the rural districts. The I toast list was interspersed with com- lmunity singing and solos rendered by Miss Helen Glass and Mrs. L. Monk- ' man. The local speakers who took part the programme were: J. J. E. Mc- btcague, Stevenson Farms, Alliston; `Frank Wilcox, reeve of Tecumseth: ' J. F. Hambly, reeve of West Gwi1lim- bury; Alfred Webb. reeve of Innislz 1 Theo. McMillan, manager of the Roy- ! al Bank. Cookstown; Dr. R. H. Lead- |lay and T. J. Dawson. Tho hr-Inna nsannnnluu-I 5-,` $1.. ...a............ gmmmmmmam&mmwag1 COOKSTOWN 3; 'I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I4>!n Jay uuu 1.. U. .Lla.Wb'UIl. The prizes presented to the winners in the different classes were as follows: `I31...-..L..a.. ...--- -.- J k Mrs. J. Cunningham spent a day in Barrie last week. Bobby Coffield spent the week-end with Cecil Henson in Allandale. Miss Mahala Wice of Aurora is vis- iting Mrs. J. C. Arnold for a. few weeks. - Miss Muriel McAfee of Toronto Uni- versity spent the week-end at her home. `llklnn `nauuuurnsuv ....L....._...1 L- 1.-.. _--1.--: --- `(now uonnaus yunu unuuaus) VVCLC an LUAAUWD. Fountain pen and pencil to the girl making the highest number" of points in the Domestic Science Class, won by Miss Myrtle Rankin. W111: rlnllcn-c 1-n Hun I-D3111. ........1.:...... u... many Uuucl; tu. uuxco. ' Terms of Sa1e-All sums of $10.00 and under, cash; over that amount 9 months credit will be given to par- ties furnishing` approved joint notes. 6% per annum off for cash on credit sums. All will be sold without reserve.| Sale at 1 p.m. W. A. Mcconkey, Auct.'

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