Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 17 Jan 1929, p. 3

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[I-IDUCATIONA BOARD! Vxzitude on Open Air Rinks (van December Attendance Down TI-I`! EXAMINER The request for municipal co-opera- tion in establishing open air rinks at schools made by the Kiwanis Club. was referred to the Market and Parks Committee. - I uuuyau-.9 us. uuguv oycan. I Welcome and Welfare League is to make a. tour of Canada and is includ- ing Barrie in his itinerary. He re- quests as list of societies under whose auspices he might speak. Thu 1130111113` `A. -..u....l..-l..-'I _ . . _ . - uurrcu. 01 one 18.5561": nrotner. M15. P. Richardson spent a. couple of days in Barrie recently as her father. R. M. Carson, who is in the! R.V. Hospital, is not improving as his friends would like to see. I - duties in the omce of the Wilton Court liadls'svi'7t`;th Rumble is spending a few days in Toronto. ` Death of Miss Lena Synott Pneumonia, following u, was re- sponsible for the death of Miss Lena Synnott, who died here on Jan. 5, 1929. Early in December she caught cold, which developed into u, while at her Hotel, Toronto, where she and her sister, Mabel, were in charge. On Dec. 27, still feeling poorly, she came home to Stayner and three days later was taken with pneumonia which she was unable to shake oif. 01-11.. As .... ._-I _A. - -- - `-- -nu ovuv. I-ll: vvcuu UL xuruubu. Among the many oral tributes were those from "the L.O.B.A., Ladies Aid r and W.M.S. of Stayner United Church. Besides her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Synnott, there survive two sisters, Mabel of Toronto and Mrs. Bert Walters of .Stayner and one brother, Gareld, in Toronto. Sun Life . Policyholders A To Receive % Special Bonus __ __._`._ V .-.-u Herbert Carson and Mrs. John Johnson spent most of last week at the Snider home where the death oc- curred ot the latter : brother. ' 1m-.2. `El 13 ........_; - _---..I- Jan. 14--'I`he_s_:;ormy weather of the past week has held up the gravel teams but at time of writing they contemplate working again with sieighs. Diana `laacnn 1.-.. L--- ..--:LA In -- I I uuaagguio Thos. Moore has been quite in with the flu but is improving. 71I-..I_ -..A. an , uoauwnv vv ULJKJAU U1; The funeral was held to Stayner cemetery on January 7. Six cousins acted as pall-bearers and the services were in charge of Rev. D. G. Gray, assisted by Rev. W. S. Buckberrow and Rev. Dr. Webb of Toronto. Ann-`noun I-lg- ..._.... 5-..-` L,.nIr--L-- .---v V1- novnbnac . Mr. and Mrs. Casey of Tor- onto spent a. few days last week with the latter s sister, Mrs. J. R. Gartland. Wedding bells are ringing in town th la uynnlr auu. qua-A cunt, Lunvcl. 841111115 .8` UBBCL , both. 01' Elmvale, attended the Seven Stars Rebekah Lodge, No. 187, on Jan. 9 and installed the qmcers {for 1929. Mrs. Harry Moore is very sick at time or writing. _ "10 and `Eng IVQAA-u n` III-- mbige Jackman from the West is spending the winter with his. brother, 'I" ,7 In AIIIUI n n Jan.-A14.--Jas. Martin of John st., has gone to`s`pend the tester the win- ter with his son, Dr. Martin. of 011 Sprints. Ont. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. D. H. I-Iodgins on the. arrival or a. daugh- tar D.D.P. Slste} Olive eardsall and - ll.-L-` / 31.4.... In......_ v-.u-_A.-_ For Good, Healthy Indoor Recreation s1'AWsn !Wa1'ms~ high in ealpries and carbohydrates ealthfulveasy to digest, a safe reulator Deliciousv heatuin even. serve with hot milk V v--- -7- - Made by The Canadian Shredcied Wht Company. Ltd lNo.. Better Winter Breakfast than A. F. A. MALCOMSON BOY DROPS LANTERN--FlRE DESTROYS BARN -The loss is estimated at from $10,000 to $12,000 with Insurance of $3,200. - arrie Examiner, Jan. 10th. nknvpn n....A`-- A.-4--1---9A-~ -up n4:xu.n:Au|wA, Jan. I ULlh T he aboveAsu1W'e'1'y_ er-n'phasizes-tge necessity of ADEQUATE INSURANCE on FARM BUILDINGS We are prepared to quote you very MODERATE RATES CONSISTENT WITH SECURITY. In addition to regular dividends in 1929 of approximately $17,500,000 UP-TOWN TICKETS, TCANADIAN NATIONAL RYS. THE COAT STORE : F URS, HATS, COATS Fur Coats ---Cloth CoaTs GLOVES - MITTS - GAUNTLETS MEN S AND BOYS CAPS - AND WOOLLEN TOQUES CHILDREN S HEADWEAR MITTS AND GLOVES OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF WINTER GOODS AT A GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICE QREAT CLEARING SALE 0F SIMMONS 8: C0. ll Dunlap St. Phone 447W As ninety-ve per cent "of all surplus earned by the participating assurances accruesato our policyholders themselves, they enjoylpractical mutuality, combined with the enterprise and stability of stock management. The effect bf this combina- tion is evidenced by the results. ' We congratulate our members on this happy announcement. It has been made possible only by the large prots earned on the securities selected for the invest- ment of the Company's funds. T This special bonus is in addition to, and independent of, the usual annual prot distribution, the scale for which, for the ninth consecutive year, will again be increased. Details will be given in the forthcom- ing annual report. I @o Our Policyholdersz We have just completed another won- derful year, with "prot earnings never before _equalled. Our Directors have therefore inaugurated the principle, of allowing a Special Bonus on maturing participating policies. .The basis for _1929 may be summarized as follows: On policies ten years in force, maturin by death or (on `reserve dividend .-policiesg by the expiry of the reserve dividend period, a bonus of 10 per cent of the reserve, increasing yearly to 15 `per cent on policies in force twenty years or longer; on endowments, at maturity, a bonus of 10 per cent of the face value of policies . ten years in force, increasing yearly to 15 ' per cent on policies in force twenty years or longer. Head Office - & Mhontraal Orice of the President, MONTREAL, January 8, 1929 1*. AB. Macaulay. rquucra; nun 1.. Black Minorcas--A. Brownlee: cock 1: hen 1, 2, 3; pullet 1. C. O'Connor: gockerel 1, 2, 3. I. J. Oarruthers: hen `p IIULI In S. C. White Leghorns--O.-R. Ihlllliszi cock 1; cockerel 1. 2; pullet 2, 3. W. L. Stephens: cock 3; hen 4: cockerel 5: pullet 5: pen 2. J. Macklez cock 2; hen 3. Chas. Lowe: hen 1, 2, 5; cock- erel 3. 4; pullet 1, 4; pen 1. Black Leghorns-- - Henson: cock- ereal 1 hen 1. ` tanner` T nnlnnuun T O 3-.. GIGS Lg IIUII 1- S. C. Brown Leghoms-I. J. ruthers: hen 1. Rlnnlr 1\Mnnrnn:_A `Dwnnvuhmc pan a. Dork1ngs-J. Edwards: cock 1: hen 1, 2: cockerel 1: pullet 1, 2. M Blue Orpingtons--W. H. `Wright; cock 1: hen 1. 2; cockerel 1; planet 1. . Light Sussex-E. B. Reynolds: pul- le,t 1, 2. 3. Black Spanish--A. E. Waldlez cock 1;nhe`r_ 1. . Ilikll-4. `I'.m.k.._..... II n mIu-. J, 0, 0, PC In Partridge Wyandottese-F. Rayner: cock 1, 2, 4; hen 1, 2, 4; cockerel 1, 2, 4; pullet 1, 2: -pen 1. 2, 3. E. Shut- r:4cock 3;` hen 3: cockerel 3; pullet V v --v---. at vnnoooin AIIUIUOVIJO In Chinchlllas there was unusual competition. with 15 senior bucks, 81 senior does, 14 Junior bucks. 18 Junior does. or 78. The rollowlng were the awards: Barred Plymouth Rocks--J. G. Shaw. cook 1, 3: hen 1, 2. 3; cookerel 1, 2, 3; pullet 1. 2. 3; pens 1. 2. W. J. Lan- nox: cock 2. E. W. Kettle: cockerel 4; pullet 4. - ' .- Whlte Plymouth Rocks-I-I. E. Mor- ren: cock 1; hen 1, 2; cockerel 1, 2, 3; pullet 1, 2, 3. Jas. Caldwell: pen 1. S. 0. Rhode Island Reds--J. Malkln cock 1, 2; hen 1, 2; cockerel 1. 2; pul- let, 1. 2; W. J. Lennox; cockerel 8; pullet 3. ' ~ `lihltn Yliuana-`lnl-I-An_ `B! `D (luggin- punch a. White Wyandottes-- E. 3. Guest; cock 1; hen 1; cockerel 1, 2, 3: pullet, 1. 2. 3: mm 1, uuu - uoow \ItUVV6l UL 6563 IIIUUIIVCU Wm. Carter placed the awards on exhibition stock: F. J. French on the bred-to-lay stock, and Major G. B. B. Cousens on Chinchilla. rabbits. 7.. 4uI..I.. _I_n - In spite of the `tact that through sickness. about one hundred birds that -had been entered were not shown. the Barrie Poultry show, held last week. had 60 more birds_ than last year and 100 more than in 1927. There were nearly 500 entries.` J. H. Parker of Midland had entered a big string of Barred Rocks but had to cancel ow- ing to the death of his mother. II!..'. lu__L___ I, soo; Pouv snow 100 More Birds .Than[in 1927 and 60 Ahead of X _ Last Year.. 3, 4. ' Buff Orp1ngt;ons--J. Caldwell: 1 mm 1 - 1' Anbonas S. C.-E. B. Reynolds: cock Pvrsident. % then 1: IJGIWUI-I IVIUUISS Wlllll '8`! IJUIUS 1111 `I pens: 8. C. White Leghorns in bred-. today were next with 26 single entries and 6 pens; next exhibition Leghorns with 29 single birds and 2 pens; Part- ridge Wyandottes with 28 singles and 4 pens; Barred Rocks 24 singles and 2 pens. AVJWIUUIIIDUII. L c Angora. Ra.bb1ts-C. R. Wadsworth :` Sr. buck 1; Sr. doe 1. C. R. Kendall: Sr. doe 2. `Rabbits, A.O.V.-C. Burns: 1, 4. R. Mccall 2, 3. , H The largest class was bred-to-lay Barred Rocks with 44 birds and 4 f\AI\a0 Q I`. `XTF|H'n T.anInnwvus In Inna:-I4 In Chinchilla Rabbits-H F. Morren: Sr. buck 1; Sr. doe, 2. 4; Jr. buck 2; Jr. doe '3. Wm. Leolaire: Sr. buck 2, 6: Sr. doe 6: Jr. buck 5; Jr. doe 1. C. W. Brown: Sr. buck 3, '7; Jr. buck 1; Jr. doe 5. W. E. Agnew: Sr. buck, 4: Sr. doe 3. G. R. Wadsworth: sr. buck 5; Sr. doe 1. E. B. Guest: Sr. doe `.5. 139.19. Fur Farm: Sr. doe 7. B. Wilson Jr. buck 3. OCR. Kendall: Jr. buck 4. Jr. doe 4. C. Ralkes: Jr. buck 6; Jr. doe 6. J. D. Agnew; Jr. buck 7. Billy Malcomson: Jr. doe 7. ' filunnlnliln Ann t\vu:-I . Ivaulucann 13111.- J.VJ.unlUUll.lUll2 J11`. UUC I- Chmchilla doe and young-B1lly Malcomson 1. . Aunouauuu BA`-\`\"n ('1 13 `I1.n.l.--u.u.l-Ig . plUlUD'Dg 0. U. .DH:lU.\VlU{$ UUUlSI=1'C'.|. U. Bred-To-Lay S. C. White Leghorns- W. L. Stephens: cock 1, 3; hen 4, 5; cockerel 2,4: pullet 4, 5, '7. F. Sand- erson: hen 2, 3; cockerel 1; pullet 2; pen 1. F. Day: hen 1; cockerel 3: P111- let 1, 6. E. Henson: cock 2; pen 3. J. Mackie: pullet 3. J. Lang pen 2. E. Thomas: pen 4. `an:-I-'1"n-1'.nv Vllhtn `Xingu:-`lnH-.n_ 'L'I1UIl'lu 2 [R311 `I. Bred-To-Lay White Wya.ndottes- Bala Fur Farm: cockerel 1; pullet 1. `Rvm-I-"l"n-T.n.v A V.._T T. tnnh- D3115 I"ul.' ruuu. uuuncusa 1, launch 1.. Bred-To-Lay, A.O.V.--W. L. Steph- ens: cock 1; hen 1; cockerel 1; pullet ;; pen 1. F. Longhurst: pullet 2; pen 1, in; mm 1., a. Bred-To-Lay Barred Rocks-I-I. F. Morten: cock 1, 3; hen 1, 2, 3; cock- erel 1, 2; pullet 1, 2, 3; pen 1. 3. E. W. Kettle: cock 2: hen 5; cockerel 6, "7; pen 2. Bala Fur Farm: cock 4; hen 6. '1`. Kenny: cock 5; hen 4: cockerel 3; pen 4. H. Ottaway hen 7; pullet-5, 8. C. Baldwlckz cockerel 5. `lllrm-l-'T`n.1'.n_v R C! lhitn T.I:,a'hm-ng._ II, D; Uuunurcx o, yuucu o. . Black Cochin D. As- HBW: 0001` 1; hen 1. `Bantam: AnV_D. Nl n('!n11 nnnlr ; UUUK .I., ucu 1.. IIUW Bantams, A.O.V.--R. McCall: cock 1, 2; hen 1, 2. `Ila-n-'l"n-T.n.v Rnrrnd Rnr-_Its._Y-1' `F , IIUII In silver Spangled I-Iamburgs-W. H. Tooth: cock 2. 3, 4; hen 1, 3.4.; cock- erel 1. 2; pullet 1, 2, 3. A. E. Waldle: cock 1, hen 2. R. Mccall: cockerel 8. cu . . . _ _. _ `II 1"! v!I...I ..I.A. . -- -1- 1 2, 3: _ Black African Mal- comson: cock 2. 3; hen 1: cockerel 1, 2; pullet 1, 2. R. McCall: cock 1; hen 2, 3: cockerel 3; pullet 3. `Blank nnhin|c._..'|` 13. Au- I IIUIIC QC. JACK BEATTY. Pfolirlolor vvun Q onvnc an O . .v.v\I|Qoou "H. Wright? -gar: 1, 2, 3; cockerel 1, 2. 3; Honors have certainly been coming Frank I-Iigginson's way of late. In ad- dition to being elected a councillor tor Essa by acclamation, he has been chosen Worshiptul Master oi.` Innisiil District, L.O.L., an especial.-honor in- asmuch as he is the youngest man who has held this office. Formal con- gratulations were extended to him by L.O.L. NO; 73. Angus. 1. 1". Longhurst: coclierel 1; pullet 1, 2. 1-1-..- .1- QiI_I.I.l-. -_-I- as u c cavnoaa----4-u vac-uuum -, `vs.-av -, -- Pola.nds-A. E. Waldiez cock 1; hen 1. llunu nnnnhul Ilavv-\nrnu___YI7 13' 11 Dunlop at. T ; Pho_ne'.:51 II?` VI Robt. Arnold of Moose Jaw. Sask., is renewing old acquaintance after an absence or 25 years. He had not seen his brother for forty years. Their meeting took place at Everett. WUUD Wlllbl LL85 UUQI, FILICLL Ill&lVlu Mr. and Mrs. '1`. Dempster and Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred McMa.ster motored to Toronto on Thursday and spent the day with friends, Mrs. McMa.ster. remaining in Toronto to'v1s1t a. few days with her sisters. ` Ilium lV,An1ann Ev has A6-nuns;-I 6-A J WIVII III?` _ SIDUIFLBI Mrs. Cou1son,. Sr.. has returned to Bradford after three weeks with her son here. an--- El:-Iglgh 0..-... II-....&. 2...)... UUII IIUIV ` Russeli Elphlck from Camp `Borden spent the week-end with his parents Inning ~ "M? aEam'.' :'i&117"iooa of A!- llston spent Monday evening at D. J. Miller's. ' A IIIII--g -I '3-_..J- _.--..L I-_L Accommodation for BarrieBow/li`nAcadegny I"IClW& U: W. A. Miller of Barrie spent last week with his scn, Allen Miner. II. and Ilnn Pl` I"\nc~uuu-I-an gun`! I!- DIYEAMAND Tamika Jui. u_u..*z.':Tiune=*.pem' . few days with her father and sisters in Letroy last week. - Mrcand Mrs. Wilfred Mcuaster and Mir. and Mrs. Theodore Dempster. mp- tored to Toronto on Thursday to spend the day with friends. ' . nk! Arnnhl in human ls-nun Lin; W JUL] && lUll\n|Do nun um; ._ Robt. Arnold; is home from the West to spend two months with neph- ews in this vicinity. At present he is spending a. few days with Irwin Mili- diil 0 Gbnl OVAL D; J` 5 L15. {WU W C uuu ' children o!ABan-1e spent Fri ay even- ing at Jnhhn `III Janna!-I-'9 Ilcll U&,J3GlLlI7 DQICLIV {'51 33` at John W, Jennews. III! 'nv-u-I Ilia Dunno Ila Dresed Poultry-I-I. F. Morten: 1, :. C.`Ba.ldW1ck 3. _ _ White Hen Eggs-J. Edwards 1. W. ;. Stephens 2, 4. F. Day 3. - White Pullet Eg9s-W. L. Stephens , 2\ F`. Sanderson 3. . Brown Hen Eggs-C. Baldwick 1. W. .. Stephens 2, J. Caldwell 3. Brown Pullet Eggs--W. L. Stephens two-n-na `Iva-china; 1.- z1'Ir Ann: _NICllOI.S' January 2.1-22-23 - .4`... gm. -..-.__ gl FRESH CAUGHT GEORGIAN BAY mom I M; J. BRENNAN Wholesale and . - . Retail Butcher BOWLING Barrie Meat Market Best Quality Meats Buy A`dvertmdo Thine: AN GUS "55; II pullet 1, WUHUII U` K179 G\lC&I$Ul The Good_ Roads Association and Ontario Municipal Association request- ed their annual membership '1ees. The Trent Waterways Association ask- ed $80` to help pay for their exhibit at the National Motor Boat Show in New York. All these` matters were re-- ferred to committees. Albert oi the British TVVZQ Mrs`. E. Beatty, of Dreamland Thea- -tre. wgnts a light on Bayeld st, south or the Five Points. ' XII.` 3--.! TI--J_ A-__-`-L.l-__ -._J ILL II I-CCU llllllllh Thomas Plumptree, 8 Eugenia St., fell on Mulcaster St. hill on Dec. 18, sustaining 1nJur1es.~ Miss . datharine `King tell on Peel St. on` Jan. 5. frac- turing her right wrist. Both claim -compensation. They were reported to the insurance company. . _, . council approved or paying the ex- penses o1' Mayor Mccualg and a re- presentatlve or the Board of Trade on the. camp Borden deputation to Ot- fauna ' (Continued from page 1) to 1nc1ude'tne repairing or the `side- walk on the east side of Bradford St. In its 1929 program. "l"Iu-`nan: Blunnnl-tuna D I9nann1a l-I Thursday. January 17, 1929 V Just before the close of the session, the retiring trustees, A. J. Sarjeant, W. 0. Walls and Geo. C. Brown, ex- pressed thei_r' regret at severing their connection with the Board and re- ferred to the pleasant associations with the members. All promised to keep up their interest in educational matters, particularly in connection with the proposed Collegiate enlargement which is so badly needed. Mr. Sarjeant was a member oi the Board for six years and Mr. Walls, five,-each having serv- ed one year as chairman. JACKSONVRESIGNS FROM QOJMISSION Miss Rthv vv-a'.<'>m_gra.nted three months leave of absence. That the request of the Kiwanis Club for the use of the Public School yards for open air skating be granted, but that this Board assume no respon- sibility for the building or upkeep of same, and that proper supervision be provided by the Town Council or the Kiwanis Club. the space to be used to be satisfactory to school principals and chairman of the Property Committee. u us __ --_.;u, Dealing wirithaf provide open, air rinks at the various schools the Board passed the following mo- tion: _-; LI,, , ,, . - .. __. No action was taken on the request of 3. Kingston photographer to photo- graph the individual pupils of the schools. He offered the schools ten per cent. - AL&I$-J- An. A.-.` 11.. 1'|.I_.I_.. J vv sale New Teachers Engaged The appointment or Miss Janet Campbell to the Prince of Wales School at a salary of $1,000, Ethel Garslde to the same staff at $900 sal- ary and Morris W. Booth at a month- ly salary of $100 were conrmed. ul-\ll\IlIU\-I V-Ill CIHLII Q I all T L. C. Whitelaw, who recently loca'- ed in Barrie, asked to be registered as a. supply teacher for the Collegiate. He is a. graduate or McMaster University and has been teaching at Chefoo, China. history. geography, English literature and one or two minor sub- jects. `TA-an FHA. 41. A...-. 75.. ..- ...- .1 A grant of $256.34 for the Auxiliary class was received from the Treasury Dept., also $50 for the Cadet Corps and $120 for the kindergarten. Q f\v|C-node; Q4-nInAn1 P1`-nu-I-p.An! __A UItAl\A VJ-IIV OVA IILIU KLIlI\IWL5IIIL `Hill: I The Ontario school Trustees and Ratepayers Assn. meets this year in Toronto on April 2, 3 and 4. `I , I ! `"kl\`QI`i cod... ...---..LI-. I..-..- sun um: ASSURANCE COMPANY. % %0FCANADA Similar conditions prevailed at Prince of Wales, attendance in some rooms falling as low as '75 per cent. A supply teacher was necessary for 13 days. The average of attendance at King George School was 60 per cent. and `at King Edward 65 per cent. The schools were open 15 days only. The total amount on deposit in the Penny Bank, Barrie Schools, is $5,- 203.64, a slight decrease as compared with a year ago. There are 359 depos- H-nus The attendance reports for Decem- her perceptibly reflected the inuenza epidemic. Victoria school attendance dropped from an average of 95 per cent. 01 registration to 83.3 per cent. Three teachers were absent for a total of 18 1-2 days during the month. Penny Bank deposits were $62.38. a.n\Ic&c I would like to recommend that the new Board place the name `Col- legiate on the front of our 13.0.1. and place national flags on all schools, al- so re escapes on the King Edward I'll? J 91` I Although we were defeated in our strenuous eorts to build the much- needed addition to B.O.I. last year I sincerely hope the incoming board will be successful in relieving overcrowd- ing conditions." said Mr. smith ....... .. We have made considerable improve- ments such, as re-roofing the King Edward school and re-seating one room in Victoria chool, both or which were not included in our estimates, and we still have a balance of $2,295,- 63 for Public Schools and $853.23 for B.C.I. nil _---I_I IAI-_ L- ___--_.-.__ ___ .1 41, _ L The 1928 Board of Education held its final meeting in the Board Room. Victoria School, Monday evening. It was the last meeting for Trustees W. C. Walls and Geo. C. Brown. repre- senting the town and A. J. sarjeant, the county, they retiring this year. ` Trustees_J. D. Wisdom and Dr. L. J. Simpson were the only absentees. . Chairman's Valedictory In his valedictory Geo. F. smith, retiring chairman, thanked his col- leagues tor their co-operation during the year. LII-Inauunnln wig Iwnun JA`nn51uI In (In iTHREE NEW TEACHERS Hope to Build Addition to B. C. 1. During 1929. {A %coop___S_URPl-U5] Chairman, in Valedictory; Reviews Work of the Year; . -----vr vwzjuititq 1 orzn 10/A.I.-ll nu. Phone 420 IAIUIP nu A'l"l'I! -__-_L- ,.

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