Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 7 Feb 1929, p. 11

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DUI}: Coxigratulations Lewis Wilson on daughter (Marion `RE!-n `D nhnrhann LIUIHU 11061 1: LCW WCCISS 111 LUFUHUO. Mrs. J. Harris of Barrie spent a few days last week with her mother, Mrs. Stewart, who is on the sick list. `Dav 1171:!-any-A in 4-nlrivu-u and Man ........I Docwuwu, WLIU 15 U11 lall SICK 1155. Rex Watson is taking out his usual supply of wood for his customers. KI!` and `|\/I've T\on `|\lI'n`I'nnn hnun ouyguy UL wuvu Lul. sub UubbUu1t:1'5. Mr. and Mrs. Dan. McLean have returned home after spending some Elma with their son, Wm., at Thorn- on. fVaunauunl-`-1-1-8-..... J... 1|r._ ___.i 1.... Du|J[JCJ... Shortly after seven o c1ock about forty sat down to the tables which were well laden with good things pro- vided by the ladies. After all had done Justice to the supper, R. D. Henry, in a humorous speech, thanked the ladies for their hospitality and his remar` s were heartily endorsed by Dr. Horton. The evening was spent In old fashion- ed games. Feb. 5--Lorne Jory has returned home after a. few weeks in Toronto. REV: T TJo1M-{a nf 'Dnsudn nnnnt 1'! C..." uacu LU!` D118 llrla UIITIE. The annual Day of Prayer will be held in St. Jude siChurch on Friday. Feb. 15, at 2.30. when the women of the three churches will unite in prayer for missions. All the ladies of the three churches are cordially inv:;c-:1. Thornton Sr. Institute Makes Merry A very pleasant evening was spent in the Orange Hail last Friday when the members of the Senior Institute entertained their husbands to a fowl supper, .Qhnu-Hu ams anvvnn ..v..1.\..1. ..1......a. mu. nu cuuswn nospmu, January 30. (Sec Newton and Pearl spent the! rack-and in Hominy : M111: IDIILUGIIBVLLIIL `Trinity W.M.S. will meet on Wed- nesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Horton. This will be fee day and the report of the Presbyterial will be given by the delegates. Th Annrnmnnt hf fhn T.n1-A o Gnnnnu uy URI`: ucicgabes. The sacrament of the Lord's Supper was observed in Trinity United church on Sunday morning. The two silver bread plates donated to the church by the-Young Ladies` Bible Class, were used for the first time. Thu onnnn `man. at 'n.......... ...In L- Mrs. Wm. Armstrong of Parry Sound is spending a. few days with Allnndala friends on her way to Sat- nia. Mrs. Frank Hill and two daughters, Evelyn and Gwenda, spent the week- end with her sister, Mrs. Stringer of Port Dover. `tnuuabunun nl `ung f DIVAhUfAI1`\ -oouuvvo , ova` u. aav n 5;; , raauouuu. Mrs. (R.ev.) Clifton and Lloyd are visiting with Mrs. Clifton s mother in Tillsonburg. Rev. 8. G. McCormick and C. W Henry attended Presbytery in Barri on Tuesday. `Mr and `Mr: `mu-ad `Anon. na n......a.. us; I. ucauuy. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Marr of Barrie spent Tuesday, calling on their many friends here. Ill..- !I|...I.I. D_..A..l__ .1- _.,, , u vv-.-..,, --uuu um ...uuuvu vu a.uu-uuaq. Rev. B. J. McCormick, Rev. E. Clif- ton and Mr. and Mrs. John Ingham attended the funeral of the late Wm. Holt in Alliston on Friday. The T-Tnmn `|\Tnrino- mn-an unam- (1010 11! 1111150011 on 1"I'l(1By. The Home Nursing Course, under the auspices of the Junior Institute, will start on Monday, March 4, in charge of Miss Harriet Graydon of Streetsvllle. 'f`I1`v-VII-vv TITIRG quill .......A. _.. I~rv-.-I `I IIFIIKU IICL CI Miss Ruth Martin is spending two weeks with Misses Dora. Clarke and AnAnie Patton. Elm.-n-...L .._..I 11.... fI..11l..I__.. _.e lllll {'54 It DUI! - A. Stewart and Mrs. Callighen of Toronto spent Sunday with their mother, Mrs. J. Stewart. M1`! I/|'nl`.nv-ndnlr Iffnc Tvnnn Du-sun-`nun MIUIIIICI 9 LVJJ. B. U . IAUWUJ-'0. Mrs. Mccormici, Miss Irene Barlow and Mrs. West attended the. W.M.S. Prgslzglterlal in Alllston last week. Qnmorf `Dnu Allan nu-url x1'....n1.. rL'cau_yuI:uu.1 1.11 zuuswn 13.55 WEEK. J. D. Stewart, Roy Allen and Neville Jamieson represented L.O.L. No. 16, at County Lodge at Alliston on Tuesday. Dan E Y lk..l1.u._..l.d- 11--. an 111.11 gIiiilimiiam%&g ugmu u.:.w_r uuulg on U118 slcx usu. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. W. Fletcher visit- ed friends in Cookstown recently. Miss Anna West nf `Rnrn vivaitn PRESBYTERIANS RAISED $4608; 173 MEMBERS cu. xucuua Lu UUUKSBOWII recently. Miss Anna West of Barrie visited her uncle, John West, on Monday. Mrs. Isaac SDPPFR snnnf. `Inc!-. mach um uuutc, uuun W686, on Monuay. Mrs. Isaac Speers spent last week with her sister, Mrs. Downey, Alliston. `ll:-as ID- \' ruu-4.-.. ...._1 1-1___a __.- A John Speers is not as well as his friends would wish to see. WA11: Wlnfnhnr in 431112: + Ln nnnn u-.A ILIULIUD wuuuz wxsn W see. ` Wells Fletcher is able to be around again after being on the sick list. Mr. and Mr: .1 .1 n7 1:nn+..1.m- M.-, 5mi&ww$mmwama& TEE BARBIE EXAMINER BELLE EWART I"n"l"n"l"S'l"l."l"l"l"` THORNTON E _EGBERT ` DALSTON yvyuv -wag-_;--. ~., ---. 1 A Long Ski Trip | Ken. Hulme and Jno. Forbes, aim- ing to make a. ski trip from Timmins to Toronto in 20 days. left North Bay] this morning but had not reached! Callendar at 3 pm. They made 270` of the 500 miles in nine days. the best day's travelling being 60 miles. It is not known it they will come through here or cut across the lake tram Or- illia. Inn Ilaunvnnl Ilnallll HOLLY to Mr. and Mrs. the arrival of a Gene). who has been un- unvn C:-um nI\>-vi:-\ I-q'.-us The Ladies Aid and Vv.M.S. of Zion Presbyterian church met at the home of Mrs. A. T. Arnold on Tuesday af- ternoon, Feb. 5, with a large attend- ance of members and of visitors. Bible reading was taken by Mrs. Frank 001:!- ` son and the missionary paper by Miss, H1 ! THESE m 3 FEBE~?:1RY t ( ' If you wish to have your pur- chases delivered, General De- livery calls here daily at 11 am. and 4 p.m. Saturday 10 am.` 1 2 pm., 6 pm. Delivery charges are 10c. `CALIFORNIA X sucan or L No. 2 Size EACHE H-S C VERY FINE QUALITY PINEAPPLE FUN: UUVCI. Members of Essa St. Presbyterian choir were entertained at the home or Mrs. Gilchrist, Cumberland St.. last Friday evening. A very pleasant time ` was enjoyed by all. CAKE lb. 32c LOBLAW S CHERRY BESIDES THESE. COUNTLESS NON -ADVERTISED GOOD VALUES AREON DISPLAY FOR .1 OUR OWN PERSONAL SELECTION AYLMER SLICED ANGUS aw}: SELL ron LESS LARGE 21/2 SIZE "FIR? `$25 24c J. TarBush. The March meeting will be at the home of Mrs. J. Bishop. Mrs. Sanford Baker visited Mrs. Lavis at the manse, Alliston. last week. Miss Priscilla Willson is visiting friends in Toronto. "I9 '.l`v'vo!vo The members_ of the Presbyterian ;choir and friends were entertained at WATCH FOR YELLOW PRICE TICKETS, THEY DENOTE SPECIALS LARGE `}9:.Z- AYLMEER STRAW"EE:I.R%RY tr Ill W` Are the low prices outstanding but embraces genuine goodness also - shopping at your leisure. JAM emmazms mo. 3:02;` am: 36c MEDIUM SIZE [|I|lIII|II|II0II|I0I||I0II|I0IIIl0I n` FINEST QUALITY [The British cmsp I BREAD--Pkg. STORE HOURS: 8 a.m. to 6 pm Saturday. 3 a.m. to 11 pm. Store c1osed'Wed:1esday aftux'- noon ._ _ -....._, --_-..... Harry Gregg and son Wallace 0; Lindsay are visiting the Io1`mer s pal + ents here. Examiner Classifieds bring prompt results. the home of Frank J. Coulson 1a'.~Z` Friday night. 7-r_______ In _, u -..- .- .1 PEEK F REAN S I - w !Il||I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0X0I0I1I!I% 14-16 DUNLOP /S"I`.` Tf\1'sY 71-zxv-..~ _ Thursday, February 7, 1929 Lt the quality - personal .216` Your Home is the Place to Hear this Wonderful new F our-Ten Highboy Battryless YOUR home is where you enjoy radio and home is the best place to test any radio set. Knowing this, we are always glad to install a Rogers-Batteryless Radio in the home of any responsible family-with return or ex- change privileges if the set is not entirely satisfactory. You're missing a lot without a Rogers. For, with the re- markable development of chain broadcasting (not only of musical programs but of practically all important public and sporting events) radio has become` a year `round source of entertainment and education. A Why not avail yourself of this invitation and hear this wonderful new Rogers Highboy? We can arrange 3'/no demonstration in your home on almost any evening you ame. Just come in or phone us. G. G. SMITH & CO. The managers elected for the term 1929 to 1931 are W. Culross.` J. Sin- clair, W. McKinley, H. Fell, N. Webb, R. Hutchlson; Trustees: A. Lines, Jno. Marshall, W. Culross: Treasurer, E. W. Kearns; Congregational Secretary, Mrs. Shear; Auditors, J. P. McMillan, D. White. 11-... -1: LI-_ Ask us to demonstz/ate -no obligation % Diana uuu LVHDB nuamu L\lMl4l.rlIUWl5' 01553. The prizes were with two exceptions. bible and prayer and hymn books, and were appreciated and valued by the successful scholars. The annual tea. and prize distribu- tion in .connection with St. George's S.S. took place in the hall on Friday, Feb. 1st. After a wonderful tea and the room arranged for the entertain- ment, community singing was con- ducted bg Robert Taylor and at eight o'clock t e rector, Rev. A. R. Holden. took the chair. The following took part: Misses B. Matthews, L. and M. Marcellus, E. Holden. G. Wright, M. Simpkins, P. Mann. 0. Spearn and Masters W. Crawford. I-I. Thompson, B. Gosney and H. Lee. Dialogues and sketches were admirably rendered by scholars of Mrs. Thompson's class, Miss Spearn's class, Mrs. Gosney's class and Miss Bessie Matthews class. Tho nulnnu nvnnn ndik I-Inn nwngnlvlonns much of the succssful year's work to his inuence. The Painswlck Women's Institute w1ll_meet in the Painswick Hall on Feb. 12. A special feature of this meet- ing will be 8. display of handicraft. -4-Juaooov vurovnncov nova- a-`cu-cu The Women's Institute will meet at the home of Mrs. Chas. Ellsmere on Wednesday afternoon, Feb. 18, at 2 I o'clock. - !W1`$'v. E.'Thomas, Elmvale. will take the service in St. Andrew's Ohurch here next Sunday. Legislature's Oldest Official l R. A. Kent. chief clerk of the com? mittee and the oldest official of the Ontario Legislature, was unable for the second time to be present when the session opened on Wednesday. Jan. 30. He was detained at his home through the illness of his wife who is very low at time of writing. Mr. Kent has the honor of having been an officer of the Legislature since 188'? and prior to that he was an officer of the Leg- islature of Upper Canada. He is 8'1 years of age and exceptionally well and active for his years. 3.5V. VIBIDUIH TU WClUUXIlUu A social evenln or the Maple Lea! club'ws.s held a the home or Miss Lorna Jennett on Friday. ` `Mr. and Mrs. Bert Moauay spent Monday at the latter's home in Holly. Mrs. '1`. Oarruthers is very ill at the home or `her daughter. Mrs. W. B. 1 Mann uyons. ! Parker carruthers, who had been visiting here tram Grassy Lake, Alta.. had to return home as his wife was 111. . Mia: Wllhelmlna and Ivan Oleary ispent Sunday with Angus trienda. A `I -Inward nnnhrnnn tmant the weak. aapem Iauxxuuy wwu nuuua xuuuua. Howard Ooohmne spent the week- |end in Toronto. nnnnalvku ha Avinnrlnrl in .7 1311! In Summary of receipts (balances de- ducted): General Fund. $2,872.66; Missions (Budget). $369.85; W.M.S., $254.61: Mission Band, $27.68; Sab- bath School, $179.75; Ladies Aid. $622.49: Y.P.S.. $175.80; Choir, $105.- 36. total, $4,608.20. Feb. 7IT[%T.TH<?:7ott-le!1: for Toronto, Monday. `Mrn, Wnntharvmn has returned in her xvwuuuy. Mrs. Weatherup has returned to her home in New Toronto after visiting her daughter, Mrs. Fettlck. Mw: Miller and Inn Jnvnan nf Mann- HUI` UHUBIWUI`, LVJJB. .I"UblIlU5. Mrs. Miller and son James of Moon- Istone spent Tuesday with Mrs. Kit- nhnn HUULUJ uuwwu HI Hallow, Sbfuny Iivwu* Inc. A meeting or the `Women : Institute will beheld in the hall. Feb. 13 at 2.30. Visitors are welcome. A annh.-:1 nunnlna nf I-.l-In Mania Ynnf ienu In `J.'Ul'Ul1laU. Sympathy is extended to J. Holt in }the loss or his brother, Wm Holt. Feb. 4--Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Jen- _ nett and Lyle Jennett spent the week- [end with Toronto friends. . _ A number from here took in the hockey match in Barrie, Friday even- Inn, EDGAR wdHx7:N's INS:l`ITUTE rs-L- vuv_._, ._n_ o___A.JA.__L_ __ St. George's Sunday School n n n n n u In` Juan and on-ulna Alain. APAINSYYICK oan vv Aacuwu Members of the congregation ex- pressed hearty appreciation of Rev. Mr. Thomson's ministry and attribut- H"-`#59595. .....uvu.u.: uuuuuuubwll DCIXOOI I01` the Year 1929. Miss Ida Agnew and Miss Marguerite ,Terry were the speakers for the affirmative while Lloyd Argue and James Warren upheld the nega- tive. While the judges, Mrs. Harvie, Mrs. Bannerman and Mrs. Rintoul were making their decision the school paper was read by Sam. Boyce and proved to be very interesting. Mrs. (Dr.) Harvie gave the decision in fa.- vor of the negative. ' Growing circulation is the best evi- dence of the quality or Examiner ser- vice. -_. ........ .-- ..... nu nnunvnncu nu Ul'lllrUl'y A meeting of the Senior Literary Society was held on Feb. 1st, in the Continuation School. The meeting was opened with a few remarks from the President, Graham Christie. The Glee Club under the leadership of Miss Wilma Montgomery favored with a number of songs, and the E.C.S. or- chestra rendered a few musical 'num- bers. The main feature of the pro- gramme was a debate: Resolved that an Oratorical Contest Would be Pre- ferable to a Commencement for the Elmvale Continuation School for the Year 1990 " T\IHc:< m. A.......... ...._a -u-:-- vvvnu uuuuvuu LU]. clu President, Miss Marjorie Langman: Sec y-Treas., Miss Orpha Hickling; Christian Fellowship Sec'y.`, George Beacock: Missions Seo y., Arthur King; Citizenship Sec y.. Morrison Doan: Literary and Recreation, Miss Vera Chapman; Organist, Mrs. John L. Coe. Enjoyable Banquet of L.O.B.A. The eighth anniversary 01. Beaver Lodge. L.O.B.A., No. 435, was celebrat- ed by abanquet in the Orange Hall on . Wednesday, January 30. It was a most successful event in every respect, with speeches. vocal and instrumental mus- ic. During the evening sister Ella Rit- chie, Worthy Mistress, was presented with a brooch.- sister Lila Ritchie read a short address and Sister Olive Manning: made the presentation on be- half of the lodge. The Worthy Mis- tress made a suitable reply. The ev- ening closed with the singing of old- fashioned songs. Commencement Preferred to Oratory A mnnna nf` Hm c.....a.... TIL .... -- _..-..-.... ....... ..,.... anus! uuvunug anuaaca While shoeing a. horse on Friday, Jan. 25, Oliver Andrew had his left wrist badly torn and on the following Monday his father, Matthew Andrew, had the misfortune of having the lit- tle nger of his left hand severed while at the same occupation. Allenwood League The annual meeting of Allenwood Young People's League was held on Feb. 1st when the following officers were elected for 1929: Dunnlal;._L Ill_- I-__A-_n_ - vw-.n.mAA\-tA U- The members of Wycliffe Sunday School enjoyed a skating party" on Thursday night. After a. couple of hours at the rink a hot supper was served at the Parish Hall. Father and Son Hurt shoeing Horses mu- ..u.......... .. 1--..-- -._ -.L.:.--_. \m(.).;1"i\/Ionday evening the members of the Presbyterian Guild enjoyed a skating party at the rink, later en- joying a supper served in the church basement. rru._ ._ ___,1_ . ... ...... .. - NJ uanvuavpu uanuwuu HAL oaausuuuu ua er $100 above last year. The toga.) amount contributed for all purposes for 1928 was $4,608.20. < Q Q w l\l\J|4 ll OI! LIIUII VII; The following members of the local curlers attended the Midland Bonspiel this week: Reg. Cooper, John Arnold, Herb. Fleming and Jas. Patterson (skip). ' ` n YUI'.u.A..-. ........a.._. ;1._ ._--..-L-._ -A vonou vv Ian: M. 1ow'man had a successful sale of farm stock and Implements on Fri- day. He intends moving to the village in about a month. 'Tnn JAIIA...-I.`... .--A--L---- -` 1`~- ' vaaasba v The Elmvale branch or the Women's Institute will meet at the home or Mrs. R. P. Burton on Thursday afternoon, Feb. 14. = 71..-. A I-u.I_.A_--_1 -__,1 --n - --o . -- ou- 13e5;"A. Rlntoul and w. o. Hicimng of Allenwood attended the meeting or Simcoe Presbytery held in Allandale this week. It U-\-_...__,.A u _,-I A - - - an -ova avauvuvv iv: 0: 85W uuyn. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. clement enter- tained the choir of St. John's United Church at their home on Friday ev- ening. ` '1'|1nA !:II.........I.. L...-..-1- -1 41.- un__.- __-o_ `G I\7lI\I III I3mc0 Jas. Mcnermott spent a. tow days in Toronto last week. . III..- nu. I-;-_....._.. .___ 1.-...- 1..-... A-VIVBJUV IGEU WUVBI Miss Ruth Bowman was home from Barrie over the week-end. `Allan `run..- 11..-..- -..-..J. .n.- _.--I- u 51 W not: it IULLUD NV 95 UUDIGLIUI fvuss Edna. Montgomery was the guest or Vasey friends over the week- end. `-1.. 1-1-1- ,1` __,;___-_n LI_. W, n u Ross Usher visited` a. few days with friends in Barrie. 1-- \l-!'I-._..._A.A. _._-._L _ 1_._ .I___ 1.. aawocna VIVA WAG WIFGB"Ul\lc Miss Irene Crone spent the week- end at her home at Nottawa. Ill...-. 1141...` 7151.-.. ..-4..-....-.I L- Ira-.. AIAI.Aou.II.A uiuby A I u The Treasurer's report showed an increase in offerings for the General Fund of about $350 over the preceding year and the offerings to the missions by envelope showed an increase of ov- nu $1I\I\ nlnnlvn lnnlv unnno Fkn I-nlnul voou av Luz; AAUMIU BU LVUINIWGQ Miss Velma. Usher returned to Bar- rie after a week at her home. Iii... A...I-........ `EB.-..I.-. ....-..A. _ 3-... mV3;x;1v.V:Ar:d;r`s:;1 I:gl`;;`:;nt a. rew days with friends at Grassland. ` `Klan U`:-Inn Insuba-nngnnnc nun`- LLA vcbuu Miss Schell enjoyed the week-end with friends at Toronto and George- tnmn vv V1 049 Bob. Storey or Cundles spent ` the week-end at the home or his uncle, Thos. Wallace. `AI... A...I-.._-.. -1 a___.__I-,,_n 1, , uIv6l\l61I VV CIIIIHUVO John Anderson of Orossland has returned home after 9. week with friends at Rugby. `Rn:-n_"l'*n 1m-. nu; mt..- -m........a. QQCUIIIQLI IUU V|-`By ! Born--'I'o Mr. and _Mrs. Ernest Chapman, Anenwood, on Tuesday. Jan. 29. a daughter. lkvn Al-nhlnann ......I III... 1111..-- -1 V 00! III ) BU FIOWUIELIUGCO "Mrs. Atckinson and Miss Elmer or Schomberg were the guests of Mrs. T. R. Macaw for 9. few days. MY` Dli Kim `I T NAVQAUICI anion, iiiuaiiullluaag & EUWWEENEWS =; aimaailnlillllwj Brown & Co. Egg Mash, Chick Mash, Calf Meal, Dairy Meal, Rabbit Meal, Cattle Mineral. I Phone 82. Collier and Bayfield Sta. I Se our Stock of Slightly Used Bo.tterySetg . prices mm z...o_9 to Q 1- REDUCED PRICES BLATCHFORD S POULTRY AND srocx mans A 6'1b:'I .'.'. 25 lbs. . . . . lbs- . . EGG MASH $3.75 $1.90 $1.00 lulfn JVUIIIIIIII UOXWOTUH. William Holt, 9. brother of Jos. Holt, died in Alllston hospital], January 30. 08011 Newton and Pam-1 nntanf. thn uecu uewwn ana ream : week-end in I-Iorn1ng s Mills. Mrs. David Terry of A1 mending A law mm. uvlth m MID. IJIIVIQ ' ' OI AHIBUOD 18 LB llpneflxgdlltng 3 rgw days with Mrs. Chas.` The Session reported a gain of thir- teen members, twelve on profession of their faith and one by certicate. There was a. loss of three members, two by removal of their certicates and one by death, leaving the present membership 178. 7'l"1-u~. 'T`unnr'1I1rIn|~ cI nnnnui nlnnnvna-I an uuusuu U11 3!: sen-screw. Mrs. Martha Mooney is spending a few days in Ivy with her daughter, Mrs. Norman Coxworth. Yllllnvn Half A Inna!-`lg-.. An 1.... 1-~r-u. 1.uw.1c1`, wuu was 111. . Geo. Patience of Saskatoon is stay- ing with his cousin, Lawrence Mc- Waters, for a. time. W. T. Erwin had the misfortune to have one forearm badly torn in the cutting box while cutting feed at his place today. He was feeding and while doing some adjusting had his hand caught on a set-screw. "1011 IIIIC {LU- Mrs. Hawthorn has returned home from Toronto after visiting with her father, who was 111. (`Ian Dnl"nv-inn A4` Ennlud--.u.. I- -5--. VV llllilo The Sunday School and church board held a joint meeting on Tues- day. Jan. 29, to distribute prizes to the Sunday School scho1ars`and elect the officers for 1929, along with other church business. `Ina `.J|`Ira\`I\n- .....1 `ll ..- 1-\-.u-____ U1! U8 U1! UUD1IlCBBa Mrs. Mcwaters and Mrs. Patience have been visiting in Barrie for a. few dmm. $3. Sinton and Mr. Kelsey took the church services on Sunday in the ab- sence ot Rev. G, E. Coulter who is ill with the flu. `fun 7.7:: i'vA1\-cg L- _ _-L--.... - J 1- --A A Feb. 4-Mrs. W. Patience and son Kenneth of Floral, Sask., visited last week with her aunt, Mrs. David Mc- Waters. Ink- au....:l..-. a..I......1 __.1 -1.--_.-u_ 11161418111 K111 IUCFU bhuhlllg 111118. 5 The Ladies Aid met at the home of Mrs. Reddick on Tuesday to prepare a box of second-hand clothing for a poor family in Toronto. They were assisted by the Women's Institute. As they were not able to finish the work the Institute kindly offered to finish the work at their meeting on Thurs- day when both soceities will meet at the home of Mrs. R. Taylor. 111$ LLUIII UUILIS. I The field from which the ice was) taken last Thursday froze over again,` fhaklng an ideal skating rink. THO T.nrHnc Aifl moi" nf fhn hnrnn n The annual meeting of the Allan- dnle Presbyterian Church was held in the basement of the church, Wednes- day evening, January 30, with the Rev. J. B. Thomson presiding. ,, 1,, ,1 LI-.I,_ I _ . V . . . . . . ..- ,_....-. .. ........ .~.....--....-v. Nearly all the 111 patients have re-} covered but quite a number are suffer- ` mg from colds. I The f'In1.-I Fvnnn Ilrkinh I-ha inn nvnnl Feb. 5-Work at the Lake Simcoe Ice 00. plant was sta.rted on Thursdrijz 3 of last week but was abandoned till Monday of this week. The ice was of good quality but not thick enough, be- I ing only ten inches. It is now fifteen inches and with the clear frosty weather the work is going ahead. As there are a number of cars to be load- ed besides filling` up the house the work will last for some time. There; seems to be plenty of men available. [ \v___-\-. -11 1.1., 1-1.. _, LIICCULLI5 G-U Ll. Kli.1.b\`Vd_Y D. Dalston Women's Institute will meet at the home of Mrs. Halbert on Wed- nesday, Feb. 13. Rev. R. G. I-Ialbert will give an address on Influence of Personality. Other program will be given. Collection. UIIC V IUIJJJ by - The Tecumseh Group of Trail Ran- gers met at the home of Emery Nel- son last week and spent an enjoyable evening. They will hold their next meeting at L. Oatway s. 'l1n1c'.nn Vllnw-wan : Tvncfnfn uvi11 nnnaf I. H1115 U:1UJ..lB_ , 1l.lUtTl_Y. Font Watson has returnd home after having an operation for ap- pendicitis. | A hllrnkuv nf fnorvu: nun hurry 1-\nn1,, 1-lUllulUlUJD. I A number of teams are busy haul- ing wood for the churvh. 'T'nhon`n'r:r\inn~ our} (Join-H vIru-an annv-vs UU LII: hilt: pupurcu 'ctH1LlbCIl1t'lll:b'. The flu has visited many homes in the vicimty. Tho "T`nnnrncnh (`lvnnn nt-` VT`-.-n31 `Dun UEHELLUCL \LVJ.U.l H.111 KJUKIUI . Mrs. Robertson, der the doctor's care for some time, was taken to the Royal Victoria. Hos- pita! where she is improving. .Tn.mn9: 1'-Tnnriv whn mac nnm-afar! nu I llllllll WJICIC B115 lb 1.l.l.l})1'UVI1lg. James Handy, who was operated on in the Royal Victoria Hospital, is get- ting along nicely. Wnhf \X7cnf`anh hoe 1-nhn-nor`! `hnw-un I115 WUUU 13. ). D11 : \;uu1'('u. Tobagganlng and sleigh riding seem to be the popular amusements. The `F111 hoe 1.-1'c1'1-or} vs-urn-nr `Ian:-no in Hun. Ice Harvest Begun Work on the annual ice harvest was begun by the C.N.R. this week. Three teams and some men started clearing, of! the ice on Monday, some cutting was done on Tuesday and loading started today. Ice is abount twelve in- ches thick and or,excel1ent quality. The C.N.R. expects to load 20,000 tons here. With favorable conditions this should take six or seven weeks, some 30 to 35 men being employed.

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